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Basic customs clearance. Customs clearance: general provisions

Import consumer goods, industrial products, equipment, and other cargo from the territory of foreign states to Russia requires mandatory customs clearance. Customs clearance is carried out in accordance with current rules. Any violations or errors may lead to increased costs, additional downtime at the border, and penalties.

What documents are needed for customs clearance of cargo?

Before crossing the border, it is necessary to prepare a set of documents, the presence and correct execution of which eliminates problems during crossing customs control. For many companies and individuals, this procedure is standard. If you have no experience in such activities, it is best to use the help of professionals.

A typical set includes the following papers:

  • documents confirming status legal entity, certificates of tax registration and availability of a current account;
  • agreement for the purchase of products for import into the country;
  • confirming financial documents, payment orders in foreign currency or rubles;
  • waybills for the transportation of goods;
  • documents, the presence of which allows you to verify the payment of duties, as well as papers determining the customs value of products;
  • It is mandatory to have documents confirming the assignment of a cargo classification code;
  • Customs will require documents confirming the implementation of tariff regulation measures and existing restrictions.

Collection and control of the availability of these documents is the first stage for customs clearance of products. The absence of any paper may become an obstacle to the import of products into Russia; accordingly, this stage must be treated with due responsibility.

Procedure and terms for customs clearance of goods

For any batch of products imported from Europe, Asia, and other countries, the procedure for processing customs documents is identical. The technology involves the subsequent passage of the following stages:

  • the owner or carrier of the cargo fills out and registers a customs declaration, which reflects reliable information about the product, the sender and recipient, and the cost of the goods;
  • the documentation provided by the declarant is checked by customs authorities, first of all, attention is paid to the correct assignment of the classification code and compliance with the conditions of tariff regulation;
  • customs officers check documents confirming payment of duties, and suspicions may arise of understating the real price of products in order to reduce contributions to the budget;
  • the stage of currency control involves checking the deadline for transferring funds to current accounts in financial institutions;
  • physical inspection of cargo, vehicles, verification additional documents completes the customs clearance process; upon successful completion of the procedures, the owner receives permits to import products.

After submitting the customs declaration, the next day is allotted to complete all procedures. In some cases, the cargo clearance period may be extended in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

Passage of customs procedures

When importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, both the owner of the cargo and his legal representative can deal with paperwork and customs clearance. In the absence of sufficient experience and skills, it is possible to attract customs broker.

The essence of going through customs procedures when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation is as follows:

  • it is mandatory to check contracts and documents confirming the legality of the purchase of products and, accordingly, the possibility of their import into the Russian Federation;
  • for registration with the customs authorities and subsequent payment of duties, a declaration of the established form is filled out;
  • the owner of the cargo or his legal representative must receive the package permitting documents, which may include licenses, conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological service and other papers;
  • The customs value of the products must be determined, which should not differ from the actual price of the product;
  • during customs clearance, each type of product is assigned a foreign economic activity code;
  • physical inspection of the cargo makes it possible to exclude violations and errors and is mandatory;
  • if necessary, products can be temporarily stored in the customs inspection area.

Upon successful completion of all procedures, customs authorities issue permits. In some cases, customs representatives are allowed to travel to the place where products are stored, which requires additional expenses from the owner.

Advantages of customs clearance using brokers

Customs clearance of products for various purposes independently always requires significant time. In some cases, errors during registration will cause delays in cargo delivery and additional expenses. Involving customs brokers in these operations is beneficial for several reasons. A legal entity or individual is fluent in the technology of conducting such operations, which allows cargo to be cleared through customs as quickly as possible.

When filling out declarations and checking documents, errors are eliminated, which minimizes the likelihood of downtime and delays in delivery of goods. The financial costs of paying a broker quickly pay off. The cargo owner can refuse to perform non-core operations, transferring such work to professionals. Brokers work within the framework of current legislation, which eliminates risks when importing goods to Russia.

Customs clearance is very complex procedure if you have never had to declare goods before. Our goal is to make sure that going through customs remains virtually unnoticed for you: we provide independent preparation of the maximum possible package of documents, build the route of goods from the starting point to the final point, and advise on issues related to prohibitions and restrictions when moving goods across the border. By contacting us, you will see that exporting and importing goods can be comfortable and absolutely painless for your nerves and bank account.

