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What is the meaning of reading? Why should you read? The book is the last refuge

IN modern world many people prefer watching TV series and movies instead of reading books. It would seem, why should you read books, if now there are many sites where you can find video reviews, video instructions and other media content that allows you to find out the content of an article, scientific material or any book without reading the text. In this article we will look at why it is important for a person to read and why reading is such a useful activity.

The role of reading in human life

We can talk endlessly about how useful reading is for a person. It plays a particularly important role for children. The main advantage of reading is that it helps develop imagination. In turn, imagination is key factor for the development of thinking. It has been proven that outstanding engineers, scientists and cultural figures read a lot of books in their youth.

  • It is reading that helps a person develop imaginative thinking, which is a fundamental type of thinking in many sciences. Thanks to this, a person can imagine any situation, so to speak, illustrate it; Philosophers and scientists have spoken a lot about figurative thinking. For example, Nicolaus Copernicus could imagine complex processes that are characteristic of celestial bodies only through imaginative thinking. The same goes for scientists who study the behavior of molecules, atoms and other tiny particles.
  • However, this is not the only role of reading. It also helps us cope with stress. It has been proven that thanks to reading, a person can immerse himself in another world and take a break from his problems. And also learn a lot of new things.
  • Reading also helps us improve our thinking processes, fight absent-mindedness and be more focused. Just try to read at least five pages every day. You will soon notice a positive effect.

Sometimes you want to think categorically. No halftones, only black keys and white ones. No sharps or flats. Only black and white. For me, there are people who read and those who don’t. But the word “read” has a special meaning for me.

Once upon a time, when there were no computers and the Internet, the only sources of communication with the outside world were newspapers, a television with two channels, a radio hanging on the wall in every house, and books. For whom and what exactly came first is not so important. We are all different people, we have different habits and tastes.

Everything was unimportant to me except books. Where did I read these books: during lessons at school I managed to read thick books, I hid a book and a flashlight under the blanket from my parents, and during dinner at home the book was always in front of my eyes. And at this time, there was a program on the radio in which works of fiction were also read, and sometimes, looking up from reading, I listened to a voice coming from the speakers, telling about amazing events and adventures of heroes from books that could not be bought anywhere.

I know that you guessed it and you are absolutely right - this happened in the last century. Books in those days were in great short supply, and what we could beg from the library or from girlfriends was read in one gulp. And then a new dose was needed.

This can also be called a kind of addiction. It is precisely this “dependency” that we will talk about today. Why do people read?

Are there any benefits from reading books?

Probably, everyone can answer the question differently for themselves, why do they read? For some it is pleasure, for others a book is a source of knowledge, for others they read to pass the time, for example, on the road. Today paper books have replaced Newest technologiese-books. But this does not change the essence. Books are still read, and people continue to be born who read from the cradle and those who do not. Strange, but the fact remains a fact. It often happens that children grow up in the same family with completely different attitudes to reading. Do you think the love of reading should be considered a talent or a special gift?

A lot of people say that a love of reading can and should be instilled from early childhood. That by their example, reading parents will be able to awaken their child’s interest in books. I don't have the academic degrees to discuss this topic, but I very much doubt that such actions will guarantee that a child will love to read. I admit only isolated cases. Even if you take into account the fact that habits are developed in 21 days.

What benefit does a person get from such a useful habit as reading?

1. In the first place I would put the development of clear and clear thinking and imagination. Thinking about what you read and reflecting, thinking out the sequel for the author and coming up with your own ending is a very exciting activity. We learn to read between the lines.

2. Reading books makes a person literate. By rereading tons of well-constructed sentences and correctly written words, we learn to write correctly and without errors. Reading aloud is especially helpful for this. Today this skill is becoming rare.

4. Good books make a person smarter. Such people are called well-read. Books broaden our horizons. We can carry on a conversation on different topics or be competent and more knowledgeable in one thing. We can no longer be called a person who can’t even put two words together.

5. Books develop memory. If you love poetry, you know many of them by heart. By learning and remembering, we can apply the acquired skills in our other classes and activities.

6. Books teach you to empathize. Left alone with the characters of the novel, we become one with them and experience a whole range of feelings and emotions when reading. Reading books gives rise to our emotions.

7. If a book is well designed, if it has beautiful graphics and pictures, all this contributes to the formation of the right aesthetic taste.

8. When we read aloud, we develop and improve our diction. Which is very useful for public speaking. Good speech is always an advantage.

9. Reading books with a pencil in hand helps you learn to highlight the main and important things, because it’s no secret that when we write something down, we improve our mechanical memory and the information is remembered much better.

10. By reading books, we develop our system of perceiving information through books. We develop our own reading methods, with the help of which we better assimilate information.

Not everyone has forgotten that Russia was considered the most reading nation. Those days are gone, but most of people still feel the need to find, buy and read a good book.

And although the Internet is considered a place where you can find everything for free, you can’t download and read absolutely everything that interests you—you can’t find everything for free. Many authors defend their copyrights to their works, and do exactly the right thing by inviting us to buy a book in a store. And the speed of reading a “paper” book is higher than an electronic one. Again, the e-book does not have fields where you can express your thoughts and make the necessary notes. Which in itself is an important skill.

