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Products of the microbiological industry. The microbiological industry is


Any production begins with raw materials. The total volume of biotechnological products in the world is measured in millions of tons per year. In the microbiological industry, the largest share of raw materials (more than 90%) goes to ethanol production. The production of baker's yeast requires 5% of the raw materials consumed in the microbiological industry, antibiotics - 1.7%, organic acids and amino acids - 1.65%.

Enzyme biotechnology is a large consumer of starch, with fructose molasses alone producing over 3.5 million per year. From an economic point of view, raw materials in biotechnological production, especially in large-scale ones, rank first in expense items and amount to 40-65 % total cost of production (Fig. 4.1). With fine biosynthesis, the share of raw materials in the total cost of production decreases.

The nutrient substrate, or nutrient medium, is a complex three-phase system containing liquid, solid and gaseous components. Many enzymes are located on the cell surface or released into the environment. In addition, a significant part of the biosynthetic products, after excretion from cells, accumulates in the medium. Some intermediate metabolites serve as a reserve nutritional fund that the cell uses after the main food sources are depleted. There is a close interaction between the cultivated biological object and the physicochemical factors of the environment. On the one hand, these factors (pH, osmotic pressure, etc.) control cell growth and the biochemical activity of producers. On the other hand, the chemical composition and physicochemical properties of the environment are constantly changing as a result of the vital activity of the cells themselves. These circumstances force us to consider the fermentable substrate as a continuation internal environment cells. During fermentation, a combination of substrate and biological object is formed.

Raw materials for the microbiological industry Raw materials of the Earth

In principle, microorganisms are able to assimilate any organic compound, therefore, all the world's reserves of organic substances, including primary and secondary products of photosynthesis, as well as reserves of organic substances in the bowels of the Earth, can serve as potential resources for microbiological biotechnology.

But, unfortunately, each specific type of microorganisms used in biotechnology is very selective in nutrients, and organic raw materials (except lactose, sucrose and starch) without preliminary chemical treatment are of little use for microbial synthesis. Nevertheless, cellulose-containing raw materials after chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis and purification from inhibitory or ballast impurities (phenol, furfural, oxymethylfurfural, etc.) can be used in biotechnological production. Coal, natural gas and wood can serve as raw materials for the chemical synthesis of industrial alcohols or acetic acid, and the latter, in turn, are excellent raw materials for the microbiological industry.

Of the organic raw materials, starch attracts the greatest attention from biotechnologists, although its assimilation by microorganisms requires a complex complex of amylolytic enzymes, which are possessed only by certain types of microorganisms (for example, fungi of the genus Aspergillus, bacteria B. subtilis, etc.) - A lot of starch is consumed for the production of ethanol, and also for the production of fructose syrups. Due to the fact that the world's reserves of starch-containing foods are limited in our country, it is advisable to use molasses, glucose raw materials, methanol and ethanol for biotechnology purposes.

When choosing raw materials, not only the physiological needs of the selected producer are taken into account, but also the cost of the raw materials (Table 1).

Table 1. Cost of basic microbiological raw materials

Traditional carbon sources

Carbon-containing raw materials are the main raw materials of microbial synthesis. The most widely used carbon sources in industrial settings are listed in Table. 2. Most microorganisms assimilate carbohydrates well. During catabolism great importance have the structure of the carbon skeleton of the molecules (straight, branched or cyclic) and the oxidation state of the carbon atoms. Sugars, especially hexoses, are considered easily accessible, followed by polyhydric alcohols (glycerol, mannitol, etc.) and carboxylic acids.

Until recently, there was an opinion that organic acids were inaccessible to most microorganisms, but in practice, microorganisms that successfully utilize organic acids are quite often found, especially under anaerobic conditions.

Low molecular alcohols (methanol, ethanol) can be classified as promising species microbiological raw materials, since their resources increase significantly thanks to successful development chemical synthesis technologies. Many yeasts of the genera Candida, Hansenula, Rhodosporidium, Endomycopsis, etc. are capable of assimilating ethanol. Yeasts of the genera Pichia, Candida, Torulopsis, etc. and bacteria belonging to the genera Methylomonas, Protaminobacter, Flavobacterium, etc., use methanol as the only carbon source and form biomass with a high protein content (60-70%).

In 1939, V. O. Tauson established the ability of different types of microorganisms to use n-alkanes and some oil fractions as the only source of carbon and energy. A distinctive feature of hydrocarbons compared to other types of microbiological raw materials is their low solubility in water. This explains the fact that only some types of microorganisms in nature are able to assimilate hydrocarbons. The maximum solubility of n-alkanes in water is about 60 ml/l with molecular lengths from C2 to C4, but as the chain increases, the solubility decreases.

Table 2. Carbon sources used for microbial synthesis



Crystalline glucose

Technical sucrose Technical lactose

Starch Acetic acid

Synthetic ethyl alcohol

Narrow fraction of liquid paraffin

99,5 %

Sucrose no less

Lactose no less

RV at least 70% in terms of dry matter

DM not less than 80%

Acetic acid not less than 60% Ethanol not less than 92%

n-Alkanov 87-93%

Contains up to 9% water, up to 0.07% ash substances, including iron no more than 0.004% Humidity up to 0.15%, ash substances no more than 0.03% Humidity up to 3%, ash substances no more than 2% and 1 % lactic acid

Syrup-like liquid, RS is represented mainly by glucose, ash substances up to 7%, pH 4.0

Ash substances Q.-35-1.2% in terms of dry matter (Contains formaldehyde and up to 1.0% formic acid Contains up to 0.21% isopropyl alcohol and up to 15 mg/l organic acids

Contains up to 0.5% aromatic hydrocarbons and up to 0.5% sulfur

By-products of production

Many valuable by-products were previously considered industrial waste. Water was flushed down the drain after soaking corn kernels during their processing into starch and glucose. Now this water is evaporated to obtain an extract and used in the microbiological industry. Chemical production waste (a mixture of carboxylic acids - succinic, ketoglutaric, adipic) etc. is successfully used; sulfite liquor, grain and potato stillage, molasses, hydrol, etc.

