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Is it profitable to grow mushrooms? (Ready business plan with detailed calculations). How to competently start a business for growing oyster mushrooms Download business project for growing oyster mushrooms

Autumn - best time for collecting mushrooms. The most popular among Russian consumers are oyster mushrooms. In this article, we will look at an excellent area of ​​entrepreneurship with a profitability above 40% - growing oyster mushrooms as a business.

2. Industrial processing is carried out in accordance with the following standards: ;

3. General technical conditions for preserving, marinating and pickling mushrooms:

4. Dried mushrooms. Specifications. .

Features of growing oyster mushrooms and champignons

Oyster mushrooms are easy to grow and also have high yields.

Growing oyster mushrooms as a business is a fairly simple matter; almost anyone can expect success when harvesting. When using available materials, follow the necessary recommendations and get 3 kg of mushrooms from 1 kg of mycelium.

There are about 30 species of representatives of the oyster mushroom genus; only 10 species are suitable for breeding at home.

To start a mushroom business, you must follow the following points:

  • allocate the necessary room;
  • prepare raw materials and mushroom spores (mycelium);
  • prepare fertilizer (the basis of the raw material is a mixture of agricultural waste - chicken/horse droppings, straw).

When growing champignons, it is necessary to maintain high humidity and a temperature of 25-30°C. Humidity must be present both in the room and in the substrate. During the first drought, the compost is watered so as not to reduce the amount of harvest.

Oyster mushroom growing technology

A business plan for growing mushrooms includes 3 stages:

  • production of seed material (mycelium);
  • substrate preparation;
  • mushroom picking and sale.

First stage

Growing oyster mushrooms and other mushrooms is a fairly simple process. First, buy oyster mushroom/champignon mycelium. Now this is not difficult, it can be done at home, but it takes a lot of time.

When purchasing mycelium, contact a trusted supplier or buy sample material first. Consider factors such as variety, type, ripening period, disease resistance, shelf life, color and smell. Temperature internal environment packaging should not exceed +20°C. Please note that sellers must be properly licensed.

Second phase

Prepare a substrate (straw, sawdust, sunflower husks).

To prepare a mushroom block using plastic bag 350x750mm, buy 30 liters of dry substrate.

To create a mushroom block (one bag) you will need up to 200 g of mycelium.

Organic additives will help shorten the growing cycle by up to 35%, stimulating and activating the growth of oyster mushrooms. Use them in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

Attention!!! At the stage of processing the substrate, growth activators of the powder type are added, before sowing the mycelium - of the liquid type.

Third stage

The mushroom business plan is very beneficial for Russia. This area has little competition, which makes it possible to sell the product without problems.

Before selling, obtain a certificate of product quality. To do this, submit the mushrooms for analysis of the presence in the culture heavy metals, herbicides and radiation substances. Results can be collected within a few days to 2 weeks.

For a mushroom business plan to be successful, take up the issue of finding buyers in advance. Decide where you are going to sell your harvest. To simplify implementation, we offer you several options:

  • delivery in bulk to a vegetable base or independent retail sale;
  • public catering places: cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, schools;
  • sales to city shops and supermarkets;
  • an agreement with canning factories or self-preservation of mushrooms.

Pasteurized substrate will eliminate potential sources of contamination. Be vigilant, any sources of contamination must be eliminated.

Before sowing mushrooms from straw, wipe the surface, and wash your hands thoroughly before processing the mycelium and straw. This way you will avoid the possibility of product contamination and increase the yield and quality of mushrooms.

Video: Oyster mushroom, spent blocks, good harvest

How to properly equip a room

The mushroom business is advantageous because you do not need special equipment. Oyster mushrooms are unpretentious in care and productive. While creating necessary conditions You'll get good profit.

At the initial stage of a mushroom business, you need: either a basement in an abandoned building or a barn. We take a room that can hold 200 blocks. For 1 sq. m of space you can put 8 bags.

Divide the room into 3 zones:

  • clean (the process of planting mushrooms takes place under sterile conditions);
  • warm (needed for growth and development of the culture, temperature 22°C);
  • for germination (with a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 85%).

Requirements for room for mushrooms:

  1. Whitewashed walls;
  2. Concrete floor;
  3. Good lighting and ventilation;
  4. Constant heating.

To store mushrooms, you need a temperature of 2-5°C, so buy a refrigerator with a capacity of 200 liters or more.

In addition to the above requirements, equip a cutting table, shelves for storing bags of substrates, beams, hooks, gloves and bags.

Competition and business risks

The main part of the responsibilities rests with the head of the cherry business, including agreements on sales, delivery of products with sales representatives. To reduce the costs of growing oyster mushrooms as a business, the functions of planting, fertilizing, and harvesting lie with members of the owner’s family.

The risk level of growing oyster mushrooms is low, due to simple cultivation technology, minimal costs, and small start-up investments. After leaving imported products Demand for mushrooms has increased from store shelves in Russia without reducing the cost of goods.

