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"On amendments to the Fire Regulations in Russian Federation"

Revision dated September 20, 2016 — Valid from September 26, 2017


dated September 20, 2016 N 947


The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are being made to the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire regime” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 19, Art. 2415; 2014 , N 9, Art. 906; N 26, Art. 3577; 2015, N 11, Art. 1607; N 46, Art. 6397; 2016, N 15, Art. 2105).

2. This resolution comes into force after 12 months from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated September 20, 2016 N 947


b) after the words “category premises” add the words “A, B and”.

b) the words "(including in boarding schools, organizations social services, orphanages, preschool educational organizations, hospitals and facilities for summer children's recreation)" should be replaced with the words "(with the exception of industrial and warehouse protection facilities, residential buildings, facilities with personnel providing round-the-clock security)."

a) after the word “object”, add the word “protection”;

b) add the words “at the rate of at least 1 amount personal protection respiratory organs and human vision for each duty officer."

a) children in the attic rooms of buildings and structures of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, as well as structural fire hazard class C2 and SZ;

b) more than 50 children in the premises of buildings and structures of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, as well as structural fire hazard classes C2 and SZ;

c) children on a floor with one emergency exit."

In case of expiration of the guaranteed period of fire-retardant efficiency in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and (or) manufacturer of fire-retardant work, the head of the organization ensures that the structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures are re-treated."

"a) store and use in attics, basements and ground floors, as well as under the pile space of buildings, flammable and combustible liquids, gunpowder, explosives, pyrotechnic products, flammable gas cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging and other fire-explosive substances and materials, except as otherwise provided regulatory documents By fire safety in the field of technical regulation;";

"c) place and operate storerooms, kiosks, stalls and other similar premises in elevator halls, as well as store flammable materials;";

g) add subparagraph “o” with the following content:

"o) change (without conducting an examination in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety project documentation) the functional fire hazard class of buildings (structures, fire compartments and parts of buildings, structures - rooms or groups of rooms functionally interconnected) provided for in the documentation."

a) the first paragraph after the words “from the inside without a key” should be supplemented with the words “except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation”;

b) the second paragraph after the word “object” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

21. Add clause 37.1 with the following content:

"37.1. The head of the organization ensures that the mechanisms for self-closing fire doors are in good condition."

Banners and banners must comply with fire safety requirements for cladding the external surfaces of external walls.

Laying in the air gap of curtain wall systems open method electrical cables and wires are not allowed."

25. Paragraph two of paragraph 43 should be stated as follows:

"Evacuation lighting must be in 24-hour operating mode or turn on automatically when the power supply to the working lighting is interrupted."

c) install (place) furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance of less than 0.2 meters from household gas appliances horizontally and less than 0.7 meters vertically (when these items and materials hang over household gas appliances).

a) the first paragraph after the words “ensures serviceability” is supplemented with the words “timely maintenance and repair”;

b) paragraph three should be stated as follows:

“The head of the organization ensures the good condition of fire hydrants and reservoirs that are the source of fire-fighting water supply, their insulation and cleaning of snow and ice in winter time, as well as accessibility of fire equipment access and water intake at any time of the year.";

c) in paragraph four, replace the word “reservoirs” with the word “reservoirs”.

a) in paragraph one, replace the word “valves” with the words “fire shut-off valves”;

b) in paragraph two, delete the words “from non-combustible materials”.

29. Add clause 60.1 with the following content:

"60.1. Water towers must be adapted for the intake of water by fire fighting equipment at any time of the year. The use of water reserves in a water tower intended for fire extinguishing needs for economic and production purposes is not permitted.

To ensure uninterrupted power supply to the water tower, autonomous backup power supplies are provided."

"61. The head of the organization ensures the good condition of fire protection systems and installations and organizes testing of their performance in accordance with the instructions on technical means manufacturer, national and (or) international standards and draws up an inspection report.";

b) paragraph three after the word “object” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

31. In paragraph two of paragraph 63, after the word “objects”, add the word “protection”.

a) after the word “object” in the appropriate number and case, add the word “protection”;

b) paragraph two should be stated as follows:

“It is not allowed to burn waste and containers, or make fires in places located at a distance of less than 50 meters from protection objects.”;

c) in paragraph three, replace the words “and urban districts, as well as at a distance of less than 100 meters” with the words “, urban districts and intra-city municipalities, as well as at a distance of less than 1000 meters.”

“If there are natural or artificial water sources (rivers, lakes, swimming pools, cooling towers, etc.) on the territory of the protection object or near it (within a radius of 200 meters), approaches with platforms (piers) with a hard surface of at least 12 in size must be built x 12 meters for installing fire trucks and collecting water at any time of the year."

"80.2. Work involving the use of flammable and combustible liquids carried out indoors must be carried out in fume hoods or under exhaust hoods with local exhaust ventilation turned on. It is prohibited to carry out work using flammable and combustible liquids with the ventilation systems turned off or faulty.

80.3. Flammable liquids with a boiling point below 50°C should be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

80.4. It is not allowed to leave containers with flammable and combustible liquids at workplaces after they have been spilled into a work container. At the workplace, flammable and combustible liquids must be present in quantities necessary to perform the work. Containers containing flammable and combustible liquids should be tightly closed and stored in a specially designated place outside the work area.

80.5. Upon completion of work, unused and spent flammable and combustible liquids should be removed to the premises intended for their storage. Do not pour flammable or combustible liquids down the drain."

a) the word “must” be replaced with the words “owners of residential buildings (households) are obliged”;

"Faulty stoves and other heating appliances are not allowed for operation."

a) paragraph one should be supplemented with the following sentence: “In the rooms of hotels, campsites, motels and hostels, evacuation plans in case of fire are posted.”;

b) the second paragraph after the word “objects” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

a) the words “(torches, candles, candelabra, etc.), arc spotlights” are replaced with the words “(torches, candles and other sources of open fire), arc spotlights with a degree of protection less than IP54”;

b) add the following paragraph:

"To ensure the safety of people during sports and other mass events Measures are being taken to extinguish flares using fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, fire extinguishing capes and other means to extinguish such products, as well as clothing that is burning on a person."

