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Trade union lesson. Trade union lesson lesson plan (grade 4) on the topic Open trade union lesson with presentation

Trade union lesson for 4th grade students What is the Trade Union for us? Alapaevskoe municipal district, branch of municipal educational institution "VSSOSH No. 3" - Bubchikovskaya secondary school. Tolmacheva Lyubov Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, highest qualification. category Goal: to introduce students to the concepts of “trade union”, the history of its formation, meaning and role in modern Russian society, to lay the foundation for ways to protect their labor rights. Objectives: educational: define what a “trade union” is, identify the goals and objectives of trade unions, the main directions and methods of their activities; consider the history of development trade union movement, reveal the functions of trade unions in regulating social and labor relations; developing: continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue and monologue, convincingly prove your point of view, extract the main information from materials and present it competently; educational: continue to work on the formation civic position students, contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards trade unions as a promising factor public life Russia, to increase the legal literacy of the younger generation. Equipment: multimedia installation, electronic presentation, video, handouts.

Documents: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code, Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations” Basic concepts: trade unions, trade union movement. Lesson progress Song 1. What does a trade union mean to us? Maybe we don't understand it yet. Don’t rush to answer, friends, you will see everything from afar. Once we finish studying, we’ll dive headfirst into the sea of ​​life. Guys, life will answer this question for us later. CHORUS: The Trade Union will be like God At the fork of seven roads. Like a living candle light outside a frosty window in the night. The trade union will melt the ice And will understand any of us From the floor of a glance, without unnecessary phrases. He lives on earth for us. 2.What does a trade union mean to us? Why are we so firmly connected to him? Every day you look for answers, As in tasks, there is more than one way. And when you understand at least a little, In life He is like a life preserver... And if in life you are like a “hedgehog in the fog”, Then he is your reliable friend. CHORUS: The Trade Union will be like God. At the fork of seven roads.

Like a living candle light outside a frosty window in the night. The trade union will melt the ice And will understand any of us From the floor of a glance, without unnecessary phrases. He lives on earth for us. . Teacher: Hello, guys! Today we are conducting not an ordinary lesson, but a trade union lesson. In a few years you will be entering adulthood. You will receive professional education, profession. It is important that you are fully prepared for your new role in life. I would like your work life not to be overshadowed by anything. You won’t be able to know everything about your work and its specifics right away, somewhere you will lack knowledge of the law, and sometimes there is no one to turn to for help. No one wants to spoil their relationship with their manager. It is difficult for one to achieve compliance with legal requirements. That is why there are trade unions of workers at every enterprise, which, together with employers, are interested in strengthening order in the organization. This year the union turned 100 years old. The chairman of the school PC will tell you how it all began. Speech by the Chairman of the PC: This year the trade union turns 100 years old. How did it all begin? By the summer of 1918, the period of formation, strengthening, and choosing the path of development of trade union organizations had ended. The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU) was created, the first founding congress of which took place in January 1918. In the early years Soviet power they played an important role in eliminating unemployment and illiteracy, and in providing food and fuel to workers and their families. Workers, organizing unions, organized the system brick by brick. And everyone in this system was an inextricable link. The trade union entertained, the trade union raised. They raised the hinterlands, fought hunger, and increased labor productivity. Trade unions were involved in all spheres of life. Why do we now, who are so independent, need a trade union steeped in the past? Man is a social being, society is an integral part of life. And there is plenty of injustice around. For example, a manager has a lot of options: he can fine an employee or fire him

