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Dealing with objections in sales: practical tips. Classic objections from difficult clients. Techniques for closing a deal.

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Entrepreneurs and sales managers often face objections from the client. Resistance is an unconscious reaction to an invasion of personal space. Often clients do not even think about their phrases, but react spontaneously. And here you need to understand that critical comments often do not mean a refusal, but hide a desire to get more information about a product or service. Business coach Vladimir Yakuba spoke in his column about how to competently work with client objections.

36 years old, entrepreneur, business coach, HR expert, founder and owner of several companies (Tom Hunt, Business Realty,,,, Education: Nizhny Novgorod State University (specialties in economics and jurisprudence), graduate School economics (“HR management”). Author of several books and training films on leadership, sales and human resources. Host of the television program “Personnel Decide”, participant in the reality show “Candidate with Vladimir Potanin” on the TNT channel.

You can't argue, you can't agree

The culture of communication with clients needs to be learned. But various trainings and courses will be ineffective if you do not use your knowledge in practice and try new ways of interaction. Possible mistakes should not be intimidating, you need to listen to them in order to hone your skills and take it to a new level.

The salesperson must be prepared for resistance from the client in order to find the right words to answer in time. Dissatisfied and doubtful people are present in any audience, but this only proves their interest in the service. Trying to gently convince your opponent or enter into a discussion with him is pointless. The dispute will only provoke the development of the conflict, which will lead to loss potential client and, accordingly, profits. Therefore, you need to agree with the buyer, but do it in such a way that what is said ultimately turns into a direct benefit for the seller.

It is important to take any objection seriously, regardless of its content and form of expression. You need to try to understand the true motives of the buyer and it is advisable not to delay in answering. A long pause in the conversation will make the client think that the seller has nothing to say in favor of the product being offered. Don't give the buyer time for a deep thought process. Then he will definitely find another compelling argument for refusing the deal.

Let's look at a few important points. Objections from the buyer may be:

    False: overcoming them only gives rise to new doubts, and only politeness prevents the client from directly declaring his complete reluctance to make a purchase;

    True: If you manage to defeat them, the deal will be concluded.

Dealing with objections is always about understanding and clues. In a dialogue with a client, it is necessary to use both of these components. If the seller speaks in complete sentences, the buyer has the opportunity to bombard him with questions. In order not to lose the dominant position in the conversation and “catch” the client’s attention, the manager should always add a question to his phrase. This will definitely distract a person from unnecessary thoughts and even confuse him; he may even forget what he wanted to say. After all, now he will have to answer first, and only then express his opinion.

There is no need to be afraid of rejection from the client. It is important to keep his attention in order to be able to continue the conversation at any cost.

How to interest a client

A competent seller understands that he will have to deal with smart and thoughtful buyers. Almost all clients are familiar with the typical tricks, and today these methods are ineffective and sometimes simply do not work. Real results can be achieved using non-standard techniques:

1. Listen carefully to the client’s objections, making it clear that his opinion is very interesting and important. It doesn’t matter if the points of view of the buyer and seller do not coincide. The latter’s task is to rid the client of all doubts. Use emotions, change your intonation, let the client feel that you are interested in him.

2. The seller must be able to use questions and elements of the opponent’s expressions in his speech, this will allow people to speak the same language, which usually leads to mutual understanding.

3. It is worth asking the doubter not only to voice the problem, but also to speak out regarding its solution. Nothing brings you together like something to do common cause. This will help fill gaps in your own knowledge in the future.

4. You cannot use the phrases-objections that the buyer gave in your speech.. This will sow even more doubts, and therefore there is no need to give the client a tool to directly refuse the purchase.

5. You need to agree with the buyer’s arguments. Irritation and uncertainty are not the best assistants for a seller. The manager should not object to the fact that the price of the product is high, but simply justify this with the positive characteristics of the product.

6. You can bring all your opponent’s arguments to the point of absurdity, crushing them with stronger statements. Emphasize the brand's popularity, provide evidence of real research, tell more about costs and other factors influencing pricing.

7. Earn the client’s trust by demonstrating your openness, emphasize that you understand his doubts and are ready to help him understand the essence of the issue.

8. Don’t forget about transitional phrases. They will help keep the client’s attention and continue the conversation.

9. Don’t use the word “expensive” in your speech., it has a negative effect on everyone. Try to use general ornate phrases.

10. And in exceptional cases, the buyer can and even should be interrupted. If the client has deviated greatly from the conversation, asking the right question will help bring him back to the topic.

In a conversation, you should always remember that not a single client’s question should be left unanswered, even if the buyer is interested in completely unnecessary or absurd things.

A very useful skill is to learn to anticipate objections from the audience.. This way you can build a further interaction strategy in advance.

If the buyer still has some doubts when concluding a deal, you can try to find a compromise, make some concessions, and talk about discounts and gifts. All this is a very good incentive to buy.

We work on practical skills

All buyer objections can be divided into several categories. Whatever the answer may be, there is no need to rudely insist on your own. Try to continue the conversation gently and unobtrusively and follow in the right direction. For a better understanding, let's look at a few typical situations.

