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How to obtain a license for surveying work. Obtaining a surveying (mining) license Obtaining a license for surveying work

Geodetic surveying work is carried out throughout the Russian Federation when performing geological exploration; they are part of all mining industries. The main goal of geodetic surveying work is to carry out underground measurements of a spatial-geometric nature, as well as on certain areas of the surface. After such surveys, plans, maps and diagrams are drawn up, according to which underground work is carried out.

Mine surveying work

A surveyor is a specialist who plans and controls the production of all stages of the construction of underground engineering structures. The surveyor is responsible for the organization production process, if necessary, makes adjustments as the work progresses.

Surveying work is:

  • breakdown of the axes of the underground structure;
  • calculation of volumes of extracted and transported raw materials;
  • calculation of the amount of bulk materials in warehouses and on open areas storage;
  • constant monitoring of mining allotments, maintaining technical documentation to the extent required by SNiP, and much more.

License for surveying work

Only those specialized companies and organizations that have received licenses to carry out this type of survey have the right to carry out geodetic surveying work in Moscow. This document is issued by Rostechnadzor after a number of requirements are met and the necessary documents are completed. The license is valid for 5 years from the date of issue. One of the main requirements when obtaining a license is the presence in the company’s staff of highly qualified specialists with specialized education in “mine surveying” and work experience, as well as relevant modern equipment and instruments for geodetic surveying work.

Surveying geodetic work: relevance

Geodetic surveying works mainly relate to the mining industry, but it is impossible to do without them during the construction of tunnels, subways, underground utility networks and communications.

Mine surveying

This is a separate type of geodetic survey, during which complex measurements and calculations are made. the main task such work - an accurate determination of the condition of mine workings. Also, during surveying surveys, the position of the underground structure in relation to other such objects, as well as to those structures located on the surface, is determined and clarified.

Surveying surveys are divided into 4 types: surveying the surface above an underground object; shooting in a bunker; measurements at open storage areas for raw materials and finished products, and underground surveying in workings.

In some cases - when there is a possibility of fire or explosion of firedamp - the inaccuracy with which geodetic surveying work is carried out is taken into account.

Mine surveying in quarries

Geodetic surveying work in open mine workings makes it possible to accurately calculate the volume of work performed for a specific period, and the amount of raw materials remaining in warehouses is also calculated.

Ground surveys

Mine surveying geodetic surveys are not limited to surveys in underground workings; they also include surveys of the earth's surface above an underground structure. This is due to the peculiarities of mining production and ensuring its efficient operation and safety.

Obtaining a surveying license for any enterprise carrying out work related to surveying is, of course, strictly mandatory. The direction itself involves studying the structure, shape and size of mineral deposits using various field measurements. A mine surveying license, which can be obtained from Rostechnadzor, is not only an official document confirming that the enterprise fully complies with all safety standards and requirements, but also has a staff of qualified employees. Since such a mining license implies that the work itself will be accompanied by constant risk, and any miscalculation will entail not only large material losses, but also human casualties, requirements for leadership positions very strict. Before obtaining a surveying license, management must ensure that all responsible employees fully meet the criteria, and that the management officials themselves have the appropriate education and experience. Otherwise, a license for any mining operations will not be issued. If the requirements are met, then obtaining a surveyor visa will not be difficult.

Requirements for obtaining a license for surveying work

Obtaining a surveying license implies that the licensee has:

  • employees with higher professional education in the relevant profile and confirmation of qualifications issued no later than 3 years ago, as well as having 3 or more years of experience;
  • completed higher professional education and with at least 5 years of work experience in the field.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the Rostekhnadzor surveying license assumes that employees will regularly (at least once every 3 years) improve their qualifications in relevant courses. All employees must pass certification not only in the field of safety industrial production, but also undergo training and pass the subsoil protection test.

What equipment is needed to obtain a mining license?

