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Rent an office for psychological counseling. How to open a psychologist's office? The relationship between light and human psychological characteristics

Regardless of whether you are engaged in individual or family psychological counseling, whether it is a private practice, work in a psychological center or in government agency, it is very important how the office in which you provide psychological services is arranged.

Talking about the most exciting and important things, meeting their feelings, clients feel very vulnerable. Therefore, the psychologist strives to create the most safe and comfortable conditions for the client. This goal is served not only by the creation of a special trusting relationship between the client and the consultant, the guarantee of confidentiality, the empathy of the specialist and other things directly related to the counseling process, but also by the organization of a special microclimate in the office where the psychological consultation takes place.

What should be in a psychologist's office? What should a novice specialist pay special attention to when organizing his workplace?

1. Place of the psychological office.

It is best if your office is located in a special psychological center, with a convenient waiting area (in case the client arrives before the scheduled consultation time). The office can be rented, which is very convenient, since most often such offices are already equipped for the work of a psychologist and do not require significant refurbishment.

Many psychologists see clients in their homes, but I do not recommend this. The home environment (and the psychologist’s personal belongings) can interfere with the counseling process, and you should not mix work and home, personal spaces. The exception is cases when you have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for an office (where only psychological consultations will take place), and isolate your home, personal space from the client’s visibility zone.

2. Color design.

The predominant colors for office decoration are, of course, warm and pastel. Any combination of pale beige, soothing shades of yellow, green and blue are ideal for a psychologist's office. There should be no bright, flashy colors, eye-catching spots of color - anything that can distract the client.

3. Light.

The possibility of natural daylight is welcomed, as well as the possibility of artificially adjusting the brightness of lighting (for example, “spot” lighting, the presence of additional floor lamps near the chair of the client and the psychologist, etc.).

4. Furniture.

The main piece of furniture in a psychologist’s office, of course, is psychological chairs for the consultant and client. They should be comfortable, moderately soft (but not like “frameless chairs” or “bean bags”), not too formal (not like leather executive chairs). A small table is necessary if the client performs various practices that require writing, drawing, etc. The rest depends on the direction in which the psychologist works. For example, a sand therapist needs a special “sandbox” and small figures for work, a Gestalt therapist needs additional chairs (to perform the “empty chair” technique), an art therapist needs paints, colored pencils and drawing paper, etc. .d. To store materials for diagnostic work, professional literature, writing instruments, sheets of paper, etc., you need a cabinet, rack or desk.

5. Interior items.

All interior items in a psychologist’s office should carry a semantic load; there should be nothing superfluous or distracting. There may be diplomas and certificates of a psychologist on the walls (after all, clients want to be confident in the qualifications of a specialist), and flowers on the windowsills to create coziness. The specialist also needs to stock up on disposable paper tissues - after all, many clients cry at a psychologist’s appointment.

Many people create a “tea zone” in their office to offer the client water or tea and coffee while working. However, this is unnecessary, and I recommend moving this area outside the psychological office. Despite the fact that the atmosphere in the psychologist’s office is very cozy and relaxing, it is still working and serves exclusively the purposes of counseling. Therefore, nothing should interfere with the client’s maximum focus on himself and his feelings.

6. Seating arrangement.

There should be no barriers between the psychologist’s chair and the client’s in the form of a desk or coffee table. They should be located at a slight angle opposite each other. This position helps to establish trusting contact with the client, in contrast to the position where the specialist sits directly opposite the client.

7. Sound insulation.

A psychological office, of course, needs good noise insulation so that, firstly, the client is not distracted by extraneous sounds coming from the street, corridor or waiting area, and secondly, so that the client is sure that his speech is not heard by anyone outside the office.

8. Methodological equipment.

Everything that a psychologist may need for his work is any teaching materials, tests, forms, writing materials, etc., should find their place in your office.

