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Mini installation for producing alcohol. Types of raw materials for production

Recently, there was a state monopoly on the production of any type of alcohol, and all attempts to challenge this monopoly were harshly suppressed by law. Now any entrepreneur can produce alcohol if he pays the excise tax, and his products will be controlled by the state.

The business is one of the most profitable and fastest-paying. But first, you need to figure out what type of alcohol your business will deal with, evaluate the sales markets, and only after that start organizing the business.

Existing types of alcohol

The type of alcohol is based on the raw materials used for distillation. Another classification criterion is the degree of purification of the product. There are two main types of it: technical and food.

Technical is extracted from petroleum products and wood that have undergone acid hydrolysis. Its use in food is strictly prohibited because it contains too many harmful substances. Food is made from fruits, sugar syrup, beets, root vegetables, and grains.

Further, alcohol is divided into classes according to the degree of its purification - rectification. The higher it is, the fewer impurities it contains, the more expensive the product becomes. To obtain absolute alcohol, water is removed from the rectified product using a special technology.

Food alcohols are divided into:

  • grains (for vodka, whiskey);
  • grape (for brandy);
  • fruity:
    • pears and apples;
    • berries and fruits with large seeds;
    • berries with small seeds.
  • cane (for rum, cachace).
  • flavored: any alcohol supplemented with vegetable flavors (for absinthe, gin);
  • from agave (for tequila, sotol).

Regulatory Requirements

Depending on the type of alcohol and the method of its production, various regulatory requirements are put forward - GOSTs:

  • GOST 18300-87 – used for technical ethyl alcohol (available in first grade, premium grade and “Extra” grade);
  • GOST R 51999-2002 – applies to denatured and synthetic ethyl alcohol (grade A - premium or first grade, grade B - premium or first grade);
  • GOST R 51652-2000 – applies to food purified ethyl alcohol (“Alpha”, “Lux”, “Extra”, “Basis”, highest purification, first grade).

Edible ethyl alcohol, which is used for medical purposes, must comply with pharmacopoeial articles FS 42-3071-94, FS 42-3072-94, and for external use - VFS 42-2375-94.

Types of raw materials for production

Based on what type of alcohol you decide to build your business on, supplies of the required type of raw materials are organized. For food you can use:

  • sugar, including molasses, raw sugar;
  • root vegetables, especially sugar beets;
  • apples and other fruits;
  • wheat, corn or rice;
  • starch.

At the same time, the condition of the same fruits and root crops is not critical; rotten fruits can be used. It is more important to be able to establish uninterrupted supplies. Please note that the amount of alcohol produced from different raw materials is not the same. Most of it is obtained from sugar - from 10 kg you can get 5.5 liters. While the same amount of apples and vegetables is only a liter. About 3 liters of alcohol come out of 10 kg of grain.

However, using only sugar makes your business expensive. Therefore, if you are focusing on the production of technical alcohol, you can use a mixture of various types raw materials. If you are building a business in the production of edible alcohol, the uniformity of raw materials helps you win on quality.

Raw material suppliers

The next important step is to establish relationships with suppliers. They can be different farms, which are engaged in growing vegetables, as well as sugar factories, where production waste can be taken.

The business will be successful only when you are able to establish an uninterrupted supply of raw materials. Therefore, the most reliable supplier will be sugar factories. If you are building production on vegetables and fruits, you need to carefully study the capabilities of suppliers. The ideal option is if there are several of them, this is the only way you can establish uninterrupted production.

By the way, barter can be established with agricultural enterprises. The fact is that after distillation, what remains is the so-called stillage - a suspension on the basis of which animal feed is prepared. It can be exchanged for the necessary raw materials.

Sales issues

The next task that needs to be solved before your business is launched is product distribution channels. It is necessary to assess the needs of the local market, competition, as well as options for selling goods in other regions.

Please note that it is most profitable to sell alcohol in the region where it is produced. The fact is that the excise tax on it makes the product quite expensive for the end consumer. When transporting to other regions, logistics costs are added to the price.

In general, alcohol can be sold in the following areas:

  • food industry ( alcoholic products alcohol based);
  • pharmaceutical industry;
  • chemical production;
  • production of cosmetics;
  • perfume production.

Alcohol production technology

Many people are familiar with how it works alcohol mashine. The production of alcohol at a mini-factory is not much different from this technology. First, the raw materials and enzymes or baker's yeast are loaded into a stainless steel container. Its volume should correspond to how much the distillation column can hold. The container must have a hatch with a water seal and a plug or drain valve.

The fermentation time of the mash is 6-7 days. Therefore, in order to establish a continuous process, the total volume of containers must be 6-7 more than the apparatus is capable of processing. That is, it is immediately necessary to set a weekly norm that the installation can process.

The maximum alcohol content in the mash can be 15 o. It makes no sense to stand it any longer, since in such conditions the bacteria die and fermentation stops. As soon as the mash reaches this indicator, it is sent to the distillation apparatus. The distillation unit has two main parts: the mash and the distillation column. In the mash, the raw material is heated, and when the light compounds evaporate, it is cooled.

