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What is a media company? What is display advertising and where can you find it?

At one time, we debated for a long time which category to include advertising on transport. In theory this is outdoor advertising, designed to attract the attention of users, which means it belongs to display advertising.

Therefore, in this article, let's understand what media advertising is, what it consists of, and how it can be useful for business.


Her the main task attract a person's attention. For this, various technologies are used containing texts, pictures, infographics, company logos, maps, etc.

Let's do a little experiment. Think about the advertisements you saw today. Most likely, you won’t even be able to remember the last 5 advertising messages.

This is fine. Too much noise. And in 95% of cases, this noise is created by media advertising, because this includes the following channels:

  • TV advertising;
  • Advertising in the press (in printed materials);
  • Internet advertising;
  • Outdoor advertising;
  • Internal advertising (this is advertising inside shopping centers, leading to the shopping pavilion);
  • Advertising on transport.

From what we saw above, we can conclude that all advertising belongs to media advertising. But that's not true.

  • Cold calls or cold calls (telemarketing);
  • Advertising catalogs and brochures;
  • Souvenir products;
  • Promotional events.

And I’ll probably say something stupid now, but it suits everyone. Without exception. For example:

  • B2b niche – advertising in the press is ideal, as well as transit advertising (branded transport that delivers orders to clients);
  • The b2c niche is advertising on TV or radio, although many people refuse it because of its high cost in favor of outdoor and indoor advertising.

Or a universal “gentleman’s set” for all areas – + customized. The same advertising on the Internet. But there may be other options.

Lifehack. If you do the landing yourself, I recommend PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy .

For example, one of our clients, by posting advertisements in hallways, as well as placing regular advertisements in newspapers, was able to achieve much more than using other various ones.


But you follow our YouTube channel, right?! This means that one of the latest videos “There is no such thing as bad advertising” did not pass you by. No?! Then here it is. A must watch to experience “zen”.

The death of offline media advertising

But I won’t say that traditional advertising is dying, because after one case of our client, I’m no longer sure about it.

Our installation client satellite television, decided to declare war on competitors.

Provided that for the most part it was, and not made using technology or.

Many tools were used. Competitors “died in droves.” And at that moment, when the number of competitors was reduced to the number of fingers of one hand and the advertising budget practically dried up, and potential buyers were simply “fucked up.”

So the season came and the client decided to allocate a small budget for offline advertising, as they say, “for testing.”

Imagine his surprise when the results from the “test advertising” turned out to be more significant, and the advertising itself was more effective.

It was after this moment that I again believed in traditional advertising and that it works, at least in the regions. But this is a small digression.

Pain from the difference: offline and online

That is, on the Internet this can be done in a more targeted manner, that is, show your advertising more precisely (choose a specific geography of display, age of people, etc., or only on thematic platforms).

This function is not available offline. This is what gives rise to the second difference. Aggressiveness.

One of our clients, who has been successfully working for more than 20 years in the services market and has 6 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, with a monthly budget for website promotion of about 200 thousand rubles.

Media advertising media

On our blog we have written a huge number of articles on different channels and methods of advertising. To study them, read these 3 articles first:

After studying these articles, you will decide on specific methods of presenting information, which can be divided into four means of transmission (types).

We will look further at which is more effective and how to apply them to your business using the example of several companies.


Generally, the larger the size, the more eye-catching it is. The more accessible the place, the more expensive the cost.

Offline we still pay for the fact of placement. On the Internet, the method has evolved and become more client-oriented, that is, pay for clicks has appeared.

But on urban and small sites there is also a placement scheme with payment for the time it will be on the site or for the number of impressions on the site.

It is now fashionable to call such media banners “teasers” - tease. That is, with their information they tease the user to perform a target action: visit, call, click or go to the site.

In the offline space, on average you will pay from 10 to 50 thousand rubles for one banner. Within the online space, I will give an example of placing a banner for a week on the main page of Yandex.