Of course, the psychologist “works with his personality,” and his professional quality and personal capabilities are the main prerequisites efficient work. However for successful implementation All the skills and abilities of a psychologist require the creation of a special microclimate, a special space. Therefore, it is very important what exactly your future psychological office will be like.

Your psychologist, Yulia Zagorodneva.

In the work of a psychologist, it is very important to position the client as much as possible and establish a trusting relationship with him. The result of the session depends not only on the professional skills of the specialist. You need to understand that the external environment also affects the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to the furnishings and color design of the office.

Why office design is so important

A psychologist's office is a place where a person can relax, relieve stress and simply disconnect from the noisy bustling city. Therefore, the correct design of a psychologist’s office is already part of the work.

The main criterion used when decorating is an atmosphere of calm. After all, the external environment, even on an unconscious level, greatly influences the general condition. The feeling of comfort determines how easy and free a person will feel. Some psychologists admit that many clients come to them not only to solve pressing problems, but simply to hide from Everyday life in a quiet, carefree corner.

How does the environment affect a person?

The selection of interior colors is very important element when decorating a psychologist's office. Each color affects a person in a special way. Light and pastel colors have a calming effect, relax, incline to trust, and help to concentrate. This is always a universal option for a psychologist’s office. In such an environment, a person quickly enters a balanced state, gains confidence in the specialist, and is ready for revelations. Warm home furnishings also involves light, natural colors, so the “home” design technique helps the psychologist quickly establish contact with the client.

However, some bright colors subconsciously create a positive mood. Therefore, when decorating a psychologist’s office, you can partially use objects in bright and rich colors.

Yellow or golden - sunny color creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. The same can be said about lemon, light yellow, pistachio. The main thing is that the interior details are made with style, and such objects do not stick into a person’s eyes in a distracting way. In addition, yellow color has a healing effect and has a good effect on the nervous system.

Orange eases irritation, reduces the likelihood of mental breakdowns and neutralizes depression. So, it is very useful to use it in a psychological office, the main thing is not to overdo it.

A light green color scheme will simply be a salvation from negative emotions. Green reduces nervous tension, disposes, tones. It is believed that greenish shades relieve headaches and relieve fatigue.

Blue tones seem to whisper that it’s time to change something. In an environment of this color, you want to dream, think about the future, and soar in the clouds. A pleasant soft blue color can change your mood and make you feel as relaxed as possible.

As for the interior items themselves, when decorating a psychologist’s office it is better to use soft materials. For example, cover the floor with a carpet, lay out soft decorative pillows on the sofa or armchairs.

The presence of plants will also have a beneficial effect on the perception of the environment, as well as rounded furniture. Sharp corners of furniture in a room impart firmness and resistance to communication. To make a person feel soft and trusting, you can furnish the office with rounded decorative elements or chairs with smooth lines, round table.

Basic principles of design

1. When entering a psychologist’s office, a person should feel a sense of order. Therefore, you should not place many small items in plain sight. It is better to store various auxiliary tools that may be useful during the session in a locker.

2. The space should not be filled with too catchy and bright colors. Most the best option- pastel, natural shades.

3. The office should be spacious and the free space between the client and the consultant should be from 60 to 110 cm.

4. Furniture should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. A client sitting in a chair or on a sofa should not relax to the point of sleepiness, but should not feel tense.

5. The chairs of the psychologist and the client should not be directly opposite each other. Therefore, it is better to place them at an angle. During a sensitive conversation, the client may feel uncomfortable and may turn away.

6. In offices, instead of a chair, clients often use couches; it is believed that in a lying position a person relaxes more easily. But this is optional.

Psychologist's office in kindergarten

Psychological office in kindergarten decorated in bright color scheme so that the child does not feel the difference between the usual play area and the place where the correctional work. The office should be adjusted to the full range of work, which usually includes:

  • the waiting area;
  • conversation area;
  • play therapy area;
  • rest zone;
  • specialist’s personal space zone.

In kindergartens, psychologists' offices usually accommodate several children at once, up to 12 people for group training.