or at least reprimand. In fact, subordinates individually represent useless “cogs” of the mechanism, and there is no one to protect them. Of course, we have the right to go to court, to higher authorities, but even if legality can be restored, the employer will definitely try to get rid of the obstinate employee. But trade union organizations are engaged organizational issues, and often act as a parliamentarian in negotiations with management. Now it’s a little clear what a trade union is and why it is needed? However, there is an opinion among employers and even employees that they cannot expect help from the trade union, and that any fight against the employer will end in victory for the latter. But there are many examples where a well-organized trade union achieved the fulfillment of demands; it can be compared to an army: just as an army is ready to repel an enemy attack, so a well-organized trade union is able to protect the interests of its members. Only such unions of workers are forced to be taken into account by employers. However, for a union to be truly strong and effective, every employee who joins the organization must take part in its life. A huge number of people take part in the life of our teachers' union. And we are the same army that occupy the non-attacking side and even less defensive, rather organizing. The school's unions remain, and they truly care about the employees who join them. Teacher: Our school annually holds summer trade union sessions for children. Presenter 2: Since 2009, our school regularly hosts summer thematic sessions “Me and the Trade Union”, “Every little one knows what the Trade Union is”, “Travel to the planets of the galaxy with the Trade Union”, “I will not part with the Trade Union”, “Me, you , he, she is a trade union family." In an accessible, playful way, children became acquainted with the basics of social and labor relations, labor rights and responsibilities, and learned to conduct a dialogue with social partners. (presentation) Teacher: Ekaterina Shugaeva, a member of the propaganda team, will talk about the work of the children’s trade union propaganda team “Simply Class”.

Shugaeva Ekaterina: presentation The change “Trade Union” was not limited to summer holidays, the guys and I took the initiative to continue working in this direction. And in 2009, the children's trade union propaganda team “Simply Class” was created. For the first time, our children's trade union propaganda team spoke at a meeting of trade union activists with the Head of the Alapaevskoye municipal district and the Head of the Alapaevskoye municipal administration. Our incendiary speeches, where we stressed that the trade union is a reliable defense of their labor rights, left no one unattended. We were received with "Hurray!" And then we spoke bolder and more confidently at the May Day rallies in the village of V. Sinyachikha, organized by the Coordination Council of Trade Union Organizations of the Alapaevskoye Municipal District, at the municipal holiday “Day of Trade Union Activist”, at meetings with the heads of educational institutions, deputy heads for educational work. Subsequently, the geography of their performances expanded and our children’s trade union propaganda team twice performed at the regional competition of trade union propaganda teams “Trade Unions for Decent Work”, and twice became laureates of this competition. (video) We were congratulated by the Chairman of the Coordination Council of Trade Union Organizations of the Alapaevskoye Municipal Formation Shilyaeva Tatyana Valentinovna and presented Thanksgiving letters with good parting words, gifts with trade union symbols. Now a new generation is growing up, including you, who will worthily continue the work we have begun in forming a positive image of the trade union. Teacher: Now let’s play, let’s act out the fairy tale “Teremok” The Tale of the Teremok Characters and performers: Author, Mouse Norushka, Hedgehog - no head, no legs, Bunny Jumping, Fox Sister, Top Gray Barrel. There is a tower in Bubchikovo - it is neither low nor high. And the kids live there in the trade union, they don’t bother, they are friends with the kids of Sinyachikha and the Fakel camp.

Suddenly Mouse Norushka runs to them at the trade union. She is a merry girl, she is a laugher. She dances and sings - she lives happily with everyone in the union. She settled in Teremka and is already singing on stage. A Hedgehog runs past - no head, no legs! He knows how to glue, build, solder, and assemble any model! Who, who lives in Teremochka, who sings songs on stage? We are children, I am Mouse, Merry, beautiful and laughing! And I - Hedgehog heads, no legs. Come to our trade union. A little bunny is running past in sports pants, He jumps, gallops, he has a fitness ball, He can jump on a skipping rope and deftly kick his legs! Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? We are Kids, Hedgehog and Mouse, come visit us Bunny! They all became friends! Sister Fox runs past, she is a jack of all trades, embroiders, draws, creates, she can sew you any outfit. Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? Do you play sports all day long? We are the Kids, the Hedgehog and the Mouse, and the sporty Bunny! Come in, LisaMaster, we’ll live and work together! Gray Wolf ran past - he knew everything about the trade union by heart! I could draw up a collective agreement, It’s not easy to play any game. Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? Do you play sports all day long? Draws, knits, glues and, of course, sews? We are the Kids, the Hedgehog and the Mouse, and the sporty Bunny! And Foxy Sister Craftswoman! Your knowledge base will also be useful to us!