Prices on Yandex

You see everything correctly. The numbers start at 4 million per week. You can find the full price list on their website. But this is if you have a federal project and you need to cover more than everyone.

However, I want to warn you. Banners have become boring to such an extent that now there is so-called “banner blindness”.

This is when the client psychologically does not notice advertising banners. Therefore, just in case, think carefully and calculate everything again if you suddenly decide to put your entire advertising budget on the purchase of one banner.

Video advertising

The most engaging means of presenting information. True, it takes time to assimilate it.

Due to ignorance of this, we once lost a large amount of money. Namely, they gave a video advertisement for directors in in social networks V work time. Result?! They opened it, but did not turn on the sound because they were at work.

In addition to the fact that it is important to know at what time to show advertising globally, you need to know what to show and how long.

I’m sure you’ll figure out when and what to show, but I’ll tell you about the length, because there are 2 types of video advertising:

  • Rolls. Advertisements that play while you watch a video. You can call it an advertising break, which exists both on the Internet and offline.

    – Pre-rolls (pre-roll) – videos played BEFORE the start of viewing.

    – Mid-rolls (mid-roll) – a video that plays in the MIDDLE of viewing.

    – Post-roll – a video that plays AFTER viewing.

  • Overlay. Banner (I told you there are a lot of them). A banner that is placed at the bottom of the video and is shown while watching the video. Offline these are creeping lines.

Personally, we now place a lot of emphasis on video advertising. Although it takes up more resources, the effectiveness of media advertising in this form gives the maximum effect.

But don't forget about our mistake. In addition to video, you also need to use text with an image, because not everyone has time to watch videos and not everyone likes to do it.

Branded advertising

It is also great for various film premieres or presentations of new products.

And only large federal companies use it, whose customers are every second person.

Branded advertising

Our personal belief is that if you are not in the VIP segment and you are not federal company with billions of dollars in turnover, then you need to postpone this method of transmitting information for later.

It will give you recognition, but it won't give you purchases. Besides, if you take this road, then get ready to pour into image advertising money all the time, because as soon as you stop doing this, you will be forgotten like “the first bruises on your knees.”

Text and image ads

Offline examples are newspaper advertisements and magazines, where we see a separate attractive picture and separate text.

Offline, this was not clear to me at the beginning, until I saw an example. Behind these words lies Google’s contextual media network (CMN). Or rather advertisements with pictures for these networks.

Text and image ad

Recently, the cost of an ad in contextual advertising has increased significantly, if we talk specifically about search.

I want to remain silent about offline, but my inner voice forces me to speak.

This is a twofold monster. I say this from experience, as I was previously a co-owner of the magazine.

She brings clients, but if we talk about maximum efficiency, then it can only be achieved by placing it in specialized publications.

Newspaper advertisements also surprisingly work, but only if your target audience is pensioners (there are still certain conditions, but these are rather exceptions).

Briefly about the main thing

It was not for nothing that I gave an example about our client, who used media advertising to “mow down” competitors.

By the way, this allowed him not only to eliminate many small competitors, but also to take first place in the region in terms of sales and recognition.

It was thanks to the use of offline and online media advertising that he achieved such results.

I am also sure that you have tried or are using the display advertising formats I listed above. Whether you use it correctly or not, it’s hard for me to say.

But the main thing you must realize is that only when integrated approach can be achieved great results and the benefits of media advertising will become obvious.

And for dessert a small bonus. According to research by Business Insider Intelligence, among media advertising on the Internet, the highest CTR (click-to-impression ratio) was obtained by video format – 1.84%.

