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1273 on approval of requirements for anti-terrorism security. Categorization of retail facilities (territories)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2017 N 1273
"On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) and the form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory)"

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 of the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism”, the Government Russian Federation decides:

2. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the date of entry into force of this resolution, shall approve the form of the list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorist protection.

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated October 19, 2017 N 1273

to anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories)

I. General provisions

1. These requirements establish a set of measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), as well as the procedure for organizing and carrying out work in the field of ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), including issues of engineering and technical strengthening of retail facilities (territories), their categorization, monitoring compliance with these requirements and developing a safety data sheet for retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter referred to as the safety data sheet).

2. For the purposes of these requirements, a trading facility (territory) is understood as land plot, a complex of technologically and technically interconnected buildings (structures, structures) and systems, a separate building (structure, structure) or part of a building (structure, structure), specially equipped with equipment designed and used for display, demonstration of goods, customer service and cash settlements with customers when selling goods.

3. Responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of commercial facilities (territories) rests with legal and individuals who own, by right of ownership, economic management or operational management, land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises used for the placement of retail facilities (territories), or who use land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises for the placement of retail facilities (territories) on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), as well as on officials who directly manage the activities of employees of retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter referred to as the manager of the facility).

4. These requirements do not apply to retail facilities (territories) related to facilities (territories) whose anti-terrorist protection requirements are approved by other acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as to retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 these requirements.

5. The list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorist protection is determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body state power subject of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation), in agreement with the territorial security authority, territorial body Federal service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, a territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The specified list is formed in a form approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and is approved by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The specified list is a document containing proprietary information of limited distribution and is marked “For official use.”

6. The decision to include a retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements is made:

a) in relation to functioning (operated) retail facilities (territories) - within 30 days from the date of approval by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the list form provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements;

b) when commissioning a new retail facility (territory) - within 30 days from the date of completion of the necessary measures for its commissioning.

7. The authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within 1 month after approval of the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, notifies in writing the relevant copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) about the inclusion of retail facilities (territories) in the specified list.

8. Anti-terrorism security of retail facilities (territories) must correspond to the nature of terrorist threats and the operational situation in the area where the retail facilities (territories) are located, and also ensure the most efficient use forces and means involved in ensuring the security of retail facilities (territories).

These requirements are of a general nature regarding the equipping of retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical security means. Selection and equipment of retail facilities (territories) specific types means of engineering and technical strengthening and technical means security is determined in the technical specifications for equipping retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical means of security, depending on the category of retail facilities (territories).

9. Copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements independently determine the content and procedure for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of such retail facilities (territories), in particular security, implementation of access and intra-facility regimes, equipment with engineering and technical security means, responding to the threat or commission of terrorist acts, informing law enforcement agencies about this, as well as implementing other anti-terrorist security measures.

10. In order to establish differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories), taking into account the degree of threat of a terrorist act committed on them and the scale of the possible consequences of a terrorist act committed on them, retail facilities (territories) are categorized.

11. The degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory) is determined on the basis of data from territorial security agencies, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation on the situation in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located, about the number of terrorist acts committed or prevented at a retail facility (territory) or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the number and nature of the levels of terrorist danger introduced in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located in accordance with the Decree

The possible consequences of committing a terrorist act are determined on the basis of forecast indicators about the number of people who may die or be harmed, as well as possible material damage and damage to the environment.

12. The following categories of retail facilities (territories) are established:

a) retail facilities (territories) of the first category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 4 or more terrorist acts were committed or prevented during the last 3 years and (or) 2 or more terrorist attacks were committed or prevented during the last 12 months terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced more than 4 times over the past 3 years and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 8 times or within the last 12 months a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger was introduced more than 2 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the predicted number of victims is more than 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is more than 50 million rubles;

b) retail facilities (territories) of the second category, which include:

trading facilities (territories), if at them or at similar trading facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, during the last 3 years, from 1 to 4 terrorist acts were committed or prevented and (or) during the last 12 months no commission (attempted) was recorded to commit) terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which, over the past 3 years, a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced from 2 to 4 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger from 2 to 8 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist threat more than 6 times or during the last 12 months the critical ("red") level of terrorist threat was introduced from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist threat from 1 to 4 times or increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat from 2 to 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the projected number of victims is from 200 to 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 15 to 50 million rubles;

c) retail facilities (territories) of the third category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if no terrorist acts have been committed (attempted to commit) at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation over the past 3 years;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist threat has been introduced no more than 1 time or an increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat less than 4 times over the past 3 years, or a critical level has been introduced over the past 12 months ("red") level of terrorist danger from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist danger from 2 to 4 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist danger less than 2 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the predicted number of victims is from 50 to 200 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 5 to 15 million rubles.

13. All retail facilities (territories) are assigned a category corresponding to the highest quantitative indicator of any of the categorization criteria specified in paragraph 12 of these requirements.

14. To carry out the categorization of a retail facility (territory), by decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), a commission is created to survey and categorize the retail facility (territory) (hereinafter referred to as the commission) within 1 month from the date of receipt of notification of the inclusion of this retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements.

The commission's work period is 30 working days.

15. The composition of the commission includes:

a) representatives of the retail facility (territory) responsible for security and engineering and technical means of protection, as well as other specialists as decided by the copyright holder of the facility (territory), including representatives of the organization carrying out technical operation shopping facility (territory);

b) representatives of the territorial security agency, territorial agency of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or unit private security troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief at the location of the retail facility (territory) (as agreed);

c) representatives of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and bodies local government(by agreement).

16. Experts from among employees of specialized organizations in the field of design and operation may be involved in the work of the commission technological systems and specialized organizations that have the right to carry out safety assessments of retail facilities (territories).

The commission is headed by the head of the facility or a person authorized by him (hereinafter referred to as the chairman of the commission).

17. In the course of its work, the commission:

a) collects and analyzes initial data about the retail facility (territory);

b) studies constructive and specifications retail facility (territory), organization of its functioning, current measures to ensure the safe functioning of the retail facility (territory);

c) determines the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory) and the possible consequences of its commission;

d) identifies potentially dangerous areas of the retail facility (territory) and (or) its critical elements;

e) determines the category of the retail facility (territory) or confirms (changes) a previously assigned category or recommends excluding the retail facility (territory) from the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, if the retail facility (territory) does not have features that would allow it to be classified in a certain category ;

f) conducts an inspection of the retail facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security;

g) determines, taking into account the category of the retail facility (territory) and the assessment of the state of its anti-terrorist security, the necessary measures to ensure the anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), as well as the timing of the implementation of these activities, taking into account the volume of planned work, the forecast amount of expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources financing.

18. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory), which is drawn up in any form and contains information confirming the commission’s decision to assign the retail facility (territory) the appropriate category, conclusions about the effectiveness of the existing anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory) , as well as recommendations and a list of measures to bring its anti-terrorism protection into compliance with these requirements.

The inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory) is drawn up in 2 copies, signed by all members of the commission and is an integral part of the safety data sheet.

If there are disagreements between members of the commission on the categorization of a retail facility (territory), the decision is made during a conciliation meeting by a majority vote of the commission members, with the chairman of the commission having a casting vote. Members of the commission who do not agree with the decision made sign an act of inspection and categorization of the facility (territory), and their special opinion is attached to the act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

19. By decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), in accordance with the act of surveying and categorizing the retail facility (territory), a list of measures is developed to ensure anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the degree of its potential danger and the threat of terrorist acts, as well as the forecast volume expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources of financing.

The period for completion of these activities, including equipping the retail facility (territory) with engineering and technical security means, cannot exceed 2 years from the date of approval of the inspection report and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

20. The information contained in the act of inspection and categorization of a retail facility (territory), as well as in the list of measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a retail facility (territory), is information of limited distribution and is subject to protection in accordance with the law

III. Safety data sheet for a retail facility (territory)

21. For each retail facility (territory), within 30 days after its inspection and categorization, on the basis of the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), a safety passport is developed, which is a permanent reference document reflecting the state of anti-terrorism security of the retail facility ( territory) and containing a list of necessary measures to prevent (suppress) terrorist acts at a commercial facility (territory).

The safety passport is drawn up by the head of the facility based on the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the data provided by the members of the commission in accordance with their competence, and is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory) or an official authorized by him.

The safety data sheet is subject to approval within 30 days from the date of its preparation by the heads of the territorial security agency, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or the private security unit of the troops. the National Guard of the Russian Federation and the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) or officials authorized by them.

22. The safety data sheet is drawn up in 2 copies.

One copy of the safety data sheet is kept by the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located, the second copy is kept by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory).

Copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet certified by the copyright holder are sent to the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief and the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) .

If it is impossible for the owner of the retail facility (territory) to ensure the safety of a copy of the safety data sheet, it is transferred for storage to the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located.

23. The information contained in the safety data sheet is restricted information and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets.