Table.3. Chemical composition of beet molasses



Dry matter 75-77

Ash content 6.6 - 7.5

Sucrose 45


Invert sugar 0.5 - 1.2

K 2 O 2.5-3.5

Raffinose 0.5-1.0

Fermentable sugars - 46 - 48

50 CaO 0.5-0.8

hara (total


general 1.1 - 1.5

Colloids 3 - 4

Good quality - 62 - 65

65 before hydrolysis 0.2-0.35

after hydro- 0.5 - 0.6

Lysine 41 Alanya

Histidine 24 Cystine

Arginine 26 Valine

Aspartic acid 251 Methionine

Threonine 41 Isoleucine

Traces 89 120

The integrated use of all by-products of production is far from perfect. In our country, about 1 million tons of lactose contained in whey and buttermilk remain unused or irrationally used annually. In the USA, of the total amount of whey produced during cheese production (20 million tons annually), half is lost with wastewater. At the same time, it is known that from 1 ton of whey you can get about 20 kg of dry yeast biomass. In addition, an additional 4 kg of protein can be isolated from the separated mash. Potato juice extracted from potatoes during the production of starch, as well as albumin milk obtained from whey, are irrationally used.

Molasses and hydrol, a by-product of the production of glucose from starch, are widely used in the microbiological industry. Molasses is characterized by a high content of sugars (43-57%), in particular sucrose (Table 3).

The microbiology industry uses a number of other by-products (Table 4). In the future, it is necessary to take into account the potential of constantly renewable raw materials - primary products of photosynthesis, primarily wood hydrolysates and deproteinized plant sap.

Table 4. By-products used in the microbiology industryas main raw material

Sulfite liquor Potato stillage Grain stillage

Malt wort Whey

Deproteinized plant juice

Deproteinized potato juice

Wood waste hydrolysate


Hydrolyzate (evaporated)

Wheat bran

DM 4.0-4.5%, including PV 3.3-3.5% DM 4.3-4.5%, including PV 2.0-2.2% DM 7.3-8 ,1 %, including RS 2.5-2.9% DM 76-78%, including fermentable sugars 50%

DM 15-20%, including PV (maltose, dextrins) 8-12%, vitamins DM 6.5-7.5%, including lactose 4.0-4.8%, proteins 0.5-1 ,0%, fats 0.05-0.4%, vitamins SV 5-8%, including PB 0.8-2.0%, amino acids, vitamins

DM 4-5%, including PV 0.5-1.0%, vitamins, amino acids

DM 6-9%, including RS 3-4%, organic acids 0.3-0.4% DM 48-52%, including RS 26-33% (galactose, glucose, mannose, xylose, rhamnose) ; humic substances

DM 90-92%, including extractives 48-50%, starch 25-30%, proteins 11-13%, fats 2.5-3.0%, cellulose 15-17%



yeast Same

Production of yeast, antibiotics, ethanol

Growing yeast, bacteria, micromycetes

Production of yeast, ethanol, lactanes


Yeast cultivation

Production of baker's yeast, antibiotics

Obtaining feed yeast

Enzyme production

Sources of mineral nutrition

Nitrogen. In bacterial cells, nitrogen is up to 12% in terms of dry biomass, in filamentous fungi - up to 10%. Microorganisms can use both organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen. It is known that bacteria are more demanding of nitrogen sources than most micromycetes, actinomycetes and yeasts. Animal and plant cells have special requirements for nitrogen sources. Biomass productivity depending on the nitrogen source does not always coincide with the productivity of the target metabolite and also depends on the cultivation conditions (Table 5). When growing biomass

Table 5. Effect of mineral nitrogen sources on biomass growth and biosynthesiscitric acid mutantA. nigerfor superficial and deepcultivation (R. Ya-Karklinsh)

Nitrogen source

Surface cultivation

Deep cultivation

Citric acid, g/l

Citric acid, g/l

(NH,) 2 SO 4 6.2 (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 4.2 NH 4 C1 5.5 KNO 3 5.0

12 15 14 11 9 15

95 101 30 30 88

Ca(NO 3) 2 3.5 NH.CONHs 6.9

at a concentration of 30-40 g/l, the need for additives of nitrogen-containing salts usually does not exceed 0.3-0.4% of the volume of the medium. In batch cultivation regimes, nitrogen consumption ends in the first 6-12 hours of growth (in the first half of the exponential phase). With the targeted biosynthesis of nitrogen-containing metabolites, the need for nitrogen increases significantly.

Most yeasts absorb ammonia salts well - ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, as well as ammonia from an aqueous solution. Nitric acid salts are not always well absorbed. Only some types of yeast have a need for nitrates. Urea is often included as a source of nitrogen in media. During the directed biosynthesis, for example, of cellulolytic enzymes by the fungus Peniophora gigantea, the highest biochemical activity of cells is observed in media with organic nitrogen (asparagine, peptone, etc.).

Other mineral salts. Phosphorus is known to be part of nucleic acids, phospholipids and other important cell components. Sometimes phosphorus accumulates in it in the form of polyphosphates. A small part of the absorbed phosphorus exists in the form of high-energy compounds - ATP.

Phosphorus is an important component of the cell. Microorganisms need another 10 mineral elements, but in much smaller quantities (10~ 3 - 10~ 4 M). An increased need of microorganisms for microelements occurs if the target metabolite contains a trace element. Thus, during the biosynthesis of vitamin B]2, cobalt is included in the nutrient medium; molybdenum and boron stimulate the biosynthesis of thiamine in the cells of nodule bacteria; Copper is present in a number of enzymes that transfer electrons from a substrate to oxygen.

