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Who is a space organizer? Interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

The profession of space organizer is not yet very common in Israel, although in other countries specialists in this field have been in demand since the mid-20th century. In European, Northern and South America This is a full-fledged industry. There are associations of organizers, annual conventions are held, industry publications are published, in general, the organizer of a space is a common occurrence abroad, a profession like all others. As in any other industry, there are the best representatives of the profession, its recognized leaders. I would like to introduce you to the ten most popular space organizers.

1. Marie Kondo

// is a home organizing specialist, creator of the KonMari vertical storage method, consultant and author of four books on home organization. Her books “Magic Tidying Up” and “Sparks of Joy” have been published in more than 30 countries, including Russia. Marie Kondo was included in the TOP 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine in 2015.
Marie Kondo believes that cleaning has a healing effect on a person - it puts thoughts in order and calms down. She reviews the process optimal organization order in the house not only on a practical, but on a spiritual plane - by taking care of things, we charge them with positive energy, which then returns to us. According to Marie, if you get rid of unnecessary extra items, you will have plenty of space to store your favorites and those you constantly use.

2. Donna Smullin Cooper

// is a professional organizer and cleaning expert, and is the author of a dozen best-selling books on organizing, organizing, decluttering and simplifying your life, which have sold nearly one million copies worldwide. She is a frequent guest on various TV and Radio channels - CBS Saturday Early Show, The Daily Buzz, Martha Stewart Living Radio. Donna Smullin Cooper is quoted by the media, her advice is posted in best magazines and online home economics publications such as Real Simple and Better Homes & Gardens. Donna is an expert who can organize any space in the home and can handle the most hopeless mess. As one of the most recognized and respected experts in organizing space, Donna received the 2006 Founders Award from the National Association of Professional Organizers for her outstanding contributions to the industry.

3. Julia Morgenstern

// - founder of Task Masters, which provides professional consulting services for planning and organization working environment businesses, organizations and individuals. Among her corporate clients- American Express, Sony Music and Microsoft companies. Julia is a regular on MSNBC's The Home Page show and a frequent guest on many other television programs, giving lectures and conducting seminars throughout America.
Her books “Self-organization according to the “inside-out” principle” and “Time management” have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.
Julia Morgenstern, a specialist in planning and organizing time, assures that even the most severe cases of inability to organize oneself and one’s time can be “treated.” Where, in her opinion, should self-organization lessons begin? With the ability to organize your space. Order in the head is impossible without order in things.

4. Andrew Mellen

// is a professional organizer, expert, speaker, and best-selling author of Unstuff Your Life! Called the most organized man in America, he has helped tens of thousands of people decompress and simplify their lives so they can spend more time on the things that truly matter to them.
Andrew Mellen is one of the pioneers in professional organization, frequently travels the world performing and teaching. He is also in private practice, which began in 1996, working one-on-one with individuals and one-to-many with small and medium-sized businesses, non-profits and international organizations, including Genentech, American Express and the Metropolitan. Museum of Art. In 2013, Andrew founded Unstuff U, the world's first fully virtual training center providing classes and workshops for legal and individuals. Andrew Mellen is a passionate advocate for organized stability and mindful transformation. His life motto: More love, less stuff!®

5. Geoffrey Phillip

// is a professional organizer and interior designer. Jeffrey has been helping other people organize their homes for as long as he can remember. As a child, whenever anyone needed help organizing something, Jeffrey would come to the rescue. His talent is a deep and inspiring passion to truly help others learn to live more effectively and turn their homes into Homes.
Today, Jeffrey shares his passion with his clients by providing customized solutions to suit their lifestyles and transform their homes into carefully organized, efficient, stylish and cozy places. His creative vision and organizational talents are nationally recognized, and he has taught millions of people how to get their lives in order on Good Morning America and The Dr. Oz Show," has waged a war on clutter as a regular guest on Katie Couric's "Katie," and shares her secrets on the pages of "O magazine," "InStyle," "Real Simple," "The New York Times".

6. Peter Walsh

// - professional organizer, psychologist, author of the fascinating series of programs “Cluttered House” // In his programs, he allows the participant to experience the shock of the number of things - when they reach extremes and destroy family relationships.
An expert in the field of organizational design, Peter Walsh is not only a media personality, but also the author of six best-selling books on the subject of organization. His books have been translated and published on 10 various languages. Peter's goal is to help people live richer, happier and a little more organized.

7. Matt Paxton

// is a specialist in extreme decluttering and cleaning of the most neglected spaces. He works in the homes of hoarders (people with extreme forms of hoarding: hoarding, silogomania). Matt Paxton has not only gained a lot of positive experience interacting with people suffering from “Plushkinism”, but also experience in helping and supporting their relatives who are simply not able to cope with this family problem..
Matt's career began in 2006 decluttering the home of his own grandmother, who was prone to extreme hoarding. Now the queue for the services of Matt’s team is unrealistically long.
American Matt Paxton's company Clutter Cleaner specializes in cleaning the most cluttered (and often the most emotionally difficult) rooms.