Protection facilities with a capacity of more than 10 thousand people, where cultural, educational and entertainment events are held, in order to extinguish flares, in addition to the specified equipment, are equipped with 4 blankets to isolate the source of fire or 2 blankets to isolate the source of fire and 2 fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules."

Pyrotechnic products for household use are stored in rooms separated from other rooms by fire partitions.

It is prohibited to store ammunition for weapons, as well as pyrotechnic products for technical and household purposes in basements."

55. The first paragraph of paragraph 144 should be supplemented with the words “and draws up the act.”

l) trays under oil-filled equipment to collect possible oil leaks must be in good condition, the permeability of the pipelines for the organized drainage of oil into the collection tank must be checked during repairs. It is prohibited to place rags and rags on the equipment to collect oil leaks from seals and oil seals, as well as to use temporary trays and baking trays."

k) it is prohibited to operate cable structures after laying additional cable lines without restoring the required normalized fire resistance limits of penetrations in places where the cable passes through building structures."

60. Second paragraph of paragraph 198 and paragraph 212

61. The first sentence of the second paragraph of paragraph 234 should be supplemented with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas neutralization system.”

a) the first paragraph after the word “objects” is supplemented with the word “protection”;

b) in paragraph two, replace the words “stations and located” with the words “stations, as well as located.”

71. Add the word “protection” to the second paragraph of paragraph 368.

"457. Gas stations are equipped with primary fire extinguishing means.

Refueling island for refueling only passenger cars, having from 1 to 4 fuel dispensers, is equipped with at least 2 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or one blanket (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account climatic operating conditions), and a refueling island having from 5 to 8 fuel dispensers, equipped with at least 4 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or 2 blankets (to isolate the source of fire) and 2 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions).

The refueling island for refueling trucks, buses, large construction and agricultural equipment is equipped with at least 2 mobile fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or 4 blankets (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account climatic operating conditions) .

The tank truck platform is equipped with at least 2 mobile fire extinguishers (taking into account the climatic operating conditions of the fire extinguishers) or 1 blanket (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account the climatic operating conditions).

Placement of fire extinguishers and blankets to isolate the source of fire on refueling islands is provided in easily accessible places protected from precipitation."

83. Paragraphs one and two of paragraph 458 after the word “object” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

a) delete the word “manual”;

b) add the following paragraph:

"Protection requirements are considered met when using fire extinguishers of a higher rank in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, provided that the distance to the fire extinguisher from a possible source of fire does not exceed the standards established by paragraph 474 of these Rules."

Buildings and structures for production and warehouse purposes are additionally equipped with mobile fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Rules."

a) after the word “object”, add the word “protection”;

b) after the word “passport” add the words “manufacturer”.

93. In the second paragraph of paragraph 478, the words “as well as other primary fire extinguishing means” should be deleted.

a) paragraph one should be stated as follows:

"481. Buildings that are not equipped with an internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations, as well as the territories of enterprises (organizations) that do not have an external fire-fighting water supply, or external technological installations of these enterprises (organizations) located at a distance of more than 100 meters from sources of external fire-fighting water supply , must be equipped with fire shields.";

b) in paragraph two the words “depending on the category of premises, buildings (structures) and external technological installations for explosion and fire hazard" shall be excluded.

95. In the first paragraph of paragraph 484 the words “with shields in the premises or on open areas" replace with the words "with fire shields in places."

98. Appendix N and to the specified Rules should be stated as follows:

to the Fire Regulations
In Russian federation
(as amended by the resolution
Government of the Russian Federation
dated September 20, 2016 N 947)


Category of premises according to fire and explosion hazard Fire class Fire extinguishers with model fire extinguishing grade
A, B, B1-B4 A 4A
IN 144V
WITH 4A, 144V, C or 144V, C
E 4A, 144B, C, E or 144B, C, E
d,d A 2A
IN 55V
WITH 2A, 55V, C or 55V, C
E 2A, 55B, C, E or 55B, C, E
Public buildings A 2A
IN 55V
WITH 2A, 55V, C or 55V, C
E 2A, 55B, C, E or 55B, C, E

Notes: 1.In the rooms in which there are different types flammable material and the occurrence of different classes of fire is possible, fire extinguishers that are universal in scope are used.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached ones, which are included in the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On the fire regime” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 19, Art. 2415; 2014, No. 9, Art. 906; No. 26, Art. 3577; 2015, No. 11, Art. 1607; No. 46, Art. 6397; 2016, No. 15, Art. 2105).

2. This resolution comes into force after 12 months from the date of its official publication.

which are included in the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation
(approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2016 No. 947)

2. Point 2:

b) after the words “category premises” add the words “A, B and”.

3. Add the word “protection” to paragraph 4.

4. Clause 5 shall be declared invalid.

5. In paragraph 7, the words “At a facility with a large presence of people (except for residential buildings)” should be replaced with the words “In a building or structure, except for residential buildings, in which 50 or more people can be present at the same time, that is, at a facility with a large number of people.” .

6. In paragraph 8:

b) the words "(including in boarding schools, social service organizations, orphanages, preschool educational organizations, hospitals and facilities for summer children's recreation)" should be replaced with the words "(except for production and warehouse protection facilities, residential buildings, facilities with personnel providing 24-hour security).

7. Point 9:

a) after the word “object”, add the word “protection”;

b) add the words “at the rate of at least 1 personal protective equipment for the respiratory and visual organs of a person for each person on duty.”

8. Paragraph 10 after the word “object” in the appropriate case is supplemented with the word “protection”.

9. Clause 11 should be stated as follows:

"11. The head of the organization provides buildings for summer children's recreation telephone communication and a device for giving an alarm in case of fire. It is not allowed to post:

a) children in the attic rooms of buildings and structures of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, as well as structural fire hazard class C2 and SZ;

b) more than 50 children in the premises of buildings and structures of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, as well as structural fire hazard classes C2 and SZ;

c) children on a floor with one emergency exit."

