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Barley (cereal): description, cultivation technology, varieties, application. Cereals - main types Use in the food industry

Barley and wheat are similar types of cereals and are equally in demand. What are the specifics of each of them?

Facts about barley

This type of cereal forms an independent genus of plants. Cultivated by humans since ancient times. The most common agricultural type of the crop in question is common barley. Other types of plants about which we're talking about, as a rule, are found only in the wild.


Barley- the basis of pearl barley and barley groats. It is often used as a feed grain - its value as a source of nutrition for animals is due to the presence of complete protein and sufficient a large percentage starch in the composition.

Growing ears of barley have curled leaves in the bud structure. The tongues on the ears of grain are short. Barley spikelets belong to the single-flowered category; they are collected in bunches of about 3, sometimes 2 pieces in a long spike. The scales on the spikelets are thin.

According to the biological classification, barley is:

  • to the class of monocots;
  • to the order of cereal plants;
  • to the cereal family.

Barley forms, as we noted at the beginning of the article, a separate genus of plants.

The grains of the agricultural crop in question contain a large amount of carbohydrates, various types vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The protein contained in the corresponding cereal contains many amino acids and is characterized by rapid digestibility by the human body.

Barley contains enough potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, iodine - all the microelements that are needed to modern man. The cereal in question contains vitamins B, PP, E, A. Actually, it is not surprising why pearl barley and barley porridge are considered extremely healthy.

Facts about wheat

Wheat- this, like barley, is a separate genus of cereal crops. It is the main grain for the production of flour from which bread, other types of baked goods, and pasta are made. Some varieties of wheat are used as feed grain.


Wheat ears have a height of 30-150 cm. They are characterized by straight stems and tongues about 0.5-3 mm long. Wheat leaves are usually flat, ranging from 3 to 20 mm wide.

From the point of view of biological classification, wheat belongs to:

  • to the class of monocotyledonous crops;
  • to the order Poaceae;
  • to the cereal family.

Like barley, wheat forms a separate genus of plants.

Wheat like food product useful in terms of the presence of fiber, which improves digestion. Of course, it, like barley, contains a wide range of various vitamins and microelements. Wheat contains a large amount of pectin, ascorbic acid, and fructose.


The main difference between barley and wheat from the point of view of biological classification is that these cereals belong to different types of crops. By appearance The first type of grain differs from the second in many cases by longer awns (“antennae”). But, it should be noted that in some soft wheat varieties they are just as long. In this case, you need to pay attention to the direction of the spines. In barley they are quite rarely directed to the side - mostly only upward. Wheat awns can also look to the sides.

Barley and wheat also differ in their area of ​​use.

The first type of cereal is usually not subject to deep processing. Pearl barley and barley porridge contain whole or coarsely ground barley grains. Wheat, in turn, is most often ground into flour, which can then be used in a variety of ways. But there are, of course, wheat porridges that contain slightly processed grains of the corresponding cereal. There is also barley flour - but in its pure form it is used quite rarely and is used, as a rule, as an additive to wheat.

In barley, according to researchers, there is a slightly lower percentage of starch than in wheat (although this substance is present in the corresponding cereal, as we noted above, in sufficient quantities). In addition, wheat contains more carbohydrates.

But in general, both cultures in question are extremely useful. Their regular use allows you to improve the metabolism in the body, the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The presence of nutrients and useful microelements in both varieties of cereals contributes to the formation of a positive tone in the body, giving a person the strength to solve everyday problems.

Having determined what the difference is between barley and wheat, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Barley Wheat
What do they have in common?
Both plants belong to the same class - monocots, order Porciferae, family Poaceae
What is the difference between them?
Forms an independent genus - barleyForms an independent genus - wheat
Mainly used in unprocessed formMainly processed into flour
Has long awns that are directed mainly upwardHard varieties have short awns; on soft ones they are often multidirectional - looking up, to the sides
Contains less starchContains more starch
Contains less carbohydratesContains more carbohydrates

Wheat and barley contain a high percentage of beneficial elements. Eating grains helps restore intestinal microflora and normalize metabolism. Wheat and barley are especially useful for older people and young children. The grains contain a high percentage of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Sprouted grains of barley and wheat are very valuable. What barley is healthier or wheat?

