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The essence of the concept of consumption limit. Energy consumption limit Physiological methods for studying the functional readiness of academic athletes

In fact, understanding the Essence of Things is not such a simple matter. It requires spiritual efforts, which sometimes cross out our ideas about almost everything. But to judge differently the fundamental issues of our public life It is impossible, just like reading a newspaper, knowing only five letters from the alphabet.
The physiological limit of consumption is the First Social Establishment that the state is obliged to make for citizens. And only on the basis of social expediency, since there is simply no other way. Moreover, in our current period - the heyday of boundless intelligence, and therefore the decline of the Consumer Economy. However, there is nothing like this in any country. A person’s natural desire to stand out among everyone often creates such possessive chaos that both laws and order are bought.
Strange as it may be for your Understanding, dear reader, still try to understand this simple truth of Social Existence:

Absolutely everything that a person owns Life's Work creates and uses everything that he controls, as well as himself as a physical object, is only the result of collective Perception and nothing else.

Only for the mind such Understanding is unreal. It can only be formed from the Perception of the inextricable unity of oneself and all the people around us. There is no “I” without “WE” anywhere. Therefore, the essence of enrichment beyond the conceivable physiological limit is “strange efforts to create the Illusion of Self over a poor Spirit.”
In a “correctly configured” country, there can be no talk of any personal or private “property” at all. Every person can be anywhere, use anything, create everything, manage everything. But he cannot own anything except his own body.

When the Leader of the country condones the accumulation of billions of dollars among a few citizens, this only means that he lacks Knowledge of the Path of Development of the State and the concept of HARMONY. And democracy is one of the pillars here. Because, in essence, there is no democracy. This is an invention of idiots who strive to OWN without having any Life circumstances other than the mind. There is a clear subordination in Consciousness. Only he is able to Manage who has WALKED THE PATH and has KNOWLEDGE. (...this is a long topic. Remember, for example, Roerich’s “Parting words to the Leader”: “The Leader stands on a mountain that has no descent...”)

The Age of Consumption and boundless revelry of speculation must gradually be replaced by the Age of Development and Perception. The place of the mind is only in geometric orientation in Earthly Nature. There is no way to describe the amazing state of Perception. Today it is replaced by emotions. And the existing “economy” is the main cause of any conflicts. We destroy each other with “emotional wars”, the dirt of which flows around. Find at least one film or work of fiction that does not revolve around the struggle for money.
This topic can be discussed a lot, but we will limit ourselves to what has been said, a completely obvious fact for a developed consciousness. And we are all already Developed people. I am deeply convinced of this.

Rules for limiting consumption
electrical and thermal energy

Chapter 1. The procedure for limiting consumers receiving electricity

and thermal energy at preferential tariffs, and control over

established limits

Chapter 2. The procedure for implementing electricity consumption limits and

thermal energy to organizations financed from the federal

budget and control over their implementation

These Rules have been developed in accordance with Government regulations Russian Federation dated December 27, 1997 N 1629 “On improving the procedure government regulation tariffs for electric and thermal energy" and dated January 5, 1998 No. 5 "On the supply of fuel and energy resources to organizations financed in 1998 from the federal budget"

Chapter 1.

The procedure for limiting consumers receiving electricity and heat at preferential tariffs and monitoring the established limits

1. Energy systems send annually to all subscribers paying for electricity and heat at a preferential tariff, a notification with a proposal to justify the right to use the preferential tariff, taking into account that by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 N 1629, a significant number of decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the application of preferential tariffs were declared invalid and it was established that energy supply to consumers for whom the abolition of preferential tariffs for electrical and thermal energy is temporarily impossible should be carried out on the basis of energy consumption limits.

2. Energy supply organizations-resellers are also sent notifications about the need to set limits for consumers for whom cancellation of preferential tariffs is temporarily impossible, and to submit summary data on them to the energy system. Energy supplying organizations-resellers are guided by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Chapter.

3. At the same time, the energy supplying organization applies to the regional energy commission with a request to provide a list of organizations that have received preferential tariffs for electrical and thermal energy this year.