All other indicators were much lower. I think you now know where to direct your efforts 😉

Display advertising is a tool for marketing promotion of brands, websites, brands, goods, services, etc., when information about the product is posted on media platforms.
The main difference between media advertising and other types of advertising is key factor- attracting the attention of consumers occurs through the visualization of information (flash pictures, videos, images, etc.).
Thanks to the visual delivery of information, such advertising is quickly perceived by the consumer; there is no need to delve into its meaning, and there is no need to waste time reading it. Most often, media advertising reaches consumers even if they do not plan to be interested in it (the eye glanced at the banner between transitions to Internet pages, but the information was remembered subconsciously).
It is this effect that advertisers are counting on when developing their next advertising campaign for the mass media.

The benefits of media advertising

Using banner advertising you can solve the following problems:
1) Increase traffic to the advertised site.
2) Increase sales volumes of the promoted product, especially if we're talking about about any exclusive, expensive, innovative products. In this case, display advertising is the best way to tell about a new product to a user who does not yet know about its existence and, accordingly, is not interested in it.
3) Inform the target audience about advantageous offers, current promotions and discounts.
4) Notify a wide audience about new large-scale events (films, exhibitions, concerts and other events). In this case, display advertising replaces posters.

Information spaces for media advertising

Depending on the type of platform on which media advertising will be placed, the following media are distinguished:
1) Television that broadcasts advertising videos at certain times.
2) Printed publications that place advertising blocks on their pages.
3) Internet media (websites, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, news and informational resources, popular social networks) that have the technical ability and desire to place a banner advertising block on their pages.
Banner advertising comes in the following formats:
- graphic banners (static blocks).
- flash banners (dynamic pictures, videos).
- TopLine (“stretch marks” located above the main content of the page or below).
- Rich-Media (banner blocks on top of the site’s content that will compulsively “run” after the mouse until they are closed).
- Pop-Under (advertising that opens in a new browser window if users click on the information they need), etc.

Features of banner advertising

1) Banner advertising has adopted the properties of contextual advertising, due to which it is shown to users depending on their search queries and the geography of their location.
2) Banner advertising is the most annoying type of media advertising. An Internet user is often disturbed when something flashes before his eyes (flash banner), covers half the space of the desired page (Rich-Media), or advertising blocks “jump out on their own,” so you have to spend time closing them.
90% of users are intolerant of such distracting advertising. Website visitors are most loyal to graphic blocks at the top or bottom of the site (TopLine).
Each advertiser decides independently - what is a higher priority for him, to be remembered, even with negative associations, or to get a loyal client, because users who search purposefully are more attentive.

Display advertising (or in other words, banner advertising) is one of the most effective tools modern internet marketing. It is indispensable if your company needs to bring it to market new product or service, enhance the company's image or increase brand awareness. Although many experts today assure the Internet market that media advertising is slowly dying, there are many ways effective use it to attract customers to this moment as it was, so it remains.

There is no doubt that just a few years ago media advertising was much more productive than it is today. The reasons are as follows:

  • there was little competition due to obscurity;
  • There was no Adblock blocking program at that time, and therefore advertising was shown to all users;
  • advertising was placed on affordable platforms.

Times have changed, the market has become much more experienced and the common task is to change with it!

  • Attraction of new clients;
  • increasing the loyalty of potential customers;
  • increase in traffic to the Internet resource;

Types of media advertising

It has many varieties: text and graphic blocks, videos that open as separate pages in the browser, so-called “stretchers” located in the site header, in general, any advertising materials focused on visual perception.

Banners (teasers)– blocks of a certain size with text and graphic content. Payment for it is based on the number of impressions or clicks on the banner. It is worth noting that banners do not need to be loaded with a lot of text and other elements. The user must notice the banner, become interested in it and click on the image to study the details.

There are many varieties of banners: these are not only the banners mentioned above, but also “rich media” (flash banners over the content of a website page, sometimes sound), “pop unders” (when clicked on, the page with the advertisement opens in a separate window) , “expand banners”, consisting of two flash videos, as well as “imitation banners”, sort of teasers that pop up at the bottom of a web page. Unlike all of the above types, which can be safely called “aggressive methods,” this banner looks less annoying and attracts attention due to a genuine imitation of popular resources.