Benefits of barley

The beneficial properties of barley have been known for a very long time. Barley is a source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. It contains a high percentage of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Barley grain protein is much healthier than wheat protein. It contains a large number of amino acids and is completely absorbed by the body.

Wheat contains a high percentage of fiber, which is beneficial for digestion. Foods high in fiber perfectly nourish the body and remove toxins. Barley grains contain a high percentage of potassium, iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, chromium and zinc. The high content of enzymes in grains has a positive effect on digestion. Barley contains B vitamins, as well as PP, E and A.

Barley contains a high percentage of essential amino acids and antibacterial elements that effectively cope with various bacteria and viruses. If you compare barley with wheat, it contains a relatively small percentage of starch. Barley grain has a high energy value.

Barley is used in folk medicine as a remedy for constipation. With its help you can get rid of extra pounds. However, in this case, it is best to make decoctions from barley. Barley has a positive effect on the body in diseases of the intestines, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It effectively reduces cholesterol and sugar levels. It is not advisable to eat barley if you have bloating or gastrointestinal problems.

Why is wheat valuable?

Wheat contains a high percentage of fiber, a high content of pectin, fructose and B vitamins. Wheat grains are rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins PP, E and F. Wheat has a lower percentage of carbohydrates than barley. Millet contains microelements such as iron, iodine, tin, phosphorus and silicon. The high content of essential amino acids makes wheat beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

Eating wheat germ is good for metabolism and digestion. Wheat effectively cleanses the body of toxins and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Very often, wheat grains are used for weight loss, as they are rich in fiber. In folk medicine, a decoction of wheat grains is very popular.

Barley and wheat are good for the body. These grains contain a lot of useful elements. By consuming grains, you can normalize your metabolism and solve the problem of excess weight. Wheat and barley grains are rich in B vitamins, which makes them beneficial for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Also, grains contain a lot of microelements that are needed for the normal functioning of the body.

One of the oldest cereal crops is barley. This agricultural plant was cultivated by humans more than a hundred years ago. Barley groats are a source of health, beauty and youth, as they are rich in substances necessary for the human body. Barley (cereal) is widely used in the food and brewing industries, it is used as a medicinal product, it is fed to animals, and it is used for technical purposes.

History of the origin of culture

The barley plant was cultivated in China more than 10 thousand years ago. Later, the remains of this cereal crop were found in Egypt, from where they came to the territory of the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. Today, uncultivated barley (cereal) grows over vast areas. The plant is distributed throughout Tibet all the way to North Africa.

The ancient inhabitants of Palestine began to eat grain, and already during the Middle Ages in Europe, peasants began to eat barley bread. By the beginning of the 19th century, this grain crop was replaced by potatoes. Barley was brought to Russia from Asia, penetrated into the territory of Siberia and began to be cultivated in the Caucasus.

For residents of high mountainous regions and the north, this plant is still a sought-after product. This is due to the fact that barley is a grain crop that is resistant to cold climates, so it is easier to cultivate than wheat or rye. Cereals are used not only in production bakery products, but also as feed in livestock and poultry farming.

Description of the species

Barley is a grain crop that can grow both wild and cultivated for food purposes. This cereal belongs to the genus Hordeum and has more than 40 varieties. The crop is classified according to the number of fruiting spikelets, its density, and the filminess of the grain, among which are the following types:

  • The very first cultivated species, wild two-row barley (Hordeum distichon), was discovered during excavations in Ancient Asia about 7 thousand years BC. On the ledge of the rod there are two sterile lateral spikelets and the middle one is fertile. The representative of the species has two subspecies: with spikelet lateral scales and with flowering ones.

  • During the birth of agriculture in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 2 millennia ago, multi-row barley (Hordeum vulgare) began to be cultivated. All three spikelets located on the stem segment are fertile. Depending on the density of the spikelet this type has the following subtypes: six-row correct form, resembling a dense and at the same time short hexagon, and an irregular six-row, in which the spikelets located on the sides overlap each other, forming a quadrangle. Multi-row barley is a plant popular in our latitudes; it ripens quickly and is resistant to arid climates and is not picky about the choice of soil.

Currently, agricultural producers prefer two-row or ordinary barley, whose origins go back to Central Asia.

