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Beeline connection settings. Checking the address for connecting Internet and digital TV services

Beeline Home Internet coverage covers a large number of households. In order to find out if your city can be connected, you can use the list of connected settlements. Even if you cannot find yours on the site locality, this does not mean that we will not be able to connect your apartment. Leave a request on the website and we will contact you.

  • I left a request to check technical capabilities from the site, but I never received a call from you.

    There may be several reasons:
    - You have entered an incorrect phone number. This happens when there are typos. We call another client whose number you indicated and connect him)))
    - You intentionally entered an incorrect phone number. You decided to check our form for functionality feedback. Unfortunately, you will never know.
    - Your phone is turned off, offline, locked, put on silent mode, left out of your reach. Just eliminate these reasons and you will receive an answer from us. Our operators make several attempts to reach the client. You will definitely know that we are calling you!
    - Your number is not Russian. We connect only clients from Russian cities. If you want to connect Home Internet services in another country, we recommend that you leave a request on the website of the providers in your region. For example, for residents of Kazakhstan the site:
    - You don't like receiving calls from unknown numbers. But, having left a request for connection on the site, how do you want us to contact you? Please just accept calls, one of which will most likely be from us! And you can always call us yourself by phone from the site. On each page of the site in the "header" our contact number.
    - You submitted your request outside of the daytime. Our operators call all clients at a reasonable time. You will not wait for a call from us at night, early in the morning on weekends and holidays and late in the evening. We appreciate your vacation. And in any case, in the late hours of the day the connection is not made, so you can always choose a minute to communicate with the operator during the daytime. The time of day at which you can expect a call from us from 09:00 to 22:00.
    - You just haven't received a call from us yet. It takes on average about an hour to process applications. The connection is made starting from the next day or later. Operators have time to process your request. Be patient and wait. Not a single client has been left without our attention!

  • How much does it cost to connect and the monthly subscription fee?

    Connecting to Home Beeline is always free.
    The subscription fee depends on:
    - Selected tariff
    - Additional services and equipment ordered by you.

  • What does connection mean?

    Departure of a specialist to the connection address
    - Delivery of equipment (TV set-top box, WiFi router SmartBox)
    - Installation of UTP cable from Beeline equipment to the subscriber’s apartment
    - Setting up equipment and 1 computer (laptop, TV, etc.)
    - Concluding a contract at the client’s home

  • Can I purchase or use an existing Wi-Fi router myself?

    Yes you can. Your Wi-Fi router must have a WAN and at least one LAN port for connecting cables with RJ45 connectors (that is, the same as those installed in apartments). However, we still recommend purchasing equipment from us, since inept setup or quality equipment client is one of the reasons for contacting technical support.

  • Is it possible to connect several computers at once?

    Yes, this is possible in several ways: via a regular Internet cable (UTP) or using a WiFi router. The cost of the subscription fee is not affected by the number of connected computers and devices.

  • What technology is used to connect?

    The connection is made via Ethernet technology "FTTb" ("Fiber to the Building" - "Optics to the home").

  • How stable is it (speed, glitches, technical support)?

    The equipment and technology we use allows us to provide the most stable communication services. Our company monitors the communication channel and equipment around the clock. If any problems arise, they are resolved 24/7 technical support takes minimal time and is usually not noticeable to the client.

  • Will weather conditions (snow, rain, fog) affect the quality of communication?

    No. The "FTTb" ("Fibers to the Home") technology used eliminates the negative impact of interference such as snow, rain, fog, etc.

  • What will be the speed (incoming, outgoing), what can I do with it?

    The incoming channel speed is up to 100 (and in the Grand Prix tariffs up to 365) megabits per second. This speed is enough for any task, be it watching a movie on-line, downloading files and any applications.

    The speed of access to the Internet is an uncertain value and depends on a number of parameters, including technical characteristics connecting point data, route and current channel load, performance of the client’s network equipment.

  • How long does the connection itself take?