4. The energy consumption limit is established by state energy supervision authorities based on proposals from the energy supply organization and consumers, taking into account the required minimum energy consumption, volumes of energy consumption last year and energy saving measures. The limit is the maximum amount of energy consumption at a preferential tariff, set in in kind(kWh, Gcal) and for all consumers (except the population), cannot exceed the volume of energy consumption of the previous year.

5. The established limit is broken down by the consumer (organization), based on its consumption mode, by month and entered into the contract. A breakdown of limits that does not correspond to the organization’s consumption regime is not allowed.

6. The established limit is applied from the date of conclusion of the agreement or within the time limits established in the agreement.

7. Electrical and thermal energy, consumed in excess of established limits, is paid according to tariffs approved in in the prescribed manner for the relevant consumer groups (clause 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1997 N 1629).

8. Monitoring the progress of compliance with the established limits is carried out by the energy supply organization using metering devices. Disagreements arising in the process of monitoring established limits between the energy supply organization and consumers are resolved by state energy supervision bodies, whose decisions can be appealed in the prescribed manner.

9. In the event of non-payment for the energy used by organizations entitled to apply a preferential tariff, energy supply organizations may limit the supply of energy in the manner established by Decree of the Government of Russia dated 01/05/98 N 1 “On the Procedure for terminating or limiting the supply of electrical and thermal energy and gas to organizations- consumers in case of non-payment of fuel supplied to them (used by them) energy resources".

Chapter 2.

The procedure for implementing limits on the consumption of electrical and thermal energy for organizations financed from the federal budget and monitoring their implementation

1. Regional energy supply organizations send to all organizations financed from the federal budget a notification of the need to receive limits for the consumption of electrical and thermal energy in monetary and in kind terms from their superior organizations for 1998.

2. The notice states that consumers are required to submit to the energy supplying organization the energy resource consumption limits for 1998 approved by the relevant federal ministries and departments, which must correspond to the volumes of planned consumption, taking into account energy saving work.

3. Energy supplying organizations-resellers are also sent notifications about the need for their consumers financed from the federal budget to receive limits and to provide summary data to the regional energy supplying organization.

4. The resulting energy consumption limits are broken down by the consumer by month, based on the organization’s consumption patterns. A breakdown of limits that does not correspond to the organization’s consumption regime is not allowed.

5. If an organization financed from the federal budget has cash to pay for an amount of energy exceeding the allocated limit, then it may conclude additional agreement, where it indicates the amount of energy that can actually be paid for.

6. Based on the received limits and their breakdown by month, energy supply organizations enter into an agreement with consumers for the supply of energy resources within the limits established by them in physical and value terms.

7. The concluded agreements provide for conditions for the introduction of clarifications and additions as agreed by the parties, depending on the amount of funding (clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/98 N 5).

8. Monitoring the progress of compliance with the established limits is carried out by the energy supply organization using metering devices. Disagreements arising during the control process between the energy supply organization and consumers are resolved by state energy supervision bodies, whose decisions can be appealed in the prescribed manner.

9. If exceeded established limit or non-payment for consumed energy, the energy supplying organization acts in the manner established by the relevant regulatory legal documents.

10. In case of disagreement with the disconnection (limitation of energy consumption) of the consumer from the supply center of the reseller or the main subscriber, the regional energy supply organization involves an inspector of the state energy supervision to participate in the disconnection.

11. In cases where the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision to introduce a limit on consumers financed from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, in accordance with clause 6 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 1998 N 5, then to These consumers may be subject to both the above procedure and those developed and approved by the relevant federal subject.

And about. Minister of Fuel and

energetics of the Russian Federation V.I. Ott

Registration N 1554

Biological needs are not reducible to one another and cannot be interchangeable.

Not full satisfaction of any of social needs does not cause the death of the organism and can be “compensated” by the development of other needs of this type.

Biological needs are inherent in all living beings, therefore not them determine the specifics of a person.

However, it was precisely biological needs that gave rise to, and brought to life, social needs that are peculiar to humans.

Satisfaction of both biological and social needs of a person is subject to one goal - reproduction man, his survival on Earth.

This goal is subordinated to both functioning , so development person.

Therefore, a person moves towards new, higher and perfect forms existence due to the constant expansion and enrichment of the system of its needs, i.e. is happening increased needs .

Rising needs- the most important characteristic of man and human society, which distinguishes him from animals. This is a general sociological law.

