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Commercial proposal for installation work. Commercial proposal for finishing work

Commercial offers from construction companies are usually of the same type and contain proposals to fulfill certain works for a certain sum of money, however, you can go beyond the generally accepted templates and create a truly interesting commercial proposal.

Commercial offers of construction companies can be divided into two big categories.

First category refers to those proposals that are sent to management or engineering personnel and that are awaited; as a rule, such proposals are immediately read and the cost of pre-agreed services is calculated with price calculation.

In this case we're talking about specifically about private (commercial) customers, since if the customer municipal enterprise, then a local estimate is usually sent.

How to interest the management of a construction company if an offer is not expected

Non-personalized commercial proposals are usually sent to companies that may need your services; they may not be needed now, but the need may arise in the future.

So how can you make sure that your proposal is remembered by management and when the need arises, they turn to you?

We will step by step consider the factors influencing the desire to conclude a deal:

1. Price. In any business, price plays a huge role. Probably in 90% of cases, price influences a positive decision. Unless of course the quality suffers.

Cunning: analyze competitors’ prices for similar services provided by your company and give the lowest price. Make up the difference with additional services.

2. Personal meeting. Of course, getting a meeting with the management of a large construction company will be problematic, but if this can be done, then your proposal will definitely be remembered more.

Cunning: to conclude the first contract with a large company, you can complete the project with virtually no profit, having proven yourself, this can be reflected in the first commercial offer, thus you will be remembered as a company that completed the work with high quality and at the lowest price, and the next time a need arises they will call you. , this time you can already indicate competitive prices.

3. Letters of recommendation and gratitude. Definitely having positive reviews from large companies, especially if they are printed on company letterhead and secured with a seal, will form the image of a decent company with experience in business.

Cunning: to receive letters of gratitude, it is not necessary to bother the management, the main thing is to agree on the possibility of receiving such a letter, you can come up with the text yourself and enter it on the letterhead of the partner organization, the secretary will only have to bring your thank you letter As a rule, the manager does not receive any refusals for signature.

4. We indicate everything with prices. As it was written earlier, prices are very important, so all your construction works and write services with prices at which you can perform them.

Cunning: If you work with VAT, you can write prices without VAT by signing below the list that all prices are indicated without VAT. Thus, the numbers that catch your eye will be less than those of competitors, but in fact, when recalculated with VAT, they will be the same.

Examples of commercial proposals from construction companies:

Sample commercial proposal for the construction of a facility
Sample commercial proposal for design and renovation

Anna Sudak

# Business nuances

How to make a presentation correctly?

10 main components of a commercial proposal. Samples of successful proposals available for download.

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  • How to write a commercial proposal for a client
  • For finishing work
  • On design work

In order to sell your services quickly, efficiently, at a high price and at the same time stand out from your competitors, you should learn how to draw up a commercial proposal and present it to your clients. How? You will learn about this in this article.

How to write a commercial proposal for a client

  • establish quick and effective contact;
  • sell goods/services;
  • acquire regular customers.

A commercial proposal is an advertisement in which you need to briefly reveal the essence of your offer with clear benefits for the client. Yes, exactly for the client. You want to be chosen? Learn to sell your services. It doesn’t matter if you are a company selling cotton candy or building materials.

So, What should be included in a commercial proposal?

  1. Contacts and details. They can be placed both at the top and bottom of the page. But we recommend doing it from above so that the information is always in front of your eyes. In the details, for example, of a construction company, indicate legal address institution, registration number and other important information that you consider necessary.
  2. Contact by name. If you are offering construction services to a specific person, address them by name. If there is no such person, simply say hello, use the job title, etc.
  3. Name. Don't forget to indicate in the title that the document is a commercial proposal. This will save you from unnecessary questions from recipients and attract interested clients.
  4. Date of preparation. Be sure to indicate the date when the document was compiled.
  5. Validity periods. Don't forget to indicate the validity period of the offer. At this point we can talk about urgency, limited quantity. In general, limit the time so that the recipient feels that if he does not use this opportunity now, he will miss a great chance to resolve his issue quickly and efficiently.
  6. The bottom line. Briefly explain the essence of the proposal. Use bulleted or numbered lists. In a few words, tell them that you are the best in construction and back these words up with facts.
  7. Delivery. If you deliver physical product to the regions, describe this process. Tell us in what ways you do it.
  8. Use infographics. Photographs of the product or work performed, pictures, diagrams and tables. But be careful – the infographic must be on topic and unique. You should not use someone else's material to achieve your goal.
  9. Seal. Make sure that the document bears the seal and signature of the person responsible for the proposal.
  10. Stock. Talk about the opportunities the client will receive. If they exist, of course.

