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Independent search for work abroad. Where to move from Russia? What you need to know

  • August 28, 2018
  • Tips for tourists
  • Elena Nikitina

In conditions economic crisis More and more Russian citizens are thinking about going abroad to work. Thus, many manage to quickly obtain initial capital for business development in home country or raise money for housing. However, working abroad has many nuances. Where to go to earn money? What do you need to know before traveling to a foreign country? Careful preparation will help you avoid trouble.

We weigh all the pros and cons

A trip to earn money is an opportunity to quickly get the necessary amount to purchase real estate or develop your own business. However, before deciding to take such a step, you should weigh everything carefully. Often parents decide to take such actions, leaving young children in the care of their grandmothers. As a result, children become weaned from their parents and stop trusting them. Relationships between close people cannot be established even over time, when earnings are behind.

Health problems are another unpleasant moment. You can earn really big money abroad. However, most often the work is very hard. As a result, people eat incorrectly and do not pay attention to mild ailments. Chronic illnesses are getting worse. As a result, upon arrival home, you have to spend a huge part of your earnings on treatment.

If you take everything into account and do not neglect simple rules, you can go to earn money. First, it is worth studying more information about the country in which you will have to spend some time. Below we will describe the most popular countries for earning money among Russians.


After the country joined the EU, Poles with a high level of qualifications had the opportunity to work in countries where wages are much higher. As a result, the workforce has dropped significantly over the past few years. Many owners small firms were forced to hire people from neighboring countries. After 2012, there has been a large influx of workers from Russia and Ukraine.

People are attracted to higher pay levels. The average salary in Poland as of 2018 is 3.5 thousand zlotys (60 thousand rubles). This does not include overtime pay or vacation pay. The interests of legally employed foreigners are protected labor code. Therefore, people can also count on insurance payments.

Poland is very loyal to everyone who wants to earn money. Agricultural specialties remain the most in demand. Many leave for seasonal work related to harvesting. In just a few months in Poland you can earn an amount equal to six times the minimum wage in Russia.

Blue-collar jobs also remain in demand. Poland today is actively developing, new residential complexes are appearing and shopping centers. Both general workers and specialists (tilers, welders, installers, etc.) will be able to find official employment here.

There is also a lot of illegal work offered in Poland. Such employers do not pay taxes, so they offer more high salary. However, among such representatives there are many scammers. There is a risk of spending a lot of time abroad and not receiving the promised money. To avoid troubles, it is recommended to get a job in Poland through trusted intermediaries and conclude employment contracts in advance.

Great Britain

The country ranks third among the most economically developed countries. People from all over the world come here to work. The unemployment rate here is only 4%. The level of migrant employment has increased significantly over the past few years. Many come here from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland. Russians are also trying to come to work in the UK. Specialists with a high level of qualifications have the opportunity to come to live in a developed country. The authorities are equally loyal to both indigenous residents and visitors.

However, not all so simple. To work legally in the UK, you need to obtain a special permit, which is quite expensive. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to compete for a prestigious place with Europeans and local residents. At the same time, specialists with good knowledge of English and a high level of qualifications will always be able to find a good place to work. Lawyers, doctors, and teachers are always in demand. In addition, our people can always get Additional income on teaching children Russian.

In England, high wages are offered. On average, this is 2,500 euros per month (183 thousand rubles). The highest paid field is medicine. The average salary of a doctor reaches 6 thousand euros (440 thousand rubles). In the construction industry, you can count on a salary of up to 3 thousand euros (219 thousand rubles). Waiters and bartenders receive no more than a thousand euros per month (about 75 thousand rubles).

For official employment in England, a work visa is issued. To obtain it, a person will have to pass a knowledge test in English. In addition, the account must have at least 945 pounds sterling (80 thousand rubles). Therefore, to get real earnings in England, you will also have to spend a lot of money.


Where to go to earn money if you need to quickly get a large amount of money? Many representatives of the stronger sex choose Alaska. This is one of the largest states in the USA. The area amazes with its picturesque landscapes and unique nature. But Russian citizens do not come here for the beautiful views. You can make good money here. Without taking into account food and accommodation, you can earn up to 2 thousand dollars (120 thousand rubles) here without having special knowledge and skills. Earnings per day average 70-100 dollars (about 5 thousand rubles).