The rectification column is designed to purify raw materials from fusel oils. Fractional distillation helps eliminate heavy and volatile fractions. After the column has passed through, the ethyl alcohol is poured into storage containers.

Production room

An installation for the production of alcohol on a small scale can occupy about 2 square meters. m., so you can even place it in your own apartment or garage. It produces approximately a liter of alcohol per hour. Accordingly, such a device will prepare no more than 15 liters per day. But if you are planning a serious business, you need to purchase a serious device and select a room for it.

As follows from the production technology, the alcohol production apparatus consists of two parts. Accordingly, separate premises must be allocated for these two stages of production.

The part where fermentation will occur should be 2-3 larger than the fermentation apparatus. Depending on the height of the container, the ceiling of the room should also be. It must be heated, since fermentation occurs only in warmth. Ventilation is required, preferably forced.

The workshop where the distillation column will be located must be equipped with sewerage, running water and sloping floors with ladders and drains. The height of the ceilings also depends on how tall your device will be.

Necessary equipment

Equipment for the production of alcohol consists of the following main components:

  • Alcohol absolutization apparatus.
  • Distillation column.
  • Fermentation tanks;
  • Installation of the primary stage.
  • Molasses processing apparatus.
  • Equipment for heat treatment of raw materials.

The cost of equipment depends on its power. If you take equipment of average power with a productivity of approximately 12 liters per hour, it will cost 2.6 thousand euros. And this does not take into account additional equipment: alcohol meters, refrigerators, thermoelectric heaters, etc.

Factory equipment has much higher productivity. In this case, the distillation column will cost 900-3000 rubles. Overall purchase necessary equipment a mini-factory will cost 70 thousand rubles.

Organizational matters

You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You can choose a simplified tax system. During the production process, one must be guided not only by GOSTs, but also by international quality standards.

Obtaining a license

In order for your business to operate legally, you must obtain a special production license. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents, which includes:

  • Roskomstat codes.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Document on the financial capabilities of the organization.
  • Certificate of technical competence.
  • Certificates for equipment.
  • Conclusion from the environmental service, fire inspection and SES for the premises.
  • A document confirming the ownership or lease of premises.
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee.
  • Certificate of tax registration.
  • Company registration certificate.
  • Constituent documents.
  • Certificate that there are no tax debts.

Expenses and income

On average, a business will require investments of about 200 million rubles. They can pay for themselves in 18 months. But organizing such production is a long-term matter, at least for 5 years. Over the course of a year, a business can bring in up to 2.27 billion rubles, and its profitability is 240%.

But even if you organize small business in your own garage, it will pay for itself within a month of regular sales.

Difficulties and prospects

The complexity of business lies in the need to constantly monitor the quality of products. Also, problems often arise with excise legislation, which changes quite often. You must always be aware of its changes so as not to get fined.

Over time, when alcohol production reaches the maximum volumes that the local market can accept, the business can be expanded into new areas that require the use of alcohol. These can be chemical, pharmacological, perfumery, food products. Today, the direction of producing environmentally friendly fuel is promising.

It is also possible to establish the production of feed for farm animals. From a liter of alcohol produced, approximately 13 liters of stillage remains, which is the basis for such feed.

All models of the Simple mini-distillery family are multifunctional devices that allow you to prepare absolutely any low-alcohol or high-alcohol drink on its base. For this type of equipment there is a wide range of accessories that allow you to modify it and select the equipment for the specific purposes of preparing the drink.

Configuration "Authentic"

Is universal solution for the preparation of distillates, beer and rectified alcohol. Simple “Authentic” is a combination of centuries-old traditions and new technologies that allow you to obtain drinks that are unique in their characteristics. This model saves time and does not require disassembling the column to obtain raw alcohol. The presence of a 3-way valve in the column allows you to conveniently switch between Potstill modes and a 6-level cap-shaped column for fractional distillation.


