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Ways to connect to the Internet. Internet connection methods

Wireless Internet is connected in cases where a wired connection is either unavailable, or does not provide adequate quality, such as ADSL, or is prohibitively expensive (tariffs or wire laying). So, we will look at the 5 main types of wireless Internet, their features, pros and cons.

1. Wi-Fi bridge

A popular option for a wireless connection is to organize a Wi-Fi bridge between the connection object and the Internet source (emitter), which in turn is connected to the network by wire. It is worth noting here that an important feature is the organization of the source, i.e. installation of equipment that will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal. If in principle everything is clear with the receiving side, then problems may arise with the transmitting side. As a rule, Wi-Fi transmitting equipment is installed in high-rise buildings at a maximum height to avoid possible interference in Wi-Fi transmission signal. Such an object still needs to be found, negotiated with the owners, with the HOA, with management company etc., if necessary, coordinate the installation of the emitter with other organizations (firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations, TV crews, electric companies, etc.). Next, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment, as well as adequate protection against theft and burglary. In addition, an important condition is the choice of a private Wi-Fi range for organizing the channel. The standard 2.4 GHz band, especially in high-rise buildings, is heavily loaded, which leads to noise on the airwaves and, accordingly, a decrease in signal quality and Internet speed. The use of the 5 GHz band is regulated by the State Radio Frequency Commission (GRKCH), accordingly you need to obtain permission and register the receiving and transmitting equipment. There are also specific Wi-Fi bands such as 3 GHz, 6 GHz, however, difficulties can arise in them too. First of all, with equipment, because... It is not always possible to find receivers, transmitters, antennas and other equipment for specific bands. In addition, you need to understand that the higher the frequency, the worse the signal permeability and, accordingly, the range of the system. Thus, in the case of solving all organizational problems, as well as the presence of an initial wired channel, when organizing a Wi-Fi bridge, you can get enough high speed Internet on site. The distance from the transmitting to the receiving device can reach 10-15 km (in case of line of sight).
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbps)
➕ Stability (the connection does not depend on other users, since the channel is exclusive)
➕ Low subscription fee (similar to tariffs for wired Internet, since in fact this is what it is from the point of view of the provider)
High price installation of equipment (30-80 thousand rubles)
➖ Difficulties in organizing a channel
➖ In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the SCRF, large fines with dismantling of equipment are possible
➖ Limited use (only in cities, because you need a source of wired Internet and high-rise buildings to install transmission equipment)

2. Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet, as well as satellite television and satellite communications, have been used for quite a long time. The main and, in fact, the only advantage is accessibility and independence from location. Satellite Internet can be installed in the mountains, on an island, in a forest, in a remote village. Wherein modern equipment It’s also quite easy to set up, roughly similar to satellite TV. However, there are also significant drawbacks.
➕ Availability ( Satellite Internet can be installed almost anywhere)
➕ Independence (except perhaps only from weather conditions)
➖ High cost of equipment (20-40 thousand rubles)
➖ Low speed (average 5-10 Mbit/s)
➖ Absence of completely unlimited tariffs
➖ High subscription fee (up to 5 thousand rubles per month)

3. Radio channel

Internet radio is essentially similar to a Wi-Fi bridge, but the carrier channel does not use the widespread IEEE 802.11 standard, but some alternative or specific one. In principle, any data can be transmitted over a radio channel, including the Internet. WiMAX, AirMAX and others are often used.
High degree security
➕ Potentially high speed, but depends on implementation by specific provider
Low cost equipment through ready-made kits from providers
➖ High subscription fee
➖ Extremely low coverage area
➖ Equipment specifics

4. Wireless optical communication channel (BOX)

Internet transmission over an optical wireless channel (not to be confused with optical fiber) is similar to a laser beam. There is a beam transmitter and there is a beam receiver, they must be in line of sight without interference. Data transfer speeds can reach 10 Gbit/s. However, in practical implementation This technology is extremely rare when connecting end objects. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment and the complexity of channel implementation.
➕ 100% channel security
➕ High speed up to 10 Gbps
➕ Connection stability
➖ Extremely high price equipment (from 100-150 thousand rubles)
➖ To organize Internet access, an initial wired channel is required
➖ The need for line of sight and absence of interference between the transmitter and receiver