10. Paragraphs 12 - 14 after the word “object” in the appropriate number should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

11. Clause 17 should be stated as follows:

"17. In the event of an increase in fire danger, by decision of the authorities state power or organs local government A special fire regime may be established in the relevant areas."

12. In paragraph 18, the words “in territories adjacent to the objects” should be replaced with the words “in public areas adjacent to the objects of protection.”

13. Clause 19, after the words “in the territories”, add the words “for general use”.

14. Clause 21 should be stated as follows:

"21. The head of the organization ensures the elimination of damage to fire protection means for building structures, engineering equipment of buildings and structures, and also checks the condition of the fire retardant treatment (impregnation) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and draws up an act (protocol) for checking the condition of the fire retardant treatment (impregnation). Checking state of fire retardant treatment (impregnation), in the absence of frequency periods in the instructions, is carried out at least once a year.

In case of expiration of the guaranteed period of fire-retardant efficiency in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and (or) manufacturer of fire-retardant work, the head of the organization ensures that the structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures are re-treated."

15. In paragraph 23:

b) subparagraph “a” should be stated as follows:

"a) store and use in attics, basements and ground floors, as well as under the pile space of buildings, flammable and combustible liquids, gunpowder, explosives, pyrotechnic products, flammable gas cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging and other fire-explosive substances and materials, except for cases provided for by regulatory documents on fire safety in the field of technical regulation;";

c) subparagraph “c” should be stated as follows:

"c) place and operate storerooms, kiosks, stalls and other similar premises in elevator halls, as well as store flammable materials;";

d) subparagraphs “d” and “e” are declared invalid;

e) subparagraph “g” should be stated as follows:

"g) place furniture, equipment and other items on the approaches to fire hydrants of the internal fire-fighting water supply and primary fire extinguishing means, at the doors of emergency exits, hatches on balconies and loggias, in transitions between sections and exits to external evacuation stairs, dismantle inter-balcony stairs, and also weld hatches on balconies and loggias of apartments;";

f) in subparagraph "l" the words "and sheet metal" should be deleted;

g) add subparagraph “o” with the following content:

"o) change (without carrying out an examination of design documentation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety) the class of functional fire hazard of buildings (structures, fire compartments and parts of buildings, structures - premises or groups of premises) provided for by the documentation, functionally interconnected).

16. Paragraph 24 after the words “in good condition,” add the words “cleaning them from snow and ice in the winter.”

17. In paragraph 32:

a) subparagraph “a” should be stated as follows:

"a) use pyrotechnic products, with the exception of firecrackers and sparklers, corresponding to hazard class I according to the technical regulations Customs Union"On the safety of pyrotechnic products", arc spotlights with a degree of protection less than IP54 and candles (except for religious buildings);";

b) subparagraph “b” shall be declared invalid.

18. In paragraph 33, the words “Article 84” should be replaced with the words “Part 4 of Article 4”.

19. In paragraph 35:

a) the first paragraph after the words “from the inside without a key” should be supplemented with the words “except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation”;

b) the second paragraph after the word “object” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

20. Subparagraph “b” of paragraph 36 should be stated as follows:

"b) place (install) on evacuation routes and emergency exits (including in passages, corridors, vestibules, galleries, elevator halls, landings, flights of stairs, doorways, evacuation hatches) various materials, products, equipment, industrial waste, garbage and other items, as well as block the doors of emergency exits;".

21. Add clause 37.1 with the following content:

"37.1. The head of the organization ensures that the mechanisms for self-closing fire doors are in good condition."

22. Paragraphs 38 and 39 after the word “objects” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

23. Add clause 40.1 with the following content:

"40.1. Banners and banners placed on the facades of buildings and structures are made of non-flammable or low-combustible materials. Moreover, their placement should not limit the ventilation of staircases, as well as other specially designed openings in the facades of buildings and structures from smoke and combustion products in case of fire .

Banners and banners must comply with fire safety requirements for cladding the external surfaces of external walls.

Open laying of electrical cables and wires in the air gap space of curtain wall systems is not permitted."

24. In paragraph 42:

a) subparagraph “e” should be supplemented with the words “and use uncertified electrical circuit protection devices”;

b) subparagraph “h” after the words “restoration work” is supplemented with the words “and also when turning on the electric heating of vehicles.”

25. Paragraph two of paragraph 43 should be stated as follows:

"Evacuation lighting must be in 24-hour operating mode or turn on automatically when the power supply to the working lighting is interrupted."

26. Paragraph 46 should be stated as follows:

"46. When operating gas appliances, it is prohibited:

a) use faulty gas appliances;

b) leave them turned on unattended, with the exception of gas appliances, which can and (or) must be in 24-hour operation in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

c) install (place) furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance of less than 0.2 meters from household gas appliances horizontally and less than 0.7 meters vertically (when these items and materials hang over household gas appliances).

27. In paragraph 55:

a) the first paragraph after the words “ensures serviceability” is supplemented with the words “timely maintenance and repair”;

b) paragraph three should be stated as follows:

“The head of the organization ensures that fire hydrants and reservoirs, which are the source of fire-fighting water supply, are in good condition, they are insulated and cleared of snow and ice in the winter, as well as accessibility for fire fighting equipment and water intake at any time of the year.”;

c) in paragraph four, replace the word “reservoirs” with the word “reservoirs”.

28. In paragraph 57:

a) in paragraph one, replace the word “valves” with the words “fire shut-off valves”;

b) in paragraph two, delete the words “from non-combustible materials”.

29. Add clause 60.1 with the following content:

"60.1. Water towers must be adapted for the intake of water by fire fighting equipment at any time of the year. The use of water reserves in a water tower intended for fire extinguishing needs for economic and production purposes is not permitted.

To ensure uninterrupted power supply to the water tower, autonomous backup power supplies are provided."

