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Business plan for a marriage agency. How to open a marriage agency

Nowadays, being in the marriage business is considered a kind of prestigious and elite sphere. In addition to their high status, such enterprises generate quite a lot of income, which makes you think about the possibility of development own business in this direction.

What is high demand for marriage agency services? Nowadays, most young people start dating on the Internet, and finding their soulmate outside the virtual world causes difficulties. And representatives of the older generation, who devote all their energy to their careers and everyday worries, often do not have time to spend it on dating. It is precisely these categories of clients that marriage agencies are focused on, whose mission is to help people find their life partners. And, of course, get some profit from this.

How to open your own marriage agency:

1. Tax registration and state registration

Any entrepreneurial activity necessarily requires state registration. Marriage agencies are also subject to this procedure. Fortunately, this line of business does not require obtaining a license, so registering the enterprise as a private entrepreneur (FL-P) will be sufficient. Taxation of a marriage agency occurs according to a standard unified system.

2. Market analysis

Market analysis is the first thing a new entrepreneur should work on. This applies to absolutely any type of business, marriage agencies are no exception. Market research in the chosen direction and region will allow you to obtain information about the presence of competitors, their activities, pricing policy. All this will serve as the basis for organizing your own business, taking into account its characteristics.

3. Premises. Selection and design.

To receive clients and conduct interviews with them, the agency requires an office. A small rented apartment is perfect as an office. There is no need to talk about such a need as a decent renovation and interior design in a pre-thought-out style. The entrance to the office should also be decorated in the chosen style. And the use of photographs and reviews from previous clients in design will become excellent recommendation for a company that is noticeable after the first visit.

It is recommended to locate the agency in the city center or other place with high traffic. And the office must not only be properly furnished, but also have all the equipment necessary for work: computers, scanners, fax and printer. Separately, it should be noted the need for constant access to the Internet.

4. What services do you offer?

Of course, the profitability of a marriage agency directly depends on the range of services that it is ready to provide to the client. But you don't have to provide everything available types services at the initial stages of company development. You can start with a small selection of standard offerings and expand the range of services as your company grows. The main services of a marriage agency are:

Providing information about brides and grooms in printed or electronic form;

Periodic replenishment of the client register with subsequent placement of questionnaires both in your agency and in agencies associated with your cooperation;

Meeting clients, organizing dates, honeymoons;

Partnership with foreign companies, searching for candidates for clients in their databases;

An agreement with a professional photographer, a makeup artist, the services of a lawyer and a translation specialist.

5. The principle of the agency's work

The main job of a marriage agency is to process a database into which information about future clients wishing to meet is entered. As a rule, a database of male profiles is first formed. To create it, it is recommended to establish connections with foreign enterprises this area, but it is entirely possible to create it yourself within your company. However, contacts with partners will in any case bring considerable benefits to your business.

If you are planning to create your own database “from scratch,” then using social networks or other Internet resources. When your agency partners with another, profits are typically split equally among all participating agencies. It is also important that your company is of interest to potential partner agencies. This will require the creation of a website on which information about your company will be posted and updated. And creating a web page with a user language selection will make it easier for you to find clients abroad.

Creating a database of potential brides and grooms also requires a special approach. For quality work of the agency, especially at first, the selection must be carried out very carefully. The attractiveness of your first clients will shape the reputation of your company. Subsequently, when the database is filled with several thousand profiles, the recruitment rules can be simplified. It is also very important to remember that in any marriage agency the number of women’s profiles is much greater than men’s.

6. How much will it cost to open such a business?

If you decide to open your own marriage agency, you will need certain financial expenses on state registration, rent suitable premises, office decoration, acquisition of technical equipment. Creating a website will require some financial costs. Minimum amount starting investments is about $2000.

In addition to the first investment, you also need to take into account monthly costs:

  • office rental fee
  • tax payments
  • site content
  • payment cellular communications(including international),
  • office equipment maintenance
  • communal payments

It will cost about $590 per month.

7. Profitability of the enterprise

The main income for marriage agencies comes from the so-called “honeymoons”, paid for by foreign clients. On average, a groom from another country is willing to pay 2.5-4.5 thousand dollars for one such trip. However, at first, until the agency has established connections with foreign companies, you will have income mainly from organizing correspondence with clients, their meetings and acquaintances. In addition, some of the profit will come from the services of a photographer and makeup artist for photographing for the catalog and directly posting photos on the site.