Any measuring equipment must undergo metrological testing, since the very specifics of the industry presuppose the need for the most accurate calculations. Obtaining a surveying license is impossible if the licensee does not have any technical and technological documentation, as well as in the absence of the required equipment. All requirements are described in more detail in the relevant regulation “On licensing the production of surveying works”, which can be found on the official website. It is important to note that the licensee is required to analyze and identify hazardous areas and areas, as well as notify other enterprises of upcoming mining operations. A separate license is also issued for the use of specialized equipment for mining. It is necessary to obtain permission from Rostechnadzor to use the equipment.

A license for surveying work requires the submission of documents to Central Administration Rostechnadzor. That is why you should carefully consider the list of required papers: the absence or incorrect submission of a certificate or document will lead to the return of the entire package. In particular, according to the law, along with an application in the prescribed form (you can download the template on the official website), you must submit the following papers:

  • direct inventory. This will help eliminate the possibility of an employee losing a document. The inventory must be in two copies.
  • a power of attorney is needed if the registration is carried out by a third party representing the interests of the applicant.
  • statement. The template can be downloaded from the website.
  • requisites. Here you should indicate the name of the body that approved the document, the date of signing, as well as the number of documents on the organization of the PC for compliance with industrial safety requirements during mining operations.
  • proof of education. It is necessary to submit certified copies of documents confirming the qualifications and experience of employees and managers.
  • confirmation of equipment availability. We need copies of documents for all equipment used.

In addition to all of the above, you will need to provide a document confirming payment of the state duty. Today, a license to carry out surveying work costs 7,500 rubles, but for up-to-date information It is highly recommended to follow the official website. In case of an error, you can download letter templates for a government refund there. The mine surveying license, which was previously valid for five years, has now changed its terms. On this moment unlimited survey license. This means that previously issued licenses with expiration dates will need to be obtained again. Renewing a surveyor's license is absolutely the same as obtaining one. It should be noted that it is possible to create a duplicate of a lost license, but for this you will have to pay a fee established by law.

Until a license is obtained, mining operations cannot be carried out. This will be considered a violation of the law and will be suppressed. A licensee may lose a license if an audit reveals gross violations at the enterprise. In this case, all production will be stopped until the status of the object meeting all the criteria is reconfirmed. In order not to risk losing your license, it is better to contact the specialists of the Emergency Assistance Center in advance, who will provide qualified support at the stage of preparation for the inspection. Moreover, for clients who have received a license with our help, specialist support is provided during scheduled inspections. Thus, successful completion of the test and confirmation of compliance with the issued license is guaranteed.

Assistance in obtaining a surveying license

As with any enterprise, delays in obtaining a license permitting mining operations are extremely undesirable for a production facility associated with surveying activities. The surveyor's license, the documents for which were listed above, allows the participation of a third party. The Emergency Operations Center offers services and assistance in obtaining a mining license. This means that the risk of incorrect submission of documents or an incorrectly completed application completely disappears. Our specialists monitor all changes and will easily make sure that your application and package of documents pass all documentation checks without any problems. Taking into account the fact that the validity period of the license to carry out surveying work now has no restrictions, such saving of effort and time at the beginning is fully justified.

by resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor
Russia dated 06.06.03 N 73.
Entered into force on June 29, 2003.

for surveying work*1

RD 07-603-03 _____
*1 Does not need state registration(letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2003, N 07/6397-UD).

I. General provisions

1. The instructions for carrying out surveying work (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) have been developed taking into account the requirements of the Law Russian Federation“On subsoil” dated 02.21.92 N 2395-1 (Gazette of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. 1992. N 16. Art. 834), federal laws dated 07.21.97 N 116-FZ “On industrial safety hazardous production facilities" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. N 30. Art. 3588) and dated 08.08.01 N 128-FZ "On licensing individual species activities" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. N 33. Art. 3430), Regulations on licensing activities for the production of surveying works, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.06.02 N 382 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. N 23. St. 2182), Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2001 N 841 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. N 50. Art. 4742).