Competition in the market

Among domestic manufacturers there are several leaders:

  • Ecoproduct LLC (Moscow);
  • LLC "Ryazhsky cellar" (Ryazan region);
  • Gribnaya Polyana LLC (Omsk region);
  • “Cascade” from Millerovo (Rostov region);
  • "National Mushroom Company Kashira"

Start-up costs

Our business plan is designed for a room with an area of ​​60 sq.m. Let's look at the expected costs for starting a business.

One-time costs:

ArticleCost, rub.
Repair and first month of rent12000
Humidifier, 1 pc.7000
Heater, 1 pc.3000
Steam generator, 1 pc.30000
Exhaust fan, 1 pc.4000
Purchase of plastic bags (500 pcs.)5000
Purchase of plastic boxes (10 pcs.)1000
Pitchforks (3 pcs.)900
Unexpected expenses8000

Regular costs:

We are hiring staff

With large volumes of work, you cannot do without employees. You will need workers both for heavy work and for daily care. It is better to control the rest of the work yourself.

Let's calculate the profitability of growing oyster mushrooms

Will the mushroom business be profitable? From 1 block/bag we will get at least 2.5 kg of finished oyster mushrooms in the first 2 weeks, and 2 kg from the second week. So, from each block/bag we get 4.5 kg of mushrooms per month.

Sales of oyster mushrooms:

  • number of blocks - 700 pcs.;
  • output from one block - 4.5 kg;
  • cost - 150 rub. for 1 kg;
  • revenue from one harvest - 472,500 rubles.

If you subtract the amount of expenses from your monthly income, it is easy to calculate that the entrepreneur’s profit will be 350,500 rubles.

You can also sell used substrate; the population buys it to feed domestic animals, as fertilizer for vegetable gardens (the yield with such fertilizer increases by 25%). You can also set up your own processing or open paid courses, teaching those who want to grow oyster mushrooms at home.

Substrate implementation:

  • cost of used substrate - 3 rubles;
  • the number of our blocks is 700 pcs.

Total: 3 rub. x 700 pcs. = 2100 rub.

Profit from growing champignons

The process from planting to harvest takes place in 2 months:

  • exit finished products makes up approximately 20% of the compost mass.
  • with 15 tons of compost we will get up to 3 tons of harvest.
  • The average cost of 1 kg of champignons is 200 rubles.

How profitable will the mushroom business be:

3000 harvest x 200 rub. = 600,000 rub. arrived.

Net profit will be 478,000 rubles.

The champignon growing cycle lasts up to 2 months; up to 5-6 such cycles can be organized per year. Accordingly, you can increase your profit by 5-6 times.

What else is profitable to grow?

1. - profitable business for village residents. This is a simple line of business for rural areas with profitability of up to 40%.

2. How to make money on? These are the questions the housewife asks as she closes another jar of tomatoes or cucumbers. Naturally, you can make good money on homemade pickles. The most important thing is to use interesting recipes, which will not make it difficult for you to find them.

3. – a good option family business . It's seasonal, but profitable option earnings in the village. Good profitability and payback for both small and large entrepreneurs.

This business is worth doing for many reasons. These include the fact that mushrooms grow in about 3 weeks. Mushrooms do not require special care. You can grow mushrooms throughout the year. Cost of mushrooms in winter period may increase to 200-250 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Often mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms are chosen for cultivation because they provide the greatest benefits.

Before opening a mushroom growing business, you should obtain a food trade license and a sanitary license. Mushrooms are treated as food products high requirements, which must be met in order to run a successful business.

You can choose any room for growing mushrooms; there are no requirements for it. special requirements. The area of ​​the room can also be any size, depending on the quantities in which you are going to grow mushrooms.

There are also no high demands placed on the staff. Education can be absolutely anything. The main thing is that the staff have a health certificate and a desire to grow mushrooms. A well-chosen team is already half the success.

To grow mushrooms you will need the following equipment

  • cooling chamber
  • heaters
  • humidifiers
  • greenhouse

You can sell grown mushrooms by selling them on the market, retail outlets, through shops, food establishments, canteens and so on. The larger the batch of mushrooms, the lower their wholesale cost will be, however, due to the large quantity, the profit will be greater than from retail sales.

To increase your chances of success, you need to draw up good business plan growing mushrooms. Below are a few of them.

Download business plan farm

– describes the process of creating and justifying a business for the industrial cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Distinctive feature this example is the presence in it financial model. This plan also takes into account the development trends of the mushroom market for several years to come. It also contains visual graphs and examples of calculations.

– In this plan, an example is given of the creation of an enterprise for the cultivation and sale of mushrooms such as champignons. This example will serve well for aspiring entrepreneurs with different income levels. It contains information about market analysis, presents a sales plan and pricing, and also evaluates possible risks and the economic effect is calculated.

– This example describes a project to create large complex for growing oyster mushrooms. The purpose of this plan is to substantiate the effectiveness of this project and attract third-party investors. It contains the enterprise strategy, assessment of strengths and weaknesses, risks (SWOT analysis), business promotion and its marketing policy etc.

- will be useful for small entrepreneurs who do not have large funds at their disposal. This plan justifies the opening of a small business for growing mushrooms in personal plot, with a view to their further implementation. In the future, the business is planned to expand to industrial volumes and organize permanent sales and production.