For obvious reasons, the design of a psychologist’s office in the garden is becoming divided. The first, advisory zone provides a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. More suitable colors are beige and light brown. You can place a small coffee table between the seats.

The correctional and developmental area should be equipped for games, activities and training. That is, it is necessary to have desks, a blackboard, a creative corner, and a place to store toys and tools. This zone may be particularly colorful and bright. Bright objects will arouse children's interest and have a positive effect on their activity.

The relaxation area can be equipped in pastel, soothing colors so that children can relax after intense play work.

The personal space of a child psychologist can be designed to suit his taste or in the form of a standard work environment, allowing him to concentrate on professional responsibilities.

This is what the correct design of a child psychologist’s office looks like.

Psychologist's office at school

The design of a psychologist's office in an educational institution should create the effect of lightness as much as possible. The influence of the general environment is very important in pedagogical and psychological work with a schoolchild, because, as a rule, it is not very easy to arrange teenage children.

It is advisable to get rid of dark objects and dilute the interior with more cheerful shades: orange, yellow-green, lemon, olive, blue-green. It is not recommended to leave white walls; such a color subconsciously tires and makes you sad, unless it acts as a background for the rest of the rainbow details.

Before the age of 10, children perceive pinks, purples and reds more favorably. Dark, gray shades are extremely undesirable. For 11-12 year olds, green and blue colors are preferred. This helps to establish closer contact with children. For older children, blue and green are suitable. You can make yellow or orange the predominant color scheme.

It is also advisable to isolate the office from extraneous noise so as not to disrupt the conversational mood and the child is not distracted.

Photos of the design of a psychologist’s office in an original style are presented in the article.

You can create an interesting, but at the same time cozy environment with the help of flowers and colorful partitions between work areas. An aquarium can create a relaxing effect. This is an auxiliary attribute that will help establish trusting contact between the consultant and the client.

Also, popular design solutions are often based on the design of the office in two main color groups. For emotional relief, only two primary colors are used. For example, brown and pistachio, light green and olive, beige and brown. The main thing is that the two colors combine perfectly with each other. Furniture should not narrow the room too much; a large space feels like freedom. Combined lighting will also help to relax the client. Somewhere you will need to dim the light, somewhere, on the contrary, you will need to brighten it, depending on the emotional state of the client.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

25,000 - 90,200 RUR

Starting investments

66,000 ₽

From 1 month

Payback period

The number of psychologists increases every year almost exponentially. The profession of a psychologist opens great opportunities in front of people who want not only to do what they love, but also to earn money. In order to work in your specialty, you do not need to rent a large office or purchase expensive equipment. Investments will only be required in education and experience. Of course, in this case there are also some drawbacks.

Profitability of opening a psychological office

If we consider private office psychologist as a business, then the bulk of clients will come to you, first of all, on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances, that is, through the so-called “word of mouth”. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop a clientele, so at first a novice psychologist with a private practice can hardly count on big profits. Moreover, it is best to combine work in your own office with work in any organization as a hired employee. This way, you will not only not lose money, but will also gain experience and practice that are so valuable for a beginning specialist.

Another disadvantage of such a business is related to high level competition in this area. Psychologists on the labor market in Lately so many. The demand for their services, however, is also quite high. But supply has long exceeded demand. Several factors play a role here. Firstly, our compatriots are not yet accustomed to solving their problems with the help of qualified specialists. The services of psychologists are not yet in great demand, and their cost is equal to, or even higher than, the cost of a consultation with a doctor.

Moreover, if the effectiveness of treatment in most cases can be assessed even by a person far from medicine (the onset of relief, the disappearance of disturbing symptoms, improvement in well-being, etc.), then with psychological help everything is far from so simple. If a doctor in many cases can give a patient a favorable prognosis for the outcome of treatment, then the psychologist only undertakes to do everything necessary to help his client, but does not give any guarantees for a good result.

