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Claims to Yandex taxi. Instructions for filing a complaint against Yandex taxi

Taxis make our life easier and faster. Moreover, this type of transportation is so popular that in some places it replaces travel by personal cars. And it is not surprising that there are hundreds of car rental services. And Yandex Taxi is one of them.

The Yandex Taxi service itself has a huge number of advantages that other organizations lack. A convenient smartphone application, the ability to pay online, a customer support system - all this makes this service very attractive. But what to do if you encounter problems when using a taxi from Yandex? Of course, complain. In this article we will talk about how this is done.

What can you complain about?

The answer to this question is simple - everything that seems unsatisfactory to you. The list for writing a complaint against Yandex Taxi is extremely long:

  • Providing a low-quality car: broken, dirty, not suitable for a comfortable trip;
  • Unprofessional driver. If you come across an employee who drives carelessly, then you should definitely report it;
  • Increase in amount, fraud and other financial fraud. Drivers, even in the Yandex Taxi system, can find their own personal loophole for illegal earnings, so you should be careful and complain about every case of cheating;
  • Using long paths, driving in circles and through traffic jams. These "tricks" help taxi drivers get rich and waste customers' time. Operators must pay attention to each such case.

This is just a basic list. It’s not worth even talking about those cases when drivers take the client to the wrong place, violate his rights, are rude and rude. So do not hesitate to complain about any significant violations that somehow affected the quality of your trip.

Complaint to Yandex Taxi

The simplest, fastest and effective method complain about the driver - contact Yandex Taxi itself. Its customer service is amazingly professional and responsive, with every complaint investigated and all damages refunded. You can make a complaint by phone, on the website, by e-mail or using the application. As you can see, Yandex Taxi approached the issue thoroughly feedback with clients.

A complaint that is submitted directly to Yandex Taxi can be in a free form, but it must include information about the trip, the driver or car, the route, and the reason why you applied. It will be helpful to describe the situation in full, indicating the exact time. But when writing an appeal, you should remember the following rules:

  • Write to business style, legible and accessible;
  • Do not use insults, threats, or obscene language;
  • Describe only the facts. Your speculation cannot be evidence of misconduct.

An answer can usually be received within 24 hours. For particularly complex issues, the complaint may take much longer to consider. In any case, you will need to be contacted using the contacts provided to you and provide a report. As a rule, if a violation actually occurred, Yandex Taxi resolves the situation independently without the intervention of other services.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Let's move on to more serious appeals. Let's start with Rospotrebnadzor, the main government service that monitors organizations providing services to the public. "Yandex Taxi", being legal entity, providing paid transportation services, falls entirely under the jurisdiction of this organization.

So, in what cases should you complain to Rospotrebnadzor? The list of reasons is as wide as when complaining to Yandex Taxi itself - poor service, fraud, etc. However, two more are added to it important pointsrefusal to cooperate with the client when contacting and repeated violation of the rules. It is for these reasons that most complaints are received.

Completing a claim with Rospotrebnadzor is a little more difficult than filing a complaint with Yandex Taxi itself, since a strict form must be followed. The claim consists of three parts:

  • Title. Contains general data on the department of Rospotrebnadzor, you and Yandex Taxi;
  • Information part. Contains a description of the problem, ways to solve it, various information relevant to the case, and your requirements;
  • Conclusion. It contains an inventory of the attached documents, the signature of the applicant and the date of filing the application with the court.

You can send your complaint to the department in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, or by registered mail. It will be reviewed within 30 days, after which Rospotrebnadzor will send you an official response.


If you have really serious disagreements with Yandex Taxi, then you should complain to the court. This is not difficult to do - you just need to file a claim with your requirements. The form of the claim itself completely repeats the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. When submitting a completed application, it takes from 5 to 10 days to consider it, after which the judge will inform you whether the application complies with the standards and whether a case will be opened on it. If the answer is yes, litigation begins, which usually lasts 1 - 2 months.