As a rule, foreigners here make money from fishing. Fishing companies and factories here are developing at a tremendous pace. To go here to work, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to leave native home for at least 4 months. This is how long the active fishing season lasts. The work involves not only catching, but also sorting seafood. Jobs are offered for caviar packers and fish fillet packers. The work is quite complex. Sometimes you have to be on your feet for about 12 hours a day. Women most often cannot stand this pace. Therefore, Alaska's factories employ mostly men between the ages of 20 and 40.

Russians legally work on short-term contracts. It concludes during the active fishing season - from May to October.

The oil sector is also well developed in the state. Extraction and processing of petroleum products is also carried out in the summer months. Mechanics, drillers, and electricians are invited to work. Engineers can count on high wages. The average salary in this specialty is 5 thousand dollars per month (about 300 thousand rubles).


The country is an important participant international relations. When the question arises of where to go to earn money, many choose this country. Germany ranks fourth in terms of economic development in the world. You can make good money here. However, employment for citizens of the CIS countries is associated with a high level of competition. People from all over Europe come to work in Germany. At the same time, the authorities are interested in foreign specialists. Working professions are also popular. Foreigners are cheap labor.

The main problem for Russians who want to work in Germany is the need to obtain permission to carry out labor activity. A Russian person needs to find a job even before moving to the country. However, EU representatives should not apply for such a vacancy. They are always given preference. A suitable location can be found on the website Federal agency for employment in Germany. Here you can select several options in advance. Before deciding where to go to earn money, you need to wait for a positive response from the employer.

You can get a work visa at the German consulate of Russia. If the documents are completed correctly, a person can count on receiving a residence permit in Germany in the future.

The wage rate in Germany is one of the highest in Europe. Here you can get a minimum of 10 euros (730 rubles) per hour. The average salary is 3,700 euros (270 thousand rubles).


Where to go to work abroad? Many people choose this country. Working here, you will be able not only to significantly increase your income level, but also to go to Europe for permanent residence. Norway refused to join the European Union. Therefore, many restrictions for foreigners are absent here. In addition, there is a low unemployment rate. This figure reaches only 4%, as in England.

Norway is a country with a developed economy. The oil sector is especially well developed here. The country is also rich in other natural resources (gas, minerals, fish, forest). In this regard, blue-collar jobs remain in demand. You can also successfully find a job here in the field Agriculture.

In order to start earning money in Norway, you will also have to obtain a work permit. This document is issued for a period of 1 to 3 years. If after this period the person remains in the country, he can obtain a residence permit. Additionally, you will have to pass an exam on knowledge of the Norwegian language.

The average salary in the country reaches 4,700 euros (345 thousand rubles). Specialists earn the most banking sector and programmers. Builders can expect to pay up to 5 thousand euros per month (about 365 thousand rubles). Unskilled workers (waiters, cleaners) receive no more than 2 thousand euros (145 thousand rubles).


A country with a powerful economy always welcomes Russian people with a high level of qualifications. Those who understand the specifics of the Asian mentality and speak Japanese will be able to get a good job. Japan is an overpopulated country. Therefore, there is always competition for good jobs here. Foreigners can get a job if they really deserve the job offered. The majority of local residents are employed in industry and services.

It is almost impossible to work in Japan without knowing the language. The exception is illegal employment. However, this option entails many problems associated with large fines and even imprisonment. There are also legal ways to earn money. In order for a Russian person to get a job in Japan, he must first find an employer. You will be able to enter the country on the basis of a work visa.

Average wage in Japan it is 2900 dollars (180 thousand rubles). The minimum you can get is about $7 per hour (450 rubles). Foreign workers in the field of programming, as well as translators, remain in demand here. It is almost impossible for a Russian person to find a job in the field of unskilled labor in Japan.


United United Arab Emirates is a state with a large number of migrant workers. The largest part of them is concentrated in Dubai. Statistics show that 80% of this metropolis consists of foreigners. There are also Russians here. But the majority of visitors, nevertheless, are from Asian countries.

Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Foreigners are attracted by the stable economy and healthy political situation. However, it is very difficult for a foreigner to stay here forever. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that living in Dubai is very expensive. More than 70% of wages are taken up by food, rent and essential purchases.

As in the case of Japan, before going to the UAE, you need to find an employer and apply for a work visa. The person who invites the foreigner acts as an independent sponsor. This means that the employer’s company fully bears the cost of preparing all documents for an employee from Russia. Don't count on automatic earnings. In Dubai, a foreigner will have to work a lot. In this case, a person must have qualifications in a certain field.