The decision to assign a security classification to a safety data sheet is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

24. In cases where a land plot, building, structure and structure are used to accommodate retail facilities (territories) owned by several copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), the preparation of a safety data sheet is carried out jointly by all managers of the facilities or by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) one of the facility managers.

The safety data sheet, when compiled jointly, is subject to approval by all copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

The safety data sheet, when compiled by one of the managers of the facility, is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), the manager of whose facility it was compiled, in agreement with other copyright holders of the retail facility (territory).

The number of copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet and their distribution to other copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) is determined by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

25. The safety data sheet of a retail facility (territory) is updated in the manner prescribed for its development in the following cases:

a) change in the main purpose of the retail facility (territory);

b) change total area and boundaries of the shopping facility (territory);

c) a change in the forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory).

IV. Measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of retail facilities (territories)

26. Depending on the established category in relation to a retail facility (territory), a set of measures is implemented to ensure its anti-terrorist protection, provided for by these requirements, which can be changed depending on the developing socio-political, social and operational situation by decision of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), on whose territory the trading facility (territory) is located, or the copyright holder of the trading facility (territory).

27. Anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory), regardless of its category, is ensured by:

a) carrying out the necessary organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the trading facility (territory);

b) identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory);

c) the use of modern information and communication technologies to ensure the security of a retail facility (territory);

d) equipping the retail facility (territory) with the necessary engineering and technical security means;

e) monitoring compliance with the requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory);

f) ensuring the readiness of security units and employees of a retail facility (territory) to act in the event of a threat of a terrorist act being committed or committed on it.

28. Organizational events to ensure anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory) include:

a) development of organizational and administrative documents on the organization of security, access and intra-facility regimes at a retail facility (territory);

b) identification of officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory) and its critical elements;

c) conducting exercises and (or) training with employees of a retail facility (territory) to prepare for actions in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a retail facility (territory);

d) control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security and protection of a commercial facility (territory), as well as the level of preparedness of the security unit of a commercial facility (territory) (if any) to act in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a commercial facility (territory) ;

e) informing employees of the retail facility (territory) about the requirements for anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory) and the content of organizational and administrative documents regarding access and intra-facility regimes (if they are established) at the retail facility (territory).

29. Engineering protection of a retail facility (territory) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" at all stages of their operation (design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation, reconstruction and major repairs).

30. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with:

a) video surveillance system;

b) warning and evacuation control system;

c) lighting system.

31. The video surveillance system, taking into account the number of installed video cameras and their locations, must provide continuous video surveillance of the state of the situation on the territory of the retail facility (territory), archiving and storage of data.

32. The warning system at a retail facility (territory) must ensure prompt notification of people about the threat of a terrorist act being committed or about the commission of a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory).

The number of sirens and their power must provide the necessary audibility throughout the entire territory of the retail facility (territory).

33. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with information stands (boards) containing an evacuation scheme in case of emergency situations, telephone numbers of relevant officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory), telephone numbers of emergency rescue services, law enforcement authorities and security agencies.

Evacuation routes at a retail facility (territory) must be clear for the movement of people and vehicles.

34. In order to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) of the first or second category, the owner of the commercial facility (territory) organizes its physical security.

Specialized organizations are involved in ensuring the physical security of a retail facility (territory) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. A retail facility (territory) of the first category is equipped with emergency call buttons (alarm alarms) of the private security unit of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and (or) the physical security unit.

36. Upon receipt of information about the threat of a terrorist act, in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory), measures are taken to strengthen the appropriate counter-terrorism regime.

Regimes for strengthening counter-terrorism provide for the implementation of measures provided for by these requirements, depending on the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act and its possible consequences, the level of terrorist danger introduced within the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in certain areas of the territory of the Russian Federation (objects) in accordance with the Procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012 N 851 “On the procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state ".

V. The procedure for informing about the threat or commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory) and responding to the information received

37. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), information is received (including anonymous) about the threat of a terrorist act to be committed at a commercial facility (territory) or a terrorist act is committed at a commercial facility (territory), the head of the facility (person, his the substitute) or a person authorized by him immediately informs the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation by any available means of communication. consequences of natural disasters at the location of the retail facility (territory), as well as the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the administration of the municipality.

38. When transmitting information in accordance with paragraph 37 of these requirements using means of communication, the person transmitting the information reports:

a) your last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position;

b) the name of the retail facility (territory) and its exact address;

c) the date and time of detection of the threat of committing a terrorist act at the facility (territory), receiving information about the threat of committing a terrorist act or committing a terrorist act;

d) the number of people present at the retail facility (territory);

e) other significant information at the request of the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

39. The person who transmitted information about the threat or commission of a terrorist act records the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the position of the person who received the information, as well as the date and time of its transmission.

When sending such information using fax communications, the person transmitting the information certifies the message with his signature.

40. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), or information is received about the threat or commission of a terrorist act, the manager of the facility ensures:

a) implementation of measures to strengthen counter-terrorism in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of terrorist acts directed against a commercial facility (territory);

b) notifying persons located at the retail facility (territory) about the threat of committing or committing a terrorist act;

c) evacuation of people;

d) strengthening the security of a retail facility (territory);

e) organizing access to a retail facility (territory) for operational units of the territorial security agency, the territorial agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial agency of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief of the territorial agency of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation .

VI. Control over ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories)

41. Control over the provision of anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) and the implementation of these requirements is carried out through the organization and implementation by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of planned and unscheduled inspections retail facilities (territories) with a report of the results to the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

42. Scheduled inspection is carried out once every 3 years in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and is carried out in the form of documentary control or on-site inspection of a commercial facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security and develop measures to eliminate those identified during inspections shortcomings.

43. Unscheduled inspections are carried out in the form of documentary control or on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory):

a) for the purpose of monitoring the elimination of deficiencies identified during scheduled inspections;

b) if the head of the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the need for an on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory);

c) upon receipt of appeals (applications) for non-compliance with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) and inaction of officials, bodies and organizations with regard to ensuring anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory).

44. The duration of scheduled and unscheduled inspections cannot exceed 10 working days.

45. After an inspection, if violations are identified, the owner of the retail facility (territory) and the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are sent proposals to improve measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of the retail facility (territory) and eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated October 19, 2017 N 1273

safety data sheets of a retail facility (territory)


(head of the territorial security agency or his authorized representative



(Head of the territorial body of the Russian Guard

or private security units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by them)



"____" _______________ 20__



(head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia or an official authorized by him)



(head of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by him)



"____" _______________ 20__

"____" _______________ 20__

MSDS _________________________________________________________________________ (name of the retail facility (territory) _______________________________________ (Name settlement) 20___

I. General information about the retail facility (territory)

1. _____________________________________________________________________ (address of the location of the retail facility (territory) _________________________________________________________________________ (category of the retail facility (territory) ______________________________________________________________________________ (main functional purpose, date and details of the decision to classify it as a retail facility (territory) _________________________________________________________________________ (information about the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), surname , name and patronymic (if available), telephone numbers, address Email) __________________________________________________________________________ (total area (sq. meters), perimeter length (meters) __________________________________________________________________________ (results of monitoring the number of people (employees, visitors, etc.) simultaneously present at the retail facility (territory) __________________________________________________________________________ (characteristics of the territory, building, structure and premises ( number of storeys, number of entrances, possibility of penetration through other buildings, structures and premises) _________________________________________________________________________ (organizations ensuring security and law and order at the retail facility (territory), last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of managers, official, mobile, home phones) _________________________________________________________________________ (a brief description of terrain in the area where the shopping facility (territory) is located, relief)

2. Information about objects located on the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object, information

about the form of ownership, owner (manager), operating mode of the facility

Object location

Information on the technical strength and organization of security of the facility

3. Information about objects located in close proximity to the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object by types of significance and danger

Side of the object location


to object (meters)

4. Placement of a retail facility (territory) in relation to transport communications

Kind of transport

and transport communications


transport communication object

Distance to transport communications (meters)

Automotive (highways, highways, roads, bus stations, bus stations)

Railway (train tracks, stations, stations, platforms, crossings)

Air (airports, air terminals, military airfields, helipads, runways)

Name of organization, address, telephone numbers, type of ownership, director

Type of service activity

Work schedule

6. Information about potentially dangerous areas and (or) critical elements of the retail facility (territory)

Table 1

Name of potentially hazardous area

Number of working people

table 2

Number of working people

Nature of the possible emergency

7. Possible illegal actions at the retail facility (territory):

(description of possible illegal actions (committing an explosion, arson or other actions aimed at causing harm to the life and health of people, destruction of structures located in a commercial facility (territory) or the threat of committing these actions, taking hostages, disabling various communications or unauthorized interference in their work, other situations)

b) _____________________________________________________________________

(fixed emergency situations, incidents and illegal

actions at a retail facility (territory) or in the area where it is located,

their brief description)

