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The Power of Siberia gas pipeline is the optimal route for gas supplies to China for three reasons. When will the Power of Siberia gas pipeline be built?

Four thousand kilometers of pipe, 770 billion rubles of capital investment, almost 15 thousand builders - this is the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, through which gas will flow from Russia to China


Reference Information:

  • Name:"The Power of Siberia".
  • Purpose of the object: main gas pipeline.
  • Start of construction: year 2014.
  • Completion: 2019 (reaches full capacity in 2025).
  • Object cost: estimated at 770 billion rubles.
  • Who is building (main general contractor/beneficiary): PJSC Gazprom / key figures of the holding Alexey Miller and Viktor Zubkov.

The Power of Siberia gas pipeline can confidently be considered the largest gas transportation project of our time. With its implementation, Russia will be provided with:

  • diversification of raw material exports;
  • more efficient development of Eastern Siberia;
  • leading position in the world in helium production.

And the same Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline or the Sakhalin-Vladivostok gas pipeline were discussed much more than the “Power of Siberia”. But this does not prevent this gas transportation project from remaining the most ambitious in terms of geopolitical significance.

“The new gas pipeline will significantly strengthen economic cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, and, above all, with our key partner - China” (V.V. Putin).

The country had to speed up work on the development of gas fields in Eastern Siberia for quite understandable reasons - relations between Russia and Europe are not experiencing better times(tension, sanctions and other restrictions).

“To do something in a short time, we need either a megaproject worthy of the scale of Russia, or external stress for mobilization. Now both of these factors have come together in time... “The Power of Siberia” is the largest gas transportation project in the world and the most ambitious, since it will take place in difficult conditions through swamps, rocks, and taiga” (Yuri Shafranik, Chairman of the Council of the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia).

With the start of the development of the Chayandinskoye field and the implementation of the construction project main gas pipeline"Yakutia - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok" negotiations with China regarding the "eastern route" and the incredibly strong contract of Gazprom with the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), concluded in May 2014 for thirty years worth almost $400 billion, became possible. He became a real catalyst for the construction. Russia undertook to supply annually up to 38 billion cubic meters. m.

And already in September, the gas giant began construction of a new gas pipeline, called the “Power of Siberia,” through which gas will flow from the Yakut and Irkutsk fields through the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye directly to China.

For reference. Gazprom is the undisputed leader in, but also in the world, the only domestic exporter of liquefied natural gas, one of the top ten, PJSC, more than 50% of shares belong to the state. IN Forbes ranking Global 2000 in 2017 among the largest in the world public companies Gazprom ranks 40th, this best score among 27 Russian companies. Chairman of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Council directors of PJSC is Alexey Miller.

The construction promised to become a phenomenon, the most ambitious such project not only on a national scale, but also in the world. Construction must take place in the most complex and heterogeneous geological conditions of the Siberian region. According to estimates, 770 billion rubles will be invested in the Power of Siberia, 4,000 km of pipes will be laid, the throughput capacity of which reaches 61 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year. Construction was planned to be completed in 2017 in order to begin supplies of blue fuel to China in 2019.

Rice. 1. Publication in AiF in September 2014
Source: website

Main stages of construction

2012 - readiness of the investment decision, as announced by Gazprom.”

The pipeline was launched in September 2014.

Rice. 2. The President of Russia launched the “Power of Siberia”
Source: website

Part of the gas pipeline under construction will go along the already existing corridor of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline - another large-scale project, which was the main channel through which Russian gas goes to China.

Construction was organized by the largest Russian gas giant Gazprom in two stages:

  1. The Yakutia-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline will stretch from the Chayandinskoye field 2,200 km to the city of Blagoveshchensk, in Altai, from where gas will be sent to China.
  2. More than 700 km to the Kovykta field is not just an expansion of gas flows, but also their redirection from east to west, and vice versa.

In addition to these two, they may be involved in the development large deposits with gas reserves at Chayandinskoye of 1.2 trillion tons and Kovykinskoye of 1.5 trillion tons, others that are located along the route.