8. Amanda Le Blanc

// is a professional organizer and designer with 12 years of experience. Owned his own for 10 years successful company. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and the Vestavia Hills and Jefferson Parish Chamber of Commerce, and is an active member of the giving community for Habitat for Humanity, local schools and organizations.
Amanda Le Blanc, for her achievements, was included in the 2012 Birmingham Top 40, Top CEO Rising Star and The Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year.
In 2012, Amanda Le Blanc made her debut in the television reality show bearing her name - The Amandas. These days, Amanda is sought after not only for her stylish and functional designs, but also for her event speaking and consulting work.

9. Alejandra Costello

// is a professional organizer; in her ideal home there is always a place for every thing, even the smallest and most insignificant. Alejandra, as a true perfectionist, was included in the list of the five most organized people in America. This is a creative person, a real expert in organizing home space. Alejandra shows busy people how to organize their homes using tips from her how-to videos.
You can look at the home of the most neat and organized woman and learn something useful for yourself on her YouTube channel here: //

10. Ashley Murphy and Molly Graves

// - founders of the “Neat Method” (neat method). "Neat Method" - serves to provide a luxuriously and chicly equipped living space. Ashley and Molly admit that with today's hectic lives, keeping an organized home can be a challenge. However, the Neat Method allows you to develop customized solutions that are not only effective, but also sustainable. They offer an honest approach, a keen eye for detail, and a sense of sophisticated style.
Professional organizers Ashley Murphy and Molly Graves rose to fame when images of their meticulously organized kitchens, pantries, living rooms and bedrooms went viral across the internet. The design duo have amassed a huge following on Instagram thanks to their ingenious, space-saving designs.

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As far back as I can remember as a child, I always helped my mother and grandmother tidy up and clean. She didn’t even help, but did it on her own. I didn’t have to be asked, forced or motivated. When I saw the mess, my hands itched. I was about 9 years old.

Nobody taught me how to clean, since my mother worked in a bank, and my grandmother “kept the household.” I did this intuitively and could clean up the kitchen from morning to evening, arrange things in the closet, and even organize tools in the country house. For all this I received admiring eyes, loud splashes in my grandmother’s hands and my mother’s hugs.

At school I was an excellent student and an activist, and of course, on my mother’s advice, I entered the law academy. By the way, she did it herself, without any agreements or bribes, having passed only the first exam.I can’t say that my parents forced me. At that time, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and did not know that work could bring not only money, but also pleasure.

Judging by my parents, there was no easy and favorite job, there was only one that paid more. And after the weekend, every Monday morning I heard the dissatisfied phrase: “Oh God, I have to go to work today!” I really don’t want to!”

In the 4th year, after practice, it dawned on me that working in the civil service is not sweet, even in the legal department. They pay pennies labor Code no one complies, they punish you for every little thing, they force you to stay at work overtime.

By a happy coincidence, I did not have to work for 3 years after studying, as I got married and gave birth to a daughter. And, by the way, I graduated from the Law Academy with honors...

I got the best mother-in-law, and since our relationship was warm and friendly, every season I helped her “go through the closets,” despite the fact that she has a daughter. By the way, I also helped my daughter, that is, my husband’s sister.I took out all the clothes, sorted them by season, category and color. Then followed a long try-on of things that raised doubts and I intuitively asked my mother-in-law a lot of questions (as it turned out, some of them coincided with those that I was taught at foreign organizing courses). Then she made a decision: give it away, leave it, or repair/alter it.After trying on, I put things into drawers and shelves and gave a tour of my beloved mother-in-law's updated perfect closet. The next day we took huge bags of unnecessary clothes to her work, where the employees sorted them out with their hands and feet.

I received great pleasure from this process, I really enjoyed it. I saw how grateful and satisfied my mother-in-law was, who, unlike me, was very tired and did not understand how this could be done with such enthusiasm and sparkling eyes.

Each time this event took us 1-2 days, since she had a lot of clothes and she never did it without me. Every time she was surprised how much I liked it and how great I was at it.

After I once again put things in order in the kitchen, she said: “Everything has become much more convenient, beautiful and better, I would never have thought of rearranging things like that! You have talent, you need to realize it somehow!”I laughed and answered: “Yeah, maybe I can go to work as a cleaner with a diploma from the Law Academy?”

...The maternity leave smoothly grew from one to another and after 5 years our son was born. During all this time, I was finally convinced that I was not ready to work for my uncle from morning to night like my classmates, that laws were changing at the speed of sound and I would not return to law. I tried taking photographs, sculpting candy bouquets and even wanted to open children's store clothes. IT DIDN'T GO. NOT MINE.

I was worried that I was sitting on my husband’s neck and suffered from unfulfillment. But despite everything, I believed and knew that I would do something special, not like everyone else, and would go down in history.

All this time, I periodically helped my mothers and friends “go through the closets” (that’s what I called this action at that time), but one incident changed everything.

While walking with the children on the playground, my friend and I met her good friend Katya (name changed). The girl recently celebrated her second baby’s one-year anniversary, but she completely fell into despair.The endless mess, huge piles of clothes after washing, children's toys lying everywhere and her husband on regular business trips - it all drove her crazy.

