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The most successful behavior strategy when adapting a leader. Adaptation of a manager to a new position

Local management documentation includes orders. They operate strictly within one enterprise or organization and are common both in the commercial sector and in public institutions.

Managers often give orders orally. Such a decision has a negative impact on the work of the company, since hired employees may simply ignore orders from their superiors that are not properly formalized. Attract to disciplinary action for this is impossible.

Who can write orders?

Orders can be issued only by the managers of the enterprise or other persons vested with appropriate authority (for example, representatives acting by proxy). Writing orders is also within the competence of the heads of structural divisions:

  1. Heads of branches.
  2. Heads of departments.

In this case, the order can only apply to employees who are directly subordinate to the person who issued the relevant document. Most often, additional approval from the management of the enterprise is not required. A correctly written order must include a justification (for example, they indicate the rule of law in connection with which it became necessary to draw up a new document).

How to write an order?

Currently, there is no single unified standard for writing orders. Organizations have every right to compose them in any form. To simplify document flow within the company, the order is drawn up taking into account certain rules:

  1. Enter the date of publication.
  2. Assign a number.
  3. Indicate the name of the organization.
  4. They provide justification for the publication.
  5. Indicate the employee in respect of whom the document is being issued (or the entire department).
  6. Set tasks and deadlines.
  7. Indicate the employee responsible for monitoring the implementation of the order.

If additional papers are attached to the document, for example or, then they are noted in the text of the order as a separate paragraph.

Important: documentation must be in mandatory signed by the person on whose behalf it was published. After writing, you must make the appropriate changes in the accounting journal internal document flow companies.

Order form

There are many ready-made forms for internal documentation on the Internet. For example, there is, about hiring or dismissal. Naturally, you will be able to find standard order forms. For convenience, we have already prepared such a form.

Sample order

If you have any difficulties filling out the form, it is recommended to use ready-made samples. Naturally, all information should be adapted to each specific case.

How does an order differ from an order?

The decisions of the management team, formalized in the form of orders and instructions, have some differences. There are unofficial rules under which this or that document is drawn up. The differentiation is:

  1. Validity period.
  2. Terms of termination.
  3. Sighting.
  4. Possibility of making changes.
  5. Range of tasks to be solved.

Orders are usually issued for more than short term. Moreover, their effect ends from the moment of execution, but the order is required to be executed until canceled. The signatory to the preparation of the order may be the head of a division or branch. Changes to documentation of this kind are not made; they are often republished. With the help of an order, it is customary to solve only operational tasks, for example, oblige to start conducting or perform an analysis of the implementation of an advertising campaign.

Let's sum it up

The requirements for the execution of instructions and orders are almost identical. When compiling, you must adhere to general rules document flow and office work.

For the duration of the decree, it is customary to file it in a general folder with other administrative acts of the organization. After execution, the document is stored in the archives of the enterprise.

A manager’s order is a message containing instructions on operational management issues and relating to a limited circle of subordinates. Depending on the importance and urgency of the task at hand, the order may be transmitted to:

An order that is not properly documented may relate to immediate tasks that are of medium to low importance. Most often, these types of instructions are issued in teams with a small number of personnel.

If the issue to be resolved is of significant importance, then an oral order may be supported by the issuance of a written document.

How to set a task correctly

For a manager’s order to be as effective as possible, it must be clearly and specifically formulated. The psychological perception of a task defined vaguely and indefinitely will not allow employees to carry out the manager’s instructions efficiently and on time.

The manager's order as a form of managerial influence belongs to the category of organizational and administrative methods. By way of influencing labor collective they can be classified:

  • orders relating to a specific period of time and a specific official issue;
  • continuous orders.

If management’s order stipulates a certain period during which a certain amount of work must be completed, then the document should indicate the date by which the order must be executed. In this case, employees will be able to evenly distribute forces during the task, and the assignment will be implemented successfully.

Long-term instructions must indicate the goal for which employees must perform certain actions with reference to internal regulations.

It should be noted that unclear regulation of the administrative document issued at the enterprise can weaken the performance discipline of employees. At the same time, a clearly formulated goal can serve as additional motivation for employees.

