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Sample letter of request for employment. Sample letter of employment

A person entering a job with an economic entity must go through the procedure prescribed by law upon admission. After it is signed labor contract, the administration must issue an order for employment. It is prepared by the personnel department, which then passes it on to the head for signing.

As soon as a decision is made to place this person in a job in this enterprise, the checkout process begins.

It includes writing an application for admission, on the basis of which an employment contract is drawn up between the company and the employee. Only after that an order is prepared, on the basis of which the employee is registered for work.

When preparing an application, the employee collects the necessary package of documents for employment, which he attaches to this document.

It is important to consider that a job application is not binding document. Its compilation may be regulated by internal acts of the company.

Current practice shows that it is best to request an application for admission from an employee as confirmation of his desire to join labor Relations on a voluntary basis.

Attention! It must be taken into account that labor law establishes several categories of employees for whom this period is strictly prohibited to be set.

Also, information about the test must be necessarily reflected in the executed labor agreement. If there is no such data, then the indication of this information in the order for admission will be invalid.

At the next stage, you need to specify the details of the employment agreement concluded between the parties - its number and date.

Attention! The order after its preparation is signed by the head of the company. Further, the document is transferred to the employee, who must familiarize himself with its contents and put his signature in a special column.

What documents need to be issued along with the order

After the order for admission is drawn up, it is necessary to enter information about the employment of the employee in some other documents:

  • Order accounting log- it is necessary to fix the details of the issued order;
  • Employment book - in this document it is necessary to enter information about the employment of the employee. The basis for this action is an order, the details of which must also be indicated in the last column;
  • Personal card - this form is issued for each new employee at the time of his employment. The unified form T-2 is usually used, but the company can also develop its own document form;
  • A personal file is a special archive folder into which copies of all documents on the enterprise that affect the employee are filed. State and municipal institutions required to keep personal records commercial organizations do it at will;
  • Service Employment Notice- issued if new employee is a military citizen. Then it is necessary to draw up a notice in a special form, and submit it to the military registration and enlistment office.

From January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory. At the same time, the forms of documents used as primary accounting documents, established by the authorized bodies in accordance with and on the basis of other federal laws(for example, cash documents) (information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N PZ-10/2012).

Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 05.01.2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment"

Order (instruction) on hiring an employee

Order (instruction) on hiring employees

They are used to register and record employees hired under an employment contract and are filled out: form N T-1 - for one employee, form N T-1a - for a group of employees. Compiled by the person responsible for admission, for all persons hired by the organization on the basis of a concluded employment contract.

When issuing an order (instruction) on hiring an employee (s) for work, the name of the structural unit, position (specialty, profession), probationary period, if the employee is placed on a probation when hiring, as well as the conditions for hiring and the nature of the upcoming work (part-time, in the order of transfer from another organization, to replace a temporarily absent employee, to perform certain work and etc.). When concluding an employment contract with an employee (s) for an indefinite period, in the details "Date" (form N T-1) or "Period of work" (form N T-1a), the line (column) "to" is not filled.

An order (instruction) signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person is announced to the employee (s) against receipt. On the basis of an order (instruction) by an employee personnel service entry is made in work book on hiring an employee and filling in the relevant information in the personal card

Settling in new job, Man Is Interviewing With Management. After that, a series of various tests awaits him, proving his professional suitability. In case of approval of the candidacy, it becomes necessary to formalize his employment. For this, the employer draws up an appropriate order.

The order for employment is issued by the responsible employee on the basis of an employment contract. This document officially confirms the employment relationship between the employee and the employer.

Forms of documents

There are unified forms for enrolling an employee in the organization's staff:

  • Form T-1 is used when registering one person for a vacant position;
  • Form T-1a, used when receiving several persons at the same time.

Each organization has the right to create its own form of order for employment. However, it must include the following information:

  • Full Name;
  • Position;
  • The division or department in which the employee is enrolled;
  • Information about wages;
  • Period probationary period;
  • Information about employment contract on which this document is based.

Making an order in accordance with Form 1-Ta provides for entering individual information into the document form for each of the employees (including information about wages). In this connection, it is better to refuse it in order to avoid it later conflict situations related to the disclosure of personal data.

Important! The columns of the employment order cannot contradict the information specified in the labor agreement concluded between the employee and the organization.

