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How much does an emergency worker earn? How much does the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations earn?

Today, working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is becoming more and more attractive for young people who want to connect their lives with helping other people. It is not surprising that many people wonder how to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations and how much they earn there. And the demand for the profession of rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is high.

The requirements for EMERCOM employees are completely different depending on their category. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations, workers are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Specialists and experts are employees of the state civil service.
  2. Rescuers, firefighters, pilots are employees of the military structure.
  3. Research staff.

A prerequisite for becoming an EMERCOM officer will be service in the Russian Army, excellent health, preferably fitness category “A,” and psychological stability.


  • Age 18 – 40 years.
  • Absence of psychological, oncological, or any chronic diseases.
  • Impeccable reputation.
  • Having at least secondary education.
  • Completion of military service.

The selection of employees takes place on a competitive basis. A future rescuer - a new person or already a lieutenant who has decided to move to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it would not be amiss to attach to the documents a certificate of awards, a description of previous place work, certificates of completed courses, medals and certificates from sports sections or competitions. It’s better to find out in advance how much they earn in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, so that the peculiar romance of the rescue profession does not overshadow the realities of life. How many firefighters and rescuers in Russia can boast of high wages? Probably not many.

A rescuer in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the most difficult and stressful jobs in this department in Russia. This profession combines several others and many skills that are necessary to possess. There is so much you need to be able to do: be a firefighter, a medic, a driver, and a steeplejack. He works not only in the city, but also outside it. They search for those lost in the forest, rescue skiers after an avalanche, rescue drowning people, and help fishermen caught on a broken ice floe.

You must be cool and sober, and, importantly, quickly be able to assess the situation on the spot. It doesn’t matter who arrived at the scene, a rescuer, a lieutenant - it is necessary to act clearly, quickly and harmoniously. After all, the fate and lives of millions of people who receive assistance every day depend on the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In order to always be in good shape, you have to train a lot at the training ground, in the gym, to bring your skills to automaticity.

You need to thoroughly assess your capabilities and understand whether you really have the readiness to deal with the grief of other people, with death, on a daily basis, and to look for survivors in disaster areas. Not everyone can withstand such a colossal psychological load. It often happens that the fighters themselves need emergency psychological help.

Important qualities at work

In addition to the fact that work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is honorable and noble, it is also very dangerous. How many people died in the line of duty? Hence the strict requirements for both the qualifications and personal qualities of employees.

Fast reaction, endurance and good physical form, team spirit and mutual assistance are very valuable in such work, a strong nervous system, optimism, understanding of the importance of one’s work, politeness, responsibility and discipline - all this should be there. Conflicts within the rescue team are unacceptable.

In St. Petersburg, rescue training courses are held under the Ministry of Emergency Situations program:

  • First aid.
  • Psychological preparation.
  • Fire training.

In addition to the basic course, an additional option is offered with a more in-depth study of some areas.


Due to the growing prestige of the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a planned increase in wages for employees of all categories is being implemented. On this moment a lieutenant receives from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. per month. How much do non-military employees of this department earn? Civilian specialists have a salary of 15 thousand rubles. up to 25 thousand rubles. per month, and scientific workers up to 23 thousand rubles. A rescuer in the regions receives an average of 20 thousand rubles.

The salaries of EMERCOM employees in Russia depend on the title the employee holds and the position held. Work involving increased risk must be paid three times.

Besides fixed payment labor, in Russia there are various monthly allowances:

  • For years of service.
  • Per category or class.
  • For work with documents constituting state secrets.
  • For special achievements in service.

In addition to allowances, there is a benefit in the form of subsidies for the construction and purchase of housing, for medical and sanitary services, and increased insurance payments. Insurance payments have been increased in the event of injury or death while performing duties.

If you compare how much a rescuer earns in Moscow and in the regions, the difference will be significant. If in the regions the average salary of a rescuer is 25 thousand rubles, then in Moscow it is 60 thousand rubles. In different cities of Russia, a lieutenant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations would receive completely different wages. This significant difference can be partly explained by the presence of northern and regional coefficients adopted in the regions of the North and equivalent to them.