By the way, a commercial offer can be personalized and cold. Personalized is intended for a specific person. The cold one is sent to all potential clients. Don’t try to push the same offer to everyone at once. It is more competent to develop an individual CP taking into account the specifics target audience.

It is important to understand that the commercial proposal should be short, but at the same time informative. You shouldn’t “hack” it; focus on the benefits that the client will receive, but don’t forget about yourself. Use numbers. Learn to use them for your benefit.

Try not to mention your competitors, much less say nasty things about them, that your hands are in the wrong place, or something worse. Even as a joke. This will only push potential consumers away from you and “tarnish” your reputation.

Let's look at these examples:

Not a bad example. He sells. But not as much as we would like. Lack of numbers and portfolio. Do you agree? If you are writing an offer for the first time, we recommend using the standard form.

And it looks like this:

This is what a sample CP for construction work looks like:

For finishing work

In order to create the most attractive commercial package, you can include all installation services at once, or you can divide them into groups and sell them depending on the client’s needs. This is where you should experiment.

Sample commercial proposal for renovation work

There is no single template for a commercial proposal, but there are mandatory items that need to be included. Of course, with a dose of creativity and a focus on the industry, or rather on the list of services that a particular company can provide. Commercial offer for contract work was no exception. When compiling it, you can use this document as a basis:

Letter No. 1

The Stroy-Master company, specializing in minor repair work, invites you to familiarize yourself with our services:

  • metalwork;
  • electric installation work;
  • carpentry services;
  • installation and replacement of windows;
  • purchase of construction materials;
  • complete renovation of apartments and houses.

We guarantee high professionalism and efficiency in work.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

Repair studio "Creative" is in a hurry to offer you a full range of services for creating individual design projects for residential apartments, houses and premises for any purpose.

We also organize cosmetic and overhaul, we legalize new redevelopments and electrical projects, and repurpose premises into non-residential buildings.

The main proof of our reliability is a free two-year warranty after we carry out repairs or create a design project.

We will be happy to answer your questions.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

The Stroy-Master company carries out any repair and construction work. When collaborating with each client, we always take into account his wishes and financial capabilities.

Even before the work begins, we will calculate the full cost of the repair and agree it with you. Call our company and as soon as possible Our staff will inspect your property for a free estimate.

We will be glad to cooperate with you!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Stroy-master LLC invites you to familiarize yourself with the list of our services that we provide in Moscow and the region.

Painting and plastering works.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings.

Plasterboard wall lining.


Laminate and linoleum flooring.

Laying parquet.

And much more.

Behind additional information please call 220-00-06.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Stroy-Master LLC began operating in 2005 as a company specializing in the construction of residential and industrial buildings. From the very beginning of our activities, we carry out a full range of construction work, including interior work and assembly of metal structures on their own, turning to subcontractors only to carry out specialized work.

Our the main task is to organize High Quality, both in construction and in production. Therefore, we have carried out a careful selection to select suppliers of materials and raw materials.

The activities of the Stroy-Master company are carried out on the basis of the main corporate principles:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • efficient and economical use of funds and resources;
  • cooperation with reliable contractor companies;
  • maximum responsibility for the work performed.

The commercial offer should be such that you want to read it in full and, if you don’t respond to it immediately, then certainly keep contacts for the future.

The purpose of any commercial offer is to sell. In this case, we are talking about finding clients for a particular service. On the one hand, a person in need of certain services is looking for those who can provide it to them, and on the other hand, having received an offer that suits him, he will not only solve his problem, but may also want to cooperate with you in future. So this document requires a serious approach.

We consider the features of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of different types services. You can also get to know concrete examples commercial offers of security, transport, legal, construction, repair services.

Don’t forget about the basic requirements for the CP

Any commercial offer, including commercial proposals for the provision of services, is primarily a “selling” text, therefore it must contain all the elements required for this type of presentation of information:

  • attention-grabbing headline;
  • offer – a briefly and succinctly stated essence of the proposal (“if you do this, you will get this”);
  • justification of benefits for potential client;
  • call to action and contact information;
  • use of graphic design elements: subheadings, lists, different fonts, possibly illustrations.

As in other commercial enterprises, when offering services should be avoided:

  • a detailed description of your company with details, especially at the beginning of the proposal;
  • uninformative headlines, the most ineffective would be the phrase “commercial offer”;
  • complex, confusing wording in the presentation of the offer;
  • epithets that do not carry meaning and are not proven by facts, such as “highly qualified specialists”, “ high level mastery", "successful implementation";
  • phrases that lengthen the text, which can easily be removed from it without changing the meaning, for example, “We will be very glad to cooperate with you”, “We will be happy to come to your aid”, etc.: business people will get acquainted with your proposal and busy people who have no reason to waste precious time on “water” in commercial texts.