The mineral composition of the nutrient medium shapes the distribution of electrical charges on the cell surface. Typically, microbial cells have a negative potential (16-20 mV). When electrolytes are added to the medium, it decreases, and the stronger the higher the valence of the added counterion. An increase in the K + or Na + content to 500 mg/l reduces the cell potential to 10-12 mV. The introduction of 60-80 mg/l Ca 2+, Fe 2+ or Cu 2+ into the medium, as well as 5 mg/l Al +3, can bring cells to an electrically neutral state. Unlike bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi do not recharge and acquire positive potential. Changing the electrical potential of cells can alter their physiological activity, affect the selectivity of the cell membrane, and cause cell flocculation or flotation.

Complex media enrichers

Microorganisms grow better in the presence of vitamins, amino acids, cytokinins and other biologically active substances. With the advent of the era of antibiotics and in connection with the widespread use of microorganisms in industry, the question of economically viable, balanced nutrient media became acute. Corn extract has proven to be an effective supplement due to the presence of vitamins, amino acids and minerals in easily assimilated forms. The chemical composition of corn extract is given below.

Alanya 24-59 Methionine 2-6

Arginine 10-24 Phenylalanine 8-13

Aspartic acid 10-27 Proline 16-20

Cystine 2-4 Series 12-20

Glutamic acid 35-88 Threonine 4-II

Glycine Traces Tyrosine 5-10

Histidine 2-4 Tryptophan 5-10

Isoleucine 35-42 Valine 8-18

Leucine 27-42 Lysine 16-37

Riboflavin 7-12 Biotin 15-55

Thiamine 80-100 Nicotinic acid 120-180

Pantothenic acid 80-140

To obtain high quality and safe products baby food In industrial conditions, microbiological and sanitary-hygienic control of production is necessary at all stages.

      1. Microbiological control of the production of liquid and paste-like dairy products for baby food.

Microbiological control includes the following stages:

    control of raw materials (at least once a decade);

    control of components - each batch;

    control of the production process (at least once a decade);

    monitoring the effectiveness of pasteurization of milk, cream and normalized mixture;

    production quality control of fills;

    control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of production and workers’ hands;

    control of water and air (at least once a month);

    quality control of containers and packaging materials;

    control of finished products.

Monitoring the effectiveness of pasteurization of milk, cream and normalized mixture.

The effectiveness of pasteurization is monitored daily, regardless of the quality of the finished product.

An indicator of the effectiveness of pasteurization is the absence of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria) in 1 ml of milk, as well as MAFAM - the total number of bacteria in 1 ml of milk is no more than 10,000.

If it is determined that the results of analyzes of the product under study do not meet the standards, that is, the pasteurization efficiency is insufficient, then the pasteurization installation is stopped to determine the reasons for the decrease in pasteurization efficiency.

And only when stable results of analysis of the product under study are obtained, the pasteurizer is started.

Control of sourdough quality production.

Milk intended for fermentation must meet the requirements for the reductase test.

The effectiveness of pasteurization of milk for the production of starter cultures, also tested for the presence of coliforms. The effectiveness of heat treatment of milk sterilized in flasks or bottles intended for fermentation is controlled by sterility (CMAFAM). The amount of starter, curd and smell are checked daily according to the following indicators: the presence of foreign microflora, acidity and ripening time.

Microbiological control of the finished product.

Microbiological control of finished baby food products also includes the determination of the following indicators: the content of CMAFAM, yeast and molds, coliforms (coliforms), E. Coli, B.cereus, S. aureus, pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella. In products containing specific microflora, their titer is controlled.

In the production laboratories of enterprises producing products without heat treatment (adapted mixtures), each batch of products is monitored for all indicators.

In products consumed after heat treatment (milk porridges, etc.), each batch is monitored for the content of CMAFAM, coliforms, yeast and molds.

Monitoring for the content of B.cereus and S. aureus in dry, liquid and paste-like, finished products is carried out periodically, at least once a month.

Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of production and workers’ hands.

Increased demands are placed on the sanitary and hygienic conditions of baby food production.

All areas of equipment, apparatus and milk pipelines must be monitored at least 3 times a month at the coliform site.

The quality of equipment washing is assessed using CMAFAM in washes, at least 2-3 times a week.

Hand cleanliness (chlorination) of workers is monitored at least 3 times a month.

Evaluation of the results of monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of production. Once a decade, a washout sample from the equipment (from 100 cm2) of the following lines is examined:

    lines of raw milk and unpasteurized ingredients;

    sterilized milk lines;

    lines of fermented milk products (including tanks), etc.

If there are 100 bacteria in 1 ml of drain, washing is considered ineffective. Samples (100 cm2) are examined daily on filling machines, in tanks and starter pipes.

The clothes and hands of the starter department workers are checked once a decade for the presence of coliform bacteria.

Control types and products.

Drinking water used for domestic and industrial needs is tested for bacterial analysis at least once a month. According to the ND, the coli index should not exceed 3 in 1 ml of water.

In the air of industrial premises, the total number of bacteria, the number of yeasts and molds is determined at least once a month.

Control of containers and packaging and materials.

At enterprises, in order to control containers and packaging materials, they conduct analyzes for the content of CMAFAM and coliforms. The content of KMAFAM per 100 cm 2 containers should be no more than 50 CFU, in the absence of coliforms.

1) Microorganisms were used by humanity in everyday life and production long before, strictly speaking, they were discovered. Even in ancient times, without thinking about their existence, humanity used them in baking, winemaking, production of cheeses and dairy products, brewing, etc.

Their meaning and role in production were first discovered by Pasteur in the mid-19th century. However, knowledge on the physiology of microorganisms and the patterns of their growth began to expand only in the 20th century.

As a result, there is a real opportunity to make microorganisms an inexhaustible source of biologically active substances: proteins, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, etc.

In the second half of the 20th century, industrially developed countries a new industry is emerging - the microbiological industry or biotechnology.

The main advantage of biotechnology is the production of proteins and other products through microbial synthesis at a tremendous speed, which is several orders of magnitude higher than that of plants and animals.

