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Ethnic village how to get started. Features of existing museum-ethnographic complexes: Ethnoworld, Ethnic Village and others


"This is my village..."

On the topic: “Ethnography of the village”

Gulina Olga Nikolaevna, Kalenteva Yulia Aleksandrovna, Murzina Yulia Andreevna

11th grade students

MBOU "Chuvarlei Secondary School"


history and social studies teacher

MBOU "Chuvarlei Secondary School"

Puchkina Anna Vladimirovna

Address: Chechnya, Alatyr district, village. Chuvarley, st. Nikolaeva, 2.

Chuvarley 2013


Chapter I History of the village……………………………………………………….6

1.1.History of the emergence and development of the village………………………………….6

1.2. Memoirs of Lyubov Ivanovna Safroncheva………………...…8

1.3An outstanding personality in the history of the village. Koshelev Mikhail Timofeevich - Hero Soviet Union………………………………………………….9

Chapter II . Development of a modern village…………………………………..11

2.1.The nature of our village…………………………………………………………...11


2.3.Social sphere, modern village (MBOU "Chuvarlei Secondary School, kindergarten"Bell", rural cultural center,"Chuvarley anti-tuberculosis sanatorium")………………………………….…13


List of references……………………………………………………….…19



What does “My Motherland” mean? –

You ask. I will answer:

First the path is earth

Runs towards you.

Then the garden will beckon you

Each fragrant branch...

Then the wheat fields

From edge to edge.

All this is your homeland,

Your native land.

The older and stronger you become,

The more in front of you

She's tempting ways

He will trustfully reveal.

(A. N. Polyakov)

Homeland. For every person this word has a certain meaning. For us, this is, first of all, our country, the village in which we were born and live. A little more time will pass and many events from the life of our village will be irretrievably lost, since there will be no people left who can tell us about the time in which they were born and lived. There are many villages on the map of our homeland, which we now know only from the memories of our grandparents; there is practically no information left about them except their names. Studying the history of one’s native land and one’s people is useful and instructive for a person. There is an ancient and wise proverb“He who does not know history will wander; he who does not know kinship will be in poverty.”

Currently, we can note an increased interest in studying the history of our native land. A small homeland gives a person much more than he is able to realize. Our small Motherland is the village of Chuvarley, which is especially dear to us. Motherland becomes even closer and dearer when you know its history. Getting to know the history of your native village allows you to better feel your native land.

Relevance: Radical changes taking place in all areas of life Russian society, force people to increase a certain interest in the history of their region. They want to know, to comprehend all the changes that are happening, the causes and consequences. In this regard, in last years They pay more attention to studying their region.

Target In this work, study the history of rural development in the past and present.

Research objectives:

1.Trace the history of the formation and development of the village.

2. Develop interest and respect for the history and culture of your area.

3. Fostering love for one’s native land.

Chronological and territorial scope of the study:from the period of formation of the village. Chuvarley until now. The territorial scope is limited to the village of Chuvarley.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, chapters, conclusion, notes and appendix.

Research methods: selection and search required material; conversations with former teachers, old-timers and heads of organizations; material analysis; summing up the results.

Scientific and practical significance. The materials from my research can be used in history lessons (national-regional component) to conduct extracurricular activities, in local history work.

Justification for choosing the topic.The title of the topic speaks for itself. We invite you to plunge into the past and look at the present of our village.

Degree of scientific development.There are few works on the history of the village that provide information about the formation and transformation of Chuvarli.

Object of studythe village itself, its educational institutions, organizations, and its residents stand up.

Chapter I History of the village.

  1. History of the emergence and development of the village

Fatherland, dear little side, how beautifully these words sound, evoking in people’s memory your village, your native bank of the river, from where you ran into the river.

Without knowledge of the past, there is no future. Every person loves the place where he was born. Our small Motherland is the village of Chuvarley, which is especially dear to us. Your native land becomes even closer and dearer when you know its history. Getting to know the history of your native village allows you to better feel your native land.

The village of Chuvarlei is located on the left bank of the Alatyr River along a sandy slope, gently descending in a south-eastern direction to the Alatyr floodplain. On the northwestern side, along the entire six kilometers of Chuvarley, there is a magnificent pine forest fenced off from the fields; on the southeastern side, between the village and the river, there are floodplain meadows and pastures - excellent feeding grounds for livestock.

Along the outskirts of the floodplain, at the foot of the slope, a chain of lakes stretches along the village - the remains of the old bed of the Alatyr River.

The origin of the name Chuvarli is associated with the Moksha - Mordovian words “shuvar” - sand and “ley” - ravine with a source (river). From the modified Mordovian word “shuvarley”, which means “sandy river”, the name Chuvarlei arose.

The village of Chuvarlei began at the Chuvarik river emerging from the forest and, constantly expanding, has now approached the village of Yalushevo.