  1. Steam-water heating. The working capacity of the Simple 2018 is a steam-water boiler. The contents are heated through the walls of the jacket, where steam is generated. Heating occurs along the entire perimeter, which reduces the overall heating time, and the heating itself occurs more evenly. Since heating occurs evenly through the walls of the jacket, the risk of burning is eliminated along the entire perimeter. This allows you to work with absolutely any mash.
  2. Double boiler protection. The steam-water boiler is equipped with mechanical and electrical protection. Electrical protection means a pressure sensor installed through a loop tube on the steam-water jacket. The sensor measures the pressure and, if the set value is exceeded, sends a signal to the control unit, which in turn turns off the heating element. Mechanical protection is represented by a stainless valve that works to relieve excess pressure. This valve operates on both excess and negative pressure, thereby protecting equipment from damage and making the work process safe.
  3. Wi-Fi process control and a large number of programs. The mini-distillery is controlled through an application installed on a smartphone or tablet. The application supports Android and IOS platforms, which allows you to create a display for controlling the brewery from your usual gadget. The application provides all sorts of work scenarios for the home distiller, namely: distillation, rectification, manual mode, fermentation and over 8 recipes for brewing beer and brewing grain mashes. You can make adjustments to the recipes or completely rewrite them to suit your favorite beers. All this simplifies the work of the distiller with the equipment.
  4. Remote access. The Wi-Fi control system allows you to work with equipment remotely, which frees up additional time. Now you don’t need to be constantly at the equipment. All you need to do is launch the application on your tablet or smartphone and monitor the process.
  5. Thanks to the steam-water jacket there is possibility of cooling the contents of the boiler, supplying running water to the shirt.
  6. Possibility of brewing beer. The equipment can be equipped with a professional slot sieve and extractor, which allows you to brew any beer or grain mash according to the white scheme.
  7. Copper version of the apparatus columns. As is known, copper in the production process of strong alcoholic beverages has a positive effect on flavor and aroma. final product, removing sulfur compounds from it. That is why the columns and cap levels are made of copper, while providing a developed surface for heat and mass transfer processes.
  8. Tray column for fractional distillation. A 6-level, 3-inch aroma column, the elements of which, at your request, can be made of either AISI304 stainless steel or M1 copper. The column is used for the preparation of high-quality distillates, which can also be transformed into a gin basket to obtain aromatic distillates. Allows you to remove all heavy impurities and fusel oils, while obtaining a soft and aromatic product. highest quality.
  9. Collapsible system. The compact and dismountable installation simplifies the process of washing, transporting and servicing the equipment, and also makes it possible to improve or change the design at your discretion.
  10. Continuous monitoring of alcohol content. At the outlet of the main refrigerator, a glass is installed for continuous measurement of alcohol content to control the strength of the product during the distillation process and make adjustments to the operation of the apparatus.
  11. High performance refrigerator. The main refrigerator on the device has a diameter of 3 inches and a height of 400 mm, this makes it possible to effectively cool alcohol vapor and reduce water consumption.
  12. Removable cone lidwith convenient loading hatch. The hatch diameter is 225 mm, which makes it possible to fill the apparatus with the necessary raw materials without much difficulty.
  13. Stirrer with ceramic seal. The ceramic seal is resistant to aggressive environments. This connection holds pressure. The stirrer shaft is strictly centered. The counter part of the shaft with the blades is connected using a cotter pin. A bearing is installed inside the unit. Unlike a connection with an oil seal, it is possible to tighten the connection as it wears out.
  14. The stirrer is installed through the hole in the jacket of the steam-water boiler. This advantage makes it possible to work with the mixer provided that the conical cover is completely removed.
  15. The stationary installation of a dish column and a hollow column on the apparatus allows you to easily switch between modes without resorting to additional manipulations.
  16. Possibility of additional upgrade and system scaling. A large number of accessories and components allows over time to complete the apparatus with a distillation column increased productivity Tornado. The column allows you to produce up to 10 liters of pure alcohol per hour with a strength of 96.6% vol.

Mobile app

The mini-distillery is managed with mobile phone through branded applications "Doctor Guber", which you can download from App Store and Google Play. You can leave your wishes and additions regarding the operation of applications in the appropriate topic on our forum.

To order, we produce the following volumes of stationary mini-distilleries "Simple": 120, 300, 500 l.

Characteristics of the mini distillery Simple 2018 set

  • PVC Diameter:
  • PVC height (40L/60L/80L):
  • Cone Cap Diameter:
  • Height of cone cover:
  • Cone Cap Weight:
  • Weight of PVC (40L/60L/80L):
  • Hatch diameter: 220 mm
  • PVC jacket volume:
  • Network connection: 220 V
  • Heating element power: 4 kW

Guarantee: 3 years for boiler, 1 year for electronics. The warranty does not apply to heating elements.

Country of Origin: Russia


  1. Steam-water boiler 40/60/80l: 1 pc.
  2. Automated wi-fi control system: 1 piece.
  3. Cone cover with hatch: 1 pc.
  4. Electric stirrer with ceramic seal: 1 pc.
  5. Rod for fastening the ACS unit: 1 pc.
  6. Disc tap: 1 pc.
  7. CLAMP plug 1.5": 2 pcs.
  8. Plug CLAMP 1/2": 1 pc.
  9. Safety valve: 1 piece
  10. Pressure sensor: 1 pc.
  11. Heating element 4kW: 1 pc.
  12. Loop tube: 1 piece
  13. Thermal resistance: 2 pcs.
  14. Diopter 3": 6 pcs.
  15. Mini-reflux condenser 3" copper/stainless: 1 pc.
  16. Spherical adapter 3-1.5 stainless steel, copper: 4 pcs.
  17. Copper extension: 1 piece
  18. Three-way valve: 1 pc.
  19. Diopter 1.5": 1 pc.
  20. Glass of continuous measurement of alcohol content: 1 pc.
  21. 90° bend: 2 pcs.
  22. Universal refrigerator 3": 1 pc.
  23. Receiving cap 3-1\2": 1 pc.
  24. Tee CLAMP 1.5 with nipple: 1 pc.
  25. Insert extension for tee CLAMP 1.5: 1 pc.
  26. L-shaped bend for column CLAMP 1.5: 1 pc.
  27. T-shaped bend for column CLAMP 1.5: 1 pc.
  28. Mono-level aroma stainless/copper: 6 pcs.
  29. Set of clamps and gaskets for assembly