They live in a trade union, they don’t bother, they are friends with the children of Sinyachikha and the Fakel camp. And you, dear viewers, come and look at us! We are happy to welcome everyone, we will find something for everyone. We accept everyone into the union, and we are never bored at all! Reflection. “What is a trade union?” questions (presentation)

Article 37 1. Labor is free. Everyone has the right to freely use their ability to work, choose their type of activity and profession. 2. Forced labor is prohibited. 3. Everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements, to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not less than established federal law minimum wage, as well as the right to protection from unemployment.

4. The right to individual and collective labor disputes is recognized using the methods for resolving them established by federal law, including the right to strike. 5. Everyone has the right to rest. A person working under an employment contract is guaranteed the working hours, weekends and holidays established by federal law. holidays, paid annual leave.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Social Studies"

The main purpose of a social studies presentation is to study society and understand social processes. This section of the site contains ready-made presentations covering the entire school curriculum in social studies. Here you can find and download a ready-made presentation on social studies for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Well-illustrated and well-written presentations will help the teacher teach a lesson in an engaging way, and students can use them to prepare for a lesson, review material already covered, or as a visual accompaniment when giving a report.

Municipal budget educational institution

Bagerovskaya secondary school No. 2

Development of a trade union lesson

in 9th grade on the topic

"Russian trade unions:

history and modernity"

9th grade class teacher

Vydysh G.I.

Bagerovo 2016

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the activities of trade unions as a civil institution of Russian society.

Lesson Objectives

educational : study the history, functions and structure of the trade union organization of the Russian Federation;

developing: develop in students the skills of critical and analytical approaches to the processes occurring in political life modern Russia, thereby increasing the level of legal culture;

educational: to cultivate feelings of patriotism and citizenship, to develop the ability to defend one’s rights, to reach meaningful compromises when solving specific life problems.

Equipment: computer, presentation,Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code RF, Law on trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity.

During the classes:


The little son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"What is good,

what is bad?

Here are the famous words from a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky. We see that in problem situations, children go to their parents for help, students seek help from their comrades, and workers from the collective represented by the trade union.

Trade unions (trade unions) ) - voluntary organizations that unite workers in production and non-production spheres to protect the socio-economic rights and interests of their members. Called upon to protect the interests of workers in the field of working conditions, wages, life, and culture.

Trade unions have come a long and difficult way. To understand and appreciate modern problems Russian trade union movement,it is necessary to go back to its origins. Study of historical experiencethe professional movement enriches knowledge about the goals and objectives of not only trade unions, but also other institutions of civil society, which allows one to take the right position in relations not only with employers, but also with the state.

And yet, despite the large number of problems that arise, trade unions find ways to solve them, attract new members into their ranks, expand the scope of their activities, and cooperate with government agencies and employers in resolving various issues, help employees defend their labor rights.

History of the development of trade unions

Today we have a lesson dedicated to trade unions - trade unions. The topic is not entirely common for you and me, but we can’t say that we haven’t heard anything about it. Trade unions have their origins in ancient times... Colleges (collegium) in Ancient Rome are the first associations of persons according to their belonging to a particular profession

Let's remember the history of England, or rather, let's remember the history of the emergence of the trade union movement in the world.


XVIIIcentury - there was an industrial revolution in England, therefore, it is quite natural that trade unions first arose in the most industrialized country in the world - England. In England, trade unions were called trade unions. One of the very first trade unions is considered to be the Lancashire Spinners' Union, created in 1792.