30. In paragraph 61:

“61. The head of the organization ensures the good condition of fire protection systems and installations and organizes testing of their performance in accordance with the instructions for technical equipment of the manufacturer, national and (or) international standards and draws up an inspection report.”;

b) paragraph three after the word “object” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

31. In paragraph two of paragraph 63, after the word “objects”, add the word “protection”.

32. Add the word “protection” to paragraph 64.

33. Clause 66 is declared invalid.

34. Paragraph 70 should be stated as follows:

"70. The head of the organization ensures that the object is protected by fire extinguishers in accordance with the standards in accordance with paragraphs 468 and 474 of these Rules and Appendices No. 1 and 2, and also ensures compliance with the deadlines for their recharging, inspection and timely replacement specified in the fire extinguisher passport."

35. Subparagraph “a” of paragraph 71 after the word “object” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

36. Add the word “protection” to subparagraph “a” of paragraph 72.1.

37. Paragraph 73 after the words “in the form of imprisonment,” add the words “pre-trial detention centers.”

38. Paragraph 74 should be supplemented with the following text:

“Temporary buildings must be located at a distance of at least 15 meters from other buildings and structures or near fire walls.

It is prohibited to make fires on public lands of settlements, as well as to burn garbage, grass, leaves and other waste, materials or products, except in places and (or) methods established by local government bodies of settlements and urban districts."

39. In paragraph 77:

a) after the word “object” in the appropriate number and case, add the word “protection”;

b) paragraph two should be stated as follows:

“It is not allowed to burn waste and containers, or make fires in places located at a distance of less than 50 meters from protection objects.”;

c) in paragraph three, replace the words “and urban districts, as well as at a distance of less than 100 meters” with the words “, urban districts and intra-city municipalities, as well as at a distance of less than 1000 meters.”

40. Paragraph 78 should be supplemented with the following sentence: “Fire-fighting mineralized strips should not impede passage to settlements and water sources for firefighting purposes."

41. Paragraph 79 after the word “objects” is added with the word “protection”.

42. Add paragraph 80 with the following paragraph:

“If there are natural or artificial water sources (rivers, lakes, swimming pools, cooling towers, etc.) on the territory of the protection object or near it (within a radius of 200 meters), approaches with platforms (piers) with a hard surface of at least 12 in size must be built x 12 meters for installing fire trucks and collecting water at any time of the year."

43. In subclause “b” of clause 80.1, replace the words “and St. Petersburg” with the words “, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol”.

44. Section II should be supplemented with paragraphs 80.2 - 80.5 as follows:

"80.2. Work involving the use of flammable and combustible liquids carried out indoors must be carried out in fume hoods or under exhaust hoods with local exhaust ventilation turned on. It is prohibited to carry out work using flammable and combustible liquids with the ventilation systems turned off or faulty.

80.3. Flammable liquids with a boiling point below 50°C should be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

80.4. It is not allowed to leave containers with flammable and combustible liquids at workplaces after they have been spilled into a work container. At the workplace, flammable and combustible liquids must be present in quantities necessary to perform the work. Containers containing flammable and combustible liquids should be tightly closed and stored in a specially designated place outside the work area.

80.5. Upon completion of work, unused and spent flammable and combustible liquids should be removed to the premises intended for their storage. Do not pour flammable or combustible liquids down the drain."

45. In paragraph 81:

a) the word “must” be replaced with the words “owners of residential buildings (households) are obliged”;

"Faulty stoves and other heating appliances are not allowed for operation."

46. ​​Paragraph 85 after the word “objects” is added with the word “protection”.

47. In paragraph 89:

a) paragraph one should be supplemented with the following sentence: “In the rooms of hotels, campsites, motels and hostels, evacuation plans in case of fire are posted.”;

b) the second paragraph after the word “objects” is supplemented with the word “protection”.

48. In paragraph 94, the words “individual residential buildings” should be replaced with the words “single-apartment residential buildings, including residential buildings of blocked development.”

49. In the second paragraph of paragraph 107, the words “used for dance evenings” should be deleted.

50. In paragraph 111:

a) the words “(torches, candles, candelabra, etc.), arc spotlights” are replaced with the words “(torches, candles and other sources of open fire), arc spotlights with a degree of protection less than IP54”;

b) add the following paragraph:

“To ensure the safety of people during sports and other public events, measures are taken to extinguish flares using fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, fire extinguishing capes and other means that ensure the extinguishing of such products, as well as clothing that is burning on a person.”

51. Clause 114.1 should be stated as follows:

"114.1. Protection facilities with a capacity of no more than 10 thousand people, where cultural, educational and entertainment events are held, in order to extinguish flares, are equipped with 10 fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules and 10 blankets to isolate the source of fire, or 20 blankets to isolate the source of fire, or 20 fire extinguishers in accordance with the specified application.

Protection facilities with a capacity of more than 10 thousand people, where cultural, educational and entertainment events are held, in order to extinguish flares, in addition to the specified equipment, are equipped with 4 blankets to isolate the source of fire or 2 blankets to isolate the source of fire and 2 fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules."

52. In subparagraph “b” of paragraph 115:

a) the words ", flammable gases (including gas cylinders, paints and varnishes, solvents, goods in aerosol packaging)" shall be replaced with the words "(except for food products, medicines, medical products, cosmetics and alcoholic products), flammable gases";

b) after the words “buildings that are not buildings”, add the words “(parts of buildings)”.

53. In paragraph 116, the word “temporary” should be deleted.

54. Paragraph 132 should be stated as follows:

"132. Weapon cartridges, as well as pyrotechnic products technical purpose stored in metal cabinets installed in rooms separated from other rooms by fire partitions.

Pyrotechnic products for household use are stored in rooms separated from other rooms by fire partitions.

It is prohibited to store ammunition for weapons, as well as pyrotechnic products for technical and household purposes in basements."

55. The first paragraph of paragraph 144 should be supplemented with the words “and draws up the act.”

56. Clause 153 is declared invalid.

57. Paragraph 186 shall be supplemented with subparagraphs “l” and “m” with the following content:

"l) if oil gets on the thermal insulation of hot surfaces, it must be cleaned immediately ( hot water or steam), and if these measures do not help (deep impregnation of the insulation), the section of thermal insulation should be replaced;

l) trays under oil-filled equipment to collect possible oil leaks must be in good condition, the permeability of the pipelines for the organized drainage of oil into the collection tank must be checked during repairs. It is prohibited to place rags and rags on the equipment to collect oil leaks from seals and oil seals, as well as to use temporary trays and baking trays."

