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Transneft joint stock company register. Register of NI TNN OVP

Register of AFP

The entire range of products purchased through the Transneft system of organizations is divided into two categories:

  • products, the documentation for which is subject to examination at Transneft Research Institute LLC and inclusion in the Register of the main types of products purchased by Transneft PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the OVP Register);
  • products supplied on the basis of existing certificates of conformity and/or permitting documents for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities of main oil pipelines, issued in the prescribed manner.
  • Serially produced products included in the List of ORP are subject to inclusion in the ORP Register.

    The following are not subject to inclusion in the Register of AFP:

  • products that are not included in the List of OVP;
  • systems and complexes of technical devices developed as part of the PD of Transneft PJSC, including systems for measuring the quantity and quality of oil (SIKN), assessment of compliance with technical documentation PJSC requirements"Transneft" for which is carried out as part of the PD examination;
  • products whose production is not serial.
  • Inclusion of products in the Register of OVP is carried out on the basis of:

  • positive results of the examination of TD for products carried out by Transneft Research Institute LLC;
  • positive results of the inspection of product production carried out at the manufacturing plant by the commission of Transneft PJSC (for products the production of which is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation and other member countries of the Customs Union);
  • positive product test results confirming those stated in the TD specifications products carried out by the commission of Transneft PJSC.
  • Duration of stay in Register of AFP corresponds to the period of validity/revision of the TD specified by the manufacturer in the text of the document, but not more than 5 years or until the type of product is excluded from the List of OVP.

    Pipeline fittings of NPO Regulator CJSC are included in the Transneft AK OVP register

    The register of the main types of products purchased by Transneft includes the entire line of safety valves of NPO Regulator CJSC. Direct-acting safety valves with spring loading are designed to protect against pressure increases in main oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and process pipelines of tank farms. View climatic version U1, HL1, UHL1. Nominal pressure of the inlet pipe 1.6; 2.5 MPa. Nominal diameter (DNin/DNout) 25/40; 40/65; 50/80; 80/100; 150/200; 200/300.

    CJSC NPO Regulator is a modern, developing research and production complex that has several areas of activity: shut-off and control valves, control valves, shut-off valves, safety valves, switching devices, switching device blocks. All products can be manufactured in various designs: carbon steel, stainless steel, cold-resistant steel, molybdenum-containing steel; for manual, electric and pneumatic drive; and is also equipped with flanges, gaskets, and fasteners.

    The production of industrial pipeline fittings is carried out according to a full technological cycle - from blanks to assembly, testing and quality control of the finished product. The company is developing new types of products: shut-off valve DN 6 PN 3600 (kgf/cm2), control valve for gas media with abrasive inclusions DN 100 PN 160.

    The manufactured products are certified and have all the necessary permits. Design documentation is developed in-house or with the involvement of research institutes without interruption from production in real time. Since April 2013, the company has been a member of the Scientific and Industrial Association of Valve Manufacturers of Russia.

    Find out more about CJSC NPO Regulator, you can here

    The products of ZAO Okhrannaya Tekhnika are included in the OVP register of AK Transneft OJSC

    On March 25, 2014, detectors of the BARRIER, ZEBRA and PAUK series were included in the OVP register of AK Transneft OJSC.

    Two-position radio wave detectors of the BARRIER series

    Single-position radio wave detectors of the ZEBRA series

    Vibration detectors PAUK series

    Distinctive features:
    — design with a sealed housing that allows temporary flooding with water;
    — low current consumption;
    — vandal-resistant housing;
    — has been successfully used at FSIN enterprises for more than 3 years.

    Declaration of conformity No. RU D-RU.AL16.V.20431, valid until 10/17/2018

    Inclusion of KRU "Eltima" in the Register of OVP of JSC AK Transneft.

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    Specialists INFOLine prepared the Review "400 largest investment projects in industrial construction of the Russian Federation. Projects 2018-2022". Development plans were analyzed largest companies, plans for integrated development of territories and permission from local authorities for construction, tender documentation were studied. Total within the Review more than 400 largest investment projects are described with a total investment volume of more than 15.5 trillion rubles.