If your agency belongs to the club category, then profit generation occurs according to a different scheme. The services of such firms are paid exclusively by male clients in the form of a subscription fee and additional payment information about the girl the client is interested in.

8. How quickly will it pay for itself?

The return on investment in the development of a marriage agency directly depends on its scale and client database. An important factor is its placement - profit in more developed cities higher. The average payback period will be about 1-2 years.

If you want to connect single people and make money from it, then the only question arises - how to open a marriage agency from scratch? We’ll tell you where to start in this case and how to organize this type of business in the safest and most correct way.

Increasingly, men and women are turning to services where they can find a life partner without wasting time. At the same time, he will be tested, reliable, have certain qualities and best suit the psychological parameters. It's quite convenient and doesn't require extra costs time. Therefore, a marriage agency is a profitable and successful investment.

Your business format

Experienced entrepreneurs note the promise of this idea. To start, it is enough to have a small capital and a minimum staff, and profitability never falls below 20%.

First you need to decide in what format you will work:

  • only within your state;
  • cooperate with foreign agencies and select grooms abroad;
  • combine two options with each other.

In large cities the level of competition is quite high. But in addition to serious projects, there are also various scammers. To reach a solid level, you will need to create for yourself good reputation and carry out high-quality organizational work.

Also, think in advance who will pay for the services - both parties or only men. The most popular format for marriage agencies today is a combination of searching for partners within the state and outside it, as well as payment from only the man.

Nuances of work

The most promising thing for business is the opportunity to introduce women to foreigners. To do this you will need to do some preliminary work:

  1. Conclude an agreement with marriage agencies in certain countries (Europe, Africa, America, Asia). In this case, you will cooperate with them and provide a database of brides, and you yourself will use a ready-made list of grooms, or vice versa.
  2. Find suitable and proven clients for your part. To conclude such cooperation, it will be necessary to find at least 100 potential brides.
  3. Prepare high-quality portfolios to show off your applicants the best side. At the same time, it would be useful to draw up competent questionnaires, conduct psychological tests and take beautiful photographs.

Where to start searching for those interested? Create a website on the Internet, place advertisements in the media and inform your friends about new opportunities. To attract more clients, offer additional services, such as courses foreign language, consultations with a psychologist, training in communication rules, conducting trainings personal growth etc.

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To open a marriage agency you will need:

  • application for the creation of a company or individual entrepreneur;
  • a copy of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • certificate issued in tax service about registration;
  • receipt of payment of license fees;
  • constituent documents of the company and their copies;
  • premises rental agreement or confirmation of ownership rights;
  • conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station and fire inspection on the compliance of the cabinet with the standards.

To provide marriage services, you need special permission to carry out this type of work. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, it is enough to choose a simplified taxation system in order to contribute a certain percentage of income monthly (6% of total turnover or 15% of net profit).


You can create your own marriage agency at home. This will significantly save start-up costs, but in this case it will be difficult to gain the trust of clients by meeting them only in different cafes. To give credibility and enhance the reputation of the company, it is better to acquire a small office.

Try to find a building in the city center, with a separate entrance. Office sizes can be within 20 square meters. m. Pay special attention to the interior. Soft lighting, pleasant pastel colors, comfortable furniture, a relaxing, confidential atmosphere, the opportunity to talk in private - all this contributes to the maximum disclosure of a person and a pleasant impression of your activity.

Clients should be able to sit on sofas over a cup of coffee and review the profiles of potential grooms or brides in a relaxed atmosphere. It is advisable to organize a separate small room for conversations with a psychologist.

Each employee should have their own workplace. To do this, purchase tables and chairs and provide good lighting. It is very important these days to acquire equipment - a PC or laptop with Internet access. Copying and scanning equipment will help you easily collect the necessary documentation.

Pay special attention to the presence of a safe. In it you will store not only money, but also company documents, as well as all the personal files of your clients, so that their data remains confidential in any case.