58. Paragraph 187 shall be supplemented with subparagraphs “j” and “l” with the following content:

"j) during the operation of cable structures, fire-resistant cable coatings and cable penetrations should not have visible damage (delamination, swelling, chipping, cracking, etc.). If such places are detected, measures are taken to repair and restore them;

k) it is prohibited to operate cable structures after laying additional cable lines without restoring the required normalized fire resistance limits of penetrations in places where the cable passes through building structures."

59. Paragraphs 192 and 193 after the word “objects” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

60. The second paragraph of paragraph 198 and paragraph 212 should be supplemented with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas neutralization system.”

61. The first sentence of the second paragraph of paragraph 234 should be supplemented with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas neutralization system.”

62. Paragraph 237 should be supplemented with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas neutralization system.”

63. Paragraph 238 after the word “spark arrestors” is added with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas neutralization system.”

64. Subparagraph “a” of paragraph 249 and paragraph 251 after the word “object” in the appropriate number and case should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

65. In paragraph 270:

a) the first paragraph after the word “objects” is supplemented with the word “protection”;

b) in paragraph two, replace the words “stations and located” with the words “stations, as well as located.”

66. Paragraph 281 after the word “objects” is added with the word “protection”.

67. The second paragraph of paragraph 289 should be supplemented with the words “except in cases of using an exhaust gas aftertreatment system.”

68. In paragraph 340, replace the words “automobile rubber” with the words “materials obtained by vulcanization of rubber.”

69. In paragraph 348, the words “install plug sockets” should be deleted.

70. In paragraph two of paragraph 366, after the word “objects”, add the word “protection”.

71. Add the word “protection” to the second paragraph of paragraph 368.

72. Clause 369 and paragraph two of clause 371 after the word “object” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

73. Clause 372 is declared invalid.

74. Paragraph 374 after the word “objects” is added with the word “protection”.

75. Add the word “protection” to paragraph 375.

76. Paragraphs 376, 385, 392 and 393 after the word “object” in the appropriate number and case should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

77. Paragraph 394 should be stated as follows:

"394. Separate block containers used as administrative and utility premises may be located in one-story or two-story groups of no more than 10 pieces in a group and on an area of ​​no more than 800 square meters. Accommodation of people in these premises on the construction site is not allowed." .

78. In subparagraph “a” of paragraph 395, replace the words “in the workshop storeroom” with the words “at the workplace”.

79. In subparagraph “b” of paragraph 414, replace the words “or other primary fire extinguishing means” with the words “in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.”

80. Paragraph 421 after the word “objects” is added with the word “protection”.

81. Subparagraph "g" of paragraph 451 after the words "not equipped with spark arresters," shall be supplemented with the words "except in cases of using an exhaust gas aftertreatment system."

82. Paragraph 457 should be stated as follows:

"457. Gas stations are equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

A refueling island for refueling only passenger cars, having from 1 to 4 fuel dispensers, is equipped with at least 2 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or one blanket (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account climatic operating conditions), and a refueling island with 5 to 8 fuel dispensers is equipped with at least 4 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or 2 blankets (to isolate the source of fire) and 2 fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions).

The refueling island for refueling trucks, buses, large construction and agricultural equipment is equipped with at least 2 mobile fire extinguishers (taking into account climatic operating conditions) or 4 blankets (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account climatic operating conditions) .

The tank truck platform is equipped with at least 2 mobile fire extinguishers (taking into account the climatic operating conditions of the fire extinguishers) or 1 blanket (to isolate the source of fire) and 1 fire extinguisher (taking into account the climatic operating conditions).

Placement of fire extinguishers and blankets to isolate the source of fire on refueling islands is provided in easily accessible places protected from precipitation."

83. Paragraphs one and two of paragraph 458 after the word “object” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

84. Add the word “protection” to subparagraph “l” of paragraph 461.

85. Subparagraphs “a”, “g” and “l” - “n” of paragraph 462 after the word “object” in the appropriate case should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

86. The title of Section XIX after the word “objects” should be supplemented with the word “protection”.

87. In paragraph 463, the word “production” should be deleted.

88. In the first paragraph of paragraph 465, the words “at the facility (indoors) is carried out in accordance with Appendices 1 and 2, depending on the fire extinguishing ability of the fire extinguisher, the maximum area of ​​​​the room, as well as the fire class” should be replaced with the words “at the protection facility (indoors) is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 468, 474 of these Rules and appendices No. 1 and 2 to these Rules, depending on the fire extinguishing ability of the fire extinguisher, categories of premises according to fire and explosion hazard, as well as the fire class."

89. In paragraph 468:

a) delete the word “manual”;

b) add the following paragraph:

"Protection requirements are considered met when using fire extinguishers of a higher rank in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, provided that the distance to the fire extinguisher from a possible source of fire does not exceed the standards established by paragraph 474 of these Rules."

90. Paragraph 470 should be stated as follows:

"470. If there are several adjacent premises of the same functional purpose, the required number of fire extinguishers is determined based on the total area of ​​these premises and taking into account paragraph 474 of these Rules."

91. Paragraph 474 should be stated as follows:

"474. The distance from a possible source of fire to the location of a portable fire extinguisher (taking into account partitions, doorways, possible obstructions, equipment) should not exceed 20 meters for administrative and public purpose, 30 meters - for premises of categories A, B and B1-B4 for fire and explosion hazard, 40 meters - for premises of category D for fire and explosion hazard, 70 meters - for premises of category D for fire and explosion hazard.

Buildings and structures for production and warehouse purposes are additionally equipped with mobile fire extinguishers in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Rules."

92. Paragraph 475:

a) after the word “object”, add the word “protection”;

b) after the word “passport” add the words “manufacturer”.

93. In the second paragraph of paragraph 478, the words “as well as other primary fire extinguishing means” should be deleted.

