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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation awards teachers for the year. Departmental awards of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science: who is awarded and in what order

Departmental awards approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation»

Changes have been made to the procedure for processing award documents and submitting awards.

1. Departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation have been established:
1.1. Golden insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
1.2. Medal K.D. Ushinsky;
1.3. Medal L.S. Vygotsky;
1.4. Honorary title “Honorary Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation”;
1.5. Honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation”;
honorary title “Honored Worker in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth of the Russian Federation”;
1.6. Badge “For mercy and charity”;
1.7. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
1.8. Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Gold insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation persons are awarded for merits in labor and long-term work for at least 15 years in the field of education, scientific, scientific and technical activities, upbringing, guardianship and trusteeship of minor citizens, social support and social protection of students of educational organizations, youth policy, and other areas of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science Russia.

Medal K.D. Ushinsky awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation from among teaching staff and figures in the field of pedagogical sciences (usually Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences) who have made significant contributions:
– in developing issues of theory and history of pedagogical sciences;
– to improve methods of training and education of the younger generation, cultural and moral development of the individual;
– in the development of textbooks and teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials.

Medal L.S. Vygotsky awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation from among teaching staff and figures in the field of psychological sciences (usually Doctors of Psychological Sciences) who have made a significant contribution to:
– in the development of the cultural-historical approach in psychology;
– to improve methods of psychological and pedagogical support for citizens;
– in scientific and methodological provision of psychological support.

Honorary title “Honorary Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation” awarded for:
– significant achievements in the field of education of children and youth;
– significant successes in the development of the system of education and family placement of orphans and children left without parental care, protection of their rights;

– perennial conscientious work in the field of education.

Badge“For mercy and charity” are awarded for:
– systematic material and intangible charitable assistance in organizing and conducting events for children and youth;
– personal financial and other assistance to organizations engaged in educational activities, in the development of their material and technical base and the provision of material support to individual students and pupils;
– personal material and non-material participation in the development and practical implementation of scientifically based programs to support socially vulnerable children and youth.

Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are awarded for:
– significant achievements in the field of education;
– significant achievements in the field of scientific, scientific and technical activities;
– significant achievements in the field of education, guardianship and trusteeship of minors;
– significant achievements in the field of social support and social protection of students;
– significant achievements in the field of youth policy;
– many years of conscientious work;
– effective and impeccable public civil service, municipal service.

Departmental awards are a form of encouragement and public recognition of achievements.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia can award departmental awards for outstanding achievements or merits and many years of conscientious work or service in the field of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (clauses 1.2 and 1.3 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

Departmental awards include:

Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
medal K.D. Ushinsky;
medal L.S. Vygotsky;
honorary title “Honored Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation”;
honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation”;
honorary title “Honored Worker in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth of the Russian Federation”;
badge “For mercy and charity”;
Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
They are provided for in paragraph 1 of Order No. 1223 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016.

The awarding of departmental awards is sequential. In most cases, in order to receive a higher reward, you must receive the reward that precedes it. For example, in order to receive an Honorary Title from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, you must have a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

If an employee has a departmental award from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, this may be taken into account during his certification.

Also, a departmental award can influence the employee’s terms of remuneration. If this is provided for by the remuneration systems that operate in an educational organization, a departmental award may be the basis for additional payment (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Conditions for awarding
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has established requirements for candidates for departmental awards, the terms and conditions for the award.

1. Requirements for candidates

Requirements for departmental awards can be divided into two types:

General requirements;
requirements that are established for a specific award.
TO general requirements These include those that must be observed to receive any departmental award, regardless of its type. There are two of them:

1) the candidate must have professional merit in the relevant field of activity.

They are confirmed by the availability of information about incentives and awards for effective and conscientious labor or service activities (clause 1.12.2 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223);

2) the candidate should not have:

– unfilmed disciplinary sanctions And

– not withdrawn or not repaid in the prescribed manner federal law criminal record order

(clauses 1.12.3 and 1.12.4 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

The requirements for a specific award must be met in order to receive specific type departmental award. They are established in addition to the general requirements. Such requirements may be, for example, the presence of the necessary length of service or other departmental award.