Briefly touching on all aspects of growing and selling mushrooms. Arguments have been made for growing both oyster mushrooms and champignons, however financial calculations given specifically for the technology of growing champignons.

In which special attention is paid to the technology of growing and caring for champignons. By adhering to the proposed scheme, you can achieve a rich harvest within 30-40 days from the date of sowing. The profitability of such a business will be about 50%.

The proposed business plan contains all manufacturing process divided into three main stages. The first, “mycelium production” is optional, since it is relevant only for large farms. The rest - “substrate preparation” and “product sales” are universal.

According to which, the profitability of such a business will be 100%. Since the main cost will be the purchase of a bag of nutrient medium. This business plan is especially convenient, since growing oyster mushrooms does not depend on the season of the year, and demand increases every year.

In which the production technology of oyster mushrooms is described in detail and advice is given on organizing the marketing of the products produced. A separate paragraph lists expenses, prudently divided into one-time initial and regular ones.

In which, in addition to the issues of growing mushroom products directly, attention is paid to the production of substrate. Nutrient medium own production often turns out to be more economically beneficial, both in terms of resources expended and in terms of increased productivity, thanks to the bio-additives used.

The total cost of the project is a little more than 65 thousand rubles. According to the business plan, in the first year it is planned to sell 1.2 tons of mushroom products. Calculation tables for the purchase of equipment are provided and an approximate marketing plan is drawn up.

In which the initial investment in the business is 250 thousand rubles. The payback period for the farm is no more than six months, and with successful sales of products, there are opportunities to expand the business. The profitability of such a business ranges from 40 to 100%.

The business plan lists 5 various systems organizing the cultivation of champignons and giving arguments both for and against each of the above technologies. In addition, all important aspects of product sales planning and legal registration activities.

Which explains in detail all stages of the production of mushroom products. Purchasing equipment, according to this plan, will cost you from 50 to 90 thousand rubles. All other money will be used to purchase nutrient substrate and mycelium.

Setting itself the goal of organizing the production of mushrooms with minimal costs. Homestead farming is used as the basis for organizing production, and in the first year it is planned to collect and sell at least 2 tons of mushroom products.

How to write a business plan for oyster mushrooms? What costs should you expect? Should we hope for good profits? What is the technology for growing these mushrooms?

Agricultural activity has dozens of areas that allow you to start a business without much investment. Although an artificial climate for cultivating oyster mushrooms, when creating a favorable microclimate, is the most profitable idea.

Even in a small area, a farmer can grow oyster mushrooms and get several stable harvests per year. And his goods will be sold much more profitably than essential products - potatoes, onions and carrots.

In addition, this type of business is easy for beginners and does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. Just a couple of hours of work mushroom farm, and your products will be ready for sale in time.

And most importantly, the duration of the entire technological process takes two months, and during this time you can choose a convenient cultivation method for a businessman in his production.

Why this mushroom growing business?

Oyster mushrooms are a highly productive agricultural crop, and from an area of ​​1 sq. meter, it is possible to collect up to 120 kg of live weight of products every year. And these indicator criteria are 5-6 times higher than the yield of potatoes or carrots.

According to farmers, the mushroom business has characteristic advantages:

  1. The farm does not require expensive equipment.
  2. It is possible to organize production in a small room.
  3. Oyster mushrooms are effectively grown in household conditions.
  4. The change of seasons indoors does not affect the technology of mushroom cultivation.
  5. One person can start a business.
  6. At the initial stage and with small harvests, business registration is optional.

Important: a novice entrepreneur of this type of activity can count on a state subsidy. These actions make it possible most costs (about 85%) to cover the purchase of equipment and seed.

If you successfully draw up a business plan for growing oyster mushrooms, you should register your activities as:

  • Peasant farm - peasant (farm) enterprise;
  • IP - (individual entrepreneurship).

After collection necessary documents, farmer in mandatory you need to register at the branch Agriculture region of residence.

Business expenses

For successful creation own business project, you need to think through rational planning in this activity. This will be useful for orientation in quick payback products or attracting investors.

In aspects of business existence, a special place is occupied by the development of a business plan. It takes into account all expenses, unplanned problems and ways to solve them.

IN specific requirements the whole essence of the matter must be stated; in a word, the feasibility of the business must be clearly reflected in numbers and amounts. Focus on what investments you will need to open a business and what business expenses you need to expect.

Important: include additional points for increasing income in your business plan, taking into account the moment when you sell planting material to summer residents before selling finished products to the store.

The way the product is sold is your real profit. And it is important to write down the expected income. It is advisable to compare the project development plan with inflation.


What to invest in:

  • purchasing materials for growing oyster mushrooms;
  • installation of mushroom blocks;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of substrate;
  • purchase of timber and production of shelving;
  • purchase of plastic bags;
  • business registration.
  • Payment of utility services;
  • fare;
  • wages for hired workers.


When creating a mushroom business, an entrepreneur should attach special importance to a consistent indoor microclimate to create ideal conditions: ventilation, heating and air conditioning.