5. 3G/4G/5G Internet (public networks)

By far the most popular and in-demand method of wireless connection to the Internet is the use of 3G and 4G LTE networks of operators cellular communications. Such networks in our country are offered by operators " big four» (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2), as well as local operators such as Vainakh Telecom, FreshTel, Letai, etc. The undeniable advantage of this method of connecting to the Internet is the versatility of the equipment, due to which you can connect to the Internet almost everywhere, except for the most remote areas, mountains , far north, taiga, etc. However, there are few consumers in these areas. In densely populated areas, operators are actively developing 4G LTE networks and are starting to implement 5G, because... It is these technologies that promise many advantages, primarily high speed and connection stability.
➕ High availability (about 90%)
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbit/s in LTE-Advanced networks, on average about 20-50 Mbit/s)
Unlimited Internet(for BIT.ONLINE subscribers)
➕ Low cost and versatility of equipment
➕ Use various networks 3G/4G for connection
➖ Difficulty in self-installation and configuration of equipment

The BIT.ONLINE company specializes in connecting wireless Internet in 3G and 4G LTE networks of Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2 operators. We offer completely unlimited tariffs, high-quality equipment, installation, configuration and turnkey installation. Our experienced specialists will measure the signal of various operators and select necessary equipment and connect the Internet to as soon as possible. Call ☎️ 8-800-707-72-44 .

Good time!

Russia is a large country, and the problem of connecting different parts of our country has always been relevant. With the development of Internet technologies, this problem is partially solved, however, everything is still far from simple...

In this article I decided to consider various ways connection to the Internet. It is not my goal to tell all the intricacies of each option. Perhaps the mission of this article is different - to introduce you to different options and methods of connection, perhaps giving you the idea to look for something better...

It’s just that at one time I was very surprised how people still managed to “sit” on a Dial-Up connection, when providers with “dedicated” (Ethernet) came to our city for a couple of years already. It turns out that many simply did not yet know that you can connect to this Internet provider almost free of charge and get speeds ten times higher!

And so, I finish the memoirs and move on to the topic...

How to connect to the Internet. Pros/cons of different methods

Connection via telephone line (ADSL or Dial-Up)

The most common type of Internet connection. A regular telephone line is everywhere - in almost every locality(thanks to the country of the Soviets for electrification and telephone installation).


In parallel to your telephone set (to telephone line) the modem is connected (like a second phone). Further, operators usually have special numbers through which you can access the Internet (by dialing them from a modem, of course).

In general, I note that this method is gradually “dying out” and disappearing into oblivion: in our country, after all, a program has been adopted for the development and laying of networks even in remote areas.


  1. high accessibility (you can connect to the Internet even in many remote villages of our country);
  2. low cost of equipment (you only need a modem, which can be found for less than 100 rubles!).
  3. You can connect yourself: just buy a modem, connect it to a telephone line and configure the connection on your PC.


  1. very low speed (up to 56/128 Kbps). It’s only enough to view pages (you can’t even dream about downloading files);
  2. high price;
  3. low connection stability: the connection often breaks;
  4. the phone will be busy (when accessing the Internet).


You might find this article useful on how to convert Mbit/s to MB/s (or why I connected to the Internet at a rate of 100 Mbit/s, but I download only 10 MB/s) -


This method also uses a telephone line, but has a significant advantage: the phone will not be busy while working with the Internet, and it provides much higher speed (up to 8 Mbit/s).

Of the minuses: the higher cost of equipment (than with a Dial-Up connection), and the inability (in most cases) to set up the connection yourself without specialists from the operator you are going to connect to.

Leased line (Ethernet, GPON, DOCSIS)


The most common type of Internet connection in all major cities. A cable is laid into your apartment (like a television cable, only it has more wires), which connects either directly to the network card of the computer/laptop, or to a Wi-Fi router (to create a wireless network in the apartment).