"I do not need anything"

If the client flatly refuses the offer, use one of the options:

    Say that you don't mean an immediate purchase and that it's just a matter of perspective. After all, no one knows what he might need in a week or month.

    Emphasize that you just want to get him up to speed.

    Colorfully outline the prospects for the purchase.

    Frankly ask the client what exactly might make him look at the product.

"No money"

If the client says that he does not have the funds to purchase, then it is worth trying the following options:

    Agree, emphasizing that there is no money because the client has to overpay when using the services of other suppliers.

    Turn the conversation to the quality of the product, saying that the price can always be negotiated.

    Make a hypothetical assumption that the situation can always change, and the money will appear right tomorrow, and the buyer will already know who to buy the goods from.

    Remind that funds are always available when there is an urgent need for something. Offer other payment terms.

"Too expensive"

Almost all buyers complain about high prices. And the seller’s task is to correctly present the product in advance. If this doesn't help, go another way:

    Ask how much the buyer values ​​the item. Agree that the price is a little sad, then explain in detail how it is formed.

    Remind the client that everyone has ever bought something for more than they expected and was happy. Share your personal story.

    Say that you have named the retail price and are ready to discuss more favorable terms.

    Remind that the purchased item can be sold in a year with almost no loss in price or even making a profit.

"I'm working with another supplier"

If the client is already collaborating with someone, then explain to him that:

    There is nothing stopping you from starting to work with a new counterparty. Perhaps he will be more satisfied with new cooperation in the future.

    It is always more convenient to work with two suppliers; many reputable companies do this today.

    Your proposal is a perspective for the future. Why not consider other terms of the deal, why give up obvious benefits?

    Don't rush to answer. Try together to analyze the buyer’s work with another supplier. Make the client think about what terms his partner would offer if he knew about your meeting.

"I will think"

This shows that the buyer is still unsure about his decision. Make it clear that you accept his answer, and then begin to gently persuade him:

    Start talking frankly, say that you yourself use this product. Don't forget to remind about inflation, hint that thinking for a long time is risky.

    Find out what exactly confuses the client. Tell him that he is right and you need to take a break, just immediately make a new meeting for the near future.

    Suggest starting with a minimum order quantity and a temporary contract.

    Emphasize that tomorrow the terms of cooperation may change. When the customer is ready to place an order, the deal may not be so profitable


Having tuned in to successful sales performance, the manager will have to completely overcome embarrassment when communicating with the buyer. And in order not to seem overly annoying, you need to practice your skills and use new communication techniques.

Objections (doubts) are the natural state of a buyer “advancing” on the path to completing a transaction.

Doubts are often expressed in the form of criticism, especially in our country, but in reality they hide the buyer’s desire to receive more information about a product or service. Every client wants to “save face”: to appear knowledgeable, competent and making the right choice.

Objections welcome!!! An objection is a sign that they are listening to you, making a purchasing decision and need additional information.

Active sales techniques in the store

Wrong courses of action when dealing with customer objections


Axiom - it is useless to argue with a client.

The dispute forces the client to take a rigid position from which it is very difficult to “move” him. It is clear that if the seller meets any “wrong” opinion of the buyer with hostility, he acts to the detriment of his own interests. Even if the seller politely and correctly tries to convince the client by offering the most compelling arguments, he interferes with a successful purchase.

Leaving the situation

This style of behavior is caused by the following considerations: “It is useless to argue with the client. Until he himself makes a decision, it is better not to interfere.” In this case, the seller, hearing notes of doubt in the buyer’s voice, stops all activity. In this case, the seller’s long silence is regarded by the client as an inability to add anything good about the product. Therefore, doubts intensify and the buyer strives to leave in order to protect himself from unpleasant sensations.


The lot of sellers who are not very confident in themselves or in the merits of their product. Indecision and justifying intonations in the seller’s voice sharply reduce the importance of the product in the eyes of the consumer. In addition, the client may decide that the seller is simply hiding some shortcomings from him.

Typical seller mistakes:

  • Panic fear of objections
  • Excessive emotionality
  • Not listening to the client
  • Lack of analysis after the situation is over

Basic rules for dealing with client doubts

Rule 1

The client’s doubts must be listened to carefully, even if at first glance they seem ridiculous and stupid. Sometimes it is enough for a client to voice his own experiences and fears in order to understand that they are groundless. A salesperson who listens carefully to the buyer's objections makes it clear: “I'm really interested in your opinion, even if it differs from mine. I'm confident."

Rule 2

When responding to client objections, do not be nervous or irritated.

Rule 3

If your arguments don't impress the client, you're probably answering the wrong "hidden" question. In this case, it is necessary to clarify what exactly the buyer's concerns are. In 95% of cases, ordinary objections hide the client’s personal beliefs, the logic of which is understandable only to him.

By “rushing” to immediately dissuade the buyer, we lose the opportunity to understand the essence of his doubts.

To more accurately determine the true reason for the buyer’s objections, it is necessary to ask clarifying questions.

It's better to use open questions:

v Please tell me what makes you doubt?

v Why do you think so?

v What information do you need to learn?

It is optimal to have at least 10 such questions that meet the only requirement - obtaining an answer to the question: “What is the real reason for the buyer’s doubts?”