There is a legend that the village was founded by people from the Tambov and Kursk districts.

Chuvarlei is one of the oldest settlements our area. It already existed in early XVII century and was part of the estate of the Alatyr Trinity Monastery. At that time, Chuvarlei was called differently. It had a double name - the village of Troitskaya (Podgornaya). After the village of Troitskaya (Podgornaya) left the monastery in 1764, the modern name Chuvarlei was finally assigned to it.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the residents of the village of Chuvarlei became appanage peasants, where they remained until 1861. In 1863, the village of Chuvarlei became part of the Alatyr volost.

The land of the Chuvarley peasants was infertile. An indication of the quality of the soil is found in the inventory of monastery lands in 1763 - 1764, where it is said: “the land is mediocre in terms of fertility.” In addition to arable farming, Chuvarlei peasants were engaged in crafts, waste trade, trade, preparing yarn for river fishing nets, which were sold to Astrakhan, and cooperage.

Due to the lack of land and poor fertility, its peasants were forced to engage in barge work. For example, from the collective agreement of Russian barge haulers with the shipowner on the delivery of a ship with cargo from Poretsky to Nizhny Novgorod in 1896, it is known that the artel included 6 people from Chuvarli. In 1746, in Chuvarley there were 328 male peasants, 204 dessiatines of arable land, and 40 dessiatines of hayfields.

During the Pugachev uprising, residents of Chuvarli took part in the destruction of state-owned distilleries in the villages of Ichiksy and Cemeteries. For the participation of the Chuvarlei people in the Pugachev uprising, in the destruction of distilleries, execution instruments were installed in Chuvarleyi to intimidate the population: gallows, wheels and verbs. In 1832, a church was built in Chuvarleyi at the expense of parishioners. The church parable was assigned 1.5 dessiatines of estate land and 33 dessiatines of arable and hayfields. In 1900, in the village of Chuvarley there were 225 households. A parochial school was opened in Chuvarlei in 188. In 1918, doctors of the Alatyr district A. A. Preobrazhensky, N. I. Suldin, M. F. Nogaevich turned to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture with a request to allocate a plot of 128.25 acres in a pine forest near the village of Chuvarlei for the construction of an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. The Alatyr branch of the league against tuberculosis received a response to permission to build a sanatorium, and the health department began to implement the task.

Funds were allocated for the construction of the sanatorium, Construction Materials and houses confiscated from landowners. An anti-tuberculosis sanatorium with 40 beds was opened in Chuvarleyi on May 1, 1919. The management of the sanatorium was entrusted to the doctor G.I. Terpsikhorov.

The collective farm in the village of Chuvarleyakh was created in 1930 and was called “Red Port”. In 1935-36 it was renamed the Stakhanovets collective farm. In 1957, the Stakhanovets collective farm merged with the Yalushevsky collective farm.

  1. Memoirs of Lyubov Ivanovna Safroncheva

During our research work we interviewed a native resident of our village, Lyubov Ivanovna Safroncheva, born in 1926. From her stories we learned a lot of interesting and new things about our native village. With great desire, she told us how the history of our village began. According to her stories, the first inhabitants were wandering monks who settled on the territory of the modern temple"Saint James" A little later, new residents began to move in. They all lived only on one side of the village. Gradually, the village began to grow and develop, the Church of St. James was built, and a parochial school was created with it. In 1918, the Chuvarley Anti-TB Sanatorium was built. In this sanatorium, Lyubov Ivanovna worked as a nurse and saved the lives of many wounded soldiers.

During the war there was a warehouse in the school military equipment, military units located here. Training sessions in this regard were held at the school for the blind. Also on the territory of the village there was a collective farm where she worked most of residents.

Obtaining this information made a great contribution to our research work.

  1. Outstanding personality in the history of the village

Koshelev Mikhail Timofeevich - Hero of the Soviet Union

The history of the development of our village is inextricably linked with the name Koshelev Mikhail Timofeevich - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Koshelev Mikhail Timofeevich was born in 1911 in the village of Chuvarley, Simbirsk province. Here he graduated from the parochial school. In 1926 he moved with his parents to Tashkent. Orphaned early, as a fifteen-year-old teenager he left for Central Asia, where he participated in the construction of the Turksib railway. In 1933 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1942 he was drafted into active army, having graduated from the regimental school with the rank of sergeant.