In this article:

Vodka production is a fairly delicate process, and the quality of the finished product directly depends on the degree of water purification. The production of the most popular alcoholic drink in our country can be considered economically feasible, since the product will always be in demand, regardless of the economic situation in the state.

Features of organizing a vodka production business

1. Organizational and legal form of business – individual entrepreneur or LLC with a simplified taxation system.

2. For reference economic activity The following OKVED code should be indicated: 15.91 – Production of distilled alcoholic beverages.

Before starting the production line, you must familiarize yourself with the list state standards: GOST R51355-99, GOST R52472-2005 and international standard quality.

3. Obtaining a production license after providing a package of documents and paying the state fee.

4. Drawing up a declaration and a voluntary certificate of conformity for vodka.

5. Obtaining excise stamps of a new type (1600 rubles per 1000 pieces).

Factory technology for vodka production

In the process of making vodka, every detail matters and affects the final taste of the alcoholic drink. Most manufacturers have their own secrets regarding product purification and filtration, but in general technological process the production of vodka is identical for everyone.

Elite varieties of vodka are prepared on the basis of malt alcohol, which is produced using a special technology.

Feedstock– sprouted grain allows you not to use artificial additives during the fermentation process. Malt alcohol is fermented using exclusively natural enzymes; it gives the finished product a specific taste (without burning) and a sweetish aftertaste. An equally important component is the quality of water, which should preferably be used from wells in ecologically clean areas. Water obtained from natural sources has unique characteristics and special mineralization properties. The quality of the water used must be monitored by a technologist

In order for all ingredients to retain their beneficial and natural properties without the use of chemical substitutes, all steps must be strictly followed production process:

  • water preparation;
  • purchasing or preparing alcohol;
  • mixing a water-alcohol mixture;
  • filtration;
  • processing with coal and silver;
  • settling;
  • bottling finished products.

Before starting vodka production, the salt content in the water is studied; it should be minimal. Its volume in the total mass should be about 60%. At this stage, water is purified through sedimentation and filtration. It is important to note that it is strictly not recommended to boil (distill) water; in this case, the alcoholic drink will lose its unique taste and become hard.

Wheat is often used as the main raw material for the production of vodka alcohol. At the same time, the addition of barley, corn and even peas is allowed. You can make alcohol yourself or order it from distilleries. In the latter case, it is much more difficult to control its quality.

During the sorting process, alcohol and water in the required proportions are fed into closed sorting tanks and mixed. The resulting liquid is subjected to additional repeated purification. At this stage, other ingredients that are provided for in the recipe can be added. For example, to obtain lemon vodka, lemon juice (flavoring) is added to the mixture. Next, the water-alcohol mixture passes through a filter with quartz sand, and then triple filtration occurs through columns filled with activated carbon and ionized silver. In closed sorting tanks, the aqueous-alcoholic liquid is mixed with special devices.

The mixture then passes through columns of quartz sand. This ancient and labor-intensive method will give the vodka softness and pleasant taste. At each stage of the production process, the technologist must check the quality of the drink using physical and chemical analysis.

It is necessary to clean quartz filters periodically, since the sediment that forms will interfere with normal cleaning.

Before the final stage vodka enters special tanks, where it “calms down and rests,” chemical processes slow down, and water and alcohol are evenly distributed. The more days the vodka is allowed to sit, the fuller its taste becomes.

According to the standards, assimilation(settling of the finished mixture) should last at least 48 hours. According to experienced technologists, this time is not enough. Therefore, for many manufacturers, settling can last up to 7 days. Premium varieties “rest” for about 3 months, which makes their taste even more rich and refined.

The bottling process is carried out on special automatic lines - the alcoholic drink is poured into a bottle and sealed with a special stopper, after which a label is applied.

The final stage involves packaging the vodka and sending it to the finished product warehouse.

Equipment for vodka production workshop

Achieve high level the quality of vodka products is quite difficult without the use modern equipment, and it is almost impossible to produce stable supplies without production automation.