It is very important who exactly will work with visitors. It is recommended to hire at least one psychologist who will write tests and be able to assess the compatibility of certain couples, advise on exciting topics and help overcome shyness if necessary.

To correspond with foreign partners, you need a philologist or a competent translator who will compose letters and help clients communicate with each other. In order to create a portfolio for each bride and groom, a professional photographer and makeup artist will be required. They do not have to be hired on a permanent basis; you can simply enter into an agreement to provide paid services as needed.

News financial statements and both the owner of the company and a hired accountant can submit the required documentation to the tax service. To work with the Internet, create and promote a website, and organize video chats, you need an appropriate specialist. Upon provision additional services You should also hire experienced employees for each individual area of ​​work.


When opening your own agency from scratch, you will need to draw up a competent business plan and calculate all the expected costs. Here are the averages.

Besides starting capital, you need to pay various bills every month.


In order to fully assess the return on investment of a business and understand whether it is profitable to engage in it, you should also calculate the expected profit from your activities. The exact numbers will depend on the set prices for services, as well as the number of clients.

What are you getting paid for?

Cost, in rub.
1 Registration in the database and on the website 6 000
2 Providing complete information about brides and grooms 300 000
3 Organization of tours, trips and meetings 60 000
4 Sending letters 200
5 Video chat 200
6 Contact details of the selected person 900
Total: 367 300

And that's just the amount one person can pay. The total profit will be calculated based on the number of clients and their wishes. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 20-40%. You can achieve full payback in 8-9 months. But other factors will also influence this moment - a small city provides less opportunity to fill the database, and a large city will have too many competitors.

If you want to create successful business and without going into details of how to organize everything correctly, you can find foreign offers by franchise. Such a project involves a ready-made program of action; you will only need to pay the entrance fee and pay monthly or annual contributions to the owner.

Security questions

It is also necessary to remember that this type business is associated with certain risks. There are many clients, both men and women, who take advantage of the gullibility of others. This is why it is so important to verify each person entered into the database.

Experienced businessmen advise organizing your work as follows:

  1. Maintain a clear document flow, where there are customer signatures, do not throw away checks and receipts.
  2. Make photocopies of your passport details and store them in a safe place.
  3. Maintain confidentiality.
  4. Require personal completion of all questionnaires and forms manually.
  5. Warn your clients about possible risks and scammers so that they are vigilant and careful.
  6. Keep a list of unreliable people, and also exchange “black” lists with other colleagues both abroad and within our state.

Video: how to open a marriage agency, where to start?

Making people happy and getting money for it is quite possible: that’s what marriage agencies were invented for. The marriage agency is one of the most profitable types business, since the need for love and creating a family will always be relevant. Entering this business does not require large financial expenses, but it presupposes the desire and ability to successfully interact with people - after all, in this business you will have to make money on such a delicate subject as feelings.

How to open a marriage agency from scratch

People who are looking for options for starting their own business and considering this type of entrepreneurship are wondering how to open a marriage agency from scratch.

First you need to decide in which market you will work. You can successfully create marriage unions within your own country, or you can go to the national and international market. To reach the international level, you will need a good knowledge of English and cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that can provide you with a base of potential clients, mainly men, interested in foreign wives. Another option is to build your own customer base from scratch, but this will require time and advertising costs.

If the scale of your city is enough for you, then you can limit yourself to its borders. But it is more promising to do this business throughout the country and even around the world, especially since it is enough to have an office in one point. Almost all customer service can be done online.

Most agencies only accept cash contributions from males, but this does not oblige you to work under the same rules.

How to open your own marriage agency and make money from it

A marriage agency does not require large expenses, but there will still be expenses. Except start-up costs For registration of individual entrepreneurs, rent of premises and salaries of employees, you will have to spend money on advertising. It is very important that people know about you. It is also important to create a good reputation for your business.

Be sure to analyze competitors, their methods of work, promotion and database collection. If your city has a solvent population and there are no marriage agencies yet, most likely, the start will not be difficult. In this case, you will only have to compete with free dating sites. But there are many frivolous users on these sites: people who are truly interested in starting a family are more likely to go to a marriage agency with a serious selection of candidates. Your task is to make yourself known to potential clients, and then to create a reliable reputation. At first, it is important to invest in advertising and quickly build a customer base.