2. Requirement for the deadline for awarding

A departmental award for new merits can be awarded no earlier than two years after the previous award (clause 3.4 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

3. Requirement for the number of awards

The same type of departmental award cannot be awarded (clause 3.6 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

Situation: is it possible to obtain a duplicate of a departmental award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia or a certificate for it in case of loss
Award procedure
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has approved a unified procedure for submitting candidates for departmental awards. The exception is the order in which they are presented for awarding the Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Stage 1. Deciding whether to initiate an award application

The decision to apply for a departmental award is made by the team at the place of main work or service.

The decision is considered by the collegial bodies of the organization or body:

Academic Council;
science Council;
scientific and technical council;
pedagogical council;
general meeting of the team.
This is stated in paragraph 2.1 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.

The number of persons who can be nominated for an award depends on the total staffing level of the organization (body):

If it is less than 200 people, then the organization (body) can nominate no more than one person per year for the award;
if it exceeds 200 people, then no more than one person out of every 200 employees per year.
If an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is nominated for an award, which exercises control within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the number of persons nominated for an award is determined from the total number of employees in the organizations subordinate to it in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If the anniversary date of the organization comes, the number of people who can be nominated for awards can be doubled. The anniversary date should be considered 50 years, 55 years and every subsequent 5 years from the date of formation of the organization.

This is stated in paragraph 2.3 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.

Stage 2. Submitting an application

The application is drawn up on an award sheet. It states:

Specific merits of the candidate;
information about personal contribution to the field of activity of the organization, body or Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
If an organization submits several candidates, then the application is drawn up with a common list (clause 2.4 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

The following is enclosed with the award certificate:

Certificate of total quantity full-time employees who work in an organization or body;
solution collegial body the organization that represents the employee for the award;
a list of published works (when applying for the award of the K.D. Ushinsky medal or the L.S. Vygotsky medal). Also indicate publishers, publication dates and number of printed sheets;
information about the date of formation of the organization or body, if the employee is represented in connection with the anniversary of the organization.
This is stated in paragraph 2.5 and paragraph 2.3 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.

Stage 3. Submitting a submission for the award

By general rule Nominations for departmental awards include:

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
Deputy Ministers of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
heads of federal government agencies;
deputy heads of federal government bodies;
higher officials subjects of the Russian Federation;
heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which exercise management in the sphere of jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;
heads of scientific organizations, organizations carrying out educational activities, and other organizations that are subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
(Clause 2.6 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.)

Exceptions apply only to situations where they are awarded:

Persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation;
federal civil servants and employees of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnadzor, Federal agency for youth affairs, federal civil servants and employees of other federal bodies.
Documents for their awarding are submitted by:

Head of Rosobrnadzor;
Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.
(Clause 2.12 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.)

Depending on the candidate’s place of work, award documents are sent directly to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science or through other organizations (bodies) (clauses 2.7–2.12 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

Candidate's place of work
Where to send documents
An organization carrying out educational activities, a scientific or other organization that is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
Directly to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science
Branch of an organization carrying out educational activities, a scientific or other organization that is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
To the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia through the parent organization.

The parent organization sends documents if the employee meets the requirements of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223

An organization carrying out educational activities, a scientific or other organization that is under the jurisdiction of other federal bodies state power
To the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia through the federal government body under jurisdiction.

This body sends documents if the employee meets the requirements of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223

An organization carrying out educational activities, a scientific or other organization that is under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
To the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which exercises control within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The executive authority reviews award documents collegiately. If the candidate meets the requirements of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223, then the documents are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The documents are sent along with the decision of the collegial body, which indicates:

Last name, first name and patronymic of the candidate;
his position;
place of work;
work experience.
If a candidate is nominated for an honorary title, then the date on which he was awarded the Certificate of Honor is additionally indicated.

If a candidate is nominated for the K.D. medal. Ushinsky or the medal of L.S. Vygotsky, then additionally indicate the date when he was awarded the honorary title.

The submission also includes information on the number of workers and employees in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the relevant area of ​​jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Private educational organization, private scientific or other organization
In the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
The candidate holds a government position in the Russian Federation, is a federal civil servant or an employee of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosobrnadzor, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, a federal civil servant or an employee of other federal bodies
The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, who is in charge of awarding issues.