We purchase equipment for the production of vodka

  • Pasteurizer (Fig. 14) – 110,000 rubles;
  • Three tanks (Fig. 15) – 150,000 rubles;
  • Bottle washing machine (Fig. 16) – 240,000 rubles;
  • Packaging machine for bottling (Fig. 17) – 510,000 rubles;
  • Automatic machine for gluing labels and excise stamps (Fig. 18) – 430,000 rubles;
  • Optional equipment:
    • installation for softening and purifying water – 180,000 rubles.
    • coal column (volume 1.6 cubic meters) – 65,000 rubles;
    • single-flow sand filter – RUB 54,000;
    • conveyor - 35,000 rubles;
    • thermal tunnel for heating caps – 28,000 rubles.

Total: 1,802,000 rubles.

It is possible to purchase a ready-made production line made in Italy or France, which provides for full automation. Its use allows you to protect against errors that are associated with the “human factor”. The work of maintenance personnel and the maintenance of reporting documentation will also be significantly simplified. The only drawback of such equipment is the high price (6-7 million rubles), which may be “unaffordable” for a novice entrepreneur.

Subsequently, in connection with the development and payback of the business, this equipment can be seamlessly integrated into existing production.

Vodka production business plan

To start the production process, at least 100 m2 of area must be allocated for the workshop. Rent price non-residential premises will be 15,000 rubles per month.

Product strategy of the mini-factory: vodka produced in two varieties: Standard and Premium. Distinctive feature products will be environmentally friendly and of high quality. The monthly production volume will be 5,000 deciliters.

The costs of raw materials consist of the following components:

  • Water from a natural source – 120,000 rubles;
  • Alcohol - 180,000 rubles;
  • Container – 72,000 rubles;
  • Labels – 15,000 rubles;
  • Traffic jams – 13,000 rubles;

Total: 450,000 rubles.

The monthly payroll of employees is 329,000 rubles:

  • Basic salary - 230,000 rubles;
  • Additional salary - 16,000 rubles;
  • Taxes on wages(36.1%) – 83,000 rubles;

The expense part of the business plan consists of the following monthly costs:

  • Raw materials and basic materials - 450,000 rubles;
  • Auxiliary materials – 45,000 rubles;
  • Utility bills – 15,000 rubles;
  • Payroll (40 people) – 329,000 rubles;
  • Deductions for production needs (39% of the payroll) - 128,310 rubles;
  • Rent of an industrial building – 15,000 rubles;
  • Shop expenses (50% of clause 4) – 164,500 rubles;
  • Losses from defects (4.5% of clause 6) – 7402.50 rubles;
  • Non-production expenses (5% of item 7) – 370.12 rubles;
  • Depreciation of equipment – ​​10,000 rubles.

Total direct costs (p/p 1-5) – 982,310 rubles.

Total indirect expenses (p/p 7-10) – 182,272.62 rubles.

Planned cost = Direct costs + Indirect costs = 982,310 rubles. + 182,272.62 rub. = 1,164,582.62 rub.

Total cost of work = planned cost + planned profit (20% of planned cost) + income tax (20% of profit) = 1,164,582.62 rubles. + 232,916.52 rub. + 46,583.30 rub. = 1,444,082.45 rubles.

Processing cost = Planned cost - Material costs = RUB 1,164,582.62 - RUB 450,000. = 714,582.62 rubles.

Let's determine the retail price of 1 bottle of vodka: Let's assume 100% sales of finished products, at which the final cost of 1 bottle of vodka, taking into account the cost, will be: = 142.92 rubles/dal x 2 = 285.83 rubles/dal.

Calculation of revenue, profit and profitability

Sales revenue = Planned price x Monthly output = 285.83 rubles/dal. x 5000 gave. = 1,429,150 rubles.

Profit from sales = Revenue – Cost = 1,429,150 rubles - 1,164,582.62 rubles. = 264,567.40 rubles.

Net profit (less 20% income tax) = 264,567.40 – 52,913.48 = 211,653.93 rubles.

Product profitability = Profit from sales / Cost = 264,567.40 / 1,164,582.62 = 0.23.

Profitability of production = Profit from sales / Cost of processing = 264,567.40 / 714,582.62 = 0.37.

Thus, the production of vodka is an economically viable production process, since it generates a profit of 211,654 rubles per month and has a good profitability indicator (37%).

Sales of finished products

To increase sales of an alcoholic beverage, the main emphasis should be on the quality of the finished product. To do this, you must strictly adhere to the approved recipe, accurately select ingredients and exercise strict control of the production process at all its stages.

At first, to make the product recognizable to potential consumers, the most effective method would be to carry out advertising company. During its implementation, it is necessary to focus on the presence of unique properties of vodka, testing it by independent laboratories, obtaining quality certificates and an affordable price.

Ethyl alcohol is a colorless liquid, easily mobile with a density of 806 kg/m 3 at 0 o C, has a boiling point of 78.3 o C. Ethyl alcohol is obtained by distillation of fermented products that contain hydrocarbons. Ethanol is used as the main raw material for the production of alcoholic beverages. It is used as an auxiliary product in more than 160 industries in various industries.