Features of CP “At your service”

What is the difference between commercial offers, the task of which is to encourage the use of a certain service? Let's consider their fundamental features.

  1. Purpose of the offer:
    • if a “cold” proposal is drawn up, that is, everything is sent to potentially interested clients, then its goal is to talk about an opportunity that may one day be useful, and to satisfy this need better with this particular company;
    • for “hot” personalized CP, the goal is to inform about the nuances and encourage cooperation, highlighting the most positive aspects and strengths interactions.
  2. The target audience: Commercial proposals for services are placed on the table of executives and senior managers who make decisions about their organization and payment.
  3. KP style: businesslike, without familiarity, quite restrained, maintaining dignity.
  4. Additional points:
    • it is important that the commercial proposal is drawn up in such a way that the client immediately understands that it is not just trying to sell a service, but also thoroughly understands it;
    • It’s great if the text of the CP will focus on solving pressing problems of the target audience or the addressee specifically;
    • clear and clear identification of resources to solve the customer’s problem and the benefits of choosing your company.

Examples of commercial proposal texts

In these examples, the CP for the provision of various types services, the emphasis is on the content, the aspect of printing design (illustrative material, use of color, fonts, etc.) is left to the discretion of the developer. The examples are relative.

Commercial proposal for the provision of security services

Console security of any objects

Do you have unwanted guests and they could be dangerous?

Unexpected trouble will never take you by surprise if your office or store is equipped with a panic button. No matter what happens, not even five minutes after pressing the button, the rapid response team will be at your place and will immediately solve the problem of any complexity.

Security agency "Panther-plus" organizes remote control security of retail, office, industrial premises, as well as apartments and private houses. We will provide:

  • 24-hour monitoring of the facility entrusted to us from a centralized console in the control room;
  • upon receipt of a signal, the arrival of an armed group within 2-5 minutes.

At our disposal:

  • 15 staffed groups in cars, dispersed in different areas of the city;
  • more than 200 licensed employees aged from 25 to 40 years, each of whom has undergone special training and has experience serving in the armed forces or law enforcement agencies;
  • service firearms permitted for use in security organizations: PKSK and Izh-71 pistols;
  • special means for communication.

Additional services

By contacting the Panther-Plus manager or reading the information on the official website htpp://, you can familiarize yourself with the full list of services provided by the security agency:

  • installation and maintenance of video surveillance systems;
  • installation of office and home intercoms;
  • all work related to security and fire alarms;
  • armed security of the facility;
  • ensuring access control;
  • safety during events;
  • information and consulting services regarding legal protection.

Call 555-55-55, and customer service manager Petr Sergeevich Ivanenko will advise you on any issues of cooperation. You can also leave a request on the website htpp://, and we will contact you.

The first 5 clients receive a 10% discount on services. Flexible discounts for regular customers.

Security agency "Panther-plus"


Commercial proposal for the provision of transport services

Cargo transportation without problems at anti-crisis prices

Your cargo is in the right place without noise and dust

Your company does not need to waste time and effort organizing cargo delivery to any point in the country. Contact the Podorozhnik company and entrust your care to professionals.

"Podorozhnik" operates on domestic market since 2003. We have successfully delivered more than 150 million tons of various cargo to all cities of our country. We do not need intermediaries: our own resources will fully ensure the safety of your cargo and its timely delivery.

By contacting us, you receive:

  • resources of our fleet, equipped with cars and trucks of various carrying capacities;
  • the ability to transport cargo from 1 quintal to 60 tons to any region of the Russian Federation;
  • cargo insurance;
  • tracking the movement of cargo using a geolocation system.

Prices that please

Thanks to the use of internal resources and the absence of intermediaries, Podorozhnik has the ability to install minimum prices for your services. For our clients we have provided:

  • the possibility of transporting goods on credit;
  • providing a cumulative discount for regular customers and business partners;
  • Possibility of preferential rates for loading and unloading.

Attention, promotion! Free loading for the first 5 January customers!

We value your trust

We are responsible for the professionalism of our employees. If our drivers deliver the goods more than 24 hours late, you will be refunded 30% of the cost of services.

Call, write, come

We will answer any of your questions by phone. 123-22-22.

We accept letters to email address [email protected] We respond 24 hours a day within two hours.