8. Assessment of the socio-economic consequences of a terrorist attack on a commercial facility (territory)

Terrorist threat

Predicted number of casualties as a result of a terrorist attack (persons)

The scale of the consequences of a terrorist attack

9. Forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory):

a) composition of forces

(security unit, security organization, address, last name, first name and patronymic (if available), telephone number of the manager, telephone numbers of the security unit, number, date of issue and validity period of the license to carry out security activities (for private security organizations)

b) security means


(firearms and ammunition for them, quantity separately for each type, type, model, protective equipment, type, quantity, special means, type, quantity)

c) organization of notification and communication

(telephone numbers of duty officers of the territorial security agency, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the National Guard)

(telephone numbers of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government body under jurisdiction)


(telephone numbers of dispatch and duty services of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal entity)

10. Measures for engineering, technical, physical protection and fire safety shopping facility (territory):

a) availability and characteristics of engineering and technical means


(fencing of a retail facility (territory), engineering barriers, cameras of the video monitoring system, their locations, stability of the functioning of the video monitoring system, the presence of a direct communication system with organizations that guard the retail facility (territory), lighting poles, their number, operability, adequacy of illumination the entire territory of the retail facility (territory)

b) ensuring fire safety


(fire alarm, locations of primary fire extinguishing equipment)

c) warning and evacuation control system


(characteristics, escape routes)

11. Assessing the sufficiency of measures to protect critical elements of a retail facility (territory)

Name of critical element

Compliance with established requirements

Performing the physical protection task

Performing the task of preventing a terrorist attack

Conclusion on the sufficiency of protection measures

Compensation measures

12. Conclusions about the reliability of security of a commercial facility (territory) and recommendations for strengthening its anti-terrorist security:

A) ____________________________________________________________________;

(conclusions about the reliability of security and the ability to resist attempts to commit terrorist acts and other illegal actions)

b) _____________________________________________________________________;

(priority, urgent measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorism security, eliminating identified deficiencies)

V) ____________________________________________________________________

(required funding for ensuring anti-terrorist security measures for a retail facility (territory)

13. Additional information


(Additional Information taking into account the characteristics of the retail facility (territory)

_________________________________________________________________________ ___

(an official who directly supervises the activities of employees of a retail facility (territory)


The procedure for examining and categorizing a retail facility (territory) is organized by the copyright holder of the retail facility. General provisions for organizing categorization are given in Section 2 of the Requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2017 No. 1273.

To initiate the start this process, the copyright holder of the object of trade must, by his decision, create a commission to examine and categorize the object. At the same time, the commission must include representatives of the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Guard and the FSB. The commission also includes representatives of the executive body of the subject (local government) and employees of the trade facility, who are responsible for ensuring the safety and operation of technological systems.

According to the requirements for the work of the commission, by decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility, it is allowed to include employees of specialized organizations.

The decision to create such a commission is formalized by an internal order of the organization. The order is drawn up in any form - the content of such an order is not defined by law.

After making a decision on categorization, it is necessary to writing notify the above-mentioned government agencies at least 30 days before the appointed categorization date. After such notification is received by the government agency, the responsible employee will make a decision to appoint an employee to participate in the procedure for examining and categorizing your facility. On the specified date and time, members of the commission gather at the site and conduct an inspection, based on the results of which a categorization report is drawn up.

At the same time, the resolution provides for options in which controversial situations may arise between members of the commission. In this case, members of the commission who do not agree with certain results indicate their dissenting opinion in the categorization act. In this case, the categorization act must be signed by all members of the commission, despite any disagreements that may arise.

Ensuring information security

The categorization act and the information contained in it are subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of trade secrets. It is worth noting that if a decision is made to include representatives of a specialized organization in the commission, it is necessary to make sure that this organization carries out measures to protect information and has the appropriate permits (certificate of compliance with information protection according to the requirements of FSTEC or an FSB license). It is worth noting that the organization of this procedure is similar for all retail facilities, which include such facilities as a restaurant, cafe, bar, shopping mall, shop, department store, supermarket, shopping complex and so on.

After completing this procedure, the copyright holder needs to organize its development and approval.

RosBezopasnost company has everything you need permitting documentation to ensure information security. Our specialists have repeatedly taken part in the examination and categorization of objects of varying complexity.

Information about the restrictions being introduced

At the plenary meeting of the Duma of the Astrakhan Region, the Law of the Astrakhan Region No. 108/2018-OZ dated November 28, 2018 was adopted “On amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Astrakhan Region “On the Protection of Morals and Health of Children in the Astrakhan Region” and Article 11 of the Law of the Astrakhan Region “On Administrative offenses." It establishes a ban on the presence of children on the premises legal entities or citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, intended for implementation electronic systems delivery of nicotine, liquids for electronic nicotine delivery systems, and also introduces administrative liability in relation to officials and legal entities who violated the established ban in the form of an administrative fine of 5,000 to 10,000 and from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. respectively.

Copyright holders of retail facilities in the Astrakhan region

On the territory of the Astrakhan region, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 2017 No. 1273 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories) and the form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory)” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1273) and the order of the Governor Astrakhan Region dated December 13, 2017 No. 809-R “On the Authorized Body” categorizes retail facilities for the purpose of anti-terrorism protection.

Responsibility and organization of work for conducting the survey, categorization, and development of a Safety Data Sheet for a retail facility (territory) rests with the copyright holders of the retail facility (territory), as well as with officials who directly supervise the activities of employees of the retail facility (territory).

The criteria for retail facilities for inclusion in the list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of the Astrakhan region and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorist protection (hereinafter referred to as the list) are:

1) for retail facilities (territories) located separately - the retail area of ​​the facilities (territories) is from 300 sq. m.;

2) for retail facilities located on the first floors of multi-apartment residential buildings - the retail area of ​​​​the objects is from 150 sq. m., the height of the multi-apartment residential building is from 6 floors.

Copyright holders of commercial facilities (territories) falling under the specified criteria must submit to the ministry economic development Astrakhan region (department of trade) information about the name of the retail facility, the address of the copyright holder and the area of ​​the facility (territory), for inclusion of the retail facility (territory) in the list.

Employees of the copyright holder, on the basis of an order, responsible for security and technical security measures;

Representatives of the territorial bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian National Guard or the private security unit of this service;

Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region.

Candidates for representatives of government bodies must be agreed upon with these bodies. The commission is headed by a chairman, who is the head of the facility or a person authorized by him. Within 30 working days, the commission must study data about the object and inspect it. Having determined the degree of threat of a terrorist act and the nature of its possible consequences, the commission will decide which of the three categories the object should be classified into. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an inspection and categorization report (hereinafter referred to as the survey report).

There have been no terrorist attacks or attempts to commit them at the facility or similar facilities in the same subject of the Russian Federation over the past three years;

A high or increased level of terrorist danger has not been introduced in the area where the facility is located for three years, or a critical level of danger has not been introduced within 12 months and a high or increased level of danger has not been introduced more than once;

The predicted number of victims of the terrorist attack is less than 50 people, and the amount of possible damage is less than 5 million rubles.

According to paragraph 3 of part 1 of Resolution No. 1273, responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) is assigned to legal entities and individuals who own, by right of ownership, economic management or operational management, land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises used for the location of retail outlets. facilities (territories), or using land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises for the placement of retail facilities (territories) on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), as well as on officials directly supervising the activities of retail workers objects (territories).

Additionally, we inform you that on the basis of paragraph 9 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 2017 No. 1273 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) and the form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory)”, copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) who do not included in the list, independently determine the content and procedure for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of such retail facilities (territories), in particular security, implementation of access and intra-facility regimes, equipment of engineering and technical means of security, response to the threat of committing or committing terrorist acts, informing law enforcement authorities about this authorities, as well as the implementation of other anti-terrorist security measures.

Copyright holders of retail facilities on the need to conduct an inspection and categorization in the field of ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories), including issues of engineering and technical strengthening of retail facilities (territories) and the development of a safety passport for retail facilities

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1273 of October 19, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the resolution), requirements for trade objects were approved within the framework of their anti-terrorism protection and new form Safety Data Sheets. The requirements will apply to retail facilities that will be included in the list approved by the Governor of the Astrakhan Region.

According to paragraph 3 of the resolution, responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) is assigned to legal entities and individuals who own, by right of ownership, economic management or operational management of land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises.

Having received notification of the inclusion of an object in the list, the copyright holder must create a commission within one month. It must include:
employees of the copyright holder, on the basis of an order, responsible for security and technical security measures;
representatives of the territorial bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian National Guard or the private security unit of this service;
representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region.

Candidates for representatives of government bodies must be agreed upon with these bodies. The commission is headed by a chairman, who is the head of the facility or a person authorized by him.

Within 30 working days, the commission must study data about the object and inspect it. Having determined the degree of threat of a terrorist act and the nature of its possible consequences, the commission will decide which of the three categories the object should be classified into.