She told how she turned things out on the floor to find what she needed, although she cleaned out her closet on the weekends; how long it took her eldest daughter to get dressed and how her things ended up on the wrong shelf; how she spent half an hour looking for a “striped bodysuit” for her youngest daughter; how, upon leaving the threshold of the apartment, I realized that the keys were not in my bag and ran for another 15 minutes looking for them; how tired she was of the mess, the endless cleaning and the never-ending laundry.

After the walk, my friend and I went to her house for tea. Katya opened the closet to show her new clothes and a bunch of things fell on her head from the top shelf. She sat down on the floor and burst into tears... In general, I said that I would come to her tomorrow and help her, simply, humanly (especially since parents came to visit us and could stay with my children).

We rowed all day, drank coffee, listened to “Evening Kyiv” and listened to Dima Bilan. That day we tore through two closets and completely changed the storage system. Katya was shocked. She squealed with pleasure, closing and opening drawers and doors a hundred times. When I put on my shoes, she started giving me money, to which I widened my eyes and said that she was crazy. After arguing for about 10 minutes, she stuffed the bills into my purse and said that such amazing work should be paid for.

I walked along the barely lit streets and thought a lot. I was embarrassed, I just wanted to help, why did she give me money... But I understood the most important thing - people are willing to pay for such services...

I didn’t know what to call the services that I wanted to provide, but after that incident, the idea of ​​​​creating a business to organize closets firmly stuck in my head.Cleaning the closet.. order in the closet.. order in things.. order in the house.. nothing sensible came to mind... All understanding came down to an ordinary cleaner or housekeeper...And in our family almost all are lawyers - men in suits and ties, women in blouses and heels...I'm alone... unlucky...

In general, I didn’t even tell anyone about my first “salary” from cleaning the closet (maybe in vain?). And I didn’t consider it a salary, it’s an absurd coincidence.

Six months have passed since that incident, maybe a little more. I spent the money that I was given for my birthday on my first training in my life and on March 8, 2015, I started a blog on Instagram about mom success. I wrote mainly about order in the house and optimizing space in closets, occasionally touching on the topic of time management.

I was scared to tell people what I really wanted to do, because I couldn’t even clearly formulate the name of my services. At that time, there was not a single space organizer in the Russian-speaking space.

A couple of months later, in one of the foreign blogs, I accidentally came across information about professionalorganize r.

OH GODS! THEY EXIST! Something skipped a beat in my heart, everything turned upside down in my stomach. THIS IS IT! THIS is what I want to do and what I have been doing almost since childhood! Space organizer is my life’s work, my calling! It turns out that such a profession has existed in the USA for about 30 years (30 years, Karl!). Specialists are in great demand, improve people’s lives, do what they love and receive decent pay starting from 100 USD per hour!

But where are we and where is the USA?

Everything would be easy if it weren’t so difficult...

I couldn’t find a place for myself and continued to run Instagram with more and more emphasis on organizing space, but I was again overcome by doubts that lasted several months...Fear of being ridiculed, fear that nothing will work out and a million thoughts in my head every night.

In the fall, I accidentally entered a hashtag#space organizer and found HER. A curly-haired redhead who recently began organizing space in Russia. We quickly became friends and decided that we would give this profession a great start in the post-Soviet territory. We can do it, we can do it! There are two of us!

As you can see, 3 years later this is exactly what happened. All the current organizers are our graduates and I’m really proud of that!I talked about my new activity to everyone who needs it and doesn’t need it: family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. My eyes were burning, my hands were shaking and my heart was beating fast!

My relatives were the first to support me - they said that this required service and I can practice on their cabinets right now.

The latter did NOT support me. These were some “friends” (as it seemed to me at that time). They screwed up my idea and twirled their finger at my temple.

The third are subscribers. They split into two camps. Some shouted that this was a brilliant idea, others that it was bottom and a shame to rummage through other people's underpants!It was painful, annoying... oh well... I banned spammers, my friends turned out to be not friends at all.

The thought of quitting didn’t even arise. I knew it would be difficult. I remembered that same saying from childhood: “And if Olya jumps from the 7th floor, will you jump after her too?” Of course not! Therefore, if someone was content with whining, lying on the couch and plugging into the TV, I was not going to do the same.

In December 2015, I bought the first foreign course on training professional organizers and after passing the exams, I became the first certified space organizer in post-Soviet territory.Clients were found almost immediately, word of mouth and blogging gave stunning results, but with a 1.5-year-old child in my arms, I couldn’t cope...

At my own peril and risk, I hired a nanny and for the first month of work I was able to pay for her services myself. I studied and worked more than I slept, wrote posts, conducted the first marathons on organizing space on the RuNet, and on weekends I went on trips.

On this moment I passed more than 17 online courses not only on organizing space, but also on business, worth more than 370 thousand rubles, I studied a bunch of foreign literature, worth more than 250 USD, and I am 100% confident in my “Space Organizer” course.If you actively apply all your knowledge in practice, you can fully recoup its cost even before completing the course, and if you act slowly, within 2-3 months.My students write TOP blogs and literally in a year turn from timid girls into confident businesswomen with blogs with 100K subscribers.

