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Test how rich you are. How to determine your predisposition to wealth using numerology

Incredible Facts

To become rich is the desire of every person.

Admit it, well, who among us has not dreamed of getting rich and spending money right and left, not counting them and not thinking about what needs to be saved.

Becoming a multimillionaire, or at least having enough money to live carefree for the rest of your days, is the blue dream of many.

Each of us has the opportunity to dream about it, while only a certain percentage has the opportunity to really become rich. There are those to whom it is written: you will become rich and succeed in life.

What factors determine who becomes rich and who does not? There are no clear criteria for wealth.

Nevertheless, thanks to numerous studies, some similarities have been revealed among the rich, some common features that clearly influenced their success:

Who will become a rich man

1. You have an attractive appearance

Beautiful people make it easier to get through life. It's sad, but it's a proven fact.

It has long been noted that unattractive men and women tend to earn less than their attractive counterparts.

Some may say that this opinion is very subjective, but if in general others find you attractive, your chances of good salary rise significantly.

Of course, good looks do not guarantee that you will become a multimillionaire, however, if you are smart enough to properly manage your finances, most likely you will have great success and a good career.

2. You start your career at a young age

As a rule, everything successful people from Warren Buffett to Mark Zuckerberg started their careers at a fairly young age.

And it doesn't matter if you sell lemonade at a local kiosk or mow lawns, but if you started working at a fairly young age, your chances of becoming rich increase.

The earlier you start to engage in any work activity, the higher the likelihood that you will succeed in the future.

3. You motivate yourself

Individuals who typically push and motivate themselves to take action are more likely to become wealthy.

Most people tend to put up with what they have. Those who always strive for more and push themselves to achieve their goals have every chance of tremendous success in the future.

4. Your thinking is action-oriented

In order to become rich, it is important that a person looks for an opportunity and grabs it, and not just dreaming about something.

If you're just waiting for something and expecting something to happen, you're more likely that it won't happen. You must understand that it is important not to miss the opportunity and act, only in this case a bright future will shine for you.

How to become rich and successful

5. You are focused on making money.

Saving is a great option for some.

You can save money and live comfortably. However, to become rich and excel at something, you need to focus more on making that money than saving it.

Therefore, spend money wisely and invest it in something that will contribute to its multiplication.

6. You have a sense of urgency

A wealthy businessman does not wait to start his own business. He knows not best place and time than here now to start business development and start without thinking.

If you sit back and wait, then you will do yourself more harm than good.

7. You are open-minded and open minded

It is difficult to become rich with a monthly salary of $200-400.

Investing is a great option that will make you rich. You are open to various kinds of investments and do not think about whether or not to take risks.

When you see an opportunity to invest rather than save money, you choose to invest.

You should also keep your mind and heart open to different ideas. Opportunities and brilliant ideas do not come every day, so it is very important to see them in time and seize them.

An open mind and determination will help to realize all your ideas.

8. You were popular at school.

Popularity is directly related to high income. If you were popular in school, then your chances of earning good money increase significantly. In addition, studies have been conducted that confirm this statement.

Who will become a successful person

9. You spend money wisely

Your wealth also depends on how wisely you spend your money.

Think about how many really rich people drive modest cars and live in modest houses, and also use old mobile phones.

This allows them to accumulate more funds than they spend. Due to the fact that they save, the funds that come into their lives are saved, which means that the necessary accumulations occur.

10. You have a mentor

Who you look up to has a big impact on your life.

For example, if you are surrounded good people Most likely, everything will be fine with you in the future too. So if you want to become rich, surround yourself with rich people.

It's a good idea to choose your own mentor to help you meet your goals and goal of becoming rich. Such a person will also motivate you and move you forward.

11. You set goals for yourself.

The rich set long-term goals for themselves. They then develop a plan to help them achieve those goals.

If you don't win the lottery, there is simply no other way to get rich other than by making an effort.

You need to develop a plan, write it out step by step and stick to it until you reach your goal.

12. You look to the future and don't look back at the past.

Looking back at the past, you ruin your present and future.

Memories of past events will not help you become rich. Of course, it's always good to analyze your past mistakes so you don't repeat them again.