Rule 4

The most convincing answer to a buyer's doubts is his own answer. Sometimes this requires the use of specially prepared questions, and sometimes active listening techniques.

Rule 5

When dealing with buyer doubts, you must use the “agree and deny” technique. The reception consists of two parts. In the first we agree with possible the truth that is contained in the client's words.

“Some buyers at first think that our products high price …»

“At first it seemed to me that competitors’ products were no different from ours...”

Such phrases help the client understand that he is being listened to carefully and his concerns are partially shared, which increases the client’s level of trust in the seller’s words. It is at this moment that we use the second part of the technique, which introduces Additional information for the client and refutes his doubts.

“Some buyers initially think that our products are overpriced. Then, after more detailed acquaintance with all the advantages, they change their opinion to the exact opposite. Let's see why this happens...”

It is important that the first part and the second are not connected to each other according to the principle: “Yes..., but...”.

Better use of phrases:

  • In the same time
  • On the other side

Rule 6

Before moving on to another argument that refutes the client’s doubts, it is necessary to obtain his agreement with the previous argument. If we have not received consent from the client, this means that he remained at his point of view and we cannot move further to complete the transaction.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the nonverbal characteristics of the client's behavior.

However, it is better to ensure agreement by asking questions:

  • Do you agree with these arguments?
  • Does this alleviate your concerns?
  • Have I answered all your questions or are some details left unanswered?

Rule 7

It is necessary to summarize the conversation. This small summary should contain the client’s doubts and those positive arguments with which the client agreed. During the summary, it is better to speak in the client's words. This will allow the client to feel that he is making a responsible decision himself, without pressure from the seller.

Rule 8

Unfortunately, there are cases when, as a result of correctly carried out work, the client still remains unconvinced and does not want to purchase the product. Don't be upset! If the client “ripens”, he will come to us again, because... when the need for a product intensifies, the client unconsciously strives to buy the product exactly where he felt comfortable communicating.

Typical seller mistakes:

  • Inability to handle objections
  • Reluctance to deal with objections
  • Misunderstanding of the true reasons for objections
  • Lack of analysis
  • Lack of collective discussion of the most typical and complex objections
  • Getting personal

Algorithm for handling objections

For example, the question of price arises:

- Why so expensive?


Not with an objection, but with the fact that the objection is important.

“I understand that this is exactly what you’re thinking now...

- Yes, I understand, we must discuss the issue of quality...

- Yes, this is important, we offer the latest innovation...

– Be specific and specific.

  • using alternatives.

– Are you comparing our prices with someone else’s or were you counting on a certain amount? If the client does not understand what the money is for, then you need to explain to him the advantages of your product.

It is at this stage that we can come closer to understanding “intention.”

For example, the concept of “quality” needs to be specified. This, like happiness, is understood by everyone in their own way.

  • paraphrasing the client's words.

It is necessary to support with the client " feedback", because It is easier to maintain attention while in a state of dialogue.

1) “...isn’t it?”

2) “Did I understand you correctly that...?”

Give your reasons.

Argumentation should only be from the perspective of the client’s interests.

When a client communicates with you, you need to find out what is important to him in choosing a tanning cream.

Example 1:

- “Why is it necessary to use several degrees of protection against rays?”

“We suggest you start using more protection to guarantee you an even and high-quality tan. For your convenience, we offer you this cream, and you will be confident in the effectiveness and beauty of the tan.”

Example 2:

- “Why is the company French, but the production is in Poland?”

– “This suggests that the company is actively expanding and its products are in demand”

That is, we explain to the client why this is good for him.

Summarize, or sum up.

At this stage, it is important to know about the "Edge Effect". This means: what you want the person to remember must be placed at the beginning and at the end of the conversation.

Dealing with the objection: “Too expensive”

Techniques for handling objections:

"Too expensive"

I can't affordyourself this. 1) Identify the difference between the expected and proposed price and operate with it - offer a cheaper analogue or a discount BUT: if it is 1.5 times more, it is difficult to convince. It's a big amount for me, but I can spend it. 2) Identify the difference between the expected and proposed price and operate with it. 3) Breakdown of the price by the period of use (how long to use) The difference between investment and consumption 4) Comparison taken to the point of absurdity (how much do you spend per month on gasoline, transport or telephone? )
  1. Expensive compared to... (we did research)

It shouldn't cost that much:

(The person wants to be convinced that it is worth so much)

1) price-quality is being clarified

2) price-prestige at the stage

3) price-service clarifications

4) price and its


1) product quality, fame, environmental friendliness,

3) price-service

(90% of salons work with us – 8 years on the market)

4) The price includes expensive high-quality ingredients, natural oils and herbs

5) How much do you think our reputation and guarantee are worth?

Completing the deal

If you built it correctly business conversation, paying special attention to collecting information about the client, if you have arranged a presentation of the product in accordance with his interests and characteristics, if you have dispelled all doubts, you do not need to make great effort to complete the transaction.

However, this is not always the case, in real life options are possible.

2.6.1. The client is ready

How to determine that a client is “ripe”?

There are so-called buy signals when:

  • A client discusses a purchase with a friend.
  • Possibility of discounts.
  • I agree with the price.
  • Discusses application issues that typically follow after purchase.