Now I’m writing my first book, living at sea for 3 months, devoting weekends only to my family, and I’m still nervous about meeting a new client.

Everyone who discussed me behind my back is now becoming friends; those who said that no one needed this are calling me to organize. But I have a recording. Registration until the beginning of November.

I did it, so can you! I'll reveal everything to you underwater rocks and tell you the most secret secrets.

No matter how much you clean, after a couple of days the apartment is a mess again. Do you feel familiar? And you understand with your mind that it’s easier to organize space competently once than to put things in order from scratch every time, but... the next weekend comes and you’re like a squirrel in a wheel again. It's time to invite a professional space organizer!

The profession is still rare in the post-Soviet space, although in developed countries specialists in this field have been in demand since the mid-20th century. " I bring harmony and air into closets, rooms, apartments, houses“- this is how one of the pioneers of this service on the domestic market accurately and succinctly defined the essence of the profession.

Who is a professional space organizer?

A professional or personal space organizer is a specialist who, with advice and practice, helps other people to qualitatively change their living environment - to make it convenient, comfortable, orderly.

Related areas of activity: interior designer, office manager, time manager, personal finance consultant. It is incorrect to compare this profession with a cleaner or housekeeper. Although in both the first and second cases we're talking about about putting things in order, the organizer of the space does not so much clean as creates a competent and convenient storage system for things, which is then supported by the owners or the same housekeeper.

What is included in the scope of activity?

A specialist of this level can organize anything - from a desktop on a computer to gardening tools in the utility room. The most in demand are these services.

Reorganize and structure the storage of existing things.

Declutter your closet (room, apartment).

Create a storage system from scratch, for example, in a new building.

Organize relocation, travel.

Organize things and documentation in the office.

This is a practical component of the profession, when the organizer goes to a place where he himself or together with the owners restores order. The departure is preceded by a serious preparatory work which includes the following activities.

Studying the object from photographs, planning changes.

A selection of ideas, photographs, examples, drawing diagrams, which are then agreed upon with the client.

Compiling lists of storage items that need to be purchased for the system to work.

When the expected result is received, the wizard advises the client, how to maintain order in the future, focuses on basic principles, teaches how to draw up correct plans for various affairs and “projects”.

Not all people are ready to invite a stranger into their home. In this case, the service involves cooperation with a personal organizer at the level consultations, training sessions, master classes.

For many housewives, it is enough to invite a consultant once to specific example understand how to create a system, how it works, and then organize it yourself.

Where is this taught?

In our country educational institutions, which train professionals in this area, no. A real opportunity to gain structured knowledge is training courses and trainings that are conducted online; full-time courses are possible in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The organizers of the courses (those that are well known) are “Stopbardak”, Academy of Order, School of Extreme Optimism.

How to become a space organizer: secrets of the profession

If the goal is not just to become a cool housewife, but to grow into a real pro, we will reveal 5 secrets and subtleties of the profession.

Secret 1. Not everyone has it

Usually, random people do not come into this profession. Organizational skills, of course, are developed, but initially it is innate property personality. The desire for order, the desire to systematize things, to arrange space should be in the blood, and the process should bring pleasure. Analytical skills, the ability to see an object, a situation from the outside, and a sense of harmony will help you become a master of your craft. Additional knowledge, for example, in design, time management, will be a plus.

Advice! Start with self-organization, try to change your own home, your usual way of life, and test yourself for “professional suitability.”

Secret 2. Try on someone else's life

The most important part of the work is to create a system that will be convenient and understandable not for the organizer, but for those who will live in it. It is psychologically difficult to entrust your home to a stranger, but it is no less difficult to delve into the habits, peculiarities of perception, and lifestyle of the client. It's like trying on someone else's life.

At the mental level, our people have a desire to hoard, and it is often difficult for them to part with things. A good organizer must be a subtle psychologist, have a sense of tact, communication skills, be able to convince a person without putting him in an awkward position.

Secret 3. Creativity + pedantry

Organized people are pedants to one degree or another; they are committed to established order, neat, rational.

But!!! Despite the pedantry, main idea Professional organization of space is not neatness, but the ability to have any thing where it is needed, not constantly putting things in order, but setting aside the right time for every task.

No less important is a creative streak, a creative approach to business. There are no identical closets, apartments, even desks. They are filled with their lives, things, and serve different people. Therefore, each time you need to come up with new schemes, adapt the developed rules to the situation, pass ideas suggested by someone through yourself and create an original product.

Secret 4. Know a lot and keep learning

Basic professional competencies conditionally combined into two blocks:

knowledge of technologies, storage systems;

knowledge of storage products.

First block assumes that the specialist is well versed in the basic principles of arranging living space. The “icon” of many professional organizers is a Japanese woman, who interprets putting things in order in the house as a kind of “reboot” of life. Her book about magical cleaning has become a reference book for many housewives.