2. The requirements of this Instruction are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership (hereinafter referred to as organizations), individual entrepreneurs carrying out the design, construction, operation, conservation and liquidation of mining and processing facilities, as well as subsoil use facilities for purposes not related to mining, on the territory of the Russian Federation and within its borders continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

3. In accordance with Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, one of the main requirements for ensuring the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil is to conduct a set of geological, surveying and other observations sufficient to ensure the normal technological cycle of work and predict hazardous situations , timely identification and marking of hazardous zones on mining plans. In accordance with Article 22 of this Law, the subsoil user is obliged to ensure the maintenance of geological, surveying and other documentation in the process of all types of subsoil use and its safety.

4. In accordance with Article 17 Federal Law“On licensing of certain types of activities”, surveying work is carried out on the basis of a license.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Regulations on licensing activities for the production of surveying works, licensing of the production of surveying works is carried out by the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the bodies of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia).

5. Mine surveying activities include:

Spatial-geometric measurements of mining and underground structures, determination of their parameters, location and compliance project documentation;

Observations of the state of mining allotments and justification of their boundaries;

Maintaining mining graphic documentation;

Accounting and justification of mining volumes;

Identification of hazardous areas and measures to protect mining operations, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil.

6. To implement the requirements of the legislation on subsoil, organizations can form (are forming) an independent structural subdivision- surveying service or engage third-party organizations under a contract or individuals who have the appropriate licenses for this type of activity. The head of the surveying service (chief surveyor) reports directly to the head of the organization.

7. The activities of the surveying service are determined by the regulations on the surveying service, approved and agreed upon by the organization in in the prescribed manner.

8. When determining the size of the surveying service, it is recommended to take into account the type of mineral, the geological structure of the deposit, mining technical factors, the volume and technology of mining, tunneling, construction and installation, construction and surveying work, the area of ​​mining and land allotments, their built-up conditions, the remoteness of objects, and at open method development - and the climatic conditions of the region, as well as ensuring the safety of mining operations and the protection of subsoil.

9. Topographic-geodetic and surveying work is carried out in the prescribed manner in accordance with the design documentation. To improve the quality of surveying work, it is recommended to draw up projects for the production of surveying work.

10. Tools and instruments used in surveying work are subject to verification in the prescribed manner and within the established time frame.

11. Processing survey measurements and maintaining mining graphic documentation can be performed using computer technology.

12. To create software products It is recommended to involve scientific organizations in processing the results of surveying measurements.

13. When performing surveying work, a third-party organization accepts the work and the technical report on the work performed, as well as the following materials:

Catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when constructing surveying support networks on the earth's surface;

Measurement logs, calculation sheets, catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when constructing underground surveying support networks;

Duplicates of surface plans, catalogs of coordinates and heights of points - when surveying the earth's surface;

Original plans, measurement logs, calculation sheets - when surveying an industrial site and mine workings.

The list of transferred materials for the implementation of surveying projects can be established by agreement with the customer.

14. Construction projects on the territory of production and economic activities of the subsoil user provide for topographical and surveying work necessary to ensure rational use and protection of subsoil, safe conduct of mining operations, construction, reconstruction of the surveying support network or restoration of lost points of the support and alignment networks, updating plans of the earth's surface during construction or after its completion, surveying mine workings and drawing up mining graphic documentation before putting the facility into operation. If necessary, carry out an examination of subsoil protection.

15. The design of surveying work during the joint development of a deposit by open-pit and underground methods is carried out taking into account the uniform timing of replenishment of plans for open-pit and underground mine workings and the uniform scale of surveying the earth's surface and underground mine workings.

16. When using subsoil, a book of surveying instructions is kept, in which workers of the surveying service record identified deviations from the design documentation for mining operations and the necessary warnings on issues within their competence.

17. In order to ensure the protection of subsoil and the safety of work related to the use of subsoil, surveying instructions are carried out by the officials to whom they are addressed.

18. The surveying service keeps a log of the state of the geodetic and surveying support network and a cartogram of the compliance of topographic plans current state terrain.