    Register of AFP

    The entire range of products purchased through the Transneft system of organizations is divided into two categories:

  • products, the documentation for which is subject to examination at Transneft Research Institute LLC and inclusion in the Register of the main types of products purchased by Transneft PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the OVP Register);
  • products, the supply of which is carried out on the basis of existing certificates of conformity and/or permits for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities of oil trunk pipelines, issued in the prescribed manner.
  • Serially produced products included in the List of ORP are subject to inclusion in the ORP Register.

    The following are not subject to inclusion in the Register of AFP:

  • products that are not included in the List of OVP;
  • systems and complexes of technical devices developed as part of the PD of Transneft PJSC, including systems for measuring the quantity and quality of oil (SIKN), assessment of compliance of TD with the requirements of Transneft PJSC for which is carried out as part of the PD examination;
  • products whose production is not serial.
  • positive results of the examination of TD for products carried out by Transneft Research Institute LLC;
  • positive results of the inspection of product production carried out at the manufacturing plant by the commission of Transneft PJSC (for products the production of which is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation and other member countries of the Customs Union);
  • The period of stay in the ORP Register corresponds to the period of validity/revision of the TD specified by the manufacturer in the text of the document, but not more than 5 years or until the type of product is excluded from the ORP List.

    Inclusion in the Register of AFP

    Inclusion of products in the Register of OVP is carried out on the basis of:

  • positive expert opinion confirming compliance technical documentation manufacturer of products to federal requirements regulatory documents, national standards Russian Federation, as well as regulatory documents of Transneft PJSC;
  • positive product test results;
  • positive results of product manufacturing inspection (for products for which inspection is required);
  • permitting documentation (for products in accordance with the current technical regulations of the Russian Federation).
  • An application for inclusion of a manufacturer’s products in the Register of OVP must contain:

  • application from the manufacturer to conduct an inspection of product production with the participation of a commission of Transneft PJSC, indicating the deadlines for readiness for inspection and the actual address of production of the product;
  • statement from the manufacturer about the examination of the technical documentation for the products by LLC "Transneft Scientific Research Institute";
  • a statement from the manufacturer about testing the product if the results of the TD examination are positive;
  • confirmation by the manufacturer of readiness for re-inspection of production and/or re-testing of products in the event of negative results of inspection of production and/or testing of products.
  • Download standard form applications for inclusion of products in the Register of OVP with a list of attached documents.

    Applications for inclusion of products in the Register of OVP are accepted only from product manufacturers, official representatives of product manufacturers who are residents of the Russian Federation.

    Together with the application for inclusion in the OVP Register, the applicant sends written confirmation to LLC Transneft Scientific Research Institute:

    • guarantees of payment under the contract for production inspection, technical documentation examination and product testing;
    • agreement with the conditions for inclusion/exclusion of products in/from the OVP Register;
    • readiness to conduct product testing and/or production inspection.

    Expertise of the manufacturer's TD is carried out for compliance with regulatory documents
    Transneft PJSC type general technical requirements (GTR).

    General technical requirements (GTR) of Transneft PJSC for the corresponding products can be purchased after sending an application for inclusion in the OVP Register to LLC Transneft Scientific Research Institute

    Information on the acquisition of RD by Transneft PJSC can be found in the section Industry Information Fund

    Download standard requirements for the preparation of technical documentation (TU and PMI)

    Download requirements for the content and design of the program and test methods

    Download requirements for the content and design of technical specifications (TU) and organizational standards (STO) for products

    Download a standard letter of guarantee

    Download the standard application form for inclusion in the Register of OVP of manufacturers' products manufactured under the TD of another manufacturer, which is already included in the Register of OVP

    All activities related to the examination of technical documentation, testing and production inspection (repeated) are carried out only after full payment by the applicant for the provision of services.

    The conditions for inclusion/exclusion of products into/from the OVP Register(s) can be found in the section “Conditions for inclusion/exclusion of products into/from the OVP Register(s).

    The procedure for organizing work on product testing and production inspection can be found in the section: “Organization of production inspection and product testing.”