    Installation, configuration of equipment and paperwork takes from half an hour and depends on the complexity of the installation and the amount of additional equipment and services you order.

  • What should I have with me at the time of connection?

    At the time of connection, you must have with you: a passport, permission from the owners of the apartment for installation, or you yourself are the owner or authorized representative of the owners of the apartment, as well as the amount of money for the first

  • Setting up Beeline Internet on a computer will not cause any difficulties for users if you approach this process wisely. The entire operation that the SIM card owner will have to perform is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. The subscriber just needs to allocate the time that he is willing to spend connecting to the World Wide Web, and be patient. If everything listed is already available, all you have to do is read the instructions, which describe in detail the entire connection process, and repeat these steps.

    And in the most difficult situations, when you can’t figure out the specifics of preparing your equipment and PC for work, you can contact support operators who will definitely find the cause of the difficulties and help you cope with the difficulties. You definitely won’t need to call a technician to make the connection.

    When thinking about how to set up a Beeline Internet connection on a computer, you should decide what the connection will be like. Immediately after connecting the equipment and forming unified network, users will have to do some preparation for setup. It is extremely simple and includes only 3 steps:

    • decide what type of connection will be (there are 2 equivalent options: Wi-Fi and VPN);
    • decide on the type operating system, which is installed on a computer or laptop;
    • choose between using the setup wizard or manually setting the appropriate parameters.

    The selected options determine the order of actions that the subscriber will need to perform. In addition, for those who decide in advance, it will be easier to prepare for connecting to the Internet.

    Setting up Beeline Internet on a Windows 10 computer

    To set up Beeline Internet on your computer, you will need to perform 6 simple steps:

    1. First you need to press “start” and select “parameters” from the options offered;
    2. in the window that loads, select the tab mentioning networks and the Internet;
    3. then you will have to switch to the “Ethernet” subsection and open the adapter settings;
    4. after opening the network connections window, you will need to select the desired network and right-click on the shortcut and select the “properties” sub-item;
    5. here you should highlight the inscription “IP version 4” and once again click the properties button;
    6. after which all that remains is to set the receiving IP in automatic mode and confirm the decision.

    At this point the procedure is completed and you can go to the World Wide Web. And if problems arise, you should contact contact center by calling service phone hotline. Operators will definitely tell you how to deal with existing difficulties and correct mistakes.

    Setting up Beeline Internet on a Windows 7 computer

    It is important to emphasize that those who are thinking about how to set up Beeline Internet on a computer should not worry about the type of operating system they have installed. The main differences to note are the order in which the network connection settings dialog opens. Otherwise the procedure remains unchanged.

    It should be emphasized that the simplest way to connect to the network via Beeline is to use the setup wizard.

    To use it, you will need to visit the official website and download a program that will help you set the correct connection parameters. People who download it will only have to run the wizard on their PC and follow the system’s recommendations. The rest will happen automatically, so to fully complete the entire procedure and be able to use the Internet and visit your favorite sites, you just have to wait.

    How to set up Beeline Internet on a computer via cable?

    The last setup method that you need to understand is to independently, manually (without a wizard) select connection parameters via cable or VPN. To use this method, you will need:

    • open the network and connections section on your computer;
    • Select the VPN tab from the suggested options and add a new connection;
    • specify the correct parameters (vendor – windows (built-in), name – beeline, server address –, VPN type – L2TP/Isec protocol, login information – name and password);
    • Having confirmed the selected parameters, you should open the adapter settings and the properties of the created connection;
    • The security tab deserves special attention here, where you will need to select several important points(VPN type – L2TP with Ipsec, encryption – optional, allow protocols – only CHAP);
    • After returning to the networks section, select the created connection and enable it by entering your own username and password.

    At this point, the procedure is completed, the subscriber is already able to visit his favorite sites.

    Modern tablets and smartphones are practically useless without an Internet connection. As a rule, the network connects automatically when the card is activated. But what if this does not happen? Let's learn how to get settings for your phone and connect to the network yourself.