Until recently, alcohol production was concentrated in state-owned companies and large factories, but now it has been handed over to small businesses. A home mini-plant for the production of ethanol is a fairly profitable business; the demand for the product is very high. However, before starting activities, it is necessary to obtain a state license giving the right to produce alcohol.

Ethanol is classified according to the types of raw materials from which it is obtained:

Production process

It is prohibited to make alcoholic beverages from industrial alcohol, so the mini-plant will produce only food grade ethanol. The manufacturing process is conventionally divided into three stages:

  • preparatory;
  • basic;
  • final.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to wash and clean the raw materials and prepare the malt.

At the main stage:

  • boiling raw materials;
  • the process of extracting sugar from starchy raw materials - saccharification;
  • fermentation of the resulting mass;
  • distillation;
  • obtaining raw alcohol.

At the final stage, the resulting crude ethanol is purified from impurities.

This process is called rectification; as a result of repeated distillation, a product of various types is obtained:

  • 1st grade;
  • highest degree of purification;
  • extra;
  • lux.

What does a mini-factory consist of?

The moonshine still is a structure that includes:

  • distillation column;
  • distillation cube;
  • electric thermal heater;
  • alcohol control device;
  • removable connections.

The distillation column is equipped with four viewing windows through which the process can be monitored. Inside there are plates made of red copper. The cleaning speed is up to 4 liters per hour (if the run is carried out for the first time) and up to 6 liters when repeated.

The mash is placed in the distillation cube, which is heated using a thermal heater. The cube is made of steel (AISI 304 grade) and has a thermometer with which you can control the heating temperature.

The strength of the product produced is controlled by a special device, popularly called a “parrot”. High accuracy is ensured by laboratory hydrometers of the ASP-3 series.

A home mini-factory has a high output; opening it is quite simple - you don’t need large production areas.

Compact moonshine still "Ermak" of domestic production (HOOTCH). Characteristics:

A more powerful mini-plant for the production of ethanol is the Montana apparatus (China). Characteristics:

You can open a full-fledged mini-factory with large production volumes - up to 1000 liters per shift. Moonshine still BRU-PD.1.000850 (Ethanol-Kom, Russia).


  • productivity during the first stage – up to 850 liters per day;
  • degree of purification – up to 80% during the first distillation;
  • weight – 56 kg;
  • cost – 1,680,000 rubles;

How the device works

The pre-prepared mash is placed in the main tank and the electric thermal heater is turned on. When the temperature of the mass reaches 82–84 o C, the process of alcohol release will begin. In order for the ethanol release rate to be higher, it is necessary to maintain high temperature, but not more than 98 o C.

With such heating, fusel oils begin to be released, which can completely ruin the quality of the final product.

The resulting raw material must be further purified. Depending on the required quality - two to three times. To do this, it is diluted with water to 40 o and placed in the apparatus, instead of mash. It needs to be heated to a temperature of 86 o C and gradually reduced to 78 o C.

Material for production

Bread vodka, mash recipe with wild wheat yeast

Any starch-containing products are suitable for the production of food grade ethanol. Potatoes are the best raw material because they can produce three times more ethanol than grain crops. In general, when choosing raw materials you need to take into account two parameters:

  • maximum yield of the final product;
  • cost.

Sugar also gives high yields of the final product, but it is the most expensive raw material. If it is possible to purchase processed products from a sugar factory - molasses - this will be a fairly economical option.

You can take flour - waste from a grain processing plant. It is flour that is swept off the equipment and floor after the grinding process.

  • rye – up to 70%;
  • wheat – up to 73%;
  • oats – up to 64%;
  • millet – up to 70%;
  • rice – up to 68%.

You can use fruit raw materials, but slightly rotten fruits are suitable.

When choosing raw materials, you should also be guided by what grade of ethanol you plan to produce. Classes “Extra” and “Lux” according to GOST can be made only from grain crops. For 1st and highest grades, you can use any starch-containing raw material.

Business plan for production

The scale of production depends on the power of the equipment. A small moonshine still allows you to produce ethanol with your own hands, without involving additional workers. However, it should be understood that the lower the turnover, the lower the profit will be. Are there economic benefits in this case? After all, there are still costs for opening and registering a business, and permission to produce and sell ethanol is not cheap.

But you can start small - open a mini-factory with low productivity and gradually increase momentum. Modular system allows you to replace the mash tank with a more capacious one.

There is also the possibility of developing a side business - the production of animal feed or bioethanol - a flammable liquid used to ensure the operation of biofireplaces. Compound feed is made from mash waste after distillation (stillage) to which straw, milling waste, sugar, chalk, salt and other feed fillers are added.

To calculate the main economic indicators, the mini-plant BRU-PD.1.000850 (Ethanol-Kom) was considered. When producing 850 liters of ethanol, the following is consumed:

  • raw materials (wheat, rye, flour) – 2.55 tons;
  • enzyme preparations – 3 t;
  • electricity – 140 kW;
  • fuel for steam generator ( natural gas) – 523 m 3 .