Initially, entrepreneurs showed intolerance towards trade unions, namely: they introduced special laws, prohibiting labor unions. Even criminal liability was introduced for membership in such organizations. But all these laws failed to pacify the workers, but on the contrary, stimulated them to unite in the fight for their rights. And as a consequence of this, in 1824 the actual legalization of trade unions took place.

What about in Russia?


- In Russia, trade unions became the first form of organization, most accessible to the broad masses. It was with the formation of trade unions at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries that the formation of the Russian proletariat began. However, the emergence of trade unions in Russia was not a one-time act. It occupied an entire historical period of the Russian labor movement - the revolution of 1905 - 1907. – and received an ambiguous assessment in the public consciousness.

The starting point was the establishment by the Tsar on March 4, 1906 of the “Temporary Rules on Professional Societies.” The Cadets did not recognize the unauthorized revolutionary trade unions that arose on the crest of the powerful strike struggle of 1905, and considered only “pure” trade unions of workers sanctioned by the tsarist government as legitimate.

Student- The Bolsheviks, led by V.I. Lenin argued that trade unions are new organizations of the Russian proletariat that arose on the crest of the strike movement that unfolded in 1905. Trade unions were open, mass, class associations of workers and were built along production lines.

In the period between the two bourgeois-democratic revolutions (1907 - 1917), many trade union organizations had to operate in illegal conditions, almost all inter-union bodies coordinating the activities of trade unions were destroyed. The victory of the February revolution created favorable conditions for the legal activities of trade unions in Russia. After the overthrow of the autocracy, a new stage began in their development and struggle.

In June 1917 the third All-Russian Conference trade unions, which played an important role in the organizational development of the country's trade union movement. The conference elected a temporary All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions ( All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions) .

Student After October 1917 in program documents Trade unions also talk about the new functions of these organizations, the need to take care of increasing labor productivity, increasing the efficiency of the economy, it is emphasized that caring for production is caring for a person, for his well-being. New Russian trade unions along with traditional functions protecting the everyday interests of workers related to improving working, living and rest conditions, take on the responsibility of organizing labor competition, involving workers and employees in production management, and educational work in work collectives.

- At the end of the 30s, the situation in the life of the country was ambiguous. In May 1935 I.V. Stalin declared a kind of crisis in the trade unions. One of the decisions of the VI plenum of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions (1937) was the abolition of trade union councils.

Student Great Patriotic War(1941 - 1945) decisively changed the forms and methods of work of trade union organizations, which sought to develop the initiative and activity of workers and employees in the production of weapons and everything necessary for the front. Post-war main task Trade unions began to fight for the implementation and overfulfillment of the plan for the restoration and development of the national economy, the development of labor activity of workers, and the improvement of their well-being.

- Trade unions were restored only after 13 years. During the thirty-year period (1956 - 1985) of the development of trade unions, their fate was repeatedly refracted following the historical changes that Soviet society underwent. During the Khrushchev Thaw (1956–1964), as well as in the subsequent period more favorable conditions have been created to increase the role and importance of trade unions in society .

The emergence of a number of legal acts that developed and strengthened the rights and powers of trade unions in enterprises and the economy dates back to the 50s and 70s.


By the mid-80s, the trade unions of the USSR had an extensive and stable structure, controlled political system - CPSU.

New realities of life have brought fundamental changes to the activities of trade unions in Russia, requiring them to rethink and revise their ideology, goals, objectives and functions, forms and methods of work, and their adaptation to the harsh conditions of market capitalist economics, long forgotten by the last generations of Russians.

Increasing the activities of trade unions and their structures to protect the socio-economic interests of their members directly depends on resolving issues of organizational, financial and personnel strengthening of both the Federation and all member organizations.

- Demands of the trade union movement (today total number is more than 31 million people) to authorities and employers have remained virtually unchanged over the 100 years of existence in Russia. Let us remember that 100 years ago the main demands were the introduction of an 8-hour working day, the abolition of fines in production and an increase in wages.


However, even now employers often violate workers’ right to an eight-hour working day; increasing wages also remains one of the main tasks.