The Law of Elevation of Needs- the law of development of society, expressing the growth and improvement of its needs with the development of productive forces and culture.

The progressive development of production and culture leads to an increase in the means and ways of satisfying human needs. Those consumer goods that seemed like a luxury just yesterday are now becoming vitally necessary.

So today it is difficult to imagine how people could manage without a telephone or a refrigerator, without a TV or a computer.

The time interval between the invention of new means of satisfying needs modern man and the introduction of these funds into mass production is rapidly declining.

For example, the introduction of photography took 112 years, the telephone – 56 years, television – 12 years, and solar panels were introduced after 2 years.

Man subjugating himself wildlife of his own free will, did not immediately realize that he should be a thrifty owner that reserves of natural resources limited and often irreplaceable .

Rational use of natural resources is important, first of all, for the person.

Therefore, humanity was forced to seek an answer to the question of necessary and acceptable to the extent of consumption.

Determining the measure of consumption is very difficult, as Hegel wrote, “there is no way to set the boundaries of what should be a need; new means are discovered to satisfy needs, and thus the need for new means arises.”

How to find a harmonious balance between the progressive increase in needs and the reduction of the impact on the biosphere on the part of consuming humanity? And how not to go to extremes?

According to legend, he lived in a barrel, trying to convince others that a person can only be happy when he reduces his needs to a natural minimum. But legend says that he himself found it difficult to clearly distinguish between natural and imaginary needs. “Diogenes had a drinking mug. But, seeing that a man was drinking from his hand, he threw away the mug,” wrote Hegel.

What are the limits of necessary and permissible consumption?

There is no single, once and for all correct answer to this question. In each specific case it is necessary to determine minimum And maximum consumption limits .

Minimum limit– the consumption of an individual or human society must ensure its own normal reproduction and development (necessary measure of consumption) ;

Maximum limit– human consumption should not contradict the normal functioning and development of the biosphere, of which he himself is a part (acceptable measure of consumption) .

Each individual and society as a whole must follow the principle of “reasonable sufficiency” in consumption.

The challenge is to place consumption in its rightful place among other sources of personal satisfaction and to find a way to live according to the Earth's capabilities.

Resource planning management methods come down to methods that allow you to optimally plan the need and distribution of resources between jobs (see Chapter 13).

In Fig. Figure 17.4.1 shows the resource planning process.

Rice. 17.4.1. Example of a resource planning process

There may be situations where the resources assigned to a particular job are the primary factor determining its start and finish times. In this case, resources have their own resource calendars, according to which work is performed.

When assigning limited resources to jobs, it is necessary to take into account their consumption limits, which will further allow analysis of their use profiles. Existing software products for calendar and network planning, one to two consumption limits are supported: normal and maximum. The normal consumption limit characterizes the amount of resource that can be provided to perform work under normal conditions per unit of time (for example, for a worker this is 8 people/hours per day). The maximum consumption limit characterizes the amount of resource use per unit of time that can be provided with additional costs (10-12 people/hours per day) (Fig. 17.4.2).

Figure 17.4.2. Resource consumption limits

When analyzing the profiles of the use of limited resources, the correspondence between the limits of their consumption (possibility) and the need to complete the work is determined. In some cases, a resource conflict arises when the need for a resource exceeds its maximum consumption limit (for example, simultaneously performed jobs use the same resource (Fig. 17.4.3).

Fig, 17.4.3. An example of a resource conflict

To optimize resource allocation and, in particular, resolve resource conflicts, leveling methods are used that take into account the limits of resource consumption and allow them to be used most efficiently. Resource leveling eliminates peaks in resource use and sets the level of resource use below the maximum limit, shifting some work to later dates (Figure 17.4.4).

Typically the following are used alignment methods:

    normal - work is planned for a later date due to the time reserve until the required amount of resource becomes available;

    splitting - the work is divided into several parts, each of which requires the required amount of resource to complete;

    stretching - reducing the intensity of resource use by increasing the duration of work;

    compression - in case of excess resource - reducing the duration of work due to increasing the intensity of resource use.