94. In paragraph 481:

a) paragraph one should be stated as follows:

"481. Buildings that are not equipped with an internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire extinguishing installations, as well as the territories of enterprises (organizations) that do not have an external fire-fighting water supply, or external technological installations of these enterprises (organizations) located at a distance of more than 100 meters from sources of external fire-fighting water supply , must be equipped with fire shields.";

b) in paragraph two, the words “depending on the category of premises, buildings (structures) and external technological installations for explosion and fire hazard” should be deleted.

95. In the first paragraph of paragraph 484, replace the words “with shields in premises or in open areas” with the words “with fire shields in places.”

96. Paragraph 490 after the words “fire season” is added with the word “annually”.

97. Add paragraph 492 with the following content:

"492. At the entrances to the territory construction sites, garage cooperatives, as well as horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, diagrams are posted with entrances, entrances, fire passages and the location of fire-fighting water supply sources marked on them."

98. Appendices No. 1 and 2 to these Rules should be stated as follows:

"Appendix No. 1
to the Fire Safety Rules
regime in the Russian Federation
(as amended
Government of the Russian Federation
dated September 20, 2016 No. 947)

providing fire extinguishers for objects of protection depending on their categories of fire and explosion hazard and fire class (with the exception of gas stations)

Fire class Fire extinguishers with model fire extinguishing grade
A, B, B1-B4 A 4A
IN 144V
WITH 4A, 144V, C or 144V, C
E 4A, 144B, C, E or 144B, C, E
G, D A 2A
IN 55V
WITH 2A, 55V, C or 55V, C
E 2A, 55B, C, E or 55B, C, E
Public buildings A 2A
IN 55V
WITH 2A, 55V, C or 55V, C
E 2A, 55B, C, E or 55B, C, E

2. It is allowed to use other fire extinguishing means that provide extinguishing of the corresponding class of fire and the extinguishing rank of a model fire, including portable fire extinguishing aerosol generators.

Appendix No. 2
to the Fire Safety Rules
regime in the Russian Federation
(as amended
Government of the Russian Federation
dated September 20, 2016 No. 947)

equipping premises with mobile fire extinguishers (except for gas stations)

Category of premises according to fire and explosion hazard Maximum protected area (sq. meters) Fire class Fire extinguishers with model fire extinguishing grade (pieces)
A, B, B1-B4 500 A 2-6A or 1-10A
IN 2-144V or 1-233V
WITH 2 - 6A, 144V, C or 1-10A, 233V, C
E 2-6A, 144V, C, E or 1-10A, 233V, C, E
G, D 800 A 2-6A or 1-10A
IN 2-144V or 1-233V
WITH 2 - 6A, 144V, C or 1-10A, 233V, C or 2-144V, C or 1-233V, C
E 2-6A, 144V, C, E or 1-10A, 233V, C, E or 2-144V, C, E or 1-233V, C, E

Notes: 1. In rooms where there are different types of flammable material and different classes of fire may occur, fire extinguishers that are universal in scope are used.

2. It is allowed to use other fire extinguishing means that provide extinguishing of the corresponding class of fire and the level of extinguishing the model fire, including portable fire extinguishing aerosol generators."

99. In Appendix No. 4 to these Rules:

a) paragraph 4 should be stated as follows:

"4. Composition of work performers

b) paragraphs 7-9 should be stated as follows:

"7. The work permit was issued_______________________________________________

(position and full name of the person who issued

work permit,

signature, date)

Work permit received ________________________________________________

(signature of work manager, date)

Agreed _________________________________________________

with the facility’s services (name of service, position and full name.

on which there will be _________________________________________________

fired responsible person, signature, date)

8. The work site has been prepared:

Performance Manager ______________________________________________________

(signature, date, time)

The possibility of carrying out work has been agreed upon (in accordance with clause 7)__


(signature of the responsible person of the service of the facility where it is carried out

work, date, time)

9. Daily access to work and completion time

100. Clause 1 of Appendix No. 6 to these Rules is declared invalid.

Document overview

Fire regulations have been adjusted.

It is clarified that the instructions on fire safety measures are approved, including for each fire-explosive and fire-hazardous premises of categories A and B for production and storage purposes.

It is stipulated that it is not allowed to place children on a floor with one emergency exit, in the attic rooms of buildings for children's summer recreation, if they are built of wooden structures.

For facilities where people stay at night, respiratory protection against toxic combustion products is provided for personnel.

The fire extinguishing capacity and the protected area of ​​the room category were introduced as criteria for selecting the number and type of fire extinguishers. Outdated requirements focused on the mass and volume of fire extinguishers are excluded.

Smoke coefficient- this is an indicator characterizing the optical density of smoke formed during the flame or thermal-oxidative destruction () of a certain amount of solid substance (material) under special test conditions. The smoke generation coefficient is determined by.

Solid substances (materials) are classified according to their smoke-forming ability according to the data given in the table.


The smoke generation coefficient is used in fire safety regulation applications building materials in buildings (structures), to confirm compliance with the requirements specified in the regulatory and technical documentation. The value of the smoke generation coefficient is included in the standards or technical specifications on solids (materials).

More details about the classification of combustible building materials according to the smoke-generating ability of the material:


Substances and materials Smoke generation coefficient, m 2 /kg -1
Smoldering Combustion
Corrugated cardboard 1
Flax loosened 3,37
Wood 345 23
Decorative satin 32 32
Cotton 35
Cardboard grade "G" 35
Reps 50 50
Hardwood lumber with three layers of varnish PF-283 53
Fiber board from the osprey of the Zhichevskaya paper mill 54
Tent canvas 57 58
Softwood lumber with two layers of glyphthalic drying oil 61
Viscose fabric 63 63
Glued plywood + sliced ​​veneer 69
Butyl alcohol 80
Chipboard (chipboard) 760 90
Fiberglass 92
Wood fiber (birch, aspen) 323 104
Wool-blend furniture fabric 103 116
Tobacco "Yubileiny" 240 120
Fiberboard (fibreboard) 879 130
Plywood 700 140
Pine 759 145
Birch 756 160
Turbine oil 243
Gasoline (A-76) 256
PVC linoleum (TU 21-29-76-79) 200 270
Ethyl acetate 330
Fiberglass 640 340
PVC film grade PDO-15 640 400
Mipora 400
Fabric-based linoleum 469
Cyclohexane 470
Film brand PDSO-12 820 470
Polyester fiberglass sheet 475
Polyester fiberglass "Sinplex" 520
Toluene 562
Diesel fuel 620
Polystyrene foam brand PPU-316m 757
Polyethylene high pressure PEVF 1930 790
Rubber (TU 38-5-12-06-68) 1680 850
Polyethylene 1290 890
Expanded polystyrene PS-1 1048
Expanded polystyrene PS-1 + 3% decabrom and phenyloxide 1219
PVC-9 foam 2090 1290