But constantly looking back at your past failures is not good; this behavior keeps you from looking to the future.

You spend a lot of energy and strength when you remember your past failures and falls, instead of looking to the future and moving on. Therefore, you need to focus your attention on the future, concentrate on it, and not live in the past.

13. You are not divorced

Divorce automatically destroys your wealth. Studies have shown that married couples double their wealth, but divorced people tend to have even less income than single people.

Of course, this is a very subjective factor, but studies have confirmed that in most cases this is indeed the case.

14. You know your strengths and weak sides

To become rich, you must know your strengths and understand how to use them to your advantage.

Try to identify your strengths in order to make the most of them for your own purposes. This does not mean that you should not pay attention to the cons.

As a rule, all great businessmen know their strengths and weaknesses equally well. They surround themselves with people who help them develop their strengths and focus on the things that really matter.

15. You are positive

Maintaining a positive attitude can work wonders.

You are much more likely to get rich if you don't point fingers or blame others for your mistakes. You don't expose yourself to too much negativity. It helps you solve problems instead of looking for a scapegoat.

Staying positive is very important, as a positive attitude will enable you to take on any challenge while keeping a clear and fresh mind to make the right decisions.

16. "You are thick-skinned"

Having "thick" skin and so-called protective armor means you don't have to worry about others or what they might think of you.

This armor gives you the freedom to do what you think is right without worrying about what others think. It also means that you are endowed with toughness and strength, which are also wonderful qualities necessary for an entrepreneur or just a successful person.

17. You are aware of all important current events

As a rule, the richest people (businessmen, entrepreneurs) start their day by reading the newspaper and important news.

This awareness allows them to stay up to date with events happening around the world. It's playing key role in making investment decisions.

Each of us has certain talents. Numerology will help you determine how strong your connection with the world of finance is, whether you have the gift of making money.

The predisposition to success in money can be determined by three main methods: two methods by date of birth and the third - by your favorite number. Remember that if you have a predisposition to wealth, then this does not mean that you will absolutely be rich. This means that it will be much easier for you to achieve this than for other people.

Method one: favorite number

It would be more accurate to say favorite number, because it is important that the number lies between 1 and 9. The most successful people are those whose favorite numbers are One, Four and Eight.

Why exactly these numbers indicate your predisposition to wealth will be written later - in the second method, based on calculating the number of luck by date of birth.

Numerologists believe that your favorite number is related to your past lives, because you don’t actually choose it - you already chose it for yourself many lifetimes ago. It has been your talisman for a very long time.

Method two: calculating the number of luck

Take your date of birth and add up all the numbers. Add them up until you get a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, your date of birth is 07/19/1975. Your personal number will be 1+9+7+1+9+7+5=39. Let's add 3+9=12 again. And again 1+2=3. Your number is Three. Then read the value of the resulting number.

1: one of the best money auras. You have great flair, you can be leaders, so you are lucky in business.

2: the deuce with money is not always going smoothly, because you are prone to altruism and excessive generosity.

3: the three is a spiritual, not a material number, so the predisposition to wealth is weak.

4: numbers love you, so you are very lucky in money.

5: you are versatile, so your chances of getting rich are about 50/50.

6: the six likes to spend more than to save, which is not always good.

7: another spiritual number with a low propensity for wealth.

8: if you get this number, then you should definitely be lucky in money.

9: the nine loves to share, study, work, but not get rich.

Method Three: Birth Date Estimation

Assess your date of birth - if you have three or more repeating numbers, if the date is symmetrical or mirrored, then you have a high predisposition to wealth. Great examples are dates of birth like: 30.03, 09.09.1999, 20.02. etc.

This is not the most accurate way to measure your luck in financial sector, but it can be used in conjunction with the other two. Based on all three methods, you can see the big picture of how prone you are to high wealth.

Remember that predisposition does not give you one hundred percent guarantee of success. Luck in money is largely your merit, so work with your thoughts, tune in to the fact that you will become rich, even if the numbers say otherwise. The power of thought is above all. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2017 04:03

Undoubtedly, each of us at least sometimes wanted to know when in life it is worth waiting for luck, ...