If there are competitors (and most likely there are), you need to carefully analyze their offers so that your agency is competitive. Read more about this in 2020.

How to open a marriage agency in a small town

IN small town starting, on the one hand, is easier and cheaper, on the other, the potential profit is also less, since the list of clients will be limited to single residents of this city. It is important that the prices in such an agency are not too high for potential clients. In the absence of competitors, a good marriage agency in a small town will be able to quickly gain a reputation and pass the break-even point.

How to open a small marriage agency: choosing a place for an office

An aspiring entrepreneur can make appointments with clients in a cafe or other neutral territory, but in order to establish his agency and gain the trust and favor of clients, he must have his own office.

It is best to rent a small office from 20 sq. m. in a business center, renting such an office will cost 15-20 thousand rubles per month in the province. In megacities, prices will be higher. You may have to spend about 70 thousand on cosmetic repairs or the purchase of additional furniture.

The office environment should be as cozy and comfortable as possible for confidential conversations, so that the client can relax, drink a cup of tea and tell you about his personal life and preferences.

What you need to know when opening a marriage agency

If you decide to open a marriage agency, take into account the non-obvious features of the business. In addition to tempting financial prospects, marriage agencies have another side to the coin. There may be scammers among applicants and clients. If you want to maintain the reputation of your agency, then you need to carefully select candidates. Serious marriage agencies conduct interviews (in person or via Skype/messengers) and also have psychologists on staff. Even if you don’t have a lot of start-up capital and you can’t afford to hire staff right away, immediately pay special attention to selection. It is better to have fewer clients, but be confident in them.

Be sure to ask your clients for passport information. Never start working with a person until he provides you with a passport. In addition to checking your passport, exchange black lists of candidates with your “colleagues” (other agencies). Don't forget that people give you personal information about themselves, folders with this information should be kept in a safe. Also, do not lose your attention to the income book.

The primary task when opening a marriage agency is to collect a client base. For an agency to be profitable, you need to find at least 50-100 paying clients.

The real story of creating a marriage agency

Nadezhda Belova - former owner marriage business talks about his experience of creating a marriage agency in this video.

How do marriage agencies work?

Let's imagine that you already have a marriage agency. What operating mechanism will your agency have?

Let's write it down in order:

  1. You advertise to potential clients they found out about you.
  2. Men and women who want to get married come to you for an initial consultation.
  3. You communicate with the client, enter his data into your database and determine what type of partner he needs. You can combine an oral conversation with various written test tasks to determine a person’s psychotype.
  4. Then you look at the database of people of the opposite sex, select a suitable match and make an appointment. If your agency operates internationally, then your client may need an interpreter on a date.
  5. If the date was successful, congratulations, you have created your first couple. If not, then you continue to work with the client, analyzing past mistakes, discussing nuances and offering new candidates.

In the process, you will develop your own methodology and your own approach to clients. At first, we would advise you to make your first consultations free to increase the flow of clients.

We draw up a financial plan for a marriage agency

As we already said at the beginning of the article, marriage agencies do not require fabulous investments. However, to open an agency at the proper level, you will need certain financial costs.

How much money do you need to open a marriage agency?

Business registration, office furniture, office redecoration will cost you 200 thousand rubles or more.

In addition to capital expenses, you need to take into account monthly:

Rent of premises – from 20 thousand.

Employee salaries are 50 – 70 thousand or more.

Be prepared to immediately spend about 300-400 thousand rubles on your business. If you are planning major project, the costs will be much higher.

How much can you earn by opening a marriage agency?

Let's figure out what services you will charge clients for.

First, all clients (or just men) pay to have their profile posted in your database.

Secondly, you can also charge a fee for selecting a candidate and arranging dates. What amount and in what format to take for this is up to you. You can charge money for each organized meeting, or introduce a subscription system.

It’s difficult to say how much you can earn by opening a marriage agency, because... it depends on a large number of factors. Let's calculate the approximate amount based on average figures.

Let's assume that your customer base is 50 people. A monthly subscription costs 5 thousand rubles at your agency. The total revenue is 250 thousand rubles. This is the amount of your income per month, not counting money for additional services. These include translation services, transfers, interest for cooperation with restaurants and hotels, etc.