For the normal functioning of a room with 100 blocks you need:

  1. Fan for industrial purposes - 1 pc.
  2. Air humidifier – 1 pc.
  3. Air conditioner for the growing and incubation chamber - 2 pcs.
  4. Fluorescent lamp - 2 pcs.
  5. Insect repellent lamp – 1 pc.
  6. Refrigerator compartment for mushrooms - 1 pc.
  7. Rack for 6 blocks - 17 pcs.
  8. Scales large and small - 2 pcs.
  9. Water pump - 1 pc.
  10. Thermometer - 1 pc.
  11. Barrels (capacity 200 l.). - 2 pcs.
  12. Tables in the landing chambers - 2 pcs.
  13. Various tools.

Growing technology

The full technological cycle has many factors:

  • quality of planting material (substrate);
  • types of mushrooms;
  • conditions in the incubator;
  • microclimate in the fruiting compartment;
  • quality of mycelium.

For beginners who have no idea about the full step-by-step technology When growing, it is best not to rush into sowing en masse. If an entrepreneur likes this idea, he needs to work with several batches and experiment with the result.

Farmers who are constantly engaged mushroom business and have a complete understanding of the technological cycle, harvest 3 kg or more of products with a mushroom block calculation of 10 kg.

Production of raw materials (substrate)

The nutrient substrate is usually made from agricultural waste. The raw materials will be hay, straw of processed grain crops, corn leaves, and husks.

It can be supplemented with forest waste (tree bark, sawdust, shavings). The most the best option by ratio pricing policy and quality is a bedding of husks and straw.

To eradicate mold spores and various bacteria, the raw materials must be kept in a humid environment at a temperature of 80°C.

  1. Xerothermic. The steaming chamber is filled with dry substrate and kept in it for about 3-4 hours. This process is then followed by cooling.
  2. Pasteurization. Soak the substrate in water, do not dry it and then treat it with steam.
  3. Hydrothermal. The soaked raw materials are kept in water for several hours in a row.

According to farmers: at the entry level, the last option is considered the most affordable and practical. This is due to the use of a minimal amount of equipment, including the steam generator.

Hydrothermal treatment has the following process:

  1. The raw materials are soaked in slightly heated water for 6 hours to kill mold and bacteria. Then after the procedure, it is transferred to fabric bags.
  2. At the second stage, you will need a barrel with a screw-on lid. Fabric bags with workpieces are placed in it, filled with water, the barrel is heated to 82°C and kept warm for 8 hours.
  3. After processing, the raw materials are laid out on the material for drying. After complete cooling, the substrate is suitable for sowing. The landing itself has several stages.

Planting process

To get a good harvest, you need to know the intricacies of choosing mycelium and different strains. To understand how they differ, you can order planting material from different suppliers and thereby compare the results. In this case, you can evaluate the growth rate and quality of the mushrooms.

Seeding includes the following steps:

  1. Mycelia are kept at a temperature of 23°C.
  2. The work is performed with rubber gloves, having previously disinfected them. This action is also performed with work tables and containers.
  3. Pour the mycelium into a container, kneading it and separating it from the seeds.
  4. For work, the required amount of planting material is selected.
  5. The mycelium is combined with the substrate and then placed in a dense layer in bags.
  6. The fabric bag is pulled tight.
  7. The packaging number is marked on the bags.

The mycelium consumption rate is based on the weight and size of the bags. The thickness of the substrate layer does not exceed 7 cm. It must be compacted tightly by hand and sprinkled with mycelium.

Incubation process

Blocks are placed in the prepared incubator, maintaining an interval of 15 cm. The normal distance contributes to ideal cooling. The process itself can cause an increase in temperature in the aging area. The bags do not need to be hung from the ceiling; in a calm state, the mycelium begins to germinate.

Growing planting material requires oxygen, so small holes with a diameter of 5 mm should be made on each block on both sides.

To germinate raw materials in bags on one side (the other may fit tightly against the wall), it is worth making many small holes in a chaotic manner. This can be done with an awl or other sharp object.

The temperature inside the blocks should not change, and this can be monitored using a thermometer inserted into one of the holes in the bags. Comfortable temperature conditions cannot exceed 25°C. If the unit heats up more than normal, it needs to be cooled in a timely manner. This process will prevent the mycelium from dying.

Important: pay attention to the temperature indicator in the bags 6-7 days after sowing.

After 20 days, a mycelium forms in the bags. Then it grows and seeps into the holes. During this period, the formation of primordia (fruiting bodies) occurs.

Fruiting procedure

After identifying white areas in the holes, the material must be taken to the fruiting zone. The temperature in the chamber should be set at 22°C. After a day, it is recommended to reduce it to 15°C, keeping the humidity at 80%. Within a week, the marketable appearance is completely formed.

It is important for an entrepreneur to know that mushrooms during the fruiting period have a wave-like increase in yield. Moreover, the most active occurs in the first stage, and the second adheres to the ratio of 20%. After the first stage of fruiting, the mycelium rests for 10-12 days. Then you need to give it complete rest, reducing the temperature to 20°C and the humidity to 80%.

After these days, the incubation process begins to repeat with the formation of the primordium and the growth of fruiting bodies.

Typically, growing oyster mushrooms at home as a business guarantees a stable harvest during two stages of fruiting. For the third run, the productivity may not justify the cost.