Under the Power of Siberia international gas pipeline, gas from Eastern Siberia will also be sent to domestic Russian market, and for export to the eastern regions of China. This project was called the “eastern route”.

Rice. 3. “Power of Siberia” in shallow water conditions
Source: website

In addition, the plans provide for the construction of the largest complex, which includes gas processing, helium and gas chemical production, capable of producing commercial and raw gas, propane-butane mixture, polypropylene, glycol, and polyethylene.

All work on the construction of the gas pipeline is carried out in accordance with the contract signed with the Chinese side, as well as in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement dated October 13, 2014, which determined the terms of the partnership.

During the construction of the gas pipeline, almost entirely domestically produced pipes are used. More than 11 thousand specialists were involved in the construction of the Power of Siberia. About 3,000 people will be involved in the operation of the facility.

Rice. 4. Construction of the main gas pipeline
Source: website

Social production effect

  • Industrial.

    Metallurgical companies were the first to feel the effect of the construction of the pipeline. This includes the supply of rolled products for more than 7 billion copies by the Pipe Metallurgical Company, the United Metallurgical Company, ChTPZ and the Izhora Pipe Plant Severstal, which won not only this competition, but also for the supply of pipes together with two other enterprises: Trading house MK and Trubnye innovative technologies" Gazprom will have to purchase 2.5 million tons of pipes; by 2018 alone, 1.7 million tons will be needed.

    The increase in sales will also affect machine builders, and specifically KamAZ.

  • Socio-economic development of territories.

    New production facilities will appear around gas fields, which means settlements and cities will develop. “The Power of Siberia” will literally bring life to the vast distances between Western Siberia and the Far East. The southern regions of Yakutia, through which the pipe will pass, will be among the first to receive an impetus for social economic development. Will be gasified 29 settlements in Yakutia, gas will be supplied to at least 6.6 thousand households and 90 industrial and agricultural enterprises, which will allow local enterprises to reduce energy costs and increase efficiency. The gasification program involves the construction of more than 760 km of gas pipelines.

  • Employment.

    Operation of the gas pipeline and work at Gazprom’s production facilities will require the involvement of almost 3 thousand specialists. The holding has already organized training for personnel, and some of them include local residents. Several Russian specialized educational centers are involved in the process.

"Power of Siberia" today

The “Eastern Route” is now actively being built, even ahead of schedule, as the builders themselves say. Almost 1.5 thousand km of gas pipeline have already been laid.

One of the key facilities is the border crossing near Amur. Here in Chinese and Russian territory Two pits were dug: starting pits on the Chinese side and receiving pits on the Russian side. By November 2017, the builders of the Celestial Empire had completed the panel tunneling of the reserve tunnel, and at the end of 2017, the panel for the construction of the main line was launched.

According to plans, gas deliveries will start in 2019, in December, gradually increasing the volume of pumping “blue fuel” to China, and by 2025 they will reach the design capacity.

Gazprom hosted a working meeting between the Chairman of the Board of the Company, Alexey Miller, and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Russian Federation Li Hui.

The meeting participants highly appreciated the level and dynamics of development of Russian-Chinese relations in the gas sector. The parties noted, the gas monopolist said in a statement, that the bilateral partnership covers a significant number of areas and continues to expand.

The key item on the agenda remains the supply of Russian pipeline gas to China. The parties confirmed full compliance with the implementation schedule for the gas supply project along the “eastern” route and discussed the progress of negotiations on the gas supply project along the “western” route. The importance of cooperation in such areas as underground gas storage, gas power generation and gas motor fuel was also emphasized at the meeting.

Let us recall that in 2014, Gazprom and the Chinese state oil and gas company CNPC signed an Agreement for the purchase and sale of Russian gas along the “eastern” route (via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline). The agreement was concluded for a period of 30 years and involves the supply of 38 billion cubic meters to China. m of gas per year. In 2015, Gazprom and CNPC signed an agreement on the basic conditions for pipeline gas supplies from the fields Western Siberia to China along the “western” route (the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline). Initially, it is planned to supply 30 billion cubic meters to China. m of gas per year.