When closing a transaction, it is better to use alternative questions: “Will you pay in cash or by bank card?”, “Should I pack it for you?”

2.6.2. The client has doubts

This refers to a situation where the client has doubts, but you can “put the pressure on him.”

Having gone through all the stages, the client says: “I’ll think about it,” which means:

  • He still had doubts.
  • He wants to compare (with something) or consult with someone.
  • Just a refusal.

It is important to observe the client's behavior here. If the client has doubts, then mistakes could have been made at the stage of identifying the need (gathering information), when you found out the motives, or at the presentation stage, when you did not clarify everything or overloaded the client with details that are not of interest to him.

If there are still questions at the completion stage, then there is a chance to convince the client. It is better to operate with alternative questions:

“Tell me, do you still have questions or do you want to consult someone?”

“Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like and what other questions you have?”

The client can be influenced using the following laws:

  • Law of mutual agreement

“You and I agreed that...”, “as we agreed with you...” i.e. drawing a positive conclusion.

  • Law as a condition

“With technology, this is not possible.” People with internal reference are affected like a bull by a red rag. This law should be avoided; it is better to say: “This is more profitable for you, because... ....”

  • Law of generally accepted norms

Works well for people with external reference. “It’s so accepted, it’s fashionable. Most people order this..."

  • Expert influence

Perhaps in a situation where you refer to your experience: “I am a professional and I can recommend this...”, “When I did this for (a prestigious client), he was very pleased.” Expert influence can also be based on statistics: “in Russia, where it is customary to use paints yourself, this is what people most often order..”

  • Charismatic influence

It is effective when contact has already been established: “For myself, I would choose this...”, “You know, I advise you...”

  • Impact of Reward

“By doing this, you will win this…”

2.6.3. The client compares with competitors.

When a client wants to compare your company's products and services with competitors, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to compare correctly - competitors are not bad, they are different.
  2. It must be remembered that it is better to compare with those brands that do not have some property inherent in our products.
  3. Praise your competitor in small things, and yourself in big things, and they will believe you.
  4. Key phrases: pay attention to..., our difference is that..., ordinary shampoo is sold even in grocery stores...,

The client leaves

This refers to the situation when the client gives a final refusal and leaves.

It is necessary to offer options for further contact. We again use alternative questions like: “Will you come to us next time or is it better for me to call you back if the promotion takes place?” Offer to take a business card and catalog.

Techniques for completing a deal


There are no products without flaws. In addition, any product has one common drawback - you have to pay for it. At the final stage of the sale, the client needs to help him make a decision easier by parting with his money and once again helping him weigh the pros and cons.

Therefore, it is necessary to once again colorfully and briefly describe the advantages that the client saw in the product, dwell on those shortcomings that were identified during the conversation and clearly show that the pros outweigh the cons.

To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • You can move on to completing the transaction if the client freely and uninhibitedly expresses his point of view, looks at the product with interest and listens carefully to the seller.
  • All advantages and disadvantages were previously discussed with the client. When listing arguments, it is necessary to use the client's words and judgments.
  • You should not “skip” in your speech the shortcomings of the product that the client noted. You should use the arguments with which the client “dissuaded” himself at the stage of working with objections.
  • When listing advantages and disadvantages, it is important to use clarity.
  • After each argument, wait for confirmation from the client.

Reducing decision making to a formality

At this stage, you should not use “scaring” words:

  • Money
  • Expensive
  • Professional
  • Buy

To proceed to the completion of the transaction, it is better to use the following phrases:

  • We have solved the main issue, now only the details remain. Let me collect your order.
  • Now all that remains is to apply everything correctly. Please look, this is where I put the instructions and catalog

Alternative question

For immediate completion of the transaction.

BE SURE TO TAKE CONTACT INFORMATION! (if you feel that the client is our Supporter)

Typical mistakes sellers make when completing a transaction:

  • Incorrect diagnosis of the client's condition
  • Failure to complete the deal
  • Thinking of reasons not allowing you to complete the deal
  • Poor knowledge of competitors
  • Fear of competitors
  • Fear of giving information about competitors
  • Incorrect reviews about competitors
  • Fear of asking final questions
  • Afraid to ask for contact information
  • Failure to request contact information
  • Lack of home preparations, for contact information
  • Reluctance to ask for contact information
  • Lack of understanding of the importance of obtaining contact information
  • Incorrect reasoning for clients to leave such information

Phrases that help you respond to incorrect customer requests in a reasoned manner.

  • I cannot violate the director's instructions.
  • The administration (director) tells us so.
  • The ABC company, together with its partners, conducted research on how best to do this and came to the conclusion that it is better to do it this way.

Phrases to help convince clients

We love our products.

  • Do you drive a car that you like the design of, but the brakes don't work?
  • A Russian car may look the same as an imported one, but the cost is completely different.

“Like-dislike” technique (find out what you don’t like and offer an alternative)

Example #1:

Client: This cream doesn't seem to suit me. I should think.

Manager: Understand. A decision like this requires careful consideration, and I am ready to help you make the right decision. You have seen certain advantages in our creams, but you have some doubts. Please tell me what you liked most and what is in doubt?

Client: It’s very good that it contains medicinal herbs, but can it be used as a moisturizer and refresher?