Let's look at the pros and cons of the court. The positive features include the following:

  • Any serious dispute, regardless of its nature, can be resolved in court. It is especially effective if there has been a crime on the part of Yandex Taxi or its employee;
  • The court has many powers which enable it to scrutinize all aspects of the violation;
  • Thanks to an individual approach and complex multi-level verification, achieving justice in court is much easier than in other instances.

However, going to court is not without its disadvantages. The most significant among them are:

  • Duration of the proceedings. Not everyone wants to wait a couple of months to get their overpaid fare refunded;
  • Cost of claim. Sometimes you have to spend more money on all legal costs than the cost of the claim. However, if you lose, this money cannot be returned;
  • Limited range of treatment. The court will not accept complaints about a talkative driver and a dirty interior as insignificant;
  • Often it is necessary to involve lawyers in legal proceedings. Their services can be very effective, but they are also extremely expensive.

Over the past few years, standard operator taxi services have been slowly but surely giving way large networks calling taxi drivers via the Internet. Among them are Yandex Taxi, Gett, Uber and a number of other companies. There are many reasons for this - using these ordering methods is very convenient, fast and profitable. But this does not eliminate the standard problems that all people who are forced to use the services of taxi drivers face in one way or another.

How to complain about rude behavior on the part of the driver, overcharging for an intentionally chosen long route, or about breaking the rules traffic taxi driver?

Standard methods

The main state laws that regulate the activities of passenger taxis are Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 112 “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by car and urban ground electric transport" dated 02/14/2009.

In accordance with these federal laws You can complain about a taxi driver in one of the following ways:

  • Complaint to the head of the taxi service. Since Yandex does not own its own fleet of vehicles, but only issues orders, taxi drivers can work in completely different companies. You can find out which company the taxi belongs to in the license (permit to operate for the transportation of passengers and luggage passenger taxi). This license must be in every taxi; it is presented upon the first request of the passenger;
  • Rospotrebnadzor. Great way write a complaint against a taxi driver - use the electronic service of Rospotrebnadzor located on the website of this organization. To do this, you need to refer to the section “Appeals from citizens”. The result of consideration of the complaint may be an unscheduled inspection of the taxi service or the writing of a resolution addressed to the local Transport Administration and road facilities;
  • Transport Department. You can usually find contact information for the local Department of Transport and Road Services, including a phone number to call in case of irregularities in the work of taxi drivers, on the city administration website. You will need to draw up a written application for the Yandex Taxi driver and leave it at the reception or office for consideration by management;
  • Prosecutor's office or court. Contacting law enforcement is a last resort. You should complain about a taxi driver to the prosecutor's office only if his actions were found to be of a criminal nature. For example, intentional infliction of harm to health.

Complaint to Yandex Taxi service

How to write a complaint against a taxi driver in the Yandex system itself? There are only 2 ways. The first of them involves leaving a review in the Yandex Taxi mobile application. You will be asked to write it immediately after the order is closed.

The second way is to use the feedback service on a special page of the Yandex website:

Click on the line “Leave a review of the trip” and open the form to fill out:

Items marked with a red asterisk (email, contact phone number, date and time of taxi pickup, comment text) are required to be filled out. After filling out all the fields, click the “Submit” button.

As a result of the complaint, the driver's rating may be lowered, which will significantly affect the number of orders he receives. In the most extreme case (if the rating has dropped to a critical level), in order to continue working in Yandex Taxi, he will need to undergo re-certification after some time.

Taxi services and taxi drivers are subject to the law on the protection of consumer rights and the Russian Federation Regulations “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.” The sooner a taxi passenger properly reacts to a violation, the easier it will be for him to defend his rights in the future. The first thing you need to do is write down the license plate number of the car, its make and model. You can contact supervisory organizations only if the trip was made in a licensed taxi car.

Grounds for complaint

Typically customer complaints relate to misconduct drivers, less often - dispatch services. There are many possible grounds for complaints, as well as forums for filing them. Listed below are isolated situations where the algorithm for subsequent actions on the part of the passenger may differ.

Driver's rudeness

It is almost impossible to give an objective assessment of rudeness. Therefore, it is necessary to record such behavior, for example, with a phone video camera or a voice recorder. In addition, witnesses play an important role. If the passenger has such evidence, the chance of holding the taxi driver liable for causing moral damage increases significantly.