  1. high data transfer speed (up to 100 Mbit/s with Ethernet, and up to 1 Gbit/s with GPON connection (fiber optics)). By the way, there is another popular type of FTTB connection - this is “optics” extended to your home (but not to your apartment!);
  2. low cost of services (unlimited connection will cost only a few hundred rubles per month);
  3. stable and high-quality connection, with low ping, which is very important for game lovers (one of the most stable today);
  4. you don’t need to buy anything additional: a network card is included in every modern PC (and companies often provide a Wi-Fi router for free...).


  1. the need to lay cables in an apartment/house;
  2. available only in relatively large cities (and if you have a new or remote area, it may well be that not a single operator has connected your home).

Via coaxial (TV) cable (DOCSIS)

This type of connection is not common in our country. The connection to the Internet is carried out via a television cable (CTV), providing speeds of up to 42 Mbit/s (you must agree that this is not much, given modern realities).

The principle is approximately the following: a special cable is connected to the television cable. cable modem - one output goes to the PC (internet is distributed), the other to the TV. You can work with the Internet in parallel with watching TV programs (one does not interfere with the other!).

In general, this type of connection is more used in residential and remote areas, where there is simply no other choice (say, Ethernet). Well, or in those cases when you already use cable TV services and there is no desire (possibility) to lay another cable into the apartment (for example, it is unreasonably expensive).

Wireless and mobile Internet access (GPRS, EDGE, 3G/4G, WiMax, etc.)

The most advanced and one of the most developing areas. I don’t even dare to single out any type of connection separately. Perhaps we should pay attention to 3G/4G because... "this" is in every modern phone...

In general, now any smartphone can not only access the Internet itself, but also share (distribute) it to neighboring PCs/laptops/other smartphones. In many large cities, the most common coverage is 3G/4G (4G provides speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s and higher (in practice, the speed “dances” in different areas of the city, and it’s good if it is 20-30 Mbit/s)).

To connect your computer to the Internet via a smartphone, all you need to do is connect it to a USB port, and activate modem mode on your smartphone (every modern device has one). Also on a smartphone via modem mode you can create Wi-Fi network and distribute the Internet using it (everyone who connects to it will also have access to the Internet). See screenshots below.


You may find this instruction useful: how to distribute the Internet to a computer or laptop from Android -

I note that modems (in the form of flash drives) are also popular now, which can be connected to any PC/laptop via a USB port. They provide fairly good communication quality.

Pros of mob. Internet:

  1. there is no need to buy anything additional (if we do not take into account special modems);
  2. Internet can be distributed very quickly to any device (including even on the road or outdoors);
  3. a fairly large coverage area (can be used in areas where there is nothing else);
  4. V Lately Unlimited tariffs are appearing more and more.


  1. communication costs several times more than the same leased line;
  2. often high ping, which is not suitable for most fans of online games (in general, the quality of communication depends on the area and distance from the tower);
  3. not such a high speed compared to other connection types.

Satellite connection

This is not a very popular type of connection (very expensive), and is used only in remote corners of the country, where there is simply no other alternative. The access speed greatly depends on the equipment that will be provided to you. One of the most important disadvantages of this type of connection, which is worth noting, is the presence of a very high ping: at least 250 ms (this is a lot)!


  1. Possibility of installation almost anywhere in the country;
  2. independence from terrestrial communication channels.


  1. very high ping (250 ms and above) - it is almost impossible to play online games or talk over IP telephony;
  2. high cost of equipment and services;
  3. the need to coordinate the installation of equipment (not always and not everywhere);
  4. bulky and complex equipment (you cannot install and configure it yourself).


It is possible that all this (what I wrote in this article) will soon not make any sense... I am talking about the words of Elon Musk, who promised that in a few years, he will cover the Earth with satellites and provide almost all inhabitants of the planet with free and fast Internet access! Tempting!