Even a small agency can earn about 300-400 thousand rubles per month.

How to prepare documents for opening a marriage agency

Before you start your business, you need to collect a number of documents to obtain a registration certificate and register as an individual entrepreneur.

Let's figure out what documents are needed to open a marriage agency.

To open a marriage agency you will need:

  1. Application for issuance of a registration certificate
  2. Copies constituent documents
  3. Copy of the passport individual entrepreneur
  4. Certificate of registration in tax authorities
  5. Documents for the right to use the premises (for example, a lease agreement)
  6. Agreement with firefighters and a copy of a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service
  7. Receipt for payment of the license fee

In addition, you will need to register with Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund and transfer contributions there.

If you do not want to deal with bureaucratic issues yourself, it is possible to hire a specialist.

Tax system

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Open a marriage agency it's not a difficult matter. With minimal initial costs, it will quickly begin to generate income. First of all, of course, you need to focus on finding brides from Russia for foreign grooms.

This option is still relevant and therefore always brings profit. But we shouldn’t forget about Russian suitors either, quite a few successful men due to work pressure or other reasons, they have not yet found their soul mate.

Types of marriage agencies

There are several types of marriage agencies:

  1. Paid marriage agencies. They charge for all their services here.
  2. Free marriage agencies. All services of such agencies are free for clients. But men will have to pay for access to the database.
  3. Meeting agencies. They provide services to single people who want to make a romantic acquaintance.

Marriage agency services

It is your right to decide what services your agency will provide, but a traditional marriage agency offers the following types services:

  • access to the database of grooms;
  • provision of a printed men's catalogue;
  • posting client profiles on your website;
  • placement of client profiles in databases of partner agencies;
  • services for receiving and sending emails;
  • reception and accompaniment of arriving grooms;
  • organizing evening meetings with grooms;
  • organization of marriage tours for foreigners;
  • searching for brides for foreign marriage agencies;
  • services of a photographer, psychologist, translator, lawyer.

Marriage agency income

Income is generated from various sources:
I . If agencies provide their clients paid services, then they charge:

  • for entry into the database;
  • for access to the database of men's profiles;
  • for posting client profiles on the Internet;
  • for e-mail services;
  • for the services of a photographer, translator, lawyer;
  • for services in organizing meetings with grooms, etc.

II . Agencies that make money from fees for grooms' services
These agencies are completely free for women and charge grooms for:

  • providing clients' addresses;
  • sending flowers and gifts to clients;
  • possibility of correspondence with clients;
  • Additional services;
  • search for girls on orders from Western marriage agencies.

III . Agencies that combine both options provide the full range of these services.

The cost of services largely depends on the region in which you decide open a marriage agency. Therefore, before starting work, you need to conduct marketing research in your region. Look through what the Internet offers, visit other marriage agencies under the guise of a client. At the same time, take a closer look at what you can borrow from their work and what it is better to refuse. Keep in mind that both prices that are too low and prices that are too high discourage customers. Even worse, if prices are reduced, this is a signal to clients that the agency is not doing well.

Additional income for marriage agencies

Having an established database, it would be nice to take advantage of this to have additional income.

  1. Advertising wedding salons and beauty salons, both in the office and on the website.
  2. Partnerships with travel agencies.
  3. Paid seminars on the topic “How to marry a foreigner.”
  4. Percentage of referrals of clients to specialists (psychologist, photographer, stylist).

Marriage agency expenses

Typically, the costs of a marriage agency are:

  • rent;
  • employee salaries;
  • advertising;
  • Internet access;
  • subscription fee for access and updating the database of male profiles;
  • support of your website;
  • utility bills and telephone;
  • office equipment maintenance.

Where to begin

  1. Carrying out marketing research. You need to determine how many people need your services, and which ones. To do this, look through the dating pages in local newspapers and on websites in your city. Visit other agencies (if they exist).
  2. Registration. You are starting a business related to serious changes in people’s lives, so it is better to formalize everything right away and understand what rights and responsibilities the law imposes on you.
  3. Accounting and bookkeeping. Be sure to keep all the required accounting, firstly, for reporting, and secondly, the receipt is your insurance, because it is unknown how the relationship with the client may develop in the future. Often people blame others for their failures, so let the client sign the Account Book, and be sure to write him a receipt.