It is important to understand the difference between insults and threats. Insult (Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) is an administrative offense. Threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is a criminal offense. The degree of responsibility for these two actions is, accordingly, different.

In such a situation, the claim can be sent to any authorities listed in the relevant section of the article. But if rudeness escalates into assault, you need to immediately contact the police.

Fraud in the provision of services

The most common case is that a taxi driver deliberately chooses a long route. If billing is done by the minute or by mileage, such actions may increase the cost of payment.

Here, as evidence of deception, it is necessary to attach drawings of the routes to the application. There should be two of them: actual and due. You can use the Yandex.Maps or Google Maps service.

How to create evidentiary documents using mapping services:

  • put two points (place of departure and arrival) by clicking on the right mouse button;
  • the system will automatically build the most convenient route. You just need to make sure that the routes are built for traveling by car;
  • A printout of the Internet page is made (Ctrl + P). If there is no printer, a screenshot is taken and printed at the nearest copy center;
  • using the points, the actual route is built (the approximate route of the taxi driver);
  • The second document is printed.

Images must be certified by a notary (How to write a complaint against a notary). In this case, they will have legal force and can be used in court.

The driver can motivate his actions by the fact that there were traffic jams on the shortest route. You can find data on the Internet about traffic jams on a given date, or enlist the support of witnesses who can confirm that there were no traffic jams on the road at that time.

Improper condition of the vehicle

The taxi service is obliged to check technical condition vehicle before going on line and troubleshooting. In accordance with Art. 11.14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a color scheme must be applied to the side surface of the body, or an identification mark must be installed on the roof.

Traffic violation

If during the trip it was noticed that the taxi driver violated traffic rules, you should report this to the traffic police duty station. The most common violations include:

  • driving through a red traffic light;
  • over speed;
  • the intersection of two solid marking lines;
  • talking on the phone while driving;
  • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

You can call the traffic police or the police emergency number (02) upon arrival at your destination. It is necessary to provide the following information to the State Traffic Inspectorate employees:

  • taxi service name;
  • state registration number car;
  • current location of the vehicle;
  • traffic violation committed by the driver.

If you were unable to call on time, you can send your application to writing. In this case, a check will be carried out upon the fact of the application.

How to write an appeal

There are norms of official correspondence in accordance with which a document is drawn up:

  • in the header (upper right corner of the page) the recipient organization and full name are indicated official, full name and contact details of the sender;
  • in the middle of the page the word “Complaint” is written, and then its essence is succinctly stated;
  • as details, you must indicate the time the car was called, the departure address, the number and make of the car, as well as the driver’s full name;
  • you can list the laws of the Russian Federation that were violated;
  • the final part sets out the requirement (reimbursement of funds, compensation for moral damage, administrative penalties from the perpetrators);
  • if evidence is attached, their list must be indicated;
  • at the end of the document you must put a date, signature and its transcript.


As a sample, you can use a complaint about poor quality work of the carrier company.

But at the same time, the requirement may not have been drafted entirely well. Despite the fact that one of the functions of Rospotrebnadzor is to conduct inspections, such applications are often forwarded to other authorities.


First of all, you should call the head office or customer service department and describe the situation. If service employees refuse to comply with the client’s legal requirements, a request will be required in writing.

It is necessary to prepare several copies of documents, which will then be sent to various authorities. Depending on the situation, evidence may be prepared.

To the manager

The first copy of the complaint must be sent to the taxi service addressed to management. You can obtain the data required for this from the company license. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with this document when sending an application to the authorities.

How to find out who owns an organization

All necessary information can be found in the permit for the transport of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi. The license must be present inside each car entering the line, and the driver is obliged to present this document at the request of the client in accordance with clause 7 of Art. 9 Federal Law No. 69.

There is another way to view the license. You need to go to the official website of the city hall or the regional website of the Ministry of Transport. To search, you will need to indicate the state registration plate of the car.

To Rospotrebnadzor

You can send your application to in electronic format on the official website of the organization.