However, I personally believe that his words were not without advertising and pathos: Maybe they will cover the Earth with satellites, but this will happen in 15-20 years (at least) ...

That's all I have. Good luck!

The cost of network access depends on the type of Internet connection. In the very general view types are divided into wired and wireless. The first group includes all connection methods associated with pulling a cable to the subscriber’s apartment. The cable can be a telephone cable or intended only for the Internet; such a line is called a dedicated line. Wireless connection– this is setting up access to the network through a special antenna. In the article we talk about the listed options in more detail and advise which type of Internet connection is best to choose.

Find providers that connect home Internet at your address:

Start typing a street or city

What are the types of Internet connections?

Dial-up access

This is a modem connection via telephone network. To configure you must have home phone and a telecom operator whose equipment is powerful enough to provide access to the network.

The disadvantage of dial-up communication is that the connection to the network occurs through the same line as dialing. Therefore, simultaneous use of the Internet and telephone is impossible. In addition, on average, such a connection allows you to access the network at speeds of up to 56 Kbps. Few online games work with this connection, and downloading files can take several weeks.

Nowadays, dial-up connections are common in areas where population density or territorial features do not allow for broadband Internet.

Connection via asymmetric digital subscriber line

It is otherwise called ADSL. This is another type of modem connection. It also requires a telephone line, but a digital modem allows you to dial up and access the network at the same time. The line capacity with this type of Internet connection is higher than in the method described above. It provides the subscriber with a fairly high speed of access to the network - on average up to 24 Mbit/s. The load on the line is distributed asymmetrically - the incoming connection is faster than the outgoing connection (speed up to 1.4 Mbit/s). Because of this, it takes longer to upload files to the server.

Connection via cable TV

This is the type of access that is provided according to the DOCSIS standard - data transmission via television cable. It is usually used if there are no Internet providers in the house. With its help you can get speeds from 27 to 50 Mbit/s. To set up access, you must have cable television in your home and a special modem.

Access via Ethernet cable

Ethernet – dedicated line. It is used to connect a computer to the network directly or through a Wi-Fi router. The capacity of such a channel is higher than in the case of ADSL or television cable. Data transfer speed from 50 Mbit/s in both directions - both from the computer to the server and back. You can only connect if you have broadband internet at the subscriber's home.

Connection via GPON

GPON is a technology for setting up network access through a personal fiber optic line. It is carried out from the provider’s equipment directly to the subscriber’s apartment. This type of network connection setup provides maximum speed data transfer – up to 1 Gb/s. To connect, you need to stretch a cable from the common line to the subscriber’s apartment and install an optical modem. The technology is not yet available in all regions.

More common than GPON are fiber optic and twisted pair connections. In this case, the optical cable is pulled to the apartment building, and the Internet is distributed to subscribers using twisted pair cables. The capacity of such a channel is lower.

Setting up access via antenna

This group includes radio, mobile, satellite Internet. To set up access using the listed channels, antennas are required.

Radio Internet operates through an access point provided by the provider. The signal from it spreads over a certain radius and arrives at the subscriber’s equipment through an antenna installed in the apartment. Then, using a modem, the signal is sent to the computer. If the access point is far away, the signal may be too weak. In this case, in addition to the antenna, signal amplifiers are used.

Mobile communications operate through antennas installed in cell phones or USB modems, no additional hardware required. This type of Internet connection is the most affordable, but has low bandwidth compared to a wired connection via a dedicated line.

Satellite communication is established through street antennas aimed at the satellite. Due to the large distances the signal must travel, it usually arrives with a delay. Other disadvantages of the connection include low connection speed, unstable operation in bad weather, high cost of equipment and subscription fees. However, in some areas satellite communication is the only available channel connections.

How to find out your Internet connection type

If your device is connected to a network, you can find out the access method through the settings. Just go to Network and Sharing Center on Windows computers or Network for Mac. There will be information about the available connection options and the current connection method. If on this moment the Internet does not work or you need more detailed information, contact your provider's technical support service.