The development of industry creates a need for specialists, technology, equipment and, of course, relevant scientific research.

This UMKD was written on the basis of the lecture course “Biotechnology Equipment”, which for a number of years, starting from the 90s, was given by the authors in Semipalatinsk state university named after Shakarim for biotechnology students.

2) Biotechnology, biotechnological industry, biotechnology equipment are relatively new terms that came into practice relatively recently (70s – 80s – 90s of the 20th century).

Until these years, the more widely used terms were:

microbiology and microbiological industry,

· as well as related equipment.

The main goal of biotechnology is

· production by microbiological synthesis methods, first of all, of biologically active substances,

· and other microbiological products, for example:

Vitamin B 2 concentrate;

Protein and vitamin concentrates;

Feeder yeast on liquid hydrolysates of plant materials and sulfite liquors;

Feed yeast on waste Food Industry;

Feeding yeast on purified paraffins;

Feed yeast on gaseous hydrocarbons;

Citric acid;

Lysine on beet molasses, as well as other amino acids, in particular histidine, arginine, tryptophan, etc.;

Feed antibiotics (preparations biovit, terravit, batselikhin, bacitracin, etc.);

Bacterial preparations or fertilizers, as well as plant protection products (nitragin, azotobacterin, phosphobacterin, etc.);

Enzyme preparations;

Malt, etc.

The population of microorganisms is characterized by such remarkable properties as:

High intensity of life activity, i.e. growth, reproduction and death;

And a great uniqueness of metabolism (metabolism).

For example, the rate of biomass formation in microorganisms:

Almost 500 times more than the most productive plants;

And approximately 1000 - 5000 times more than the most productive breeds of livestock.

In just 0.3 - 2.0 hours, the biomass of microorganisms can double.

In addition, in a number of cases, all the biochemical activity of microorganisms is directed towards the synthesis of some useful substance. For example:

One of the highly productive mutants for the synthesis of penicillin produces up to 0.5 kg of penicillin for every 1.0 kg of biomass;

Some of the strains can synthesize vitamin B 12 in quantities exceeding their vital needs by 100 - 200 times.

One of the main advantages of biotechnology is that microbiological synthesis uses:

Not scarce, not expensive raw materials in the form of food industry waste,

As well as such widespread raw materials as oil and natural gas.

3) Equipment used in biotechnology is classified into appropriate groups according to a number of basic characteristics. Such signs include:

I. The nature of the impact on the material being processed, or raw materials or product.

II. Structure of the working cycle of a machine or apparatus.

III. Degree of mechanization and automation.

IV. The principle of combination in the process flow.

V. Functional (production) purpose.

I. According to the nature of the impact on the processed product, the equipment is divided into three groups:

a) equipment in which the material is exposed mechanical impact without changing the properties of the material itself (i.e., only the shape and size of the product changes, for example, when crushing, crushing or cutting);

b) equipment in which the material is exposed physico-chemical, biochemical and thermal effects as a result, most of the properties of raw materials and even state of aggregation(i.e. viscosity, density, structure, etc. changes, for example, during evaporation, concentration, extraction, drying, etc.);

c) equipment in which all types of impact are exerted on the material.

II. According to the work cycle structure equipment is divided into two groups:

a) periodic equipment;

b) equipment continuous action.

III. By degree of mechanization and automation equipment is divided into three groups:

a) simple working machines and devices (i.e. equipment in which one technological operation is performed, for example a crusher, mixer, separator, etc., despite its structural complexity in some cases, only one technological operation is performed):

b) semi-automatic machines (i.e. equipment in which there are several working parts that perform several technological operations and which requires the participation of a worker to perform some supervisory functions).

c) automatic machines (i.e. equipment that also has several working bodies performing several technological operations in automatic mode and in which the participation of the worker is not required).

IV. According to the principle of combination in the flow

a) individual machines and devices;

b) units or complexes;

c) combined and automated types of equipment (these are primarily mechanized flow lines)

Machines and apparatus differ from each other in their structural form. The machine usually consists of three parts:

The working body installed inside the working chamber;

A transmission mechanism that transmits movement to the working body;

And the source of movement, i.e. engine.

Thus, in a machine, the processing of raw materials occurs as a result of the conversion of the mechanical work of the engine into movement.

V.P about production purpose equipment is divided into a large number of groups, namely:

To carry out auxiliary and lifting and transport operations for the delivery, storage, dosing of raw materials and materials;

For sterilization of culture media and air;

For extraction, extraction, filtration and flotation;

For cultivating (i.e. growing) microorganisms on solid nutrient media;

For the cultivation of microorganisms on liquid nutrient media;

For separation of liquid and solid phases from heterogeneous systems (i.e. centrifuges and separators);

For concentration and purification of solutions of biologically active substances (i.e. vacuum evaporation units);

For membrane separation of solutions of biologically active substances (i.e. ultrafiltration units);

For drying microbiological products;

For grinding, standardization, granulation and microencapsulation of microbiological products.

Lecture No. 2. Machinery and hardware diagrams for the production of microbiological synthesis products.

Lecture outline:

1) Features of microbiological production technology.

2) malt production line.

3) production line for ethyl rectified food alcohol.

4) baker's yeast production line.

5) technological line for the production of enzyme preparations.

1) A typical technological process of microbiological synthesis can be presented in the form of the following sequential stages:

Preparation of seed material;

Preparation and sterilization of nutrient medium;

Cultivation, i.e. microbiological synthesis;

Isolation of the target product;

Grinding (grinding);



In some cases, some of these stages may be missing.

In particular,

– if the finished product is produced in liquid form,

– then there are no drying and grinding operations.

The main stage of microbiological synthesis is cultivation.

Cultivation is nothing more than the development of a population of microorganisms in a special apparatus called a fermenter.

In this case, the apparatus contains mostly a liquid nutrient medium.

This is the so-called deep (suspension) cultivation method.

At the cultivation stage, production is carried out:

Firstly, as the biomass itself;

So and, secondly, waste products (metabolism).