Since the reason for the appeal is a violation of consumer rights, you should choose a filing option that involves unscheduled inspection. The volume of the claim must not exceed 2000 characters. Documents in text, audio and video format, as well as images, can be attached to the application.

Rospotrebnadzor can forward the complaint to the authority that issues permits and also monitors compliance with legal regulations. face of legal requirements. Usually this is the city or regional Department of Transport and Road Services.

To the Transport Department

On the official portal of the city administration you can find contact information Management. To find a territorial office, it is more convenient for residents of the regions to use a search engine.

Once the application is received by this office, it is recommended that you make an appointment with the authorized official. You should first find out if additional explanations are needed, and then ask for the complaint verification materials to review.

At this stage, the citizen may be refused; in this case, another claim can be submitted to higher authorities, and then to the prosecutor's office. If it is revealed that the application is not being considered properly, then this information must be indicated in a copy of the old complaint and sent to the prosecutor's office.

To the prosecutor's office

A written response from the Transport Department can be appealed to the city prosecutor's office, as well as to the regional prosecutor's office.

Here you can submit another application for verification of the entire legal entity providing passenger transportation services.

Online services

Complaint procedure in mobile applications to find a taxi/private driver has special kind. You can consider the circulation process using the example of two popular carriers.


The peculiarity of this company is that it does not have a license, and therefore does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The only way to complain to Uber is directly through the app. However, it is effective and convenient method filing a claim.

Algorithm of actions:

  • open the required order;
  • click “Help”;
  • select the item “Unprofessionalism of the driver”;
  • describe the situation.

In the complaint, it is important to indicate the requirement, namely, the return of funds and punishment for the driver.

The response to the complaint comes by email. If employees require Additional Information To make a decision, you can respond to their letter in more detail.


There are two ways to contact this company about an unsuccessful trip:

  • using the review form in the application (opens upon completion of the order);
  • via the feedback form at the link:

The result of such treatment may be a reduction in the driver's rating, up to the need for re-certification.

The legislative framework

The following legislation regulates the operation of passenger taxi services:

  • Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts” Russian Federation» dated 04/21/2011 N 69-FZ;
  • RF PP “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport” dated 02/14/2009 N 112.

An urgent trip, delivery to the airport or even late guests - a taxi can easily help in any of these situations. Fast, efficient and not too expensive, especially if speed is more important than cost. However, even in the most difficult situations, you still want to get sufficient comfort for your hard-earned money. What to do if the taxi does not meet the declared quality, is late or does not arrive at the address when called?

To begin with, it should be noted that online services- This is one of the most popular methods of ordering this type of transport. What could be simpler than opening a program on your device and pressing a key, and the application will do the rest. But even such a popular program as Yandex Taxi can cause client dissatisfaction. How to file a complaint or claim against the driver’s actions in this case?

Reasons for filing

You should start with the simplest thing - the rationale for filing a complaint. That is, it is necessary to determine in what situations a complaint can be filed so that it is actually considered and taken into account, and the perpetrators are punished. You can give an almost “standard” list of such claims that will really be relevant and require punishment for the culprit:

  1. Lack of necessary qualifications. This point is not just a justification, but a necessity for filing a complaint. If you see that the driver is careless on the road, does not have enough skills, or cannot navigate the road situation, be sure to report it. Such drivers can cause accidents and also threaten the health of passengers and other road users.
  2. Comfort. Lack of comfort, which will be expressed in a car breakdown, dirt, a smoking driver or other factors, may cause a claim for the quality of service. If you order a car with certain characteristics, and a completely different crew arrives, this will also be a valid reason for a complaint.
  3. Finance. As a rule, even at the stage of ordering a car, the dispatcher announces the fare amount. Likewise, it should be announced by the driver upon arrival if the entire route is known and it is announced to the passengers. In the event of a change in the fare amount, fraud or any other actions of the driver that may lead to unnecessary costs– they become the basis for filing a claim and compensation.
  4. Route. When indicating the place where you need to go, the taxi driver should choose the shortest route, if the situation on the road allows it. If the route is changed or increased, it is necessary to discuss all the nuances with the passenger. If the driver arbitrarily increases the route without any justification, you have the right to file a complaint. Moreover, the passenger gets the opportunity to compensate not only the financial costs of the trip, but also demand additional compensation for the time spent.