Rice. 17.4.4. Resource Leveling Example

17.5. Structure and scope of work

Under work structure The following operating parameters are implied:

    identifier- a unique code that uniquely identifies the work in the project;

    description - a brief description used in a network diagram (graph) of a project. Usually describes the essence of the work;

    original duration (duration). An estimate of the time (in hours, days, weeks, months, years) required to complete a job, taking into account the nature of the job and the resources needed. Estimation of the duration of work is influenced by time restrictions, assumptions of the need for labor resources, their qualifications and experience in performing previous projects (project fragments). The main methods for estimating the duration of work are:

    expert review;

    Similar estimating, also called top-down estimating, involves using the true duration of past work as a basis for estimating the duration of similar future work. This method is often used when estimating project duration with limited detailed information, e.g. early stages. This assessment it is most reliable when the projects are of the same type and the persons carrying out the assessment have the necessary experience;

    imitation (modelling). Simulation is the calculation of duration under different sets of assumptions. The most common is Monte Carlo analysis, in which the distribution of possible outcomes is determined for each job and used as a calculation of the distribution of possible outcomes for the project as a whole;

    completion percentage- share of the completed part of the work as a percentage (4);

    remaining duration for the work being performed. Calculated either based on percentage completed or by estimation;

    calendar- a list of working and non-working periods adopted to perform work in the project;

    early start and finish, late start and finish;

    time reserves- free and complete. Free float defines the time by which work can be delayed without affecting the early start of all subsequent work. Full float defines the amount of time that work can be delayed without affecting the duration or completion date of the entire project. Defined as the difference between late and early completion dates

    actual start and end- actual start and end dates of work;

    previous work - work on which deadlines depend this work, which is technologically (logically) prior to it;

    follow-up work- work, the timing of which depends on the completion of this work, technologically (logically) following this one.

The main methods for determining the sequence of work are:

    restrictions - characterize external or internal conditions in relation to project work, affecting the deadlines for completion. For example, a report on the financial activities of an enterprise must be made no later than a predetermined date, etc.;

    CPP code - a code that determines which work package this work belongs to within the WBS;

    resources - equipment, materials, human resources necessary to perform the work;

    costs/budget - the costs of performing work expressed in monetary terms.

17.6. Principles of Effective Time Management

Management principles- general patterns within which connections (relationships) between various structures (elements) of the management system are realized.

Effective time management is linked to achieving performance results. The results-oriented activity framework (Figure 17.6.1) is an important tool for implementing results-based management. The pattern of activity with a result orientation differs from the traditional one with a task orientation. It covers an annual period of time and is compiled for each reporting period by setting new goals.

The framework is linked to all stages of performance management. It is part of the performance measurement process - it is used continuously in the performance monitoring process, which evaluates past performance. reporting period and new ultimate goals of activity are set. The most important link in the scheme from a management point of view individual work and the use of time is to identify key performance results in the upcoming reporting period. Key results are determined individually, in order of their importance and with an assessment of their mutual influence. Based on key results, a personal activity plan and work schedule for the coming year are drawn up (annual time allocation).

Based on the annual work plan, time is distributed monthly and weekly for the coming months and weeks, and within the framework of the week a precise plan is drawn up for each working day.

Rice. 17.6.1. System for managing your own activities and time use

During the implementation of activities in certain time intervals, the results obtained and the use of time are monitored. Based on these assessments, a plan is developed to improve work efficiency and time use both in the short term and throughout the year. In addition, the Ownership and Time Management System (ACTMS) recommends that time use be analyzed at least once a year on a 2-3 week period. This will provide additional assistance in managing your time use.

Objectives are clearly defined for each key result, required time to achieve them and methods of monitoring this process. Large amounts of time are wasted because project goals either do not exist, are not clearly defined, or are unattainable. Goals determine the direction of project development and work execution. Clearly defined goals become the standard used to develop individual goals and work to achieve them.

Objectives for key results can be quantitative, qualitative or time-based. They need to be compared with the current situation, if one exists for this purpose (Table 17.6.1).

Table 17.6.1

Example of defining goals

Key performance results

Key Results Objectives


Improvement of the current level by 25%

Market share

Increasing the current share from 10 to 18% in each region

Staff efficiency

I want to ask you a question: imagine that a whole fortune has fallen on your head, how much can you spend per month, maximum?

An important condition is that you need to spend money exclusively on yourself. For example, the best resorts and hotels, the best restaurants, the best entertainment, best clothes, best food. Only what you can “consume” in a month. You only need to spend money on yourself and your loved one.