Organization of a marriage agency

  1. Office required. Preferably in the city center and on the first floor.
  2. Furniture. It’s better not a classic office one, but one that helps create a homely, cozy atmosphere in the room.
  3. Office equipment. You will need a computer, printer, scanner, copier, as well as a telephone and fax.
  4. Access to . Internet and email required condition existence of a modern agency.
  5. Questionnaires. By the time a marriage agency is opened, there should already be a sufficient database of male profiles. There are special sites on the Internet for this. Make sure your database is constantly updated and expanded.


Of course, at first you will probably be a director, an accountant, a consultant, and an advertising agent. All other specialists can be invited to work under a contract, for several hours a day or week, or on the terms of partnership agreements, these are:

  • accountant;
  • computer scientist;
  • secretary-consultant;
  • translator;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • international lawyer.

Search for clients

First of all, you need to advertise wherever possible, for example, in city newspapers and magazines. Any options will do here.

  1. Paid article about what useful work your Marriage Agency, making people happy.
  2. Simple advertisements, for example, a marriage agency offering such and such services.
  3. First-person announcements – Willie from Nevada, owner of an auto repair shop, is looking for a wife. And give the phone number of your agency. Only this Willie’s profile must be in the catalog that you offer to your clients.

A client came to the marriage agency

First of all, you need to have a conversation. It should resemble a conversation between a psychologist and a patient. That is, listen to her carefully, show sympathy, and inspire trust. Determine her chances for a successful outcome of the case and tell her honestly about them, so that later there will be no complaints against you. It’s better to lose an unpromising client right away than to later wash away her opinion of your agency.

Chances of getting married

1 Age 18-20 25
21-30 30
31-35 20
36-40 5
41-45 -10
2 Figure(difference height minus weight) 11kg. and more 25
6-10 15
0-5 0
-5-0 -15
-6 or more -30
3 Face Beautiful 15
Cute 10
Ordinary 5
Ugly -50
4 Hair length Very long (below the shoulder blades) 20
Long (below shoulders) 15
Medium (shoulder-length) 0
Short (ears open) -20
5 Children under 18 years old Without children 10
One child 0
Two or more -20

The amount of interest accumulated is the woman’s approximate chance of finding a family with the help of a marriage agency. That is, young, slender, long-haired, attractive women without children have the greatest chance of getting married.

Introduce the client to the database of male profiles. For her to choose your agency, the database must be large and easy to view.
Talk about the prospects, that by using the services of your agency, she will receive a family, prosperity, a comfortable life in a rich country and a secure old age.
After the client has decided to cooperate with the agency, familiarize her with the price list and invite her to fill out a form. Once you receive your payment, record it in your ledger and issue a receipt.

Form filling

A questionnaire is created for each new client. The paper version is filled out by the client herself; her signature and date must be there. Your job is to check the application form with your passport and attach photographs of the client to it.

Traditional questionnaire items

1. Name
2. Middle name
3.Last name
4. Age
5. Date of birth
6. Height
7. Weight
8. Hair color
9. Eye color
10. Education
11. Profession
12. What do you do?
13. Marital status and whether you were married
14. Children: presence and age
15. Religion
16. Do you smoke?
17. Knowledge of foreign languages
18. Interests, hobbies
19. Basic character traits
20. Requirements for a partner
21. Coordinates: address, phone, email, fax (if available)

Completed questionnaires are entered into electronic database marriage agency data, as well as scanned photographs, and are posted on the agency’s website. When working with foreigners, questionnaires must be translated into another language.


Not a single piece of information about your clients should leave the boundaries of your agency. This is an essential part of your concern for prosperity and image.


Help the client write the first letter to the person whose profile she chose. You can give her a guide on how to do this and invite her to write it at home in a calm environment.
The written letter will need to be translated into the subscriber’s language and sent by e-mail. After receiving a response to this letter, call the client and inform her of receipt. A printed and translated letter can be sent in a branded envelope to support your image.


Quite often, the photographs of clients that they bring themselves do not meet the requirements. Therefore, until you get your own photographer, agree with some professional photographer that you will provide him with clients, and he will give you a percentage of the profits from them.