Come to our office at the address: Moscow, st. Gvardeiskaya, 93, we are open 7 days a week from 8:30 to 18:00.

Commercial proposal for the provision of legal services

Pay a lawyer 20-40% less
Legal support of business activities

The salary of a full-time lawyer is a serious expense for any entrepreneur. Meanwhile, competent legal support is a component of the success of any business.

Any task can be handled by the experienced professionals of Legolas LLC, who have been successfully operating in the legal field for more than 10 years.

Services for entrepreneurs:

  • quick registration or liquidation of an organization of any form of ownership;
  • changes in registration data;
  • full legal services for the company's activities;
  • financial statements;
  • lawsuits and challenging decisions;
  • information services on civil, tax, land law;
  • assistance in the preparation and execution of business documentation.

The customer is always right

10 years of experience and reviews from more than 1000 satisfied clients speak of our professionalism and ability to guess the client’s desires. Spend time growing your business rather than studying regulations.

Place your legal issues on the shoulders of Legolas LLC and forget about them forever.

If, as a result, you remain dissatisfied with our cooperation, we are ready to return up to 60% of the amount you spent.

We cooperate with entrepreneurs from any region of the Russian Federation.

Flexible payment system

We provide discounts to regular business partners

For clients who order more than 2 services, the third one will be provided at half the cost.

A full list of services and prices is on our website

Dial 222-33-44 and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.

We are waiting for you from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 in our office at the address: Moscow, st. Cow shaft, 9.

Commercial proposal for the provision of construction services

Archistroy company - we build something that you will be proud of!

Short lead times, high-quality materials, just a few days

Do you need to build a building and don't know where to start? “The construction company “Arkhistroy” will fulfill all your expectations in the following areas:

  • drawing up a project for a future structure;
  • full cycle of construction services, from foundation to finishing;
  • landscape design of the territory;
  • renovation of premises of any complexity.

Why is it beneficial for you to enter into an agreement with the Archistroy company?

  1. An absolute guarantee of meeting deadlines, officially recorded. If the construction project is not ready by the appointed time, we will return 30% of the amount as a penalty.
  2. Using only certified materials produced by European companies (we cooperate with manufacturers).
  3. Prices Consumables without intermediary markup.
  4. A staff of specialists of all profiles who have special education and have undergone training and certification in International school builder in Vienna (Austria).

It’s convenient to cooperate with us!

  • Having concluded an agreement, you make an advance payment in the amount of a quarter of the amount, the rest is paid after the delivery of the object;
  • We purchase materials only with written approval or in the presence of the customer;
  • possibility of payment in installments within 12 months after conclusion of the contract;
  • We do not increase the estimate without the client's request.

Interested in cooperation?

Call 365-48-48 or leave a request at e-mail [email protected].

Client Relations Director Sergey Eduardovich Kotenko will advise you on any issue that arises.

We provide a 12% discount to clients who say the code phrase “Vivat, Archistroy” when contacting them.

Thank you for your attention!

JSC "Arkhistroy"

Moscow, st. Avangardnaya, 12

[email protected]

Commercial proposal for the provision of repair services


In a few days you will enter a completely renovated room!

Have you moved into a new house or apartment?

Do you want to start working in a newly renovated office?

Do you need to refresh and update the room, or do a redevelopment?


The Masterova company will be glad to carry it out for you!

All types of work - in one company!

We perform:

  • repair and finishing work of any kind;
  • plumbing and electrical installation work;
  • installation of metal-plastic windows;
  • installation of air conditioners and ventilation systems;
  • export construction waste, cleaning the premises and territory;
  • assistance in preparation and coordination project documentation for redevelopment;
  • technical supervision of all actions performed;
  • post-warranty service.

At the request of the customer:

  • In addition, interior designer services can be provided;
  • assistance in delivering materials and bringing them to any floor;
  • Full supply of materials from recognized brands is possible.

A commercial proposal is an advertising document. The main purpose of the compilation is to interest and motivate a potential client to cooperate, use a service or purchase a product. In the construction industry, not only construction services can be offered, but also design work, reconstruction or demolition of structures.

Types of commercial proposals in the construction industry

By general rule, the commercial offer of a construction company is divided into general and specialized.

In general, the CP indicates all the capabilities of the company. For example, even if the building has been erected, but the interior has not been renovated, the proposal for cooperation may contain information about the possibility of carrying out design and dismantling work.

A specialized proposal may contain only targeted information, for example, only general construction or finishing work is offered.

The rules for writing a construction company’s commercial proposal contain another classification:

  • estimate proposals;
  • free of charge.

