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Beltelecom fiber optic communication campaign. What problems might an ordinary PON user encounter?

The backbone operator of Belarus calls the changes that are taking place in the country in the field of introducing new communication technologies the fiber optic revolution. And today optical communications are already available to hundreds of thousands of Belarusians. Undoubtedly, this figure will increase even more in the coming years. About the development strategy and implementation of new technologies - our dialogue with the head of the Mozyr ZUES Alexander BOLSUN.

– Alexander Nikolaevich, today the city is undergoing a massive replacement of copper communication lines with fiber optics. One way or another, by the end of 2020, all copper communication lines in high-rise buildings will be replaced with fiber, and Beltelecom subscribers will receive maximum speeds Internet access, the ability to connect new high-tech services. Is it possible to tell our readers in more detail about new technology and the course of its development in the future? Why was there a need to replace copper communication lines?

– 10 years ago Beltelecom introduced to the market the service of providing Internet access for individuals and legal entities (trademark byfly). Initially, the service was provided on copper communication networks based on ADSL technologies with certain speed limits. With the development of the Internet and the growing popularity of “heavy” content, it became obvious that it would be necessary to fully provide all subscribers with sufficient speed of access to Internet ADSL won't allow it. The question arose about the further technological development of the company. The choice was made in favor of GPON technology. The first projects based on GPON technology were implemented in our city back in 2012. However, the technology became truly widespread starting in 2015, when for the first time the republican annual increase in subscribers connected to the GPON network amounted to more than 100 thousand. At the beginning of November last year, the millionth subscriber of the Republic of Belarus was connected in Gomel, and by 2020 we plan to connect all apartments in multi-storey urban buildings to GPON.

Today, every new apartment that is rented in Belarus is already connected to a fiber optic network. This is a standard that exists and is approved at the government level.

– By what principle does Beltelecom choose where and when to install optics?

– Fundamental is the demand for the company’s services. First of all, modernization plans include areas of the city with high penetration of the Internet and IP-TV, where existing copper networks do not allow satisfying existing requests for connecting Beltelecom services.

There is also technological factor: We are currently decommissioning the old type of automatic telephone exchange. The process of decommissioning such telephone exchanges is accompanied by the replacement of copper networks with modern fiber optic ones.

– What has been achieved in this direction in the past last year, and what will be the emphasis in the current one?

– In 2016, more than 7,000 subscribers were switched in various areas of the city. The total number of PON subscribers in the city today is already more than 20,000. In 2017, we will maintain the same pace of modernization. In the near future, active replacement of old networks with modern ones will be carried out in the 4th and 5th microdistricts of the city. (b. Friendship, b. Youth, etc.). By the end of the year, it is planned to commission modernization projects for the multi-apartment sector in populated areas Kozenki and Krinichny.

– Has the average speed of Internet access increased with the introduction of GPON?

– At the end of 2013, the average access speed for Beltelecom subscribers was 1663 Kb/s. Now this figure is approaching 10 Mb/s, that is, the average speed has increased 5 times in 2.5 years. After 2 years, the average speed will be about 20 Mb/s. Already today, GPON subscribers choose an average speed of 25 Mb/s. Moreover, the price of such speed is more than affordable. The costs of maintaining a fiber optic communication line are significantly lower than maintaining a copper line, which makes the price more favorable for the subscriber.

– What will a PON subscriber receive today, in addition to high Internet access speeds?

– This year, Beltelecom actively continues to introduce YASNA service packages. Users of such service packages have already experienced all their benefits.

– Let’s clarify for readers what such a package is?