There is no minimum wage in the UAE. Income level can depend on many factors. Domestic citizens who have a high level of qualifications and were able to get a job in Dubai receive 4-5 thousand dollars a month (about 300 thousand rubles).


A large African state is located in the northern part of the continent. Algeria ranks tenth in the world by area. The civil war in the 90s of the last century, as well as political instability, led to the fact that most educated citizens left the state. In this regard, a need arose for new personnel. The country accepts Russian people with a high level of qualifications. At the same time, foreigners can count on decent pay for their work.

Before going to work in Algeria, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of life local population. More than 90% of the residents are Muslims. Foreigners will have to comply with local rules of behavior in society. In addition, the climate here is very hot. Not every foreigner can endure a long stay in Algeria. You also need to be prepared for the high crime rate in the country.

The average daily wage in Algeria cannot be called high. This figure does not exceed 10 euros (730 rubles). The average salary per month is 260 euros (19 thousand rubles). However, foreigners with a high level of qualifications can also count on higher wages. Some receive up to a thousand euros per month. At the same time, living expenses (groceries, rental housing) do not exceed 100 euros (7,300 rubles).


Those who do not want to travel far from the country prefer to come here to earn money. native land. In Georgia, Russian-speaking people can easily find a decent job. However, the country cannot be called well-developed economically. The employment situation here is almost the same as in Russia.

As a rule, residents of Russian hinterlands go to Georgia who not only want to change their place of residence, but also improve their financial position. Most of migrant workers are involved in the service sector. Modern Georgia has a flexible labor legislation. Therefore, many people will be able to work here legally. How much income can you get? It all depends on the skill level. Builders here receive up to $800 a month (about 50 thousand rubles). But agriculture is less in demand. The average monthly payment is $300 (18.5 thousand rubles).

Where to go to work abroad? The decision must be balanced. Many good vacancies can also be found in your native region.

Whatever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best sites to look for work abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

“BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, well-paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

"It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowing German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we're talking about about a startup, then it is possible to get a job without German, in some more conservative areas without knowledge of the language it is more difficult. In Munich and Hamburg you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German well,” say local IT specialists.

The two main sites for finding a job in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.

Due to various reasons, some Russian citizens decide to move permanently to another country. The desire to improve the material well-being of one’s family, to gain prospects for the future, to have a sense of security, encourages one to leave one’s home and relatives and go to new country. Considering the number of countries and the diversity of conditions in them, the question is reasonable: where is it good for a Russian to live?

Life abroad is different for everyone. Much depends on education and practical skills. Programmers and other freelancers can move to almost any country. They do not need to know the local language, culture and customs.

Working autonomy allows you to fulfill orders remotely, at home. The choice of country to which to move from Russia is determined by the income received and the ability to rent or purchase housing.

Holders of other professions should be more careful, because... a hasty move can only aggravate the situation and consume savings.

IN developed countries ah, such as the USA, Germany, Canada, there is always a shortage of paramedics, nurses and high school teachers.

Since the requirements for certification and level of knowledge in developed countries differ from Russian ones, it is necessary to confirm the diploma locally. Active specialists with extensive experience and practice are more likely to undergo the procedure.

Most, when deciding where to go to live from Russia, consider developed countries. There are three reasons for this:

  • all developed countries stand out for their material well-being and high culture (beautiful cities, historical values, loyal political attitude, strong economy);
  • developed countries are developing special migration programs designed to help people who have moved to settle down in a new place;
  • Most developed countries have a pleasant climate.

For more than 100 years, many have believed that it is better to move to the United States of America. There are 882,000 Russian speakers living here. Of these, more than 200,000 are in New York.

It is possible to immigrate from Russia to the USA, but it is not very easy. This country is afraid of immigrants and the work of the consulate directly tries to stop this flow.

Statistics show that only 2% of the total number of those who left Russia managed to settle in the United States.

Only outstanding specialists, scientists or athletes who are ready to continue their activities and attribute their achievements to America can submit a direct request to the consulate of this country to obtain citizenship.

Those who have relatives in America can also submit documents for relocation. However, the latter will have to confirm the call and their financial capabilities to provide for the emigrant for a certain period.

Those who receive a tourist visa and decide to stay must go to the consulate and ask for political asylum. A long process of paperwork will begin. For 5 years the person will have travel ban status.