Mass useful information, ideas about organizing everyday life can be gleaned from European authors - M. Seelly “Flylady School”, E. Doland “Everything in Order”, etc.

Second area of ​​competence– excellent knowledge of the range and purpose of goods for storage. The master’s task is not only to put everything in its place, but to advise how to choose the right shoe boxes, what is best to store in, what can simply be put on a shelf. The specialist offers accessories and containers for things, and the client chooses based on capabilities and taste preferences.

Secret 5. Life hack to help!

In no other area of ​​life can you find so much useful tips, life hacks, like in home economics. A good consultant constantly monitors the Internet, social media, monitors the latest in storage accessories and home goods and includes them in its projects and recommendations.

If you are inspired by the idea of ​​making the lives of people around you more comfortable, bringing order to their home, take the risk of trying your hand at a new, fashionable profession.

Hello everyone! All housewives want their home to always be clean and tidy. You can stick to it, create a cleaning schedule, buy a huge number of organizers, but in the end you won’t see any significant results. After all, the main task is not to put things in the best possible way (although this is also sometimes very important) and find a place for them, but to make your home, first of all, comfortable.

For this purpose, tools and rules have been invented that, undoubtedly, if used correctly and regularly, will literally work wonders. These are routines, hot spots, and so on. If you learn to apply all the recommendations of the cleaning system, you are guaranteed to change the way you look at housekeeping. Most likely, you will become more organized, you will get more done, your home will almost always be clean, BUT... There will be no less work. You will simply do everything the same as before, but thanks to all those tools it will be much faster and easier. As a result, your homework will become automatic. And that's very good.

But many people forget or do not understand one thing. After all, our goal is not only to reduce cleaning time, but also to reduce it. In other words, try to make it so that there are fewer movements.

What is the secret to quick cleaning?

And it’s actually very simple – zones. If you know at least a little about, then you are familiar with this concept. Marla Silley - its founder suggests dividing the entire apartment / house into several zones and devoting a week to cleaning one of them. By the way, this is a very convenient way. But still imperfect. And if you're looking for even more effective rules organizing your home, want to improve the space, then read on.

Organization of space in the house

I will say right away that the process that will be discussed today will take more than one day. It’s not like writing zones on paper and distributing work among the week or month. Everything is much more confusing, but not more complicated. The only thing that is required of you is to understand the essence and put it into practice.

This method was invented a long time ago. Its creator is a born organizer – Julia Morgenstern. Her book “Self-Organization from the Inside Out” caused a sensation in its time. I don't even understand why it's not so popular these days. Perhaps this way of organizing space seemed too complicated to many, because it is easiest to not notice the real problems.

  • analysis
  • planning
  • action

And now we’ll talk about everything in order.

I don't think anyone would want to reverse the steps. It is logical to take any action with a plan in hand, which was drawn up as a result of an analysis of the problem and situation.

To make everything clear to you, I will try to tell you Julia’s strategy using my own example, in my apartment. And in addition I will attach tables that are taken from the book.

Step 1. Analysis

Analysis involves identifying problems and shortcomings in your housekeeping strategy. Let's say I divided my apartment into several zones:

  1. hallway
  2. baths
  3. toilet
  4. living room

As you can see, zoning corresponds to the number of rooms. This is not at all what Marla Seeley is telling. Here we will not draw up a slightly different principle and a cleaning schedule for this strategy.

Step 2: Planning

This step will already help you create a picture of your future organized home. And understand the very principle of self-organization from the inside out. First, we need to create some kind of map of our future actions. For this, there is a very cool principle of dividing a zone into subzones, which correspond to a certain type of activity.

This division is used in kindergartens. For example, a large room where most children spend time are divided into several zones according to type of activity. Music corner - there are instruments, notes, music Center. Corner for games - toys, storage boxes. Reading corner - shelves, books, tables.

In the same way, we will divide each of the rooms. Again, I take my example.


What types of activities do we do there? What is needed for this? Where and how to store?

  • We put on our shoes - shoes, a shoehorn, cream - a cabinet with doors.
  • Dressing - outerwear, hats, scarves, gloves and mittens - hooks and a shelf on top.
  • We look in the mirror - a mirror, a comb, a sticky roller for clothes - an organizer with pockets on the wall.
  • I place a starting point - items that need to be remembered, given away, carried - a basket on the shelf.

It is very important to do your planning on paper. Take into account all the nuances and behavior of family members, for example, someone looks in the mirror before going out not in the hallway, but in the bedroom. Then it is necessary to organize storage of the same items not only in the corridor.


  • We wash ourselves - soap, shampoo, shower gels, washcloths - a corner shelf above the bathtub.
  • We take care of ourselves - skincare products - a shelf above the sink.
  • Doing laundry - washing machine, powder, conditioner, laundry basket - place in the corner
  • Cleaning – detergents and cleaning products, cleaning accessories – cabinet under the sink


  • Sleep - blanket, pillows, sheet - tucked into bed.
  • Personal care – creams and other cosmetics – shelf in the closet
  • Dressing – clothes – wardrobe, hooks for home clothes
  • TV – remote control, TV – bracket, pocket for the remote control.