    The company Uralspetsmash LLC has successfully completed the procedure for including its products in the register of main types of products (hereinafter referred to as the Register of Main Products) purchased by Transneft PJSC.

    Only serially produced products are subject to inclusion in the OVP Register. The decision is made based on:

  • positive results of the inspection of product production carried out at the manufacturing plant by the commission of Transneft PJSC;
  • positive results of product tests confirming the technical characteristics of the products declared in the TD, carried out by the commission of Transneft PJSC.
  • Inclusion of products in the ORP Register is carried out by agreement of Transneft PJSC, sent to Transneft Scientific Research Institute LLC signed by the vice president of Transneft PJSC. The period of stay in the Register of OVP is 5 years.

    Not many companies - manufacturers of tank and reservoir equipment can boast of such a conclusion on product compliance with such high quality standards that are required for products purchased from the Transneft system of organizations.

    This once again proves our Company’s readiness to meet the most serious challenges! Achievement of set goals is ensured thanks to staffing production units qualified personnel, production equipment technological equipment, documentary support, strict organization of product quality control, incl. equipped with measuring and testing equipment.

    Transneft Register 2018

    Limited Liability Company "Kvazar"
    (Kvazar LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Uralstroyproekt"
    (Uralstroyproekt LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Instrument-N"
    (LLC firm "Instrument-N")

    Limited Liability Company "7 Mikron"
    (7 Micron LLC)

    Joint Stock Company "Orgtekhneftestroy"
    (JSC "Orgtekhneftestroy")

    Limited Liability Company "ANTIKOR-M"

    Limited Liability Company "UralMontazhNaladka"
    (UralMontazhNaladka LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "GASZNAK"

    Closed Joint-Stock Company"INFOSEL"

    Limited Liability Company "Technical Service Center"
    (CTS LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Tyumen Pribor"
    (LLC "Tyumen device")

    Limited Liability Company "North Caucasus Design Institute"
    (SKIP LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Aton"
    (Aton LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "GeoComplex-M"
    (LLC "GeoComplex-M")

    Limited Liability Company "NefteStroy Project"
    (LLC "NSP")

    Limited Liability Company "ESG"
    (ESTG LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Permenergokomplekt"
    (Permenergokomplekt LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "SiteMontazh"
    (SiteMontazh LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Installation of Security Systems"
    (LLC "SME")

    Closed Joint Stock Company "INTEGRATOR"

    Limited Liability Company "Energo-AuditPovolzhye"
    (LLC "Energo-AuditPovolzhye")

    Limited Liability Company "Layton"
    (Lighton LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "ESG "Occupational Safety and Health"
    (ESG Labor Protection LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "EKOSTANDART" Technical solutions»
    (EKOSTANDART Technical Solutions LLC)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Interregional Production Association of Technical Acquisition "Technokomplekt"
    (ZAO MPOTK Tekhnokomplekt)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "RUSINFORMSERVICE"

    Closed Joint Stock Company "KAMNET"
    (JSC "KAMNET")

    Open joint-stock company "Construction and installation department No. 175 "Radiostroy"
    (JSC SMU-175 Radiostroy)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Design and Technological design Institute"Gazproekt"
    (CJSC KTPI Gazproekt)

    Limited Liability Company "Research and Production Company "ArchGeo"
    (OOO NPF ArkhGeo)

    Limited Liability Company "Expert"
    (Expert LLC)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "SevKavTISIZ"
    (JSC "SevKavTISIZ")

    Limited Liability Company "GeologEngineering"
    (GeologEngineering LLC)

    Limited Liability Company " Science and Technology Center"PROMBEZOPASNOST-ORENBURG"

    Limited Liability Company Scientific and Production Enterprise "TochnoeMashinoStroenie"
    (LLC NPP ToMaSt)

    Limited Liability Company "SISTEMA"

    Limited Liability Company "ABB PLUS"

    Limited Liability Company "TransEnergoAlliance"
    (TEA LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Ferrit-NN"
    (Ferrit-NN LLC)