After the second fruiting, the substrate can be sold as fertilizer or disposed of. Disinfect the chambers and prepare them for a new cycle of planting material.

Revenues and profitability

With a calculated approach to climatic conditions, growing mushrooms will bring the farmer a good harvest. In two stages you can get 3-4 kg of product from each grow bag. Therefore, one block makes it possible to easily collect 300-350 kg of clean goods at a price of 120-130 rubles per kg.

By calculating your income, you can come to an approximate amount of 45,000-46,000 rubles.

As you can see, the profitability is 80%, while the payback period is 10 months.

Sales of oyster mushrooms

For constant profit, the grown products must be sold. Regular consumers can become:

  1. Shops and procurement offices. To confirm the quality of your products, you need to provide certificates.
  2. Bases wholesale. In places of sale, the purchase of agricultural products is always practiced by wholesale suppliers.
  3. Enterprises for processing raw materials. Entrepreneurs specializing in this field use the product in the preparation of various mushroom dishes.
  4. Public catering places. The menus of such establishments are not complete without mushrooms, and such products are always popular.


Mushroom farming requires careful attention and a well-thought-out oyster mushroom business plan. Do not forget that a change in any temperature indicators will entail the loss of some part of the goods.

Mushroom idea on home farm can become the only source of income only if the businessman follows all stages and cycles of cultivation.

To create a large-scale enterprise, you can expand your business and add an assortment of mushrooms. And then the road to the big ones is open to the farmer retail chains, where the result of his work will find worthy application.

Before calculating profitability and searching for premises, think about the following points:

1. Mushrooms are living things, they require too much personal presence. Here it will not be possible to install a couple of machines, give instructions to workers like this: “Put this here, press this, get it from here, pack it” and count the profit.
The oyster mushroom business, in addition to strict adherence to the technological map of cultivation, also requires understanding:
- microbiological processes occurring,
— the relationship between physical phenomena observed in the chamber and biological phenomena occurring in the growing bunch.
Yield losses depend 95% on the correct placement of ventilation, placement of blocks, compliance with all microclimatic parameters (humidity, air temperature, amount of CO2 - directly near the mushroom bunch).

And if, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons, you still decide to invest money, you will have to learn the equipment - do not believe those who say that it is not difficult.

2. Growing mushrooms– this is PRODUCTION. Like any other, it requires starting capital, special knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. It is better to develop a strategy for the formation and development of an enterprise with a specialist. He will take into account all the nuances of your specific case, offer a scheme for a convenient, logical, compact placement of all production premises and equipment. But, even if you hire a competent technologist or design company, you will have to delve into all the details, down to the smallest detail, at least at first. After all, you need to know and understand not only the subtleties of production, but also the biological features of the development of mushrooms.

If your farm needs a specialist in growing oyster mushrooms, you or your employee. And not just theoretically, but specifically at your enterprise: together with your technologist, I will develop schemes for setting up the microclimate and technological processes, and enterprise regulations. Even if a trained specialist leaves your farm, you will still have all the materials and developments.

4. Any, even the smallest “garage” farm operating on purchased blocks, is easier to do correctly initially than to redo it later, having your own bitter experience of “full cones”.

5. Oyster mushroom, of course, can grow “anywhere” and “as needed” - as some Internet teachers promise -. But in this case, you need to come to terms with the lack of productivity, forget about profitability - then this will be your hobby.

Growing oyster mushrooms as a business

There is a lot of information about this on the Internet, it is contradictory, and it is quite difficult to understand it. Many sites write that mushroom growing is a low-cost, profitable business; they also provide profitability calculations that promise you 100% per annum.

I can assure you that 100% profitability will come no earlier than after 2-3 years of doing mushroom business. This is if you initially equip the premises correctly, install ventilation, calculate the substrate loading, and create a microclimate.

It is necessary to understand that this craft will become profitable only when your equipment provides conditions for the full development and growth of mushrooms, because profitability directly depends on the growth rate and quality of the fruiting bodies, as well as its yield.

For many, the opposite happens: having encroached on the sweet promises of profitable business plans for growing oyster mushrooms, beginners make growing chambers incorrectly.

Many profitability calculations include the simplest household appliances - a 2 kW fan heater, an ultrasonic room humidifier, an axial kitchen fan.

Indeed, it costs a penny, but it is absolutely not suitable here. As a result, the first season takes place with a deep financial disadvantage. And the money has already been invested, maybe small, but significant for you!

Convinced from their own experience that mushroom growing is not easy work, mushroom pickers begin to look for reliable information and remodel their greenhouses, sheds, and basements.

Why might it become unprofitable to produce oyster mushrooms? Mainly because the investments turn out to be more than planned, and the harvest is much less.
In addition, many beginners, having grown a huge, by their standards, harvest of 100 kg for the first time, try to get rid of the produce as quickly as possible - as a rule, they do not have a refrigerator. They rent at the most low prices, sometimes lowering the total price in the city for several days. Often such would-be businessmen sell even below cost, and then they say it’s not profitable...

Equipment for mushroom growing.

The initial costs for growing oyster mushrooms are quite significant.