What type of Internet connection to choose

Much depends on the carriers available in your home and your needs. Dial-up provides a slow connection speed and is inconvenient to use. This can only be selected if other types of network settings are not available to you.

If you want to connect to the Internet via your phone, ADSL is more suitable. Through this channel you will receive a speed sufficient for normal surfing: launching most online games, downloading movies, watching online videos. If you are planning to use smart home technology and want to set up digital TV via the Internet, find out about the possibility of replacing the telephone cable with fiber optic cable using GPON technology, with simultaneous connection of telephone, Internet and television. This will cost more, but all three services will be provided through one cable. The throughput of such a line is much higher than that of its analogues.

If you do not have the opportunity to run a wire into your apartment, consider radio Internet or mobile communications. The disadvantage of the first is the need to install an antenna at home, the disadvantage of the second is the low connection speed.

Satellite access should only be considered if you have no other way to connect to the network.

How to Determine the Type of Internet Connection Available in Your Home

Use the form to select a provider by address on our website. Enter the city name, street and house number. The system will automatically select a list of available telecom operators for you. You can view their tariffs, get advice about the service and sign up for a connection.

The Internet is an integral part of the life of a modern PC user. For some, it is a means of communication and a way of entertainment, while others, using the global network, earn their living. In this article we will talk about how to connect your computer to the Internet in different ways.

There are several ways to connect to the global network, it all depends on your capabilities and (or) needs.

  • Cable connection. This is the most common and simplest option. In this case, the provider provides the subscriber with a line - a cable laid into the room, which is connected to a PC or router. There are three types of such connections - regular, PPPoE and VPN.
  • Wireless. Here, access to the network is carried out via a Wi-Fi router, to which the same provider cable is connected. Wireless methods also include mobile 3G/4G Internet.
  • We will separately discuss the possibility of using mobile phone as a modem or access point.

Method 1: Ethernet

This type of Internet service provision does not require special access requirements - login and password. In this case, the cable is directly connected to the LAN connector on a computer or router.

In most cases, with such a connection no additional actions are required, but there is one exception - when the provider provides the subscriber with a separate IP address and its own DNS server. This data must be entered in the network settings in Windows. The same thing will have to be done if there is a change in provider, that is, find out what IP was provided by the previous one and what the current provider provides.

  1. First, we need to get to the corresponding settings block. Right-click on the network icon in the notification area and go to "Network Control Center".

  2. Next we follow the link "Change adapter settings".

  3. Here we right-click on "Ethernet" and press the button "Properties".

  4. Now you need to configure the parameters of the TCP/IP protocol version 4. Select it in the list of components and go to properties.

  5. We check the IP and DNS data. If the provider provides a dynamic IP address, then all switches should be in the position "Automatically".

    If additional parameters are received from him, then enter them in the appropriate fields and click OK. This completes the setup and you can use the network.

  6. Ethernet has one feature - the connection is always active. In order to be able to disable it manually and do it quickly (by default you will have to go to the network settings each time), let's create a shortcut on the desktop.

    Now, if the Internet is connected, then when we launch the shortcut we will see a window "Status-Ethernet", where you can find some information and disconnect from the network. To reconnect, just launch the shortcut again and everything will happen automatically.

Method 2: PPPOE

PPPOE is a high-speed connection, the only difference from the previous one is the need to independently create a connection with a given login and password provided by the provider. However, there is one more feature: PPPOE can compress and encrypt data. As already mentioned, access to the network still occurs using a cable connected to a PC or router.

You can manage PPPOE in the same way as Ethernet - using a shortcut.

Method 3: VPN

VPN is a virtual private network or simply a “tunnel” through which some providers distribute the Internet. This method is the most reliable from a security point of view. In this case, manual connection creation and access data are also required.

These were instructions for Windows 10; in Windows 7, everything happens a little differently.

Method 3: Wi-Fi

Computer connection to Wi-Fi router akin to simple cable: everything happens as simply and quickly as possible. This only requires an adapter. In laptops it is already built into the system, but for PCs you will have to purchase a separate module. There are two types of such devices - internal, connected to PCI-E connectors on the motherboard, and external, for a USB port.

