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Order 302 on professions. List of harmful and dangerous production factors by profession - order on medical examinations

Since the date of its original publication, Order 302n itself on undergoing medical examinations has never been changed or supplemented, but in 2013 and 2015 changes were made to its annexes.

Compared to the original edition, the following changes have been made to the applications:

  • the list of dangerous and harmful products has been expanded production factors, For example:
    • welding aerosols with manganese- and silicon-containing compounds have been added to the chemical factors;
    • in biological ones, the number of allergens and infected material has been significantly expanded and hepatitis B, C and AIDS viruses have been added, etc.;
    • added to physical new section ionizing radiation and increased gravitational overloads, etc.;
  • the number of medical specialists performing medical examinations has increased (dentists, allergists, and endocrinologists have been added to sections where they were not originally present);
  • the number of additional contraindications for work in certain conditions (for example, in electromagnetic fields) and for certain types of work (for example, for work in remote geographical areas and for working with machines) has increased;
  • a completely new section of substances and compounds united by a chemical structure that cause various types of diseases has been added (section 1.2 chemical factors), and the list of pesticides has also been significantly expanded (section 1.3.2).

List of contingents by order 302n

The contingent of employees who, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, must be sent for a medical examination, is formed from the list of positions and professions for which employees are subject to being sent for a medical examination upon employment.

Everyone who is employed is sent for inspection:

  • in harmful and dangerous working conditions ( chemical production, ionizing radiation, etc., a complete list of factors is indicated in Appendix No. 1);
  • on a certain type of work (at height, under water, underground, etc., the full list is given in Appendix No. 2).

The contingent list is mandatory document and should contain:

  • names of positions and professions, during employment for which mandatory and periodic medical examinations are carried out in accordance with current legislation (Appendix No. 2);
  • harmful and dangerous working conditions (Appendix No. 1). Necessary clarification: all working conditions are determined based on the results special assessment working conditions.

Due to the fact that the form of the document is not approved by law, it can be made in the form of a list; Order 302n with the amendment of 2019 on a medical examination allows this.

Harmful production factors by profession

Each profession has its own harmful working conditions, but Order 302 of the Ministry of Health does not provide for referral for a medical examination by profession. But it provides for the presence or absence of harmful and dangerous production factors, such as, for example, an increased level of electromagnetic radiation and decreased physical activity of the computer operator.

According to Order 302n, harmful production factors by profession are:

  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • physical;
  • conditions labor process associated with performing work under certain conditions and with certain substances that can cause harm to health or cause death.

The presence or absence of specific hazardous working conditions is determined based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions carried out in accordance with Federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ. Exhaustive lists harmful factors are set out in Appendix No. 1 to Order 302n on passing medical examinations.

Name list of employees according to order 302n

A list of employees by name according to Order 302 is compiled every time employees are sent for periodic medical examinations.

This document is drawn up on the basis of the “Contingent...” (302n dated 04/12/11 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, referral for a medical examination) and includes:

  1. FULL NAME. employee, his profession or position.
  2. Name of the harmful or dangerous production factor.
  3. Name structural unit.

How to get a referral for a medical examination using Form 302n

According to the norm, which was approved by Order 302n dated April 12, 2011 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, a referral for a medical examination is issued during an employment interview, and the candidate must sign for receipt of the referral in a special journal. The referral is issued by the employee carrying out documenting hiring and dismissal of employees.

In the direction under order 302n the following must be indicated:

  1. Name of the organization that issued the referral.
  2. Ownership form and eight-digit code economic activity according to OKVED.
  3. Name medical organization, the actual address of its location and OGRN code.
  4. Type of medical examination (preliminary or periodic).
  5. FULL NAME. a person entering or working as an employee.
  6. Date of birth of the person entering the job (employee).
  7. The name of the structural unit (if any) in which the job candidate (or current employee) will be employed.
  8. Name of position (profession) or type of activity.
  9. Harmful and dangerous production factors, as well as the type of work in accordance with the approved “Staff of Workers”.

The referral is signed by the employee who issued the referral, indicating his position, surname, and initials.