Later, in 2015, Gazprom and CNPC signed a memorandum of understanding on a project for pipeline supplies of natural gas to China with Far East Russia.

According to the head of the operations department on the Russian stock market of Freedom Finance Investment Company Georgy Vashchenko, the parties have no significant disagreements on the timing. It is important for Gazprom to fix volumes in order to have a stable consumer. The fact is that the Asian market is premium in price, and competition from LNG there is high, including due to the projects of the same Gazprom on Sakhalin. Due to large volumes, smaller competitors can be cut off. At current prices, this will add at least 2 billion to EBITDA. But there may also be no need to rush in this matter: if the price rises by then, this will be an additional argument for construction.

Indeed, agrees Alor Broker analyst Alexey Antonov, if you look at the schedule of Russian-Chinese negotiations on gas projects this year, then almost every two months the media reports that the Power of Siberia is being built according to schedule and gas is in China will go through the pipes in 2019. Meanwhile, it is important to understand that the gas pipeline’s launch date was initially scheduled for the 2nd half of 2018. Later, the deadlines were slightly shifted to May 2019, meanwhile, in the statements of energy officials there was uncertainty even regarding this date, for example, in April of this year, one of the representatives of the Ministry of Energy indicated that supplies could begin in 20-21, but quickly retracted his words, emphasizing that these were reservations.

Moreover, the expert recalls, from the last report on the results of the first quarter of 2016, the monopolist removed information about the exact launch of gas production at the Chayandinskoye field, as well as the timing of the commissioning of the priority section of the gas pipeline, which may also suggest another delay. This is confirmed by the fact that pipe makers this year shipped fewer products to the main consumers, so we note a decrease in the output of large-diameter pipes (LDP) from the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Group and the Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant, which are one of the main suppliers for Sila Siberia and Transneft. Thus, only 323 thousand tons were shipped from LDP, which is 37% less than the first half of 2015. In other words, it can theoretically be assumed that the gas pipeline is laid with slight slippage.

Meanwhile, Antonov believes, there is no reason to assume that the Power of Siberia will stand up in construction; the parties are still obliged to fulfill their obligations, especially since this moment Gazprom is not in the best position, the situation with Nord Stream 2 for gas supplies to Europe is completely ambiguous, and ensuring stable supplies of 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year for China is a reliable way to gain a foothold in the East. Moreover, Gazprom currently has an overproduction of raw materials of more than 200 billion cubic meters of gas and it is in its interests to launch the project on time by May 2019 - the Chinese are in a more advantageous position; for failure to meet the deadlines for their obligations, they can ask for more discounts on gas and oil, and also delay the response on the Power of Siberia-2, which implies the supply of another 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Of course, the analyst is sure, now the Power of Siberia for Gazprom looks rather like a burdensome project - this is primarily due to the fact that when the negotiations took place and the agreement was signed, oil cost above $100 per barrel. Now its price makes the project practically unprofitable and gas supplies, if it remains at this level, will only support the viability of the company in anticipation of better times.

Meanwhile, according to the Chinese energy strategy until 2030, the country needs to transfer its own industry and heat generation from coal to gas, and domestic gas consumption from the current amount of 53 billion cubic meters per year should reach 270 billion cubic meters when the transition is carried out in the next 7 years consumption should increase to 100 billion cubic meters of gas annually. In this situation, Alexey Antonov believes, the Power of Siberia-1 could meet China’s gas needs by more than half and the construction of a second branch of the eastern route in this situation is quite logical.

Another question is whether China will want to build the Power of Siberia-2 and whether Gazprom will agree to the specified conditions, because the construction of infrastructure on the Russian side is financed by the monopolist, and the laying conditions for the company are among the most expensive, let us recall that the total cost of the project is estimated at 44.3 billion dollars and despite the fact that due to the devaluation of the Russian currency it has fallen in price from $55 billion, it will be extremely difficult to achieve break-even if the pipeline is not fully loaded. Let us add here that China also considers such countries as Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Myanmar as a gas supplier. The Yamal LNG project from NOVATEK may also cross the road.