Such a home moonshine still can be serviced by one person - independently, with their own hands, without involving employees.

Cost of raw materials:

  • wheat, rye, flour - 5 rubles per 1 kg;
  • enzyme preparations – 142 rubles/kg;
  • electricity – 5.33 rubles/kW;
  • fuel for the steam generator (natural gas) – 3.54 rubles/m 3 .

The cost of production will be:

  • ethanol (96.6%) – 22 rubles/l;
  • Luxury alcohol – 28 rubles/l;

Average selling price of products:

  • ethanol (96.6%) – 60 rub./l;
  • Luxury alcohol – 80 rub./l;

If you produce 430 liters per day (8 working hours), then the possible profit, subject to full implementation, will be - 25,800 - 9,460 = 16,340 rubles, per month - 359,48 rubles.

A homemade moonshine still costs 1,680,000 rubles.

If 30% of the profit is allocated to cover capital costs (equipment cost), then the payback period will be 15 months. Such economic indicators they say that opening a mini-plant for the production of ethanol is a fairly profitable business that will bring net profit after the first year of production.

Video: Producing alcohol at a home mini distillery

Until recently, the state had its own monopoly on the production of alcohol. Attempts were made by private business to get rid of this monopoly. They were not crowned with success, as they were immediately stopped by the legislative bodies. Now entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to produce alcohol after paying excise duty. Alcohol will undergo additional state control.

The alcohol manufacturing business is one of the profitable and profitable types of business. To open it, the entrepreneur must determine what type of alcohol he will produce. Then you need to do marketing assessment market and only after that, he can start his own business.

Types of alcohol

Alcohol is divided depending on the raw materials used in production. Another criterion that determines the type of alcohol is the degree of purification.

There are two main types: food alcohol and industrial alcohol.

Edible alcohol is distilled from beets and root vegetables, fruits and sugar, as well as grains. Technical is made from wood and petroleum products that have undergone hydrolysis. The use of technical alcohol for the production of food alcohol is prohibited by the state, since it contains a lot of substances hazardous to human health.

According to the degree of purification and rectification, alcohol is divided into classes. The better and higher the rectification, the less foreign substances there are in the alcohol. The price of such alcohol is higher. When producing the purest rectified alcohol, water is completely removed from it using a special technology.

Food alcohol is divided into three categories:

  • Grape, used in the production of brandy.
  • Grain – in the production of whiskey and vodka.
  • Fruit, which is also divided into 3 types:
    • from apples, pears
    • from berries, fruits with large seeds
    • from berries with small seeds.
  • Cane - in the production of cachace and rum.
  • Flavored - alcohol with vegetable aromatic additives is used in the production of gin and absinthe.
  • From agave - for the production of sotop and tequila.

Normative documents

In Russia there are main regulations concerning the production of alcohol - GOST:

  • 18300-87, which concerns the production of ethyl alcohol of Extra quality, premium and first grade.
  • P51999-2002 – concerns the production of synthetic, denatured alcohol. It comes in two grades A and B, each of which is divided into two grades - the highest and the first.
  • P51652-2000 - used for the production of purified food-grade alcohol of several grades - Lux and Alpha, Extra and Higher, Basic and First Class.

In medicine, food grade alcohol of the highest quality is used, in accordance with pharmacopoeial articles: 42-3071-94 and 42-3072-94, for external needs - 42-2375-94.

Types of production raw materials

Depending on the type of alcohol the entrepreneur plans to start manufacturing, it is necessary to organize the purchase of raw materials. For the production of food alcohol, you can purchase sugar and beets, root vegetables and fruits, grains and starch.

At the same time, it is allowed to purchase slightly rotten fruits; they will also be used in the production of alcohol. It is very important to organize constant supplies, without interruptions.

From different raw materials, the amount of alcohol produced is different. Sugar produces the most alcohol; 10 kg of sugar produces about 5 liters of alcohol. From the same mass of vegetables and fruits - only 1 liter, and 10 kg of grain gives 3 liters of alcohol.

If sugar is used as a raw material in production, the business will be too expensive and poorly profitable. It is best to use several types of raw materials and their various mixtures. If the business is based only on the production of food alcohol, the use of homogeneous raw materials has a positive effect on the quality of the product.

Raw material suppliers

An important stage of business is searching for suppliers and concluding contracts with them. These can be farms where vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. are grown. Enterprises that produce sugar should also be of interest to entrepreneurs, since they can purchase production waste from them.

The success of a business depends on organizing constant purchases of raw materials. One of the most reliable and constant suppliers are sugar factories. When producing alcohol based on vegetables and fruits, it is important to study the existing capabilities of suppliers. A good option will purchase raw materials from several suppliers who can maintain smooth operations.

Barter can be arranged with agricultural companies or farms. They receive the distillation product - stillage, the basis of feed for feeding animals, and the mini-plant for the production of alcohol receives the necessary raw materials.