– “YASNA” is a package of three basic services that make modern life more comfortable. This includes Internet access, interactive television and telephone communications based on the IMS platform. Services telephone communication included in the package on the terms of an unlimited number and time of connections to the fixed network of RUE Beltelecom. Thus, when making local and long-distance calls, no additional fee, except for the subscription fee for the package, is charged to the subscriber. Usage modern technology xPON, which guarantees high speed Internet access, makes it possible to watch interactive television on any number of television receivers and consistently high quality of all services provided. Payment for all services included in this package is made to a common personal account, often and in such amounts as is convenient for the subscriber. The service package is easy to connect: Beltelecom provides the equipment necessary to connect and use the services for use free of charge additional payment. In addition, for subscribers of the YASNA Plus packages, television services are available for viewing on two television sets without additional payment (that is, as part of the subscription fee for the package). In addition to telephone services, network access and television, subscribers of YASNA packages can use all additional features services included in the package. For example, for individuals there is an exclusive offer: any package of YASNA services with a discount from 30 to 50% for 12 months, and for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs connected using xPON technology by Beltelecom, a special tariff offer for Internet access has been developed - “Business Set” with network access speeds of up to 80 Mb/s.

– Can the large-scale use of GPON technology lead to the emergence of new technological services in Belarus?

– It’s possible. Beltelecom is currently developing a very serious project called “Smart Home”, which has a promising future. Its development is proceeding in two directions: as a subscription service that will make a person’s life more comfortable by creating the opportunity additional control for the condition of the home, and as a service for automating processes related to the provision of utility services.

The second direction is related to the creation of a system that will eliminate the influence of the human factor when paying the population for the consumption of water, gas, electricity and heat. Indeed, today information about the consumption of these resources is entered into the billing system directly by the subscriber, which, given the existence of differentiated norms and tariffs, leads to incorrect calculations and payments. Regardless of actual consumption, the consumer tries to pay for resources at minimum rates. The transition to an automated accounting system, when actual consumption is known at any time, will be a step forward and will change approaches to more rational use resources. Consumers will begin to actually save, and not engage in mathematical exercises to redistribute excess water or electricity throughout the year.

– Alexander Nikolaevich, in your opinion, can the Smart Home project become a social standard in the country?

– For now, this project is local, sectoral, coordinated at the level of the Ministry of Communications and Information, but it has a chance for global success with appropriate support from other sectoral ministries and concerns. If such interaction of all interested parties is ensured, a completely different level of relationships will be formed in the country between consumers of utility resources and their suppliers - utility companies. Relationships will become more transparent, and each party will have fewer questions and complaints against each other.

– Please tell us in more detail about this new product...

– “Smart Home” is a system of wireless equipment that allows you, using a control device, to control everything that happens in the house during your absence. Thanks to the video surveillance system, wireless sensors for movement, opening of doors and windows, water leakage, temperature and humidity levels, smoke, your home will become safe, a real fortress.

The Smart Home service is quite accessible to our subscribers. The basic kit includes a subscriber device (controller) and 3 sensors: smoke, motion and door/window opening. The cost of the basic set is only 5 rubles 60 kopecks per month. The equipment is provided free of charge for the duration of the contract. If necessary, the subscriber can receive an additional number of basic sensors, as well as other devices: a video camera, siren, smart socket, temperature and humidity sensors, water leakage sensors. Thus, the subscriber determines the number and type of sensors independently, at will. "Smart Home" will ensure the collection, storage and transmission of any information about the home via a computer, tablet, mobile phone and other gadgets via SMS message, push notification (software message on a mobile device) or letter to email. The subscriber can choose one of the proposed information channels or all at the same time. You can program the settings and operating conditions of the control device at your discretion. Let's say we configure the system not only to inform about sensor activation, but also to perform available actions by executable devices. For example, when a motion sensor is triggered, activate a surveillance camera recording. In addition, smart sockets included in the Smart Home equipment set will allow you to remotely control the supply or shutdown of voltage, regulate lighting, and the operation of household or office electrical appliances connected to the network. And this, in addition to comfort, is a considerable saving of resources.

– Will new technologies displace high speeds data transmission (already familiar to us) service - ZALA television?