Documents are submitted:

Managers structural divisions Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;
Head of Robsobrnadzor;
Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Stage 4. Making a decision to award or refuse an award

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia makes a decision to award a candidate a departmental award, or to refuse an award, or to change the type of award for which the person is nominated. The decision is made on the basis of the presented award documents. The period during which a decision is made is 90 days.

If a decision is made to refuse an award or documents are submitted in violation of the requirements, then the application is returned within 90 days from the date of their receipt indicating the reason for the return (clause 2.13 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

If a decision is made to award a candidate, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science issues an order.

Stage 5. Awards

A departmental award is awarded in a ceremonial atmosphere, usually at the place of work or service.

Awarded no later than six months from the day the order was issued.

If, according to the regulations, the award is not made by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or his deputy, then the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia transmits to representatives of organizations or bodies that nominated candidates for the award:

Copies of the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science on the award;
certificates for badges;
certificates of honor.
In order for documents to be issued to a representative, he must have a power of attorney.

This is stated in paragraphs 3.1–3.3 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223.

A record of the award of a departmental award is made in work book employee (clause 3.5 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia keeps records of persons who have been awarded departmental awards (clause 3.8 of the Regulations on departmental awards, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. 1223).

“Departmental awards of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science: who is awarded and in what order.” I.B. Alekseeva, V.I. Andreeva

© Material from the Education Reference System.
More details: of achievements.

Interested parties are interested in what merits the title of honorary worker is awarded for general education RF and whether it carries benefits. Let's look at such questions in this article. Let's start with what laws govern the assignment of the title and what is its connection with the status of “Veteran of Labor”.

General provisions

Title "Honorary Worker" is an award badge that rewards education employees. This is an industry intangible award, the presence of which entitles you to certain privileges. She is passed off as many years of work, achievements and innovations in the educational industry.

Such an honorary title gives its owner the right to receive other worthy awards, including:

  • title "Honored Teacher";
  • title "Veteran of Labor".

The first of the above awards is awarded to teachers with 20 years of experience and personal contribution to the general education sector. The second title is guaranteed to applicants who have retired and received the additional “Golden Badge” award.

All conditions for conferring the title “Honorary Worker” are enshrined in the Regulations “On Distinctive Titles in the Field of Science and Education.” This set of rules is enshrined in government order No. 84 of October 6, 2004.

For what merits is the status “Honorary Worker” awarded?

The title "Honorary Worker of the General educational sphere» teachers are awarded for a twelve-year period of continuous work and special achievements in their field.

Personal contribution – actions aimed at:

  • students receiving a better education;
  • revealing the potential and talent of students;
  • preparing winners of regional Olympiads for participation in competitions on a regional and global scale;
  • creation of original educational methods, scientific programs, feature articles and other materials.

Attention! Upon retirement, an honorary worker can obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” and receive all the privileges due to this category of citizens, provided that he has earned the “Golden Badge”.

Additional payments to honorary employees

It is worth noting that a teacher’s salary depends on many factors, including experience and position, category and level of qualifications. Industry honorary titles entitle applicants to an additional monetary bonus. Its size is determined at the regional level and approved local acts educational institution.

Agreements establishing the amount of the premium:

  • collective agreement;
  • payment provisions;
  • employment contract.

Local authorities themselves determine the level of additional payments for award recipients; on average, the following percentages are established:

  • 10% for honorary employees;
  • 15-20% - to honored teachers;
  • 10%, educational staff can count on this level;
  • 10% other MO awards.

Other bonuses due to teachers are calculated based on the salary, taking into account the additional payment for the honorary title. Consequently, the base portion of a teacher's salary increases. IN rural regions The same calculation scheme applies, where all associated additional payments are added to the rate after the bonus for the title of honorary worker.

The “Honorary Worker” status does not give its holder any additional benefits at the level of the Russian Federation. But local authorities can independently establish other general privileges for teachers in their region. These could be additional vacation days, regional surcharges, discounts on public utilities, travel benefits.

An honorary worker and a labor veteran, what is the connection?

Having the status “Honorary Worker”, and in the future the mark “Golden Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” entitles the teacher to the title “Veteran of Labor”. It occurs when you reach retirement age. This possibility is guaranteed by Art. 7 Federal Law “On Veterans” (draft dated January 12, 1995). This bill also stipulates all types of benefits that are guaranteed to veterans. Consequently, honorary teachers can count on them in the future.