He fought in the infantry and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. By the fall of 1943, Guard Sergeant Koshelev was the commander of a section of the 310th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 110th Guards Rifle Division. He particularly distinguished himself in the battles on the Dnieper. On October 9, 1943, Guard Sergeant Koshelev with a group of soldiers burst from the rear into the village of Kutsevolovka (Onufrievsky district, Kirovograd region), threw grenades at the bunker, thereby opening the way for the unit. Having quietly approached the dugout, the guards captured the headquarters of a German military unit, capturing an officer with documents, and in the process destroyed several Nazis. Having handed over the prisoners to the command, Koshelev returned to his unit and, as part of a tank landing, took part in the assault on height 167.8. He used grenades to neutralize an enemy bunker that was hindering progress. He was wounded and shell-shocked. On the way to the medical battalion, already in our rear, we came across an enemy truck with ammunition. In a short battle he destroyed 4 soldiers and a vehicle. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 22, 1944, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism of the guard, Sergeant Mikhail Timofeevich Koshelev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 3904). Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Battle, and medals. After recovery in the hospital, he was demobilized due to injury. Returned to Tashkent. Worked at Tashkent railway. Died on March 13, 1979. He was buried in the Alley of Heroes of the Military Cemetery in Tashkent.

One of the streets in the village of Chuvarley is named after Koshelev.

Chapter II. Development of a modern village

2.1 The nature of our village

The village of Chuvarlei is located on the left bank of the Alatyr River along a sandy slope, gently descending in a south-easterly direction to the Alatyr floodplain. On the northwestern side, along the entire six kilometers of Chuvarley, there is a magnificent pine forest fenced off from the fields; on the southeastern side, between the village and the river, there are floodplain meadows and pastures - excellent feeding grounds for livestock.

Reservoirs and beaches

Lakes: A chain of lakes stretches along the village - the remains of the old bed of the Alatyr River

Rivers: Alatyr

favorable period for swimming:Between May and August


temperate continental

Flora and fauna

animals: Elk, bear, deer, wild boar, wolf, roe deer, beaver, otter, lynx, badger, marten, mink, fox, raccoon dog, ferret, squirrel, muskrat, hare

birds: Goose, goose, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, duck, partridge, shepherdess, sandpiper, quail, pigeon

vegetation: The tree stand includes pine, spruce, linden, ash, maple, oak


The main attraction is natural environment- forests, rivers and lakes with rich flora and fauna.
- The Chuvarley pine forest is a miracle, the amazing slenderness of the pines, the symmetry of their growth.
The pine forest is very beautiful. It is a real pleasure to relax there. Dry, saturated with the smell of pine needles, pine forest is the best cure for many diseases. That is why the republican children's anti-tuberculosis sanatorium "Chuvarleysky Bor" is located here, government agency health care "Chuvarley anti-tuberculosis sanatorium", children's health camp "Yantarny".
Chuvarleysky Bor occupies an area of ​​684 hectares, its length is 6 km 250 m. This is the only unique remnant of an ancient forest in Zasurye. It plays a water-protective and soil-protective role.
Based on Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 of July 17, 2000, Chuvarleysky Bor is a natural monument.
Source of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb. More than 170 years ago, a few kilometers from the village of Chuvarlei, in a dry ravine on Mount Kireeva, in a spring gushing from the ground, a revealed icon of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb was found. In 1932, a temple was built in the village and one of the chapels was consecrated in honor of these saints. After the revolution, the temple was destroyed and the source was forgotten. The common people began to call the source Icy. On August 6, 2009, with the blessing of Metropolitan Varnava, the source was consecrated by Father Andrei Savenkov. The fact that the source is holy is evidenced by two oak trees that grew from the same root, as well as the fact that in one of the found log houses two springs gush out at once. The source does not freeze even in severe frost.
An architectural monument in the village is the stone church of St. James, built by parishioners in 1832. There are three thrones in it.

The main one is in the name of the Holy Apostle James Alfeev, in honor of the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple and in the name of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb.
The church land is 1.5 dessiatines of manor land and 33 dessiatines of arable and hayfields.
Church and parish guardianship has existed since 1893. The parish consisted of a priest and a psalm-reader.
After the revolution, the government that came to power began a fight against religion, which resulted in the widespread closure and destruction of churches. The same fate befell our Church of St. James.
In 1930, the church ceased to function and the bells were removed. In 1938, a store was opened in the church building, then a bakery. In July 1972, the church burned, then remained in a dilapidated state for 22 years.
In 1994, restoration of the church building began with the help of parishioners. Since 1997 it has been an active church. On August 4, 1996, the church was consecrated by Metropolitan Varnava of Cheboksary and Chuvashia.

2.3 Social sphere, modern village

Chuvarlei Secondary School

In 1886, in the village of Chuvarley, near the church, a two-story wooden building was built, which housed a parish school. Children were accepted into school from the age of seven and educated for four years.

Along with school disciplines, the priest taught the Law of God and the Gospel.

The school had stove heating. In the classrooms there were tables and benches, icons and lamps hung. The students wrote on tablets; ink was made from soot and paint.

In 1927, the ShKM (Peasant Youth School) was opened with a seven-year education.

In 1940, the NSSH (junior secondary school) was opened. We only managed to graduate 1st grade. The Great Patriotic War began and the school again began to operate as a seven-year school. During the war, the school was a warehouse for military equipment of the military units located here. Training sessions in this regard were held at the school for the blind.