– In 2014, Beltelecom became the largest television operator in the country. Today, the size of Beltelecom's subscriber base is more than twice the number of clients of the nearest provider. ZALA is developing very dynamically. If at first we were a television operator mainly in rural areas, then now, thanks to GPON, we are actively recruiting a subscriber base and we see that the product is in demand. Moreover, the ZALA project has also been developed. Today it is not only interactive television, but also broadcast and Smart. Interactive television ZALA can be connected to several TVs, watch TV on a computer, tablet and smartphone (SMART ZALA). The advantages are undeniable: image quality, viewing HD channels, interactive functions (pausing the TV show being watched with the ability to resume watching; watching TV shows previously broadcast; recording TV shows that will be broadcast in the future). In terms of filling the product with content, we work based on the realities that exist. And, in any case, more than 100 channels on the platform is a good number for Belarus. Moreover, all channels are absolutely legal.

– What other telecommunication services are most in demand?

– Today Beltelecom is creating a full-fledged base for further development digital technologies and consumption of modern telecommunications products by the population. We are not even talking about services that are in demand today. All the average Belarusian family needs is a telephone, 100-megabit Internet, and HD television, which, by the way, is already available to GPON subscribers. But if in 5 years the criterion for consumer choice is, for example, video content in 4K format or gigabit Internet, then GPON subscribers will not have any problems. The network under construction is already ready for such challenges. We are ready to receive potential subscribers in service center Beltelecom today. Moreover, there are very favorable offers and promotions!

– Why are you so attractive?

– Our advantages are obvious: Beltelecom today is the largest backbone network communications in the republic, the widest range of technologies for organizing the last mile to the subscriber, high reliability and security of the network, accelerated construction of fiber optic networks using xPON technology. Every resident uses Beltelecom services, be it just a phone call from a payphone or home Internet at a speed of 100 Mb/s. Provision is stable High Quality all our services – today the main task activities of the team of the Mozyr ZUES, starting from the fitter laying the cable for the subscriber to the head of the communication center. And it is very important that Beltelecom carries out the modernization and construction of GPON, equipment replacement, and switching to the IMS multimedia platform at its own expense. It is free for company subscribers. In conclusion, on behalf of the entire team of employees of the Mozyr ZUES and on my own behalf, I would like to wish our subscribers and all readers of the newspaper “Zhytstso Palessya” well-being and prosperity. By staying in touch with us, you will become even more economical, mobile and calmer.

– Alexander Nikolaevich, all I can do is thank you for the detailed dialogue and wish you good luck and the implementation of your plans.


photo by Alexander SOLODKOV

I have always considered Beltelecom one of the most advanced state companies in Belarus, which keeps up with the times and plans its activities with an eye to the future and the rapid development of technology. But the other day I realized that I was wrong.

Last year, Beltelecom began actively laying fiber-optic cables across the capital's apartment buildings, transferring the service of its subscribers to a new technological level. I observed for myself how quickly and efficiently the work was carried out.

But imagine my surprise when Beltelecom lays its cables in the villages of the Minsk region. I was just finishing the construction of my house and also saw how quickly the work was carried out. In just a month, my entire village was covered with cable. First, the cable was brought from the M4 highway to the village, and then to each of the hundreds of houses, including mine.

I happily rubbed my hands: I’ll move in and I’ll already have a modern fiber-optic connection. I made plans that I would connect not only the phone, highly high speed internet, but also Internet television. True, after laying the cable itself, related work was carried out for several months, but the moment of connection had arrived.

I went to the Beltelecom website, selected a connection package - the same Yasna package advertised on TV - filled out online application and began to wait for the Internet to appear in my house at a speed of 50/25 Mbit/s plus Internet television from Beltelecom for two TVs. Yes, I forgot, I'm still on new service"Beltelecom" "Smart Home" rolled out its lip. But I thought that first I would make the main connection, talk with the company’s specialists, and then it would come to the “Smart Home”.

Soon the operator called too. The woman clarified my residential address and some other points, after which she sighed sadly.

So you don’t have optical fiber there, we can’t connect you to a package using PON technology.

Why not fiber optic? - I was surprised. - The cable was laid just last year, the whole village was connected. What copper cable? Its installation today makes no sense at all.

I’ll clarify later, but I think they installed a simple copper cable in your village.

