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Buy a hair salon franchise. Hair salon franchise

The franchisor provides support at all stages of opening and running a business.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a business are that There is always a demand for inexpensive services. Almost every person wants to get a haircut for 149 rubles, and not for 600-1000, as is offered in other hairdressing salons. The salon becomes popular almost immediately after opening.

There are also disadvantages to such a business. The fact is that the masters receive 40-50% of the amount of the service provided, good specialists they won’t work for that kind of money, that is, based on the staff, it’s possible to find only newcomers or those who have nowhere else to go for some other reason. So it is not a fact that the services will be provided with high quality. But, nevertheless, good masters sometimes get jobs in hairdressing salons of this level.

Premises requirements

The franchisor informs that the area of ​​the premises should not be less than 130 square meters; premises of a smaller area will negatively affect the conduct of business and may lead to its collapse. Of course, it is better if the room has an area of ​​200 square meters.

It will be very good if the room has an office layout. But this is not a prerequisite.

The premises must be located on the ground floor or on the ground floor. Electricity, water supply and sewerage are required. In addition, the premises may be located in a separate building.

The location of the salon should be sufficiently accessible. It is desirable that there be a large number of offices nearby, but residential areas are also suitable. A location that is located near transport stops and metro stations is ideal. The main task- high cross-country ability.

Financial conditions

Investments amount to 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

In addition, with the purchase of an economy class hair salon franchise, the franchisee undertakes to pay a fixed royalty cost, namely 10,000 rubles per month. There are 10 salons in Moscow, the profit of which is up to 400 thousand rubles per day, which is 12,000,000 rubles per month. Payback for salons is quite fast, since they are popular and enjoyed in great demand among the population. Payback depends on the region, but, nevertheless, it is quite fast in any region.

The cost of the Barber franchise includes assistance with staff recruitment, assistance with starting a new salon, assistance with selecting a location for the salon, assistance with advertising (the company website contains a link to the regional website of the salon), assistance with the purchase of equipment, the ability to purchase materials at reasonable prices. low prices, administrative staff training in existing showrooms.

In addition, the franchisor provides the franchisee with a program with which they can take into account attendance and issue daily salaries to the foremen.


Of course, such salons are a success. And opening a salon under the Barber franchise is quite profitable, because if in the intended area there is not yet a fairly inexpensive hairdresser, then such a salon will be popular with the population. According to statistics, in 1 month of a salon’s operation, approximately 40% of the clientele from other salons comes to the masters, and this is quite a lot. This kind of business is quite profitable.

  • Franchise cost: from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • Monthly fee (royalty):
  • Amount of investment: from 900,000 to 3,500,000 rubles.
  • Income per year: from 2,760,000 rub.
  • Payback period: from 12 months
  • Company email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Phones: 8 (800) 505-16-34

If you have a craving for beauty and would like to develop in the field of cosmetics and hairdressing services, you should remember about the different options for entering this business. Of course, you can open a beauty salon yourself, but remember, it is very difficult for small studios to compete with well-known brands. Alternative option is the purchase of a franchise of one of the famous chains. Collaborating with a more experienced partner will ensure that your business remains stable and can easily withstand all existing risks. One of the most proven and successful partners in this area is the well-known chain of beauty salons Familia.

Franchise Description

The main characteristics of the franchise are:

  • Lump sum contribution - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Royalty - 7.5 thousand rubles every month.
  • No other fees will be charged.
  • The payback period is from one to one and a half years.
  • The launch of the project occurs within one and a half months after signing the contract.
  • The approximate profit of one point per month is 250 thousand rubles.

The Familia network guarantees:

  • Working together on a project;
  • Possibility to take out a loan to open a second outlet;
  • Possibility of buying out a partner’s salon or salons if he wants to leave this business.

By working with this company, you get the opportunity not only to use the successful business concept of the network, but also to minimize all existing risks. A franchise will allow you to significantly reduce the amount of initial investment when opening a second salon. Cooperation also involves obtaining an already developed financial model which allows you to avoid typical mistakes allowed by aspiring entrepreneurs.

There are three Familia franchise formats:

  1. Package "City". For locations with a population of up to half a million people, the lump-sum contribution is 200 thousand rubles. The total amount of starting investments is about 900 thousand rubles. Payback in 1-1.5 years. Profit per month - 230 thousand rubles. (There are special discounts for cities with a population of up to 300 thousand people).
  2. Megapolis package. For cities with a population of 500 thousand to a million people, the lump-sum contribution is 250 thousand rubles. Investments - about a million rubles. Payback in 1-1.5 years. Profit per month - 260 thousand rubles.
  3. Package "Capital". For cities with a population of over a million people. Lump sum contribution - 300 thousand rubles. The investment amount is 3.5 million rubles. Payback period is from one to one and a half years. Profit per month - 320 thousand rubles.