What is the difference between a manager’s order and an enterprise order?

The order and instruction of the head of the organization are the same type of documents expressing the will of the individual executive body enterprise represented by its director (general director, president).

An order for an enterprise is issued regarding the resolution of issues related to the main activities of the company or its personnel. An order is the most categorical form of administrative influence; it contains a requirement for the mandatory execution of the manager’s decision. Incomplete fulfillment of the imperative contained in the order, or failure to complete the assigned task, is fraught with sanctions from the manager for employees.

Orders relating to core activities can cover a wide range of issues:

  • changing the structure of the company (reorganization, liquidation);
  • financial and economic problems;
  • logistics tasks.

Orders formalize all issues related to the organization’s personnel: hiring, transfer to another position or to another structural unit, dismissal, granting vacations, penalties and rewards for employees.

The manager’s order relates to more specialized and narrow areas of the organization’s activities. In addition to operational management, an order can be issued on the organization of work related to the implementation of the main order. The order does not contain a categorical requirement to complete the assigned task.

At present, there are no clear regulations and normative acts for the use of this or that type of administrative documents. The choice of ORD (organizational and administrative document) should be made based on the provisions specified in the constituent documents of the enterprise and the office management instructions adopted by the company.

Structure of the order of the head of the organization

An order or order is prepared on a special form containing the full name of the enterprise and the title of the document.

The main details of the ORD must contain:

  • registration number and the date of publication of the document, the place of its preparation;
  • heading to the main text of the order ( summary);
  • document text;
  • full signature of the manager;
  • a note on approval and familiarization of the responsible persons listed in the order.

Rules for correct execution of orders

The registration number of the order is the serial number of the document in the total mass of ORDs of this type issued since the beginning of the calendar year with the addition of a lowercase letter “p” (for example, No. 10p).

The title of the order is indicated in the upper left corner of the document; it contains a very brief essence of the directive in the form of an answer to the question “About what?” Examples of the title (name) of the ORD - “On ensuring the implementation of the product supply plan for the 1st quarter”, “On approval of strict reporting forms”.

The main text of the order is conditionally divided into two parts: stating and administrative.

The stating section of the order (preamble) indicates the reasoning for the actions prescribed by the document. In cases where the basis for drawing up an order is a normative act or a previously issued ORD, the stating part must begin with the number and date of this act: “In pursuance of order No...”, “Based on federal law No...”.

The ascertaining part of the order drawn up on an initiative basis must include the purpose and objective of the actions that must be performed by the employees of the enterprise. The events or facts underlying the publication of a particular operational document may also be listed here. In such cases, the order may begin with the phrases “In connection with,” “For the purposes of.”

If the indicated actions of employees do not require justification or additional explanation, the ascertaining section of the ORD may be absent.

After the sentence covering the ascertaining part of the order, an incentive to action is written in the form of the words “I offer” or “I oblige.” This is followed by the administrative part of the document.

This section lists all prescribed actions and functions that are assigned to employees to carry out this order. The administrative part can be formulated in the form of several points, for each of which a specific responsible employee and the date by which the listed directives must be fulfilled are indicated.

If the order contains instructions that cancel previously issued operational regulations or its subparagraphs, then a reference to this fact is reflected in the administrative part of the document as a separate paragraph. IN similar cases times starting with the words “To amend order No...”, “Recognize as invalid”, “Make changes to...” are used.

The last paragraph of the order indicates the position and surname of the employee who will monitor the implementation of all instructions contained in the ORD.

The order of the head of the enterprise may include a variety of annexes that explain or supplement the directive. These can be regulations, lists, provisions, tables, graphs. All applications are drawn up on separate sheets, with continuous numbering.

Initially, the ORD is drawn up in the form of a draft and necessarily contains an approval sheet. In it, the heads of individual departments, which are entrusted with the work to complete the assigned tasks, endorse the prepared project. If any additions, disagreements or objections arise, officials have the right to submit a substantiated certificate and attach it to the draft order.

The coordination of operational regulations with all heads of departments takes place no more than five calendar days. Fully consistent with responsible persons the draft order is signed by the head, after which the ORD is subject to registration and comes into force.