Business expenses, large purchases such as yachts, apartments, houses, various deposits, assistance to relatives, charity, etc. we don't count.

I was able to interview about a dozen acquaintances who do not live “paycheck to paycheck.” I asked how much they were able to spend on themselves when they were in their best financial shape, at the peak of their physical abilities and maximum desires.

I added my modest experience to this and this is what happened - it’s difficult to spend more than $20k a month on yourself. Yes, a couple of people admitted to me that they managed to spend under $100k a month, but these were peaks of extreme workload and superhuman willpower. As a result, they still fell back to more moderate consumption - $10-20k per month. Weaklings.

Perhaps I will anger someone with this post, they say in our country average salary$500. But I just want to show that the consumption limit is not as far as it seems. It is quite easily achieved by small business owners and employed people. $10-20k monthly salary top - manager in some bank, project manager in " big four", a programmer at Google, etc.

And the main idea is that once you reach the limit of consumption, you begin to understand that this no longer makes you happy. Imagine, you go to Aliexpress on the 11.11 sales day and you can’t buy anything - you don’t need anything, nothing catches you, everything is there, there’s nowhere to put it.

Therefore, today in this section we will talk about ways to save money. Is it possible, with reasonable savings, to live on $1-2k a month, while feeling that you are living absolutely fully and efficiently, practically “at the limit of consumption” and not “like a beggar.”

So, here are the main ways to intelligently save without complexes, for desperate housewives (add your ideas in the comments):

1. Food. Everyone has already realized that the healthiest food is very cheap. Cereals, sauerkraut, etc. Go to healthy eating, you get in shape, lose weight, and even save money. All advantages.

My grandmother told me that in the 40s after the war, she lived in a hostel with 3 friends. The friends spent money mainly on food, but the grandmother managed to save even on food and saved up money for a beautiful dress. So she married her grandfather. So that you understand the scale of the competition: my grandfather was a handsome man who had just returned from the war to a town where there was a maximum of 1 guy for every 10 girls.

2. Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea. Refusal from all this can be easily justified by switching to a healthy diet. You start drinking just water. You feel even better.

3. Travel. Having visited many countries, you easily come to the conclusion “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than the expanses of Ryazan.” There is a lot of imposed advertising, such as that you must “see Paris and die” or be sure to go to “St. Petersburg for the White Nights.” This thing works for beginners. Experienced travelers will confirm that there is nothing better than getting together with friends in the kitchen.

Well, if you travel, then again better company, and going to visit someone, and not just “see the city”, it is many times more interesting and cheaper than using vouchers.

4. Shopping. There is only one win-win strategy: best discount- this is not buying too much. Any other games with bonuses, discounts, etc. are aimed at increasing your spending.

5. Children. Until the age of 3, a child does not really understand what was bought for him, so you can safely buy used or borrow from friends. And they and you are pleased with the savings. Costs should be translated into investments. If you send him to English courses, let him work part-time as a tutor for younger children. Development of entrepreneurship, again.

6. Credit cards and purchases on credit - obviously, we’ll immediately say “no” here. And if they were formed, then keep them in the same currency in which the income was received and repay them at the first opportunity. It’s better to force yourself into the restrictions that household loans and credits are inaccessible to you in principle; you’ll quickly find ways to earn more.

7. Mortgage. If it is paid off from someone’s rental payments, then OK, otherwise not. It’s better to rent an apartment 5 minutes from work than to live in your own apartment 2 hours away in traffic jams.

8. Education. Whatever one may say, the best education is self-education. There would be a laptop and Internet access (but it’s better not to save on this - it’s an investment).

9. Auto. Moscow is beautiful public transport and car sharing.

10. Set aside 10% of all income for a rainy day. This is for peace of mind.

And of course, don’t get involved in the game “we are no worse than our neighbors.” Smaller apartment, smaller car, fewer things - less clutter, fewer electricity bills, fewer problems.

It is much easier to save when you think not “from need”, but from the fact that you have reached the “limit of consumption” (at least mentally, especially since the limit of consumption is not as far as it might seem) In this state you understand: yes, you have it all you can afford it, you just don’t really need it.

How do you save? Write the main approaches in