Manager: Let me offer you this cream... It has healing properties and moisturizes.

Example No. 2

Client: This professional hair dryer is very expensive. I should think.

Manager: Yes, I agree with you. The price is really higher than usual. What do you think is the main advantage of this hair dryer over a regular one?

Client: I think it has a powerful motor and lasts longer, but it is kind of heavy.

Manager: Let me offer you this model... It is quite lightweight, but it will last a very long time and you will not regret purchasing it from us.

“Let me help you” technique

(join and form the client's choice)

Example No. 1

Client: I looked through so many shades of paint. I should think.

Manager: I completely understand you. You told me that you now need to change your image and buy paint for a certain budget. My goal is to help you get it. Could you say what exactly is stopping you?

Client: On the one hand, I want a red shade, but on the other hand, I think it doesn’t really suit my face.

Manager: Let me help you. Considering your short haircut and the color of your eyes, I recommend that you choose from this brown palette. What do you think of this shade? I think it will just reflect all your natural beauty.

Example No. 2

Client: I don't understand why this shampoo costs so much money. What's so valuable about it? I should think.

Manager: Of course, this shampoo belongs to the SPA series and is quite expensive. But this series is made on the basis of sea water with algae and minerals. Let me find you the shampoo you need. Do you have dry and brittle hair?

Client: Yes, I wish they weren't like that.

Manager: Let me help you. I offer you this... unique shampoo with a nourishing effect on the hair follicles. Constant use of it for 2-3 months will improve the structure of your hair. I think you will be very pleased.

The “This usually means...” technique

(say the client’s objection out loud and find a solution)

Example No. 1

Client: I have already heard about this miracle drug. I should think. Thank you.

Manager: It's clear. Whenever I hear this answer, it usually means there is some doubt that is stopping me. Do you think his action is not real?

Client: Well, I don’t know, my friend bought it and it was all in vain.

Manager: If you allow, I will tell you how to use it correctly. Perhaps your friend is not using it according to the instructions. Our company always sells those products that have already been tested and have proven themselves to be the best.

Example No. 2

Client: Your price is higher than ABC's. I can buy it there for less.

Manager: It's clear. If it weren't a matter of price, would you buy from us?

Client: Quite possibly.

Manager: Fine. You are right, the price of shampoo from the ABC company is slightly lower than ours. At the same time we offer Additional services, which you are not receiving right now, such as a bonus card, giveaways, gift wrapping, presentations on using funds with a sale if you have a card, and so on.

So, although at first glance you are paying more, you are actually saving money by buying from us. Why don't we make a purchase and receive bonus card for you right now?

“It’s expensive, I don’t have time, I’ll think about it later” - objections in sales are different, and each time they mean that the deal is about to fall through. But the situation can be saved if the client’s doubts are properly handled. We have analyzed typical examples of objections in sales and prepared effective options for responding to them.

An example of competent handling of objections

If you are just learning how to work with clients and their doubts, go through the general market. This is where the real battles take place!

Morning, a row of milk and four women with identical bottles of farm milk.

- How much does a liter of milk cost?

- 100 rubles.

- Why is it so expensive? It's even cheaper in the store!

- In the store it’s pasteurized, but I have it fresh, the cows were milked in the morning. It's evening time for everyone here now. Save a couple of rubles, and it will turn sour by evening. Do you need it?

- Um, no. Okay, let's give it 2 liters.

Now imagine that the thrush began to be indignant: “Isn’t this expensive! You haven’t seen expensive milk yet!” The buyer would turn around and go to another seller. But the farmer is familiar with the methods of dealing with objections in sales, so she has more revenue and has regular customers.

This simple example shows that you need to work with objections in any area. Now let's move on to the complex world of offices, phone calls and online stores, and examine in detail the main objections in sales and options for responding to them.

Dealing with objections in sales: 15 examples

Price objections

The most common, especially in retail sales. The client says: “It’s too expensive” and goes off to look for something cheaper. The manager's task is show the buyer the value of the product so that he sees that the purchase is worth the money.

How to answer

Advice Example
1. Find out what the client is comparing it to. Prove that your product is better and tell about the advantages. If you think that this product is expensive, then you have found a cheaper alternative. Is it really as good quality as this one?
2. Agree. And then tell us that for this high price the client gets a solution to his problems. You're right, it's expensive. Many customers are unhappy with the price, but in return they get (...).
3. Break down your spending by week, month, year. This is a good technique for dealing with objections in sales: the client immediately sees where he is saving, and the amount no longer seems so scary. I agree, 24 thousand is expensive, but if you break this amount down over a year, you get only 2 thousand rubles a month.
4. Make sure price is the only thing that confuses the client. He may not be satisfied with the characteristics of the product or the warranty period, but he clings to the price and does not want to understand anything. Is price all that's stopping you from making a purchase right now?

Not satisfied with the product/service

Another common objection from clients in sales: the client may not like the product, delivery conditions, design - whatever. The manager needs find out what the problem is and focus on the main advantage.