It is expected that wages in Russia will gradually increase and the ordinary rescuer and lieutenant will be able to count on a more decent salary for such a responsible, serious and dangerous work. But, despite such a significant disadvantage as the low salary, interest in the work of a rescuer does not disappear.

The profession of a rescuer is quite in demand and desirable. After all, many probably believe that there is no more important matter than saving human lives. It is worth saying that in our country many young people want to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations. But on the other hand, sacrificing with our own lives to save others is undoubtedly noble work, but the reward for it leaves much to be desired. Before you get a job, it’s worth knowing how much a rescuer earns at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What does salary consist of?

In fact, the salary in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia is formed from several components, and to be more precise, earnings will depend on:

  • salary;
  • length of service and rank;
  • allowances.

Thus, a rescuer’s earnings consist of three components. What a working salary is is probably clear to everyone; it is a fixed amount that an employee receives for a month worked. Additional payment for experience and rank is a strictly individual matter, that is, the higher the rank and the more experience, the greater the additional payment.

By the way, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not military personnel, because they do not serve in military units, but they also wear shoulder straps and have ranks: private, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer, lieutenant, major, colonel and others.

Now let’s look at what allowances are, because in essence, they increase the rescuer’s monthly earnings. In fact, allowances are additional payments that are made for certain working conditions. Let's give a few examples: for achievements in work, for length of service, work in special conditions, bonuses. By the way, we cannot help but say that each region has its own coefficient by which the salary of an Emergencies Ministry employee is multiplied.

In addition, earnings depend on two concepts: employee and emergency worker. That is, employees include persons who have a certain status and rank in the fire service; they are members of the rank and file or management; undoubtedly, their earnings will be higher. The workers are service personnel (dispatchers and drivers), civilians, they have no privileges or allowances.

Salary by region

It’s worth noting right away that in each region the salary level is very different, this is probably due to the fact that the standard of living in each region may not be the same. Higher wages in Moscow and the Moscow region; by region they are more than 10,000 rubles lower; here are a few examples of the average wages to the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  • Khabarovsk Territory 25,000 rubles;
  • Stavropol Territory 15,000 rubles;
  • Vladimir region 14,000 rubles;
  • Krasnodar region 23,000 rubles.

As for surcharges, let's look at a few examples:

  • in the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the bonus is 10% of the salary;
  • for length of service, the bonus can reach 40%, with length of service of 25 years or more;
  • bonuses for conscientious service can reach 100% of the salary and are paid no more than 3 times a year;
  • additional payment for special working conditions can also be up to 100% of the salary.

As you can see, it is impossible to determine the exact amount of a rescuer’s salary, because it consists of several components at once. In any case, we can draw a definite conclusion that the longer the work experience and the higher the rank, the more bonuses you can receive.

Future perspective

Indeed, if you pay attention to the level of earnings of a rescuer, it is far from corresponding to the profession of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because for such a fee they risk their lives every day and save people. But at the moment, employees are only offered salary indexation in accordance with the inflation rate, if we speak in simple words, then in general, income level increases by 5% per year.

By the way, there are no plans to increase wages for Emergencies Ministry employees in the near future; on the contrary, the budget has been cut, which means it will most likely be necessary to reduce the number of employees.

So, how much they earn at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations depends on numerous factors, primarily on the region. No significant changes are expected in the near future, although please note that the need to carry out reform was recognized back in 2012, but to date no action has been taken.

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The average salary of an employee of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is currently 30-35 thousand rubles. Since relying on these numbers is roughly the same as drawing conclusions about the health status of patients based on the average temperature in the hospital, let’s be more specific:

A firefighter, for example, in Ulyanovsk, who has barely completed an internship and received his first rank - private in the internal service - receives 20 thousand rubles monthly.

The salary of an internal service colonel, head of a detachment in Vladivostok, is about 70 thousand rubles.

Since there are, by definition, more firefighters than chiefs, we add them up, divide them, and get the required average figure.

Let's understand the terminology first: what we used to call salary is called by the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations monetary allowance . This is what an employee receives monthly for his work - salary monetary allowance with all allowances and surcharges.

Salary - this is the amount that consists of the salary for a special rank and the official salary.