This list includes only the most common reasons for filing a claim against taxi services. Rudeness, rudeness or other cases that infringe on the rights of a passenger will also be grounds for filing a complaint against Yandex Taxi or any other similar service.

Where to apply

Services that provide transportation or dispatch services are themselves interested in high quality service. This factor directly affects their earnings, so they carefully ensure that the client is always satisfied with the trip and constantly contacts their office.

Therefore, the most effective and simplest method would be to contact Yandex Taxi directly and file a corresponding complaint. What’s noteworthy is that this service has developed a really high-quality and convenient feedback system, which allows you to leave a complaint not only on the company’s website or email, but also to contact a representative through the application itself or by phone.

Filing a complaint against the Yandex Taxi service or similar services is made in writing and in any form.

Leave a complaint on the Gett website. You will need to fill out a form and tell us everything that did not suit you during the trip.

How to complain

Even taking into account the fact that a complaint about the quality of service is drawn up in any form, it must take into account some nuances. In this case, you should indicate the specific trip, route, time, information about the car and driver. Besides, It is important to consider other factors:

  • indicate the exact time when the trip was made, the car was called and its arrival;
  • the style of filing a claim is businesslike, without rudeness or similar phrases;
  • the complaint must include only facts that can be relevantly supported by evidence.

Responses to complaints filed regarding the service or the driver himself are processed by Yandex Taxi within 24 hours. However, if the complaint arose due to controversial issues or is too complex, the proceedings may take a little longer. In any situation, the service itself is obliged and provides the results of the check, and also solves the problem thoroughly and independently.

Rospotrebnadzor will help

Not in all situations a company can independently deal with a claim or complaint. In this case, you have to contact the government services that are responsible for the operation of such services. Accordingly, if the client’s rights are violated in Yandex Taxi, you can safely contact Rospotrebnadzor, under whose control this activity falls.

It is important to highlight that contacting this service will be relevant in case of fraud, poor quality service or violation of rules. These reasons are the most common justifications for filing a claim with the state control service.

No less important factor, which will be important when applying to a government office - this is the application form. Unlike the service itself, here You must adhere to a strict complaint form:

  1. First part. This part contains information about the service department, data about the complainant and information about the service itself. That is, this part is the “head” of the statement.
  2. The middle part is the essence. This part should indicate all the circumstances that led to the complaint, as well as the applicant’s requirements.
  3. The third part is the conclusion. At the end of the statement, it is important to indicate facts that confirm everything described in the essence of the complaint and confirm it with documentation, if possible. Don't forget to indicate the date the claim was filed and sign.

When filing a complaint with the state control service, two options are available for transmitting the complaint - directly during a personal visit and by sending it by registered mail. Consideration of a complaint about the service may take up to 30 days with a conclusion in the form of an official response.


In case of really serious disagreements with the taxi service, you should turn to the “last” authority - file a lawsuit. The procedure for filing a complaint in this case will be similar, you just need to indicate the claims and demands that you put forward in relation to Yandex Taxi.

The processing time for such applications in court is no more than 10 days, after which the judge makes a verdict and opens the case. However, if the court considers the claim to be insufficiently substantiated, then the case will not be opened, and the client will be notified by a corresponding letter. Once a case is opened, it may take up to two months to review.

A lawsuit against a service can bring positive and negative aspects, which include:

  • the opportunity to resolve serious disputes and achieve punishment for the culprit, especially in the case of crimes;
  • Great powers allow you to cover all aspects of the case;
  • multi-level verification will ensure the fairness and accuracy of the verdict;
  • detailed proceedings will delay the payment of compensation, but will allow you to receive it in full;
  • the cost of the claim may be greater than the compensation required, especially if the case drags on for several months;
  • the court does not accept claims for lack of comfort or rudeness of drivers (minor claims);
  • Bringing lawyers into the case may be costly and may not offset the compensation received.