The manager’s order is brought to the attention of the immediate executors listed in the document by replication or distribution. This can happen by transmitting paper copies of the order or, with automated document management, via email.

Efficiency in communicating to stakeholders the tasks assigned by the head of the enterprise to specific employees or departments contributes to their effective and rapid implementation.

According to the regulations, all orders of the manager issued at the enterprise must be stored in the company archive. Administrative and economic-oriented administrative documents must be retained for at least five years. The remaining orders of the manager related to the main activities are stored for 10 years until the liquidation of the company. After this, the ORD is transferred for storage to the city or municipal archive.

IN modern world wage work is the real basis of the economy of many countries. If with regard to the activities of small companies everything is extremely simple, then in organizations with an extensive system of legal relations, employees may have difficulties with the correctness of this or that documentation. In today’s material, our resource will make life easier for an employee of such an organization, namely its general director, by teaching him all the basics and subtleties of drawing up administrative documents.

General Director is a document-message sent to employees and containing any instructions to them. The latter, by the way, can concern both operational work related to the management of an enterprise, as well as longer-term or highly specialized goals. Taking into account the formulation and urgency of the put forward order, the following types of this document are distinguished:

  • oral
  • telephone message
  • writing

If it is not so difficult to understand the first types of orders, then questions regarding the written format of the document often arise, which are discussed in detail below.

Let us note that a written order from the general director is necessary in any case when the essence of the goals set to employees is quite significant and significant for the organization. Given this nuance, when drawing up such a paper, it is simply unacceptable to define the task in an indefinite, vague and imprecise manner. It is important to understand that the achievement of the goals specified in it will largely depend on how employees perceive the order.

The general director can influence the recipients of orders as effectively as possible in a simple way, namely, by competently setting a task or a set of tasks. To designate goals in a document in this way, you must:

  • First, decide for how long or until what results the task will be set. This is extremely important to mention in the order.
  • Secondly, it is clear and accessible to define the task, as well as the actions, the implementation of which by employees guarantees the achievement of the set goals.
  • Thirdly, in the part of the order where the formulation of a specific task is considered, it is necessary to make references to internal regulations enterprises that explain to employees of the organization why they must achieve their goals.

Document structure

Now that everything is clear with the basic and rules for setting tasks in administrative documents, it is important to turn to the most important moment in the preparation of such papers - consideration of their structure.

Let us note that no legislative acts in the Russian Federation or CIS countries regulate the procedure for issuing orders from general directors or other authorized persons of an enterprise. An extremely simple conclusion follows from this: the administrative document is drawn up by the manager in free form.

Despite this, it is important to understand that the structure of the order must be projected correctly, that is, in such a way that its recipients quickly grasp the essence of the paper sent to them and begin to achieve their goals. As practice shows, the most successful structure of administrative paper from the director looks like this:

  • at the very top - registration identifiers of this document (number, place of preparation, date of publication and entry into force, scope of validity, name of the person issuing it, etc.)
  • slightly below, in the center or on the left side - the main heading, reflecting the general essence of the order
  • again below, across the entire width of the sheet - the main thing (setting goals, dates on which they are expected to be fulfilled, references to the regulations of the enterprise, etc.)
  • at the very bottom of the document, in the left corner - the signature of the general director (stamp, transcript, if such a procedure has been adopted by the enterprise), signatures and notes on approval, familiarization with the order by the persons noted in the order as responsible for something, and information about the executors of the order

Often, administrative documentation is drawn up on an A4 sheet or the organization’s letterhead, and then distributed throughout the enterprise in a way convenient for the creator. In the text of the document, it is undesirable to contain insults towards anyone, obscene language, blots and mistakes. All information available must be understandable and presented competently and concisely.

It is probably not possible to identify any additional requirements for the structure and content of the general director’s order, therefore, when drawing up this document, we strongly recommend that you adhere to the provisions described above.