It is worth noting here that inexpensive adapters may have problems with drivers on different OSes, so before purchasing, carefully study the reviews about this device.

After installing the module and detecting it by the operating system, a new network connection will appear in the notification area, with the help of which we will receive the Internet, just click on it and click "Connect".

Of course, the appropriate Wi-Fi network must be configured on the router. You can read how to do this in the instructions included with the router. Setting up modern devices, in most cases, will not cause difficulties.

Wi-Fi networks, for all their advantages, can be very capricious. This is expressed in communication interruptions, lack of connection with devices and the Internet. There are different reasons - from driver problems to incorrect network settings.

Method 4: 3G/4G modem

All providers mobile internet provide users with modems equipped with built-in memory with software recorded in it - drivers and a client application. This allows you to connect to the network without unnecessary movements. When connecting such a modem to the USB port of a computer, you need to install the program and run it. If autostart of external devices is disabled in the operating system and the installer does not start automatically, then you need to go to the folder "Computer", find the disk with the corresponding icon, open it and run the installer manually.

To access the Internet, just press a button "Connection" in a programme.

If you don’t want to constantly use the client application, you can use the automatically created connection.

If a new item does not appear in the list, you can create a connection manually.

Working with such a connection in Windows 10 occurs in exactly the same way as in the case of a VPN, that is, through the settings window.

In Windows 7, everything is again a little simpler. Open the list, click on the name, and then press the button "Connection".

Method 5: Mobile phone

If it is not possible to connect your PC to the Internet using the above methods, you can use your smartphone as a Wi-Fi access point or a regular USB modem. In the first case, a wireless adapter is required (see above), and in the second, a USB cable is required.

For normal operation access point, you need to make a number of settings in the phone menu or use a special program.

If the computer is not equipped with a wireless communication module, then the only option left is to use the phone as a regular modem.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to access the global network from a computer and there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to have one of the tools described above available, and also if you need a few simple steps.

The Internet has long become not only the norm, but even a necessity in our lives. A lot of things depend on the use of the World Wide Web. But it is impossible to connect to it by simply plugging the cord into an outlet. Let's look at what types of Internet connections exist.

Over time, outdated Internet technologies are replaced by more advanced ones

Cable connection

Twisted pair and optical cable

This is the most popular connection type. A cable is installed in your apartment or office through which the Internet signal is received. There are two connection options: twisted pair and optical cable.

In the first case, a high-bandwidth fiber optic cable is installed from the service provider to the house or distribution box, and a twisted pair cable is installed into the apartment itself, which is a copper wire with a specially crimped end that is plugged into a computer or router. The connection speed in this case most often does not exceed 100 Mbit/s.

In the second case, an optical cable is installed in the home, connected to Switchgear. Among its advantages are much higher speeds, up to 1 Gbit/sec. Using this cable you can simultaneously receive Internet, telephone and television services - that is, one cable instead of three. Cable connection has two options for organizing a network: local and virtual.

The local network

The essence local network is that the provider assigns you a separate IP address. All computers, by and large, form a large network that has access to the Internet through a provider. There is access with dynamic and static IP.

Dynamic IP

This is the easiest type of communication for you. All settings for each connection are assigned by the provider, and you do not need to configure anything additional. You simply plug the cable into your computer or router and start using the Internet.

Static IP

With this type, the user needs to enter into the settings of the network card or router the parameters that are issued by the provider and which are unchanged during each communication session. This is quite convenient for online services that ask you for a permanent IP address. You can find out the type of connection in the provider’s technical support, on the service provider’s website, or in the contract. When using a router, most models can detect the connection type automatically.

Virtual VPN

VPN stands for “virtual private network.” This technology encrypts data exchange between the subscriber's computer and the provider's server, significantly increasing security.

The most popular type of VPN connection. To use you only need to know your login and password. operating system Windows treats this connection as a high-speed dial-up connection.