Salary for assigned special rank (internal service)

Salaries for the rank in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are fixed and the same regardless of the location throughout the entire territory Russian Federation. They are installed and are:

  • colonel - 13,000 rubles;
  • lieutenant colonel - 12,000 rubles;
  • major - 11,500 rubles;
  • captain - 11,000 rubles;
  • senior lieutenant - 10,500 rubles;
  • lieutenant - 10,000 rubles;
  • junior lieutenant - 9500 rubles;
  • senior warrant officer - 8,500 rubles;
  • ensign – 8,000 rubles;
  • foreman - 7500 rubles;
  • senior sergeant - 7,000 rubles;
  • sergeant - 6500 rubles;
  • junior sergeant - 6,000 rubles;
  • private – 5000 rub.

Salary according to position

Each position provides a fixed salary, but here with variations - depending on the type and rank of the unit and on the area - for example, for a firefighter in small town with a population of less than 100 thousand people, the official salary is 9,360 rubles, while for a firefighter in St. Petersburg it is 13,520 rubles.

A detailed list of standard positions with established salaries is given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2013 No. 128, non-standard positions - in.

The salary of a certified employee consists of:

  • salary (this includes salary for rank and official salary);
  • monthly additional payments(bonuses for length of service, for qualification rank, for special conditions of service, for working with classified information, a monthly bonus for conscientious performance official duties);
  • coefficients for service in high mountain areas;
  • incentive payments.

ATTENTION: From January 1, 2018, the monthly salaries of persons holding positions in the federal state civil service, the salaries of military personnel and employees of the federal government will increase by 1.04 times. fire service State Fire Service, official salaries (tariff rates) for employees of the EMERCOM system of Russia in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2017 No. 594 “On increasing the monthly salaries of persons holding positions in the federal state civil service”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21 .2017 No. 1598 “On increasing the salary of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies”, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2017 No. 2716-r.

More details in this document: persons holding positions in the federal state civil service, salary allowances for military personnel and employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, official salaries (tariff rates) for employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

We've sorted out the salaries, now let's try to sort out all the other points.

Monthly additional payments

Let us note only the main points - the length of service for calculating the length of service bonus includes service in the Armed Forces, service in the Department of Internal Affairs, as well as work in the Federal Border Guard Service in a civilian position, before direct appointment to a certified position.

The order to charge a percentage increase to a specific employee is issued once, then it is calculated automatically, so there is no need to independently inform the accounting department that you have crossed the threshold of 5, 10, 15 years and you need to increase the increase - all the data is in the accounting department, the increase will be must be accrued.

Monthly bonus for qualifying title

Attention!!! Interest is only on the official salary!

  • for a third class specialist – 5%;
  • for a second class specialist – 10%;
  • for a first class specialist – 20%;
  • for a master (highest qualification rank) – 30%.

Monthly bonus to official salary for special conditions of service

This item includes several types of allowances, including for service in regular positions:

  • in the central office of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations – 25%;
  • performance of duties that involve performing diving work under water (subject to compliance with established standards) – 50%;
  • performance of duties for which is directly related to the use of respiratory protection devices when extinguishing fires and ASR – 10%;

The bonus is established for a period of one year, provided that the direct use of personal protective equipment by an employee in extinguishing fires over the past year is at least two hours.

  • performance of duties for which is directly related to the use of respiratory protection devices during training – 5%;
  • in the central office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Center for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow - 40%;
  • in other institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia located in Moscow - 60%;
  • in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Moscow Region - 30%;
  • in other institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations located in the Moscow region - 50%;
  • in the institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 10%;
  • in institutions created for the purpose of organizing the prevention and extinguishing of fires at special facilities - 20%. The exception is such facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region - there the premium is 50%;
  • in departments of state supervision in the positions of investigators (including senior ones) - 20%;
  • heads (chiefs) of institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - 15%;
  • commanding staff of duty guards directly involved in fire extinguishing and emergency response – 20%;
  • private and junior commanding officers of duty guards (shifts) directly involved in firefighting and emergency response – 20%;

The full list of special conditions of service for which corresponding allowances are provided is indicated in paragraph 30 of Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of March 21, 2013 N 195.