Final medical examination report

In accordance with order 302n, a medical organization upon completion of the workers’ examination periodic medical examination together with representatives of the employer and Rospotrebnadzor, a final act is drawn up according to order 302n, which indicates:

  • Date of preparation;
  • employer's name;
  • name of the medical organization;
  • percentage of employees covered by periodic medical examinations;
  • a list of newly diagnosed chronic somatic diseases indicating the class of diseases;
  • results of implementation of recommendations of the previous final act;
  • recommendations for the implementation of a set of health-improving measures;
  • lists of employees who have not completed or undergone periodic medical checkup, as well as those who have been diagnosed with a persistent degree of disability and other indicators (the full list is in paragraph 43 of the procedure for conducting preliminary medical examinations under order 302n).

The final act under Order 302 is approved by the chairman of the commission, who certifies it with the seal of the medical organization.

Arranging medical examinations is the prerogative of the employer. There is no need for company personnel or employees just being hired to undergo a medical examination medical institution and find money for it. The HR department of any company is responsible for the timely execution of this event and must correctly draw up the relevant documents and monitor compliance with legal requirements. Let's figure out according to which order of the Russian Federation mandatory medical examinations are carried out , and what documents they must be supported by.

302 order on medical examinations: for whom they are mandatory

According to Art. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has not passed mandatory medical examination, is suspended from work. However, this does not mean that all employees should be examined, because we're talking about about mandatory inspection. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302-approved a list of hazardous and harmful work and production factors, the implementation of which is accompanied by mandatory periodic medical examinations. The same act defines the procedure for conducting medical examinations.

  • age group up to 21 years;
  • those employed in hazardous industries, heavy and dangerous work;
  • related to traffic, incl. railway;
  • working in the energy and construction industries;
  • departmental security;
  • enterprises Food Industry, trade and catering;
  • medical and children's institutions;
  • employees of water pipelines and water supply structures;
  • professional athletes.

The medical examination under order 302-n can be preliminary (i.e. upon entry to work), periodic or extraordinary. Any type of inspection is organized at the expense of the employer. Examinations are carried out on a reimbursable basis by medical institutions, with which companies enter into appropriate agreements. We should remember that medical examinations of workers (Order 302-n speaks directly about this) are carried out by medical organizations of any form of ownership that have a license to conduct them, as well as examinations of professional suitability. Mandatory details of such agreements are:

  • item;
  • information about the availability of a license to conduct medical activities;
  • list of paid medical services;
  • conditions, cost and timing of their implementation;
  • calculation procedure.

Stages of personnel work to implement the requirements of Order 302-

Personnel officers are guided by Appendix No. 3, which determines the conduct of a medical examination by order 302-n. Having concluded an agreement with a medical institution, personnel service is obliged to establish an internal procedure for sending employees for medical examinations:

  • issue an appropriate order (sample) and familiarize employees with it against signature;
  • draw up a list of employees by name according to order 302-(sample below) who must be sent for a medical examination. It is issued in 2 copies - for the medical institution and the Rospotrebnadzor department. The list identifies the full names of employees for whom a medical examination is required, lists professions and positions, indicates a harmful production factor and the workshop or department where the employee works. The document is approved by the manager and submitted to the RPN within 10 days, and to the medical institution 2 months before the agreed date of the medical examination.

Sample list for medical examination according to order 302-:

Having received the list of contingents by order 302-, the medical organization develops calendar plan periodic inspections, coordinates it with the company’s management, approves and submits it to the company no later than 14 days before the agreed date;

  • fill out a form for a medical examination according to order 302-n, i.e. referral to a medical facility. 10 days before the agreed date for the start of the medical examination, the employee of the enterprise must be familiarized with the calendar plan and handed over to him (against signature), following order 302 of the Ministry of Health, a referral for a medical examination. The company develops the form of the document independently, since there are no standardized forms provided by law. Sample referral for medical examination under order 302-:

Personnel officers record in the logbook each referral issued to employees for a medical examination in accordance with Order 302-. The log form is also developed at the enterprise, approved by management and used to monitor the completion of medical examinations by employees.

The results of the examination in the health care facility are recorded in the outpatient card stored in the clinic. The results of the employee’s examination, i.e., the medical report, are recorded in a special document - the form of the final act according to order 302-n - the employee’s health passport, which is handed to him. If this document already exists, then new entries are made into it and returned to the owner. In addition, the employee is issued a certificate according to order 302 for transmission to the employer. It contains the conclusion of the medical commission, indicating professional suitability, and is certified by doctors’ signatures, stamps and the seal of the medical institution. Sample certificate form 302-n:

Periodic medical examination

Order 302 requires medical examinations and tests. To issue a certificate under Order 302, opinions of a therapist, surgeon, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist are usually required, and blood tests and fluorography are also provided. This is a general set, which is adjusted by adding or excluding specialized specialists, detailed blood tests, etc., depending on the characteristics of the industry or profession. It is important to know that the certificate issued for the first time can and should subsequently be extended in accordance with the established frequency.