At the end of the execution of the order to hire an employee for work, it is signed by the head of the organization or another person with the appropriate authority. The HR officer must submit a document to the new employee for review within three days from the date of commencement labor activity.


You can download the most appropriate form of an employment order in our section dedicated to personnel and accounting. Let us consider in more detail the subtleties of filling out the document.

Filling in the order header

When issuing an order for employment, it is necessary to indicate in the header of the document OKPO code, consisting of eight characters.

Employee's personal data

By entering information about the employee in the appropriate form, the personnel officer records the Surname, First Name, Patronymic of the employee in the genitive case. In addition, he indicates the following data that must be filled in (information about the unit, position, conditions and nature of activity, salary part wages, probationary period, etc.). The wording of the entries in the order must completely duplicate the columns of the employment contract.

Assignment of number and signature of the head

At each enterprise, the procedure for registering documents is individual: somewhere it is carried out in automatic mode, thanks to the use electronic programs, somewhere is done manually by a personnel officer on the basis of paper forms. However, regardless of which method is most convenient for the company, the details of the employment orders and employment agreements should be identical.

This approach will not only bring order, but also allow you to abandon unnecessary bureaucracy, in addition, it does not contradict the current legislation. At the final stage of registration, the document must acquire the order number and the signature of the head, or another person endowed with the appropriate authority.

Employee familiarization

Further new employee must be familiarized with the received paper, as a result of which he will put a personal signature on the original. After that, a correctly executed order for hiring an employee in the company's staff should be sent to a nomenclature folder specially designed for these forms. The data of the details of the document will be necessarily recorded by the responsible person in the register of orders for employment.


The employment order does not imply the presence of a seal in the document. Her print may be required only if it becomes necessary to certify a photocopy of the order.

Registration in the journal

It is the responsibility of each company to properly organize the accounting of documentation, for this the employer can charge the corresponding staff unit with keeping a journal. The responsible employee, in this case, may be a HR specialist, an accountant or another employee regarding the preparation of documentation when hiring and dismissing employees.

The journal form must contain the following mandatory columns:

  • Date of creation of the normative act;
  • Serial number;
  • Date of registration.

It happens that an enterprise uses an inventory as a journal, which can be filed in a special folder reserved for storing regulations on the admission of employees. However, this does not exempt the organization from the presence of the above details in the document.

Attention! Every year, the numbering in the journal must begin anew, while the already existing data cannot be deleted at the request of the employer.

Additional documents for the order

When accepting a job, responsible person or the personnel department adheres to the following procedure for handling documentation:

  • Provides local regulations of the company for familiarization to a new person;
  • Concludes an employment contract with an employee;
  • Creates a job order;
  • Issues a personal card of the employee;
  • Makes the necessary entry in the work book.

Order retention period

The undertaking is obliged to ensure that the information relating to the employment orders is kept for the following 75 years old.

According to paragraph 19 of the List archival documents, approved by the order of the Ministry of Culture of August 25, 2010 No. 558.

Common mistakes and difficulties in compiling

When issuing an order to hire an employee, the following errors are often made in the document:

  • Header missing;
  • The position is incorrectly indicated;
  • In the corresponding column, the amount of the official salary is not correctly entered;
  • The conditions for hiring are not prescribed;
  • The employee's signature is missing.

Sample orders for the employment of employees

An order for the admission of an employee can be created according to the model of one of the two forms adopted by the State Statistics Committee in 2004 (unified form T-1 or unified form T-1 a).

For reference, below is a sample of filling out an order for employment in the T-1 form.

When hiring several people at the same time in the staff of the organization, you can use the order for employment in the T-1 form. Next, let's get acquainted with the sample to fill out.

In some cases, the creation of an order to hire new people may have some peculiarities. Let's analyze concrete examples design.

Design nuances

During temporary work

When accepting a person for a temporary period, information on the duration of the employment contract should be entered in this document. In the column referred to as: “terms of employment”, the personnel officer must make a note that the employee’s activities are carried out temporarily.

When hiring a sole trader

The order is issued in accordance with standard requirements. The only difference in the preparation of this document is the absence of an OKPO code and a structural unit, because the activity individual entrepreneur, as a rule, is not permanent and is temporary.

On probation

The passage of the probationary period must be recorded in the order of employment.

When working part-time

This type of labor activity is carried out only with internal or external part-time jobs, the size of the rate itself is not entered into the document form. This paper indicates only the amount of salary, the amount of which cannot be higher than 0.5 rates for staffing.

