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Order on appointing those responsible for first aid kits. Template for ordering the first aid kit


ORDER No. _____
from "____"___________2008 Odessa

About the person responsible for providing first aid before medical treatment
assistance in case of accidents
and first aid kit

To ensure labor safety at the enterprise, I order:

1. Appoint ___________________ to be responsible for providing first aid before medical care in case of accidents.
2. Create a first aid kit. First aid kit contents:
1. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and medications for trauma (bruises, fractures, dislocations), wounds:
1.1. Analgin 0.5 N 10 - 1 pack.
1.2. Package - portable hypothermic (cooling) container - 1 pc.
1.3. Sodium sulfacyl solution - 1 fl.
1.4. Aspirin - 1 pack.
2. Means for stopping bleeding, treating and dressing wounds:
2.1. Tourniquet to stop arterial bleeding with adjustable compression (pressure) - 1 pc.
2.2. Sterile bandage 10 x 5 - 1 pc.
2.3. Non-sterile bandage 10 x 5 - 1 pc.
2.4. Non-sterile bandage 5 x 5 - 1 pc.
2.5. Atraumatic MAG dressing with dioxidine or silver nitrate 8 x 10 for dressing dirty wounds - 1 pc.
2.6. Bactericidal adhesive plaster 2.5 x 7.0 or 2 x 5 cm - 2 pcs.
2.7. Sterile wipes for stopping capillary and venous bleeding with furagin 6 x 10 cm, 10 x 18 cm - 3 pcs.
2.8. Alcohol iodine solution 5% or brilliant green 1% - 1 fl.
2.9. Elastic tubular medical non-sterile bandage N N 1, 3, 6 - 1 pc.
2.10. Cotton wool 50 g - 1 pack.
3. Remedies for heart pain:
3.1. Nitroglycerin tab. N 40 or caps. N 20 (trinitralong) - 1 pack.
3.2. Validol tab. or caps. - 1 pack.
4. Means for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case of clinical death:
4.1. Device for artificial respiration "Mouth - device - mouth" - 1 pc.
5. Remedies for fainting (collapse):
5.1. Ammonia solution (ammonia) - 1 fl.
6. Detoxification agents for food poisoning, etc.:
6.1. Enterodes - 2 pcs.
6.2. Activated carbon in table. - 1 pack.
7. Remedies for stress reactions:
7.1. Corvalol or valerian tincture - 1 fl.
8. Scissors - 1 pc.
9. First aid rules.
10. Case

3. The person responsible for providing first aid before medical care in case of accidents should prepare a first aid kit. Take a first aid kit (car) as a basis.
4. Do not use products with damaged packaging or expired expiration dates.
5. When using any product, the first aid kit urgently needs to be replenished.
6. The chief accountant, at the request of the person responsible for providing first aid before medical care, allocates funds for the purchase and replenishment of a first aid kit.
7. First aid kits must be in a publicly accessible place.
8. The person in charge (engineer) for occupational safety organizes training for the person responsible for providing first aid before medical care in case of accidents at work.

The employer is obliged, in accordance with Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to provide sanitary, household, medical and preventive services for workers, including creating sanitary posts with first aid kits.

Despite all precautions, unfortunately, sad situations arise. First health care workers injured at work - this is one of the main elements of labor protection in any organization. Hazardous industries have their own rules and requirements for sanitary posts and first aid kits.

First aid kits from January 1, 2012 must comply with the requirements approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 5, 2011 No. 169n “On approval of the requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products for providing first aid to employees” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 169n).

Any organization, regardless of its legal form and areas of activity, must have a first aid kit.

Who purchases, is responsible for maintaining and storing the first aid kit?

By order of the organization, it is necessary to appoint an employee who will purchase, store the first aid kit and be responsible for its contents. These functions can be assigned to an employee of the organization who has been trained in providing first aid to victims at work.