If an employee is entitled to several bonuses for special conditions of service, on several grounds, then the interest on each basis is summed up. However, the total amount of the premium should not exceed 100%. Interest is calculated on the official salary.

Monthly bonuses for working with information constituting state secrets

for work experience in structural divisions for the protection of state secrets and for experience in encryption work

This is the full name of the so-called secrecy bonus. Interest is calculated on the official salary and, depending on the degree of secrecy of information to which the employee is admitted, amounts to:

  • 25% – for work with information of “special importance”;
  • 20% – for working with “top secret” information;
  • 10% – for working with classified information.

There are also percentage bonuses for length of service in encryption and work experience in government protection departments. secrets.

There is also an allowance for performing tasks directly related to risk ( increased danger) for life and health in Peaceful time. These are diving works, depending on the complexity of the work and the depth of immersion, explosive and explosive work, in areas of environmental crisis (Baikonur Cosmodrome), etc. The full list of duties and the allowances provided for them can be found in clauses 54-64 of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated March 21, 2013 No. 195.

Award for conscientious performance of official duties

The specified bonus is three salaries per year, but is paid not at once, but monthly at 25%.

This bonus is not paid if:

a) the employee is on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years;

b) the employee leaves the service for “negative reasons”

c) the employee is at his disposal.

The presence of penalties, time spent on vacation, sick leave or on a business trip does not affect the payment of the specified bonus.

Coefficients (regional, for service in high mountainous areas, for service in desert and waterless areas)

Attention!!! Coefficients are added to the salary of employees (official salary + salary according to rank + bonus for length of service + bonus for qualification rank + bonus for special conditions of service + bonus for secrecy).

The coefficient sizes are set.

In addition to the coefficients, there are also corresponding percentage bonuses for service in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas, high mountainous areas, desert and arid areas .

The specified percentage allowances are also accrued in cash allowance.

All districts (localities) are divided in this case into groups, according to which payments are calculated:

  • Group 1 – 10% for the first 6 months of experience, with an increase of 10% for each subsequent 6 months of experience, but not more than 100%;
  • Group 2 – 10% for the first 6 months of experience, with an increase of 10 percent for each subsequent 6 months of experience. When the size of the premium increases to 60%, the increase continues by 10% for each year, but not more than 80%;
  • Group 3 – 10% for the first year of experience, with an increase of 10% for each subsequent year of experience, but not more than 50%;
  • Group 4 – 10% for the first year of experience, with an increase of 10% for every 2 subsequent years of experience, but not more than 30%.

The legislation also provides monetary compensation for performing official duties in excess of the established normal duration of official time, at night, on weekends and non-working holidays.

Overtime work is paid on the basis of a report and order, the first 2 hours - at one and a half times the rate, the subsequent ones - at double rate.

“Night” – for work from 22.00 to 6.00 – 20% of the official salary calculated per hour of work.

Incentive payments for special achievements in service

Monthly incentive payments :

  • employees with an academic degree

candidate of sciences – 3000 rubles;

Doctor of Science – 7000 rubles;

  • employees with an academic title

professor - 20% of official salary;

associate professor and senior researcher – 10% of the official salary;

The indicated amounts of payments are relevant for employees holding positions of management, teaching and research staff in scientific organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For employees holding other positions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the amount of payments is smaller - a doctor of sciences is entitled to 10% of the official salary, a candidate - 5%.

  • employees with sports titles

Honored Master of Sports of Russia (USSR), Master of Sports of Russia (USSR) of international class and Master of Sports of Russia (USSR) in service-applied sports - 100% of the official salary monthly.

  • employees who have sports ranks in service-applied sports

3rd category –15%;

2nd category – 30%;

1st category – 50%;

candidate master of sports – 60%.

Interest is calculated on the official salary

If there are several categories or in several sports, then the payments are not summed up, but the one that is higher is simply selected.

Salaries are paid in full to employees who are in the regular and additional holidays, on business trips, during vocational training or additional vocational education, during a period of temporary disability.

Material aid

The amount of financial assistance is at least 1 salary per year. It is provided to the employee based on a report; as a rule, the report is written simultaneously with the leave report, but at the employee’s request, financial assistance can be issued at any time.

The amount of financial assistance can be further increased to 5 salaries per year, based on a reasoned report from the employee.