Taxis make our life easier and faster. Moreover, this type of transportation is so popular that in some places it replaces travel by personal cars. And it is not surprising that there are hundreds of car rental services. And Yandex Taxi is one of them. The Yandex Taxi service itself has a huge number of advantages that other organizations lack. A convenient smartphone application, the ability to pay online, a customer support system - all this makes this service very attractive. But what to do if you encounter problems when using a taxi from Yandex? Of course, complain. In this article we will talk about how this is done. Content:

  • What can you complain about?
  • Complaint to Yandex Taxi
  • Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor
  • Lawsuit

What can you complain about? The answer to this question is simple - everything that seems unsatisfactory to you.

How to complain about Yandex taxi?


Yandex Taxi, being a legal entity providing paid transportation services, fully falls under the jurisdiction of this organization. So, in what cases should you complain to Rospotrebnadzor? The list of reasons is as wide as when complaining to Yandex Taxi itself - poor service, fraud, etc.

However, two more important points are added to it - refusal to cooperate with the client when contacting and repeated violation of the rules. It is for these reasons that most complaints are received.
Completing a claim with Rospotrebnadzor is a little more difficult than filing a complaint with Yandex Taxi itself, since a strict form must be followed. The claim consists of three parts:
  • Title. Contains general data on the department of Rospotrebnadzor, you and Yandex Taxi;
  • Information part.

How to file a complaint against a Yandex taxi driver


During the legal battle, you can not only get your money back for the trip, but also compensate for moral and material damage. The claim is considered for up to ten days, after which, if the court accepts it, a hearing date is set.


Most often, such litigation takes up to two months when it comes to civil liability, and up to six months when it comes to criminal jurisdiction. As a result of the litigation, the court may:

  1. Compensate for moral and material damage.
  2. Impose a fine on the company.

Yandex Taxi itself can then recover this amount from the driver during a recourse claim.
  • Deprive the driver of his license.
  • Oblige the company to apologize to the client.
  • You need to know what the fine is for an unbelted child. Find out what the fine is for stopping in the wrong place.

    Trip review

    And in this case, the client has the right to file a complaint. When calling, the taxi driver must fulfill the following obligations:

    • deliver the person to the place indicated when confirming the order. If the passenger was dropped off in another place, the situation is regarded as inconsistent with the contract.

      Therefore, a person has the right to refuse to pay for a service provided to him poorly;

    • The client has the right to refuse the trip until the car arrives. In this case, he will not pay penalties. But if the driver has already arrived, you will have to pay compensation;
    • the customer of the service has the right to transport his luggage in the car, including plants and animals.

      However, he must agree on this point with the taxi driver before placing an order.

    Where to complain about Yandex taxi Moscow official website telephone dispatcher

    On this resource any user can leave a review about the trip and evaluate the quality of the service provided. To do this, you must fill out a certain form. It will be available immediately after the trip ends.

    You need to select a certain number of stars, which corresponds to the quality of the service provided (this is your personal subjective opinion). Based on the assessments, each driver is given a rating.

    This is the fastest, easiest and very effective way to complain about a taxi driver. Many taxi customers note that it is best to complain on the official website, since the resource has a professional support service.

    Here for everyone negative review An investigation is always carried out, and if necessary, the passenger is compensated for the losses caused.

    How to complain about a driver?

    Contains a description of the problem, ways to solve it, various information relevant to the case, and your requirements;

    • Conclusion. It contains an inventory of the attached documents, the signature of the applicant and the date of filing the application with the court.

    You can send your complaint to the department in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, or by registered mail.

    It will be reviewed within 30 days, after which Rospotrebnadzor will send you an official response. Complain to the court If you have really serious disagreements with Yandex Taxi, then you should complain to the court.

    This is not difficult to do - you just need to file a claim with your demands. The form of the claim itself completely repeats the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

    When submitting a completed application, it takes from 5 to 10 days to consider it, after which the judge will inform you whether the application complies with the standards and whether a case will be opened on it.

    Complaint against Yandex taxi driver