Mikhail Krutikhin, partner of the RusEnergy consulting agency, expressed doubts about the feasibility of the project, which should supply Russian gas to China from 2019. He shared his thoughts on why the project may turn out to be unprofitable, and why the eastern direction is so important for Russia.

DeutscheWelle: How do you see the fate of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline?

Mikhail Krutikhin: Construction of the Power of Siberia has begun, but is subject to major delays. It is recognized that in 2018 there will be no gas on the border with China. Now they say that deliveries will begin no earlier than 2021. But this also raises doubts. The development of the Chayandinskoye field is progressing with a large lag. And there we still need to build a gas processing plant in the Amur region. So Power of Siberia has dubious prospects. The price of gas according to the agreed upon formula is less than the cost of its production and transportation.

- Are the Chinese skeptical?

The Chinese are calm. They refused to finance this project. At the very beginning, when they were talking about signing the contract, Russia announced that China would give $25 billion for the construction of the pipeline, but the Chinese said that they would not do anything like that.

- How will the contract be affected by the fall in oil prices?

The cost of gas will change. And Russia will have to beg China to change the terms of the contract. The Chinese are very difficult negotiators. It turns out that Russia will subsidize Chinese consumers with its gas, since it will sell it to them below cost. This is not commerce.

- Is this contract even necessary?

China is reducing its gas balance without Russian gas. It has enough gas from Central Asia, liquefied natural gas, its own production, gas from Myanmar. From these sources, China covers its gas balance for many years to come. Russia actually imposed this contract on China. Negotiations have been going on for many years. Finally, the Chinese were persuaded to call the last agreement in Shanghai a contract, so that the Russian leadership would be pleased. They named it. They began to build a pipe.

The Chayandinskoye field, which will supply gas there at the first stage, will not produce more than 25 billion cubic meters per year. And they signed up for 38 billion cubic meters. This means that it is also necessary to use the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk region. But the horse was not lying there - from there we still need to build 800 km of a gas pipeline for the Chayandinskoye field and develop the field itself. In general, they committed to supplying gas without having any idea how this could be accomplished.

- Why does Russia need this?

Russia absolutely does not need this. This is a huge expense. But this is the political will of the leadership. When the economic feasibility of these projects was calculated, Gazprom economists were categorically against it. These are net losses for Russia, for the budget, for Gazprom. But in October 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave instructions to make investment decisions on these projects. And they were accepted. And that's where the money went. Now we see that these projects either fail, or this money was spent in an unknown place.

- Do you think that the project is based on political will?

This is the will of one person, who, apparently, acts this way either due to incompetence, or for some reason of his own. This is a pout that is very easy to expose.

- What about the Power of Siberia-2 project?

This is a gas pipeline that will take gas from the same fields that currently provide blue fuel for Europe. Putin has already said several times that if the price on the Asian market is more favorable, we will transfer gas there. If in Europe, then to Europe. But this is actually impossible. It is quite easy for Russia to build this gas pipeline to its own border. But then the adventures begin.

The Chinese, in order to deliver this gas to their industrial areas in the east, need to build approximately another 3,000 km of gas pipeline. During negotiations with the Deputy Prime Minister of China in Moscow, he was offered to finance this project. He said that they would not finance anything.

- It turns out that gas cooperation between Russia and China is still a utopia?


China doesn't need it at all. And this is very well assessed by analysts, for example, at BP. In their forecast until 2035, they showed that the volume of pipeline gas received from abroad in China will not grow. They do not believe that Russia will supply pipeline gas to China in commercial quantities.

For Russia, this cooperation would be beneficial if China agreed to buy this gas if it needed this gas. After all, markets for Russian gas are shrinking. Even the domestic Russian market has shrunk slightly. In Europe, too, the growth is extremely insignificant. I don't see any special prospects.