The second version of the proposal is sent in cases where the potential client is interested in innovative solutions and quality assurance is the most important for him. important point in collaboration, in other words, price policy least interesting.

Specifics of a contractor's commercial offer in the construction industry

Contracting for construction work is a fairly specific type of activity and implies long-term cooperation. Therefore, very often even in the initial proposal you can see preliminary calculations in tabular form. If preliminary calculations are given, it is imperative to indicate on what data they were based, that is, the numbers should not be taken out of thin air. If the calculations are approximate, then this should be emphasized.

Naturally, examples of commercial proposal texts can always be found on the Internet or you can order text writing from specialists, but you should remember that there are no clear standards. Each word should be selected depending on the specifics and advantages of the company. For some contractors, quality is a priority, for others, optimization of client costs, and so on. In practice, there are a number of standard sections of the CP that should not be neglected.


A greeting is not required only if the document is not personalized.

A personal appeal, especially if there have already been negotiations by phone, is mandatory. The name and patronymic at the beginning of the text already obliges the recipient to at least read the text.

Commercial offers from construction companies: greeting writing samples:

Title and concept

In this part of the commercial proposal, it is necessary to captivate the reader as much as possible and encourage him to carefully study further information. Naturally, if a letter is sent to municipal authorities with the aim of participating in a tender, then the heading should be concise and clearly define the essence of the proposal.

A construction company's headline text might read something like this:

“Commercial proposal for the reconstruction of a building at the address...”

After the title, you need to describe the essence of the proposal as briefly as possible. A potential client should understand in a short period of time what the company does.

The main problem of the client.

Every business sooner or later faces certain problems; if you can help your client solve it, tell them about it.

...If you are engaged in leasing your own retail and office space, but want to keep general concept design throughout the building, while allowing each tenant to make repairs at their own expense - we will solve this problem. Our company is ready to become a contractor for all your tenants, observing all the conceptual decisions made by you at the stage of commissioning the building...

Current need. Needs are constantly changing, that is, one is relevant at a certain point in time.

...You built a house - but did not renovate it! We will do it together with you...

...Bought land plot? But the construction of the house still hasn’t started? Our company offers turnkey construction of houses, from design to finishing...


Now you can move on to detailed description proposed works and services. To prevent the text from being overloaded, a price list with prices can be attached to the proposal as a separate document.

This part of the commercial proposal should not be dry; it is necessary to show the “product face to face.” If your strong point is the construction of turnkey houses, then be sure to write about it; if designing, then the text can be formulated as follows:

“...Our company has created 99 projects of private houses, 98 of which have already been built and their owners are satisfied with the results, which can be found on our company’s website in the “Reviews” tab...”


After brief description services, you can move on to the benefits of cooperation with the company. Benefits include:

  • low cost of services or used;
  • full cycle of construction work;
  • official cooperation with renowned partner suppliers;
  • big warranty periods, both for the work itself and for the materials.

Samples of commercial proposals from construction companies:

Rational decision and a little shock.

Offer the client a favorable price and justify that it is a guarantee of quality.

... Our company works only with French suppliers suspended ceilings, as you know, it was in France that they were invented...

...The cost of our services is 10% less than the market average. This is due to the fact that we do not involve third-party specialists; our staff includes professionals of all construction specialties, from an architect to a tiler...

... Our company not only installs buildings from SIP panels, but also has own production for their production. And this is a guarantee of high quality and low cost. You are given the opportunity to visit our workshop and verify the veracity of our statements...

Benefits in the future. The client must understand why it is better for him to cooperate with your company.

...The warranty on our work is 5 years. Why is this long term? Because we are confident in the quality of our services. Over the past 2 years, not a single partner has sent any complaints or claims to us...

Procedure for cooperation

This section of the commercial proposal for construction services should clearly describe how cooperation with clients occurs. The recipient of the letter must understand for himself:

  • payment procedure;
  • at whose expense the materials are purchased;
  • basic requirements for the contract;
  • and other features of cooperation with the company.

Additional information and contact details

In the conclusion, information is written that may be important for the client, but was not mentioned in the previous text. The information should really be useful, for example:

“...In the period from October 1 to December 31, we have seasonal discounts on Construction Materials….can be listed if discounts are not on all products….”.

Commercial proposal for cooperation with construction company must contain information about the person who can be contacted if interested in the offer. Even if the offer is a continuation of a preliminary agreement, contact details should still be provided.

If the CP is not personalized, then you can add a little more motivation, for example:

“... If you call today... you can specify the date..., then you will receive a discount on all types of services in the amount of 5%.... contact details...”.

Don't forget to thank your potential client for taking the time to read your information.