Help from professionals

Independent interaction with customs authorities without prior preparation and knowledge of the underlying nuances can result in significant monetary and time losses, which is detrimental to any business. Therefore, the customs clearance process should be left to someone who is purposefully and professionally involved in this. You probably don’t treat your own teeth or don’t use the right to represent yourself in court?

Customs broker "KVT" has been working in this field for more than 20 years, having established itself as a reliable partner. We will take care of all the concerns of the foreign trade participant. Qualified specialists will help facilitate cooperation with foreign companies, completing everything not only quickly, but also with the highest quality. More than once faced with such a procedure as customs clearance of goods, our employees successfully coped with all possible tasks, making it easier for the customer to do business. We provide services such as registration of all documents accompanying the cargo, storage of goods in warehouses, as well as competent legal advice on all issues that arise.

Customs posts

Cost of the main sheet, rub., excluding VAT

Zelenograd (Mozhaisky) Central Economic Center

Ryazan CED

Vladimirsky CED

Smolensk CED

Krasnoznamensk (Moscow region)

Stabna (Smolensk region)


T/p Vladivostok

Smolensk excise tax center

Customs duties calculator

For an approximate calculation of customs duties (customs duties, VAT, customs duties) payable in connection with the movement of your goods, we suggest you use the calculator

Customs value of goods

Rub. usd euro

Customs duty rate %:

VAT rate %:

fees: 3019 rub.

Duty: 300,000 rub.

VAT: 414,000 rub.

TOTAL: RUB 717,019

Procedure for customs clearance of cargo

The customs clearance procedure requires experience in this area. Otherwise, the businessman faces various problems when trying to cope with the necessary documentation on your own. It takes a lot of time to study customs legislation, and it is quite difficult to take into account all the nuances and foresee possible changes. The registration procedure looks something like this:

Initially, the cargo arrives in the customs control zone. After this, a written or oral declaration is required from the importer, which must contain detailed information about the product. The next stage, which involves customs clearance, is the preparation of all necessary documents. Basic steps for this:

  • Preparation of documents required for customs clearance

Why is customs clearance necessary?

Cargo clearance is a set of procedures for controlling the movement of goods across the border of the Russian Federation. These actions are aimed at:

  • Determining the nature and composition of the cargo in order to decide whether it can be admitted into the country,
  • Documentary control over the passage of cargo across the border,
  • Definition legislative framework cooperation between the customs service and importers.

All this is necessary, first of all, to protect the state and its citizens. Customs clearance of goods also occurs in accordance with the norms of International Law. This allows you to control foreign economic cargo turnover, taking into account all the specific requirements for the procedure.

What documentation will be needed?

To clear the cargo, importers must provide all documents related to the delivery. Their list may vary and depends mainly on the intended import-export operations and the characteristics of the goods being transported. Typically, the following information may be needed:

  • Registration documents of a legal entity that imports or exports
  • Certificate of registration in tax service
  • International contract, invoice, specification.
  • Waybills
  • Permitting documentation (certificates/declarations of conformity for goods, etc.)
  • Insurance contracts, if the delivery includes it

This list can be supplemented by one or another document, which depends on the specifics of the operation being carried out. All papers that are needed for customs clearance of goods can be provided electronically.

Advantages of contacting a customs broker

For the reasons stated above, entrepreneurs who need customs clearance turn to customs representatives. Obvious advantages in collaboration with specialists a lot. One of the main things is saving your own time, which can be spent more rationally, for example, on establishing new trade relations.

Customs clearance, which you entrust to qualified specialists with experience in this field, will be done as quickly as possible. Moreover, you will not need to worry about the fact that errors may be made in the documentation or any other problems may arise.

Customs Representative License

Customs clearance includes:

  • Presentation to the customs authority of shipping and permitting documents, customs declaration and declared goods, payment of customs duties.

Customs clearance is a necessary condition when crossing the customs border or changing the customs regime.

Term customs clearance more often used when importing goods.

Typically, customs clearance can be carried out either by the owner of the goods directly, or by a customs broker - an organization that carries out declaration and clearance of cargo on the basis of an agreement.

Customs clearance consists of five stages of documentary control:

  1. Registration
  2. Documentary control
  3. Currency control
  4. Payments

In the CIS countries, when moving goods across the border, a universal method is used, the classification of goods under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (commodity nomenclature foreign economic activity)

Preparation of documents for customs clearance

To carry out customs control and carry out customs clearance, persons moving goods and vehicles are required to provide the customs authorities with all the documents and information necessary for these purposes.