Employee health passport according to order 302-n: form

This is form No. 004-P/U, relating to medical documentation, which is issued to each person who has undergone a medical examination, and consists of a general and effective part. The general information includes information about the employee who applied, the company that sent him for inspection, working conditions and influencing factors, as well as length of service. This information is filled in by the company’s personnel officer, and the document number is assigned to the health care facility. The date when the medical examination ends is also indicated there. One health passport is issued for each person. For greater clarity, we present the document form.

Order No. 302n on medical examinations establishes not only the categories of employees who must undergo them, but also the procedure for conducting them. In March 2018 this normative act changes have been made. We'll tell you which ones.

Read our article:

Order of the Ministry of Health 302n with amendments and additions of 2018

The order approved the rules for undergoing medical examinations. The list of professions and jobs for which an employee undergoes an examination upon entry is determined based on working conditions. It must be compiled by the employer.

If an employee performs work included in the list, he will be required to first undergo this procedure. Appendix 2 is a table that is used not only by the employer, but also by the medical institution. Columns 3 to 5 contain:

  • lists of specialists who will need to be visited;
  • a list of studies, both laboratory tests and functional measurements;
  • additional health contraindications.

It is worth noting that if several types of work are performed during production, it is necessary to take into account the need to conduct medical examinations for these types of work simultaneously. Example: maintenance and repair of existing electrical installations.

Changes to Order 302n in 2018 were made in March. They affected Appendix 2. The list of workers who were sent for medical examinations was expanded. Instead of employees of social shelters and nursing homes, employees of organizations should be sent for medical examination social services providing social services:

  • in stationary form of social services;
  • semi-stationary form of social services;
  • in the form of social services at home.

Harmful factors for medical examination by profession in Appendix 1

During the work process, an employee is constantly or periodically exposed to various production factors.

They can be:

  • optimal;
  • acceptable;
  • harmful;
  • dangerous.

This gradation of factors production environment established The presence of a production factor of a particular group is determined in the process of a special assessment of working conditions.

The application concerns only groups 3 and 4 - harmful and hazardous factors.

Harmful working conditions are understood as those in which the impact of harmful and (or) dangerous factors exceeds hygienic standards and can lead to varying degrees of health damage.

The 3rd group is divided into 3 subgroups depending on the expected.

Dangerous factors are considered to be those that during a working day or shift can lead to a threat to the life of a citizen, and their prolonged exposure inevitably leads to acute occupational diseases.

Order 302n on medical examinations does not contain a gradation according to the “harmfulness” of a particular exposure. It provides a gradation depending on the operating factor (chemical, biological, physical, labor process). This classification allows you to quickly navigate the list.

Procedure for medical examinations 302n

Occupational medical examinations can be carried out both during employment and during work. Their main purpose is to identify health problems that prevent the employee from performing work. The procedure is set out in Appendix 3.

Preliminary medical examinations must be carried out before the candidate goes to work. In the HR department of the organization, the future employee is given a referral for a medical examination, and it is possible to undergo the medical examination at the place of residence or in any medical institution convenient for him.

The cost of the applicant undergoing a medical examination must be reimbursed by the employer.

The direction is drawn up on the organization's letterhead. It must contain the name of the company, as well as its details. The text of the document itself contains the candidate's full name, date of birth, position and department, production factors and types of work in accordance with Appendices 2 and 1. The direction is signed by an authorized person and the company seal is affixed.

At the clinic, the employee must present a referral, a passport, a psychiatrist’s report and a health passport, if available. Health workers make a list of necessary specialists and tests that need to be completed. After completing all procedures, the employee is given a certificate of completion of a medical examination. He must provide this conclusion to the employer.

Final act on medical examinations 302n (sample)

The final act is issued to the employer upon completion of the medical examination as a whole, as established by paragraph 42. It is a summary table for the entire staff of the enterprise or part of it.

Download the final act form>>>

The final act contains information about the employer and the number of personnel. Based on the results of the inspections, summary tables 1 and 2 are filled out by name. The employer is given suggestions on health activities and by . The act is filled out in 4 copies.

