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Holland test professional. Determination of professional personality type (according to E.A. Klimov, J.

There are a lot of such methods, they were especially actively developed and implemented in the USA, where professional and career counseling has long been given increased attention. I recommend the following tests, which are freely available online:

    Test by J. Holland (or Holland) to determine the professional personality type. Holland believed that there are six types of people, with each type corresponding to its own specific area of ​​professional activity (for example, the realistic type of personality is prone to action rather than thinking, has pronounced physical strength and dexterity, prefers to work with the “real”, that is, visible result - construction, dentistry, repairs, design work etc.). The test is not big and you can pass it, for example, here -

    Differential diagnostic questionnaire E.A. Klimova (certificate: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, an outstanding domestic specialist in the field of occupational psychology). The Klimov Questionnaire is widely used for career guidance for adolescents and adults. Description of the technique, scenario for its implementation and interpretation of the results here -

    E. Schein's Career Orientation Test (reference: famous American psychologist, researcher organizational culture). The test determines not so much professional inclinations as personal motivation and goals in labor activity. According to Shane, there are nine main professional guidance(for example, entrepreneurial orientation - the creation of new jobs, goods, services, etc., that is, the career of a businessman). The test was successfully translated and adapted by Russian psychologist V.A. Chicker. Catch here -

    Projective tests - "EOF" ("E - Exploiter, O - Worker, F - Slacker") and the "Circles and Lines" test. Very interesting, easy to pass and paradoxical in interpretation tests. I won’t describe for a long time the essence and methodology of these tests; I’ll just direct you to the links. EOF test ( and "Circles and Lines" test ( Read the instructions carefully, take your time, arm yourself with a pencil and a piece of paper in advance - you will need to draw!

    Socionics test. The young science of socionics is rightly criticized for the controversial nature of its theoretical and methodological premises, but it may prove useful in the field of career guidance. You can quickly and easily determine an individual socionic type (there are 16 in total), which, in turn, will allow you to clarify your own professional inclinations (for example, the “Yesenin” sociotype is good in literary and artistic activities, and “Robespierre” is productive in scientific -research). Test for determining socionic type here -

Remember, none of the listed methods can be considered absolutely objective, unique and exhaustive. Try different approaches, vary. If difficulties and doubts arise, feel free to seek help from professional career consultants and psychologists. This is a very sensible and modern solution!

The test is based on the theory of professional choice of the American professor J. Holland (Holland). In his opinion, success in professional activity directly depends on the correspondence between the type of professional environment and the type of personality, and a person’s behavior is determined not only by personal characteristics, but by his environment. Accordingly, people strive to find a professional environment that best suits their current personality type. J. Holland's Questionnaire of Professional Preferences, according to the author's idea, allows you to correlate aptitudes and abilities with various professions to choose the most suitable one.

Based on interests and value orientations, Holland identifies six professionally oriented personality types:

Realistic personality type- aimed at creating material things, servicing technical devices and technological processes.

Intellectual personality type - all professions that in one way or another involve mental work, analytical abilities, rationalism and originality of thinking.

Social personality type - professions related to interaction with social environment: training, education, treatment, service, counseling.

Office (Conventional) personality type - processing and systematization of information in the form of text, numbers, formulas, maintaining documentation.

Entrepreneurial personality type - active professions with the need to constantly make independent decisions, risk and lack of uniformity and monotony. Often require a lot of energy, organizational skills and developed communication skills.

Artistic personality type - original, independent from public opinion people with an unusual outlook on life. They are distinguished by increased emotionality and sensitivity, prefer professions from the world of arts: literature, theater, cinema, fine arts.

In their pure form, professional types are quite rare and usually only the predominant ones can be diagnosed.

J. Holland's profession test is suitable for both schoolchildren and adults.

This version of Holland's career guidance test is an interpretation and adaptation of the American version by psychologist-vocational consultant G.V. Rezapkina.

Instructions for the Holland Questionnaire

You will be offered 30 pairs of different professions, in each of which you need to choose the most suitable one. Try not to think long about the answers, mark the profession that seemed more interesting at first glance.