The specific list of documents required for customs clearance depends on the direction (import or export), the purpose of moving goods through customs border, conditions of transportation, forms of payments between partners, the chosen customs regime, as well as a specific product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the CIS and related restrictions.

Package of documents for customs clearance of a consignment of goods:

  • Foreign trade agreement (purchase and sale, exchange, supply agreement, invitation, etc.);
  • Invoice, proforma invoice;
  • Specification, packing list;
  • Goods and transport documents (bill of lading, TIR carnet, international road consignment note (CMR), Russian consignment note (TTN), air waybill, railway waybill (international or Russian);
  • Payment orders (ruble, foreign currency), cash orders, not repaid by the local customs authority state registration foreign trade participant (if any);
  • Documents required for currency control and confirmation customs value goods (transaction passport, transportation, insurance documents, payment documents).

Permissions government agencies:

  • Licenses (of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (for the import or export of goods subject to non-tariff control), the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (in case of application of certain customs regimes);
  • Permits from other government bodies (internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Culture, etc.);
  • Certificates (product origin, hygienic certificate, safety certificate, veterinary, phytosanitary certificate);

The above documents are provided in customs Department V original version; Safety, hygienic, veterinary and phytosanitary certificates can be submitted in the form of a copy certified by the body that issued the certificate.

Currently, in accordance with the customs code of the customs union, there is the term customs declaration, which is used instead of the term customs clearance.

State Customs Committee is the old name, correct to say FCS (Federal Customs Service)

In 2012, customs legislation is undergoing major changes. Firstly: this is the introduction of an electronic declaration procedure. Europe has been working according to this scheme for a long time, and therefore the cost of customs declaration is much lower. Russia is just rebuilding and successfully! Rates for customs clearance are still quite high compared to Europe, but the simplification of the customs clearance procedure through computer technology is making its presence felt. President Vladimir Putin signed an order for Russia's accession to the WTO in July 2012. This event will have a strong impact on the entire customs sector. Namely: they will change a lot customs duties for many, and almost all, imported goods. Below are the changes in customs duties that will be made in the next 10 years (by 2020, the average import duty will decrease to 7.8%): 1. The average import tariff on agricultural products will decrease from 13.2% to 10.8% 2. industrial goods from 9.5% to 7.3% 3. the amount of duties for beef and poultry will not change 4. pork: from 2020 a single import duty of 25% will come into force 5. for dairy products a decrease from 19.8% to 14 .9% 6. duties on grain crops will be set at 10% These are the main changes that are expected on imports to Russia. Of course, this will lead to an increase in imported goods. The introduction of electronic declaration was precisely what was needed to simplify customs clearance. After all, if your company is registered in any of the customs offices of the Russian Federation, it is in the database. Next, the company only needs to make a digital signature (EDS - electronically digital signature), and you can begin customs clearance of your goods, predicting the further profitability of transportation based on changes in duties.

The first electronic cargo customs declaration in Russia was submitted by customs broker Konstanta LLC in September 2009


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    See what “Customs clearance” is in other dictionaries: The procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime. See also: Customs clearance Customs regimes Financial Dictionary Finam...

    The procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. That. is carried out in the manner determined by Art. 127 136 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts... ... Legal dictionary

    customs clearance- In order to ensure uninterrupted and timely import of goods necessary for the OCOG to host the Games, FND “Logistics” will use the services of the responsible customs clearance agency. [Language Services Department... Technical Translator's Guide

    Customs clearance- the procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Customs Code Russian FederationEncyclopedic dictionary-reference book for enterprise managers

    Customs clearance- (English: customs registration) in the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for establishing a certain customs regime for the relevant goods and vehicles and the subsequent termination of the conditions determined by the established ... Encyclopedia of Law

    CUSTOMS CLEARANCE- the procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation; produced in specific areas... ... Legal encyclopedia

    CUSTOMS CLEARANCE- a Labor Code term meaning the procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Labor Code (clause 15 of Article 18 of the Labor Code). Goods and vehicles at... ... Encyclopedia of Russian and international taxation

    CUSTOMS CLEARANCE- performance by customs authorities of customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs regime or under a customs procedure, completion of the customs procedure, as well as the issuance of permission from the customs authority for the departure of goods from... ... Customs business. Dictionary

    Customs clearance- 16) customs clearance, the procedure for placing goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime and ending the operation of this regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of these Fundamentals;...