Moreover, regardless of the tonnage that you are going to produce, you will have to buy a system that provides a microclimate. Its cost, of course, depends on the volume of the room, but most often it is more profitable to pay a little more, buy a more powerful system and increase the tonnage - profitability will be higher due to lower production costs.

In winter and summer indoors you need constant temperature(14-16 0 C), high humidity (87-92%), a certain level of CO2 (usually not higher than 900 ppm).

Heating of the mushroom room only with the help of a heat exchanger.

No warm walls, floors, radiators - with such heating it is impossible to control the state of the air mixture, its humidity, temperature, flow rate!

The stability of the parameters in the distillation chamber is ensured by a ventilation system with air ducts, which will distribute prepared air throughout the chamber.

The air preparation system includes:

  • two fans - injection and exhaust, the power of which depends on the amount of substrate that is in the chamber (depending on the method of arranging the blocks, 1 ton of substrate requires from 200 to 300 cubic meters / hour of air),
  • heat exchanger and air cooler,
  • humidity maintenance system (nozzles, disc or ultrasonic humidifiers).

Depending on the region where you live, to obtain 1 ton of mushroom per month (including heating of all premises of the enterprise) you need a boiler of 10 to 15 square meters.

All this requires considerable financial investment.

Want to make your own blocks? This will also require special equipment for producing the substrate.

loading of the chamber with blocks and their location,
what settings are needed for a camera of a certain volume,
how much does growing equipment cost?
what are your monthly expenses,

There are also ready-made tables with calculated ventilation and a layout diagram of the climatic chamber for oyster mushroom forcing chambers with a load of up to 8 tons of substrate. There are also instructions with diagrams on how to calculate the number of blocks for a certain area.

Seasonality of oyster mushroom sales.

And it should also be taken into account that Mushroom consumption is not uniform throughout the year.

From year to year, there are two periods of sales activity - all of December with a peak in sales just before New Year and the month before Easter, again with a peak during strict fasting just before Easter.

At the beginning of May, demand drops sharply, throughout May, June, and July demand is extremely low, gradually increases in August and September, and stabilizes in October.

In rainy years in the fall, the price of produce may be low for two reasons:

firstly, a large mass of forest mushrooms,

secondly, due to favorable weather conditions, the yield (and therefore the yield) of not only oyster mushrooms, but also other species, increases. This fact must be taken into account when planning the operation of your farm.

Many, even small enterprises, prefer to can oyster mushrooms during a period of declining sales. Less commonly, drying and subsequent production of mushroom powder are chosen.

If all this does not bother you, and you are determined to start -

To start growing oyster mushrooms

First of all, you need to decide what you will start from - the area of ​​your existing premises or the number of mushrooms that you plan to receive per month. Depending on this, look for a suitable room.

You also need to immediately decide whether you will work on purchased blocks or make them yourself.

In the case of working on purchased blocks, you will need two types of premises - an incubator and a forcing chamber (hall) (the so-called two-zone system) or at least three rearing chambers (with a single-zone system) - if you bring freshly made blocks there, which will hang there throughout the production cycle. The conditions for overgrowing the blocks and then fruiting in this case are regulated by the microclimate.

From 1 sq. m of area per month you can get 10-12 kg of fruit (with a single-zone system), and 12-15 kg with a two-zone system. But, don't forget:

- with a two-zone system you need more

— the bags have been in the growing chamber for more than a month! If you work in two waves, then about 40-42 days with a two-zone system, 54-56 days with a single-zone system.

By the way, it is precisely this time factor that is not taken into account when calculating profitability: because with a two-zone system it is more correct to calculate the turnover of blocks not for a month, but for 40 days. Thus, if you work from September to April inclusive, then the revolutions will not be 8, but only 6. And the profitability will be lower than you might expect.

The ratio of incubation and forcing room should be somewhere around 1: 2.5 -3.

With large areas of growing rooms, you will need several incubators (for ease of maintenance), the ratio can increase to 1:2.

Thus, if you have a room of about 100 sq. m., you can place no more than 12-14 tons of substrate there (this is approximately 1400 blocks of 10 kg each), plus you will need another room of about 40-50 sq.m. for incubation. You can get about 1 ton of mushroom per month from this area.

If we count mathematically, it should be more, but... unfortunately, in practice, it turns out to be no more than a ton, in some months (in October, sometimes in April) there may be 1.5 tons, then all the blocks are covered with clusters, as in this photo.

But it is impossible to calculate full profitability based on these figures. Higher yields can be achieved using fully automated growing chambers. This aerobatics. Sensors, controllers, servos, a computer program - all this will cost about 80 thousand hryvnia (at least $3,000). It makes sense to install such automation if you plan to produce about 10 tons of mushrooms per month.

If you make blocks yourself, you also need a heated substrate workshop. It is highly desirable that it be located separately from the growing chambers.

If this is not possible, and the entire production will be located under one roof, it is necessary to think through the block movement pattern in such a way as to maintain a low bacterial background in the enterprise.

It is important to find a quality supplier (also called mycelium). It is better to pay more for branded mycelium, which is made from the original mother culture, than to cheaply buy reseeded one: it is weakened and may have deviations from the strain culture. All this causes a delay in the development of blocks, their yield will be low.