The employee responsible for the first aid kit:

  • prepares applications for the purchase of medical products;
  • promptly replenishes its contents (as used) (note 1-2 to Order No. 169n);
  • keeps a log of the use of medical products (letter of Rostrud “On the creation of sanitary posts with first aid kits in the organization” dated November 7, 2012 No. PG/8351-3-5.)

Checking the completeness of the first aid kit is carried out at the first stage of administrative and public control: the head of the department and the occupational safety representative trade union organization(Officer for labor protection of the workforce).

The issue of frequency of checks of the completeness of the first aid kit can be regulated in the local regulatory act of the organization, for example, in an order to ensure the completion of first aid kits for providing first aid to employees or a regulation on administrative and public control.

What should be included in a first aid kit?

The first aid kit should include:

  • medical products for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds (for example, a hemostatic tourniquet, sterile and non-sterile bandages, an individual dressing package with a sealed shell, adhesive plasters);
  • device for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth” or pocket mask for artificial ventilation “Mouth-mask”;
  • other medical products (isothermal blanket, medical gloves, etc.);
  • other means (for example, a tear-off pad, a fountain pen, five antiseptic sterile alcohol wipes).

At the same time, the required components of a first aid kit cannot be replaced with other products.

A thoughtless attitude to any medications is dangerous. The use of any medication can lead to tragedy. For example, nitroglycerin is a powerful drug; the wrong dosage can kill a person. Boric acid, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, is a strong poison. Even the use of harmless iodine or brilliant green can cause serious trouble.

Include medications It is prohibited to include in a first aid kit and the State Inspectorate checks the contents of first aid kits during inspections. For this violation of the law, the employer may incur administrative liability (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

First aid kit storage space

The employer in accordance with Labor Code The Russian Federation is obliged to create sanitary posts with first aid kits and indicate them on the evacuation plan. Sanitary posts are located at such a distance that workers can quickly access them if necessary.

At sanitary posts where first aid kits are stored, it is necessary to place a first aid kit sign - a white cross on a green background (Table I2 GOST R 12.4.026-2001).

Let us remind you that when the number of employees at an enterprise ranges from 50 to 300 people, it is necessary to have a medical center. If in an organization payroll the number of employees is more than 300 people, paramedic health centers should be provided (clause 5.27 of the Code of Rules SP 44.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.09.04-87. Administrative and domestic buildings”).

How many first aid kits should an organization have?

The number of first aid kits in an organization is determined by its head together with medical worker and (or) a labor protection specialist.

There is no uniform requirement for the number of first aid kits in an organization - every employer must have at least one first aid kit. Exact information on the number of first aid kits for some organizations is given in industry regulations:

  • At each marshalling station workplace(Clause 4.6.4 Sanitary rules by organization freight transport on railway transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Main State sanitary doctor Russia March 24, 2003; Sanitary rules for organizing freight transportation by rail SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated April 4, 2003 No. 32)
  • On every bulldozer(Clause 2.5 Standard instructions on labor protection for drivers of electric forklifts, forklifts, bucket loaders and bulldozer drivers, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 25, 2002)
  • In every laboratory(Clause 11.1.2 of the Temporary recommendations (rules) on labor protection when working in laboratories (departments, departments) of sanitary and epidemiological institutions of the Russian Ministry of Health, approved by the chief physician Federal Center State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, Chairman of the Laboratory Council of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia on April 11, 2002)
  • On racks where tanks are processed, as well as in the operator’s room(Clause 7.5.8 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight transportation by rail SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on March 24, 2003)
  • In all areas and in domestic premises(Clause 13.5 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards “ Hygienic requirements to production enterprises building materials and designs. SanPiN”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on June 11, 2003)
  • At each site, in workshops, workshops, as well as on the main mining and transport units and in sanitary premises (Clause 563 of the Safety Rules for the development of coal deposits open method, approved by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated May 30, 2003 No. 45)
  • In paint shops(Clause 7.12 of the Sanitary Rules for painting work using hand sprayers, approved by the Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR on September 22, 1972 No. 991-72).
  • In every workshop and at every separate production site(Clause 13.1.15 POT RO 14000-005-98 “Regulation. Work with increased danger. Organization of holding”, approved by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Economics of the Russian Ministry of Economy on February 19, 1998)
  • IN vehicles when transporting pesticides(Clause 586 of the Rules on labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 2, 2015 No. 835n).