Customs clearance is a set of activities carried out by participants in foreign economic activity (FEA) for the purpose of moving goods and vehicles across the customs border. In a highly professional environment, this term refers to the following concepts: “customs clearance”, “customs clearance”, “customs clearance”, “declaration”, “import or export clearance”.

All cargo and goods transported across the customs border are subject to the customs clearance procedure Customs Union when exported from Russia (export) or imported into Russia (import), regardless of the type of means of international transportation of goods (road, air, sea, rail or mixed “combined” method).

We produce customs clearance goods and cargo when importing and exporting throughout the Russian Federation on the basis of a certificate of inclusion in the register of customs brokers. The extensive experience of our company employees and established relationships with customs authorities allow us to provide a wide range of services in a short time.

We work with any participants in foreign trade activities:

Terminology used during customs clearance

Customs broker (customs representative) is a company (legal entity) providing customs clearance services for the client’s cargo at customs on the basis of a brokerage agreement! Read more

Customs declarant - this is the person declaring goods transported by participants in foreign economic activity (individuals and legal entities). According to the legislation of the EurAsEC, they are subject to written declaration to the customs authority of the Russian Federation. Read more

"Customs clearance", "customs clearance" or "customs clearance" is professional jargon, but nevertheless it has become firmly established in the lives of people whose activities are in one way or another connected with international cargo transportation. This implies customs clearance with payment of the necessary payments upon import of goods. Read more

"Customs" - is also slang and is necessary for the release of goods for the purpose of subsequent export abroad. Read more

Import clearance is one of the main directions in international transport and is synonymous with “customs clearance”. Read more

Export registration - this is a set of procedures for filing and issuing an export declaration for the further shipment of cargo to the consignee. Read more

Customs clearance procedure

The procedure for participants in foreign trade activities when customs clearance cargoes and goods have a strict consistency and are regulated by the norms of the EAEU Customs Code, decisions of legislative bodies, federal laws Russian Federation and orders of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Customs clearance cargo is carried out within the framework of one of 17 customs procedures (regimes) provided for by law. The right to choose the procedure belongs to the declarant - the owner, by submitting a declaration to the customs authority at the customs clearance point. He needs to register at customs, provide shipping documents for the goods and go through the clearance procedure.

We carry out cargo clearance every day in all corners of the Russian Federation!

Points and places of customs clearance

Our company customs broker "Universal Cargo Solutions" provides customs clearance services: customs clearance, clearance or clearance of any cargo and goods at any customs of the Russian Federation daily and, if necessary, around the clock! The main ones:

  • Places of customs clearance: airports, automobile cargo terminals and temporary storage warehouses, seaports and railway stations; Read more
  • Customs clearance of goods and customs broker services in the Cities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and other cities of the Russian Federation; Read more
  • Customs of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Moscow regional, Smolensk and others; Read more
  • Countries of the world: Germany, China, Türkiye and others; Read more
  • Any types of cargo: excisable, licensed, dual-use and others...

Delivery can be carried out by any mode of transport: road, air, sea, rail, or a combination of them in a mixed mode. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the route, the types of goods transported, their sizes and weights, as well as the urgency of delivery and its cost. The registration itself takes place at the delivery points specific type transport, namely:

Also, declaration of goods is carried out at electronic declaration centers - EDC.

Do you need customs clearance of your cargo? - We will help you!

Our advantages during customs clearance:

  • We work daily and around the clock;
  • Free consultations;
  • Customs broker (representative) services;
  • Customs clearance of any customs declarations (DT, CCD, passenger, upon application);
  • Professional customs clearance of any cargo at any customs office of the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time;
  • Assistance in preparing a package of documents for customs clearance;
  • Selection of the HS code;
  • Calculation of customs payments (duties, excise taxes, VAT, etc.);
  • Online payment of customs duties using the “Round” and “Customs Card” system cards;
  • Registration services in any customs procedures: import (release for domestic consumption), export, temporary import, temporary export, customs transit, re-import, re-export, processing in the customs territory, processing for domestic consumption, processing outside the customs territory, reloading, transshipment, etc.;
  • “Customs clearance” of international postal items, detained by customs;
  • Help with customs clearance of personal belongings individuals when moving internationally (for permanent residence).