Legal status trade unions in Russian Federation today it is determined by the Constitution, the Labor Code, other laws (for example, on collective agreements), and employment agreements.

Any interference that could limit the rights of trade unions or impede the exercise of their rights provided for by law is prohibited. In conditions of transition to market economy trade unions from organizations that were integral part totalitarian system are transformed into independent social structures. New trade unions are most often created along professional lines.

Regulations trade unions:

    UN Charter

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Conventions,

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Functions of trade unions.

    organizational (this may include the implementation of social partnership, collective agreement process, holding events, etc.);

    - regulation of social and labor relations (in the field of remuneration, labor organization, ensuring safe conditions, ensuring timely and full payment of wages, scholarships, limiting urgent conclusions employment contracts, participation in personnel certification, etc.);

    - protective. It is easiest to trace in the event of a conflict between an employee and the administration. The trade union participates in conflict resolution, including representing the employee’s interests in court. The trade union can help its members financially (material assistance), by providing benefits (preferential loan, preferential vacation package, to a health camp for a child);

    - representative: (trade unions are legally granted the right to act on behalf of and on behalf of labor collectives, entire industries, in interaction with state and executive authorities, employers’ associations);

    - test: (which is especially disliked by employers) The trade union controls issues of labor protection, the implementation of labor rights of workers;

    - informational: Va period when, from time to time, laws and decisions are adopted that infringe on the rights and guarantees of workers, and information about them is either not received, or it talks about the great “advantages” of these decisions.

What do trade unions fight for?

Teacher: What are the powers of trade unions in resolving issues? What methods do trade unions use to protect workers' rights?Authority:

    Conduct negotiations with the state, authorities local government, with employers.
    2. Check compliance with labor legislation.
    3. Hold rallies, processions, demonstrations, strikes.
    4. Participate in the work of legislative bodies.
    5. Conclude collective agreements between workers and employers.

Structure of trade unions in the Russian Federation

Besides them, in modern history In Russia, organizations not included in the FNPR began to appear, such as: Sotsprof, the All-Russian Confederation of Labor of Russia, MPRA, etc., and also in the country there is the Union of Trade Unions of Russia (SPR), which includes independent all-Russian trade unions and several interregional

The role of the trade union in the life of a veteran teacher at our school


Trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation

Target: representation and protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of Trade Union members.

Main activities : increasing the level of remuneration for educational workers, improving the standardization of their work.

Human rights activities

Organization and holding of professional competitions: “Teacher of the Year”, “Leader in Education”, “ Best schools Russia", "Student Leader"

Ensuring the rights of Trade Union members to healthy and safe working and learning conditions

Protection of socio-economic rights and interests of students

International activity

Intra-Union activities

Student performance research work“The role of the trade union organization in the life of a veteran teacher of teaching work at our school

The main questions discussed in the work and the answers to them.

How long have you worked at our school?

Since when have you been a member of the school trade union organization?

What is the role of the Trade Union in your life?

How are you involved in the life and work of the trade union today?

How to become a trade union member:

The right of citizens to form unions is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 30) and the Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations” (Article 2). Members of the trade union can be workers employed in institutions, enterprises, organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, persons working and studying in institutions of secondary and higher vocational education,who have reached the age of 14 years, those who have expressed a desire to be a member of the trade union, recognize the Charter, and regularly pay membership fees.

Admission to membership of the Trade Union is carried out in primary trade union organizations on the basis of a personal application submitted to trade union committee. The decision on admission to the Trade Union is made by the decision of the primary trade union organization. Those admitted to the trade union are issued a union card of a uniform type.

You definitely need to remember that the Trade Union stands for:

Affordable education and increased scholarships;

Jobs for young people and decent wages;

Creating conditions for professional growth youth;

Providing youth with social guarantees;

You pay 1% of your salary, stipends as a union fee and you are guaranteed:

Legal protection, social guarantees, economic protection, financial assistance, labor protection.