Criteria for choosing oyster mushroom mycelium

Depending on the chosen strategy for the development of your farm, I help

  • choose the optimal scheme for the use of premises and the location of equipment in them,
  • calculating the ventilation system
  • I'm painting technological map microclimate for all stages of development and fruiting.

Growing mushrooms as a business: step-by-step financial calculations and payback + 3 ways to sell goods in the mushroom business.

Capital investment in business: 90,000 rubles (on a rented plot).
Payback period for growing mushrooms: from 2 months (1 production cycle).

Mushroom is an integral product of the diet of almost every person.

There are many useful substances, they taste good, have various cooking options and, what is especially valuable, are always affordable.

Perhaps only the “queen of the table,” the potato, has more fans.

For these reasons mushroom business attracts many people who want to try their hand at entrepreneurial skills.

Why not?

After all, growing mushrooms is considered one of the most profitable types business in this segment.

The investment is relatively small, especially if you have your own place to conduct business.

In addition, many simply enjoy this type of cultivation, and in this business there is no influence of seasonality.

But besides a love for mushrooms, you need to have special knowledge to organize a business.

Where to start growing mushrooms as a business?

To organize a mushroom business, you don’t have to be a professional mushroom picker.

However, in this case you will have to study a lot of theoretical information:

  • What variety of mushrooms should I choose for growing?
  • How does the process take place from start to finish?
  • In what environment will mushrooms grow?
  • What to do to increase the amount of harvest?

And these are only questions concerning the specifics of this case.

You will also need to study organizational issues applicable to any type of business:

  • What documents need to be completed in order to engage in activities legally?
  • How much money do you need to organize mushroom growing as a business?

What documents are needed for a mushroom business?

To legally engage in the mushroom business, you have to go through a relatively simple registration procedure:

    A businessman must register an individual entrepreneur.

    To do this, you only need to have a passport.

    The process is simple and can be done without intermediaries.

    You don't have to choose a tax system.

    Growing mushrooms qualifies as agricultural production.

    Accordingly, your activities will be subject to the Unified Agricultural Tax.

    And this is 6% of the profit received, which is a very profitable option.

    In the future, you will need to obtain a number of papers, without which you do not have the right to sell the harvest.

    Such documents include:

    1. radiology protocol;
    2. certificate of product conformity to GOST;
    3. phytosanitary certificate.

What type of mushrooms should I choose to grow?

More experienced entrepreneurs recommend that beginners start with growing oyster mushrooms.

There are several reasons for this:

  • it requires making compost, which is more labor-intensive and complex than preparing the substrate;
  • champignons are more “demanding” regarding the quality of the acquired mycelium;
  • all requirements and technologies must be observed especially strictly, unlike growing oyster mushrooms.

Based on these considerations, it is better to start with oyster mushrooms.

And once you have mastered the technology and equipment, you can start growing champignons.

How to choose premises for a mushroom growing business?

Growing mushrooms is a type of business that you can do even in your own apartment or house.

But at the same time, you need to understand that the resulting volume of harvest will cover, perhaps, the needs of your family.

Business requires larger territories.

Country cottages, agricultural farms that have been abandoned, and barns are well suited.

The following requirements apply to “mushroom” premises:

  1. For cultivation, a small area is enough - from 15 m2.
  2. Strict requirements for temperature conditions: 12-25С o.
  3. Mushrooms need high air humidity - 85%.

    This indicator is achieved through irrigation or the use of special equipment.

  4. Utility premises must have electricity (and heating), water and sewerage (drainage for water).
  5. If ventilation is not installed in the room, you must install it yourself.
  6. It is enough to whitewash the walls and fill the floor with concrete.

If you plan to organize large-scale production, on a dedicated site (ideally) you need to equip the following premises:

  • for the production of compost or substrate from purchased raw materials;
  • for pasteurization with appropriate equipment;
  • for growing your own mycelium;
  • main room for growing mushrooms.

What resources are needed for a mushroom business?

In addition to the documentary preparation and selection of premises, there is a main stage - the search for resources for growing mushrooms.

This list includes creating the necessary cover, purchasing mycelium and choosing equipment for the mushroom business.

What should the soil be like for growing?

Interesting fact:
The familiar russula and roseate mushrooms are considered poisonous in Germany, honey mushrooms and russula - in France, boletus - in Italy, porcini mushrooms - in Switzerland. Residents in the listed countries do not risk collecting these species.

Mushrooms are grown in special soil - substrate.

In its role, straw, sawdust, hemp, bran, husks and similar raw materials prepared using technology are used.

Moreover, depending on the type of mushroom, it will differ.

The substrate for growing oyster mushrooms can be easily prepared on your own.

However, those who do not want to waste time or effort can purchase it from other farms.

But for champignons you need to prepare or purchase compost.

In fact, compost can be used for oyster mushrooms too.

But it is more difficult to prepare than the substrate.

That’s why entrepreneurs rarely take such a step.

How to choose seed?

The material from which mushrooms are grown has a special name - mycelium.

To start a business, it can be purchased at larger farms involved in the mushroom business.

Subsequently, you can grow mycelium on your own.