    There are several reasons why there is no network access. The first is that there is no money in the account or free traffic according to the tariff. This is easy to fix: top up your account or select the desired package. The second reason is that the “Internet Access” service from Beeline itself has been disabled. Third – the service is connected, but not configured.

    To connect to the network, send an SMS request to connect to the Beeline Internet. USSD command for free Internet connection on Beeline: * 110 * 181 # . We dial this combination and “Call”. Now the network access service is activated, it remains to be configured correctly. This can be done manually or ordered automatic universal Internet settings on your smartphone.

    For automatic setup, you can call the number 0880 - it's also free. You will need the code to save the parameters − 1234 .

    3G internet

    To activate 3G Internet via your cell phone yourself, you need to do everything described above. When 3G traffic is activated, it is connected automatically if the subscriber is in the coverage area.

    4G internet

    The maximum communication speed has become available to Beeline subscribers. 4G and even 4G+ technologies transmit data up to 20 times faster than 3G. Use this high speed internet not everyone can, for this the gadget and SIM card must support 4G. In Beeline offices you can free exchange your old SIM card for a special USIM, and the number is saved. On the operator’s website you can see which smartphones support high-speed coverage.

    When the gadget and card are ready, you need to check the settings in the settings. The “Channel Aggregator” must be active, and 4G must be indicated in the “Preferred networks” item. Smartphones often combine two types of connections at once. If there is mobile traffic on the phone, the most high speed. That is, if the above points are completed, no additional actions are needed.

    How to set up Internet on your phone

    It’s easier and faster to auto-tune 3G and 4G. If the user is in their coverage area, it connects maximum speed. If for some reason the auto-connection does not work, you can enable Beeline mobile Internet manually.

    Setting up on Android

    You can set the settings manually on your Android smartphone in a couple of minutes. For this:

    1. Go to the device settings, find the “Mobile network” item.
    2. In the “Access Point” section, you need to click on the plus sign or select “New” in the context menu.
    3. A form will appear that you need to fill out.

    In the fields of the questionnaire we write:

    • Username: beeline;
    • Password: beeline;
    • Name "Beeline Internet";
    • APN:;
    • Authentication type: PAP;
    • APN protocol: IPv4.

    Setting up for iPhone

    You can also quickly set up the Internet for iPhone manually. First, make sure that the “Internet Access” service is activated, which we talked about at the beginning. After this you can use manual telephone settings Internet. In the gadget settings, go to the “Basic” section, and then “Networks”.

    Cost of Internet on Beeline for phone

    There are different tariffs for active users of the World Wide Web and those who occasionally visit it. The “Everything” line offers from 1 GB to 10 GB per month for a subscription fee:

    • 1 GB – 200 rub.;
    • 2 GB – 400 rub.;
    • 5 GB – 600 rub.;
    • 6 GB – 900 rub.;
    • 10 GB – 1500 rub.

    Highway service on the phone provides constant access to the network. This is not a tariff plan, but an additional option from the operator. When the traffic on the tariff is exhausted, additional megabytes are included automatically. The cost of connection is calculated daily or once a month.

    How much does mobile Internet cost on Beeline Highway per month:

    • 8 GB – 600 RUR;
    • 12 GB – 700 RUR;
    • 20 GB – 1200 RUR;
    • 4 GB – 400 rubles (or 18 rubles per day);
    • 1 GB – 200 rubles (or 7 rubles per day).

    Rare visitors to the World Wide Web can buy traffic only when they need it. To do this, subscribers are offered to order 100 megabytes for 19 rubles, or 500 megabytes for 29 rubles. Users with unlimited network access can have their speed extended by “Auto speed renewal” options. For every 150 MB, 20 rubles are withdrawn.

    The operator may change the prices of Internet options without warning, so the current cost can be found on the company’s website or by phone service center 8-800-700-8378 .

    Possible connection problems

    The main reason why it does not connect to a mobile phone Internet Android or other OS - lack of traffic. Therefore, first, make sure that there is enough money in your account to pay for the service. It may also not be connected "Three services" package. You need to call , and you will receive a message in response with a list of connected services. If there is no “MMS, gprs and wap”, send a request * 110 * 181 # .