The first graduation took place in 1959 high school, which is still in operation today.

On April 22, 2002, the school was transformed into the municipal educational institution "Chuvarlei Secondary School"

From 2005 - 2006 school year- basic school of the district for specialized training. The main profile is information technology.

In 2011 - a municipal budgetary institution.

Kindergarten "Bell"

Municipal preschool educational institution“The Chuvarley kindergarten “Bell” has been operating since 1971.

Head – Shibleva Daria Mikhailovna.

Two groups are open:

I senior group “Kolobok” (children 5-6 years old)

II junior group“Sunny” (children 3-4 years old).

The preschool educational institution works according to two programs:

  1. Social and personal development

Enriching the child’s social experience;

Promoting communication between different ages;

Development of communication abilities of preschool children;

Harmonization of socialization, awareness of one’s social “I”;

2. “The big guy”

Protection and strengthening of the psychophysical health of pupils;

Development of hygiene skills.

Achievements of preschool students:

2008 – 1st place in the regional competition “Kids”

2009 – 1st place in the regional drawing competition “Country of Health”

House of Culture

The work of the Chuvarlei SDK is aimed at developing amateur artistic creativity, for organizing leisure time for the population, organizing various hobby groups and clubs; for the patriotic education of youth; for propaganda healthy image life.

At the Chuvarleysky rural House of Culture there are three dance clubs, two choir clubs (junior, middle and senior group), one solo singing circle, the “Housewife” club (junior and group average) and a chess and checkers circle.

Collectives of circles participate not only in settlement events, but also in regional ones.

Club formations:

Choreographic circle junior gr. (14 people from 7-8 years old) – thin. Head Prokhorova Ksenia Aleksandrovna

Choreographic circle Wed. gr. (16 people from 10-12 years old) – thin. head Prokhorova Ksenia Aleksandrovna

Choreographic circle Art. gr. (14 people from 13-14 years old) – thin. head Prokhorova Ksenia Aleksandrovna

Club “Solo singing” (6 people from 8-16 years old) - leader Olga Nikolaevna Bakanova

Club “Housewife” (10 people from 18-30 years old) - leader Nadezhda Gennadievna Chumakova

Chess and checkers club (10 people from 13-20 years old) - leader Nadezhda Gennadievna Chumakova

Plans for the future: provision of socio-cultural, educational and entertainment services available to the general population; development of modern forms of organizing cultural leisure, taking into account the needs of various social and age groups of the population, improving the qualifications of creative workers of the institution; training in paid clubs and studios.

"Chuvarley anti-tuberculosis sanatorium"

In 1918, doctors from Alatyr district A.A. Preobrazhensky, N.I. Suldin and M.F. Nagovich turned to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture with a request to take them to a pine forest near the village. Chuvarley plot of land with an area of ​​128.25 dessiatines for the construction of an anti-tuberculosis sanatorium. Since that time, the biography of the health resort in the pine forest has been reported.

The Chuvarley anti-tuberculosis sanatorium is a treatment and preventive institution that organizes complex treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and other localizations, using medication and climatotherapy in combination with physical methods of treatment.

IN late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, in the city of Alatyr the league for the fight against tuberculosis was active. In 1918, she proposed to the Alatyr district zemstvo government to organize a sanatorium for the active treatment of tuberculosis patients in the district and indicated the location of the future institution - Sosnovy Bor near the village. Chuvarley.

In the same year, they began logging, and in 1918, the construction of medical buildings and utility buildings began. However, the opening of the sanatorium was delayed due to revolutionary events and the outbreak of the civil war. Nevertheless, work continued. The first building with 20 beds, an outpatient clinic with a laboratory, a bathhouse, a disinfection chamber, and an apartment for doctors and paramedics were commissioned.

In 1925, the sanatorium operated with 40 beds.

In Alatyr and neighboring areas there was a high incidence of tuberculosis in the population. This prompted an increase in the capacity of the sanatorium, and for this purpose, new medical buildings were built in 1928-1930. As a result, in 1930 the number of beds was increased to 65, by 1935 to 100, and by 1941 to 150 beds.

Since 1930, the sanatorium became an institution of republican subordination. Patients from all over the Volga-Vyatka region were treated and rested here.

To the Great Patriotic War On the basis of the Chuvarleysky sanatorium, evacuation hospital No. 3060 of a therapeutic profile for tuberculosis patients was located. In the post-war period, the Chuvarley sanatorium received further development.

Old medical buildings were replaced by new buildings, new economic facilities were built.

The Chuvarley anti-tuberculosis sanatorium had 200 beds in 1945, 205 in 1950, and 250 beds in 1960. As the incidence of tuberculosis decreased, the number of beds also decreased, and from 1980 to the present, the sanatorium has a capacity of 125 beds

Many generations of physicians have made a worthy contribution to the development of our institution.