Attention! Honorary titles are awarded to teachers if they have higher education in the field of education.

Benefits for honorary retired teachers

So, the distinctions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation give applicants the right to other honorary statuses. Upon reaching retirement age, a holder of the title “Honorary Education Worker” can obtain the status “Veteran of Labor”. To do this, he needs to go to the social security department and submit the appropriate application. You need to confirm your eligibility with a package of approved documents.

Already having a “Veteran of Labor” certificate guarantees all its holders in Russia the right to such benefits as:

  • free travel on city transport;
  • the right to free services, including treatment in the healthcare industry;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • vacation at any time of year chosen by the veteran;
  • production/repair of dentures free of charge.

Above we have listed the benefits that all holders of honorary worker status can enjoy in the future. They operate throughout the country. But at the regional level, there are additional privileges for labor veterans; you need to clarify their list and terms of provision at the social security departments at your place of residence.

Reader questions

  • Question No. 1: Do I understand correctly that in order to receive the status of “Veteran of Labor” in retirement, the award badge “Honored Worker” is enough for me, or do I still need the title “Honored Teacher”? Answer: in 2018, to receive a Veteran of Labor if you have one only the “Honorary Worker” award will not work. Until the end of June 2016, such an opportunity actually existed, but from July 1, a different procedure began to apply. The right to veteran's pension benefits is assigned only to holders who need to receive the “Golden Insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”
  • Question No. 2: Who approves the Golden Badge for teachers and does it give the right to additional benefits? Answer: Whether to award an applicant the title “Golden Badge” is decided by the regional governor, to whom the documents are sent for approval. This award sign does not provide any additional federal benefits. Regions themselves can establish privileges for its holders. But, this difference gives the person an important advantage - the opportunity in retirement to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” and receive all the benefits that are due to this category of the population.

As you know, there are many different insignia. They are issued for long and productive activity in any field. Probably one of the most important awards is “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.” It is worth noting that indeed, the field of training and education is one of the main aspects of development modern society. Because raising and training the younger generation is the most important task for the successful life and activities of any country.

A little about the teaching profession

The teaching profession gained popularity and spread many centuries ago. Nowadays, this is practically one of the most common professions related to social activities. This area also includes such popular and well-known positions as teacher, educator, teacher. The need to transfer knowledge and educate younger generations has always existed, because their success and contribution to the life of the whole society depends on it. Of course, everyone deserves respect for their hard work, which also brings great benefits.

Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation - what is required?

Of course, for special achievements in almost many public spheres of activity, awards are issued and various privileges are provided. This practice also exists in So, an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation is a status that is confirmed by a special insignia. This is a truly important and responsible title, which is awarded for high achievements in the field of education. This method of awarding was invented and established back in 1999. And it has existed for many years.

What does the reward look like?

Now it’s worth talking about what the distinctive sign looks like. His appearance quite traditional. The award is in the form of a medal. There is a blue or red ribbon on top. On one side of the medal you can see the following text: “Honored Worker of General Education.” There is an olive branch nearby. Over the history of its existence, the distinctive sign has changed slightly.

Who can receive the award badge?

To receive this high and well-deserved award, you need to work hard and take part in the development of various areas of social activity. The award badge “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” can be received by employees of various educational institutions. For example, schools, preschool institutions and other organizations that were especially noted for their achievements during work. The key point is the activities carried out by the employees of the listed institutions, because this is the criterion for receiving the award.

For what merits is the badge issued?

As mentioned above, in order to earn the sign “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation,” it is necessary to perform one’s duties efficiently and persistently, as well as come up with various innovations. You can list a number of areas of activity for which you can receive this award. For example:

  • Significant achievements in the correct distribution of the educational and educational process, improvement of its methods. Ensuring a competent combination of training and education. Formation of a creatively developed personality through its mental and cultural development.
  • Success in creative development students.
  • Successful implementation of new information technologies V educational process. Using advanced methods and methods of presenting information and monitoring knowledge, which significantly improve and ensure the development of a high-quality educational process.
  • Continuous participation in the upbringing and training of the younger generation. Help in maintaining top level material and technical base of educational institutions.
  • Successful development, writing and continuous improvement of materials that make up the educational and methodological base.