In some cases - synthesized products - antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids, etc.

The need to carry out specific processes led to the development and creation of special equipment, which will be discussed in this course.

2) Malt is sprouted grain of cereal crops (barley, rye, rice, wheat, oats, millet) in specially created and regulated conditions.

Malting is the accumulation in grain of the maximum possible or specified amount of enzymes (mainly hydrolytic).

Under the action of enzymes during malting, part of the complex substances of the grain is converted into maltose, glucose, maltodextrins and higher dextrins, leptons, leptids, amino acids, etc.

Malt is used in production

· beer, polymalt extracts obtained from a mixture of corn, oat and wheat malts,

· concentrate of kvass wort, bread kvass,

· soft drinks, ethyl alcohol

· bakery products.

Malt preparation is a complex set of specific procedures, consisting of the following stages:

Cleaning and sorting of grain;

Washing, disinfection and soaking of barley;

Barley germination (freshly sprouted malt for alcohol production and fermentation);

Malt drying;

Processing of dry malt (malt for the production of bakery products, malt extracts and kvass wort concentrate);

Dry malt aging (aged malt for beer production).

Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line begins with a complex of equipment consisting of grain cleaning and sorting machines - air and grain separators, cylindrical and disk triers, magnetic separators.

The next complex of the line includes devices for washing and soaking barley. These include washing and locking devices included in the locking department complex, as well as installations for continuous soaking of grain.

The leading complex of the line consists of equipment for malting, represented by

· box malting plants,

· malthouses with a mobile bed,

· static malthouses with a combined method,

· malting drums and conditioners for pneumatic malt houses.

The most significant set of equipment of the line is equipment for drying malt.

This includes:

Batch dryers (horizontal and vertical)

· and continuous dryers (mine and rural) with combustion devices and heaters.

The final set of equipment of the line ensures the processing of dry malt and contains

· sprout breakers, malt polishers and malt grinders.

3) Ethyl alcohol (ethanol, wine alcohol), produced from food species raw materials (grain, potatoes, sugar, beet sugar and cane molasses, sugar beets) - a transparent, colorless liquid without the taste or smell of foreign substances.

Food-grade ethyl alcohol is produced by a microbiological method, which is based on the fermentation of sugar into alcohol by yeasts of the Saccharomyces family.

Ethyl rectifying alcohol is produced in mash rectification and rectification plants from mash of starch- and sugar-containing raw materials and from raw alcohol obtained from the same types of raw materials.

Processing of grain and potatoes into alcohol is carried out using the same technology and consists of the following stages:

Preparation of raw materials for processing;

Boiling starch-containing raw materials;

Saccharification of starch-containing raw materials;

Yeast cultivation;

Fermentation of the saccharified mass;

Distillation of mash;

Rectification of alcohol.

The line begins with a set of equipment for washing, cleaning and grinding starch-containing raw materials.

This complex includes potato washers, stone traps, water separators, drum stone traps, crushers for crushing potatoes and grain, as well as grinders for fine grinding of grain raw materials.

Further, the line includes a complex consisting of installations for the heat treatment of starch-containing raw materials - pre-cooking mixers, cooking devices and steam separators, devices for hydrodynamic processing of the batch, providing various boiling schemes.

Next in the line is a set of equipment for cooling and saccharification of mash. This complex includes:

· devices with continuous saccharification and vacuum cooling,

· devices with two-stage vacuum cooling,

· as well as devices with continuous cooling and saccharification at atmospheric pressure.

The complex of equipment for fermentation and yeast cultivation consists of fermentation apparatus and washing devices, alcohol traps and yeast apparatus.

In the line for the production of alcohol from molasses, the complex of equipment consists of syrup distillers, yeast propagation devices and foam traps, as well as devices for sampling, measuring molasses flow rates and monitoring the density of the syrup.

The leading set of equipment in the line is designed for the distillation and rectification of alcohol. It includes distillation and distillation units, installations for producing anhydrous alcohol, refrigerators and boilers for distillation units, auxiliary equipment for distillation units, as well as equipment for accounting and storing alcohol.

4) Baker's yeast is a unicellular microorganism belonging to the class of Saccharomyces fungi.

Yeast production is based on the ability of yeast cells (microorganisms) to grow and reproduce.

The process of producing baker's yeast at yeast factories consists of the following stages:

Preparation of nutrient medium;

Cultivation of mother and commercial yeast;

Isolation of commercial yeast from yeast suspension;

Forming and packaging of compressed yeast;

Drying yeast.

The production of yeast from alcohol brew at distilleries consists of the following stages:

Isolation of yeast from mature mash by separation;

Washing and concentrating the yeast suspension;

Yeast ripening;

Final washing and concentration of yeast;

- pressing, molding and packaging of yeast;


The line begins with a complex of equipment for processing raw materials, consisting of devices for preparing nutrient media, separators-clarifiers for molasses and steam contact units for sterilization.

The leading complex of the line consists of yeast-raising devices equipped with an aeration system to saturate the suspension with oxygen, and blowing machines.

The next complex of the line consists of apparatus for separating yeast, which includes yeast separators, filter presses and drum vacuum filters.

The most energy-intensive set of line equipment are drying units, represented by conveyor belt dryers, units with vibrating fluidized beds, as well as vacuum and sublimation dryers.

The final set of equipment consists of machines for forming and wrapping yeast briquettes.

In Fig. Figure 2.3 shows the machine and hardware diagram of the baker's yeast production line.

5) Enzyme preparations are enzyme concentrates obtained with the help of microorganisms. Along with enzymes, enzyme preparations also contain ballast substances. Enzyme preparations are used in food production as catalysts for corresponding biochemical processes.

A variety of sources are used as enzyme producers: plants, animal tissues and microorganisms.