For more than forty years, since 1939, the Honored Doctor of the Chuvash Republic O.N. worked here. Vereshchagin. She worked as chief physician for thirty years, and her contribution to strengthening material base, improving treatment methods, creating an efficient team. Chief doctors E.V. left a good mark on the life of the sanatorium at different times. Grinspung, T.G. Okhilkov, A.E. Skvortsov, I.V. Sidnev, Yu.V. Abramova, G.M. Shchegelskaya, and many medical workers and service personnel.


A little more time will pass and many events from the life of our village will be irretrievably lost, since there will be no people left who can tell us about the time in which they were born and lived. There are many villages on the map of our homeland, which we now know only from the memories of our grandparents; there is no information about them in documents other than their names. We don’t want the same thing to happen to our village. Even if each of us collects material about one person, about one family living or who lived in our village, this will already be a great contribution to preserving the history of our village, because the history of people’s lives is the history of the village as a whole.

Thus, we learned that Chuvarley is an ancient village, the beginning of which was laid at the beginning of the 17th century. The village and its people saw many troubles and hardships. Our people survived everything. I hope it will live on in the future. But the village is alive as long as we are alive. While there is someone who remembers and knows the history of their native village.

And we definitely need to know and remember the history of the village, so that the past does not disappear without a trace, so that our younger generation knows its culture, traditions, customs, and its native language. The bad people are those who do not remember, do not appreciate and do not love their history. And I will hope for a bright and progressive future for our small Motherland- Chuvarley.

List of used literature

1. Alatyr antiquity: Collection of local history / Comp. N.P. Golvchenko. Alatyr: “Alatyr Publishing House”, 2002-80 p.

2. Alatyr district - past and present. Alatyr, 2001.

3. Alatyr region in the 20th century. Toponymic dictionary. Cheboksary - 2002.

4. Alatyr. Brief historical sketch. Cheboksary. Kochetkov V.D. 1987.


  • Let's consider what ecotourism is (or, as it is also called, ethno- or rural tourism), how to start your own business in this direction, prospects, difficulties and other issues related to it.

    Basic concept of ecotourism

    This type of tourism involves immersing city residents in an environment that is radically different from their normal life. What is a common pastime or work for villagers is exotic and entertainment for office workers. Most of them have never lit a stove, milked a cow, chopped wood, etc. and so on.

    The best vacation, as you know, is a radical change of activity and place of residence. This is exactly what you will have to offer them. But at the same time there should not be a complete separation from the outside world, there should be no problems with the road to the vacation spot and, preferably, with satellite communications.
    Searching and selecting a place is perhaps the most the main task. And, if there is an opportunity to invest, then it is best to choose a village yourself and buy a house there.

    Business organization

    The very first thing you need to do is decide on a place. At a minimum, it should be one house in the village. It’s good if there is a river and a forest nearby. It is desirable that the place be as uncivilized as possible. That is, there should be electricity, but running water, gas and other benefits of civilization are useless. If not you, then your friends and acquaintances will definitely have such a house.

    But even if you don’t find such “real estate” in your immediate surroundings, then nothing bad will happen; just drive around the villages and you will receive a lot of offers from local residents who will rent out, if not a house, then at least rooms for guests. You can even get by with separate beds. This is not as convenient and will slightly increase the cost, but it is convenient in that you do not have to invest in cosmetic repairs to the house before starting work.

    The next question to be resolved is transport. On this moment Hiring the same minibus will not be difficult. If there is such an opportunity, then part of the journey can be done in carts or on a sleigh - this will add a certain note of exoticism on the way to the vacation spot.

    Required in advance solve the food problem. The easiest way is to negotiate with local residents. In this case, you don’t have to worry about creating a menu and preparing food. The only thing that you will most likely have to take on is the purchase of products. And there is no doubt that many people will respond to such an offer; there is little work in the villages, so many do not mind receiving additional income. Perhaps in this part you can launch the related one.

    What to do with clients

    What can interest you potential clients? After all, they won’t just come to look at the village; guests need to be occupied with something that might be interesting to them.

    As mentioned above, first of all, you can occupy them with ordinary village life. This could be anything: driving cows out to pasture, chopping wood and lighting a stove, even some garden work - everything that is impossible to do in the city. Drawing water from a well for a bath (in which you will then take a steam bath), milking a cow and tasting real fresh milk for the first time is truly exotic for people who spend their lives among the “concrete jungle”.

    Composing sample program, you need to focus on what interesting things the local residents themselves can offer. For example, if there are horses in the village, you can offer sleigh rides in winter or cart rides in summer. Or pumping out honey under the guidance of a local beekeeper.
    It can be a very good idea to hold social evenings with local residents.

    One has only to make such an offer, and it turns out that they love to sing here and have their own accordion player. Such evenings will become entertainment not only for tourists, but also for the host party, so the events will be practically free, except for the cost of a small feast.