When hiring a partner

The execution of such an order does not differ significantly from previous sample filling. But if we consider the option of replacing a temporarily absent employee who is on parental leave, then the line with the expiration date of the employment contract is not subject to completion, since the main employee has the right to resume activities at any time.

When hiring a convict

During the procedure for hiring a person who has been convicted, an order to appear at work will be attached to the main package of documents. It is issued by the Criminal Executive Inspectorate. It should be noted that the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract with such an employee is impossible, there are no grounds for this in Labor Code Russian Federation.

Hiring a driver

In cases of employment in logistics or transport companies.

Recruitment as a translator

In a situation where an employee is transferred from one organization to another, the employment document will be drawn up in the T-1 form (a dismissal paper will be issued at the former place of business, and acceptance paper at the new one). When implementing internal transfer you will need to use the T-5 order form.

When appointed to the position of CEO

When registering the employment of an ordinary employee, the order on his admission to the organization is signed by the head. When hiring a general director, the document is subject to signature by the chairman of the meeting of the company's owners. In this case, an employment order in the T-1 form will be applied, which can be downloaded using the World Wide Web.

Attention! If a CEO the sole owner, he personally signs the employment order, since he is the sole founder of this company.

Employment of a minor

The main feature of issuing an order for an employee who has not reached the age of majority is that when hiring him in an organization, one of the parents should be familiarized with the issued document. Settling down at the age of already over 14 years old, young people sign everything Required documents on one's own.

Hiring an accountant

When hiring a person for the position of an accountant, a standard form in the T-1 form is used.

Employment on industrial practice

Walkthrough industrial practice can occur both on the basis of a civil law contract and on the basis of an employment contract. In the second option, the trainee is registered as an employee.

Employment of a foreign citizen

Foreigners, unlike citizens of the Russian Federation, when applying for a job must submit to the employer organization additional documents and information. In turn, the enterprise is obliged to notify the Federal Migration Service of Russia about the employment of foreign citizens. The form of the order of a foreigner itself does not differ from the document drawn up for a Russian citizen.

When hiring a lawyer

Above you can see a sample when applying for a job in the legal department of a junior lawyer.

Any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, type of activity, number of staff, is obliged to conduct personnel office work, part of which are orders for hiring-dismissal and relocation, remuneration, rest of employees.

Employment: primary documents

The basis for the employment of the applicant and enrollment in the state are the primary documents:

  • labor contract,
  • job order.

All documents must be drawn up in the prescribed form, registered in special registers (for each type). The original application, a copy of the contract and an extract from the employment order are filed in the employee's personal file.

Making an order for employment: templates and samples

The employer should pay special attention to the issue of the correct execution of documents, since they are the object of close scrutiny by inspection services - State Inspectorate labor, employment and social protection services, in the event of labor disputes and claims.

An order to hire an employee can be drawn up:

  • according to the model recommended by the State Statistics Committee in Decree No. 1 of 05.01.04;
  • in any form provided internal document flow enterprises.

Employment: the content of the order

For an order for employment, a sample of filling out a document should be in each personnel service. And although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly regulate the forms and samples of internal personnel workflow, and the unified form of the order is not strictly mandatory, the content of the order is stipulated by the administrative documents of the Ministry of Labor.

In order for the order (order) on hiring an employee to be accepted by the accounting department for further work, it must contain:

  • setting data of the employee - full name, TIN;
  • position (name according to the staff list, OKVED code), category, category, class;
  • subdivision
  • work period
  • for permanent employees - only the date of admission, for employees under a fixed-term employment contract - the date of admission and the date of expiration of the contract;
  • the amount of salary or tariff rate,
  • types and amounts of allowances
  • data on the employment contract (if any).

In addition to these data, for persons whose work involves financial responsibility, the order to take office must contain the wording "accept for the position (name) with full financial responsibility." A copy of the liability agreement, as well as an extract from the order, is filed in the official's personal file.

Admission order: informative access for employees

In order for each employee, putting his signature in the column of familiarization with the employment document, to be sure that the order for employment was correctly drawn up in relation to him, a sample of the order form in force at the enterprise must be placed on the information board of the personnel service. As an example of a job order, the sample order on the information board must be completely filled out.

In addition, it should be noted that for familiarization with the employees of the enterprise, an order for employment is issued, the sample of which corresponds to the nominal form that is used in personnel document flow enterprises.