Teacher: the study of the historical experience of trade unions in Russia has an undoubted theoretical and practical significance for our time. Knowledge of history ensures continuity in the development of the trade union movement. It is impossible to understand the patterns of functioning of trade unions in society without knowing their historical past, the complex, contradictory experience of participation in class struggles, in the struggle for the economic and social interests of working people. So, ptrade union is a voluntary public association of citizens connected by common production and professional interests in the nature of their activities, created for the purpose of representing and protecting their social and labor rights and interests. The right to form trade unions is one of the most important democratic rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The main slogans of modern Russian trade unions became “Salary! Busy! Legality!”, which best meets the needs of workers today.


Make a syncwine

    Trade union

    Massive, affordable

    Regulates, protects, helps The trade union guards the interests of working people


“Trade Unions Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”


Ø give the concepts of trade unions, trade union movement;

Ø show their goals;

Ø promote the formation of a positive attitude towards trade unions as a promising factor in Belarusian public life.


ü get acquainted with the history of the creation of trade unions and the trade union movement;

ü show the role of trade unions as an important element of modern civil society;

ü promote the improvement of the civic culture of schoolchildren, the formation of an active life position by using knowledge about the trade union organization in real social activities.


§ m/media presentation by topic of the lesson,

§ board design – topic of the lesson, terms - unions,trade unions,socio-economic and labor interests, social package,

§ dates - 1792 ., England - the first trade unions appeared;

1799–1800 – England, legislative acts have been adopted

1824 - actual legalization of trade unions

§ photographs and albums from the life of the school trade union organization.

Guests present at the lesson:

§ Chairman of the Leninsky district trade union organization. Minsk –,

§ Chairman of the school trade union organization –,

§ Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Work in the lesson is carried out in groups.

Lesson type – lesson on learning new material.

During the classes

Students sit down, they are told the topic of the lesson, goals, tasks, and the guests are introduced.

The teacher invites students to get acquainted with new terms and dates, answer the question - what does the concept of trade unions as a complex word include, explain each of them and give a definition ( a voluntary public association of citizens connected by common production and professional interests by the nature of their activities, created for the purpose of representing and protecting their social and labor rights and interests)

Teacher: – Give an explanation of the terms from the definition of trade unions –

· economic interests (wage level ensuring a decent life, pension provision),

· social interests (lack of unemployment, job security, social insurance (payment sick leave, child care allowance, provision of benefits, such as housing),

· labor interests (working conditions, remuneration system, duration of working hours, duration of vacation, provision occupational safety),

ü represents the interests of trade union organizations;

ü carries out informational, organizational and legal support activities of member organizations.

Trade union activities focus on

Ø defending positions to improve financial situation and conditions people's lives,

Ø ensuring full employment of the population, creating new work places,

ü regulation of working time and rest;

ü safe working conditions

XX-XXI century

ü Development of an economy that provides a decent life for everyone based on decent work;

ü Decent wages and effective employment;

ü Development of the social insurance system, social and pension provision, social services;

ü Safe workplace;

Students ask questions that interest them to the leaders of district and school trade union organizations -,

6. Reinforcing the material learned

· Trade unions are...? (a voluntary public association of citizens connected by common production and professional interests according to the type of their activity)

· What are the main goals of trade unions? (Protection of social and labor rights and interests of members of one’s trade union)

· Which state is the birthplace of trade unions? (England)

· What is the date of the emergence of the first trade unions in England? ( 1792.)

· Name the main demands of the trade unions of the 19th century. associated with the “favorite” number of women? (March 8th)

· Why were the trade union demands called “knife and fork demands”? (defended economic demands)


As we come to the end of the lesson, I would like to hear your point of view -

Can you name trade unions? important element modern civil society

(yes - no, why)?

Remember that you have an adult life ahead of you and every person has the right to work, to free choice of work, to fair and favorable working conditions and to protection from unemployment.

Your interests will be protected by trade unions!

Thanks for the work. The lesson is over.