The most promising in-depth production of enzyme preparations using liquid nutrient media can be divided into the following stages:

Preparation, sterilization and cooling of the nutrient medium;

Preparation of seed material and cultivation of production crops;

Separation and drying of biomass;

Waste packaging and filtrate separation;

Concentrating and drying the concentrate;

Precipitation, drying and standardization of the drug;

Packaging of the drug.

The line begins with a set of equipment, which includes:

· cyclone – unloader, extractors, drainer, screw press, belt vacuum filter, mixer,

· as well as a heating column, holder and heat exchangers.

The line includes a set of equipment consisting of an inoculator and a fermenter.

The next set of equipment is a chamber filter press and a drum dryer.

The leading equipment is a complex of equipment, including vacuum evaporators and spray (sublimation) dryers.

The final set of line equipment consists of:

· from a continuous sedimentation unit, a drug drying apparatus, a centrifuge, a drum vacuum dryer, a grinding and mixing unit.

The final set of equipment are packaging machines.

The machine and hardware diagram of the line for the production of enzyme preparations using the deep method on liquid nutrient media is shown in Fig. 2.4.

Lecture No. 3. Transport equipment in biotechnology.

Lecture outline:

1) Pumps. Classification of pumps.

2) Centrifugal pumps.

3) Axial pumps.

4) Rotary pumps.

1) Pumps used in the microbiological industry are divided into two groups: dynamic and positive displacement.

In dynamic pumps, energy conversion occurs under the influence of the dynamic interaction between the fluid flow and the working body of the pump.

In positive displacement pumps, fluid movement occurs when the volume of the working chamber of the pump changes during rotational or reciprocating movement of the working body.

The main characteristics of the pumps include

Volumetric productivity (m 3 /s);

Pressure or pressure created by the pump, m. liquid. Art. or Pa;

Power consumption, kW;

Permissible suction height, m.

Classification of pumps used in biotechnology:

I. Dynamic pumps

1. Vane 2. Friction pumps

a) centrifugal; a) jet

b) diagonal; b) airlift

c) axial;

d) vortex.

I.Positive displacement or rotary pumps

1. Reciprocating

a) piston;

b) plunger;

c) diaphragm;

d) hose;

d) pneumatic.

2.With rotational movement.

a) gear

b) screw;

c) gate or eccentric-blade

2) Centrifugal pumps are most widespread in biotechnology.

They can be:

Either single-stage or multi-stage.

Most of pumps in biotechnology refers to cantilever type pumps.

The K-type centrifugal pump consists of:

From the working chamber - the pump body itself of a snail-shaped (spiral) shape with suction and discharge pipes,

The working body is a working multi-bladed wheel (impeller) mounted on a horizontal shaft,

And an electric motor, which is connected to a horizontal shaft through a coupling.

All pump components are mounted on a cast iron frame. The working volute chamber of the pump is closed at the front by a lid molded together with the inlet pipe.

The horizontal shaft is mounted in a housing on rolling bearings and is driven through a coupling by an electric motor.

Type K pumps are mainly designed for pumping water and other low-viscosity liquids.

Other centrifugal pumps designed for aggressive environments are made using the same design.

These include:

Cantilever pumps on a separate stand;

Chemical console pumps type X;

Chemical console pumps for pumping liquids with solid inclusions, type AX;

Chemical monoblock pumps type XM;

Chemical submersible pumps type KHP;

Chemical submersible pumps for pumping liquids with solid inclusions of the KhPA type;

Chemical with heating of the cold housing;

Chemical submersible pumps for pumping liquids with solid inclusions and suspensions of the PKhP type.

They are used for pumping acidic, alkaline, slightly acidic, ammonia and acid media. The speed of the impellers reaches from 24.1 to 48.3 r/s.

In addition to these pumps, biotechnology uses hermetic centrifugal pumps in explosion-proof design, type TsNG-70; HG; CHB.

They are used for pumping aggressive, toxic, explosive and flammable liquids.

A design feature of these pumps is that they do not have gland or mechanical seals.

3) In axial pumps, liquid moves in the axial direction. The pressure increase occurs due to the conversion of kinetic energy into potential energy.

The liquid enters the flow cavity 1 of the pump (Fig. 3.2), in which there is an impeller consisting of a hub 2 with blades 3 attached to it. The number of blades is usually from 3 to 6.

The hub of the impeller 2 is mounted on a shaft 5, which is driven by an electric motor.

When passing through the impeller, the liquid simultaneously participates in translational and rotational motion.

After the impeller, the liquid enters a stationary guide vane 4, consisting of a series of stationary blades.

This guide device is designed to eliminate flow swirl at the pump outlet and reduce pressure losses inside the flow cavity.

The impeller is shaped like a propeller. Its blades are curved along a helical line.

Axial pumps can be:

Single-stage and multi-stage,

Rigid-blade and rotary-blade.

Feed regulation is carried out:

In rigid vane pumps - by changing the wheel speed,

And in rotary-blade ones - by changing the angle of inclination of the blades.

The flow in them can reach 750–6000 m3/h, and the pressure can be from 1.3 to 23 m.

They are used as circulation pumps in industrial water supply systems, as well as for circulating suspensions in vacuum evaporation units.

4) Rotary pumps usually consist of three parts:

Fixed housing with suction and discharge chambers;

And continuously rotating contactors located on the rotor.

Based on the type of contactors, rotary pumps are divided into:

On rotary (or gear);

Piston and plunger;

And gate valves (plate or eccentric-blade).

Some of the most common rotary pumps are gear or gear pumps.

They consist of a pair of cylindrical gears located inside an ellipsis-shaped housing.

When the gears rotate, the fluid:

From the suction pipe it enters the space between the adjacent teeth of each gear,

The advantage of these pumps is their simplicity of design, low weight and dimensions.

These pumps have the following characteristics:

The viscosity of the pumped liquids ranges from 2 * 10 -6 to 10 -4 m 2 /s;

Feed (productivity) reaches up to 200 m 3 /h;

Pressure up to 250 meters of liquid column (i.e. pressure 25 atm);

The temperature of the pumped liquid is up to 200 0 C.