Subtleties of drawing up orders from the general director

Having summarized the material from the previous paragraph of the article, we can state that there are no particular difficulties in drawing up and competently executing administrative documentation on behalf of the director. However, it would be useful to note the most significant subtleties of creating a document of this kind, which will now be done:


To conclude today’s article, let’s look at the orders of the general director, which, together with the information presented above, can and even should be used when drawing up documents of this kind. So the example is the following:

To the employees of Brol LLC from the General Director - Pavel Ivanovich Petrov,

On increasing production rates at our enterprise

Due to the decline in production rates, compared with previous periods of the organization’s activities, guided by the regulations of Brol LLC,

  1. Conduct a review of production indicators for the last six-month period.
  2. Provide me with a written review.

The manager of the HR department, Dmitry Mstislavovich Igoshkin, should be familiarized with this order for further distribution of the document within the organization to its recipients. The results of achieving the set objectives must be provided by the executors of the order no later than March 12, 2017, otherwise the rules discussed in the regulations of our organization will be applied to them.

This order was issued by the General Director of Brol LLC - “SIGNATURE” “SEAL”.


Only a clear and accessible regulation of the order from the general director can properly motivate the organization’s employees to achieve specific tasks, so you should not ignore the preparation of this paper. Otherwise, the administrative document will turn out to be “weak for understanding” and it will be very reckless to hope for proper motivation among its addressees.

Write your question in the form below

Orders contain details, the composition and order of execution of which are defined in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." Please note that from July 1, 2017, GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents", which will replace the previous GOST R 6.30-2003.

In accordance with Federal law dated June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ “On standardization in Russian Federation» standardization in Russia is based on the principle of voluntary application of standardization documents (if this does not apply to defense products). Therefore, when developing the Instructions for Office Work, we have the right (but not the obligation) to take the state standard as the basis for preparing the details, and we are not prohibited from clarifying and supplementing its requirements.

In this article we will further consider the rules for registering details taking into account the new GOST, as well as the recommendations “Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Methodological recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003" (approved by Rosarkhiv).

Attention, in GOST R 7.0.97-2016 the numbers of details used in orders have changed, but there have been no fundamental changes in their design, and we will draw your attention to the existing details.

Further, in the examples of this article, to indicate document details, we will use the numbering introduced by the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The rules for issuing orders and instructions are the same (hereinafter in the text, for simplicity, we will only mention the order).

Order form

Form specific type the document includes details:

  • 01 “coat of arms”, or 02 “emblem”, or 03 “trademark (service mark)”, if the organization has the right to use something from this list;
  • 05 “name of the organization - the author of the document”. Under the full name of the organization, an abbreviated name may be indicated below in parentheses (strictly in accordance with the constituent documents). See Example 2.
    If the author of the document has a higher organization, then it is indicated (in full or abbreviated) above him (Example 2).
    If the order is issued by the head of a department (for example, a branch), then its name is indicated below the name of the author organization - detail 06 (Example 1);
  • 09 “name of document type”– in our case “ORDER”;
  • 13 “place of compilation (publication) of the document” And
  • if necessary, limit marks for the boundaries of the areas where details are located 10 "date" And 11 "registration number", and 17 "heading to text".

Example 1

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Example 2

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The rules for preparing forms are established by section 6 of the new GOST. It allows their production on A4 sheets (210×297 mm) or less. But for orders you need to use A4 format. Regarding the fields, GOST says the following:

Document fragment

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GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." Section 6 “Document forms”

Each sheet of the document, whether on a letterhead or without it, must have fields of at least:

20 mm – left;

10 mm – right;

20 mm – top;

20 mm – lower.

Documents with long-term storage periods (over 10 years) must have a left margin of at least 30 mm...

Details of the order, drawn up on the form

Props 10 “document date” contains the date the order was signed. It is written in the sequence day of the month + month + year in one of two ways: digital or alphanumeric. For example, "05/05/2017" or "May 2017". In the Organization's Office Management Instructions, you should choose one of them.

Props 11 “document registration number” is issued on the same line as the date. It is better that it contains an index of the order’s belonging to a specific document flow (at least linked to the storage period) and a serial number within it during the year.

Props 14 “document access restriction stamp” indicated if the order contains information of limited distribution. On the first sheet, in the upper right corner, the corresponding stamp and copy number are affixed (for example: “secret”, “confidential”, “for official use” or “DSP”). See Example 3.