Video advertising, launched in video players on YouTube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites at the moment the desired video starts playing, but here, of course, there are other options. The very high popularity of video content among users has allowed it to become more effective method promotion.

  • pre-roll – a video that precedes viewing of the desired content. Duration – from 10-20 seconds. The user can turn off the video after 5 seconds, however, as statistics have shown, a certain percentage of users (about 40%) watch the video to the end.
  • mid-rolls and post-rolls are shown to users in the middle or end of the video. If the video has a long duration, then the number of advertising impressions will also increase: for example, 4 times during the entire time or after pausing the video.
  • overlay is a slightly different format. This is a static banner that is installed at the bottom of the player and is shown during video viewing.

Branding- the most expensive type of media. Only the large companies with quite an impressive advertising budget. The main goal of this direction is to promote the company’s image, popularize the brand and inform users about important events - discounts, promotions, presentations new products, movie premieres, etc.

Branded advertising is placed, in most cases, taking into account geographic targeting for the desired period (day, day, week, month). Time is tied to a specific event. Payment is calculated based on the total display time. With this method, the following can be used: replacing the usual cursor with an interactive advertising object, creating a new advertising tab, coloring the search bar, and also creating a unique resource background, which looks very large-scale, and at the same time, unobtrusive.

Text and graphic blocks are advertising elements that do not stand out visually from the overall website design. This is not traditional colorful, catchy advertising, but some informational messages from the resource, for example, expert recommendations. Needless to say, users who have eaten their fill of sugary-sweet advertising trust more such modest and intelligent text and graphic blocks.

As long as online media advertising provides accurate targeting, it will not, contrary to popular belief, rush to be killed in any way. Your advertising will be shown exclusively on thematic platforms, with the ability to select the geographical location of users, display time and other parameters. And with the help of retargeting, an interested client can be returned to the page he previously viewed.

Flexibility and interactivity are other important advantages of media. You can interact with it at any time: close the pop-up window or expand it, skip it ads or watch it to the end.

Display advertising makes it possible to communicate with potential client at the emotional level, analyze your existing strategy and, when necessary, adjust it, show videos to a wide range of users, increase awareness of your brand and loyalty to it.

For comparatively a short time traffic to your resource and sales volumes will increase significantly.

Send a request

Message sent

The main criterion of media advertising is entertainment. To get attention target audience, videos, pictures, photographs, text or sound are used. Offline, such messages are posted in the media, on billboards, leaflets or posters. On the Internet, any website or social network can be a platform for media advertising.

In fact, media advertising refers to any advertising that works primarily to attract attention and brand recognition. This type does not include promotions, “cold” calls, direct marketing or catalogs - all those methods when a product is sold “head-on”.

Attract attention and increase recognition of a company or brand.

Introduce a new product to the market.

Quickly tell about promotions, products or events.

Attract customers to the site.

Media advertising formats

There are five main types of online display advertising.

Banner advertising

Both on the Internet and offline, this is the most familiar way of promotion. To run banner advertising, brands buy specific space on a website or app for a period of time, or pay for a certain number of impressions and clicks.

Banners are the oldest form of online advertising. Initially, such messages looked like a static picture with short text, but today this format has evolved. Now they often add animation or sound, and they can respond to mouse movements or clicks.

You can place banner advertising in different ways: directly through the site administration, in the Google advertising network or on Yandex search results pages. If an advertiser needs a large reach, he will have to spend a significant amount. For example, this is what the price of a banner on the Yandex home page looks like:

Despite new creative formats, many marketers are confident that banner advertising is dying. Due to the abundance of information noise, users stop paying attention to annoying pictures, and many even block them using special programs. Some sites even go to desperate measures and ask visitors to turn off AdBlock for a while.