There are no mediocre people - nature has endowed each of us with certain abilities, the implementation of which and ...

Numerologists have long studied the relationship of numbers with the character and fate of a person. You can calculate your personal wealth number, which will show you the way to a cloudless future.

The date of birth of each person is his personal code of success and prosperity. A simple calculation will show in which direction you should develop in order to secure a happy future for yourself. Your personal wealth number will help you learn more about yourself, learn how to work on mistakes and attract well-being into your life. To calculate, you will need to add up all the digits of the date of birth and bring them to a one-digit number. For example, your date of birth is 10/28/1985 = 2+8+1+1+9+8+5=34 = 7. The meaning of each digit is given below. If after the calculation you still have the numbers 11 or 22, then you do not need to reduce them.


This number indicates strong personality with a leadership character. You are ambitious and do not tolerate command over yourself, preferring to occupy leadership positions. You are consistent in your actions and capable of creation. Your path to wealth lies through an active lifestyle, the ability to listen to people's opinions and make compromises. Numerologists recommend that people with the number 1 in the code develop a sense of humor that will help them overcome many troubles.

The positive features of the unit include perseverance in achieving goals, confidence, pride and fortitude. To the negative - excessive selfishness, neglect of other people, boasting and laziness, which sometimes prevents you from completing what you started. Wednesday will be your lucky day.
Numerologists recommend unit people to use wealth talismans with the image of the Sun, birds of prey, dragons. These items, spelled for personal success, will help you achieve prosperity, will have a positive effect on emotions, softening harshness and selfishness.


The number two indicates that your success comes in teamwork. You have all the qualities in order to achieve success, working not alone: ​​sociability, good nature, diligence. You need to develop diplomatic qualities, engage in exercises that increase the tone of the body, and not disturb your own biorhythms. Most people with twos acquire wealth through marriage, family business or work in areas related to family relationships. It will be good for you to learn how to sign by holding a pen with two fingers, and also to do something with just two fingers.

Of the negative features of twos, the following can be noted: increased sensitivity and resentment, timidity, disregard for the opinions of others, weak will and unwillingness to take risks. By overcoming these character traits, you can begin your path to wealth.

As talismans, site experts recommend using fiat money, coins and items that are somehow related to financial well-being and prosperity.


The three in your birth code indicates that you have innate luck, enthusiasm and can attract wealth and prosperity into your life. For complete success, you should use your developed intuition and begin to realize yourself in the business field. Your natural leadership skills will help you short time take the desired position. You have the gift of persuasion, so you will be able to lead people. Use your rich imagination to implement new interesting projects and ideas and pay less attention to the speeches of envious people. You are advised to be wary of water, as it is detrimental to your wealth energy. Avoid frequent trips across the water surface for long distances.

Negative traits that you need to fight in order to achieve success are excessive talkativeness, jealousy, low self-esteem. By extorting these qualities in yourself, you will be able to gain the success and popularity necessary for obtaining wealth.

Gold items in the form of simple jewelry, symbolic images of an eagle, a dragon will serve as talismans for you. A talisman that is passed down in your family from generation to generation will also help you - it will generously share with you the energy of your entire family.


People whose birth number is four are natural builders, have a developed intellect and are able to notice any little things, using them to gain prosperity. To achieve wealth, you need to learn how to work on long-term projects, save the money you earn and not refuse responsibility. To attract monetary energy, fours should not give up physical labor, but you need to stay away from gambling.

The fight against the negative qualities of people-fours must begin with the ability to accept the arguments of the environment, with the rejection of excessive criticism of colleagues and laziness. You have to start developing patience.

Talismans that attract wealth for you will be turtle figurines, preferably made from natural materials (bone, wood, stone), natural threads braided into pigtails, good luck talismans, spoken by you for success.


The number five gives people activity and impatience, a thirst for variety and a desire to get everything at once. To attract wealth in your life, you need to find a job that will not obey a specific schedule. You are prone to diversity, so do those things that appeal to you with a keen interest and desire to work actively and fruitfully. Innate sociability and sociability will help you gain the trust of the people around you who will come to your aid.