Example 3

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Props 17 "heading to text"- This is a summary of the document. It is formulated with the preposition “o” (“about”) and answers the question “about what?”:

The title to the text is drawn up under the details of the form.

It is written in regular font (not “bold”) without a period at the end.

Headings of personnel orders often include:

  • name of the action and
  • initials with the surname of the employee(s) in respect of whom this action is being carried out, for example:
    • “About the transfer of I.O. Bessurname",
    • “On the disciplinary liability of P.E. Petrushin",
    • “On the dismissal of K.S. Kosachev and R.P. Pisarev".
      It is customary to indicate more than four employees in a general way in the title, for example, “On the encouragement of employees of the HR Directorate.”

Props 18 "document text" separated from the title by two or three line spacing, printed from the left border of the text field. Previously, there was a recommendation to print it using 1.5 line spacing to make it easier to read, but it was not included in the new GOST. We will not change the current practice at our enterprise.

At the same time, other details consisting of several lines (heading of the text, position in the signature, etc.) were always printed with 1 line spacing.

Let us quote that part of GOST R 7.0.97-2016, which regulates the formatting of text in orders:

Document fragment

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5.18. The text of the document is drawn up in the state language of the Russian Federation or the state language (languages) of the republics within the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation.

The text of the document, prepared on the basis of legislative or regulatory legal acts, previously issued administrative documents, indicates their details:

  • name of the document, name of the organization - the author... date... registration number... title to the text or name of the type of document;
  • name of the organization or position of the person who approved the document, date of approval of the document.

The text of the document may contain sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals. There should be no more than four levels of text rubrication.

In orders, the text is presented in the first person singular (“I order”)...

In joint documents, the text is presented in the first person plural (“we order”, “decided”)...

Only generally accepted abbreviations and graphic abbreviations are used in the texts of documents.

When using the surnames of persons in the text, the initials are indicated after the surname...

And we will also add that in the text of the order before the Surname I.O. the position of the employee should be indicated, because At work (especially in large organizations), people are primarily identified by position and profession, and secondarily by personalities.

The text of the order consists of two parts: stating and administrative. IN ascertaining part the rationale for the prescribed actions is given. If the basis for issuing the order was a legislative or regulatory act of a higher organization or a document previously issued by your organization, then the ascertaining part provides a reference to it. In this case, wording such as “Based on...”, “In pursuance of...”, “In accordance with...” (as in Example 3) can be used.

If the order is issued proactively, the stating part formulates the goals and objectives of the prescribed actions and sets out the facts or events that led to the issuance of the order. In this case, wording such as “For the purpose of ...”, “In connection with ...” can be used (see Example 4).

Example 4

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If the prescribed actions do not need explanation or justification, the stating part may be missing.

It ends with the word: “I ORDER:”, which is written on a separate line from the border of the left margin in capital letters (previously there was a practice of printing it spaced out and in bold, but now it is less common).

The ascertaining part of the order ends with the word: “I INSTRUCTE:” or “I OBLIGATE:”, which is formatted similarly.

Administrative part The text of the order is divided into paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals with dots. A properly formulated instruction should contain:

  • an indication of a specific action to be performed, expressed by a verb in an indefinite form;
  • one or more performers (if there are several of them, then it is noted which of them is responsible). Usually, a specific official (or persons) is indicated as the executor, less often - a structural unit (then its manager is responsible for the proper execution of the assignment);
  • period of execution.

As a rule, the executor of the order and the deadline for execution fit into the same (Example 5). But we began to move them to separate lines so that this information stood out better and was easier to load into the EDMS (Example 6).

Example 5

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7.2. Senior specialist of the HR department K.M. Fedorov make amendments to the Internal Rules labor regulations on the prohibition of smoking on the territory of the Company except in specially designated places. Deadline: October 31, 2017.

Example 6

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7.2. Make additions to the Internal Labor Regulations on the prohibition of smoking on the territory of the Company except in specially designated places.

Responsible: senior specialist of the HR department K.M. Fedorov.

Deadline: 10/31/2017.