Test time: about 5 minutes.

Result The test will be available immediately after answering all questions and is a description of the most suitable personality types according to the author’s classification with proposed professions and links to them detailed description V

D. Holland's test to determine personality type

Studying individual characteristics people, psychologist Holland developed a method for determining the social orientation of an individual (social characterological type), identifying six types:

Realistic type (R)

Intellectual type (I)

Social type (C)

Conventional type (K)

Enterprising type (P)

Artistic type (A)

Instructions : “From each pair of professions, you need to indicate your preferred one. There are 42 choices in total.”

Key to the test

Realistic type
1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 21a, 31a, 32a, 33a, 34a.

Intelligent Type:
1b, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 16b, 20a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 31b, 35a, 36a, 37a.

Social Type:
2b, 6b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 17b, 29b, 25a, 26a, 27a, 36b, 38a, 39a, 41b.

Conventional type:
3b, 7b, 10b, 13a, 14a, 18b, 22b, 25b, 28a, 29a, 32b, 38b, 40a, 42a.

Enterprising type:
4b, 8b, 11b, 13b, 15a, 23b, 28b, 30a, 33b, 35b, 37b, 39b, 40b.

Artistic type:
5b, 9b, 12b, 14b, 15b, 19b, 21b, 24a, 27b, 29b, 30b, 34b, 41a, 42b.


Each personality type is characterized by certain characteristics:
- certain character traits and mentality;
- abilities for certain types of activities;
- preferences for a certain type of occupation;
- content of hobbies;
- professional opportunities.

Each personality type corresponds to a certain type of profession. If a person chooses a profession that matches his personality type, then he can achieve in it greatest success and get the most satisfaction from your work.

The table below provides descriptions of each of the six personality types. However, it is possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about belonging to one specific personality type only if the score for this type is several points higher than the scores for other types.

Table “Types of professional orientation of the individual”


Psychological characteristics, personality traits, abilities

Orientation, focus, preferences

Professional environment

Specific professions

Activity, aggressiveness, efficiency, perseverance, rationality, practical thinking, developed motor skills, spatial imagination, technical abilities

Specific result, present, things, objects and their practical use, activities requiring physical development, dexterity, lack of orientation to communication

Technique, Agriculture, warfare. Solving specific problems that require mobility, motor skills, and physical strength. Social skills are needed to a minimum and are associated with the reception and transmission of limited information.

mechanic, electrician, engineer, farmer, livestock specialist, agronomist, gardener, car mechanic, driver, etc.

Analytical mind, independence and originality of judgment, harmonious development of linguistic and mathematical abilities, criticality, curiosity, penchant for fantasy, intense inner life, low physical activity

Ideas, theoretical values, mental work, solving intellectual creative problems requiring abstract thinking, lack of orientation towards communication in activities, informational nature of communication

The science. Solving problems that require abstract thinking and creativity. Interpersonal relationships play a minor role, although the ability to convey and comprehend complex ideas is essential

physicist, astronomer, botanist, programmer, etc.

Ability to communicate, humanity, ability to empathize, activity, dependence on others and public opinion, adaptation, problem solving based on emotions and feelings, predominance of language abilities

People, communication, establishing contacts with others, the desire to teach, educate, avoiding intellectual problems

Education, healthcare, social security, services, sports. Situations and problems related to the ability to understand people's behavior, requiring constant personal communication and the ability to persuade.

doctor, teacher, psychologist, etc.

Ability to process numerical information, stereotypical approach to problems, conservative character, subordination, dependence, adherence to customs, conformity, diligence, predominance of mathematical abilities

Order, clearly scheduled activities, working according to instructions, given algorithms, avoiding uncertain situations, social activity and physical stress, accepting the leadership position

Economics, communications, calculations, accounting, office work. Activities requiring abilities to process routine information and numerical data

accountant, financier, economist, clerical worker, etc.