    Naturally, the program should include traditional types of recreation:

    • fishing;
    • picking berries and mushrooms;
    • bathing;
    • Russian bath.

    It’s very nice if you can dress your guests in traditional Russian costumes, then getting into the character will become much more complete.

    In general, as you can see, the village will be able to provide a huge number of activities, even a potato patch can become an object if you approach it wisely. What exactly you will use depends on the area, the availability of equipment and the time of year.

    Where to find clients for ecotours?

    It is clear that the main consumers of such a service are residents of megacities. But the peculiarity of this business is that so far it is in greatest demand not in our country, but abroad - this trend is very fashionable there. Foreigners most often search for vacation spots using the Internet. You just need to place announcements in different languages ​​on thematic foreign forums.

    Second option - search corporate clients . Nowadays, outdoor trips with the whole team are common, and you can offer something original. In this case, you can agree not even on a few days, but on a certain number of hours.

    And one more way to promote services (quite simple and effective) - arrangement With . If the terms of partnership that you offer are interesting, then they themselves will begin to advertise them, include them in booklets and offer them during personal meetings with clients.

    Advantages of business in organizing environmental tours

    1. Virtually no initial investment is required, payment on the spot is made from funds received from the client’s prepayment;
    2. There is an opportunity to start your own business for villagers- you have your own home, household and knowledge of local conditions, you don’t have to look for or invent anything on purpose;
    3. There are no mandatory costs for rent, advertising and other payments necessary for any other type of business.
    4. Anyone can start doing ecotourism, regardless of their experience in this field.
    5. The niche is practically unoccupied, there is no competition. This type of tourism is still too poorly developed in our country.
    6. Does not require licensing, so there is no need for mandatory register entity. Just register as individual entrepreneur, which can use a simplified taxation system.


    The tourism project “Ethnographic Village of Preserved Rituals of Belarus” is being developed not only for tourism purposes - the creation of a national tourism product and the development of cultural and educational tourism in Belarus. It also carries significant cultural and educational potential: popularization and preservation of the intangible heritage of Belarus, increasing the interest of the Belarusian people in studying their own traditions, instilling in the younger generation respect and a sense of prestige of Belarusian culture. It should be noted that this project does not include all surviving Belarusian rituals, but only those that have the greatest tourism potential and which are included in State list historical and cultural values. At the same time, the possibility of discovering “new” surviving rituals of Belarus that would be interesting from a tourist point of view and could be subsequently included in this ethnographic village is not excluded.

    For this project, the principle of authenticity is very important, so the surviving Belarusian rituals were taken as a basis: observation and recording of these rituals in natural environment and direct transmission from their carriers greatly enhance the possibility of their authentic reproduction. In addition, one should take into account the fact that before the implementation of this tourism project, serious research must be carried out scientific work to study the proposed surviving rituals of Belarus, ethnographic expeditions should be made to the places where they took place.

    Description of the ethnographic village

    The ethnographic village of preserved rituals of Belarus includes the following objects (see Figure 2.1 below):

    1) five Belarusian huts (1-5), in each of which the preserved Belarusian ritual will be shown in a theatrical form;

    2) rental point for folk costumes (A);

    3) cafe (B), offering Belarusian national cuisine;

    4) Belarusian souvenir shop (C);

    5) a small hotel for 15-20 people. (D);

    6) scientific department for the study of Belarusian ethnography (E).

    Thus, this complex must include all the necessary tourist infrastructure (cafe, hotel, souvenir shop).

    The following Belarusian rituals will be presented in the ethnographic village:

    1) ritual “Carol Kings” in the village of Semezhevo, Kopyl district (Minsk region);

    2) the “Shchadrets” ritual of the village of Rog, Soligorsk district (Minsk region);

    3) ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki”, Lepel district, Vitebsk region;

    4) the ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” of the village of Kazatskie Balsuny, Vetkovsky district (Gomel region);

    5) the “Vyaselny loaf” ritual in the village of Motol, Ivanovo district (Brest region).

    Now let's look at each ritual separately:

    1. Belarusian ritual “Carol Kings”

    The “Carol Kings” ritual is held on Generous Evening (January 13), on the eve of the old New Year, and is a distinctive manifestation of the local cultural tradition of the village of Semezhevo, Kopyl district, Minsk region.

    In this village at the end of the 18th century there was a garrison of Russian soldiers and officers stationed tsarist army. According to legend, before the New Year, soldiers and officers of this garrison went to the houses of local residents, showed scenes and received gifts for this. After the soldiers were redeployed to another location, the tradition was continued by local young people who dressed in costumes reminiscent of military uniforms. There are usually seven such mummers, they began to be called “kings”, they received the names Tsar Maximilian, Tsar Mamai and others. The costume consists of white pants and a shirt, a belt with a traditional geometric pattern, red belts with a cross across the chest, black boots and tall paper shako hats with multi-colored ribbons. The kings at the festival are accompanied by the comic characters “grandfather” (performed by a girl in a ragged men's clothing) and “women” (performed by a painted guy in women's clothing) .