Trust us to find ways to most effectively resolve customs issues! Thanks to our experience and knowledge, you will be able to build effective and profitable international logistics. We know that business must generate income!

A complex approach

Personal manager

Registration under the broker's seal

Transport company Patix Trans Group organizes customs clearance of goods in the central economic centers of Moscow and the Moscow region, Vladivostok and St. Petersburg. With the mediation of our specialists, the procedure will last no more than 24 hours.

  • Specialist. price - registration and submission of DT from 12,000 rubles.
  • Registration under the seal of a customs representative from 17,000 rubles.

Customs clearance is mandatory for the official movement of goods and cargo across the customs border of the Russian Federation. In our realities, this procedure is one of the most difficult and requires a lot of experience from the organization that implements it. Customs clearance of goods is a set of activities carried out by participants in foreign economic activity in the process of moving goods and vehicles across the customs border. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, all cargo and goods are subject to customs clearance, regardless of the type of transport used for transportation.

Service list:

  • Classification of goods in accordance with the HS code;
  • Collection, completion and examination of documentation for declaration;
  • Customs clearance of goods at airports, seaports and at the land border with other countries;
  • Customs clearance of goods for SEAL OF THE CUSTOMS REPRESENTATIVE;
  • Legal assistance at customs;
  • Free consultations on legal issues;
  • Calculation of the cost of a range of customs clearance services.

Company PTG provides services for import, export, transit and temporary import of goods. The price of customs clearance depends on the type and quantity of cargo.


In the matter of customs clearance of goods, you may encounter many unfamiliar words and legal terms. Here are the main ones:

  • customs representative (broker)– a legal entity that processes documents and represents the client’s interests in the competent authorities. The representative carries out his activities within the framework of a brokerage agreement;
  • customs clearance of cargo and goods- a slang expression that is nevertheless often found among professionals. Means customs clearance with mandatory payment of prescribed payments upon import of goods;
  • declarant– a specialist (individual or legal entity) who is authorized by customs authorities to declare goods and cargo when moving them across the state border;
  • customs clearance– a slang expression meaning obtaining all necessary permits for exporting goods abroad. Includes obtaining a conclusion (permission) from FSTEC in cases where this is provided for by law, for example, when exporting dual-use equipment, oil, gas, round timber, etc.


Customs clearance of goods is carried out in the following sequence:

The procedure for customs clearance of goods is strictly regulated by legal acts. It makes no sense to describe the entire procedure in detail; we will only talk about its key stages:

  1. Registration goods and issuance of a declaration. It is necessary to provide a complete list of required documents and information for filing the declaration. If false information is provided, administrative liability arises in the form of a fine, and in some cases the goods may be confiscated;
  2. Compliance with the rules non-tariff regulation, as well as checking the HS code. To implement customs tariff and non-tariff regulation measures, a special classification of goods is used;
  3. Validation check declared customs value. Often, cargo owners enter incorrect data on the value of the goods in the declaration. Customs authorities have the right to require documents that confirm the value of the goods. In addition, if they have doubts, it is possible to send a request to the competent regulatory authorities of the country from which the goods were exported;
  4. Payments. At the moment of actual crossing of the border, the owner of the goods is obliged to pay import customs duties and taxes;
  5. Currency control. It is necessary to transfer foreign currency earnings within the established time frame to the accounts of banks that have signed transaction passports under the relevant foreign trade contracts.
  6. Payment verification according to the declaration. Benefits and their justification are determined, the presence of arrears in payments is checked, and, if necessary, penalties for late payments are established.
  7. Inspection and release. The final stage, where personal inspection of cargo is carried out and its results are recorded. If everything is normal, then permission is given to release the product, otherwise, the reasons for the ban are indicated.

Company Patix Trans Group guarantees successful registration subject to customer compliance with the law.


When clearing goods through customs, customs may require all documents related to the delivery. Depending on the import-export operations carried out and the characteristics of the cargo being transported, the list of required documents may vary. Typically the following information is required:

  • certificate of registration in tax authority;
  • statistics codes;
  • product certificates;
  • documents on registration of a legal entity carrying out export/import;
  • photocopy of the manager's passport;
  • insurance contracts;
  • waybills;
  • contract, invoices or invoices from the supplier.

It is necessary to present original documents or copies certified by the manager.