About company

The Familia company was founded back in 1996. During this time, its managers managed to open more than 60 of their own outlets and 70 franchisee outlets. The network's studios can be visited both in Russia and in the CIS countries. The secret of the company's success is that it relies on new technology conducting activities and organizing the work of beauty salons. Thus, in Familia studios the emphasis is placed not only on attracting new visitors, but also on retaining clients who subsequently become regulars.

However, despite the obvious success, the network’s management has no plans to stop its development. The brand achieved such recognition partly thanks to its franchising policy. Thus, the company offers partners to make a very reasonable start-up fee, getting the opportunity to have a ready-made business model and receive comprehensive support from leading Familia specialists.

The success of the Familia network was made possible thanks to the following principles:

  • Provision of services High Quality regardless of the visitor’s financial income. Familia owes much of its success to this approach. Despite the fact that prices for services in the network’s salons remain quite low, the client can count on the professionalism of each of the masters.
  • Speed ​​does not come at the expense of quality. This network focuses on customers who value their time. That is why the service scheme is designed so that visitors do not stand in queues or get nervous because of the slow work of the master. However, speed does not affect the quality of services provided.
  • Nice atmosphere. The management of the chain carefully monitors the level of service and atmosphere in its salons, because instead of constantly attracting more and more new customers, you can try to make every visitor a regular.


Working with the famous Familia salon chain gives franchisees many advantages, including:

  • Possibility to operate under. famous brand;
  • Short payback period for the project;
  • Quick opening;
  • Guaranteed demand for services due to integrated approach to business;
  • Marketing strategy that includes online advertising, outdoor advertising etc.;
  • High monthly income;
  • Discounts from leading cosmetic brands, equipment at reduced prices;
  • Software;
  • Training of employees and partners.

Training and support

By purchasing a franchise of the Familia beauty salon network, each partner receives:

  • Comprehensive support, ranging from legal and accounting issues to loyalty programs;
  • Efficient and simple circuit launching a project;
  • Partner training;
  • Training of franchisee employees;
  • Software that allows maximum automation of activities, video monitoring system;
  • A management, marketing and sales system created taking into account the characteristics of the Russian market;
  • Brand book;
  • Salon website;
  • Point development plan;
  • Design project;
  • Promotional materials.


The Familia salon should be located in a room with an area of ​​50 to 100 square meters. m. This can be a separate building, premises in shopping, entertainment or business centers, cinemas or on the 1st floors of residential buildings. Regardless of the chosen location, the salon should be located in areas with the highest traffic, for example, ten minutes from the metro.

The idea of ​​opening your own business, stopping hunching over someone else’s uncle, and becoming free from routine comes to everyone from time to time. And, in terms of starting a business, a beauty salon is an inexhaustible gold mine for its owner. However, not everyone imagines what they will have to face when opening a salon from scratch. Like any other business, the beauty industry has many of its own pitfalls. According to statistics, more than 70% of beauty salons close in the first two years of existence. À la guerre comme à la guerre. Therefore, acquiring a reliable, proven ally and mentor is the most optimal solution For quick start.

  • Where to start opening a franchise beauty salon?
  • How to open your own beauty salon under the “Apriori” franchise with a profitability of 100,000-300,000 rubles. per month?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED code must be indicated for a franchised beauty salon?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for a franchised beauty salon
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

Franchising is a new, revolutionary way of doing business without losses. Purchasing a franchise from a well-known, trusted brand and strict adherence to the franchisor’s recommendations will ensure 100% success of the business and high profits, respectively. Let's look at the main pros and cons of franchising.

In fact, franchising is the transfer of experience. When starting a business on your own from scratch, mistakes are inevitable. Incorrectly chosen location of the salon, constant vicissitudes with inspection bodies, lack of thought out down to the smallest detail marketing company– all this and much more reduce profits and increase costs. The franchisor offers step by step instructions, the implementation of which will actually allow you to insure yourself against failure.

Franchising provides an opportunity to reduce risks and reduce initial investments. The franchisor company, as a rule, already has ready-made solutions to minimize costs for all occasions.

All franchisees operate under one, well-recognized brand according to common standards. On the one hand, working with a brand reduces advertising costs, on the other hand, it limits creativity: franchisees are required to comply with the standards of the franchisor company. This is how franchisors insure themselves against unscrupulous partners. Company image comes first! However, by general agreement, franchisees can change some non-conceptual aspects.

Where to start opening a franchise beauty salon?