The woman clarified and called me back after a while. Indeed, Beltelecom did a huge amount of work and spent a lot of money to lay the copper cable. Therefore, they will connect me to the Internet at speeds of up to 8 Mbit/s and one set-top box for television. The woman advised not to take the second set-top box, since the Internet speed would then be very low.

“Maybe I’m missing something?” I thought after a conversation with the Beltelecom operator. “Maybe there is still some point in laying a copper cable?”

I began to study the issue and consult with knowledgeable people. Everyone unanimously said that today there was no loss of copper twisted pair in the laying, especially when developing a new territory. This is not even the last century, but the century before last. It's like building a new house with a resource of 5 years. This is exactly how much life all the experts give to this cable. Because with the current development of technology and the widespread promotion of 4G (and in China they are already testing 5G), no later than in 5 years there will be no use for copper connections at all. Already today, MTS provides high-speed Internet for the home at a speed no worse than that. Only the tariff is still higher - 50 rubles, versus 30 for Beltelecom. But in a year or two, the tariffs will probably be comparable. And why would I need Beltelecom then?

In addition, the copper network simply will not satisfy the rapidly growing needs of subscribers and in a very short period of time will lose all competitiveness. Today, to watch video in HD quality, you need a speed of less than 8 Mbit/s. In other words, the network laid by Beltelecom is already outdated, since it is not capable of providing Full HD reception, and yet the world is already moving to 4K.

The laid network is just money buried in the ground, experts say. The actions of Beltelecom are even more incomprehensible when it itself, trying to keep up with the times, began replacing old copper networks in Minsk with fiber optics. This means he understands that twisted copper pair is already uncompetitive today.

Maybe Beltelecom simply had nowhere to put the copper cable deposits, or someone received a substantial kickback for the purchase of the copper cable and its subsequent installation, experts suggested.

Yes, if you compare the prices of copper cable and fiber optic cable, the copper one will win. Although, experts point out that if a few years ago the price difference was significant, today the price of a fiber optic cable is almost comparable to the price of a good twisted pair cable. Besides. In terms of price, copper cable, if it wins, does so only in a short period of time, lasting 3-5 years. At longer temporary distances, for which it should be designed new network, if they have already decided to carry it out, fiber optics definitely wins. Additionally, optical fiber, which carries light rather than an electrical signal, does not require as much additional amplification equipment when we're talking about about data transmission over long distances, experts note.

And indeed, I immediately remembered that in parallel with the copper cable itself, when the entire village was installed with telephones, it was necessary to lay a power cable, as well as install amplifiers over certain short distances. This would not have to be done if they had installed optical fiber, the signal through which can travel up to 40 km without distortion and additional amplification, and not just hundreds of meters.

In general, all the experts I spoke with are shocked. I, too, have been in this state for several days. Beltelecom still needed to lay a copper cable to the Great Stone Park - that would have been a laugh. My village is, of course, not an industrial park. But besides the old women who were born in the heyday of copper communications, many young families with children live here. Of course, children, having watched enough fairy tales, may still think that Beltelecom buried money in the ground in the hope that in its place a tree will grow, all hung with gold coins. But you and I know that we do not live in a country of fools. Or will MAZ and MTZ also start producing 100-year-old equipment tomorrow? After all, it will be several times cheaper than the modern one...

Beltelecom is slowly weaving its web and building a GPON network throughout the country. New happy owners of modern technology usually have two questions: where to install the optical socket, and where to get power for the optical terminal?

I am sharing a “cultural” solution for installing optics for apartments, especially for apartments that have already been renovated, or where this renovation is not planned at all.

In order to culturally organize the place for the input of optics, you will need a Hager Golf multimedia board. Depending on the model, these boards can be of different sizes and designs (external, built-in). In order to simply install an optical terminal, a VS218PZF shield is enough (it’s in the photo). Its approximate cost is 80 bel. rubles ($40) for 2018.

The Hager Golf shield is plastic (both the body and the door), this reduces interference with the transmission of the wireless WI-FI signal throughout the apartment. The panel door has holes for heat removal to prevent overheating of the equipment.