An ordinary Russian who has asked for political asylum from the United States should be prepared to give up the opportunity to visit his homeland for the next five years. It should be taken into account how this will affect relatives left in Russia.

For girls, the legal way to obtain the right to reside in the United States is through marriage to an American citizen. But to stop fictitious unions, there is a requirement to see the groom at least once in person before arriving in the States.

Is different beautiful scenery and gorgeous beaches. He is very loyal to visiting Russians. He is among the leaders of countries where it is better for a Russian person to go to live. You can obtain a residence permit if you purchase a house or apartment in Spain. The amount you should focus on is from 250,000 euros.

Considering the possibility of purchasing real estate remotely, Spain is becoming an excellent place where Russians can live well. Immediately after purchase, you can apply for a residence permit. However, with one peculiarity - the first time the permit will be issued for a period of one year. After a year, the application is resubmitted and you are allowed to live in Spain for another two years. The third period is three years. Finally, after six years, the person will receive a permanent residence permit.

Of all the states participating in the Schengen agreement, obtaining permanent residence in Spain is the easiest!

For those who believe that it is better to move to Spain, the state puts forward two main requirements:

  1. sufficient funds for living (you must provide a certificate from the bank about the possession of the deposit, securities or precious metals or evidence of the availability of other material resources);
  2. no criminal record for serious crimes.

Great place abroad - Sweden

They dream about this country. Many people believe that it is best for a person from Russia to live here. Statistics show that of the total population growth, 75% are emigrants (from all over the world).

Anyone who receives the official right to live in Sweden quickly finds a good and high paying job. But paperwork for permanent residence it's very difficult. Better place It’s hard to imagine where it’s worth going to live abroad.

One of the opportunities to become a citizen of this state is to marry a representative of Sweden. Such unions are carefully checked by immigration services. This happens due to special program for immigrants from Russia. Serious means of support are intended for those arriving. Therefore, the control is very strict.

One of the most populated countries in Europe. A good place for a Russian person to live abroad. Until the 1980s it was a country closed to immigration. And at the end of the 2010s, 10% of the total population already had officially moved residents from other countries.

From 2008 to 2013, Norway led the Scandinavian countries in terms of economy and capital growth among the population. It is a country with a very high GDP per person - $55,000 per year.

Life in Norway is much better than in Russia: there is greater freedom of choice and prospects for the future. For example, there is a high level of trust in people (74%), while in Russian society it is 27%.

Parents and young families are well taken care of abroad. Denmark extends paid maternity leave. Medical service free for citizens of the country. Men and women are equal here and can hold the same positions and corresponding pay.

The most common means of transport here is the bicycle, although there are also plenty of cars. Particularly important is the responsible attitude towards others. For example, for deaf and mute citizens, announcements at railway stations are duplicated in sign language and displayed on a large screen. Such care from the state makes Denmark a good place to go to live.

Among the reasons for permanent residence abroad in Italy, in addition to marriage, there are three more:

  1. presence of close relatives in the country;
  2. opening a business (registration of an LLC or private enterprise in the state);
  3. concluding an employment agreement with a company (public or private) and presenting this document at the embassy.

Citizen status is obtained within three months after arrival. Afterwards, you can stay in the country for an unlimited period. Since such a resident, as a resident, has everything legal rights, no one can deprive him of this status. Subsequently, you can send an invitation to Russia to other relatives, if you have the financial ability to take care of them.

Southeast Asia

A Russian person can live well in India or neighboring countries (Vietnam, Thailand). Vietnam has a fast pace of development. Over the past 20 years it has gained the status of a popular resort. High level life around the country. Pleasant climate, cities being built over short time and quiet beaches. The dishes here are different from Russian cuisine, but you can get used to them.

When considering a future location, it is important to learn in detail about the local culture and customs. Some features may attract, while others may repel.

You can live in these Asian countries for a long period of time on tourist or study visas. The form for obtaining documents is quite simple. Benefits of living abroad in Asia:

  • affordable housing costs;
  • good, inexpensive clothes;
  • cheap food.

Since 2016, Russians with a foreign passport can directly visit these Asian countries and see everything for themselves. A stamp in your passport allowing you to stay in the country for up to 30 days can be obtained directly at the airport.