If we take liquefied natural gas, then Russia has already lost all the competitions. In Russia there is ongoing project- "Sakhalin-2". It was built with the help of Shell. Another Yamal LNG project, which has no commercial value, does not make any difference on the market. Last year, Russia's gas production potential was 174 billion cubic meters greater than what Gazprom was actually able to sell abroad.

As of January 1, 2017, Gazprom had already welded about 700 km of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, through which Russia should supply gas to China. By the end of the year, another 600 km of route is planned to be laid, reports TASS. However, experts believe that gas supplies to China may be unprofitable for Russia and will hit the finances of Russians.

As of January 1, 700 km of gas pipeline had been welded and 490 km had been laid. By the end of the year, “the construction of more than 600 km is planned,” Gazprom board member Oleg Aksyutin told the publication.

Russia plans to transport gas to China from fields in Eastern Siberia: the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia and the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk region. A branch line to the eastern regions of China will be built on the Russian-Chinese border near Blagoveshchensk (the Chinese city of Heihe is located across the Amur River). In addition, the gas pipeline will supply Russian regions with gas (via Khabarovsk to Vladivostok).

In 2017, Gazprom's investments in the gas pipeline increased from 76.162 billion rubles to 158.811 billion rubles.

In May 2014, a contract was signed between Gazprom and the Chinese oil and gas company CNPC for the supply of 38 billion cubic meters of gas to China via the “eastern route” annually for 30 years. The contract value is $400 billion. Gas supplies to China under the contract may begin in the period 2019–2021.

Sponsored by China?

The increase in construction costs may be offset by the federal budget or rising gas prices within Russia, Vedomosti fears.

Meanwhile, experts believe that the cost of the gas pipeline will not pay off. The Chinese have not agreed to buy Russian gas on Gazprom’s terms for more than 10 years. They are still demonstrating that they do not really need Russian gas, says Mikhail Krutikhin.

In his opinion, China will purchase gas at a price below its cost. “They clearly count on the fact that Gazprom, having built a gas production and gas pipeline system at state expense at a cost of more than $100 billion in an insane calculation at the mercy of a single buyer, will beg this buyer to take gas on any terms,” Krutikhin is quoted as saying by Russian Politics. .

If the construction of the gas pipeline is completed and China demands to sell gas at low prices, Russia has three options. The first is to accept all the conditions and supply Chinese consumers with gas at the expense of Russian taxpayers. The second option is to continue spending money and extending the “Power of Siberia” to the Pacific Ocean, where it is possible to build a gas liquefaction plant and enter the Asia-Pacific markets.

The third way is to build new pipelines. The analyst refers to the words of the President of the Russian Federation, who announced the possible connection of the Power of Siberia with the Gazprom network and the distillation of gas from Yakutia and the Irkutsk region to Europe. At the same time, Krutikhin noted that the cost of gas would be fantastic.

The former head of YUKOS, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, also spoke earlier about the unprofitability of the Power of Siberia project. In an interview with Vedomosti, Khodorkovsky previously stated that “at best, the project goes to zero.”

“We are essentially sponsoring Chinese industry. Strategically, the situation is even worse: China needs us precisely as a raw material resource... In a situation where the country has jeopardized its supplies to the West and my Chinese counterparties understand that I am now in a weakened position, I would never sign an agreement. I would wait - six months, a year. The situation has changed, Chinese counterparties understand that they are not the only ones for me, that I have the opportunity to supply no less profitably in other directions - oh! “at this moment you can talk,” Khodorkovsky explained.

Russia and China are becoming close partners both in the economic and foreign policy arena. Large-scale agreements regarding cooperation in business are concluded between states. These include gas contract on supplies of blue fuel to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline.

What are the most noteworthy facts about this project? What is the scheme for the planned delivery of gas from Russia to China?