The results of the commission’s work are documented in an inspection and categorization report (hereinafter referred to as the survey report). The inspection report must reflect the decision of the commission, conclusions about the security of the object and a list of measures that the copyright holder must take to bring the object into compliance with the requirements. These activities must be carried out no later than two years from the date of approval of the inspection report.

The commission, based on the inspection report, may recommend excluding an object from the list if it does not fit any of the categories. Taking into account the criteria established for the third (lowest) category, such a recommendation can be given if:
there have been no terrorist attacks or attempts to commit them at the facility or similar facilities in the same subject of the Russian Federation over the past three years;
in the area where the facility is located, a high or increased level of terrorist danger has not been introduced for three years, or a critical level of danger has not been introduced within 12 months and a high or increased level of danger has not been introduced more than once;
the predicted number of victims as a result of the terrorist attack is less than 50 people, and the amount of possible damage is less than 5 million rubles.

No later than 30 days after the inspection and categorization of the retail facility, it will be necessary to develop a safety data sheet for it in the prescribed form in two copies. The safety data sheet is developed by the copyright holder of the retail facility. Within 30 days from the date of drawing up the safety data sheet of the retail facility must be approved by regional bodies FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Russian Guard, as well as in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region.

Regardless of whether a retail facility is on the list, the copyright holder must take all required measures to ensure the security of the facility. For example, at objects of the first and second categories there must be physical security provided by a specialized organization. Objects of all categories must be equipped with video surveillance, warning and evacuation control systems, and lighting.

Copyright holders of objects not included in the list themselves determine additional measures to ensure their anti-terrorist protection.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 2017 No. 1273 came into force on October 31, 2017.







In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 of the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories);

form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory).

2. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the date of entry into force of this resolution, shall approve the form of the list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorist protection.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government resolution

Russian Federation




I. General provisions

1. These requirements establish a set of measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), as well as the procedure for organizing and carrying out work in the field of ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), including issues of engineering and technical strengthening of retail facilities (territories), their categorization, monitoring compliance with these requirements and developing a safety data sheet for retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter referred to as the safety data sheet).

2. For the purposes of these requirements, a retail facility (territory) means a plot of land, a complex of technologically and technically interconnected buildings (structures, structures) and systems, a separate building (structure, structure) or part of a building (structure, structure), specially equipped equipment designed and used for displaying, demonstrating goods, serving customers and making cash payments to customers when selling goods.

3. Responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) is assigned to legal entities and individuals who own, by right of ownership, economic management or operational management of land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises used for the placement of retail facilities (territories), or using land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises for the placement of retail facilities (territories) on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), as well as officials who directly manage the activities of employees of retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter - facility manager).

4. These requirements do not apply to retail facilities (territories) related to facilities (territories) whose anti-terrorist protection requirements are approved by other acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as to retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 these requirements.

5. The list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorism protection is determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation ) (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in agreement with the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The specified list is formed in a form approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and is approved by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The specified list is a document containing proprietary information of limited distribution and is marked “For official use.”

6. The decision to include a retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements is made:

a) in relation to functioning (operated) retail facilities (territories) - within 30 days from the date of approval by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the list form provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements;

b) when commissioning a new retail facility (territory) - within 30 days from the date of completion of the necessary measures for its commissioning.

7. The authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within 1 month after approval of the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, notifies in writing the relevant copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) about the inclusion of retail facilities (territories) in the specified list.

8. Anti-terrorism security of retail facilities (territories) must correspond to the nature of terrorist threats and the operational situation in the area where the retail facilities (territories) are located, as well as ensure the most effective use of forces and means involved in ensuring the security of retail facilities (territories).

These requirements are of a general nature regarding the equipping of retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical security means. The selection and equipping of retail facilities (territories) with specific types of engineering and technical security means and technical security means are determined in the technical specifications for equipping retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical security means, depending on the category of retail facilities (territories).

9. Copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements independently determine the content and procedure for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of such retail facilities (territories), in particular security, implementation of access and intra-facility regimes, equipment with engineering and technical security means, responding to the threat or commission of terrorist acts, informing law enforcement agencies about this, as well as implementing other anti-terrorist security measures.

10. In order to establish differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories), taking into account the degree of threat of a terrorist act committed on them and the scale of the possible consequences of a terrorist act committed on them, retail facilities (territories) are categorized.

11. The degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory) is determined on the basis of data from territorial security agencies, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation on the situation in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located, about the number of terrorist acts committed or prevented at a retail facility (territory) or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the number and nature of the levels of terrorist danger introduced in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Federation of June 14, 2012 N 851 “On the procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.”

The possible consequences of committing a terrorist act are determined on the basis of forecast indicators about the number of people who may die or be harmed, as well as possible material damage and damage to the environment.

12. The following categories of retail facilities (territories) are established:

a) retail facilities (territories) of the first category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 4 or more terrorist acts were committed or prevented during the last 3 years and (or) 2 or more terrorist attacks were committed or prevented during the last 12 months terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced more than 4 times over the past 3 years and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 8 times or within the last 12 months a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger was introduced more than 2 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the predicted number of victims is more than 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is more than 50 million rubles;

b) retail facilities (territories) of the second category, which include:

trading facilities (territories), if at them or at similar trading facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, during the last 3 years, from 1 to 4 terrorist acts were committed or prevented and (or) during the last 12 months no commission (attempted) was recorded to commit) terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which, over the past 3 years, a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced from 2 to 4 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger from 2 to 8 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist threat more than 6 times or during the last 12 months the critical ("red") level of terrorist threat was introduced from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist threat from 1 to 4 times or increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat from 2 to 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the projected number of victims is from 200 to 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 15 to 50 million rubles;

c) retail facilities (territories) of the third category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if no terrorist acts have been committed (attempted to commit) at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation over the past 3 years;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist threat has been introduced no more than 1 time or an increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat less than 4 times over the past 3 years, or a critical level has been introduced over the past 12 months ("red") level of terrorist danger from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist danger from 2 to 4 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist danger less than 2 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the projected number of victims is from 50 to 200 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 5 to 15 million rubles.

13. All retail facilities (territories) are assigned a category corresponding to the highest quantitative indicator of any of the categorization criteria specified in paragraph 12 of these requirements.

14. To carry out the categorization of a retail facility (territory), by decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), a commission is created to survey and categorize the retail facility (territory) (hereinafter referred to as the commission) within 1 month from the date of receipt of notification of the inclusion of this retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements.

The commission's work period is 30 working days.

15. The composition of the commission includes:

a) representatives of the retail facility (territory), responsible for security and engineering and technical means of security, as well as other specialists as decided by the copyright holder of the facility (territory), including representatives of the organization carrying out the technical operation of the retail facility (territory);

b) representatives of the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or the private security unit of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief at the location of the retail facility (territory ) (by agreement);

c) representatives of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government bodies (as agreed).

16. Experts from among employees of specialized organizations in the field of design and operation of technological systems and specialized organizations that have the right to carry out safety assessments of retail facilities (territories) may be involved in the work of the commission.

The commission is headed by the head of the facility or a person authorized by him (hereinafter referred to as the chairman of the commission).

17. In the course of its work, the commission:

a) collects and analyzes initial data about the retail facility (territory);

b) studies the design and technical characteristics of the retail facility (territory), the organization of its functioning, and current measures to ensure the safe functioning of the retail facility (territory);

c) determines the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory) and the possible consequences of its commission;

d) identifies potentially dangerous areas of the retail facility (territory) and (or) its critical elements;

e) determines the category of the retail facility (territory) or confirms (changes) a previously assigned category or recommends excluding the retail facility (territory) from the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, if the retail facility (territory) does not have features that would allow it to be classified in a certain category ;

f) conducts an inspection of the retail facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security;

g) determines, taking into account the category of the retail facility (territory) and the assessment of the state of its anti-terrorist security, the necessary measures to ensure the anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), as well as the timing of the implementation of these activities, taking into account the volume of planned work, the forecast amount of expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources financing.

18. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory), which is drawn up in any form and contains information confirming the commission’s decision to assign the retail facility (territory) the appropriate category, conclusions about the effectiveness of the existing anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory) , as well as recommendations and a list of measures to bring its anti-terrorism protection into compliance with these requirements.

If there are disagreements between members of the commission on the categorization of a retail facility (territory), the decision is made during a conciliation meeting by a majority vote of the commission members, with the chairman of the commission having a casting vote. Members of the commission who do not agree with the decision made sign an act of inspection and categorization of the facility (territory), and their special opinion is attached to the act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

19. By decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), in accordance with the act of surveying and categorizing the retail facility (territory), a list of measures is developed to ensure anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the degree of its potential danger and the threat of terrorist acts, as well as the forecast volume expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources of financing.