Responsibility for the lack of a first aid kit

For the absence of a first aid kit, administrative liability is provided in accordance with Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and provides for the imposition of the following fines:

  • for officials - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • on legal entities– from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

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The organization of labor protection is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legal acts. According to the two hundred and twenty-third article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is responsible for providing workers with everything necessary according to labor safety standards. It is he who is responsible for the availability of a first aid kit in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products” dated January 1, 2012. Let's look at what an order for first aid kits at an enterprise should look like, and what you need to know about first aid kits.

From this article you will learn:

  • what you need to know about first aid kits at an enterprise;
  • how to draw up an order for first aid kits at an enterprise;
  • what happens if there is no first aid kit.

It is necessary to emphasize that, according to the current legislation, the presence of a first aid kit is mandatory for absolutely all companies. Their form of ownership, type labor activity, as well as the fact whether they are associated or not with harmful factors does not matter.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

Encyclopedia personnel orders from System Personnel.

Medical first aid kits at the enterprise: what do you need to know?

To avoid problems with first aid kits, it is advisable to establish systematic procedures and rules for checking them in local act, since these issues are not regulated by law. The purchase of medications and timely replenishment of first aid kits can be entrusted to honey. an employee or a specialist who has undergone special training. If there are none, then the one who is most suitable for this, in the opinion of management, is selected. It is worth noting that the employee must give his consent; without this, he cannot be appointed.

According to industry regulations, the following may be responsible for first aid kits:

  • Head of the company.
  • Head of the department.
  • Head of a department or section.

According to paragraph 2.6.1 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight transportation on railways. d. transport. SP 2.5.1250-03, approved. Chief san. doctor dated March twenty-fourth 2000.

According to the third Appendix to the Labor Safety Rules for book trade enterprises POT RO 29-003-95, approved. Roskompechat No. 33 dated March twenty-first, 1995.

According to the labor protection rules for publishing houses POT RO 29-002-94, approved. Roskompechat No. 75 dated August twenty-fourth 1994.

If regulations the area in which the company operates does not regulate this issue, then the best performer of the role of the person responsible for first aid kits will be an occupational safety specialist. He will not only buy new products to replace used ones, but also ensure the timely replacement of expired products or damaged packaging.

Special attention should be paid to the storage location of the first aid kit. Many people prefer to store first aid kits in the office. responsible person, but this is wrong, since he is not always in place.

According to the twenty-third paragraph of the Labor Safety Rules for printing organizations POT RO 29-001-2002, the forty-eighth paragraph of the Industry Rules for labor protection when working with special liquids in civil aviation, paragraph 2.1.7 of the Rules for labor protection when working on radio relay communication lines POT RO-45-010-2002 and many others, The first aid kit should be stored in an easily accessible place. If industry regulations do not specify a specific storage location, then the general rule must be followed.

According to Order No. 169n, at a minimum, a company must have one first aid kit. Nose large enterprises the situation is different; first of all, they need to focus on the instructions in industry regulations. If there are no instructions in the latter, then the required amount is determined together with honey. employee or occupational safety specialist.

A unified form of this order does not exist, so it is free-form. The order for the completion of first aid kits must contain information about who is appointed to be responsible for the first aid kit, where first aid kits should be stored and how many pieces there should be. In addition, the procedure for using and monitoring the contents of first aid kits is described.