    Limited Liability Company " Construction company"IVIKON"

    Limited Liability Company "Metrology and Automation"
    (Metrology and Automation LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Dorstroyservice - Ufa"
    (LLC "Dorstroyservice - Ufa")

    Limited Liability Company "Industrial Construction Company "Tyumenstroymontazh"
    (LLC PSK Tyumenstroymontazh)

    Limited Liability Company "KANON"

    Limited Liability Company "Housing Construction Company"
    (ZhilStroyKom LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Enterprise "Bermos"
    (LLC "Enterprise "Bermos")

    Limited Liability Company "Mona-Technika"
    (LLC "Mona-tekhnika")

    Limited Liability Company Trading house"ADA"
    (TD "ADA" LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Energotekhkomplekt"
    (Energotekhkomplekt LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Orgneftestroy"
    (OrgNefteStroy LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "InvestNedraSnab"
    (InvestNedraSnab LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Steel Rope"
    (Steel Rope LLC)

    Public Joint Stock Company "Yuzhtruboprovodstroyproekt"
    (PJSC "UTSP")

    Limited Liability Company "Institute for Research and Design of Construction and Infrastructure Facilities "Kirovvodproekt"
    (LLC "Institute "Kirovvodproekt")

    Limited Liability Company "Sibremstroymontazh"
    (SRSM LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "MRK-S"
    (LLC "MRK-S")

    Limited Liability Company "Privolzhsky Cadastral Center "ZEMLYA"

    Limited Liability Company "DI TEK"
    (DI TEK LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "ELGRAD Pro"
    (ELGRAD Pro LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Globus"
    (Globus LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Electro Chemical Protection"
    (Electro Chemical Protection LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "SNGK VOSTOK-WEST"

    Limited Liability Company "PROMTEKHENERGOSERVIS"

    Private educational institution additional vocational education"Nefteavtomatika"
    (CHOU DPO "Nefteavtomatika")

    Limited Liability Company "Reserve-Electro 21st Century"
    (Reserve-Electro 21st Century LLC)

    Limited Liability Company Trading House "Promizolyatsiya"
    (TD Promizolyatsiya LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Vector of Development"
    (Vector of Development LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "Unitel Engineering"
    (Unitel Engineering LLC)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Promizolyatsiya"
    (CJSC Promizolyatsiya)

    Limited Liability Company "Office - Service"
    (Office Service LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "ITDom"
    (ITDom LLC)

    Joint Stock Company "ELVIS-PLUS"

    Limited Liability Company "KPA-Electro"
    (KPA-Electro LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "ALGARD"

    Limited Liability Company "Scientific and Technical Center "Enklav"
    (LLC "STC "Enclave")

    Limited Liability Company "Complete and Technical Support Center"
    (LLC “Complete and Technical Support Center”)

    Limited Liability Company "Siberian Machine-Building Association "Titan"
    (SibMash Titan LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "BTI-Garant"
    (LLC "BTI-Garant")

    Limited Liability Company "SKB Electrical Instrument Making"
    (SKB EP LLC)

    Limited Liability Company "TyumenStroyProekt"
    (LLC "TSP")

    naks transneft

    Certification of AK Transneft - AC NAKS - Western Siberia

    Employment in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, social. Wage from rubles is paid on time to the employee’s card 2 times a month. Welding work on sites. Wages are paid on time from rubles to rubles 2 times a month to the employee’s card. Work schedule for a full-time employee. Meals and accommodation are provided by the employer. Employment in accordance with the Labor Code, social package. Salary from 80 rubles is paid 2 times a month to the employee’s card.

    Manufacturing of gates, gratings, wickets, canopies. Production of embedded brackets, frames. As well as work on installation and painting of metal products. Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is generally accepted that if you don't have a goal, you won't achieve success.

    Let's remember Benjamin Frankl's concept of time management. Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. Experience working at the facilities of JSC Transneft Perm, Perm region is desirable. The organization urgently needs an RDS welding and installation team. Experience of 5 years or more in the field of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region. SK welding engineer, general construction works. Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region.

    Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk region. Carrying out procedures for admission and certification of welders. NAKS certification at levels 3-4 is welcomed.

    New vacancies: Welder nax transneft. Free, fast and convenient search among + vacancies. Full, temporary and part-time employment. Competitive salary. Information about employers. Start a new career right now!. Regulations on certification welding production at the facilities of JSC AK Transneft. © LLC Certification Center "NAKS - Western Siberia" The inclusion of an AC in the AC Register is carried out by decision of Transneft PJSC based on the positive results of the audit. Inspections of ACs for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of Transneft PJSC are carried out on the basis of the Inspection Schedule, formed twice a year, and are carried out by NAKS experts with the participation of representatives of Transneft system organizations. A copy of the application is sent to NAKS.

    Certification of welding production specialists / AC Register

    Electric welder with permission from PJSC Transneft. Availability of certification from PJSC Transneft. Work at a construction site, accommodation in a construction camp or in the city of Welders Naks ngdo with permission to Transneft. Cooking at discharge level, experience working under ultrasound. The work is expected to last 3 months, then Welders for the oil pipeline with Transneft approval.

    Shift at the Yamal Peninsula field N. The company has been on the market for a year. Tools, equipment, protective equipment are provided by the Customer Requirements: Forms of documents drawn up during non-destructive testing, destructive and other types of tests KSS Open.

    Regulations on the procedure for conducting extraordinary certification of welders and welding production specialists Open. Regulations on the procedure for checking compliance with the requirements of the Welding Certification System Open. Regulations on the certification of welders and welding production specialists, production certification of welding technologies, welding equipment and welding materials at the facilities of PJSC Gazprom Open.

    Instructions for completing applications for certification and certification results of Applicants - individuals Open. Regulations on the procedure for extending the validity of certification certificates of welders and welding production specialists Open.

    Regulations on the procedure for certification of welders using specialized welding equipment Open. The organization provides workers with housing, food, special clothing, and delivery to the place of work. Salary twice a month Seasonal workwear, tools For non-residents - hostel Registration according to labor code Russian Federation, from the first day Full-time work on the employer's territory Responsibilities Welding of metal structures at a construction site From category 4, work experience from 3 years, with an entry in the work book.

    Work for manufacturing plant Tyumen region Electric and gas welder of all categories, not NAKS. Welding without assembly Beams, supports, columns, I-beams. Metal thickness from 30 to 50 mm. Experience working with semi-automatic machines is required; a diploma or employment record is desirable.

    Ability to use hand tools Semi-automatic welder from 4th category. Knowledge of regulatory requirements for welds from category 4; experience in semi-automatic welding of columns, beams, supports, tanks Responsibilities: Benefits Social package Job responsibilities Carrying out welding work.

    Quick response 17 days ago.

    Agreement on cooperation between NAKS and GSI in assessing the conformity of welders and Agreement on cooperation between JSC AK Transneft and. (original or copy). Transneft Cooking at discharge level, experience in working under ultrasound. Responsibilities: Welders NAKS NGDO with permission to. 14 Feb g. - For those organizations that were not included in the certification schedule at the ATC of Transneft Western Siberia JSC, you must write.

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    The PromArm company is a supplier of pipeline fittings for the facilities of OJSC AK Transneft. All products are supplied in full compliance with the General Technical Requirements (GTR):

    OTT-23.060.30-KTN-246-08 - gate valves for main oil pipelines and oil pumping stations;

    OTT-75.180.00-KTN-164-10 (OTT-75.180.00-KTN-272-06) - wedge valves for main oil pipelines;

    OTT-23.060.30-KTN-048-10 (OTT-23.060.30-KTN-121-07) - ball valves for main oil pipelines;

    OTT-75.180.00-KTN-352-09 (OTT-75-180.00-KTN-274-06) - check valves for main oil pipelines.

    OTT-75.180.00-KTN-178-10 – safety valves.

    For fittings according to OTT in mandatory an anti-corrosion coating is applied according to RD-23.040.01-KTN-149-10 (RD-23.040.00-KTN-189-06) or according to OTT-25.220.01-KTN-215-10 (OTT-04.00-27.22.00- KTN-189-006-1-03) depending on the type of installation of the fittings - above-ground or underground.