Another negative factor that adversely affects the reputation of psychologists and psychological assistance, in general, concerns the lack of a single legislative framework. Today, in fact, even those people who have neither special education nor any work experience can engage in psychological counseling. Currently, there is only a bill “On the provision of psychological assistance to the population,” which has not yet been adopted. There are also quite a few shortcomings in this bill and controversial issues, so its adoption is unlikely to change the situation for the better.

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And yet, despite all the disadvantages, a psychological office is a good business idea that can turn into a profitable and profitable business with proper positioning and promotion.

Legal registration of activities of a psychologist with private practice

In order to open a practical psychologist's office, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This can be done with four different ways. In the first case, you can register an individual entrepreneur yourself. This is the cheapest option: all costs will be 800 rubles for the state fee. In principle, registering an individual entrepreneur is quite simple and does not take much time. But you can turn to an intermediary for help in registering an individual entrepreneur - law firm, which specializes in such services. Registration with the help of an intermediary will cost more than filling out the documents yourself, but you will save a lot of time on filling out all the necessary papers, and will also receive a guarantee that all documents will be completed without a single mistake. Finally, an individual entrepreneur can also be registered by power of attorney.

We will consider the option of self-registration as an individual entrepreneur. To complete the registration, you need to prepare documents for individual entrepreneur registration (application for registration, application for simplified taxation, receipt for payment of state duty); register your individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service (registration with the tax office, sending a notification to the supervisory authorities: Rospotrebnadzor and Gosavtodornadzor), as well as with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund (registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund); order a stamp for an individual entrepreneur; open a bank account.

Documents required for registration of a psychological office

Let's take a closer look at the documents you will need to register as an individual private entrepreneur (IP): application for state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001, a receipt for payment of the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur, an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in the form No. 26.2-1 (optional), a copy of the passport. The simplified taxation system (also known as simplified taxation system, simplified taxation system, simplified taxation system) allows you to pay less taxes and significantly simplify the reporting you submit than OSNO (main taxation system). The simplified tax system is very common among small and medium-sized businesses. There are two options for interest rates of the simplified tax system – 6% (from income) and 15% (“income minus expenses”).

You can choose the interest rate yourself. If you choose the first option, you will pay 6% of any income, in which case your expenses will not be of interest tax authorities(this option is preferable in our case when we're talking about about the provision of any services and when expenses are much less than income). If you prefer the first option, then the amount of expenses will be deducted from the amount of income, and the individual entrepreneur pays 15% of taxes on the difference received (this option is convenient in case of trading). At the same time, all expenses of an individual entrepreneur must be documented (that is, you need to save receipts, invoices, acts, etc.).

If you plan to apply a simplified procedure, then you need to submit a notice of this in two copies along with other documents during registration. Please note: you can switch to the simplified system only once a year, starting from the beginning of the calendar year, so if you do not have time to submit your application right away, you will have to pay much more taxes and maintain much more complex accounting and reporting until the end of the current year.

By law, you can submit an application within thirty days from the date of registration, but it is better not to delay and apply immediately. You can fill out an application for transition to a simplified tax system (STS) automatically and free of charge using special service or manually. In the latter case, you will need to download an application for transition to a simplified taxation system using form No. 26.2-1 (KND 1150001) (check the relevance of the form you downloaded to date). The application is submitted in two copies, one copy remains with you (with a note of acceptance). Your copy must be saved. In addition to the application, you will also need to provide a photocopy of two double-page spreads of your passport (main and with registration) on one A4 page (also, when submitting documents, you may be asked for copies of all pages containing any information).

When registering an individual entrepreneur, you will also need to select OKVED codes. For psychologists who want to set up a private practice or company, the most suitable code is 96.09 “Providing other personal services not included in other groups."

The need for special education from a practicing psychologist

The issue of whether a practicing psychologist has a document on higher specialized education deserves special attention. On the one hand, the law on psychological assistance to the population has not yet been adopted; accordingly, now a large number of so-called “psychologists” conduct their activities without having a professional training diploma. However, on January 1, 2015, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals social services citizens in Russian Federation", where psychological assistance refers to social services.