  • Dressing - clothes - closet
  • Games – toys, books – basket, rack
  • Developmental activities - supplies for drawing, modeling - a drawer in the desk.
  • Sleep - blankets, pillows, sheets - a box under the bed.


  • Cooking - dishes and kitchen utensils - lower cabinet, pull-out shelves.
  • Food storage - cereals, spices, canned goods - shelves.
  • Cleaning - sponges, rags, household chemicals– a place under the sink, on the sink.
  • Pouring drinks - tea, what kind, coffee, kettle - place on the table.

Step 3. Actions

This is how you should plan and divide your rooms and the house as a whole into zones. Then you can begin to take action. Start with one activity and organize items for it. Step by step plan is:

  • sorting - collect all the things and objects that are used in each zone, divide them into subzones (by type of activity)
  • throw away what is broken, unnecessary, that is, all the trash
  • find a place for everything (this can be seen from the previous task)
  • put it in its place
  • keep order

Actions to organize space in the house may imply not only the arrangement of small items of use, but also, in some cases, the rearrangement of furniture.

By doing everything as Julia recommends, you can identify previously invisible problems, such as lack of space. In this case, you need to think about additional storage systems or freeing up space that is taken up by unnecessary items.

This entire system must be complemented by a number of very important storage principles.

  • Store things where you use them - it’s not for nothing that we left a table by types of activities and items of use.
  • Each item should have its own place.
  • Inadmissibility of storing trash and unnecessary things, that is, constant littering.

Such a process can take a long time. The best option is the dedication of one day to one zone. If you do everything right, you will not only get rid of unnecessary cleaning work, but you will also make your home more comfortable, and this is our ultimate goal. And the cleaning schedule and daily routines will become your best helpers.

Hello, dear readers of the site “Mom’s Career”!

Olga Strugovshchikova is with you. And today our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer.

From the interview with our guest you will learn:

  • how Ekaterina came to the profession of space organizer
  • where can I learn this profession and is it possible to master it on my own?
  • what exactly does a space organizer do and how does this profession differ from others like it?
  • What are the prospects for further growth in this profession?
  • What difficulties did Catherine have to face on her way?
  • how soon can you go on stable income being new to the profession
  • and many many others.

Video version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Text version of the interview with Ekaterina Pushkareva

Hello. My name is Olga Strugovshchikova, and today we have a video interview. Our guest is Ekaterina Pushkareva, a professional space organizer. And I invited her so that she could tell us about this new very interesting profession, which is chosen by many mothers. Hello, Ekaterina!

Catherine: Hello Olga!

Olga: Let `s start? Are you ready to answer our questions?

Catherine: Yes, I'm ready.

Olga: Space organizer is a fairly new profession, I assume that you did not study this at university and did something else before. Tell us who you were in a “past” life.

Catherine: Yes, of course, in past life I was a test engineer software. And put things in order in the program code, i.e. It also has a little to do with order.

How Ekaterina found herself

Olga: Tell us what your path was in understanding that you want to engage in this particular profession, especially since it is so unknown. How did you find her? How did you come to this?

Catherine: You can say that I came by accident. I’ve been here for five and a half years now: first with one son, then immediately with another, and I was at a crossroads. Youngest son I have to send it to kindergarten, and I also have to do something, because I already want to do it myself. I somehow didn’t want to return to my old profession; I wanted to try something new. And we were in the States at that moment, and there in a Facebook group I came across such a person - the organizer of the space, and began to observe her activities, her projects. It was very interesting, but I just watched, and then somehow, really, I’m not lying, I woke up in the middle of the night with this thought: I can do it too, I’m also interested in this. And I started looking for information, but at first there was almost nothing. And then by chance, again on Instagram, I came across Yuliana Myznikova’s account and her project “Stopbardak”. And just when she was starting to enroll in a school for training professional organizers, I ran to her, hand in hand, signed up and completed training there. Juliana has certificates from the American Associations of Organizers, and she teaches girls such a new interesting profession.

Where to go to study to become a space organizer?

Olga: This is exactly what I wanted to ask the following question: where did you study? Is it possible to master this profession on your own? Are there any faculties abroad?

Catherine: On your own - this is only if through the American Association of Space Organizers, if you own English language, or there is a European association. I think there are still some in Brazil, if I'm not mistaken. There are people who are organized on their own, but it comes naturally to them. It is still necessary to somehow structure the knowledge. Here we have a chat, we share with the girls some of our ideas, some experiences, i.e. someone tells someone something and it helps a lot. It seems to me that it still makes sense to undergo vocational training.

Space organizer - cleaner, designer or..?

Olga: OK, thank you. Let's get to the very essence of the profession. What exactly does a space organizer do, how does this profession differ from similar specialties? I know that an organizer is confused with a person who simply cleans: a maid or cleaning lady, with someone who comes to fix something, hang shelves, a “husband for an hour” or something else. For example, how are interior designers different? They also help to distribute things in space. What is the essence of your profession?