Growing and selling mycelium can become an additional source of income for your farm.

However, you should not rush into this step, as it will not be easy to implement.

This means, first of all, it is important to establish the process of producing mushrooms for sale, and only then experiment with the mycelium.

When purchasing mycelium, a quality product can be determined by the following indicators:

  • White color;
  • nice smell;
  • absence of foreign stains;
  • the farm has a license that will confirm the quality of the product.

What equipment do you need for a mushroom business?

The main cost item in a mushroom growing business is the acquisition necessary equipment for arrangement of premises.
NameQtytotal cost
Total: 60,000 rub.
Steam generator
1 30 000
1 7 000
1 3 000
1 4 000
Pasteurization devices
2 8 000
Boxes and bags
550 5 000
Other- 3 000

Finding the necessary personnel

If you plan the mushroom business as a source of significant profit, you will no longer be able to do it on your own.

At first, in order to save money, you can involve your family in business.

But in the future you will still have to hire handymen.

In this case, there is no need to talk about the presence of the necessary qualifications.

After all, experience in growing mushrooms and relevant knowledge in this moment are not given at any university or technical school.

Therefore, the requirements will be standard: a person must have health book, he must perform his duties honestly and responsibly.

How to find ways to implement in the mushroom segment?

Finding clients for sales is the main problem that mushroom growing as a business has.

The demand for this product is stable, but, as a rule, the product is ordered in small quantities and from trusted suppliers.

However, beginners also have a chance to find their place in the niche.

Although mushrooms are a specific product, they also need to be advertised.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • place advertisements in thematic newspapers;
  • create a website and promote it on the Internet;
  • send potential clients free trial samples of products;
  • arrange promotions and create a system of cumulative discounts for your customers.

Who is the consumer of such production?

Fairs, marketsRetail trade at markets and fairs is the most common way to sell goods grown in own farm. Sometimes people don't want to buy mushrooms at markets because they doubt their quality. Set up the outlet cleanly and neatly, hang permits in a visible place, and use external advertising. This will create a reliable image and gather a base of regular customers.
Shops, supermarketsThis option is used for selling wholesale quantities. The disadvantage of this method is high competition. Therefore, you will have to reduce the price at first to get orders. The average profitability indicator will fall, but in the long run you will receive regular customers and large quantities of orders.
Cafes and restaurantsThey do not order products in such large volumes as stores. However, there are mushroom producers who cooperate only with such establishments. And their business is booming!

How much does it cost to open a mushroom business?

It is difficult to name the average amount that will be required to organize a mushroom growing business.

The amount of spending is influenced by the following factors:

  • do you grow mushrooms on own plot or rented land/premises;
  • what production volume is planned;
  • how much the necessary raw materials cost from your supplier;
  • how many assistants did you hire and others.

Let's imagine what they could be like starting investments and the amount of current investment for a small farm.

It is organized on a rented territory, and the mushrooms chosen are champignons.

Production calculations were performed for one standard cycle (2 months).

Starting investments

Regular investments

Profitability and payback of mushroom business

The business of growing mushrooms attracts many people who were previously far from the field of crop production.

And especially not engaged in mushrooms.

What is the reason for the interest in this particular niche?

The fact is that experts call this type of business one of the most profitable.

Payback rates can be 75-80% and even reach 100%!

Of course, to achieve such indicators it is important to meet a number of requirements.

However, even this is not a minus, because another advantage of this business is a relatively small amount of investment.

With this amount of investment we get 30 tons of compost. About 150-200 kg of mushrooms are collected from each ton at the end of the cycle.

30 x 150-200 = 4,500-6,000 kg;

4,500 x 100 rub. = 450,000 rubles;

6,000 x 100 rub. = 600,000 rubles.

Calculations show that under ideal conditions an entrepreneur will earn from 450,000 to 600,000 rubles in 1 cycle (2 months).

However, from this amount you need to subtract the amount of capital investments and regular investments for 2 months:

450,000 – (90,000 + 120,000x2) = 100,000 rubles.

You will learn how to properly grow oyster mushrooms from the video:

Potential risks of mushroom growing business

There are a number of conditions that may prevent an entrepreneur from obtaining a sufficient harvest and profit from the business.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with them before starting the project in order to be “prepared.”

RiskProbabilityHow to prevent it?
Not all goods were soldAverageTo minimize risk, work to expand your customer base. If such a situation has already happened, the goods can be dried.
Bad harvestAverageFind another mycelium supplier and monitor the mushroom growing process more carefully.
Equipment breakdownLowMonitor the correct use of equipment yourself and teach this to your employees. It is advisable to have an agreement for warranty service with the manufacturer.
Increased competitionLowUse advertising methods, look for new clients, control the price level in accordance with market prices.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the success of any business depends on the level of your dedication and desire to achieve success.

Including when we're talking about about mushroom growing business will thrive if you take the time to learn about this industry.

Collect all possible information, draw up a business plan (even if you do not plan to receive a loan for business or investment).

When you know what to do and how to do it, necessary tools there will definitely be some!

Don’t rush to spend your first profit on personal purposes.

Invest your money and scale your business so that it generates greater profits.

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