The period for completion of these activities, including equipping the retail facility (territory) with engineering and technical security means, cannot exceed 2 years from the date of approval of the inspection report and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

20. The information contained in the act of inspection and categorization of a retail facility (territory), as well as in the list of measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a retail facility (territory), is information of limited distribution and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets.

III. Safety data sheet for a retail facility (territory)

21. For each retail facility (territory), within 30 days after its inspection and categorization, on the basis of the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), a safety passport is developed, which is a permanent reference document reflecting the state of anti-terrorism security of the retail facility ( territory) and containing a list of necessary measures to prevent (suppress) terrorist acts at a commercial facility (territory).

The safety passport is drawn up by the head of the facility based on the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the data provided by the members of the commission in accordance with their competence, and is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory) or an official authorized by him.

The safety data sheet is subject to approval within 30 days from the date of its preparation by the heads of the territorial security agency, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or the private security unit of the troops. the National Guard of the Russian Federation and the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) or officials authorized by them.

22. The safety data sheet is drawn up in 2 copies.

One copy of the safety data sheet is kept by the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located, the second copy is kept by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory).

Copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet certified by the copyright holder are sent to the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief and the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) .

If it is impossible for the owner of the retail facility (territory) to ensure the safety of a copy of the safety data sheet, it is transferred for storage to the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located.

23. The information contained in the safety data sheet is restricted information and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets.

The decision to assign a security classification to a safety data sheet is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

24. In cases where a land plot, building, structure and structure are used to accommodate retail facilities (territories) owned by several copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), the preparation of a safety data sheet is carried out jointly by all managers of the facilities or by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) one of the facility managers.

The safety data sheet, when compiled jointly, is subject to approval by all copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

The safety data sheet, when compiled by one of the managers of the facility, is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), whose manager of the facility it was compiled, in agreement with other copyright holders of the retail facility (territory).

The number of copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet and their distribution to other copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) is determined by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

25. The safety data sheet of a retail facility (territory) is updated in the manner prescribed for its development in the following cases:

a) change in the main purpose of the retail facility (territory);

b) change in the total area and boundaries of the retail facility (territory);

c) a change in the forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory).

IV. Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security

retail facilities (territories)

26. Depending on the established category in relation to a retail facility (territory), a set of measures is implemented to ensure its anti-terrorist protection, provided for by these requirements, which can be changed depending on the developing socio-political, social and operational situation by decision of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), on whose territory the trading facility (territory) is located, or the copyright holder of the trading facility (territory).

27. Anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory), regardless of its category, is ensured by:

a) carrying out the necessary organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the trading facility (territory);

b) identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory);

c) the use of modern information and communication technologies to ensure the security of a retail facility (territory);

d) equipping the retail facility (territory) with the necessary engineering and technical security means;

e) monitoring compliance with the requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory);

f) ensuring the readiness of security units and employees of a retail facility (territory) to act in the event of a threat of a terrorist act being committed or committed on it.

28. Organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory) include:

a) development of organizational and administrative documents on the organization of security, access and intra-facility regimes at a retail facility (territory);

b) identification of officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory) and its critical elements;

c) conducting exercises and (or) training with employees of a retail facility (territory) to prepare for actions in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a retail facility (territory);

d) control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security and protection of a commercial facility (territory), as well as the level of preparedness of the security unit of a commercial facility (territory) (if any) to act in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a commercial facility (territory) ;

e) informing employees of the retail facility (territory) about the requirements for anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory) and the content of organizational and administrative documents regarding access and intra-facility regimes (if they are established) at the retail facility (territory).

29. Engineering protection of a retail facility (territory) is carried out in accordance with Federal law"Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" at all stages of their operation (design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation, reconstruction and major repairs).

30. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with:

a) video surveillance system;

b) warning and evacuation control system;

c) lighting system.

31. The video surveillance system, taking into account the number of installed video cameras and their locations, must provide continuous video surveillance of the state of the situation on the territory of the retail facility (territory), archiving and storage of data.

32. The warning system at a retail facility (territory) must ensure prompt notification of people about the threat of a terrorist act being committed or about the commission of a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory).

The number of sirens and their power must provide the necessary audibility throughout the entire territory of the retail facility (territory).

33. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with information stands (boards) containing an evacuation scheme in case of emergency situations, telephone numbers of relevant officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory), telephone numbers of emergency rescue services, law enforcement authorities and security agencies.

Evacuation routes at a retail facility (territory) must be clear for the movement of people and vehicles.

34. In order to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) of the first or second category, the owner of the commercial facility (territory) organizes its physical security.

Specialized organizations are involved in ensuring the physical security of a retail facility (territory) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. A retail facility (territory) of the first category is equipped with emergency call buttons (alarm alarms) of the private security unit of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and (or) the physical security unit.

36. Upon receipt of information about the threat of a terrorist act, in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory), measures are taken to strengthen the appropriate counter-terrorism regime.

Regimes for strengthening counter-terrorism provide for the implementation of measures provided for by these requirements, depending on the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act and its possible consequences, the level of terrorist danger introduced within the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in certain areas of the territory of the Russian Federation (objects) in accordance with the Procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012 N 851 “On the procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state ".

V. Procedure for informing about the threat of committing

or about the commission of a terrorist act at a retail facility

(territory) and response to information received

37. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), information is received (including anonymous) about the threat of a terrorist act to be committed at a commercial facility (territory) or a terrorist act is committed at a commercial facility (territory), the head of the facility (person, his the substitute) or a person authorized by him immediately informs the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation by any available means of communication. consequences of natural disasters at the location of the retail facility (territory), as well as the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the administration of the municipality.

38. When transmitting information in accordance with paragraph 37 of these requirements using means of communication, the person transmitting the information reports:

a) your last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position;

b) the name of the retail facility (territory) and its exact address;

c) the date and time of detection of the threat of committing a terrorist act at the facility (territory), receiving information about the threat of committing a terrorist act or committing a terrorist act;

d) the number of people present at the retail facility (territory);

e) other significant information at the request of the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

39. The person who transmitted information about the threat or commission of a terrorist act records the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the position of the person who received the information, as well as the date and time of its transmission.

When sending such information using fax communications, the person transmitting the information certifies the message with his signature.

40. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), or information is received about the threat or commission of a terrorist act, the manager of the facility ensures:

a) implementation of measures to strengthen counter-terrorism in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of terrorist acts directed against a commercial facility (territory);

b) notifying persons located at the retail facility (territory) about the threat of committing or committing a terrorist act;

c) evacuation of people;

d) strengthening the security of a retail facility (territory);

e) organizing access to a retail facility (territory) for operational units of the territorial security agency, the territorial agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial agency of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief of the territorial agency of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation .

VI. Control over the provision of anti-terrorism

security of retail facilities (territories)

41. Control over the provision of anti-terrorism security of retail facilities (territories) and the implementation of these requirements is carried out through the organization and conduct by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of retail facilities (territories) with the report of the results to the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

42. A scheduled inspection is carried out once every 3 years in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and is carried out in the form of documentary control or an on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security and develop measures to eliminate the identified during inspections of deficiencies.

43. Unscheduled inspections are carried out in the form of documentary control or on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory):

a) for the purpose of monitoring the elimination of deficiencies identified during scheduled inspections;

b) if the head of the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the need for an on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory);

c) upon receipt of appeals (applications) for non-compliance with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) and inaction of officials, bodies and organizations with regard to ensuring anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory).

44. The duration of scheduled and unscheduled inspections cannot exceed 10 working days.

45. After an inspection, if violations are identified, the owner of the retail facility (territory) and the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are sent proposals to improve measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of the retail facility (territory) and eliminate the identified deficiencies.


Government resolution

Russian Federation


Passport validity period _______________________ until "__" _________ 20__ (mark) Copy. N ______ I APPROVED __________________________________ (the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory) or an official authorized by him) ___________ ______________________ (signature) (full name) "__" _________ 20__ AGREED AGREED _____________________________________ _____________________________________ (head of the territorial body (head of the territorial security body or an official authorized by him of the Russian Guard or a unit) of the private security of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by him) ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ (signature) (full name) (signature) (full name) "__ " ________________ 20__ "__" ________________ 20__ AGREED AGREED _____________________________________ _____________________________________ (head of the territorial body (head of the executive body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia or an official authorized by him of the state power of the subject) of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by him) ___________ _________________________ ___________ _________________________ (signature) (full name) (signature) (full name) "__" ________________ 20__ "__" ________________ 20__ SAFETY DATA SHEET ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of the retail facility (territory) ___________________________________ (name of the locality) 20__ d. I. General information about the retail facility (territory) 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ (address of the location of the retail facility (territory) ___________________________________________________________________________ (category of the retail facility (territory) ___________________________________________________________________________ (main functional purpose, date and details of the decision to classify it as a retail facility (territory)) ___________________________________________________________________________ (information about the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), last name, first name and patronymic (if available), telephone numbers, email address) ___________________________________________________________________________ (total area (sq. meters), length of the perimeter (meters) ___________________________________________________________________________ (results of monitoring the number of people (employees, visitors, etc. ), simultaneously located on the retail facility (territory) ___________________________________________________________________________ (characteristics of the territory, buildings, structures and premises (number of floors, number of entrances, possibility of penetration through other buildings, structures and premises) ___________________________________________________________________________ (organizations ensuring security and law and order at the retail facility (territory) , last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of managers, office, mobile, home telephones) ______________________________________________________________________________ (brief description of the area in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located, relief) 2. Information about the objects located on the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object, information about the form of ownership, owner (manager), mode of operation of the object