    In addition to this, there is another reason why the Internet does not work if it is connected. The phone itself may have “Data transfer” function is disabled. In the mobile network settings, you need to check and mark this item with a tick or “OK”. After trying to connect to the network, reboot the gadget. If there is still no access, you can consult the operator (number: 0611 ).

    How to find out what Internet is connected to Beeline

    The easiest way is to monitor your tariff and traffic in or through the application. For those who don't have one accounts, you can call

    Before deciding on the issue of activating Beeline Internet, you need to take care of the correct setup of your device. It is also important to make sure whether the current tariff plan provides for the use of global network access services. If this is not possible, you will need to connect special Internet options or switch to a more universal tariff.

    In the article:

    Internet assistant will tell you in detail how to connect mobile Internet to Beeline for various types devices so you can enjoy high-speed traffic on your smartphone, tablet or computer. We will also touch on the problem of optimizing Internet costs using separate tariff plans and special services provider.

    Activating the Internet on a Beeline phone

    Connecting to the Internet on your phone is only possible in a situation where the “Pack of Three Services” has already been activated, which includes MMS, WAP and GPRS-Internet.

    To check the status of the service you need to call the Beeline help desk at 0611. If the “Package of three services” is deactivated, you will need to send a USSD request in the format * 110 * 181 # . In response to this action, a test notification will be sent to your phone indicating that the option has been successfully connected. After this, you need to update the operating system configuration by rebooting the device.
    Important! A call to the customer service center at 0611 may take a long time due to the constant congestion of communication lines. Alternative way checking the connection of the “Package of three services” can be considered a universal USSD request * 110 * 09 # , which displays on the screen a complete list of activated options and services.
    After the GPRS-Internet function has been activated, you need to select a suitable tariff with Internet traffic or a separate option that will provide access to the network on the tariff plan you are using.

    Internet options "Highway"

    Among the provider’s specialized Internet services, the wide range of “Highway” options, which are connected free of charge, deserves special attention. Let's take a closer look at the cost, invested Internet volume, commands and numbers for activating some options.

    Option name Cost per month Cost per day USSD and phone number to connect to the monthly payment option USSD and phone number to connect to the daily payment option
    "Highway 1 GB" 200 rub. 7r. 1 GB * 115 * 03 #
    * 115 * 04 #
    "Highway 4 GB" 400 rub. 18 rub. 4 GB * 115 * 061 #
    * 115 * 051 #
    "Highway 8 GB" 600 rub. 8 GB * 115 * 071 #
    "Highway 12 GB" 700 rub. 12 GB * 115 * 081 #
    "Highway 30GB" 1200 rub. 30 GB * 115 * 09 #
    "Highway 30 GB 2016" 1400 rub. 30 GB + Beeline TV + night unlimited (from 01-00 to 07-59) * 115 * 091 #

    Additional information about all Highway options without exception can be obtained on the official Beeline website.

    Prepaid tariffs of the “Everything” family

    It is profitable to use the Internet on cell phone possible without connecting special options. This opportunity is provided by the “All” family of tariff plans, which immediately integrate monthly Internet traffic packages of varying volumes. In addition, “Everyone” tariffs provide an unlimited number of minutes for calls to Beeline subscribers throughout Russia at home and while traveling around the country.

    All the main characteristics of tariffs with a prepaid payment system can be viewed in the table below.

    Tariff name Price Monthly high-speed traffic limit Monthly call limit (local numbers of any operators and Beeline subscribers in other regions) Number of free SMS messages (per month)
    "All for 300" 300 rub. per month 2 GB 300 minutes 100
    "All for 500" 16 rub. 66 kopecks per day 5 GB 550 minutes 300
    "All for 800" 26 rub. 66 kopecks per day 7 GB 1000 minutes 500
    "All for 1200" 40 rub. in a day 10 GB 2000 minutes 1000
    "All for 1800" 60 rub. in a day 15 GB 3000 minutes 3000

    For all “All” tariffs, except “All for 300”, there are also variations of tariff plans with a postpaid payment system. All things being equal, the main difference between postpaid is the doubled monthly Internet traffic limit:

    • up to 10 GB – for “All for 500”;
    • up to 14 GB – for “All for 800”;
    • up to 20 GB – for “All for 1200”;
    • up to 30 GB – for “All for 1800”.