    Various types of materials are used for coating: Coron Hycote 165, UP 1000/ Frucs 1000, Protegol UR-Coating 32-55, Protegol UR-Coating 32-60 (Germany), Biurs, Carboflex, Galoplen, Izokor -140" (Russia), etc.

    All materials, protective coatings, as well as technical specifications valve manufacturers are included in the “Register of Specifications and PMI” of JSC AK Transneft. You can obtain more detailed information about anti-corrosion coating by following this link.

    To order products for Transneft, send inquiries to transneft@site

    Examples of designation when ordering a wedge valve according to OTT:

    “Wedge valve, manually operated, operating pressure drop across the valve is 1.6 MPa, flanged, with counter flanges, fasteners and gasket material, connected pipe - 57x4 mm with strength class K48, working medium - oil, working medium temperature from plus 35°C to plus 45°C, installation - above ground, with factory anti-corrosion coating in accordance with RD-23.040.00-KTN-189-06, in non-seismic design C0, valve tightness class "B" in accordance with GOST 9544-2005, category atmospheric corrosion activity C3, climatic version HL1, according to OTT-75.180.00-KTN-164-10.”

    Designation when ordering a ball valve according to OTT:

    “Shut-off ball valve, operating pressure difference across the valve is 1.6 MPa, for a welded connection to the pipeline, connected pipe - 108x4 with strength class K48 according to GOST 8732-78*, working medium - oil, working medium temperature from minus 10 ° C to plus 40°C, for electric drive EPTs-1800F14.60.T024.UHL1-a, installation - underground, with factory anti-corrosion coating according to OTT-04.00-27.22.00-KTN-189-006-1-03, in a non-seismic design C0, seal tightness according to class “A” according to GOST 9544-2005, type of climatic modification HL1, according to OTT-23.060.30-KTN-048-10.”

    Designation when ordering a reverse valve according to OTT:

    “Check valve for a flange connection to a pipeline with mating flanges, fasteners and gasket materials, connected pipe - 219x6 with strength class K48 according to GOST 8732-78*, working medium - foam concentrate solution, working medium temperature from plus 5 ° C to plus 40 °C, installation above ground, with factory anti-corrosion coating according to RD-23.040.00-KTN-189-06, seal tightness according to class “A” according to GOST 13252-91, in non-seismic version C0, climatic version HL1, according to GOST 13252 -91 and change. No. 1 to OTT-75.180.00-KTN-352-09.”

    Designation when ordering gate valves according to OTT:

    “Gate gate valve, for electric drive “EPC-15000” D.10.T024.UHL1-a, operating pressure drop across the valve is 4.0 MPa, for welded connection with a pipeline, connected pipe – 1020x12 mm with strength class K56 according to OTT- 23.040.00-KTN-314-09, working medium – oil, working medium temperature from minus 10°С to plus 40°С, installation – underground, with factory anti-corrosion coating according to OTT-04.00-27.22.00-KTN-189- 006-1-03, in non-seismic design C0, seal tightness according to class "A" according to GOST 9544-2005, type of climatic modification HL1, according to OTT-75.060.30-KTN-246-08. DN1000mm PN 40kgf/cm2"

    Designation when ordering safety valves according to OTT:

    “Spring safety valve with a device for forced opening, with a nominal diameter DN 200/300 (inlet/outlet), nominal pressure PN 1.6/0.6 MPa (inlet/outlet), setting pressure Pn=0.63 MPa, under flange connection to a pipeline, non-seismic resistant design, installed in an area with seismicity up to 6 points inclusive, for macroclimatic areas with a temperate climate with placement on open area: “PPKR-200/300-1.6/0.6-0.49-F-S0-U1.”

    In addition to the above fittings, we offer the following equipment for completing heating and cooling systems in work environment- low-freezing liquid based on glycol, including "Ecosol":

    Pressure regulators DN 15-500 mm

    Flow limiter regulators DN 15-500 mm.