Procedure for assigning an award

So, the main areas of activity were considered, which are the main criteria for issuing this award. Now it is worth analyzing the procedure for appointment. The title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” can be awarded only if the employee has a certain work experience in various institutions related to the educational field. It must be at least twelve years. This condition is mandatory.

The title “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” is indeed a very important stage in the career of a worker in this field. It takes place with a truly solemn mood in a working environment. During this event, the person is given the insignia itself and a special certificate for it. It is not permitted to award the same distinctive badge a second time. If for any reason the award or certificate for it was lost under certain circumstances and for a special valid reason, it is possible to issue a duplicate.

Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation: benefits and privileges

The received medal must be worn below state awards on the right side of the chest. Of course, the person who receives it has certain benefits and privileges. It's worth talking about them in more detail. Educational workers awarded this badge and working in educational institutions and organizations that are under the authority of the Ministry of Education can receive an additional monthly payment as a bonus to their salary. They constitute up to 20 percent of the official value established on paper. wages. Thus, an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation receives material remuneration. In our time, many teachers and educators who actively work in this area have additional payments.

Current teaching profession

If you go back some time, teacher qualifications were not in great demand. Not many young specialists had the desire and aspiration to master this important and responsible profession. However, now there are significantly more people interested. This is a really important and positive trend, since educators are always in demand. In addition, the positive attitude of specialists in the field of education is very important. With it they are more active and energetic. And the correct upbringing of the younger generation and the transmission to them depends on the results of their work. important knowledge. On the shoulders of teachers, as well as all educators and teachers, lies one of the most important tasks - to raise truly educated people. After all, the development of society as a whole directly depends on this.

Another important point- it is necessary to increase the prestige of such a profession. This is really necessary, because ten years ago many people said that being a teacher was not prestigious. However, recently such an opinion can be heard infrequently, which indicates an increase in the level of consciousness and responsibility of society.

how to receive the award "Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation" and received the best answer

Answer from Crazzzy[guru]
ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2004 N 84
III. Procedure for awarding the badge
"Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation"
3.1. The badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the badge) is awarded to the best teachers, instructors, educators and other workers of preschool educational institutions, general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education) institutions, special (correctional) institutions. educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, institutions additional education, institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives), special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, interschool educational centers, sanatorium-type health institutions for children in need of long-term treatment, institutions of additional education for children, employees of educational authorities and the field of youth policy, employees of research institutions and organizations, scientific and methodological centers, employees of educational institutions (organizations) other ministries and departments, as well as employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, ministries for:
significant successes in organizing and improving the educational and upbringing processes in the light of modern achievements of science and culture, ensuring the unity of teaching and upbringing, the formation of intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual;
implementation in educational process new teaching technologies, modern forms and methods of organizing and conducting classes, knowledge control, which ensures the development of student independence and individualization of their learning;
successes in practical training of students and pupils, in the development of their creative activity;
progress in developing educational and methodological literature, production of visual aids, instruments and equipment;
constant and active assistance in the training and education of children and youth, development of the material and technical base of institutions (organizations).
3.2. The badge is awarded to employees who have a total work experience in educational institutions (organizations) or management bodies of at least 12 years and a higher or first qualification category(for teaching staff).
3.3. The application for awarding the badge is drawn up on an award sheet of the established form (Appendix No. 1), printed on a PVEM or typewriter, signed by the head of the institution (organization), the chairman of the collegial body and certified by a seal. If the head of an institution (organization) is nominated for an award, the award sheet is signed by his deputy. The employee's characteristics must reflect his specific merits, achievements and successes, revealing the essence and degree of these merits in the scientific, pedagogical, educational, educational and methodological fields of activity.
3.4. The application for awarding the badge for each candidate is sent to the higher organization according to the institution (organization):
educational institutions(organizations) of municipal subordination - to the education management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with their subsequent submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;
educational institutions (organizations) under the jurisdiction of other ministries and departments - to the relevant educational authorities according to their subordination, with their subsequent submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
A request for awarding a badge to employees of municipal education authorities is submitted to the education department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Award materials for employees of education departments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are submitted directly to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.