Franchisors that have been on the market for quite a long time, as a rule, have special relationships with product suppliers. It should be remembered that a beginner will never receive a significant discount on products and equipment, unlike the “bison” of the beauty industry. Counterfeit brands and unscrupulous suppliers are constant companions of the first, timid steps in starting a business from scratch. Franchisees, being under the auspices of the franchisor, receive all its privileges, which significantly reduces the initial costs of materials and equipment.

In the age of computer technology, a significant part of customers learn about a brand from the Internet. Those familiar with the basics of SEO optimization understand that promoting a website created from scratch will take either serious money (as payment for the work of SEO professionals who can raise the site to the “Top 10” in a couple of months) or a long period of time. The franchisor grants the affiliate the right to use his domain. Therefore, when choosing a franchise company, it is important to pay attention to where it is in the browser search list. Remember, average users rarely reach the third page of search results. And, the closer the site is to the “Top 10”, the higher the customer flow and audience loyalty to the salon. Conscious potential client The stereotype “the higher a site ranks in search results, the more reliable it is” prevails.

Newly-minted entrepreneurs are especially concerned about legal issues. How to draw up documentation correctly? How to purchase a license? Where to find specialists? Where to train staff? How to contact inspection authorities? The franchisor guarantees full support at all stages. Also, a full-time lawyer of the mentor company is always available to the franchisee, who knows the answers to all questions.

However, the most important thing that the franchisee receives is customers almost from the first day of opening the salon! Firms that opened from scratch begin to make a profit months after opening. Most people fail to survive difficult times. The result is money wasted.

How to open your own beauty salon under the “Apriori” franchise with a profitability of 100,000-300,000 rubles. per month?

The Apriori chain of beauty salons has been a leader in the beauty industry in St. Petersburg for 8 years. The company has successfully crossed three economic crisis. Every year a new salon opens. Let's omit the words, more facts:

  • 30,000 satisfied clients
  • Your own training center
  • Masters - winners of All-Russian championships
  • 80,000 visitors to the site per month
  • Site No. 1 in Russia

We will prepare a business plan for you, explain the basic principles of work, and provide everything necessary materials, standards, instructions, tests, contracts with suppliers, labor and lease agreements, etc. In order for a salon to generate significant income, it is necessary to take into account many subtleties, choose the right location and staff. On these and many other issues, franchisees can contact us for advice at any time. Qualified employees will explain how to keep records of materials and documentation. We are interested in the success of our franchisees, so we are always ready to provide all possible assistance. Together with a franchise, you receive a proven sales and customer service system.

We will teach you how to run your business correctly. Many questions will stop bothering you.

Find out more about the terms of the Apriori franchise and the possibilities of purchasing it here (//

The hair salon franchise represents a special segment of the Russian franchising market. The specificity of the sphere is due to the fact that the market for affordable hairdressing salons in Russia is essentially absent. A small niche of inexpensive salons is represented by enterprises opened on the basis of a franchise agreement. The low degree of development of the sphere attracts the attention of many Russian entrepreneurs. The variety of offers is expressed by the specifics of the salons being opened, aimed at women's, men's, children's or mixed clientele.

The hair salon franchise "Curler" is represented by a successfully developing company of the same name with six years of experience in Russian market. The franchisee receives assistance from the company in choosing premises in accordance with current technical requirements. Support is also provided in the selection and hiring of personnel. A pricing system and time-tested business model are provided. Three formats of cooperation based on franchises have been developed. The range of investments - depending on the chosen cooperation option - is from 299,560 to 703,580 rubles. Monthly revenue volumes: 400 thousand - 800 thousand rubles. Sum lump sum presented 250,000 rubles. Area of ​​premises for opening a hairdressing salon "Curler" as a franchise: from 25 to 100 square meters. Time required to launch a salon: one month.

The franchise is represented by a men's hairdressing salon, specializing not only in traditional and stylish haircuts, but also in beard and mustache care. Clients are always treated not only to the professionalism of the craftsmen, but also to free tea, coffee, and the latest newspapers. The actively developing network is represented by branches in different cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. The range of the down payment amount is from 350 thousand to 500 thousand rubles. The starting investment level is two million rubles. The annual royalty payment is 200 thousand rubles.

Barbershop franchise

The Barbershop hair salon franchise is represented by one of the leading participants in the rapidly developing market of men's hairdressing salons. The company conducts training with masters of franchise enterprises. An entrepreneur who wants to purchase a franchise should not be an expert in hairdressing. The franchisor provides effective marketing tools and technology for a profitable launch. The minimum investment required to participate in the project is 800 thousand rubles. The lump sum fee for this hair salon franchise is represented by the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Requirements for room area: from 35 to 50 square meters. The payback period for investments made is from six months.