Thus, the activities of a psychologist involve the provision of psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic assistance, psychological counseling and psychological correction. Psychological counseling is a type of activity for which a state diploma is issued, therefore, a person who has declared to conduct such activity, but does not have a special education, can conduct it until the first inspection, after which he may be accused of conducting illegal entrepreneurial activity. An inspection will be carried out after the first complaint. dissatisfied client to the prosecutor's office.

In this case, it is important to understand the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist. A psychologist is a person with a higher psychological education. Many universities in various cities of our country graduate such specialists. Among psychologists there are social, general, medical, and educational psychologists. Psychologists have the right to engage in science and teaching, conduct training, help with choosing a profession, work on a helpline, test intelligence levels, identify abilities, advise, and make recommendations. Most often, social psychologists do all this.

Ready ideas for your business

General psychologists are primarily concerned with the science, teaching, and development of theories of psychology. Clinical psychologists have an idea not only of mental normality, but also of pathology. They have the right to work in medical institutions and counsel healthy people. They test sick people so that doctors can make a more accurate diagnosis. But officially, a psychologist does not have the right to engage in psychotherapy without special retraining.

A psychotherapist is a doctor who received a specialty as a psychiatrist, and then underwent additional training and became a psychotherapist. Only in this case can a specialist officially be called a psychotherapist and practice psychotherapy. He has a broad understanding of the human psyche and can treat patients with both medicinal and non-medicinal means, and has the right to conduct long-term or short-term, individual or group psychotherapy. There are many areas and methods of modern psychotherapy (art therapy, gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, etc.), and different psychotherapists specialize in different areas. A psychotherapist has the broadest powers, since he can advise on all cases, treat his patients and prescribe medications if necessary.

Ready ideas for your business

If you do not claim the proud title of psychotherapist, then, according to Federal law dated 08.08.2001 No. 128-FZ “On licensing individual species activities”, a license to provide psychological assistance is not required. However, you are obliged to observe ethics and remember that human fate can often depend on your professionalism, correctness and decency.

Opening a psychological office

So to open own office Psychological assistance will require space for receiving clients, as well as a minimum set of furniture - comfortable chairs, a table and, possibly, a couch (although the latter is an indispensable attribute of a psychoanalyst’s office and is hardly necessary for an ordinary psychologist), which can be replaced with a comfortable sofa. Beginning psychologists often do not want to spend money on renting an office, preferring to receive their clients at their place or at their home.

In fact, both options have a number of disadvantages. If you are going to convert a room in your apartment or house into your office, then keep in mind that your working hours will be irregular. You and your household will have to forget about peace and personal life, and you - about relaxation and distraction from work. In addition, you are violating your own personal boundaries by inviting clients to your home. As a temporary option, a home office has a right to exist, but you shouldn’t turn it into a permanent one.

If you plan to go to your clients’ homes, then take into account both monetary and time expenses for travel. In addition, as in the first option, the home environment is not the best space for psychological counseling or therapy. And no one has canceled the issue of your personal safety either (it is no secret that the majority of psychologists are women). This format of work is usually resorted to in extreme cases (for example, when the client is a bedridden patient).

It is best to rent a room where you will receive your clients. According to the resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor Russian Federation, the minimum area for a psychologist’s office should be 10 square meters. meters. The best option– hourly rental, when you pay for a specific time of your stay at the workplace, rather than a fixed monthly rent. You can find quite affordable options (300-500 rubles per hour). In this case, you will not need to purchase additional furniture or equipment, since such premises, as a rule, are already equipped with everything necessary.

Average rent for office space in Russia*

Hourly rental offices, rub. Monthly office rent (10 sq. m.), rub.
250 7 400
*according to Avito data as of August 29, 2018

The main thing is that your office is cozy, and the atmosphere in it is conducive to rest and relaxation. Of course, this should not be a walk-through room: for your clients great importance has a matter of confidentiality, and no one should disturb you during communication. Specialized offices (for example, a child psychologist’s office) are often opened at the base educational institution. True, this option can hardly be called a business. It’s better not to depend on third parties.