Less popular types VPN connections. In addition to your login and password, you need to find out the server address provided by your telecom operator. The only difference between them is the encryption method, which is selected in the additional connection settings. The most famous provider working with this standard is Beeline.

Combined connection

Combines several types of connections for accessing the Internet and provider resources. VPN is used as the main connection type, dynamic or static IP - as an additional one. The difference between them is the manual entry of a local address or its automatic determination. This connection is considered the most complex and is therefore rarely used. You can find out the parameters from the technical support of a specific service provider.

Phone line

Despite the fact that recently cable connection dominates, in many areas it is not economically feasible to run a separate Internet line. In this case, it helps to have a telephone line; you can only connect to the Internet through it. There are two types of connection: ADSL and Dial-Up.


Modern standards provide access to the Internet at speeds of several tens of megabits, which is quite enough for most tasks. The bottom line is that with the help of a splitter the signal is divided into different frequencies: low - for voice communications, high - for the Internet. Accordingly, you can make calls and use the Internet at the same time.

A modem is used to organize communication. The connection diagram is quite simple: the telephone cable, which is brought into the room, is connected to the splitter, and the home telephone and ADSL modem are connected to it in the corresponding connectors.


This type of connection has come to us since the nineties of the last century. It is very outdated, since when used, the telephone line remains busy, and the average speed is about 56 kilobits. By today's standards this is very little. However, in some areas this type of connection is sometimes used.

It works as follows: the modem is connected to the telephone line and to the computer, and the modem pool number is added to its settings. The modem calls this number, and after the connection is established, the subscription gives you access to the Internet.


This type of connection provides Internet via television cable. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient to pay for the Internet and TV to one company. The cable is inserted into an apartment or house, and with the help of a splitter the signal is distributed to television and Internet. The Internet signal is sent to a cable modem connected to a PC or router.

Modern standards allow Internet speeds of up to 300 Mbit/sec. Despite the relatively low popularity of the technology, telecommunications service provider AKADO connects subscribers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg using it.

Mobile Internet

The development of 3G and 4G standards allows you to use the Internet at a speed comparable to a home connection. In many Russian cities, the 4G standard is available with speeds of up to more than 100 megabits. Where it is not available, 3G operates at speeds of up to 40 megabits.

Recently, unlimited tariffs have been offered, albeit rather conditional ones. No wires are needed and you can connect relatively cheaply anywhere where coverage is available. You can use a USB modem mobile router or smartphone/tablet as a modem. Built-in software can also determine network parameters.

Satellite Internet

The most expensive, but at the same time the most ubiquitous. Allows you to access the Internet even far from communications, even in the middle of the taiga. The only condition is visibility of the satellite.

Everyone is familiar with satellite television. Antenna dishes can be seen in almost every home and in huge numbers. The same dish is used to access the Internet. There is one-way and two-way satellite Internet.

With one-way access, outgoing requests are transmitted over a terrestrial communication channel, for example, through a mobile network, and incoming data comes from a satellite. With two-way access, all exchange occurs via satellite channel. To do this you will need an antenna with a transmitting head.

Access speed reaches several tens of megabits. The main disadvantage is the huge price for a set of equipment and rather high tariffs.

WiMax and Wi-Fi

Almost everyone is familiar with Wi-Fi; almost everyone has a router at home, and many public places have free access points. WiMax allows you to cover those areas where it is difficult to provide a cable connection in every home. This is applicable in the private sector or cottage communities. To provide coverage they are used base stations, providing coverage within a radius of several kilometers.

To connect, you need to have a special receiver, and when moving away from the station, an amplifying antenna. The technology is not widely used, since it still requires a cable connection to the village. It is much more expedient to use the mobile Internet.


We have listed all possible types of Internet connection. If you live in a city, most likely your provider will connect you via cable. This is the cheapest type of connection in multi-storey buildings. Hardware setup will vary depending on various types connection, you can find out more about this issue in our article How to connect the Internet on a laptop. Also, never hesitate to contact technical support service provider to find out your network access parameters.

What type of connection do you use? Are you satisfied with the quality of communication? Write to us in the comments.