Video advertising

Unlike banners, video advertising has a better effect on brand awareness and creates less information noise. The user sees a lot of headlines, pictures and advertisements on the website page, so he cannot always focus on something specific. The video is always the center of attention.

Launches before the video is shown. You can usually skip it a few seconds after it starts.

Message at the end of the video.

In addition to videos embedded in video content, there is an outstream format, when advertising messages are integrated into text or banners. These are the same players that suddenly appear the moment you read material in an online magazine.

The cost of placing a video ad is based on the number of impressions and clicks to the advertiser’s website. A large team is involved in the creation of the video itself: director, screenwriter, actors, editors, sound specialists and colorists - their work also needs to be paid. The budget here is measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Audio advertising

Branded pages

Branding is usually used by large companies. This is an image promotion that is more suitable for increasing recognition than for sales.

Branding a page or section is usually dedicated to some major event: a concert, a film premiere, a large-scale sale or the presentation of a new product.

Text and graphic advertising

These are ads that are shown to users based on their searches. They are placed through advertising network Yandex or Google Display Network. In part, they resemble banners and advertising in print media: the ad consists of a picture to attract attention and short text.

Pros of media advertising

You can find interested customers through context, choose thematic platforms and timing of ad displays, and target messages by gender, age, geographic location and other characteristics.

In addition, display advertising works even if the user does not click on your banners or ads. Brand awareness increases simply from the fact that messages with your identity periodically flash on the Internet.

Disadvantages of display advertising

Another problem is low user engagement. People have long been tired of the huge flow of advertising online and offline, so they prefer to get rid of it all accessible ways. Most visitors will block your banners, ignore the context, and skip the video.


Display advertising is a universal tool that works for the long term. Expensive YouTube videos or branded fields are unlikely to increase sales overnight, but they will help build your brand's image and credibility.

Display advertising on the Internet is advertising in the media. The technology for presenting media can be different; on the Internet - text, video, graphics. Display advertising on the Internet uses various techniques attracting attention: logo, photo, geo mark on the map, text

How to effectively attract attention to your product? How to convey to a potential buyer that it is from you that he will find the product or service he is interested in? Display advertising copes well with these tasks, which is why it is so popular.

So what is the difference between display and banner advertising on the Internet?

In this case, you need to understand that banner advertising is a special case of media advertising. Speaking about the types of media advertising on the Internet, it is worth considering that it can be any type of advertising, for example, an email newsletter or a video clip.

To deliver an ad to the target audience, display advertising uses cookies, which allow you to track user behavior and customize ads correctly. Advertisers aggregate the data received, which allows them to set up behavioral targeting more effectively

You can often hear another name for media - Display advertising.

Why do you need media?

The main tasks solved with the help of media advertising:

  • quickly attracting the attention of a large target audience to the promoted product;
  • increasing brand awareness;
  • improving image and building brand loyalty;
  • increased sales during periods of targeted or seasonal promotions;
  • creating demand for new service or a product on the market.

What does media advertising give to online businesses?

According to Yahoo, ComScore, Network and Specific Media, using media you can increase vital (brand) SEO traffic by 26%, contextual traffic by 155%, since after seeing branded advertising banner, 21% of users later type the brand name into the address bar of the browser and 9% monitor the brand on social networks.
Modern instruments media advertising make it as effective as possible. Being professionally organized and executed, it always achieves its goals, as it works in a targeted manner. The banner will be shown to those consumers who are already interested in the product or service you are promoting. The cost of media advertising on the Internet is justified by having a high ROI. With media you will achieve your KPIs.

The effectiveness of media advertising on the Internet

If you want to launch display advertising or increase the effectiveness of an existing one, entrust the placement to professionals. We are an industry award-winning company with experienced media traders, over 200 SSPs and many partners.

We will ensure the effectiveness of the media campaign thanks to

  • creating banners valid Addblock
  • traffic conversion services
  • Post-view tracking system

Banners and landing pages should be adapted for mobile devices

To maximize conversions on small screens, your ads, landing page, and site navigation should also be mobile-friendly.