Object location

Information on the technical strength and organization of security of the facility

3. Information about objects located in close proximity to the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object by types of significance and danger

Side of the object location

Distance to object (meters)

4. Placement of a retail facility (territory) in relation to transport communications

Type of transport and transport communications

Name of transport communication object

Distance to transport communications (meters)

Automotive (highways, highways, roads, bus stations, bus stations)

Railway (train tracks, stations, stations, platforms, crossings)

Air (airports, air terminals, military airfields, helipads, runways)

Vodny (sea and river ports, berths)

Metropolitan (stations and station lobbies)

5. Information about organizations providing services to the retail facility (territory) 6. Information about potentially dangerous areas and (or) critical elements of the retail facility (territory) Table 1

Name of potentially hazardous area

Number of working people

table 2

Number of working people

Nature of the possible emergency

7. Possible illegal actions at the retail facility (territory): a) ___________________________________________________________________; (description of possible illegal actions (committing an explosion, arson or other actions aimed at causing harm to the life and health of people, destruction of structures located in a commercial facility (territory) or the threat of committing these actions, taking hostages, disabling various communications or unauthorized interference in their work, other situations) b) _____________________________________________________________________ (recorded emergencies, incidents and illegal actions at a commercial facility (territory) or in the area where it is located, their brief description) 8. Assessment of the socio-economic consequences of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory)

Terrorist threat

Predicted number of casualties as a result of a terrorist attack (persons)

The scale of the consequences of a terrorist attack

9. Forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory): a) composition of forces __________________________________________________________________________; (security unit, security organization, address, last name, first name and patronymic (if available), telephone number of the manager, telephone numbers of the security unit, number, date of issue and validity period of the license to carry out security activities (for private security organizations) b) security equipment __________________________________________________________________________; (firearms and ammunition for them, quantity separately for each type, type, model, protective equipment, type, quantity, special means, type, quantity) c) organization of notification and communication ___________________________________________________________________________ (telephone numbers of duty officers of the territorial security agency, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , EMERCOM of Russia, National Guard) ___________________________________________________________________________ (telephones of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government body under jurisdiction) ___________________________________________________________________________ (telephones of dispatch and duty services of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal entity) 10. Measures for engineering, technical, physical protection and fire safety shopping facility (territory): a) availability and characteristics of engineering and technical means _________________________________________________________________________; (fencing of a retail facility (territory), engineering barriers, cameras of the video monitoring system, their locations, stability of the functioning of the video monitoring system, the presence of a direct communication system with organizations that guard the retail facility (territory), lighting poles, their number, operability, adequacy of illumination the entire territory of the retail facility (territory) b) ensuring fire safety _________________________________________________________________________; (fire alarm, location of primary fire extinguishing equipment) c) warning and evacuation control system ___________________________________________________________________________ (characteristics, escape routes) 11. Assessing the sufficiency of measures to protect critical elements of a retail facility (territory)

Name of critical element

Compliance with established requirements

Performing the physical protection task

Performing the task of preventing a terrorist attack

Conclusion on the sufficiency of protection measures

Compensation measures

12. Conclusions about the reliability of security of a commercial facility (territory) and recommendations for strengthening its anti-terrorist security: a) ___________________________________________________________________; (conclusions about the reliability of security and the ability to resist attempts to commit terrorist acts and other illegal actions) b) ___________________________________________________________________; (priority, urgent measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorism security, eliminating identified deficiencies) c) _____________________________________________________________________ (required financing for ensuring measures for anti-terrorism security of the trading facility (territory) 13. Additional information ___________________________________________________________________________ (additional information taking into account the characteristics of the trading facility (territory) Appendices: 1. Inspection report of the retail facility (territory) 2. Layout of the retail facility (territory) with reference to the area and indicating the location of objects located on the territory of the retail facility (territory) and in close proximity to it, as well as garbage containers. 3. Communication diagrams of the retail facility (territory) (water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, etc.) 4. Instructions for evacuating people 5. Sheet for recording adjustments ___________________________________________________________________________ (official who directly supervises the activities of employees of the retail facility (territory) ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ (signature) (full name) Compiled by "__" _______________ 20__ Updated "__" ___________ 20__ Reason for updating ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (official who directly supervises the activities of employees of the retail facility (territory) ______________________ ___________________________________________________ (signature) (Full name.)



On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) and the form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory)

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 of the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism”, the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached:

requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories);

form of a safety passport for a retail facility (territory).

2. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the date of entry into force of this resolution, shall approve the form of the list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorist protection.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Requirements for anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories)

Government resolution
Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These requirements establish a set of measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), as well as the procedure for organizing and carrying out work in the field of ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories), including issues of engineering and technical strengthening of retail facilities (territories), their categorization, monitoring compliance with these requirements and developing a safety data sheet for retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter referred to as the safety data sheet).

2. For the purposes of these requirements, a retail facility (territory) means a plot of land, a complex of technologically and technically interconnected buildings (structures, structures) and systems, a separate building (structure, structure) or part of a building (structure, structure), specially equipped equipment designed and used for displaying, demonstrating goods, serving customers and making cash payments to customers when selling goods.

3. Responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories) is assigned to legal entities and individuals who own, by right of ownership, economic management or operational management of land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises used for the placement of retail facilities (territories), or using land plots, buildings, structures, structures and premises for the placement of retail facilities (territories) on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), as well as officials who directly manage the activities of employees of retail facilities (territories) (hereinafter - facility manager).

4. These requirements do not apply to retail facilities (territories) related to facilities (territories) whose anti-terrorist protection requirements are approved by other acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as to retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 these requirements.

5. The list of retail facilities (territories) located within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and subject to categorization in the interests of their anti-terrorism protection is determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation ) (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in agreement with the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The specified list is formed in a form approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and is approved by the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The specified list is a document containing proprietary information of limited distribution and is marked “For official use.”

6. The decision to include a retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements is made:

a) in relation to functioning (operated) retail facilities (territories) - within 30 days from the date of approval by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of the list form provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements;

b) when commissioning a new retail facility (territory) - within 30 days from the date of completion of the necessary measures for its commissioning.

7. The authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within 1 month after approval of the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, notifies in writing the relevant copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) about the inclusion of retail facilities (territories) in the specified list.

8. Anti-terrorism security of retail facilities (territories) must correspond to the nature of terrorist threats and the operational situation in the area where the retail facilities (territories) are located, as well as ensure the most effective use of forces and means involved in ensuring the security of retail facilities (territories).

These requirements are of a general nature regarding the equipping of retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical security means. The selection and equipping of retail facilities (territories) with specific types of engineering and technical security means and technical security means are determined in the technical specifications for equipping retail facilities (territories) with engineering and technical security means, depending on the category of retail facilities (territories).

9. Copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) that are not included in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements independently determine the content and procedure for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of such retail facilities (territories), in particular security, implementation of access and intra-facility regimes, equipment with engineering and technical security means, responding to the threat or commission of terrorist acts, informing law enforcement agencies about this, as well as implementing other anti-terrorist security measures.

II. Categorization of retail facilities (territories)

10. In order to establish differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of retail facilities (territories), taking into account the degree of threat of a terrorist act committed on them and the scale of the possible consequences of a terrorist act committed on them, retail facilities (territories) are categorized.

11. The degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory) is determined on the basis of data from territorial security agencies, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation on the situation in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located, about the number of terrorist acts committed or prevented at a retail facility (territory) or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the number and nature of the levels of terrorist danger introduced in the area where the retail facility (territory) is located in accordance with.

The possible consequences of committing a terrorist act are determined on the basis of forecast indicators about the number of people who may die or be harmed, as well as possible material damage and damage to the environment.