    In the evening, seven slender cavalier soldiers march from house to house in a solemn march, with lit torches, accompanied by the beating of drums and a cheerful crowd. In every house, the “kings” act out theatrical scenes based on the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian”: a meeting of the kings, a quarrel, a fight. The performance is filled with folk humor and cheerful props. The visit of the “kings” and their retinue ends with cheerful songs, dances, and good wishes.

    At the end of the tour, all participants in the festive procession will be treated to a generous treat: the owners thank the “kings” for cheerful congratulations traditional culinary gifts - country sausage, pies and other sweets.

    In 2009, the ritual “Carol Kings” was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage as an object in need of urgent protection. To date, this is the only Belarusian rite included in the UNESCO List.

    2. Belarusian rite “Shchadrets”

    The “Shchadrets” ritual, which is held on Generous Evening, is a vivid manifestation of the cultural tradition of the village of Rog, Soligorsk district, Minsk region. The village is located in the area of ​​Red Lake - a territory that researchers of traditional culture highlight as a place for preserving exclusively ancient and unique phenomena of the calendar-song culture.

    In the encyclopedia “Ethnography of Belarus” the “Shchadrets” ritual is defined as a carol game and is described as follows: “The main thing in the game was “Shchadrets”, for whose role they chose an overweight guy. He was dressed as an old man (with a mask on his face, a hump on his back, clothes hung with bells, colored rags, ribbons, on his head a hat made of shiny paper, from under which hair made of hemp or flax hung) or a soldier in appropriate clothing. “Shchadrets” walked with people dressed as animals - “goat”, “mare”, “bear” - and generous children (their round dance consisted of a leader, choruses, singers, pickers, musicians). In the evening, on New Year's Eve, the crowd went to give generously, which was a theatrical scene with music, singing, dancing, and dialogue. The counselor went into the owner’s house for permission to give generously, and at that time the crowd sang under the windows. Having received consent, the generous people entered the house. To the music, “Shchadrets” with guys dressed as animals came out into the middle of the hut, they danced, and the lead singers and choruses sang. Humorous scenes were played out, and a humorous dialogue took place between “Shchadrac”, the generous givers and the spectators. After completing the game, the participants received treats and put them in the bags of the takers.” .

    It should be noted that the “Shchadrets” ritual is carried out with the participation of traditional mask characters: both zoomorphic ones - a goat, a crane, a horse, and anthropomorphic ones - a grandfather, a woman, a gypsy and a gypsy woman with a child (doll) in a stroller. The goat mask (very ancient, pre-Christian), the pantomime of which in the ritual is usually accompanied by a carol song related to it, was considered the main symbol of fertility and vital energy. The most unique character in the band of generous people in the village of Rog is the grandfather and his birch bark mask, which has no analogues anywhere else in Belarus. The mask was made from a single piece of birch bark, in which holes were cut out for the eyes, nose and mouth. The mask was made not in the form of a face covering, which was occasionally seen in other places in Belarus, but in the form of a hat, in which birch bark was joined in a special way (“in cloves”). It was secured on top crosswise with two strips of birch bark.

    3. Belarusian ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki”

    The ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki” is one of the most interesting Christmas customs that has been preserved in the Vitebsk region, especially in the Lepel region. The ceremony is held every year in different villages during the Christmas period. The action takes place in a big house. The youth invites the most respectable participants - “father” and “uterus”. The beginning is an ordinary dance party: polka, krakowiak, get some sleep... At some point it is announced: “Why don’t we give Tsiareshka a pazhanic?” “Mother” leads the game, “father” helps, and pairs are selected. The symbolic “marriage” of the newlyweds is carried out one by one during a special dance-ritual.

    Participants must secretly inform the “matts” about their likes before the game, otherwise there is a danger of getting an unwanted partner. “Matka” takes the guy by the hand, “father” takes the girl, while singing, they bring the chosen couple into a circle and “twist” them together in a ritual dance. This couple is symbolically “married”; they become “dziadulkai” and “granny”. Then they choose the next couple, then the next... The most emotional and fun part of the custom is the games and tests that the “young” go through (“stream”, “kisses”, etc.). The fun ends with a traditional holiday treat.

    In 2009, the ritual was included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Belarus and is one of the candidates for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    4. Belarusian ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala”

    The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” is held in the village of Kazatskie Balsuny, Vetkovsky district, Gomel region. It is timed to coincide with the Ascension, which is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter.

    In terms of the variety of songs and round dances, the theatricalization of ceremonial rituals as responses to the appeasement of the most terrifying natural element for ancient man - the lightning arrow - “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” has no equal. Children are full and sometimes the most active participants in the ceremony. During this ritual, children run around the field laughing and singing and lie around - gaining health on the young winter shoots.