Two-row (ordinary) barley: description of the variety

This representative of the genus (Hordeum intermedium) is an annual herbaceous plant of spring and winter forms. Has a large number of varieties. The grass can reach a height of one meter. The straw has a bare, straight shape, from which long fan-shaped or straight awns radiate - three-horned, blade-shaped appendages.

A barley ear can have either awnless or furcated ears, and be yellow, brown or linear black in color. Three spikelets are formed on the ledge of the stem; the middle spikelet is bisexual and single-flowered. The lateral spikelets are glumes. The grains can be naked or in film. The main regions of growth and cultivation of the crop are Central Asia and Europe.

Varietal diversity and their characteristics

Barley varieties include annual, biennial and perennial grasses. They are distinguished by quality characteristics, timing of planting and ripening, yield. But before planting the crop, you need to know the characteristics of the cereal, because barley can be winter, which is the most popular, and spring.

Winter barley gives more yield, is not picky about the choice of soil, and is not characterized by fuses. But, nevertheless, this crop does not tolerate frosts well, therefore it needs certain measures to preserve the crops in winter period.

Mainly used for the production of barley and pearl barley. This is an early ripening crop, resistant to pests, and has more than 70 varieties, which are cultivated in different climatic zones.

Varieties of spring barley

Most regions of the world cultivate two-row. Among the spring varieties of this species, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Viscount is a feed grain that is widely used in the brewing industry. The barley ear has a smooth and hollow stem, the grain is quite large, its weight can reach 0.05 grams, and contains up to 13% protein. The ripening period and quality of grain directly depends on climatic conditions. Harvesting is carried out on the 127th day from the moment of sowing, or earlier - on 73. Up to 70 centners of crop are harvested from one hectare.
  • Vakula is a grain variety of spring barley, resistant to climate change and soil. The grain weight can reach 0.06 grams with abundant watering. This is a high-yielding variety; up to 90 centners of grain are harvested from one hectare, which has low filminess and practically no protein. But it should be remembered that the yield may decrease if the crops are thickened.

  • Other varieties of spring barley are: Zeus, Adapt, Marni, Lofant, Donetsk 4 and others.

Winter barley varieties

The cereal grows in any region and on any soil. Sowing time is September.

  • Decent is a winter barley variety whose ripening period is 273 days. The cereal reaches a height of about 86 cm, the grain weighs up to 0.04 grams, contains 12.6% protein and 61% starch. The average yield reaches 60 centners per hectare. The variety is winter-hardy, tolerates drought well and is not susceptible to shedding.
  • Other varieties of winter barley are: “Cinderella”, Fantast, Morozko, Aborigene, Kovcheg and others.

High-yielding varieties

With its variety of varieties, barley (cereal) allows you to choose the type that will bear maximum fruit and bring a high yield in the selected region.

One of these is the Azov variety. The cereal is widespread throughout Russia, mainly in the middle zone and southern region countries. Its peculiarity is that it adapts well to unenriched soils, exhibits high vitality, is not susceptible to fungal infections, and is frost-resistant. The barley sowing rate per hectare reaches 65% of the total harvest. The crop is grown as fodder and is also used as food raw material. The grain weight is 60 grams per 1000 pieces.

Helios barley is characterized by high grain germination and excellent quality. The ripening period lasts about three months. The culture is unpretentious to the soil. Up to 88 centners of crop are harvested from 1 hectare with a seeding rate of 3.5 million grains.

One of the productive and highly germinating varieties is the Mamluk variety. Growing barley in compliance with agrotechnical requirements will allow you to harvest up to 72% of the harvest with a seeding rate of 4.3 million seeds. Due to its high yield, the variety is popular in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. The cereal tolerates short dry periods well. The variety is early ripening, so it is recommended to respect the harvest time. The culture is resistant to various fungal infections, such as fusarium and rust. Grain is used to produce cereals.

What types of beer are made from?

For brewing, those varieties of barley are used that are preferable for self-cultivation, and not in industrial quantities. This allows you to get a healthier cereal, enriched with the maximum amount of nutrients. These varieties include: Ronnie, Sunshine, Gladis, Quench, Corserto, Scarlett and others.