The order specifies the person responsible for processing applications for the purchase of funds for completing first-aid kits, who is responsible for ensuring the availability of a reserve amount of medical supplies. products, as well as responsible for the execution of the order itself. The order must be accompanied by an appendix that specifies all the necessary items for first aid kits. In addition to issuing an order, you need to keep a log of the use of first aid kits, create and approve instructions for providing first aid.

What happens if there is no first aid kit?

If the employer ignored the requirements of the order “On approval of the requirements for the composition of first aid kits,” then this fact will be qualified as a violation of the labor protection law.

In this case officials faces a fine of one to five thousand rubles, and legal entities - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles or cessation of activity for a period of up to ninety days.


Yekaterinburg city "____" April 2012

ORDER No. ____

About provision of equipment

first aid kits for first aid

assistance to employees

In order to provide therapeutic - preventive maintenance workers,


1 Approve the provision of first aid kits with medical products (hereinafter referred to as Products) for providing first aid to workers (Appendix No. 1)

2 Chief engineer Ivanov I.I. ensure availability in production workshops sanitary posts with first aid kits. Deadline: April 15, 2012

3 Heads of workshops Sidorov I.I., Petrov I.I. fill out applications for the purchase of Products for the purpose of completing first aid kits in accordance with Appendix No. 1. Deadline: April 10, 2012

4 Warehouse manager Ivanova I.I. – ensure the acquisition medicines and drugs according to submitted applications and ensure the availability of a reserve quantity of Products in the warehouse for immediate replacement of used medicines and drugs in first aid kits. Notify the heads of workshops about the receipt of Products at the warehouse. Deadline: April 20, 2012

5 Heads of workshops Sidorov I.I., Petrov I.I. equip first aid kits with Products in strict accordance with the composition specified in Appendix No. 1. Term – within 1 day from the moment the medicines arrive at the warehouse.

6 To the heads of workshops - when the Products are used or expired, immediately replenish the first aid kit.

7 Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the chief engineer I.I. Ivanov.

Director S.S. Chiefs

Appendix No. 1

Providing first aid kits with medical products to provide first aid to workers

Name of medical products

Regulatory document

Release form (dimensions)

Quantities (pieces, packages)

Medical products for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds

Hemostatic tourniquet

GOST R ISO 10993-99<1>

Medical gauze bandage, non-sterile

GOST 1172-93<2

GOST 1172-93<2

Non-sterile medical gauze bandage

GOST 1172-93<2

GOST 1172-93<2

Medical gauze bandage sterile

GOST 1172-93<2

Medical gauze bandage sterile

GOST 1172-93<2

Individual sterile medical dressing bag with a sealed shell

GOST 1179-93<3>

Medical gauze wipes are sterile

GOST 16427-93<4>

At least 16 x 14 cm N 10

Bactericidal adhesive plaster

GOST R ISO 10993-99

At least 4 cm x 10 cm

Bactericidal adhesive plaster

GOST R ISO 10993-99

At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm

Rolled adhesive plaster

GOST R ISO 10993-99

At least 1 cm x 250 cm

Medical products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Device for artificial respiration "Mouth - Device - Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial respiration "Mouth - mask"

GOST R ISO 10993-9

Other medical products

Lister bandage scissors

GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86)<5>

Antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material, sterile alcohol

GOST R ISO 10993-9

At least 12.5 x 11.0 cm

Medical non-sterile gloves, examination

GOST R ISO 10993-99

GOST R 52238-2004<6>

GOST R 52239-2004<7>

GOST 3-88<8>

Size no less than M

Non-sterile medical mask, 3-layer, made of non-woven material with elastic bands or ties

GOST R ISO 10993-99

Isothermal rescue blanket

GOST R ISO 10993-99, GOST R 50444-92

At least 160 x 210 cm

Other means

Steel safety pins with spiral

GOST 9389-75<9>

not less than 38 mm

Case or sanitary bag

Tear-off notepad for notes

GOST 18510-87

format no less than A7

GOST 28937-91<11>