To open the door, a certain amount of effort is required, so small children are unlikely to be able to open and climb into this shield. If necessary, a lock can be installed in the shield.

I consider the best place to place a panel with a terminal to be mounted near the entrance door of the apartment, on the wall bordering the corridor (vestibule). At a height just above the baseboard (no more than 1cm).

This placement will allow:

  1. Provide 230 Volt power from the floor switchboard if it is not possible to connect from the apartment electrical wiring. (The new line is laid in a PVC box using VVGngLS cable with 3x1.5 mm2 cores.
  2. Stretch optics and other low-current cables ( twisted pair, TV, telephone, intercom, etc.), without affecting the interior decoration of the apartment.

To organize power supply for active equipment, I use Panasonic socket blocks. At one time, I spent a long time looking for a convenient and inexpensive socket block for low-current panels, and I have been using them for almost 3 years now. They come with a different number of sockets, and may have a power button. I recommend using a block with 2-3 sockets for switchboards.

If there is a need to run a twisted pair cable from the terminal to a computer or TV, then you can try to do it hidden in the baseboards and behind the trim (bypassing the doors).

Installation features:

  1. An optical socket is not needed if you install the terminal in a shield. The optical connector is connected directly to the terminal.
  2. Do not leave too much optical cable, given that the shield is large, let there be a reserve. Large pieces of cable are not needed in the shield (this also applies to other cables). Half a meter of reserve is enough, which can be carefully rolled up and placed behind the perforated panel.
  3. The optical cable is quite fragile, so handle it very carefully. Don't bend it too much! If the fiber is broken, you will have to call a specialist to weld the optics.
  4. If the apartment electrical wiring has a grounding conductor, be sure to ground the panel. The shield kit includes a special terminal block and instructions on how to do this.

The given solution for organizing the introduction of optics into the apartment will allow in the future to forget problems with possible new changes in the weak point of the apartment from the outside. That is, if you need to connect to a new Internet provider, then a new cable from the provider will come from the corridor to the panel, and all you have to do is replace or add necessary equipment in the shield, without the need to destroy, drill or damage anything appearance your apartment.

In this article I want to talk about a set of equipment that can be issued at the service centers of RUE Beltelecom. Some people may have problems with the completeness of the equipment when terminating a contract, when returning an old modem (when, for example, a new modem was installed using xPON technology), etc.

Note: this article discusses some examples of the issuance of equipment by RUE Beltelecom. In some cases, the equipment included may vary.

When concluding an agreement at the RUE Beltelecom service center, you will be given equipment, and your agreement will contain a “Property Acceptance and Transfer Certificate”. With the help of this act, you can determine what equipment and components were issued to you. Examples will be given below.

Example 1

Figure 1 - Certificate of acceptance and transfer of property when receiving a set-top box for the ZALA service

For example, from Figure 1, you can see that you received the STB ZXV10 B700 set-top box. Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, remote control, 3RCA cable, RGB cable or HDMI cable, RJ45 cable. You will have to hand over the equipment in the same package, for example, upon termination of the contract. IN in this example a certificate is used that is issued when concluding a contract for the Interactive ZALA service; in addition to this certificate, a second certificate may be issued regarding the modem. Let me remind you that for Interactive ZALA to work you need a modem and a set-top box. Figure 2 shows more clearly what this set of equipment represents.

Figure 2 - Equipment set (B700 attachment with components)

Example 2

Figure 3 - Certificate of acceptance and transfer of property (ONT F660 terminal with components)

In Figure 3, you can see that you have received an ONT F660 terminal (modem). Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, an RJ11 linear cable, an RJ45 network cable, and a fiber optic cable. Figure 4 shows more clearly what this set of equipment is.

Figure 4 - Equipment set (ONT F660 terminal with components)

Example 3

Figure 5 - Equipment set (ONT Echolife HG8245H terminal with components)

In Figure 5, you can see that you have received an Echolife HG8245H ONT terminal (modem). Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, an RJ45 network cable, a fiber optic cable, and a cassette. Figure 6 shows more clearly what this set of equipment is.