Ready ideas for your business

To open your own psychological office, taking into account its full equipment and rent for 3 months, you will need about 90 thousand rubles. Accordingly, if you rent an office with everything you need and use a personal computer or laptop, then you can meet the 25 thousand rubles needed only to pay the rent for the first time. Of course, with this calculation we by default assume that you already have the necessary education and skills.

Investment in opening a psychological office

Sales and marketing in opening a psychological office

Beginning psychologists often wonder where they can look for clients. Best advertisement in this case it is word of mouth. In second place is the Internet: specialized websites, regional forums, social networks. Recently, psychologists have been trying to pay more attention to social networks, creating engaging content on psychological topics in VKontakte groups, Instagram accounts, and so on.

It’s also worth thinking about creating your own website, but it doesn’t make sense to invest a lot of money in it. To receive applications from the site, you need it to be displayed in the first lines of the search, you need contextual advertising, which in most cases psychologists are not able to afford. Therefore, for starters, you can get by social networks, a business card website developed using a free designer or filled out profiles on psychologists’ websites like

Don't forget to include information about your education and work experience on the site. It’s good if, in addition to your diploma, you have various courses, trainings, seminars, supervisions, etc. under your belt. However, you shouldn’t chase quantity while neglecting quality. Do not embellish your experience, try to write the truth. With a complete lack of experience, you can always find extra work(for example, on a helpline or at a municipal center for psychological assistance to the population). It may not be highly paid, but it will give you such valuable first experience. It is not at all necessary to be a generalist. On the contrary, it is better to choose one or two areas and actively work in this area, improve your skills and gain experience.

The issue of pricing for the services of a novice specialist deserves special attention. Install immediately high prices It’s not worth it for your services, but dumping is not the best option either. Your work as a professional should be adequately paid. If you yourself rate your services too low, then what opinion will yours have? potential clients? The work of a psychologist in a large city can be estimated at 2500-3000 rubles/hour. But often the amount declared in advertisements is noticeably reduced, and small towns is 1000-1500 rubles per hour. Typically, a course of short-term therapy consists of 10 meetings, each of which lasts 45 minutes.

How much do psychologists earn and spend?

Practical experience shows that it is realistic to receive three clients in one day. More is more difficult. Both physically and mentally. Let's assume that our psychologist is a very popular specialist who sees three clients a day and works 5 days a week, and the cost of a session is 3,000 rubles. In this case, his revenue is 198 thousand rubles. Considering small investment, you can recoup your office expenses from the first month.

But, as you understand, all this is pure theory. In practice, this amount is at best divided by three. And 60-70 thousand rubles a month is still a very good result, which not all psychologists can boast of. Why is that? There are many reasons. And the demand is not the same, and clients in most cases are not ready to shell out, in their opinion, “huge” amounts. Often, when they come to a psychologist for their first introductory meeting, they believe that the psychologist will solve all their problems in an hour. As a result, the first meeting turns out to be the last. And, as mentioned above, it is not customary in Russia to visit a psychologist: with intimate questions, a person would rather go to a friend or relative, but not to a specialist. Therefore, do not have too high expectations about the profitability of this business.

Keep in mind that the profession of a psychologist obliges you to constantly improve your professional level, which means you will bear the costs of training, supervision, and advanced training. And this is at least 30-50 thousand rubles a year, which will have to be spent on these purposes.

Options for increasing the profitability of a psychological office

A kind of safe haven for psychologists is working with so-called VIP clients and corporate customers. Since a psychologist can earn many times more with them than with ordinary clients, he does not have such an urgent task in attracting new clients. Moreover, premium clients often bring people from their circle, which allows the psychologist to gain authority among the “high caste”. Another thing is that it is very difficult to break through to the VIPs. Therefore, many psychologists, in order to provide themselves with at least some flow of clients, rent offices in universities, with all kinds of medical centers and try to make money on the traffic that these institutions have.