Sales of products

Before starting a business, it is necessary to resolve the issue of marketing manufactured goods. In order to establish reliable sales channels, first of all, the internal market needs in a given market are assessed. locality, business competitiveness, the possibility of selling goods in other regions, as well as the need for a certain type of alcohol.

It is necessary to determine what type of alcohol is profitable to produce in this region. At the same time, take into account the cost of excise duty, since it affects the final price and makes the product expensive for consumers. When transporting alcohol to other areas and regions, logistics costs are added to the cost of the goods.

Alcohol can be sold in the following areas:

  • For food and pharmaceutical industries.
  • For chemical production.
  • For the production of perfumes and cosmetics.

Alcohol production technology

Many people have encountered a moonshine still in their lives and are familiar with its operation. The technology for making alcohol at a mini-factory is similar to making alcohol using a moonshine still.

A stainless steel metal container is taken and the raw materials, necessary enzymes or yeast are loaded into it. The volume of the container corresponds to the volume of the distillation column. The container body must have a hatch with a water seal, plug or drain valve.

It takes about seven days to ferment the mash. To organize a constant production process, it is necessary to purchase containers whose total volume is seven times greater than the maximum production volume. It is necessary to first set aside a weekly volume that the installation can process.

Braga should contain no more than 15 degrees of alcohol. There is no need to keep the mash longer, as all bacteria will die and the fermentation process will stop. When the mash reaches this result, it is sent to a distillation apparatus, consisting of two parts of the mash tank and a distillation column. In the first part, the raw material is heated, and after the evaporation of light-weight compounds, it is cooled.

The second part, the column, is used in the process of purifying raw materials from fusel oils. Using fractional distillation, volatile and heavy fractions are removed. After the column, the alcohol is placed in containers in which it is stored.

Production premises

It is necessary to have a room to set up the production process. A small installation will take about two square meters. Therefore, for the organization small production suitable room in your apartment or in your garage. This installation produces about 1 liter per hour, up to fifteen liters per day.

In the case of opening a large production, it is necessary to purchase a larger device, the installation of which will require appropriate premises.

Based on the manufacturing technology, this device consists of two parts. Therefore, installation will require two separate rooms. The part in which fermentation is carried out is three times the size of the fermentation apparatus. Depending on the height of the fermentation tank, the height of the room is selected. The room should be well heated, since the fermentation process takes place in the heat. There must be good ventilation.

In the second room with a rectification column, the presence of sewerage, water supply and sloping floors with drains and drains is required. The height of the room depends on the height of the device.

Production equipment

It consists of several main production units:

  • Fermentation containers
  • Distillation column
  • Apparatus for alcohol absolutization
  • Transport unit
  • Installation for molasses and its processing
  • Units for processing raw materials using heat.

The price of the equipment directly depends on the power. To purchase units with average power, the productivity of which is 12 liters per hour, you will need 2.5 thousand euros. This price does not include the cost of additional units - refrigerators, alcohol meters, thermal heaters, etc.

The productivity of factory equipment is higher than that of household installations. The cost of a mini plant is seventy thousand rubles, where the price of a rectification column is from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles.

Registration and documentation

To produce alcohol, you must register your business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. It is better to choose a simplified system for paying taxes. For quality production It is necessary to use not only GOST standards, but also quality standards of international importance.

Then a license is issued allowing the production of alcohol. Purchasing tax stamps is also necessary. Their cost is about one and a half thousand rubles per thousand marks.

To obtain a production license, the following documentation is required:

  • State statistics codes
  • State registration extract
  • A document confirming the financial solvency of the enterprise
  • Certificate of technical competence of the enterprise
  • Equipment certification
  • Permission from fire, environmental and sanitary epidemiological services
  • Ownership of the premises (document)
  • Document confirming payment for the license
  • Document on delivery for tax registration
  • Document confirming registration
  • Constituent documentation
  • Certificate of absence of tax debts.

Expenses and revenues

To open a business, an investment of about two hundred million rubles will be required. This amount can be repaid in 1.5 years. Production is organized for a minimum period of five years. For a year of production, the plant will bring in about 2.3 million rubles, its profitability is up to 240 percent.

When organizing a business in a small garage, the payback period is 1 month of constant sales.

Business problems and its prospects

The main problem of this business is the need for constant control of product quality. Another difficulty is the difficulty with legal regulations regarding excise taxes, which change very often. An entrepreneur must always be informed of all changes in order not to pay fines for non-compliance with the law.

After launching a mini-plant for the production of alcohol and achieving maximum production figures, the business can be developed in other promising areas. This can be the production of pharmacological, chemical and food products.

On this moment exists promising direction for business development is the production of environmentally friendly and clean fuel. It is also possible to establish the production of animal feed. Stillage, which remains from the production of alcohol, serves as the basis for feed. There will be plenty of raw materials, since one liter of waste produced produces about 13 liters of stillage.