As written above, the most popular and cultivated species is two-row barley, which comes in two forms: spring and winter. This grain crop has excellent qualities, which has earned it confidence all over the world. Despite the fact that the cereal tolerates well low temperatures and is resistant to drought, however, the plant requires regular nutrition and additional moisture. Under these conditions, during the ripening period, barley can withstand 45 o C heat.

The culture grows on any soil, even acidic. But, the preferred soil is loamy soils and chernozems. It is recommended to plow the soil deeply before sowing, despite the fact that the plant gets along well with weeds. The technology for cultivating barley requires the presence of sunlight and preferably heat, but not heat.

Agricultural technicians use intensive technology for cultivating barley, in which the crop is not planted in the same place for more than three years. It is recommended to observe crop rotation, using crops such as potatoes, green manure, legumes, wheat, chickpeas, and rapeseed as predecessors. It should be noted that if the grain is used as livestock feed, then the precursor may be a legume crop, which is not acceptable for a crop that will be used in the production of beer.

Sowing barley directly depends on the variety, climatic conditions and soil. Despite the fact that in most cases the culture is not picky and adapts well to environmental conditions, the most productive and stable varieties are those that grow mainly in the northern region of the country.

Barley is sown in the first half of spring in the fields, as soon as the equipment can drive into the field. Mechanized equipment allows you to sow grain using grain seeders, the row spacing of which is 15 cm. At home, sowing grain is done manually. The timing of sowing winter barley seeds is September-October, depending on the region where they will be cultivated.

Before sowing, the soil is prepared in advance, subjected to deep plowing and cultivation to avoid weeds, enriched with organic fertilizers and harrowed. Poor soils are pre-impregnated with phosphorus-potassium solution in a ratio of 45 kg per hectare of arable land. The seed material is large grain with high germination. The seeds are pre-treated with fungicides and stimulants for rapid growth.

At a temperature of +1 o C, active growth of crops begins. The peak of ripening occurs at a temperature of +21 o C. During flowering and during the formation of a barley ear, the plant becomes vulnerable to climate changes, but is able to more or less favorably tolerate light frosts down to -7 o C.

Barley does not require watering. Irrigation is used mainly in arid areas to increase yields. Moderate watering increases grain germination by 47% and involves carrying out irrigation activities no more than 2 times during the entire growing season. Barley grain should not be wet during the harvest period; no more than 20% moisture is allowed.

Barley is harvested by mowing in two stages: before flowering on the 55th day from sowing and during the flowering period. The grain is first placed in the headers, then dried, threshed and poured into granaries, after which it is exported to its destination.

Use in the food industry

Barley (cereal) is an excellent raw material for the production of cereals and flour. Pearl barley and barley must be present in a nutritious diet. Pearl barley is a whole grain that has been pre-cleaned and polished, and resembles pearls in shape and color. During the production process, the grain is freed from the film and crushed. Since the manufacturing technology does not involve grinding, the grain retains more useful substances, including fiber, which is superior to pearl barley. As for flour, it is not used in its pure form; it is mixed with wheat or rye flour in an amount of no more than 25%.

Barley is used in the production of coffee, or rather, its surrogate. The culture is used as a raw material in the brewing industry. In the Neolithic era, a drink made from this cereal was considered divine; later, beer began to be used for mutual settlements, that is, it was elevated to the rank Money.

Barley grain is rich in complete proteins and contains starch, making it an excellent dietary supplement for raising livestock. In our country, the sowing rate for barley for this purpose is 70% of the total harvest. For fattening animals, unrefined grains are used, which contain 12% protein, 5.5% fiber, up to 5% fat and ash, and about 65% nitrogen-free extractives. In addition to grain, barley straw is added to the diet of animals, since it is superior to other crops in biological indicators.

A coffee drink is made from barley and rye. useful product, recommended by nutritionists for people suffering from high blood pressure. is indispensable for healthy nutrition. When used, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves, weight is normalized, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is restored, blood pressure and insulin levels in the blood are normalized, and the immune system is strengthened.

Barley-rye coffee tastes similar to cappuccino. When preparing it, milk, cane sugar or honey are used. The product is available for sale completely ready for use. This is a ready-made mixture of such popular brands as “Old Mill”, “Around the World”, “Stoletov”.

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