Another option that many psychologists resort to is conducting their own psychological trainings. Training is a mass event. The work takes place in groups, with live and cross-communication between participants. As a rule, each training is devoted to one topic and can be included in an entire training program. In the same time and with almost the same effort, the presenter receives a much greater financial return. Moreover, the price for each specific person is several times lower than an individual consultation.

The greatest profitability for psychologists comes from training programs developed using their own methods. Such programs sell well, give the psychologist a name in the professional community and attract financial clients. In addition, today there are options for purchasing ready-made and proven franchise methods, when a psychologist is not only taught a new method, but also given step by step instructions on conducting trainings and ways to promote them. In this case, the real profit from individual consultations can increase to 100-125 thousand rubles, and when working in the format of a training center - up to 200-250 thousand rubles.

If all the options for increasing the profitability of a psychological office do not meet your needs, start searching unusual ideas in this area. Perhaps a traditional psychological office is simply not your format, and the search for an effective business idea should be sought abroad or in a related industry. In this collection we have collected 20 unusual business ideas for psychologists that can help you.

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The post has been changed:

A crisis is raging in the country, prices have soared for literally everything, and wages, God forbid, if they remain at the same level (nowadays they are often lowered!), taken out loans hang a heavy burden around the neck, the mood every day goes further into a deep negative - into it's time to shoot yourself. My friends, this is, unfortunately, not just a threatening picture of a possible future. This is the harsh reality of many of our compatriots. Only extraordinary individuals, of whom there are only a few, can get out of this psychological “hole” on their own. So you have to either, after several unsuccessful attempts to correct the situation, endure everything, hoping for a bright future, or turn to a professional psychologist for help in order to completely “not go off the rails.”

The topic of today’s publication: “How to open a psychologist’s office.” I am 100% sure that more than half of the readers, after reading the title, will rush to close the article. Why, they say, I’m not a psychologist, why should I read this? I will hasten to “please” such people - you are not only not a psychologist, but also an impatient and not an enterprising person. And for those who decide to read the material to the end, I will say that it is quite possible to open a psychologist’s office without being one. How? Read on and find out everything!

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:100,000 (in the regions) -3,500,000 (in Moscow) rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 50,000 people
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: from 1 month to 1 year

I’ll reveal the secret right away, I won’t torment you. All you need to do is take a psychologist as a companion. As a rule, doctors are extremely busy people who simply have no time to deal with organizing a business, accounting, and other matters without which the business will definitely not run. This publication was prompted by a friend who is a psychologist in private practice. She repeatedly complained to me that there was never enough time for anything, and often, leaving home at 7 in the morning, she returned only at 9-10 in the evening. To my question: why doesn’t she take as a partner a person who will deal with the purely “technical” side of the matter, she widened her eyes in surprise and admitted that such a thing had never occurred to her.

Another obstacle to discovery own business maybe... fear. Change the stable one, high paying job to the unknown that his business promises. Will it work? What if the business, as they say, “doesn’t work”? And then, goodbye to everything - career, money, fame... This is where the way out of the situation is: the doctor minds his own business. Businessman - with his own, and together with them successful company for the provision of psychological services.

This publication may also be useful to young psychologists who have recently graduated from university, and now, dreaming of their own practice, just don’t know where to start. Maybe the article will also be useful to experienced doctors who will find some new information in it. So let's get started.

Paper cases

What can you do - business is business, and you simply must register your business. Will it be IP or OOO- you decide. The second option, of course, is more solid, but in this case you lose some of the privileges that are given individual entrepreneur. You will learn all the difference between these two forms of doing business.

Obtaining a license is not so simple. The fact is that if you declare the provision of psychological consultations as your activity, you definitely will not need a license. But if, among other things, you are also going to treat, that is, conduct psychotherapy, then in this case a license is required.