Places and points of customs clearance

Carrying out customs operations during customs declaration in electronic form goods located in the region of activity of the customs authority, different from the place of their declaration, is carried out at customs posts (electronic declaration centers) in interaction with customs posts in the region of activity of which goods are placed and temporary storage warehouses are located.

Customs control points are areas where special inspection of goods is carried out. As a rule, these places are located near the intersection of the Russian border with the routes of any modes of transport.

The PTG company offers customs clearance services for goods at the CED of Moscow and the Moscow region, the CED of Vladivostok and St. Petersburg, the CED of Sheremetyevo, the Tver and Kaluga Center for Electronic Declaration. The processing time is less than 24 hours.

We work at Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports, at auto checkpoints in the Moscow region, in the port of St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.

Service cost

The cost of services depends on the number of declarations per month, the number of sheets in the declaration and the specifics of declaring your goods. Flexible payment terms.

Check the cost of services

Price list for basic services from Patix Trans Group:

Customs clearance services in the “EXPORT” mode (legal entities) 11000 rub. for 1 DT (1-3 HS codes)
Customs clearance services in “IMPORT” mode(legal entities)15500 rub. for 1 DT (1-3 HS codes)
REGISTRATION of customs value adjustments (drawing up a customs declaration) 3000 rubles for 1 diesel fuel (1-3 HS codes)
Additional payment for each subsequent code in DT 1000 rubles for 1 diesel fuel (over 3 HS codes)
Assistance in preliminary screening/inspection of cargo up to 100 kg 3000 rub. for 1 DT (1-3 HS codes)
Assistance in preliminary screening/inspection of cargo over 100 kg 6000 rub. for 1 DT (1-3 HS codes)
Translation of documents (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish) 650 rub. sheet
Translation of documents (Chinese, Japanese, Finnish, etc.) 950 rub. sheet
Determining the product code according to the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity FOR FREE
Work with contracts (analysis of customs value, contract terms, compliance with currency legislation, drafting contracts), with documents (analysis of accompanying documents (correction of inconsistencies), the presence or absence of intellectual property for goods being processed, etc. FOR FREE
Formalization of documents FOR FREE
Organization of registration of permits FOR FREE
Organization of preparation of expert opinions by agreement
Confirmation of customs value FOR FREE

The cost of a range of temporary storage warehouse services for processing goods arriving in one vehicle.

Included in the price:

o accommodation vehicle at the temporary storage warehouse,

o drawing up a report document (DO-1),

o transfer of the electronic version of DO-1 to the customs authority,

o unloading up to 10% of the goods from the vehicle,

o printing photographs of goods for customs inspection,

o packaging of goods after customs inspection,

10,000 (nine thousand five hundred) rubles, including 20% ​​VAT.
Forwarding in the ports of Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk
Forwarding at air ports: Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo 3000 rub.

*the price indicated is for new clients when registering goods up to 5 codes, invoice prices are higher than the risk, all documents are correct, document formalization, DT printing, submission are included).

Scheme of work

PTG has many years of experience in the field of customs clearance of goods. We know that any cargo transportation is a difficult and often nervous process, so we have developed our own algorithm for cooperation with clients. It includes several stages:

  • Conclusion of an agreement;
  • Collection and verification of the package of documents;
  • Drawing up recommendations for the correct and prompt passage of customs clearance of goods;
  • Declaration. Selection of codes according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;
  • Resolution of non-tariff regulation issues;
  • Preparation of the declaration;
  • Release of goods into free circulation;
  • Drawing up and sending to the client a certificate of completion of work and an invoice for payment.

Our advantages

By ordering customs clearance services from our organization, you receive the following privileges:

  1. Efficiency. Strict adherence to cargo delivery deadlines is one of the priorities of our activities. All procedures are carried out within 24 hours.
  2. Turnkey work. Customs clearance of goods includes a number of procedures - we take care of all of this.
  3. Experienced lawyers. Legislation in this area includes a large number of laws and regulations. Our legal service has all the necessary knowledge and practical experience to as soon as possible carry out qualified inspection of customs documentation.
  4. Representation of interests client at customs. If any problems arise, we provide full legal and administrative representation to our clients in order to protect their interests.
  5. Individual approach. Each customer is assigned a personal manager who monitors customs clearance of goods around the clock.
  6. Free consultation. If you have any questions, you can get a free consultation at any time.