Earning money abroad attracts many citizens of the CIS. Residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other countries are increasingly filling “Old Europe”. Low level salaries, as well as the general economic situation in the post-Soviet space, introduces new trends in the field of job search. Let's figure out which country and for whom it will be easier or more profitable to go to work. ?

Everyone comes, even workers without qualifications can easily find vacancies with higher earnings than in Russia. Good conditions labor, the opportunity to quickly earn good money and the crisis in their country - all this makes people look for work abroad more and more.

Where do they most often go to work?

We offer the TOP 10 countries where people are going and where they want to go to earn money.

1. UK

When we say Great Britain we mean England. IT technology specialists flock here. Last year, about 6 thousand workers moved from Ukraine to the UK alone.

To move, of course, knowledge of English is required. Without qualifications, finding a job will be much more difficult. There is no point in looking for work in the UK illegally. The deportation will be harsh and for a long time. Young professionals and graduates come here to build a career.

What areas are in demand?

  • IT (i-ti). All professions related to this area have a chance to settle in Britain.
  • Lawyers. Also a very isolated caste of workers. Knowledge of the language is required. There is a chance to gain a foothold starting from the very bottom.
  • Waiters and other service-related professions.
  • Other workers without qualifications. General workers and other general professions.

A must for earnings in England. Knowledge of the language. Have a profession and a diploma. Have a driver's license.

2. Poland

This country is very loyal to accepting Ukrainians and others who want to make money. The country's leadership regularly changes legislation in the direction of increasing wages - that is, in favor of migrant workers and foreign citizens. So, the minimum wage for one hour of work was recently raised to 3 euros or 9 zlotys.

Poland on this moment offers the most vacancies for Ukrainian citizens. A large number of jobs are available in the agricultural field, with many leaving for seasonal harvest work.

In second place are all blue-collar occupations from general worker to welder. There is a small amount of interest in our IT specialists. You can’t fool our IT specialists; they are looking for a job a little further. There is a lot of legal work in Poland, but even more illegal work.

To avoid any troubles, it is advisable to trust a trusted employer and enter into all necessary employment contracts. In the Republic of Poland, you can find one-time, seasonal or permanent job. Working in Poland is perhaps the easiest option to start working in Europe.

3. Czech Republic

Another country that is happy, and in Lately with double joy they accept workers from Ukraine to their enterprises. The Czech government has voiced its desire to double the quota for workers from Ukraine.

I’m going to work in the Czech Republic, you can count on approximately the same amount. At the factory you will receive about 20,000 CZK. This is around 900 - 800 US dollars. On a construction site, you will earn from 50 € per day or 100-150 CZK per hour.

There are small disadvantages of earning money in the Czech Republic. Getting a visa to the Czech Republic is not easy. The difficulty lies in the lengthy processing and review of documents at the consulate. Therefore, more often people refuse to apply for such a visa and choose a simpler path.

4. Scandinavian countries

Many foreigners are required for the seasonal berry picking - lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries.

You can earn up to 1.5 thousand euros per month in this industry. Another area of ​​work is working on shipyards for ship repair and assembly. Such vacancies are open in Finland, the Netherlands and Norway. Graduates and students of agricultural universities can go to Denmark to work on livestock farms.

Salaries in this field amount to up to thousands of dollars. Sometimes the employer provides room and board.

5. Italy

The simplest jobs that do not require special skills are cleaning, nannying or caring.

You can earn up to 12 euros per hour cleaning streets here. If you look after the sick and elderly, you can earn up to a thousand euros a month. House cleaning is paid in the amount of 800 euros, nanny work - 1200 euros, assistant cook - 1500 euros. Some vacancies offer free accommodation (nanny, caregiver).

6. Thailand

For those who are afraid of the crisis in Europe, it is better to go to work in Asia.

In Thailand, the easiest place to find work is in the tourism sector. We are looking for guides, animators, and nannies to work with Russian-speaking tourists. There are always vacancies for transfer and tour guides. The work schedule is flexible. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Sometimes the employer provides hotel accommodation in a room for several people. Finding accommodation on your own in Thailand is not difficult. The average cost of a room per month is about one hundred dollars.

7. Alaska

Foreigners are offered highly paid, but physically hard work in Alaska. Salaries can reach up to 7.5 thousand dollars.

All overtime is paid at top. Accommodation in Alaska is rarely provided by an employer, so housing and food costs should be subtracted.

You can earn up to three thousand dollars a month from fishing.