Determination method

Determination of the smoke generation coefficient, and accordingly the smoke-forming ability of combustible building materials, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.18 of GOST 12.1.044-89. The essence of the method for determining the smoke generation coefficient is to determine the optical density of the smoke formed during the combustion or smoldering of a known amount of the test substance or material distributed in a given volume. In other words, the weakening of illumination as light passes through a smoky space is photometrically recorded.

1 – combustion chamber; 2 – sample holder; 3 – quartz glass window; 4, 7 – purge valves; 5 – light receiver; 6 – measurement chamber; 8 – quartz glass; 9 – light source; 10 – safety membrane; 11 – fan; 12 – guide visor; 13 – pilot burner; 14 – liner; 15 – electric heating panel

The figure shows a diagram of the installation for determining the smoke generation coefficient. The combustion chamber with a capacity of 3 × 10 -3 m 3 is made of stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 2.0 ± 0.1 mm. It has upper and lower openings with a cross section of 30x160 mm, connecting it to the smoke chamber. On the side surface of the combustion chamber there is a quartz glass window for observing the sample during testing. The combustion chamber contains a sample holder and a closed electric heating panel mounted on the upper wall of the chamber at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The sample holder is made in the form of a frame measuring 100x100x10 mm and is mounted on the chamber door at a distance of 60 mm from the panel parallel to its surface. An asbestosite liner is installed in the holder, in the center of which there is a recess for placing the sample. A gas burner is installed above the sample holder. When testing materials in combustion mode, the burner flame touches the surface of the top of the sample.

The smoke chamber measuring 800x800x800 mm is made of stainless steel sheet. The inner walls of the chamber are covered with black paper. In the upper wall and bottom of the chamber there are holes for purge return valves, an illuminator and a safety membrane. Inside the chamber there is a device for vertical movement of the photocell and a two-blade fan for mixing the smoke.

Tests are carried out in two modes: thermal-oxidative decomposition (smoldering) and flame combustion. The thermal-oxidative decomposition (smoldering) mode is ensured by heating the sample surface to 400 °C, with a heat flux density of 18 kW/m2. Materials whose heat resistance is above 400 °C are tested when heated to 600 °C, the heat flux density is 38 kW/m2. In all cases, materials shall not spontaneously ignite when tested. The flame combustion mode is ensured by using a gas burner and heating the surface of the sample to 750 °C, with a heat flux density of 65 kW/m2. To measure the heat flux density, a metal calorimetric type sensor is used.

When setting up the installation, the voltage supplied to the electric heating panel is determined to ensure the specified test modes. To do this, insert into the holder an insert with a control sample made of asbestos cement (40x40x10 mm), in the center of which a thermocouple is fixed. The combustion chamber door is closed and voltage is applied to the coils of the electric heating panel. A potentiometer is used to control stabilized heating conditions.

When testing in the flame combustion mode, insert an insert with an asbestos-cement sample into the holder, close both chambers, and apply the voltage selected for this mode to the coils of the electric heating panel. After the panel reaches stabilized heating conditions, turn on the illuminator, measuring device lux meter, mixing fan. Then the combustion chamber is opened, the liner with the asbestos-cement sample is removed, the gas burner is lit, and the chamber is closed. Purge the smoke chamber for 1 minute. The illuminator is adjusted by diaphragms, setting the illumination to 100 lux, and the diameter of the light beam equal to the diameter of the photosensitive surface of the photocell. The prepared sample of the test material is placed in a liner at room temperature, the combustion chamber door is opened, the liner is inserted into the holder without delay and the door is closed. The duration of the test is determined by the time it takes to reach the minimum illumination, but not more than 15 minutes.

When testing in smoldering mode, do not ignite the gas burner, install an insert with an asbestos-cement sample, and apply the appropriate voltage to the electric heating panel. The testing procedure is similar to the procedure established for the flame combustion mode. Five samples of material are tested in each mode. Based on the results of each test, the smoke generation coefficient D is calculated T max by formula:

D tmax = (V / L× m) ln(E / Emin),

V– capacity of the smoke chamber, m3;

L– length of the light path in a smoke-filled space, m;

T– mass of the sample of the material under study, kg;

In(E/Emin)– optical density of smoke;

E / Emin– initial and minimum illumination, respectively, lux.

For each series of tests, the arithmetic mean of at least five values ​​of the smoke generation coefficient is calculated. The final result is taken as higher value of two arithmetic averages.

Protocol for determining the smoke coefficient can be downloaded.

Smoke-forming ability is the ability of substances and materials to emit smoke during combustion or thermal decomposition.

According to Part 9 of Article 13 Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” regarding smoke-generating ability, combustible building materials, depending on the value of the smoke generation coefficient, are divided into the following groups:

  1. With low smoke-forming ability (D1), having a smoke-formation coefficient of less than 50 square meters per kilogram
  2. With moderate smoke-generating ability (D2), having a smoke generation coefficient of at least 50, but not more than 500 square meters per kilogram
  3. With high smoke-forming ability (S), having a smoke generation coefficient of more than 500 square meters per kilogram

In accordance with Table 27 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, a number of building materials in mandatory must be tested to determine the smoke emission coefficient. Such materials include finishing and cladding materials for walls and ceilings, including paint coatings, varnish enamels, floor covering materials, carpet floor coverings and thermal insulation materials.