Basic information about the project

The Power of Siberia gas pipeline is supposed to be built to China from Yakutia. The largest cities through which it will pass are Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok. The Power of Siberia project is one of the highest priorities for Gazprom. The corresponding work will be carried out on both the Russian and Chinese sides. The gas pipeline will unite fuel distribution systems in the Irkutsk and Yakutsk centers. It is noteworthy that the name of the project - “Power of Siberia” - was determined by the Russian Federation based on the results of the competition.

It is expected that the first section of the gas pipeline - from Yakutia to Khabarovsk, and then to Vladivostok - will be put into operation by the end of 2017. It can be noted that the route of the gas transmission line will go along the route of the oil pipeline running from Eastern Siberia towards the Pacific coast. This will significantly reduce the costs of constructing the necessary project infrastructure and energy supply.

Gas pipeline characteristics and diagram

The Power of Siberia project involves the construction of a gas transmission pipeline about 4 thousand km long. It will be used to transport natural gas, as we noted above, immediately from two production centers - Irkutsk and Yakutsk, towards Khabarovsk. It is expected that the gas pipeline will become a powerful stimulus for the economic development of not only the Far East, but also the Asian part of the Russian Federation as a whole. This will be possible not only due to the growth of direct revenue and the creation of jobs at gas production and transport enterprises, but also due to the increased level of gasification in populated areas and, as a result, the opening up of opportunities for launching new production facilities. These processes will be further stimulated through budget support, in particular provided within the framework of the gas supply development program in the Primorsky Territory.

The Power of Siberia gas pipeline map looks like this.

We see that the project implementation scheme involves covering a vast territory. It will also be interesting to study the economic scale of the project.

Economic scale

The Power of Siberia gas pipeline is among largest projects throughout the history of economic development modern Russia. As is known, a large gas contract was signed between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, as a result of which Gazprom was able to reach new market, characterized by enormous potential. According to some reports, Russia will have to supply about 1 trillion cubic meters of gas to China for a total amount of about 400 billion dollars. For comparison: Russia's GDP at PPP is about $3,500 billion. It is known that Gazprom's counterparty, the China National Petroleum Corporation, will make an advance payment of about $25 billion before fuel supplies begin. The estimated capacity of the gas pipeline is about 38 billion cubic meters of gas annually. The intensity of fuel transportation corresponding this indicator, will be achieved, as expected, within 5 years from the start of the first deliveries.

According to a number of experts, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline will reach its designed capacity by 2024. Now Russian enterprises are also engaged in importing necessary materials and equipment. It is expected that during 2015, about 500-600 thousand tons of equipment will be delivered to the sites. Also in 2015, construction of the first stage of the gas transmission pipeline is expected to begin.

Signing the contract

The contract between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China for fuel supplies along the so-called eastern route was signed on October 13, 2014 at the level of the governments of both states. In accordance with this agreement, the key conditions for the partnership between Russia and China regarding the project were determined, including in the aspect of design, construction, and operation of the cross-border zones of the gas pipeline. The construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline was transferred to the competence of two companies - the Russian Gazprom and CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation).

The signing of a contract between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China regarding the construction of the pipeline in question allowed our country to count on diversification of supplies of blue fuel. Now, according to analysts, there is too much dependence of Russian gas exports on sales to Europe. In addition, due to political differences between the Russian Federation and the West, difficulties may arise with further development partnerships in the relevant direction. Thus, the reorientation of gas exports to China is a step towards the much-needed diversification of supplies. China is a growing market with a developed industry, which always needs large volumes of blue fuel. The Russian Federation is one of the few suppliers ready to sell gas to China consistently and at reasonable prices.

Gas production resources

So, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline will supply the PRC with fuel produced in the Irkutsk and Yakutsk centers. As for the first resource, gas production is expected at the Kovyktinskoye field. Its fuel reserves are estimated at about 1.5 trillion cubic meters. Concerning Yakut center, then production will go to its reserves of about 1.2 trillion cubic meters.