It is worth noting that the established salaries were not indexed from the moment they were established, i.e. since 2013. Now it’s 2018, and through simple calculations we come to the conclusion that for five years the salaries of Emergency Situations Ministry employees have not increased.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, inflation during this period was about 25-30%; accordingly, the level of income, taking into account inflation, for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations decreased.

So, a liter of 92 gasoline in 2013, on average across the country, cost 30 rubles, and at the end of 2018 it was already 44 rubles.

Wage indexation in 2018 over 5 years, in the amount of 1.04 times, does not count! That is, if an employee received 25,000, now he receives 26,000 rubles.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved a program for the gradual improvement of salaries in government agencies, which is planned to be fully implemented by 2018.

The Chairman of the Ministry of Finance said about this program that according to it, wages will be increased not only for employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also for firefighters. And the Minister of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said that for employees of his department, in accordance with it, new conditions for calculating wages are provided. Based on parameters such as the category of the city where a particular employee works, and what his position is, he will receive a salary 60% more than what he currently has.

The minister said that even now the junior staff earns 2.5 times more than before the time when this program was introduced. And the head of senior staff can count on an increase in pay by 1.5 times in the future. Officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receive a salary of an average of 50,000 rubles per month. The agency plans to announce a more accurate salary amount soon. But one can already imagine that if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now receives 60,000 rubles, then an increase in this amount of payment by 1.6 times will be quite significant. Based on the announced coefficients, it is possible to preliminarily calculate the average earnings of firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in all places in Russia.

Vladimir Puchkov added that Emergencies Ministry employees will receive especially high remuneration for performing difficult combat missions, that is, those that involve a risk to life. They are present in services such as fire departments, aviation, rescue services, divers and dog handlers. But he also said that simply increasing salary levels is not enough to fully motivate employees. It is better to start developing new methods of stimulation through training in related specialties. In other words, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations works additionally in a fire department or a special unit, he receives the right to additional payment. Below are eight criteria that qualify for the premiums.

Additional payments and allowances for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For special conditions of service, this also includes an allowance for working with funds personal protection respiratory organs;
for working with information containing state secrets;
for special achievements in service;
incentive payments or bonuses;
length of service or length of service;
for class qualifications;
regional increasing coefficients;
for performing tasks involving risks to health and life and increased danger.

Moreover, for activities in which an employee faces a risk to his life, he receives an increase equal to his monthly salary.

With the help of bonuses, the state seeks to motivate employees in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to improve their professionalism and quality of work. Plus, the bonuses further guarantee their social protection. It is also possible to achieve an increase in the efficiency of the work of rescuers when they provide assistance to citizens. Because when a specialist is competent in various fields, he will be able to perform tasks comprehensively.

It should be added that this year bonuses have been introduced for firefighters at the highest level, which will be issued for such work as participation in extinguishing fires of the third category of complexity or more, as well as for eliminating fires in large cities.

If we consider the earnings of EMERCOM employees by region of the Russian Federation, it turns out that those who, for example, work in the Moscow region receive almost 26,000 rubles, in the Kirov region - 10,000, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 30,000 rubles, and in Nizhny Novgorod region – 17500.

Since the beginning of 2014, along with an increase in the minimum wage, the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by 5.5%.

These people do the most important thing - they save human lives, sometimes seriously risking their own. They want to imitate them from early childhood, constantly reflecting their dreams in children's drawings and school essays. The name of these people is rescuers or simply employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, heroes who often do not receive their reward. However, is everything so rosy for them, and what can you really count on when devoting your life to this business? Today we’ll talk about what kind of salary is paid to emergency service employees and what bonuses can be received during the service.

How are salaries determined in the department?

Before talking directly about the salary level in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to analyze some of the subtleties of its formation. First of all, it should be mentioned that sum of money, which emergency service workers receive, consists of three components. Among the latter are:

  1. Working salary.
  2. Salary for title.
  3. Additional allowances.

As for the first two factors, it makes no sense to dwell on them more generally, since they are, in principle, clear to everyone. Each of us knows what a “working salary” is. It may differ depending on several factors, in particular the region where the Emergencies Ministry employee works. As for the salary for the title, here, in principle, everything is clear too. It will be clear to anyone that the salary of a junior sergeant in the internal service will be lower than that of a lieutenant, and vice versa, a lieutenant will receive less than a colonel of the Armed Forces.