12. The following categories of retail facilities (territories) are established:

a) retail facilities (territories) of the first category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 4 or more terrorist acts were committed or prevented during the last 3 years and (or) 2 or more terrorist attacks were committed or prevented during the last 12 months terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced more than 4 times over the past 3 years and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 8 times or within the last 12 months a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger was introduced more than 2 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger more than 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the predicted number of victims is more than 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is more than 50 million rubles;

b) retail facilities (territories) of the second category, which include:

trading facilities (territories), if at them or at similar trading facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, during the last 3 years, from 1 to 4 terrorist acts were committed or prevented and (or) during the last 12 months no commission (attempted) was recorded to commit) terrorist acts;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which, over the past 3 years, a critical (“red”) level of terrorist danger has been introduced from 2 to 4 times and (or) a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist danger from 2 to 8 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist threat more than 6 times or during the last 12 months the critical ("red") level of terrorist threat was introduced from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist threat from 1 to 4 times or increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat from 2 to 4 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the projected number of victims is from 200 to 1000 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 15 to 50 million rubles;

c) retail facilities (territories) of the third category, which include:

retail facilities (territories), if no terrorist acts have been committed (attempted to commit) at them or at similar retail facilities (territories) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation over the past 3 years;

retail facilities (territories) in the area of ​​which a high (“yellow”) level of terrorist threat has been introduced no more than 1 time or an increased (“blue”) level of terrorist threat less than 4 times over the past 3 years, or a critical level has been introduced over the past 12 months ("red") level of terrorist danger from 1 to 2 times and (or) high ("yellow") level of terrorist danger from 2 to 4 times or increased ("blue") level of terrorist danger less than 2 times;

retail facilities (territories), as a result of a terrorist act in which the projected number of victims is from 50 to 200 people and (or) the projected maximum material damage at book value is from 5 to 15 million rubles.

13. All retail facilities (territories) are assigned a category corresponding to the highest quantitative indicator of any of the categorization criteria specified in paragraph 12 of these requirements.

14. To carry out the categorization of a retail facility (territory), by decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), a commission is created to survey and categorize the retail facility (territory) (hereinafter referred to as the commission) within 1 month from the date of receipt of notification of the inclusion of this retail facility (territory) in the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements.

The commission's work period is 30 working days.

15. The composition of the commission includes:

a) representatives of the retail facility (territory), responsible for security and engineering and technical means of security, as well as other specialists as decided by the copyright holder of the facility (territory), including representatives of the organization carrying out the technical operation of the retail facility (territory);

b) representatives of the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or the private security unit of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief at the location of the retail facility (territory ) (by agreement);

c) representatives of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government bodies (as agreed).

16. Experts from among employees of specialized organizations in the field of design and operation of technological systems and specialized organizations that have the right to carry out safety assessments of retail facilities (territories) may be involved in the work of the commission.

The commission is headed by the head of the facility or a person authorized by him (hereinafter referred to as the chairman of the commission).

17. In the course of its work, the commission:

a) collects and analyzes initial data about the retail facility (territory);

b) studies the design and technical characteristics of the retail facility (territory), the organization of its functioning, and current measures to ensure the safe functioning of the retail facility (territory);

c) determines the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory) and the possible consequences of its commission;

d) identifies potentially dangerous areas of the retail facility (territory) and (or) its critical elements;

e) determines the category of the retail facility (territory) or confirms (changes) a previously assigned category or recommends excluding the retail facility (territory) from the list provided for in paragraph 5 of these requirements, if the retail facility (territory) does not have features that would allow it to be classified in a certain category ;

f) conducts an inspection of the retail facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security;

g) determines, taking into account the category of the retail facility (territory) and the assessment of the state of its anti-terrorist security, the necessary measures to ensure the anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), as well as the timing of the implementation of these activities, taking into account the volume of planned work, the forecast amount of expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources financing.

18. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory), which is drawn up in any form and contains information confirming the commission’s decision to assign the retail facility (territory) the appropriate category, conclusions about the effectiveness of the existing anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory) , as well as recommendations and a list of measures to bring its anti-terrorism protection into compliance with these requirements.

The inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory) is drawn up in 2 copies, signed by all members of the commission and is an integral part of the safety data sheet.

If there are disagreements between members of the commission on the categorization of a retail facility (territory), the decision is made during a conciliation meeting by a majority vote of the commission members, with the chairman of the commission having a casting vote. Members of the commission who do not agree with the decision made sign an act of inspection and categorization of the facility (territory), and their special opinion is attached to the act of inspection and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

19. By decision of the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), in accordance with the act of surveying and categorizing the retail facility (territory), a list of measures is developed to ensure anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the degree of its potential danger and the threat of terrorist acts, as well as the forecast volume expenses for the implementation of relevant activities and sources of financing.

The period for completion of these activities, including equipping the retail facility (territory) with engineering and technical security means, cannot exceed 2 years from the date of approval of the inspection report and categorization of the retail facility (territory).

20. The information contained in the act of inspection and categorization of a retail facility (territory), as well as in the list of measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a retail facility (territory), is information of limited distribution and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets.

III. Safety data sheet for a retail facility (territory)

21. For each retail facility (territory), within 30 days after its inspection and categorization, on the basis of the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), a safety passport is developed, which is a permanent reference document reflecting the state of anti-terrorism security of the retail facility ( territory) and containing a list of necessary measures to prevent (suppress) terrorist acts at a commercial facility (territory).

The safety passport is drawn up by the head of the facility based on the inspection and categorization report of the retail facility (territory), taking into account the data provided by the members of the commission in accordance with their competence, and is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory) or an official authorized by him.

The safety data sheet is subject to approval within 30 days from the date of its preparation by the heads of the territorial security agency, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or the private security unit of the troops. the National Guard of the Russian Federation and the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) or officials authorized by them.

22. The safety data sheet is drawn up in 2 copies.

One copy of the safety data sheet is kept by the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located, the second copy is kept by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory).

Copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet certified by the copyright holder are sent to the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief and the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation at the location of the retail facility (territory) .

If it is impossible for the owner of the retail facility (territory) to ensure the safety of a copy of the safety data sheet, it is transferred for storage to the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the retail facility (territory) is located.

23. The information contained in the safety data sheet is restricted information and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets.

The decision to assign a security classification to a safety data sheet is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

24. In cases where a land plot, building, structure and structure are used to accommodate retail facilities (territories) owned by several copyright holders of retail facilities (territories), the preparation of a safety data sheet is carried out jointly by all managers of the facilities or by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) one of the facility managers.

The safety data sheet, when compiled jointly, is subject to approval by all copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

The safety data sheet, when compiled by one of the managers of the facility, is approved by the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), the manager of whose facility it was compiled, in agreement with other copyright holders of the retail facility (territory).

The number of copies (electronic copies) of the safety data sheet and their distribution to other copyright holders of retail facilities (territories) is determined by agreement between the copyright holders of retail facilities (territories).

25. The safety data sheet of a retail facility (territory) is updated in the manner prescribed for its development in the following cases:

a) change in the main purpose of the retail facility (territory);

b) change in the total area and boundaries of the retail facility (territory);

c) a change in the forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory).

IV. Measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of retail facilities (territories)

26. Depending on the established category in relation to a retail facility (territory), a set of measures is implemented to ensure its anti-terrorist protection, provided for by these requirements, which can be changed depending on the developing socio-political, social and operational situation by decision of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), on whose territory the trading facility (territory) is located, or the copyright holder of the trading facility (territory).

27. Anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory), regardless of its category, is ensured by:

a) carrying out the necessary organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of the trading facility (territory);

b) identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory);

c) the use of modern information and communication technologies to ensure the security of a retail facility (territory);

d) equipping the retail facility (territory) with the necessary engineering and technical security means;

e) monitoring compliance with the requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory);

f) ensuring the readiness of security units and employees of a retail facility (territory) to act in the event of a threat of a terrorist act being committed or committed on it.

28. Organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory) include:

a) development of organizational and administrative documents on the organization of security, access and intra-facility regimes at a retail facility (territory);

b) identification of officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the commercial facility (territory) and its critical elements;

c) conducting exercises and (or) training with employees of a retail facility (territory) to prepare for actions in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a retail facility (territory);

d) control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security and protection of a commercial facility (territory), as well as the level of preparedness of the security unit of a commercial facility (territory) (if any) to act in the event of a threat and in the event of a terrorist act being committed at a commercial facility (territory) ;

e) informing employees of the retail facility (territory) about the requirements for anti-terrorist security of the retail facility (territory) and the content of organizational and administrative documents regarding access and intra-facility regimes (if they are established) at the retail facility (territory).

29. Engineering protection of a retail facility (territory) is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" at all stages of their operation (design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation, reconstruction and major repairs).

30. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with:

a) video surveillance system;

b) warning and evacuation control system;

c) lighting system.

31. The video surveillance system, taking into account the number of installed video cameras and their locations, must provide continuous video surveillance of the state of the situation on the territory of the retail facility (territory), archiving and storage of data.

32. The warning system at a retail facility (territory) must ensure prompt notification of people about the threat of a terrorist act being committed or about the commission of a terrorist act at a retail facility (territory).

The number of sirens and their power must provide the necessary audibility throughout the entire territory of the retail facility (territory).

33. A retail facility (territory), regardless of its category, is equipped with information stands (boards) containing an evacuation scheme in case of emergency situations, telephone numbers of relevant officials responsible for anti-terrorist protection of the retail facility (territory), telephone numbers of emergency rescue services, law enforcement authorities and security agencies.