Fives are contraindicated in alcohol and other bad habits that contribute to the closure of money channels. People with such a code in their date of birth need to fight irresponsibility, indifference and selfish feelings that will interfere with your path to prosperity.

Talismans for you will be products made from natural stones that suit you according to the Sign of the Zodiac, personal talismans of good luck, fiat coins.


People with this number are distinguished by openness and benevolence towards the environment. For them to gain success and prosperity, they need to learn how to create a mood and positive around them. Numerologists advise them to surround themselves with coziness and comfort, so that positive energy helps in business. Achieving wealth in sixes is directly related to home and family, so you can open family business. Also, people whose date of birth coincides with code 6 should pay attention to the profession medical worker or teachers. You will make an excellent practitioner, teacher and mentor.

Negative character traits associated with the number 6 are stubbornness, excessive pride, a desire to be aware of other people's affairs, indifference and suppression of others. Having dealt with these shortcomings, you can set a course for success and quickly achieve the desired result.

Talismans for people with code six: metal products, surgical steel, bird figurines, amulets of wealth and prosperity according to feng shui.


Those born with the code seven are naturally observant and optimistic, and by nature they are prone to loneliness. To achieve wealth and success, they need to develop their talents by spending time educating themselves and promoting their own ideas. They shouldn't be doing physical labor, which will not bring the desired income. Give preference to work related to the transfer of your own knowledge or the collection of information. Good intuition, a balanced character and patience will help you achieve prosperity in your career.

The negative vibrations of the number 7 for you are excessive secrecy, susceptibility to melancholy, impatience and addictions. It is recommended to start fighting negative manifestations of character in order to discover the path to financial abundance.

Talismans for you will be items that enhance your energy protection: amulets from the evil eye and damage, a red thread.


People born with code 8 need to learn how to take leadership positions, develop public speaking and be able to work for others. Your monetary energy directly depends on how you work. You have a gift for doing business, which opens up great prospects, but you will have to put in a lot of effort to stand firmly on your feet. Use your communication skills, dedication and efficiency.

Neglect of your own health, overestimated ambitions and intolerance can prevent you from achieving prosperity and financial abundance. Also, those born with code 8 need to save cash, not indulging in wastefulness, but also not falling into the extreme of stinginess and greed.

For you, runes inscribed on wooden amulets will serve as talismans of wealth. The power of the Scandinavian runes will help you achieve prosperity and success in any endeavor.


Nines have many talents and high intelligence. To achieve wealth, they need to learn to be more tolerant of others, begin to develop their abilities in the field of non-profit organizations. Your outstanding abilities, supported by high intellectual development, will help you quickly get on your feet and start making your fortune. You do not need power and excessive guardianship, since individual work aimed at the well-being of people will bring you material and moral satisfaction.

Negative qualities that you need to deal with are anger, stinginess and stinginess, lack of fortitude, indecision, frequent mood swings that can plunge you into despondency, depriving you of the desire to work actively and fruitfully.

Hand-made rag figurines of dolls will become talismans that attract wealth for you. People born with code 9 should pay attention to jewelry from precious metals especially rings and bracelets. They will help you achieve what you want and will attract abundance into your life.


People with this code have extraordinary psychic abilities. To achieve wealth, you need to develop intuition and rely on an inner voice that will help you avoid trouble and tell you the shortest path to success. It is in your power to start realizing your abilities and help people. The ideal field for people of this number will be work as a diplomat, politician, public figure. However, do not forget that your success depends on honesty and selflessness.

Start the fight against the negative qualities caused by the number 11: deceit and manifestations of selfishness, indifference and the desire to use your position and achievements for selfish purposes.

Talismans of wealth for you will be products made from semi-precious materials. To attract good to you will be figures of stairs directed strictly upwards.

Twenty two

This number gives people the opportunity to show their abilities on a grand scale. You can become a renowned architect and creator by exercising your best leadership skills. The roads associated with management and making fateful decisions are open to you. The date of birth associated with this number allows you to choose almost any direction related to the ability to manage people, hold high positions, and serve for the benefit of the state.