Period of execution It is better to indicate simply the date without prepositions, the meaning of which (as practice has shown) can be interpreted differently by different people. Those. no need to write “Senior specialist... to submit... before 05/31/2017” or “by 05/31/2017”. From the point of view of the Russian language, this wording means that the order must be completed before May 31, i.e. until May 30 inclusive. But the majority thinks differently. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate it clearly, and it is also advisable to explain the meaning of the text constructions used in the Office Work Instructions, so that when you meet a surprised look, you have something to retort.

The language shown in Examples 5 and 6 clearly requires that the order be executed by the end of business on May 31, 2017.

The deadline for execution in the paragraphs of the administrative part of orders is not indicated in cases where the prescribed actions are of a regular or regulatory nature (i.e., their implementation is prescribed for the entire period of validity of this order).

If necessary, a separate paragraph at the end of the order lists previously issued documents (orders, instructions) or their parts, which are canceled, amended or supplemented by this order (see paragraph 3 of the order from Example 3).

Special control clause execution is formalized in the administrative part of the text last. We do not use archaic phrases like “I leave control over the execution of the order.” Only if the manager who signed the order delegates his right to control its execution to another official, it is indicated (see paragraph 4 of the order from Example 3).

Props 19 "application mark" is considered (see two marks “19” in Example 3):

  • and a mention of the existence of the application in the text of the order,
  • and a mark on the application itself in the upper right corner with a link to the “mother” document.

Let's see what else the new GOST says about the design of this mark in orders:

Document fragment

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GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

5.19. ...In administrative documents (decrees, decisions, orders, instructions), contracts, regulations, rules, instructions and other documents, the note on the application is drawn up as follows:

  • in the text of the document, at the first mention of the application document, the following is indicated in parentheses: ... (application) or ... (annex 1); It is allowed to put a number sign in front of the application number: ... (application No. 2);
  • on the first sheet of the application document in the upper right corner it is indicated:

Prop lines are left aligned or centered relative to the longest line.

If the annex to the administrative document is a normative legal act or another document approved by this administrative document, a mark about the application (without reference to the administrative document) and an approval stamp indicating the data of the administrative document by which the application document is approved are placed on the first sheet of the application.

Thus, the developers of the new GOST resolved a long-standing misunderstanding, according to which, on an application approved by an administrative document (if you read GOST R 6.30-2003 verbatim), it was necessary to issue both a mark on the application and an approval stamp, duplicating in them information about the “parent” document . Therefore, in practice, one of these details was usually filled out. Now we will formalize their symbiosis (see “19” in Example 3), it makes sense when you need to indicate the application number (compare the marks “19” in Examples 3 and 4).

Props 22 "signature" includes the name of the position of the person signing the document, his handwritten signature, decoding of the signature (first initials, then surname) - see Examples 3 and 4.

The more information about the author of the document is contained in the form (the so-called “header”), the less information remains in the “signature” attribute. In orders, at least the name of the organization is given at the top, then there is no need to duplicate it in the signature position (we will not write there “ CEO PJSC "Medveditsa" If the order is issued on a form official, then his position in the “signature” requisite evaporates completely, leaving only the stroke and its decoding.

The signature on the order/direction is not certified by a seal.

See the article “Registration of the “signature” details”, taking into account the requirements of the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016

Props 25 “mark about the performer” includes the full last name, first name and patronymic of the performer, his telephone number (internal or full). It may be supplemented by the title of the position, structural unit And email address performer.

It is usually drawn up on the last sheet of the document from the border of the left margin closer to the bottom margin of the document, so that the signature and approval visas fit higher (see Examples 3 and 4). If on the front side last sheet There is no space left for this, then the artist can be indicated on its back at the bottom left.

The presence of such a mark saves the signatory from unnecessary communication, most of If any questions regarding the document arise, they will be asked to the contractor who prepared the project. The new GOST correctly recommends indicating his name and patronymic in full (unlike the previous GOST R 6.30-2003) - this way it immediately becomes clear how to address the person.

See the news “New GOST for organizational and administrative documentation" with the Internet address where you can read the text of the new GOST