Lecture No. 4. Auxiliary equipment in biotechnology.

Lecture outline:

1) Classification of capacitive equipment. Reservoirs.

2) Mixing reactors.

3) Feeders and dispensers for bulk and liquid media.

4) Dispensers and weighing dispensers.

1) At any enterprise, a large volume is occupied by auxiliary operations:

For transportation, storage, dosing of raw materials, materials and products.

For these purposes, auxiliary equipment is used, which is divided into several groups:

I. Capacitive equipment.

A) Tanks for long-term and temporary storage of liquid materials.

B) Mixing reactors for mixing the components of nutrient media.

C) Liquid media measuring instruments.

E) Receiver collections for receiving and short-term storage of liquid products (culture fluid, etc.)

II. Pumps for transporting liquid materials.

III. Dispensers and feeders for bulk and liquid media.

IV. Equipment washing machines.

The following are subject to long-term storage in biotechnology:

Liquid paraffins, beet molasses, methanol, ethanol;

Acetone and other raw materials.

The following products are subject to temporary storage:

Salt solutions, components of liquid nutrient media, etc.

Reservoirs long-term storage These are, as a rule, large-capacity tanks from 100 to 10,000 m3.

The shape of the container is mainly vertical cylindrical with a ratio of diameter to height D/H = (1.0 ÷ 2.0).

To mix liquid, i.e. to give it uniformity, the tanks are supplied with:

Either by overflow pipes located inside the container at different levels;

Or homogenizing systems located outside the container.

The tanks are equipped with appropriate control means and fittings (fittings or pipes):

For supplying liquid and compressed air to the container;

Pressure control pressure gauge settings;

Installation of a safety valve to relieve excess pressure;

Setting the liquid level indicator in the container;

Draining the remaining liquid from the container;

Pressure pipe, hatches and air vent;

As well as heaters, into which steam is supplied.

Enzyme preparations, antibiotics, bacterial and viral preparations for protecting plants from pests and diseases, bacterial fertilizers, as well as products of complex processing of plant raw materials - furfural, xylitol, etc. arose during the modern scientific and technological revolution and is based on the latest achievements technical microbiology, chemistry, physics, chemical technology and cybernetics.

On scientific basis More and more advanced engineering-biological systems are being created in which the enormous energy of enzymatic transformation of substances inherent in microorganisms is used for the targeted synthesis of products necessary for agriculture and industry. A significant part of the products Microbiological industry used to obtain biologically valuable mixed feed. Per 1 T yeast added to feed, farms additionally produce up to 800-1200 kg pork, or 1500-2000 kg poultry meat (live weight), or 15-25 thousand eggs, 3.5-5 are saved T grains Economic efficiency livestock production increases even more when, together with feed yeast, missing vitamins and amino acids, feed antibiotics, and enzyme preparations are introduced into the diet.

Microbiological agents for controlling pests and plant pathogens, as well as bacterial fertilizers, contribute to increasing the productivity of fields, vegetable gardens, orchards and vineyards. Microbial and viral insecticides are safe for humans, beneficial animals and insects, help protect nature and improve conditions for reproduction in the plant and animal world.

Enzyme preparations greatly speed up the series technological processes agricultural processing raw materials, increase yield and improve product quality in food, meat, dairy and light industry, significantly increase labor productivity. Enzyme preparations are also used in chemical industry(production of detergents High Quality), their use is promising in ferrous metallurgy (removing grease from thin-rolled steel sheets), in industrial and household cleaning systems Wastewater.

In 1966, microbiological synthesis enterprises, which were under the jurisdiction of various ministries and departments, were separated into an independent new industry and the Main Directorate was organized under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Microbiological industry Pre-existing research and development activities have been expanded design organizations, new all-Union research institutes were created: genetics and selection of industrial microorganisms, microbiological plant protection products and bacterial preparations, a biotechnical institute, an enzyme department at the All-Union Research Institute for Protein Synthesis.

During 1966-70, the production of feed yeast increased by 2.7 times, the production of feed antibiotics by 3.3 times, and enzyme preparations by 2 times. The production of protein-vitamin concentrates (PVC) from petroleum hydrocarbons, feed antibiotics - kormogrisin and bacitracin, the most important amino acid - lysine, vitamin 12, effective remedy plant protection - entobacterin, etc. In 1972, compared to 1970, the production of feed yeast in the USSR increased by 40%, feed antibiotics by 29%, enzyme preparations by 2 times, lysine by 5 times. Release of products for Agriculture at the enterprises of Glavmicrobioprom in 1971-72 increased by 1.7 times. The average annual growth rate of industrial output in the industry for 1971-72 is significantly higher than the average annual increase in output for the industry of the USSR as a whole.

Large enterprises built Microbiological industry- Lesozavodsky (Primorsky Territory) and Khakassky (Krasnoyarsk Territory) hydrolysis-yeast plants with a capacity of 28 thousand. T, Kirov biochemical plant with a capacity of 60 thousand. T feed yeast per year, Novogorkovsky plant of protein-vitamin concentrates from oil paraffins with a capacity of 70 thousand. T per year, Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR) plant of enzyme preparations, Lebanese (Latvian SSR) and Charentsavan (Armenian SSR) lysine plants. Construction continues largest enterprises microbiological synthesis. High-performance equipment of large unit capacity is created for them. One Svetloyarsk (Volgograd region) plant with a capacity of 240 thousand. T more than 100 thousand will be supplied to the feed industry per year of protein and vitamin concentrates. T digestible protein and a large amount of vitamins.

New high-intensity methods of wood hydrolysis open up the prospect of effective complex chemical and biochemical processing of wood raw materials and the organization on this basis of the production of baker's yeast, food glucose, lysine, glycerin, glycols and other valuable products.