Of the negative qualities that hinder your path to success, it is worth noting excessive nervousness, boasting, a desire to work on major projects already at the beginning of his career. Do not neglect your duties and take a job that seems unworthy to you. So you can overcome pride and learn to realize your abilities in less significant matters, preparing yourself for large-scale accomplishments.

Dragon figurines made of natural materials, porcelain angels and bells will become mascots for you. With their help, you can learn to appreciate not only your own work, but also the contribution of other people to your development.

Numerology can tell a lot about each person by the date of his birth. Use it to determine your path to success, and it will be easier for you to work on yourself in order to achieve prosperity and well-being soon.

Ancient Tibetan wealth test - reveal your purpose! Pass the ancient Tibetan wealth test. Monkey - millionaire will reveal your destiny.
We offer you to choose one of the monkeys in the picture and determine the right direction of work or business for yourself.

Ancient Tibetan wealth test. RESULTS:

1. The source of your wealth- a profession associated with publicity, advertising, fame. It is important for you to take care of appearance, good taste. You must be effective, and your ideas must be effective.

It is possible that your vocation is journalism, a beauty salon, model business, sale of jewelry and branded items. The creative career of a singer or actor is also not excluded.

2. Your source of wealth- you yourself. Your ideas, reflections, logic. Are you able to come up with new system or qualitatively reconstruct the former.

Your mind is rational, your successful field of activity is finance, law, science. You are able to think broadly and freely. Feel free to say it out loud.

3. Your source of wealth- Vera. Sincere, deep and strong. This is the most important thing in your life. And it doesn't have to be a religion. You can believe in your dream, your strength, in what you are doing, and also in the people around you.

And you should be able to give this bright faith to others, share it more often. Any work aimed at helping people is suitable for you: a teacher, a doctor, a priest.

4. Your source of wealth- work in a team, in a circle of like-minded people. You can work from the office, from home, or become the head of your own business.

But in any case, it is important for you to have close-minded people nearby: relatives, childhood friend, spouse, reliable partner. In a word, the one who will always support you and your ideas will help if it is difficult.

5. Your source of wealth- absolutely everything related to home comfort. Your strong point is cooking various dishes, kitchen appliances and their repair, gardening, creating comfort.

You can be the owner of a cute shop or cafe, you can be engaged in the textile industry, plants and garden tools. Or you can completely go into household chores, devoting yourself to your family and children.

6. Your source of wealth– activity, actions and movement forward. Your unchanging motto: "Movement is life!". Your profession must certainly be connected with travel and travel. In addition, it is important for you to devote time to sports. If your job is not like that, then choose a similar hobby. And do not grow old in spirit. Move!

7. Main source wealth- greed, desire. This, by the way, is not necessarily greed. For example, greed for life, for the joys and pleasures that it brings.

You are more likely to be "like a duck to water" in entertainment or restaurant business. You expect sensual joys from life, strive to bring pleasure not only to the mind, but also to the body. And one more important condition - you must love your job.

8. The source of your wealth- Holidays and festivals. You can arrange children's matinees, work as a photographer at celebrations, be a toastmaster or a musician.

You will make a talented designer, graphic designer or florist. You will do a great job travel agent and you can breathe life into the publications of the printing house. Remember what you need bright life, because from the gray monotonous everyday life you will soon get bored.

9. source of wealth for you- feelings, the ability to empathize, understanding others. You can become a good psychologist, although in this case, excessive emotionality may interfere with you. Strive for harmony. Any is perfect for you creative work You are the best at expressing your feelings. You are merciful and always full of sympathy for those who are offended by life.

10. Your source of wealth- strict kindness. You strive in this life to "do" good. You are probably too strict and picky with people, and it seems to you that a stick will help them rather than a carrot. However, behind your prickly severity, you still hide the warmth of the soul. Your kindness is always with fists. You are called to work in the police or serve in the army. And also in any area where criticism is needed. But do not forget that it is constructive.

11. The source of your wealth- Own business. Well, if it is connected with the construction. After all, you constantly need to create something new, something that will serve people for more than one year. You are a serious and responsible person, you know how to be self-critical and learn from your own mistakes. You are a pretty good mentor and teacher for those who are younger than you and are just starting their journey.