How to answer

Advice Example
1. If there were problems with delivery, apologize and tell us what caused the problems and how you resolved them. Yes, we had problems with delivery, but we changed transport company and improved the service. Now we personally control all stages of order transportation.
2. If you don't like the design, talk about its benefits and how customers react to it. Yes, the design is non-standard, but we ordered it from Lebedev’s studio. It is now one of the best selling products.
3. The client doubts the quality of the product and the reliability of cooperation. We need evidence. We have all the certificates, reviews from our clients, Thanksgiving letters and a list of guarantees that we provide
4. The buyer categorically does not like the product itself. The sales objection technique in this case is based on indirect persuasion. You no longer convince, but at the same time you casually inform that the client is losing. It’s a pity that you won’t be able to appreciate (...), which became a hit with us this fall.

Excuses: “no money”, “no time”, “I’ll buy it later”

If the client uses one or all excuses at once, consider that there is now a wall between you. How to handle objections in sales if the client is just waiting to leave? To get through to him, point out the strong advantages of the product, make a profitable offer, use the triple “yes” technique.


How to answer

Advice Example
1. Offer a discount. It's a pity, but right now we have a 60% discount on this product.
2. Hurry up the client. Say that the price of the product is increasing, it is better not to postpone the order. Think, of course. But I want to remind you that tomorrow we are raising the price by 20%.
3. Clarify what exactly the client is not happy with. Maybe he misunderstood something. What exactly did you not like? Maybe you are confused by the price or quality of the product?
4. Ask questions to which the client will answer “yes.” The technique of dealing with customer objections in sales, based on the triple “yes”, positively influences the buyer and leads him to a purchase.
  1. Can I ask you one more question?
  2. Would you like to double your incoming customer traffic?
  3. Such a solution can cope with this task, do you agree?

Immediately says “no”

How to deal with objections in sales if the client immediately says “no” or brushes it off with the standard “I’m just looking”? You can leave him alone, or you can establish contact.

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The interaction of people with each other is mainly their communication. And communication, in turn, is a very complex process, which is characterized by its own laws and rules, and, depending on each individual situation, they can change. However, there are some things that can be called universal and suitable for any communication. Such things include, for example, the ability not to succumb to provocations and some others. But today we will talk specifically about working with objections.

Objections are found everywhere in our lives: in conversations with family, in discussions with friends, when communicating with work colleagues. The central place for objections is given in the field of sales, because It is something that directly reflects a person’s ability to skillfully present his/her product or service, show his/her benefits and advantages, and complete the transaction. And customer objections are a real stumbling block for many sellers around the world. To date, thousands of books, brochures and articles have been written on the topic of handling objections; Trainings, educational seminars and master classes are conducted.

We do not claim to be a full-fledged study of the magic of sales and to provide comprehensive information on the presented topic, but we want to introduce you to several rules and stages of handling objections that you can apply and follow in your daily life. This information, will undoubtedly be useful both to people whose activities are related to sales, and to people of completely different professions, and you can use it both at work and in Everyday life, and in everyday life.

Work with objections

Speaking about objections in general, it should be said that experienced people - masters of communicating with objections - do not work with objections, but try with all their might to find workarounds to avoid them. But there is one trick here: you need to bypass not objections, but people’s doubts. And to put it in completely different words, doubts should not be circumvented, but dispelled. Doubts are inherent in all people, but many view them as something extremely undesirable and even negative, which is fundamentally wrong. In fact, doubts are not a form of defense, but an opportunity to build a constructive dialogue.

Let's note two fundamental points:

First: The goal of working with objections is to identify the other person’s attitude to what we say, and if there are disagreements, to overcome them.

Second: The most important thing when working with objections is to transform negative into positive and reduce any emotional states to business communication.

Rules for handling objections

The following rules are usually distinguished:

  • It is necessary to listen to the objection and show attention to the interlocutor
  • You need to control your condition - stay calm, be patient and communicate positively
  • To find out the true reasons for objections (doubts), you need to ask your interlocutor special clarifying questions
  • If the interlocutor begins to object, in no case should you answer him with mutual objection.
  • Any objection must be localized, i.e. formulate it as precisely as possible, and also limit your answer in time and space
  • It is very important to answer on the merits, while arguing your position
  • Before moving on to the next argument, it is important that the interlocutor reacts positively to the previous argument and agrees with it
  • If you let the objecting interlocutor finish speaking and listen to his questions, and then take a short pause, in most cases he himself will begin to give answers to his questions

But when working with objections, it is important not only to follow the above rules, but also to act strategically, one by one overcoming all stages of this process.

Stages of handling objections

First stage: We listen to the objection using active listening tactics, which implies the absence of any disputes and accompanying the interlocutor’s speech with head nods, etc. While we listen, we decide on the strategy of our own behavior and select a way to work with objections.

Second phase: We check whether there are any other objections in addition to the first objection. Here you can ask, for example:

“Please tell me, is there anything else that makes you doubt your decision?”

Third stage: We check whether there are other reasons contributing to the objections. A guiding question would be something like:

Fourth stage: We find out whether the objection expressed is true or just a simple excuse. Examples of questions at this stage include:

“In general, if we sort this issue out, will you finally agree?”

“If the management of our organization meets you halfway on issues that concern you, will you be ready to sign a partnership agreement with us as soon as necessary?”

“If I understand you correctly, your final choice to work with our organization depends solely on...?”