Energy, impulsiveness, enthusiasm, enterprise, aggressiveness, risk-taking, optimism, self-confidence, superior language abilities, developed organizational skills

Leadership, recognition, management, power, personal status, avoidance of activities that require perseverance, a lot of work, motor skills and concentration, interest in economics and politics

Solving unclear problems, communicating with representatives various types in a variety of situations that require the ability to understand the motives of other people’s behavior and eloquence

businessman, marketer, manager, director, manager, journalist, reporter, diplomat, lawyer, politician, etc.

Imagination and intuition, emotionally complex outlook on life, independence, flexibility and originality of thinking, developed motor abilities and perception

Emotions and feelings, self-expression, creative pursuits, avoidance of activities requiring physical strength, regulated working hours, following rules and traditions

Fine arts, music, literature. Solving problems that require artistic taste and imagination

musician, artist, photographer, actor, director, designer, etc.

A more accurate conclusion about a person’s professional orientation can be made by taking into account not the maximum score for one of the types, but by identifying the three types that have the highest scores. The fact is that, in accordance with the theory of J. Holland, six personality types are grouped with each other according to the degree of similarity in the shape of a hexagon (see figure). Each type is most similar to its neighbors in the hexagon and most different from the personality type opposite in the hexagon.

For example, the social type is most similar to the enterprising and artistic types, adjacent to it, and most different from the realistic, located on the other side of the hexagon.

If the three types that received the highest scores are adjacent, that is, they are on the same side of the hexagon, then your professional choice is the most reasonable and consistent. In this case, you can give preference not only to the type that has the maximum score, but also to the type that is in the middle between the other two.

If the three most preferred types are on different sides of the hexagon, then making a choice is much more difficult. In this case, it would be wise to use other reasons for your decision, such as other tests, books, or consultations.

The types of professional orientation of an individual, determined by Holland's method, to some extent correspond to the classification of professions by subject of work. Thus, the “realistic” personality type most closely corresponds to professions such as “man-technology” and “man-nature” and characterizes the focus on blue-collar and engineering-technical specialties and positions. The “intellectual” personality type is more associated with the sphere of social and natural sciences, that is, with professions such as “man – man” and “man – nature”. The “social” type determines the propensity for professions in the service sector, education and medicine of the “person-to-person” type. The “conventional” type characterizes the tendency to information professions type “man – sign system”. “The enterprising type is definitely not associated with any one subject of labor; it can manifest itself in any of them, although the orientation towards managerial professions and positions more closely connects representatives of this type with professions like “ man-man" Finally, the “artistic” personality type can be easily attributed to professions of the “person – artistic image” type.

D. Holland test

Last name, first name ____________________________________________________________ class _____________

technical engineer

controller engineer




sanitary doctor


livestock specialist






head store

IDN employee









ceramic artist




head of department

scientific journal editor





translator of fiction





radio engineer

nuclear physicist

organizer of educational work

trade union chairman



sports doctor



chairman of the agricultural cooperative



tailor-fashion designer


hammer drill




political figure


museum worker








speech therapist


Electrical Engineer





metal artist

Chief Accountant



chief physician







Not only high school students and applicants, but their parents have to think about how and what profession to choose. And this task is difficult because... It is important to choose just such a profession in order to enjoy the work later. After all, it’s cool when you do what you love, and you also get paid for it. But it is not always clear which path to follow if any inclinations are not clearly expressed. The Prevolio team recommends taking the Holland Career Test. As a result, you will receive a complete description of your personality type and a list of recommended professions.

The Holland Questionnaire is designed for:

  • high school students who will soon become applicants;
  • people who would like to change their type of activity, but do not know which profession to choose so as not to make any more mistakes;
  • for enterprises and organizations that take a responsible approach to personnel selection.

Purpose of the online Holland test: determine your inclinations and select professions that best suit your psychotype, correspond to your character, aspirations, and spirit. You can also find out what kind of work you should never take on.

Number of questions: 240
Holland test time: 25 min.
Task: answer the questions “Yes” or “No”.