OKVED code for registration of psychological consultations – 85.12

That is why the first option is much preferable, and people are more willing to turn to a psychologist and psychotherapist than to a psychiatrist. This is understandable - who himself admits that he has “reached a point” and needs treatment. But having your own psychological consultant is even “fashionable”.

When starting your own business, you will also have to deal with tax issues. Get acquainted with various forms taxation is possible according to this link. And for the most “lazy” ones, who want something very quick and simple, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article. After reading it you can order a package necessary documents to register an individual entrepreneur is absolutely FREE.

We are looking for suitable premises

Readers often ask me the question: what to do first - register your business, or look for premises, purchase equipment, look for personnel, etc.? My answer is: if possible, try to do it at the same time. To refuse to register a business, you need very compelling reasons (which can be counted on the fingers of one hand), so the chances of failing to register are 1 in 100.

By the way, in general. The first step is to create a business plan, which hopefully you already have. If not, then here you will find information on how to compose it correctly. And you can fill out the form and order the development of a business plan for your business.

Now it’s time to look for premises for a psychologist’s office. Location plays a very insignificant role in this matter. Whether it will be an office in a business center, a remote building on the city's outskirts, or something else - there is not much difference. It is important that visitors experience maximum comfort when visiting your office. We need to do this. So that they really leave their problems here and find peace and tranquility.

One of the conditions for achieving internal harmony is complete confidentiality. The client must be sure that no one will find out that he turned to a psychologist for help. To do this, it is advisable to organize 2 exits from the office and the building. Schedule appointments for visitors different time– is not an option, since many of these people often arrive much earlier than scheduled.

Another important point- This is soundproofing. Silence - best friend people with mental problems, so this issue needs to be given the closest attention. There is no need for special “coolness” in the setting. Soft sofas and armchairs in the waiting room and the office itself, a comfortable table for the doctor, maybe an aquarium (fish are soothing), neutral paintings on the walls, a cooler with fresh water will be enough. If you get rich, put in richer furniture. If you want. For now, the described option will suffice.

Treatment begins with light and color. The lighting in the office should also set the client up for a confidential conversation. To do this, you can use combined lamps - ceiling, wall, floor. You can also “play” with color. What you need are yellow, green, and blue. They need to be switched depending on what problem the person came to you with. However, professional psychologists know about this, of course, better than me.

It is better to avoid a strictly official style in the design of the office, and resort to a relaxing, semi-homey environment. Furniture should be positioned according to Feng Shui. This is, of course, a joke. This Chinese art of space exploration has nothing to do with it. But there should still be some rules when arranging furniture. For example, the client should not sit with his back to the door - this will increase tension. A low coffee table with small objects on it standing next to the chair will help him take his mind off his problems that led him to a psychologist.

Place acoustic speakers hidden throughout the room: the sound should envelop the visitor from all sides, and the sound source should not be visible.

Now a few words about the budget for organizing a psychologist’s office. In the regions, everything can be packaged in an amount from 100 to 300,000 rubles. In the capital and cities with a population of over a million, these figures can be safely multiplied by 10, or even 15.

Who are we treating? Who do we help?

Psychological assistance is a branch of medicine where there is no division between wealthy and not so wealthy clients, everyone is equal there (in principle, all medicine should be like this). The same assistance will be provided to everyone without exception. However, no one has canceled VIP services yet. Another thing is what you will specialize in. Of course, it is much more productive to work in a narrow specialty, for example, resolving family conflicts. But from the earnings side, everyone needs help.

Does a psychologist need advertising?

You won’t get far on word of mouth alone, and waiting until word spreads from client to client about what a wonderful psychologist he sees there, how wonderfully he solves any problems “at once” - you’ll just get tired. Active advertising has never bothered anyone yet. In our case it could be:

  • Articles "to order" in various magazines talking about your psychological office.
  • Videos.
  • Own website, on which you can lay out the mass useful information, And