“What do you mean by...?”

Fifth stage: We show emotion to the interlocutor and respond to his objection. It is convenient to use the following phrases here:

“I understand you perfectly. Yes, indeed, at first glance it may seem so, but ... "

“I completely understand your doubts. If I were you, I would react in exactly the same way, but you must agree that...”

“You hit the nail on the head when you said this, because it is very important. But what do you say about...?”

“Naturally, it costs a lot of money. But do you agree that a quality product or service should always be appreciated?”

“I agree with you: at first glance, the cost of this service may seem quite high, but at the same time...”

“Many of our clients, who are now regulars, initially said much the same thing as you. But later they were able to make sure that our service was well worth its cost, because... (listing all the advantages). Surely now you look at this issue somewhat differently?!”

Sixth stage: We make sure that we have successfully parried the interlocutor’s objections and close the deal/sum up the conversation. We use the following phrases:

“Well, have I cleared up your doubts?”

“Did I manage to answer your questions?”

“Now, if all the i’s are dotted, I propose...”

There are many techniques for dealing with objections today. These include the “Cold calling” technique, the “Yes, but” technique, the “That’s why” technique, the technique of clarifying questions, the comparison technique, the technique of substituting an objection, the “If only” technique, the technique of past experience, the technique of false objections, the technique of partial consent and psychological adjustment, the “Boomerang” technique and many others (you can get acquainted with some of them on the page of our resource). The work with objections itself can be carried out through direct communication, over the phone, and through Email or special services for communication (“ICQ”, “Skype”, etc.), and even on social networks.

But it doesn’t matter which technique you use, and how exactly your communication with your interlocutor will take place, the most important thing is to use the basic rules and follow the stages of working with objections that we talked about.

Of particular importance in working with objections is the development of our own communication skills, because the results of all our negotiations, deals, meetings and any other communication, including even communication with the people closest and dearest to us, will depend on how competently we can communicate.

We wish you success in mastering this skill and only positive communication with other people!

People who work in sales know first-hand about difficult clients. Moreover, this amounts to most from all consumers in general. They constantly have disputes and objections that the manager needs to deal with. It’s not enough to just offer and competently present the product, you also need to sell it. This is where the difficulty lies. Dealing with objections is an integral part of a salesperson’s job, which is challenging and interesting at the same time. You need to be prepared that the buyer will definitely ask something and be dissatisfied with something. What distinguishes an excellent manager from a mediocre one is the fight against objections, whether he can convince of the need to purchase a particular product.

How to sell correctly?

The main mistake when dealing with objections is quick and harsh answers. It must be remembered that the dialogue with the buyer must be maintained constantly. If the seller remains silent, he will not inspire trust. Managing objections in sales is key. When a client sees an unfriendly reaction, he gets scared.

In this sense, aspiring salespeople need to work hard. The dialogue should flow smoothly, every word should be considered. After all, an unsuccessfully thrown phrase can break the “foundation” that you built from the very beginning of the conversation with the client. Experts recommend using certain principles:

  • first you need to carefully listen to all the client’s objections, then take a short pause and enter into a dialogue;
  • clarifying questions should be asked to identify the true cause of dissatisfaction;
  • pay attention to the nuances that do not suit the buyer and present them in a more favorable light;
  • evaluate the truth of the objection;
  • finally, the answers - here the seller must clearly and clearly explain why this product needs to be purchased right here and now.

Completing tasks

Methods for dealing with objections in sales are quite varied. To master them all, you need to constantly practice. Psychologists have developed special tasks, by completing which managers improve their sales skills. The answers will become deeper and more convincing if you use this system.

It includes:

  1. The “yes, but...” technique. For example, a client says that your company has high prices. The manager replies: “Yes, but we provide free shipping and we guarantee high quality." There can be many such examples of dealing with objections.
  2. Boomerang. This technique is universal and can be used in almost any situation. Answers should begin with the phrase “That’s why I advise you to purchase this product.”
  3. Comparisons. Specificity is important here. You need to compare the product with the same one provided by a competitor. And prove that yours is better or cheaper. The main thing is not to talk in general phrases, but give real examples.

Basic moments

The fight against customer objections should be based on certain principles. In matters of price, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • first you need to win the client’s attention, interest in the service or product, and only at the end name the price;
  • If a customer asks for a discount, offer a free service;
  • you need to talk about the quality of the product and its positive aspects;
  • if the cost of the product is high, you can offer a purchase on credit with the words: “You can buy this washing machine on credit for only 4 thousand rubles a month”;
  • talk about what the client loses if he refuses to purchase.

How to change the client's decision?

Methods for dealing with objections are not limited to just talking about the product. We need to make sure that the buyer changes his decision and buys this product right now. In order to become an excellent active sales manager, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Among them are:

  • knowledge about everyone positive qualities goods;
  • listening carefully to the client, identifying the problem and solving it;
  • friendly communication;
  • optimistic attitude.

A client who sees a smiling manager in front of him involuntarily becomes loyal to him. He is ready to listen to him, weigh the arguments and make a positive decision. The main thing here is not to overdo it. A friendly smile should not be confused with a “fool” smile.