The needs of the national economy, and especially agriculture, for products of microbiological synthesis are constantly increasing. Creating a powerful Microbiological industry - component the program for the development of agriculture developed by the CPSU, strengthening its material and technical base. At the same time Microbiological industry accelerates technical progress in a number of industries - food, light, heavy. In the chemical industry, for example, from amino acids and other protein products of microbiological synthesis, it is possible to organize the production of new types of high-quality artificial fibers and films - complete wool substitutes. Products Microbiological industry- lysine, enzyme and protein preparations - in the future it will be widely used to enrich bread, bread products, food concentrates with protein and increase the so. their nutritional value.

Microbiological industry It is also developing rapidly in other socialist countries. Feed yeast is produced in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. In Bulgaria, Romania and Czechoslovakia the production of lysine was organized, in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia - feed antibiotics, in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia - enzymes.

In large capitalist countries Microbiological industry has received significant development. Thus, in the USA, the production of antibiotics for addition to feed increased in 1965-70 from 1200 to 3318 T; During 1968-72, the consumption of enzyme preparations increased 1.8 times. In Japan, microbiological synthesis of lysine in 1973 amounted to 20 thousand. T, glutamic acid, used mainly to improve the taste of food, is about 100 thousand. T, production of feed antibiotics in 1970 - 4.7 thousand. m; The production of antibiotics for agricultural protection has reached a large scale. plants from diseases (about 80 thousand. T in 1970); the production of enzyme preparations for various industries and agriculture in 1973 amounted to 13.3 thousand. T.

Lit.: Program of the CPSU, M., 1973, p. 127; Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; State five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1971-1975, M., 1972; Alikhanyan S.I., Selection of industrial microorganisms, M., 1968; Belyaev V.D., Microbiology - agriculture, “Party Life”, 1971, No. 12; Denisov N.I., Feed yeast, M., 1971; “Journal of the All-Union Chemical Society named after. D.I. Mendeleev", 1972, No. 5 (the issue is dedicated to industrial microbiology); Kalunyants K. A., Ezdakov N. V., Production and use of enzyme preparations in agriculture, M., 1972; Lysine - production and application in animal husbandry, M., 1973.

B. Ya. Neumann.

Article about the word " Microbiological industry" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was read 9439 times

Structurally, the microbiological industry includes two main groups of production, differing from each other in the raw materials used:

· production of feed protein substances (mainly feed yeast) from hydrocarbon raw materials;

· production of feed yeast from raw materials of plant origin, as well as furfural and other products obtained by hydrolysis of wood and plant waste from agriculture and forestry.

In addition, the industry includes the production of amino acids and enzyme preparations, feed antibiotics, bacterial fertilizers and microbiological plant and animal protection products, as well as various solvents from food raw materials, therefore, it includes enterprises of the hydrolysis industry and at the same time the organic synthesis industry .

Products of the microbiological industry contribute to the intensification of agriculture, primarily animal husbandry, as well as the improvement of technology in light, food and some other industries industrial production(in the production of detergents, for wastewater treatment, etc.).

An important consumer of the products is the feed industry. Approximately 2/3 of all microbiological products are used in agriculture.

Feeder yeast is the main product of the industry. They are as important for livestock farming as mineral fertilizers are for agriculture.

Enterprises using hydrocarbon raw materials for the production of yeast are focused on oil refining centers, which is due to the fairly high material intensity of production. To obtain 1 ton of protein, you need to have 2.5 tons of hydrocarbon raw materials, which are petroleum distillers and purified liquid petroleum paraffins.

Yeast production is carried out in Belarus at the Novopolotsk and Mozyr factories of protein and vitamin concentrates. The largest of them - the Novopolotsk BVK plant - began its work in 1978, Mozyr - in 1983.

Hydrolysis production of feed protein using wood waste occurs in Bobruisk and Rechitsa. The Rechitsa hydrolysis-yeast plant has been operating since 1931. At first it produced tanning extract, and has been supplying feed yeast to farms since 1977. The Bobruisk hydrolysis plant produced its first product - ethyl alcohol - in 1936. After reconstruction in 1967, it also produces feed yeast ( more than 10 thousand tons per year).

The microbiological industry also includes:

· Nesvizh biochemical plant, which produces about 25 tons of feed antibiotic (biomycin) and up to 10 million hectare portions per year of rhizotorphin - a bacterial fertilizer for legumes;

· Pinsk biochemical plant for the production of riboflavin (vitamin B 2);

· Obolsky workshop of the Novopolotsk BVK plant, which produces a feed additive - the amino acid lysine (up to 180 tons per year).

The largest research and production association in the CIS, Belmedbioprom (Minsk), operates in Belarus for the production of biological products.

It should be said about the environmental hazards of both the production of protein based on hydrocarbon raw materials and the presence of this protein in feed.


The chemical industry is one of the vanguard branches of the scientific and technological revolution, since modern chemical technology makes it possible to transform an almost unlimited range of raw materials into valuable industrial products.

The chemical complex of Belarus specializes in the production of mineral fertilizers, synthetic fibers, car tires, rubber products, plastics, varnishes and paints. It accounts for about 15% of industrial output.

The development of the economic complex in Belarus was facilitated by a number of factors, the most important of which are the presence of rich deposits of potassium salts, the advantageous economic and geographical location, the provision of water sources, and the availability of highly qualified labor resources.

The development of the chemical industry in the 60s of the last century took place under conditions of strict centralized planning, within the framework of the single national economic complex of the USSR. The production of many types of products was focused on imported raw materials and their export outside the republic. Most industries are characterized by high energy intensity, which leads to high costs with limited own energy resources and higher prices for products.

Created in the 60-70s with a focus on purchasing foreign technologies and equipment, the production base of the chemical industry was already morally and physically obsolete by the end of the 80s, the depreciation of fixed production assets was 60-80%.

The unreasonably high territorial concentration of the chemical industry in the republic led to acute ecological problems in Soligorsk, Novopolotsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Svetlogorsk and other centers.

The main problem of the chemical complex at present is its internal restructuring, the repurposing of production to new, more progressive and competitive types of products.


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