Evacuation routes at a retail facility (territory) must be clear for the movement of people and vehicles.

34. In order to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) of the first or second category, the owner of the commercial facility (territory) organizes its physical security.

Specialized organizations are involved in ensuring the physical security of a retail facility (territory) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. A retail facility (territory) of the first category is equipped with emergency call buttons (alarm alarms) of the private security unit of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and (or) the physical security unit.

36. Upon receipt of information about the threat of a terrorist act, in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory), measures are taken to strengthen the appropriate counter-terrorism regime.

Regimes for strengthening counter-terrorism provide for the implementation of measures provided for by these requirements, depending on the degree of threat of committing a terrorist act and its possible consequences, the level of terrorist danger introduced within the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in certain areas of the territory of the Russian Federation (objects) in accordance with the Procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012 N 851 “On the procedure for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state ".

V. The procedure for informing about the threat or commission of a terrorist act at a commercial facility (territory) and responding to the information received

37. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), information is received (including anonymous) about the threat of a terrorist act to be committed at a commercial facility (territory) or a terrorist act is committed at a commercial facility (territory), the head of the facility (person, his the substitute) or a person authorized by him immediately informs the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation by any available means of communication. consequences of natural disasters at the location of the retail facility (territory), as well as the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the administration of the municipality.

38. When transmitting information in accordance with paragraph 37 of these requirements using means of communication, the person transmitting the information reports:

a) your last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position;

b) the name of the retail facility (territory) and its exact address;

c) the date and time of detection of the threat of committing a terrorist act at the facility (territory), receiving information about the threat of committing a terrorist act or committing a terrorist act;

d) the number of people present at the retail facility (territory);

e) other significant information at the request of the territorial security body, the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial body of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

39. The person who transmitted information about the threat or commission of a terrorist act records the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the position of the person who received the information, as well as the date and time of its transmission.

When sending such information using fax communications, the person transmitting the information certifies the message with his signature.

40. If a threat of a terrorist act is detected at a commercial facility (territory), or information is received about the threat or commission of a terrorist act, the manager of the facility ensures:

a) implementation of measures to strengthen counter-terrorism in order to timely and adequately respond to emerging terrorist threats and prevent the commission of terrorist acts directed against a commercial facility (territory);

b) notifying persons located at the retail facility (territory) about the threat of committing or committing a terrorist act;

c) evacuation of people;

d) strengthening the security of a retail facility (territory);

e) organizing access to a retail facility (territory) for operational units of the territorial security agency, the territorial agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the territorial agency of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief of the territorial agency of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation .

VI. Control over ensuring anti-terrorist security of retail facilities (territories)

41. Control over the provision of anti-terrorism security of retail facilities (territories) and the implementation of these requirements is carried out through the organization and conduct by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of retail facilities (territories) with the report of the results to the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

42. A scheduled inspection is carried out once every 3 years in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and is carried out in the form of documentary control or an on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory) to determine the state of its anti-terrorist security and develop measures to eliminate the identified during inspections of deficiencies.

43. Unscheduled inspections are carried out in the form of documentary control or on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory):

a) for the purpose of monitoring the elimination of deficiencies identified during scheduled inspections;

b) if the head of the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the need for an on-site inspection of a retail facility (territory);

c) upon receipt of appeals (applications) for non-compliance with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory) and inaction of officials, bodies and organizations with regard to ensuring anti-terrorist protection of a commercial facility (territory).

44. The duration of scheduled and unscheduled inspections cannot exceed 10 working days.

45. After an inspection, if violations are identified, the owner of the retail facility (territory) and the head of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are sent proposals to improve measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of the retail facility (territory) and eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Form of safety data sheet for a retail facility (territory)

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated October 19, 2017 N 1273

Passport validity period


until "___" __________ 20___


(copyright holder of the retail facility (territory) or an official authorized by him)


"___" _____________ 20___



(head of the territorial security agency or an official authorized by him)

(head of a territorial body of the Russian Guard or a private security unit of the National Guard of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by him)



"___" _____________ 20___

"___" _____________ 20___



(head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia or an official authorized by him)

(head of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or an official authorized by him)



"___" _____________ 20___

"___" _____________ 20___


(name of the retail facility (territory)

(name of locality)

I. General information about the retail facility (territory)

(address of the location of the retail facility (territory)

(main functional purpose, date and details of the decision to classify it as a retail facility (territory)

(information about the copyright holder of the retail facility (territory), last name, first name and patronymic (if available), telephone numbers, email address)

(total area (sq. meters), perimeter length (meters)

(results of monitoring the number of people (employees, visitors, etc.) simultaneously present in a retail facility (territory)

(characteristics of the territory, buildings, structures and premises (number of floors, number of entrances, possibility of penetration through other buildings, structures and premises)

(organizations ensuring security and law and order at the retail facility (territory), last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of managers, office, mobile, home telephone numbers)

(brief description of the area in the area where the shopping facility (territory) is located, relief)

2. Information about objects located on the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object, information about the form of ownership, owner (manager), mode of operation of the object

Object location

Information on the technical strength and organization of security of the facility

3. Information about objects located in close proximity to the retail facility (territory)

Object name

Characteristics of the object by types of significance and danger

Side of the object location

Distance to object (meters)

4. Placement of a retail facility (territory) in relation to transport communications

Type of transport and transport communications

Name of transport communication object

Distance to transport communications (meters)

Automotive (highways, highways, roads, bus stations, bus stations)

Railway (train tracks, stations, stations, platforms, crossings)

Air (airports, air terminals, military airfields, helipads, runways)

Vodny (sea and river ports, berths)

Metropolitan (stations and station lobbies)

5. Information about organizations providing services to the retail facility (territory)

Name of organization, address, telephone numbers, type of ownership, director

Type of service activity

Work schedule

6. Information about potentially dangerous areas and (or) critical elements of the retail facility (territory)

Table 1.

Table 1

Name of potentially hazardous area

Number of working people

Table 2.

table 2

Number of working people

Nature of the possible emergency

7. Possible illegal actions at the retail facility (territory):

(description of possible illegal actions (committing an explosion, arson or other actions aimed at causing harm to the life and health of people, destruction of structures located in a commercial facility (territory) or the threat of committing these actions, taking hostages, disabling various communications or unauthorized interference in their work, other situations)

(recorded emergency situations, incidents and illegal actions at the retail facility (territory) or in the area where it is located, their brief description)

8. Assessment of the socio-economic consequences of a terrorist attack on a commercial facility (territory)

Terrorist threat

Predicted number of casualties as a result of a terrorist attack (persons)

The scale of the consequences of a terrorist attack

9. Forces and means involved to ensure anti-terrorist security of a commercial facility (territory):

a) composition of forces

(security unit, security organization, address, last name, first name and patronymic (if available), telephone number of the manager, telephone numbers of the security unit, number, date of issue and validity period of the license to carry out security activities (for private security organizations)

b) security means

(firearms and ammunition for them, quantity separately for each type, type, model, protective equipment, type, quantity, special means, type, quantity)

c) organization of notification and communication

(telephone numbers of duty officers of the territorial security agency, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the National Guard)

(telephone numbers of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government body under jurisdiction)

(telephone numbers of dispatch and duty services of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal entity)

10. Measures for engineering, technical, physical protection and fire safety of the retail facility (territory):

a) availability and characteristics of engineering and technical means

(fencing of a retail facility (territory), engineering barriers, cameras of the video monitoring system, their locations, stability of the functioning of the video monitoring system, the presence of a direct communication system with organizations that guard the retail facility (territory), lighting poles, their number, operability, adequacy of illumination the entire territory of the retail facility (territory)

b) ensuring fire safety

(fire alarm, locations of primary fire extinguishing equipment)

c) warning and evacuation control system

(characteristics, escape routes)

11. Assessing the sufficiency of measures to protect critical elements of a retail facility (territory)

Name of critical element

Compliance with established requirements

Performing the physical protection task

Performing the task of preventing
tic act

Conclusion on the sufficiency of protection measures

sation measures

12. Conclusions about the reliability of security of a commercial facility (territory) and recommendations for strengthening its anti-terrorist security:

(conclusions about the reliability of security and the ability to resist attempts to commit terrorist acts and other illegal actions)

(priority, urgent measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorism security, eliminating identified deficiencies)

(required funding for ensuring anti-terrorist security measures for a retail facility (territory)

13. Additional information

Attachments: 1. Inspection report of the retail facility (territory).

2. Plan diagram of the retail facility (territory) with reference to the area and indicating the location of objects located on the territory of the retail facility (territory) and in close proximity to it, as well as garbage containers.

3. Schemes of communications of a retail facility (territory) (water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, etc.).

4. Instructions for evacuating people.

5. Sheet for recording adjustments.


Compiled "

Updated "

Reason for updating

(an official who directly supervises the activities of employees of a retail facility (territory)


Electronic document text
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Official Internet portal
legal information, 10.23.2017,
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