The completed final report on medical examinations must be kept for 50 years in the medical organization that conducted the examinations.

In this article we will talk about medical examinations. Passing medical examinations is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 302n dated April 12, 2011. It presents a list of professions, harmful and dangerous factors for undergoing a medical examination. Here you can download a sample of documents on passing a medical examination at an enterprise (sample order and list of professions), etc.

Brief video about medical examinations

How to organize a medical examination?

The need for workers to undergo medical examinations, and for employers to organize them, is spelled out in Art. 212, 213 Labor Code. And as we have already said, medical examinations are regulated by Order 302n.

It lists in detail:

  • production factors for which workers need to undergo a medical examination;
  • jobs for which they also need to undergo a medical examination.

For each item in the list of factors or works, the following is given:

  • frequency of inspections for this factor or work;
  • a list of specialists who must assess the worker’s health status;
  • list of laboratory and functional studies(blood test, ultrasound, ECG, etc.);
  • additional requirements or contraindications (for example, the absence of a hand may be an obstacle to working as a security guard, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a turner, a driver, etc.).

Usually this information is enough to compile a list of professions to undergo a medical examination at a specific enterprise. If it is difficult for an occupational safety engineer or other authorized person to do this on their own, employees of the clinic where the medical examination is planned to take place, or employees of sanitary and epidemiological authorities will always come to the rescue.

Based on this list, an order is drawn up annually to undergo a medical examination at the enterprise, a sample of which can be asked from the labor inspector (a sample order is posted in this article with the ability to download it).

Typically, the list of doctors and tests for a specific place of work is the same for the preliminary medical examination upon hiring and periodic medical examinations. If working conditions have changed or the employee has acquired an additional profession, then the number of doctors and tests required to undergo a medical examination will increase.

The need to undergo a medical examination upon hiring and during work

Workers need to undergo a medical examination in order to:

  • preserve your health, and in some cases, your life;
  • women - to bear and give birth to healthy children;
  • obtain permission to perform work;
  • newly hired persons - find out whether their health condition will allow them to perform the desired job.

Employers need to organize a medical examination in order to:

  • prevent accidents and diseases related to working conditions of workers;
  • provide maximum efficiency production (no need to look for replacements for constantly sick workers, pay sick leave, train new workers hired to replace sick workers);
  • ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety in their organizations (relevant for hospitals, pharmacies, kindergartens, schools, canteens, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty salons, hotels, sports complexes and other public service institutions);
  • avoid penalties.

What medical examinations do workers undergo?

Medical examinations can be preliminary, periodic, preventive, unscheduled, pre-shift and post-shift.

Pre-employment medical examination All workers who have hazardous working conditions, have a risk of contracting occupational diseases, as well as persons specified in Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (trade, education, food industry, etc.) must undergo the test.

Repeated medical examinations Only workers who are included in the current department’s list of professions are required to undergo a medical examination. In different organizations, medical examinations for representatives of the same profession differ. This happens because, in addition to the name of the profession or position, when sending for a medical examination, the harmful and dangerous factors that affect the worker and the categories of work that he performs are taken into account. For example, in one building materials warehouse, the night cleaner simply washes the floor, so every year she only undergoes a fluorogram and a gynecologist. And in another, she also washes high-lying windows and chandeliers, so she still needs to see a neurologist, ophthalmologist and surgeon. If she does not use a rag and a mop to clean the floor, but a special machine, then the research and inspections necessary for admission to servicing machines and mechanisms are added to the list.

Please note: workers under 21 years of age must undergo a medical examination annually, regardless of the category of work they perform.

The list of works, as well as harmful and dangerous production factors, in the presence of which a mandatory preliminary medical examination is carried out upon hiring and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are specified in Appendices 1 and 2 of Order 302n “On Medical Examinations”.

There are also unscheduled medical examinations that are carried out upon request:

  • employer. The employer has the right to send the worker for an unscheduled medical examination if he has been ill for a long time or with a certain disease (for example, a disease of the cardiovascular system has manifested itself for the first time), or there are suspicions that his health condition does not allow him to perform his work duties;
  • worker. He has the right to demand that he be sent to undergo an unscheduled medical examination if he believes that his health condition has worsened due to the influence of any production factors;
  • medical institutions. Based on the results of the next medical examination, doctors may recommend undergoing the next examination earlier, for example, not after 1 year, but after 6 months.