Common mistakes

High level Dealing with sales objections is achieved through trial and error. Using the above techniques, you can achieve some success in this area. However, we must not forget about typical mistakes which occur most frequently.

The first and most popular is excessive persistence. This affects not only beginners, but also many experienced salespeople. Not every client can withstand a high level of pressure. In most cases, the buyer closes, and the manager does not make the most positive impression on him.

The second mistake is excess or lack of information. You need to feel it, there should be communication in moderation. There is no need to “talk your teeth” to the client or, conversely, remain silent for five minutes. Everything should be clear and competent.

The third mistake is indicating the price. The salesperson's goal is to sell a product or service. You should make sure that the buyer purchases the product without even knowing the price.

Techniques for dealing with objections. Root extraction

There are several techniques for dealing with customer objections, some of which we will consider in more detail in this article. The first is the root extraction technique. Its essence is to identify the reason for the refusal and fight it.

First you need to carefully listen to all the arguments of your interlocutor. Even if he says the same thing, it is forbidden to interrupt. This will show your disrespect, and the answers will look like a memorized script. Then you need to agree with the buyer and express your understanding. You should constantly ask clarifying questions until you find out the true reason for the objection. Then give a life story or example where the same fears were not confirmed.

Partial consent and psychological adjustment

When asking questions to find out the reason, you can use these methods. Dealing with objections in sales involves clarifying the details. Partial agreement will allow the interlocutor to see you as a like-minded person. Now he will perceive the manager not as a representative of the company who needs to sell a product, but as an ordinary person. This method has proven to be the best in practice. Phrases like “I understand you, I was also in such a situation. Then I took a risk, and my life changed better side» helps to establish contact and establish

Psychological adjustment implies a compliment. That is, the seller does not agree, he admires the buyer’s arguments and praises him. Thus, the manager wins over him and invites him to dialogue.


We mentioned this technique a little, now let's talk in more detail. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. It can be used in any situation. It is necessary to translate all the arguments of the interlocutor in your favor. This requires a little practice, but the results will not take long to arrive.

Let's look at a simple example of dealing with objections in sales using the boomerang technique. The most common protest: “The product is very expensive.” The manager constructs the answer as follows: “Yes, you are right, but for this price you can get a high-quality product, as well as three additional services.” You should interest the buyer, tell him that even if the product is a little more expensive, you can be sure of its quality, and we will also arrange free delivery, etc.

Fixation technique

This method is great for dealing with objections from clients you have worked with before. It involves constructing judgments and arguments from a starting point. The positive aspects of cooperation should be used to convince the client. For example, “Remember, previously all payments were made on time, there were no delays?” or “You know that our company sells only high quality products. Remember that laptop that you bought from us six months ago...”

This technique allows you to create a favorable environment for communication. It can also be used in a negative sense. If you have information that your competitors have had some problems with the provision of services or anything else, you can mention this in a conversation with the client. However, you should remember not to cheat. If this turns out to be true, the reputation of the company and the manager personally will be greatly damaged.

Guessing technique

This method of dealing with objections is similar in essence to the method of extracting the root. Here, too, you need to get to the bottom of the truth and find out the real reason for the refusal. In this case, you should communicate with the person a little more boldly, suggesting a solution to the problem.

For example, if the client is not satisfied with the high price, the manager may ask: “Okay, if we provide a discount, are you ready to start cooperation.” If the client answered negatively, it is necessary to further find out the real reason.

You need to understand that without this it is impossible to work well with the buyer. Some people just object because they're bored, others really want to find out why the price is that way. Such clients need to be clearly differentiated. Experienced active sales managers can visually determine whether a client has come in who is focused on making a purchase or just wants to pass the time.

Main reasons for client refusal

Every sales worker should know more about psychology. After all, when going through the stages of dealing with objections, you can achieve a lot if you know some “tricks”. You need to understand your client, make sure that he leaves satisfied and wants to come back again. If everything is done correctly, the manager himself will enjoy the work performed, and the buyer will be left with a positive impression.

There are several main reasons why a client says “no”:

  1. Psychological protection. The average buyer sees the seller as a predator who is ready to do anything to extract the last money from the client. Therefore, the reflex turns on, and the person responds negatively.
  2. Bad experience. When previously purchasing a product, the client encountered an intrusive salesperson who puts excessive pressure on him. Once you communicate with someone like this, you won’t want to again.
  3. Negative reviews. If just a few people say bad things about your company, this is enough to cause your reputation to decline. And in trade it plays a very important role. If your reputation is lost, working with objections becomes much more difficult.
  4. Fears. The buyer has many of them. He is afraid of being deceived, making the wrong choice, etc. By finding out the cause of the fear, you can solve the problem.


Dealing with objections, as we have discovered, is a critical part of a salesperson's job. After all, no matter how well the manager presents the product, a number of questions will certainly follow. There is a category of sales people who are great at showing and talking about all the advantages, but if you ask a simple question, they get lost. And when the client insists and expresses disagreement, they break down psychologically.

An active sales manager must be someone who knows how to improvise and has a knowledge base. To succeed in any field, you need to be a professional. In this sense, trade is no exception. Experienced managers can convince any client. As a result, the company makes a profit, and the buyer leaves in a good mood.