Features of gas pipeline construction

Thus, we see how powerful and large-scale the “Power of Siberia” gas pipeline is, including in terms of its name. Who is building it? Who is implementing this international project?

An interesting fact is that the general contractors of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline may not be involved. At least, this point of view is widespread in the media. It is expected that the contractors to build the Power of Siberia gas pipeline will be small organizations. In this sense, Gazprom, as some analysts note, has changed its tactics - previously, the Russian gas corporation still chose the leading partner. In the case of a project such as the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, contractors will perform local tasks.

Traditional scheme

The traditional scheme practiced by Gazprom involved the distribution of contracts within large lots, that is, the leading organization was determined, which was engaged in the construction of a particular section of the pipeline. For example, the South Stream infrastructure, before it was reoriented to Turkey, was managed by the Stroygazmontazh corporation. The European section of South Stream was to be built by Stroytransgaz. In turn, the Nord Stream project was implemented with the leading role of the Stroygazconsulting company.

Sanctions factor

The established scheme, according to analysts, is not entirely optimal in the current conditions, when Western countries have imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation. The point is that these Russian companies also fell under them, as a result of which they cannot import some varieties necessary equipment. In particular, this is Caterpillar equipment, as well as welding complexes such as CRC-Evance, produced in the USA.

Guarantee criterion

Another version explaining Gazprom’s revision of its policy towards contractors is that for such large-scale projects as the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, the Russian Federation practices requirements for bank guarantees. Gazprom itself may have difficulties with these. The fact is that the largest Russian gas company must transfer about 174.3 billion rubles to its creditors during 2015. This debt is not considered by analysts as too large for Gazprom, but now the corporation cannot attract long-term loans in case of a revenue shortfall.

There is information that a total of 15 companies will be involved in the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. Among them is the Stroytransgaz company. Among other companies with which Gazprom can enter into contracts are EVRAKOR, Argus Spets Montazh, Irkutskneftegazstroy, SpetsMontazhProekt.

The estimated costs for the construction of the “Power of Siberia” are about 770 billion rubles. Of these, in particular, about 283 billion rubles will be invested in the economy of the Republic of Sakha.

Project estimates

So, we have studied the basic economic indicators project. We also examined the map of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. What are the assessments of the prospects for the corresponding project among Russian analysts?

In general, experts agree that the Power of Siberia is an example of a successful international partnership. The fact is that this gas pipeline is needed equally by both Russia and China. In the political context, the project, analysts believe, contributed to the further strengthening of allied relations between the two states.

Experts rate it extremely positively. Gazprom's revenue for fuel supplies, as we noted above, will be about $400 billion. Significant incentive to economic development the corresponding regions of the Russian Federation will receive - both in terms of the influx of investments and from the point of view of building new infrastructure, including industrial.

There is a version that the main consumers of gas in the world in the medium term will be India and China. “The Power of Siberia” is a project that in this sense is completely relevant from the point of view of correlation with global economic trends. According to some estimates, in 2020 the dynamics of gas consumption in China will reach about 420 billion cubic meters.

Russia and China, having signed an agreement on the supply of blue fuel, opened up opportunities for expanding partnerships in border regions. Thanks to the presence of new infrastructure, the Russian Federation will be able to effectively develop new natural deposits, which are rich in Siberia and the Far East. Opportunities will open up in terms of import substitution and increasing volumes industrial production region.

The construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is expected to become a positive factor in the development of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions as a whole, including the social aspect. Citizens living in the relevant parts of Russia will receive new opportunities for employment, business, and education.

Incentive to invest

The growth of the economy of Siberia and the Far East, as analysts expect, will predetermine the growth of investor interest in these regions. At the same time, it is expected that not only businessmen from China, which is very nearby, but also from other countries - in particular, South Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore - will operate in the relevant territories. A noticeable reorientation of the priorities of domestic investors is expected. Many of them are now investing in foreign projects, and it is quite possible that their capital will also be directed to the economy of Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. This may also be facilitated by sanctions restrictions applied to Russian enterprises.