Cost of media advertising VeAds

We offer several payment options for placing CPM and CPA display advertising. We are ready to offer you media retargeting by CPA if the traffic on your site is at least 100,000. If you have less traffic on your site, we will individually calculate the cost of CPM for you, on average it is 1 00 rubles/1000 impressions. We guarantee high-quality, well-converting traffic.

We'll collect traffic, measure performance and optimize your ads, and provide real-time analytics.

Advantages of media advertising on the Internet

One of the main advantages of media is accurate targeting. It is strictly focused on the target audience, since it encourages a buyer already interested in purchasing, for example, a TV to make the purchase easier. For these purposes, banners, videos and other advertising materials are placed on thematic sites, in search results, or on other popular resources, taking into account the parameters of the visitor himself. This takes into account its geographical location, as well as search queries. If a user is studying popular TV models in order to choose the most interesting option for himself, then it’s time to offer him to buy equipment from you!

Some people prefer to order media advertising for the sake of a very effective function. retargeting(i.e. retargeting). It allows you to return a visitor to a site with a promoted product or service that he has already visited before. Repeated contact with a potential buyer who once showed interest motivates them to make a purchase.

The next advantage of media advertising lies in the very method of presenting information. Most often, the media is entertaining, and in some cases even interactive, encouraging the user to perform a certain action, for example, click on a banner. The purpose of such material is to attract the attention of the page visitor so that he clicks on the link. At the same time, display advertising is not annoying, since, unlike TV and audio commercials, it is controlled: the banner can be ignored, the video can be skipped, and the pop-up window can be closed.

Media advertising formats

For dynamic format, the frequency of ad impressions among unique users is configured; this format is the most popular at the moment.

Use formats and features that align with your campaign goals.

Tell us what your ultimate goal is, and we will create a media banner that meets the goals of the campaign.

Types of media advertising on the Internet

  • Banners are static or animated (from several alternating slides) graphic blocks that display certain information. Here, the cost of media advertising depends on the number of impressions, time or number of transitions. the main objective banners - to attract attention and interest the page visitor, so they are bright and clearly visible. They are not tied to the theme of the site.
  • Text and graphic blocks. They are similar to banners, but do not animate and at the same time the theme matches the theme of the site. Therefore, they look less like advertising and resemble a recommendation from the site itself, which inspires trust. For example, using a text-graphic block, metal tiles can be advertised on a construction website.
  • Video advertising (the share of which is constantly growing within the media). Very similar to the videos shown on TV. Distributed together with video content, which is highly popular among Internet users today (especially online videos). In contrast, a series of TV commercials, shown to the viewer for several minutes, can be turned off by the user a few seconds after the start of the show.
  • Branding. An effective, but expensive type of media, which consists of redesigning the site itself using recognizable elements of the customer company’s brand. Branding is used on popular, actively visited resources before major events, film premieres, promotions etc.

Principles of a media advertising project

Make them an offer they can't refuse.

  1. Media planning. Analysis of the target audience and selection of resources for placing advertising content. Not only the sites are determined, but also the time of advertising display and frequency in order to achieve the greatest number of responses.
  2. Development of advertising materials. Development of basic ideas, creation of layouts, production of banners, videos, branding. A very difficult and responsible stage. If the material does not attract the attention of users, the investment will be in vain.
  3. Monitoring advertising campaign. Assessing the effectiveness of the media, analyzing user behavior and the number of transitions, assessing the response offline, i.e. making purchases, ordering a promoted service, etc.

Display advertising has great potential, which is only just being revealed today. This tool marketing is under active development and regularly opens up new opportunities. Since the influence economic crisis increasingly significant, Internet advertising remains virtually the only growing media.

What is a media-contextual banner? .

Media prospecting campaign: goal, how to measure brand awareness. Read in.