The employer pays for all medical examinations of its employees, even potential ones. If a worker (most often a job applicant) paid for the medical examination himself, the money spent must be reimbursed.

Who is responsible for medical examinations?

In general, the employer is responsible for organizing and conducting medical examinations. Therefore, from among his employees he selects those responsible for:

  • compiling a list of professions to undergo a medical examination. Typically these are OT employees;
  • preparation and issuance of an order about passing a medical examination at the enterprise, a sample of which is kept by the clerk, the health care service or other persons involved in the process;
  • organizing the medical examination itself– preparing documentation for the hospital, sending employees for a medical examination, monitoring its completion;
  • prohibition from work of persons who have not passed the examination. Most often, these are the immediate supervisors of the work (site managers, foremen).

The day or days on which workers undergo a medical examination are paid “on average”. If a worker refuses to undergo a medical examination, he is not allowed to work, and the days during which he did not work for this reason are not paid.

How to organize periodic medical examinations at your enterprise?

To organize a medical examination, you need:

  1. Study the provisions of Order 302 on passing medical examinations.
  2. Conclude an agreement with a medical institution for conducting medical examinations, agree with it on the start date for medical examinations of employees of your organization.
  3. Based on the provisions of Order 302, compile a list of professions of the organization’s workers who must undergo a medical examination upon hiring and for periodic medical examinations. When compiling a list, you also need to consider vacant positions.
  4. Approve this list with the sanitary and epidemiological inspection body that controls your organization.
  5. Calculate the number of workers in the professions included in the list. Make a list of their names indicating their full name, profession (including part-time work), age, gender, harmful, dangerous factors and special work, the name of the structural unit and approve it with the employer.
  6. Send this approved list to the medical institution no later than 2 months before the date appointed in paragraph 2.
  7. Within 10 days after sending the list, receive from the medical institution a calendar plan for the medical examination of its employees. It must be drawn up at least 2 weeks before the start of the medical examination. The employer agrees on this calendar plan, and the medical institution approves it.
  8. Organize the arrival of the organization’s employees at the medical institution on the days allocated for their medical examination.
  9. Pick up medical reports, the final act, and other documentation that the medical institution will provide, for example, certificates of work performed under the contract.
  10. Organize control over the implementation of recommendations issued by the medical institution for each employee, if this concerns the employer. For example, if a loader of raw materials and materials is recommended to be transferred to another job due to unsatisfactory lung condition, the employer should take care of this. And if he is recommended to consult a nephrologist due to congenital characteristics of the body, then he should do this himself.
  11. Ensure that employees who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to perform work.

When drawing up an estimate under a contract, keep in mind that the cost of examining a specific employee is determined as the sum of examinations for “his” factors and types of work that are included in the list. Therefore, the cost of examining a man and a woman of the same profession (for example, conveyor operators) will differ due to different examinations.

Since the personnel composition of the organization is constantly changing, it is convenient to conduct medical examinations under 2 contracts concluded with the hospital: one for periodic medical examinations, the other for preliminary medical examinations when hiring. Under a “periodic” agreement, payment can be made as a one-time payment; under a “preliminary” agreement, payment can be made monthly, depending on the number of people examined by order of the enterprise.

Sample list of employees to undergo a medical examination at the enterprise:

How to organize a medical examination when applying for a job?

To organize such a medical examination, you need:

  • conclude an appropriate agreement with a medical institution;
  • issue the candidate for employment with a referral approved by the employer in accordance with Order 302 no on undergoing medical examinations;
  • notify the candidate that at the medical institution he will need to present this referral, a passport, if necessary, the results of a psychocertification, a health passport, if he has one;
  • get a conclusion from him medical commission based on the results of a medical examination;
  • draw up accounting documents for the medical examination - certificate of completion of work, etc.

Samples or procedures for filling out basic papers are contained in Order 302 n on passing medical examinations.

So, you have learned why medical examinations are carried out and what they are, where to get a sample order for a medical examination at an enterprise, which persons are responsible for different stages organization of a medical examination, the procedure and timing for drawing up the documents necessary for organizing a medical examination, the most convenient way to organize a medical examination, got acquainted with samples of documents necessary for undergoing a medical examination at an enterprise (samples of an order and a list of workers). We found out when a preliminary medical examination is carried out when hiring.

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