Catherine: The essence of the profession is to help a person restore order in his environment. And little by little it turns out that these changes, putting things in order in the house, lead to positive changes in life, i.e. something is being structured in my head. When you throw away old unnecessary things, space opens up for new things.

And we also teach not just how to put things in order, we are not cleaners, but we teach a person how to maintain this order. For example, if you take a wardrobe, then this is the correct and rational folding of things, how it will be more convenient to fold them, arrange them so that the next time you take them again, this chaos, this disorder will not happen again, so that you can also calmly put them away in place, and you had them in order in this closet, in a drawer or on hangers.

If you take a designer, it often happens that, for example, designers see such a beautiful overall picture, they say, you have a red sofa here, a gray blanket or gray pillows will look fantastic on it. These are little things, these are some amenities that will be comfortable for you (for example, you don’t use the pillows on this sofa). This is just an example that came up. Those. They don’t always pay attention to this, they may not pay attention to it.

And also, due to the fact that the majority in this profession are girls, women, we don’t hang shelves (laughs), we don’t assemble, we don’t dismantle. For this there is special service“husband for an hour” or some other specialist. Those. The point is to teach a person to maintain this order himself, so that it is not difficult for him, so that he feels comfortable and cozy.

If a cleaner is recommended and called in every week, then this indicates her professionalism and that she does a good job. And space - ideally, this is a person who was called once, and he said everything, and no more comes for this zone, for organizing a certain space.

Olga: What zones are you organizing? Is it just the house, just the wardrobe, or any indoor space, be it a home office, or maybe even an office? Maybe you organize other materials on the computer - where do the tentacles of the space organizer “reach”? (laughs)

Catherine: Yes, yes, our tentacles are long, reaching a lot of places. (laughs) Just in our courses we had something like this: first you need to try everything, but then, after all, each specialist finds his own area, area of ​​​​application. Those. Yuliana, in my opinion, has 9 graduates, one of them in St. Petersburg specializes in putting things in order on the computer. It helps you structure information in the way you want – in the way you want. There are girls who specialize in time management, specifically in organizing some of their own tasks and needs.

Olga: Life is more organized.

Catherine: Something like that, yes. Now I have a project to organize an office, not just a home-office, but an office-office like this, a real office, we will work next week. Yes, dressing rooms, kitchens, children's rooms, play areas, children's rooms, garages and storage rooms, storage rooms, bathrooms.

Types of employment: offline and online

Olga: Tell me, is a space organizer a person who is tied to his place of residence? This is always an on-site visit, i.e. come to someone’s home, look at it, advise something, show them how to fold it better and more functionally? Or is it possible to resolve some issues remotely, as is customary now?

Catherine: Basically, due to the fact that this profession is still very new in Russia, i.e. There are very few specialists in it; in every city, of course, there are none. Moreover, we have a lot of cities and there can be a lot of people willing to use this service. And therefore, as far as I know, each of the graduates, each of the specialists in this field has an online organization service. It goes like this: for example, we call on Skype, discuss problems, discuss what goals a given zone of the organization has, i.e. We set some specific tasks. Some people need to organize the same home office, while others need a crib next to it, because this is a young mother who combines everything. In general, every need of every client.

Olga: So that toys are not scattered throughout the house. You also help organize toys, as far as I know.
Toys - yes, I recently had a free organization marathon, the girls did a good job. Then we discuss the further format collaboration. It will either be an online organization - we call each other and, at the client’s request, I can sit on Skype, roughly speaking, and comment on every action, or I give a certain direction, vector, I prescribe specific steps, and we call each other at a certain period of time and discuss, or We will discuss upon request if any questions arise.

Or there is another option of drawing up an individual plan. This participation is used in such cases, for example, when you move to a new house or you have a new space in which there is not yet a mess that needs to be decluttered, but it must be somehow competently organized so that you can then use it comfortably. So that you don’t have to redo what has already been done 10 times, but do it all correctly at once. There is such a service as “Individual plan”, i.e. I describe all this to you in detail and with different options, you choose the one that suits you, we discuss it, then, when the time comes, when you have the opportunity, you order, for example, some filling or furniture and, accordingly, if then they will need it, all this in individually is being discussed.

Prospects for career growth in the profession

Olga: OK, thank you. I understand correctly that this is a one-person business, i.e. It’s like a private practice, when you look for clients for yourself. Or is there, for example - this thought occurred to me - is there an opportunity to get a job as a space organizer in some company, maybe not in Russia, maybe find out Foreign experience. It is clear that if this is a new profession for us, there is already some kind of history there. Here are the prospects career growth can be?

Catherine: As I already said, most often, if the organizer of the space is already quite experienced and if he organizes everything competently, then in the future either the office or the person should no longer need his services. More likely, this is exactly what it is private business, independent promotion, independent search clients. You can position yourself as some kind of consultant and, accordingly, get promoted, and so that companies turn to you to organize their offices. But I haven’t heard of this yet that there was some kind of company with organizers. But, again, this may be due to the fact that this is not developed in Russia, there are not yet enough specialists.