However, there are many different opinions regarding whether an electronic or paper version of a book is better. But we won't argue. Since today each of us chooses the option that suits him best.

But today’s assistants in choosing books are online stores, which offer us not only to buy a book, but also first familiarize us with the review and let us flip through and read a few pages. All this, as well as feedback from those who have already read these books before, allows us to do right choice and make a decision: to buy or not to buy this book.

One of the first online stores that provides a huge selection of literature was OZON. RU. More than 600,000 visitors visit the company's website every day. Today you can buy almost everything on the website. But for my readers, I have made available a selection of good business literature on topics close to the topic of the blog - personal effectiveness, leadership, marketing. Regular visitors will have the opportunity not to miss new items appearing in these book sections and purchase their favorite book “without leaving the checkout” in the library on the main page of the blog.

I hope that the benefits of reading books that you read in my article will further convince you that a book is a source of knowledge for us, and is one of the main ways to develop the skills a person needs. At all times, everyone needs a book: both old and young. But the situation with books is the same with us as with people, wrote Feuerbach. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends.

Read only the best books, dear friends, and this will be an excellent investment in your piggy bank. personal growth. Good books and exciting reading to you!

5 NEW statements have been posted on the FIPI website.

Text of the presentation

(1)What are the benefits of reading? (2) Is it true that reading is useful? (3) Why do many people continue to read? (4) After all, not only to relax or occupy free time.

(5) The benefits of reading books are obvious. (6) Books broaden a person’s horizons, enrich his inner world, and make him smarter. (7) It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear and clear thinking. (8) Everyone can verify this by their own example. (9) You just have to thoughtfully read some classical work, and you will notice how easier it has become to express your own thoughts with the help of speech, to select the right words. (10) A person who reads speaks more competently. (11) Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. (12) Don’t believe me? (13) And you read something from the classics of the detective genre, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle. (14) After reading (general minor term) you will think faster 1, your mind will become sharper 2 and you will understand 3 that reading is useful and beneficial 4.

(15) It is also useful to read books because they have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. (16) After reading this or that classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

(Based on Internet materials)

Sample summary

The benefits of reading books are obvious. Books broaden a person’s horizons and enrich his inner world. It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear thinking. A person who reads speaks more competently. Reading serious works forces us to constantly think. After reading something from the detective genre classics, you will think faster and understand that reading is useful and profitable.

Books have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. People who read sometimes begin to change for the better.

I want to learn

1. write a summary

2. shorten the text of the presentation

“He who does not read good books has no advantage over a man who does not know how to read them.”

Mark Twain

“Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of understood.”

Fazil Iskander

The importance of reading books for human development cannot be overstated. This is an inexhaustible source of knowledge since ancient times. Now paper books are not as popular as, say, 20-30 years ago. And all because, firstly, many of the reading people switched to e-books, and, secondly, many other entertainments appeared, primarily, of course, the Internet. Majority modern people, especially young people, would rather spend the evening staring at their computer monitor than opening a book. If you are looking for any information you are interested in on the Internet, in most cases you will find it, but there it is presented in the most condensed form, in the form of quotes, abstracts, summaries and subjective opinions of different people. Therefore, if you get information only from the Internet, you risk receiving it not only not in full, but also in the editorship of a person who may have considered that some of the information is not particularly useful. In addition to the above, books have many other important qualities.

1. A book is a source of knowledge. This is the most main reason, which is recommended for regular reading. No other source of information will give us such a volume of high-quality knowledge. The book helps us learn from other people's experiences and use them in solving life's difficulties and problems.

2. Reading is a mental exercise that promotes the development of brain activity, thinking, logic, broadening one’s horizons and improving memory.

3. Books develop our imagination, creativity and visualization ability.

4. Books enrich our vocabulary, improve literacy and the quality of our oral and written speech.

5. Reading is calming and helps relieve stress. This is achieved by distracting a person from negative thoughts, but for this the book needs to be interesting and exciting. In this regard, the book helps many people fall asleep.

6. Why do you always hear: “The book is much more interesting than the movie”? Yes, because when reading a book, we ourselves act as directors, and our imagination paints colorful scenes that, in our opinion, cannot be compared with what we see in the movies.

7. Reading books gives us confidence, because by reading literature on various topics, we become more knowledgeable, competent, and gain new knowledge that we use in Everyday life, we know the answers to those questions that previously seemed incomprehensible to us.

8. Reading books helps develop communication skills; well-read people can easily find a topic for conversation.

9. Reading aloud improves diction, which helps improve the development of public speaking skills.

10. Good books inspire us, become a source of ideas and motivation.

I have described the most important and important qualities books, and what benefits they bring to a person. I will not argue about which book format is more preferable: paper or electronic - it is a matter of taste. I like paper books better, and text printed on paper is easier to digest. But despite this, I use a tablet for reading because of its convenience and the ability to store hundreds and thousands of books in one device, whereas there would simply be nowhere to store their paper versions in such quantities.

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