19. Mine surveying work is carried out in compliance with established requirements on safe mining operations.

20. When carrying out surveying work, the completeness and accuracy of measurements and calculations are ensured, sufficient for the rational use and protection of subsoil, and the safe conduct of mining operations.

22. Maintaining mining graphic documentation for objects surveying the earth’s surface and for mine workings within a basin, mining area or individual deposit is carried out in unified system coordinates and altitudes.

II. Surveying work on the earth's surface

23. The organization on the territory of its production and economic activities, in addition to the geodetic network, creates a survey support network.

24. Surveying core networks can be created using satellite equipment.

25. Mine surveying support networks on the earth’s surface are created using the methods of triangulation, trilateration, polygonometry of 4 classes, 1st and 2nd category, leveling of classes III and IV in accordance with established requirements.

26. Characteristics of triangulation networks of the 4th class, 1st and 2nd category are given in table. 1.

Table 1


4th grade

1st category

2nd category

Triangle side length, km, no more




Minimum permissible angle:

in a continuous network




binder in a chain of triangles




in the box




Number of triangles between the original sides or between the original point and the original side, no more




Minimum length of the original side, km




Root mean square error of angle measurements, calculated from triangle residuals




Limit discrepancy in a triangle




Relative error of the original (basic) side, no more

1:200 000*1

1:50 000

1:20 000

Relative mean square error in determining the length of the side at the weakest point, no more




To begin with, I want to tell you what surveying work is and, in general, where the name came from. This name came to us from Germany Markscheider (mine surveyor), where mark is a border, and scheider is to divide, i.e. Literally divides the boundaries. Survey work includes spatial and geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth and on the relevant areas of its surface, determining their parameters, locations, followed by displaying the measurement results on plans, maps and sections during mountain and geological exploration works, monitoring the condition of mining allotments and justifying their boundaries, maintaining mining graphic documentation, recording and justifying the volume of mining, identifying hazardous areas and measures to protect mining, buildings, structures and natural objects from the impact of work related to the use of subsoil. Next, we will tell you what is required for licensing surveying work.

Perhaps the most important and most difficult step you will encounter when obtaining a license to carry out surveying work is to find a specialist suitable for all necessary requirements, which should not just be understood in surveying jobs, but must also have a higher education professional education with professional retraining and obtaining qualifications in the required specialty and also, the specialist will need at least 5 years of work experience in the ongoing activities. The surveyor himself must know the laws and regulations in the field of geological study, protection and use of subsoil, documents and methodological materials related to the production of surveying work, and much more, which is prescribed in the directory of specialists in geology and subsoil exploration. It is also necessary to have special equipment and measuring instruments that are required to carry out licensed activities. If your organization is a subsoil user, then you must organize production control for compliance with industrial safety requirements when conducting mining operations and surveying work. Each employee must have permission to perform work with special training and qualifications.

Organizations wishing to obtain a license have frequently asked question regarding “where can they carry out their surveying work?” According to licensing requirements, it is necessary to indicate the addresses of the places where the licensing type of activity is carried out; if there are several of them, then all of them must be indicated. And here a difficult situation arises: when a new address appears for the place where the licensing type of activity is carried out, the license will have to be reissued. Renewing a license is an equally labor-intensive process, differs little from registration and takes a lot of time. To do this, you need to collect the entire package of documents again and pay a state fee for re-registration and waste a lot of time. To get rid of this, it is necessary to indicate that surveying work, for example, will be carried out throughout the entire region.

To obtain a license to carry out surveying work, you need to submit a certain package of documents to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision or Rostechnadzor, and what documents are needed, our company of United Lawyers will help you with this, who will answer all your questions related to licensing and will help you get a license! You will only need to enter into an agreement with us for obtaining a license to carry out surveying work, transfer Required documents and issue a power of attorney.

Kharintsev Dmitry,

lawyer, licensing specialist

United Lawyers group.