But let’s look at the allowances in more detail. There is a whole list of conditions under which an employee’s salary can increase. In particular, these include:

  1. For special working conditions.
  2. For working with information that is a state secret.
  3. For achievements in work.
  4. All kinds of bonuses and incentives.
  5. For length of service and work experience.
  6. For working in conditions that pose a danger to the health or life of the employee.
  7. Regional premiums and coefficients.

Regarding point 6, this bonus includes the payment of an amount that is equal to the working salary, which actually means doubling it. In addition to the above additions, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also guaranteed a full social package and other bonuses of official employment, including taking into account work in hazardous working conditions.

However, it should be taken into account that the concepts of “employee” and “employee” in this structure have certain differences. That is, in fact, in this article you are talking specifically about employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - about people who have certain special ranks in the fire service and are members of the rank and file or management of the department. At the same time, there is also a category of emergency workers, which includes people who do not have such privileges, i.e. ordinary civilians.

Salaries for civilian employees are paid in significantly smaller amounts than for persons who are directly on the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, they are not entitled to most of the bonuses that department employees receive. Therefore, if you have dreamed of serving in a fire department all your life, it is better to go there as an employee, not as an employee.

Salary levels by region

First of all, it should be mentioned that the working salary of structure employees in each region may differ significantly. Here is the average level of funds earned by EMERCOM employees throughout the Russian Federation in 2019:

  • January – 16,500 rubles;
  • March – 15,000 rubles;
  • April – 29,000 rubles;
  • May – 23,000 rubles;
  • June-July – 25,000 rubles;
  • August – 24,000 rub.

As you can see, compared to January and March 2019, salaries in the structure have increased significantly; in fact, the average increase, as of August, was 7,500 rubles. The movement of wages is uneven, and in some places it may be a little more, in others a little less, but there have been no significant changes since the end of spring 2019.

The division of wage levels by region also says a lot. It is not surprising that the Moscow region remains the leader in this indicator, here average salary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is at the level of 33,000 rubles. As for the regions that follow the ranking further, the division here looks approximately as follows:

  • Khabarovsk Territory – 25,000 rubles;
  • Krasnodar region – 23,000 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory – 18,500 rubles;
  • Stavropol Territory – 15,000 rubles;
  • Vladimir region – 14,000 rubles.

The picture will be incomplete if we do not provide a general picture of funds by city. Surprisingly, the highest salaries are not among the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who work in Moscow, but among the residents of Khabarovsk. At the same time, incomes in administrative centers practically do not differ from the average level throughout the region. Let's look at the rating below:

  • Khabarovsk – 25,000 rubles;
  • Sochi – 23,000 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk – 18,500 rubles;
  • Vladimir – 14,000 rubles.

As you can see, there is practically no difference between earnings in cities and regions. The only one locality Sochi, the level of income in which is not too different from Khabarovsk, became a diluted addition to this list. In general, it is the latter, together with the entire Khabarovsk Territory, that remains the most comfortable in financially for everyone who decided to connect their lives with saving people and putting out fires. In general, the level of income among Emergency Situations Ministry employees across the country remains quite low. However, starting next year the situation is promised to change significantly.

Last news

On March 27, 2019, a meeting of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was held, at which the possibility of increasing salaries for fire service employees was discussed. The current level of funds received, as the department promised, should become history. It was this that was called the biggest problem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations throughout the country.

Thus, it is planned to increase the amount of allowances, which should be 25%. A similar amount is planned as compensation payments. They plan to calculate them based on the number of local residents in a particular city or town. Search and rescue teams in various regions will also not be left out and will receive an incentive bonus of 15% of their salary.

And indeed, it is simply impossible to delay the increase in wages any longer. The main problem is that due to low level funding, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is becoming less and less attractive among young people, and the work of the structure actually lies on the shoulders of those people who are ready to work on their work enthusiasm alone. Attracting fresh personnel to the Ministry of Emergency Situations without offering them any conditions is simply ridiculous; the mere desire to work in our time will not get you far.