    Ritual actions, songs and round dances are based on protective magic against lightning. The singers themselves say: “Zastseragchy hell malanki, zakapat ya.” But later on this was layered the promotion of the growth of bread: “Let’s cut kalas for nebyas.”

    The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” consists of singing incantatory songs about an arrow, marching in a line through the streets of the village, leading round dances in a magical form - a circle, going out to a rye field, swinging across it, burying various objects (“arrows”) in the ground. Children were sitting in a rye field, between whom the women danced like a snake, after which they took the children in their arms and threw them up so that the rye grew high. Burying coins, beads, etc., each participant in the ritual made a wish with the hope that it would come true. The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” symbolizes the end of spring and the beginning of summer: after it it was no longer possible to sing spring songs.

    5. Belarusian ritual “Vyaselny loaf”

    “Vyaselny loaf” is baked in Polesie - in the village of Motol, Ivanovo district, Brest region. Here, baking a loaf is a ritual. From ancient times to the present day, a Polesie wedding begins with baking a loaf, which is a symbol of the wealth and well-being of a young family. For each wedding, two loaves are baked - one for the groom, the second for the bride. The loaves are decorated with the same pattern: both are surrounded by a braid woven from dough, which symbolizes the unification of two families. The loaf ritual includes a number of honorable and important moments - “chynou”. They are called: “raschynenne”, “kneading a loaf”, “gіbanne loaf”, “sajanne ў pech”, “kavali” and “redemption of a loaf”. The ritual is accompanied by songs that replace one another. At the end of the ritual, the loaf is decorated with so-called “cones”. “Cones” are branched sticks, always made from fruit trees (apple trees, pears), onto which dough is specially rolled and baked in the oven. Each “cone” about half a meter high is decorated with flowers and periwinkle branches during songs, and then stuck into a loaf and tied with a symbolic red thread.

    The loaf ritual exists in various villages and regions of Belarus, but in Polesie it is especially expressive. In the village of Motol, local residents carefully treat their spiritual culture and rituals and pass them on to new generations. The Motol Folk Art Museum also contributes to this to a large extent. Today, the “Vyaselny Loaf” ritual is a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    Residents of megacities often get tired of the city bustle. Wealthy city dwellers began to give preference to outdoor recreation.

    Providing ethnotourism services is becoming a fashionable trend..

    This is a vacation in the countryside, which includes not only traditional Russian activities (fishing, hunting, etc.), but also getting to know local customs and traditions.

    Currently, the demand for such tourism services exceeds the existing supply.

    On the Internet you can not find many companies that specialize in ethnotourism.

    This type of leisure is not yet popularized enough in our country, and this is precisely a plus for newcomers to this business.

    Business on ethnotourism in 2020

    Enterprising villagers with some savings and free time, can organize profitable business in this field of activity.

    In order to build your business on ethnotourism, you don’t even have to live in a rural area. It is enough to have friends or relatives who will be willing to participate in such an endeavor for a certain reward.

    In this case, the time costs for organizing a business will be minimal; before starting your ethnotourism business, conduct market research and.

    How to start your own business in the field of ethnotourism in 2020:

    First, it is worth developing an entertainment program for future clients. It is advisable to include fishing (without spinning rods, with ordinary fishing rods), hunting, picking berries, preparing firewood for the winter, driving animals to pasture, excursions to a local farm, etc.

    It is also advisable to offer vacationers horseback riding, evening relaxation by the fire, etc. So that they can feel the spirit of antiquity, you can offer clients dressing up in national costumes.

    In fact, city dwellers will be interested in doing everything that rural residents usually do. For them, this will be an exotic vacation that will help them gain new experiences and a lot of positive emotions.

    The duration of a holiday in the village can vary from several days to several weeks (depending on the wishes of the clients). A businessman can develop both group and individual tours.

    Business in ethnotourism is a promising endeavor, especially for residents of multinational regions of our country.

    You can get a good profit from it not only in summer, but also in winter.

    During the cold season, vacationers can ride a sleigh, take a steam bath, etc.

    Start-up investments in a business providing ethnotourism services can range from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles (depending on the scale of activity, the specifics of rural recreation and other factors).

    A businessman will need to form a team of employees ready to work in rural areas. Be sure to hire several guides, as well as a driver with personal transport.

    In order to find clients, it makes sense to organize partnerships with local travel agencies.

    In addition, you should invest in promoting such travel services on the Internet.

    Ethnotourism is quite an expensive pleasure. Some wealthy residents of megacities pay 1,000 rubles per hour for such a vacation.

    IN small towns rates may be lower. Pricing policy should be formed depending on the solvency of potential clients.

    One way or another, the start-up costs for organizing such a tourism business can be returned in just 1 season of work.

    You can get free business consultations in my VK group "