Figure 6 - Equipment set (ONT Echolife HG8245H terminal with components)

Example 4

Figure 7 - Equipment set (B600 attachment with components)

In Figure 7, you can see that you have received a STB ZXV10 B600. Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, remote control, 3RCA cable, RJ45 cable.

Example 5

Figure 8 - Equipment set (Vityaz DTR-824HD set-top box with components)

In Figure 8, you can see that you received the Vityaz DTR-824HD set-top box and a conditional access card. Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, remote control, RCA cable, RCA-Scart adapter, 2 pcs power supply (batteries), instruction manual. Batteries may not be returned. This set of equipment is issued for the ZALA on-air service.

Example 6

Figure 9 - Equipment set (modem with components)

In Figure 9, you can see that you have received an H208N modem. Further in the note we see (highlighted in red) that in addition you received a power supply, a splitter, an RJ11 linear cable (maybe 2), and an RJ45 network cable. Figure 10 shows more clearly what this set of equipment is (to avoid misunderstanding, please note that the H208N modem is presented here in the act, but the Huawei HG552f-11 modem is shown in the figure below!). Such equipment is usually issued upon concluding a ByFly Internet contract.

Figure 10 - Equipment set (modem with components)


What equipment you will be given at the RUE Beltelecom service center depends on many factors:

  • The technology through which the service will be provided to you can be ADSL, VDSL, IMS or xPON;
  • The service you connect can be ByFly, Interactive ZALA, Essential ZALA, SMART ZALA, Smart Home, etc.;
  • From equipment that is already installed in your home.

If you have questions, ask them below in the comments.

I am in no way connected with Beltelecom and their installers, so your judgment is wrong. Yes, and you can see everything from my profile, but you don’t care about the details.
When they installed the optics for me, I noticed that the installers did as you told them (they didn’t spare the cable channel or the cable (I’m talking about the LAN cable for the TV and computer, the copper telephone cable for the phone).
You are deceiving yourself - you didn’t care about the installation, instead of timely dialogue with the installers before and during the work. Perhaps you need to learn to respectfully negotiate work and respectfully accept negotiated work.
Instead of complaining to ordinary people here (in fact, to nowhere), you’d better contact Beltelecom.

Dear self-appointed lawyer for Beltelecom or whoever you are... You yourself don’t know the details, but you’ve already drawn incredible conclusions... When they connected my apartment, I came home from work and only managed to check the installation of the previously installed cable channel in my vestibule . And in the next vestibule from the control panel and the entrance they were fooling around without me. Do you know, everyone has a job, and a week before that I took a day off and waited for the team all day, but no one came at the appointed time. And the installers installed cables to the neighbors in my absence and frolicked as they saw fit. Although I immediately warned them not to lay the neighbor’s cable in my cable channel. The fact that they do not install sockets for optics is certainly not the fault of the performers, it is the fault of the developer of the regulations. In addition, they didn’t tell me anything about the lack of an outlet. And they understand perfectly well that the slightest bend in the wire can lead to its failure. I would have bought the outlet myself if I had known. Obviously, such fragile wiring should only be connected to a stationary outlet. But the owner cannot check where the break is without special equipment. Yes, they didn’t spare the cable, but why do I need these fragile tails in the apartment?
And why shouldn’t people know about my negative experience? As they say, teach your wife to cook cabbage soup. And I will resolve the issue with them and force them to redo everything as it should. But why should I waste my time on this? Maybe someone is just doing a terrible job?

A little over a year ago I had an optics test done and during installation in my apartment they installed an optical socket - it looks like this one:

You should spend your time on this, if only because you are doing it for yourself, to satisfy your needs.

Imagine that you are an installer.
As in Vasya Oblomov’s song “Memento mori”:
Imagine that your doctor studied like you,
Imagine that an accountant thinks like you,
Imagine that the traffic cop is honest like you,
Imagine that everyone around you is you.
And neither the cross nor the aspen stake will help,
And even prayer, head on the floor.
Looking for a way to stay on track,
Blaming your neighbor for your failures.