    Important! Connection to “Everything” tariff plans from Beeline is carried out through the 0781 service. After connecting, you need to use the autoinformer’s prompts and select the tariff you like. Checking the remaining limit of megabytes, minutes and SMS is implemented via USSD request * 888 * 222 # or his double * 102 # .

    Please note that it is most convenient to switch to one of the “Everything” tariff plans using the online self-service service or its equivalent for smartphones - the “My Beeline” mobile application. The proprietary self-service environment allows you to do more than just complete your shift tariff plan, but also provides the opportunity to control expenses and replenish the balance different ways, connecting and disconnecting services, checking the balance of the Internet traffic package included in the tariff, minutes and messages.

    If you need to obtain unlimited access to the Internet, we recommend that you read our article.

    Connecting the Internet on your tablet

    We specifically did not previously touch upon the issue of setting up an Internet profile for a phone in order to focus your attention on the fact that this procedure is identical for a Tablet PC.

    A smartphone and tablet connect to the Internet in the same way:

    • activation of the “Package of three services”;
    • setting up an Internet profile;
    • connection to an Internet option or tariff with an integrated traffic package.

    From the listed points, we only need to indicate the correct Internet profile settings:

    • name – Beeline Internet;
    • Internet access point (APN) –;
    • username – beeline;
    • password – beeline.

    Important! Mobile operator Beeline has provided the possibility of receiving automatic settings Internet, by calling the service number 0880. After this, the device will receive a system SMS message with the necessary settings that must be accepted and saved.

    Activating the Internet on a computer

    To be able to use mobile Internet on your computer, you will need to purchase a wireless USB modem from Beeline with 3G or 4G function.
    This device has its own software, is automatically installed after connecting to a computer’s USB port and does not require additional settings. It should be understood that for the USB modem to work, a Beeline SIM card must be installed in it, for which you just need to select the appropriate option from the Highway family.

    The Internet option “Highway 30 GB 2016”, which we have already described, is optimally suited for this purpose, which is combined with any prepaid “Everything” tariff, provides the user with an additional 30 GB of traffic (per month) and is supplemented with night unlimited Internet at high speed.


    In this review online assistant the site has tried to fully disclose important points connections mobile internet on Beeline. We also suggest that you watch a training video on this topic to better assimilate the material presented.

    If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please use the comments on this article and we will try to quickly provide you with the answers you need.

    Beeline company in Moscow - Moscow region offers services Beeline home internet and Beeline Digital Television are very low prices. Beeline Online- This high speed internet using FTTB technology (from home to home via fiber optic cable). You get home Internet Beeline High Quality for a reasonable fee. Connection is absolutely free, everything Beeline Moscow tariffs unlimited.

    Beeline television

    Digital television Beeline is high definition television (HDTV) and quality. A large number of additional useful functions such as: pause, rewind TV, program 2 weeks ahead, record 4 channels simultaneously. And also well-known and ranked first in Russia (in terms of quality and number of connected subscribers) cellular Beeline.

    Beeline Moscow tariffs

    And just recently the Beeline company introduced new packages: Family, Family +, Super Family, Super Family +. Connections to all “All in one” services at once (Beeline mobile connection for your whole family, Beeline home Internet and Beeline home television). In this "All in one" package, home Internet and Beeline TV are available for free!

    And most importantly, this is not a promotion! These are permanent tariffs from the leading provider Beeline!

    Important, connection home internet and TV provider Beeline Moscow free and in short time. You can find out all the details from the official Beeline representative in Moscow, on our website or by phone