Olga: But in general, I even saw some movie. main character I was just busy sorting out the cabinets.

Catherine: Yes Yes! It was a film about a Japanese expert in organizing space. Marie Kondo, I have just her here desk book(shows the book).

Olga: I also saw a Hollywood, American film. In that film, everything is completely about the organization of space. There are several stories there, I recommend it to everyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

Catherine: It's called "Life is the magic of tidying up."

Olga: There is something quite artistic there, but there the main characters were sorting out their wardrobes. Two women came... If anyone is watching us now in the recording and remembers this film, write in the comments what it was called. (laughs)

* Movie title "Blended"

Difficulties and obstacles

Olga: I also had the same question for you personally. I realized that I liked the profession, I understand that this is generally something I like, since it dawned on me like this - it’s mine, and I want to do it, but there are always things that I like in the profession and things that I don’t like. Tell us about what doesn’t interest you the most, these may not be disadvantages, but what you don’t like.

Catherine: To be honest, due to the fact that the profession is new and there is a lot of enthusiasm, so far, in principle, I like everything. We can say that there are not disadvantages, but some difficulties. When, for example, it is difficult for a person to part with his things, and he says: no, I need this and I need this, we don’t throw it away. And at the same time, I can’t insist, because these are really not my things, and I have to take into account the client’s wishes, but sometimes you understand - well, it’s not worth it. Sometimes we discuss, for example, with a client: come on, if you don’t use this thing within, for example, a month or three, then we will still throw it away. Yes, clients take such steps. The difficulties for me personally are probably this. I never suspected that I would have a personal business that needed to be developed further, planned, some kind of marketing... Mastering all this is still new for me, not that difficult, but new for me, and that’s why I’m trying Now is the time to find it all...

Olga: I realized that marketing, especially if you have never done it... You have to master, in fact, two professions - a businessman and a professional space organizer. What are your future prospects? What do you want, what do you dream about? Maybe create your own agency? What are your plans?

Catherine: I'm still at the beginning of my journey. This is how often in interviews it is customary to ask where you see yourself in 5 years or approximately 10 years. Maybe also for training organizers in Russia. Now Yuliana and Victoria are organizing an association of professional organizers in Russia, i.e. There will already be such a party there, it will be interesting to gain new knowledge. Probably, for now, in the future, we will come to the point of training new organizers.

First money in the profession

Olga: Another question, I think, will be of interest to everyone who listens and watches us, because it’s a money issue. If possible, of course, please share whether you managed to reach a level of income that, for example, was comparable to previous work? And secondly, this question interests me: how quickly can I earn money? new profession? You, too, like many of our listeners, are a mother who was on maternity leave, who has very little free time, and here you need, in addition to mastering this profession, you need to work, manage Instagram, some technical issues like this... T .e. plenty of time. At first it’s scary that the monetary result will not come soon. Tell us how it was for you, how long it took for you to get your first money and what level of income you have already achieved, if this is not a big secret. (laughs)

Catherine: The first money, i.e. The first paid order was approximately 2 months after completing the training.

Olga: Great.

Catherine: But, to be honest, there is no stable income yet, I’m still working on it, but there are already willing clients. I can now give you an approximate cost. Since I am still a beginner specialist, my cost is still quite low - 400 rubles per hour for an on-site visit and 200 rubles per hour for an online consultation. But already in October I plan to raise the price a little, and by the New Year I have set myself goals so that I already have a fairly stable income.

Olga: I keep an eye on your Instagram, I see a great response and wish you prosperity and access to the goal that you have set, so that your dream goal comes true, when you can do what you want, for as long as you want. And maybe, in conclusion, would you recommend something to those who are watching us and who liked this direction, this profession, maybe you will give some recommendations?

Catherine: First of all, thank you for your wishes, I will try. And the recommendations are as follows: if you feel that you like to put everything on shelves, find its place for each thing and put things in order, then you can watch this Japanese film “Life is the magic of tidying up”, read the book by Marie Kondo. And run to sign up for courses with Yuliana, she’s just enrolling in October, the next stream for training professional organizers is starting - link to the course (if you want to master this profession, then when you specify the promo code maminakariera you will receive a 5% discount).

Olga: Thank you. But we will also give your contacts in the description of this video, so you can also subscribe to Ekaterina or other girls who do this on Instagram. Look at what this profession is like from the inside, because in today’s interview Ekaterina gave a lot of information, but I also read a lot there. Why did I want to do an interview, because Ekaterina explained in detail there why we are not cleaners, what we do, who should call, who should not, and, accordingly, who should work, who should not - you can also draw your own conclusions .

Well, shall we wrap this up? Thank you very much, Ekaterina, for your detailed answers. I really like this one. For me personally, I think it is very relevant. I always want to spend as little time as possible searching for things so that everything is always at hand. And I suspect that it is people like you who will bring the long-awaited order into our lives.

Catherine: Yes thank you.

Olga: All the best.

Catherine: All the best, goodbye.

Our guest:
Ekaterina Pushkareva
Contacts: [email protected]
instagram: @vsepomestam


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