Holland's method for determining personality type and professional preferences

In the middle of the last century, Holland’s method of career guidance, which was created by an outstanding American scientist and psychologist, gained enormous popularity. Most During his life, the creator of the test worked as a professor at the University of Michigan and became the discoverer of some scientific concepts in the field of psychology and computer science. And today, Holland’s unique career guidance questionnaire has not lost its relevance and is becoming increasingly famous.

In Europe, the J. Holland test is often used when hiring to determine the professional type of personality and, based on the information received, appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Holland highlights the following personality types:

  1. Artistic - this type strives for self-expression, clearly shows emotions and feelings, sees color, aesthetics, inspiration and depth in everything. These people are characterized by unconventional thinking, a certain extravagance, non-sociality and independence. Suitable creative professions: musical field, cinema and directing, literary activity, artistic field, theater, choreography, architecture and design.
  2. Investigative – characterizes such individuals as rational, independent and quite original. Such people strive for research, discovery, innovation, they are attracted to theories, problems, somewhat abstract thinking and solving set goals. This type corresponds to scientific professions, mathematics, physics and astronomy, etc.
  3. Social – humane, tolerant, very friendly personalities, love close communication with people, volunteer activities, helping others. Medical, pedagogical and social activities correspond to such career guidance.
  4. Entrepreneurial - the test calls these people selective, energetic, dominant and quite impulsive. Such individuals do not really like manual labor, but adventure, intellectual challenge, leadership roles and implementation strategic plans– this is their environment. I correspond to the profession: administrator, director, entrepreneur, business analyst, advertiser, etc.
  5. Systematic - this type will cope well with structured activities. They are characterized by: practicality, diligence, to some extent conservatism, perseverance and a serious attitude to detail. Specialty of this type: accountant, economist, programmer, marketer.
  6. Realistic – gives the following designation for this career guidance: emotionally stable, focused on the present, engaged in specific tasks, able to carry out clear and detailed work. This type corresponds to the professions of a mechanic, sailor, engineer, electrician, best man, tiler, and any other types of activities associated with detailed and scrupulous work that require motor skills and dexterity.

Do you want to know what your calling is? Hurry up to take the Holland test online for free for career guidance!

The famous method-test of the professional orientation of Holland's personality makes it possible to determine with great accuracy the types of activities that are suitable for a person. If you decide to take the J. Holland test, be sure that you will not waste your time sitting in front of the monitor. We conducted a survey among people of different ages who took career guidance tests on our website and found that 96% agreed with the results of this test and recommended it.

Why is it worth taking J. Holland's occupational questionnaire on the Prevolio website?

  • We have the Holland test available online for free, without registration and SMS;
  • You can take the J. Holland/Holland career aptitude test online in both Russian and English;
  • We offer full version, not the short version. This Holland technique is used in Europe during interviews. You have to answer 240 questions;
  • You don't need to calculate anything. The program will do everything for you;
  • On almost all sites offering to take the online Holland test for free, the results are determined by excluding those types of activities that are clearly not suitable for the user. It will be quite difficult to find a more accurate test.

How does the Holland personality test work?

We provide you with an excellent opportunity to find out your career guidance in a short period of time, without making much effort. The Prevolio team has created a user-friendly interface, fully automated result calculation and a specific description of each type. You will not only be able to see your type, but also the percentage of each type and read the description for any of them. I also recommend looking into the opposite type and familiarizing yourself with the list of professions in order to know which professions it is better not to study for.

So, you answer all the questions asked. The program calculates the result and gives you a detailed answer. Be patient and attentive when completing the Holland Questionnaire to get a clear answer to the question of which profession to choose.

Take now the free Holland test (career guidance) to find out your true career guidance, inclinations and suitable professional environment. And perhaps the results will surprise you! Good luck!

On this moment on our website we have selected the five best tests for a profession, but after the Holland test, the second most important one is the test for career guidance according to the Klimov method, which we also recommend taking to consolidate the result obtained and it no longer identifies six types of inclinations as in the Yovaisha test or Holland, and there are already five psychotypes of personality and a completely different classification, but in any case, we will dispel your doubts and help you make the final choice.