The essence of the method is based on the property of weakening the flow of light (illumination) when passing through a layer of smoke formed as a result of thermal decomposition or combustion hard materials and substances. The amount of attenuation of the light flux is recorded using a photometric system.

To conduct tests at the Federal State Budgetary Institution SEU FPS IPL in the Republic of Mordovia, it is necessary to provide 10–15 samples of the test material with dimensions of 40×40 mm and actual thickness, but not more than 10 mm (for foam plastic samples, thickness up to 15 mm is allowed). Paint and varnish and film coatings are tested applied to the same base as used in the actual design. If the area of ​​application of varnishes and paints is unknown, then they are tested applied to aluminum foil 0.2 mm thick.

Before testing, prepared samples are kept at a temperature of (20±2) °C for at least 48 hours, then weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g. The samples must characterize the average properties of the material being tested.

Testing of samples is carried out in a thermophysical laboratory at the “Smoke” testing facility.

Scheme of the “Smoke” installation for determining the smoke formation coefficient of solids and materials
1 - combustion chamber; 2 - sample holder; 3 - quartz glass window; 4, 7 - purge valves; 5- light receiver; 6 - measurement chamber; 8 - quartz glass; 9 - light source; 10 - safety membrane; 11 - fan; 12 - guide visor; 13 - pilot burner; 14 - liner; 15 - electric heating panel.

Installation appearance

Testing of samples is carried out in two modes: in smoldering mode and in combustion mode using a gas burner. Five samples are tested in each mode.

The results are processed according to the GOST 12.1.044-89 methodology.

The smoke generation coefficient Dm in m 2 kg -1 is calculated by the formula:

where V is the capacity of the measurement chamber, m3; L – path length of a light beam in a smoky environment, m; m – sample mass, kg; T0, Tmin – respectively, the values ​​of the initial and final light transmission, %.

For each test mode, the smoke generation coefficient is determined as the arithmetic average of the results of five tests.

The smoke generation coefficient of the material under study is taken to be the larger value of the smoke generation coefficient calculated for the two test modes.

After testing and payment of the test cost, fire testing laboratory employees prepare reporting documentation.

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Carrying out the test

Place the sample in the holder, fix its position using fastening devices, place the holder with the sample on the platform and insert it into the chamber.

Close the camera door and start the stopwatch. After holding for 2 minutes, the burner flame is brought into contact with the sample at point “0,” located along the central axis of the sample. Leave the flame in this position for (10±0.2) minutes. After this time, return the burner to its original position.

If the sample does not ignite within 10 minutes, the test is considered complete.

If the sample ignites, the test is completed when the flame combustion ceases or after 30 minutes have passed from the start of exposure of the sample to the gas burner by forced extinguishing.

During the test, the ignition time and duration of flame combustion are recorded.

Measure the length of the damaged part of the sample along its longitudinal axis for each of the five samples. Measurements are carried out with an accuracy of 1 mm.

Damage is considered to be burnout and charring of the sample material as a result of the spread of flame combustion over its surface. Melting, warping, sintering, swelling, shrinkage, changes in color, shape, or violation of the integrity of the sample (tears, surface chips, etc.) are not considered damage.

The flame propagation length is determined as the arithmetic mean along the length of the damaged part of five samples.

The value of the KPPTP is established based on the results of measuring the flame propagation length

Smoke coefficient

Smoke generation coefficient is an indicator characterizing the optical density of smoke generated during flaming combustion or thermal-oxidative destruction (smoldering) of a certain amount of solid substance (material) under special test conditions.

The smoke production coefficient value should be used to classify materials according to their smoke generation ability. There are three groups of materials:

with low smoke-generating ability - smoke generation coefficient

up to 50 m 2 kg -1 inclusive;

with moderate smoke-forming ability - smoke production coefficient

St. 50 to 500 m 2 kg -1 inclusive;

with high smoke-generating ability - smoke generation coefficient

St. 500 m 2 kg -1.

The smoke emission factor value must be included in the standards or specifications for solids and materials.

The essence of the method for determining the smoke generation coefficient is to determine the optical density of the smoke formed during the combustion or smoldering of a known amount of the test substance or material distributed in a given volume.

Installation for determining the smoke generation coefficient

1 - the combustion chamber; 2 - sample holder; 3 - quartz glass window; 4, 7 - purge valves; 5 - light receiver; 6 - measurement chamber; 8 - quartz glass; 9 - Light source; 10 - safety membrane; 11 - fan: 12 - guide visor; 13 - pilot burner: 14- liner; 15 -electric heating panel.

For testing, prepare 10 - 15 samples of the test material with dimensions (40x40) mm and actual thickness, but not more than 10 mm (for foam samples, thickness up to 15 mm is allowed). Paint and varnish and film coatings are tested applied to the same base as used in the actual design. If the area of ​​application of varnishes and paints is unknown, then they are tested applied to aluminum foil 0.2 mm thick.

Before testing, the prepared samples are kept at a temperature of (20±2) °C for at least 48 hours, then weighed with an error of no more than 0.01 g. The samples must characterize the average properties of the material being tested.

Testing of samples is carried out in two modes: in smoldering mode and in combustion mode using a gas burner (burner flame length 10 - 15 mm).

The prepared sample is placed in a stainless steel boat. Open the door of the combustion chamber and, without delay, install the boat with the sample in the holder, after which the door is closed.

The test is stopped when the minimum light transmittance value is reached.

In the case where the minimum value of light transmission is outside the working range or is close to its boundaries, it is possible to reduce the path length of the light beam (the distance between the source and the light receiver) or change the sample dimensions.

When tested in smoldering mode, samples should not spontaneously ignite. In the case of spontaneous ignition of the sample, subsequent tests are carried out at a heat flux density value reduced by 5 kW m -2. The heat flux density is reduced until the spontaneous ignition of the sample stops during testing.

Five samples are tested in each mode.

The smoke generation coefficient (D m) in m 2 kg -1 is calculated using the formula

Where V- capacity of the measurement chamber, m 3 ;

L- path length of a light beam in a smoky environment, m;

m- sample mass, kg;

T 0,T min- respectively, the values ​​of the initial and final light transmission, %.