12. The main source of wealth- everything related to metal and speed. This is the automotive industry, and everything that has to do with trains and planes. You are a modern person, speed is important to you. As well as reliability and quality. Sometimes it seems to you that you are completely exhausted from the race and do not have time to live. At times like these, you definitely need a break.

13. Your source of wealth- to give warmth, joy. To yourself and those around you. Important point: do not get hung up on trifles, let others do it. Your task is to gush ideas, come up with a framework, create a foundation. And if at first it seems that it is not well tailored, when it is sewn, everyone will be convinced of the scope of your idea. You may sometimes be considered a rude person, but in reality you only want the best for everyone.

14. The source of your wealth- sense of humor. You can brilliantly manifest it in any area. In many areas of activity, you are simply irreplaceable. Your wit will not only help you find real friends, but will also be the engine of your career. The main condition is that the jokes are not evil.

15. source of wealth for you- any profession related to cleanliness, even to some extent sterility. A career as a doctor or scientist can be successful. And in life, you must also keep your thoughts pure, be a moral person with an unsullied conscience. It is you, like no one else, who should not lie, commit vile deeds. All this immediately reflects on you.

16. The source of your wealth- across the seas, in a distant land. By the way, the sea will always play a big role in your life. Therefore, it is best if your work or hobbies are related to water. But it is not necessary to become a fisherman or a plumber. You can just sometimes take diving lessons or set up an aquarium and meditate looking at the colorful swimming fish as you take care of them.

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This wealth test will help you objectively evaluate your prospects and understand if wealth awaits you in the near future!

Wealth test!

Answer yourself honestly a few questions of the test without looking back.

1. Are you paid more than other employees?

2. Do you plan a family budget? Tracking income and expenses?

3. Do you double-check item weight and change in store?

4. Are you planning to buy an expensive item that you can't afford right now?

5. Could you live on both a small and a large salary?

6. Do you feel tension at the sight of money?

7. Do you have a habit of haggling in the market?

8. Does your image match your income (or do you strive to look more presentable)?

9. Do you think your life could be better?

10. Do you know how you would spend money if you got a million?

Wealth Test Results!

A positive answer to questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 is worth one point, and one point should be added for a negative answer to questions 1, 2, 6, and 10.

If you typed from 8 to 10 points - you love money immensely, and this is mutual. It is safe to say that your prosperity will continue to improve as you look after your future. Do not forget about the principle of tithing, give part of the funds to charity and help loved ones.

If your result test for wealth does not exceed 4-7 points, then we can say that you have not yet figured out yourself and have not determined how much money you need, and whether you need it at all. You are not satisfied with your standard of living, but you are not yet ready to achieve more.

The course will help you change your money consciousness and tune in to wealth and prosperity.

If on a wealth test you did not score more than 3 points, this allows you to conclude that money is not the main thing for you.

The amount of money in your wallet only reflects your true attitude towards wealth and money.

Your inner beliefs, embedded in the subconscious, either miss the monetary energy or not.

Monetary Research Continued

Write down on paper the answers to the following questions:

  • What is money for you?
  • What place do they occupy in your life?
  • Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
  • Do you think about money during the day (how many minutes)?
  • What do you think about money - how to make money, or that there is none?
  • How do you feel about money?
  • Are you comfortable with big money?
  • What do you think when you don't have a penny in your pocket?
  • What income are you ready for?
  • What will you spend big money on?
  • How do you feel when you have to part with money?
  • What do you think about when you have to borrow?
  • When do you lend?
  • What does it feel like to be deceived?
  • And when do you cheat for your own benefit?
  • Are you good at managing money?

If you sincerely answer all of these questions, you may be able to bring out some of your beliefs about money that you may not have thought about before.

Why do some people live in luxury, while others have to go to work and still lack money?

Because most are hindered by negative money beliefs (money blocks).

  • internally do not believe that you can easily get a lot of money,
  • Do you think money is hard to come by?
  • inside there are thoughts that you are not given to become rich ...

It is worth working out your worldview¹. This is essential if you really want to live richly.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Worldview - a system of views, assessments and figurative ideas about the world and a person’s place in it, the general attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the main vital positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, determined by these views, value orientations (