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Responsibilities of the employee to comply with labor protection. Responsibilities of an employee to ensure labor protection at the enterprise

The responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection are set out in article 214Labor Code Russian Federation.

Compliance by the employee with labor protection requirements is one of the main guarantees that an accident will not occur to the employee, since the human factor in labor protection, his attitude to labor protection, own safety and the safety of those working near it is dominant. The basic requirements for the employee to comply with labor protection requirements are specified in the employment contract.

The employee is obliged:

comply with labor protection requirements, established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as rules and instructions on labor protection. The relevant rules oblige workers to comply with labor protection instructions that establish the rules for performing work and behavior in production premises and on construction sites. Workers are also required to comply established requirements handling machines and mechanisms, using the funds issued to them personal protection;

correctly use personal and collective protective equipment. Personal and collective protective equipment is used to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors on workers. Thus, according to statistics, every eighth industrial accident occurring in the Russian Federation is associated with the lack or incorrect use of special clothing, special shoes or other personal protective equipment. Providing personal protective equipment at the expense of the employer is an inalienable right of the employee and the obligation of the employer in accordance with current legislation;

undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction in labor protection, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. Occupational safety training is an essential element in the prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases. Technical solutions to ensure occupational safety will be insufficient if workers do not comply with them due to lack of knowledge on labor protection or incorrect performance of technological operations;

immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning). Direct action norm;

undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. Mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) medical examinations of workers are carried out in order to determine the compliance of the health status of workers with the work assigned to them. Periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations are carried out for the purpose of dynamic monitoring of the health status of workers under conditions of exposure to occupational harmful factors. According to Article 212 The Labor Code of the Russian Federation imposes on the employer the obligation to ensure that preliminary, periodic, and extraordinary medical examinations(examinations) of employees with retention of their place of work (position) and average earnings for the duration of the specified medical examinations.

According to this article, employees who have not passed mandatory medical examinations, as well as those with medical contraindications, are not allowed to work.

Foundation social insurance The Russian Federation is allowed to send 20 percent of insurance premiums to implement occupational safety measures, including periodic medical examinations.

21. Committee (commission) on labor protection, its main tasks

According with article 218 Labor Code of the Russian Federation in organizations at the initiative of the employer and (or) at the initiative of employees or their representative body committees (commissions) on labor protection are created. Their composition on a parity basis includes representatives of the employer and representatives of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers.

By order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated May 29, 2006 No. 413 approved Model regulations on the labor protection committee (commission).

The committee is integral part the organization's labor protection management system, as well as one of the forms of employee participation in the management of the organization in the field of labor protection. Its work is based on the principles of social partnership.

The Committee interacts with state labor protection authorities, federal labor inspectorates, other state supervisory and control bodies, as well as with the technical labor inspectorate of trade unions.

The Committee in its activities is guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on labor protection, general, regional, sectoral (inter-industry), territorial agreements, collective agreement (agreement on labor protection), local regulations legal acts of the organization.

The regulations on the organization's Committee are approved by order (instruction) of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body and (or) other representative body authorized by the employees of the organization.

The committee is responsible for the following main goals:

development, based on proposals from members of the Committee, of a program of joint actions of the employer, trade unions and (or) other representative bodies authorized by employees to ensure labor safety requirements, prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases;

Organization of inspections of the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces, preparation of appropriate proposals to the employer for solving labor protection problems based on an analysis of the state of conditions and labor protection, industrial injuries and occupational morbidity;

Informing employees about the state of labor conditions and safety in the workplace, the significant risk of damage to health and the compensation due to employees for working in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, personal protective equipment.

The size of the Committee is determined depending on the number of employees in the organization, the specifics of production, the number structural divisions and other features, by mutual agreement of the parties representing the interests of the employer and employees.

22. Functions of the committee (commission) on labor protection in the organization

According to Article 218 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, at the initiative of the employer and (or) at the initiative of workers or their representative body, committees (commissions) on labor protection are created.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 29, 2006 No. 413 approved Model regulations on the labor protection committee (commission).

The functions of the committee are:

Consideration of proposals from the employer, employees, trade unions and (or) other representative bodies authorized by employees to develop recommendations aimed at improving the working conditions and safety of workers;

Providing assistance to the employer in organizing training of workers on labor protection, safe methods and techniques for performing work, as well as testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and conducting timely and high-quality instruction of workers on labor protection;

Participation in conducting surveys of the state of conditions and labor protection in the organization, reviewing their results and developing recommendations for the employer to eliminate identified violations;

Informing the organization's employees about ongoing measures to improve labor conditions and safety, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

Bringing to the attention of the organization's employees the results of workplace certification for working conditions and certification of labor protection work;

Informing employees of organizations about current standards for the provision of flushing and disinfecting agents, certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, the correctness of their use, organization of storage, washing, cleaning, repair, disinfection and decontamination;

Assistance in organizing pre-employment and periodic medical examinations and compliance with medical recommendations during employment;

Promoting timely provision for employees of the organization engaged in work with hazardous or hazardous conditions labor, milk, other equivalent food products and therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

Participation in the consideration of issues of financing labor protection measures in the organization, compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as monitoring the expenditure of funds of the organization and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (insurer) allocated for preventive measures to reduce industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

Assisting the employer in introducing more advanced technologies into production, new technology, automation and mechanization of production processes in order to create safe working conditions, eliminate difficult physical work;

Preparation and submission to the employer of proposals for improving work on labor protection and preserving the health of workers, creating a system of moral and material incentives workers who comply with labor protection requirements and ensure the preservation and improvement of health;

Consideration of draft local regulatory legal acts on labor protection and preparation of proposals on them to the employer, trade union elected body and (or) other representative body authorized by employees.

23. Internal rules labor regulations in the organization, their purpose and procedure for adoption

According with article 189 Labor Code of the Russian Federation labor discipline - obligatory for all employees to comply with the rules of conduct defined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, and employment contracts.

The employee’s obligation to comply with labor discipline is established Article 21 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employer is obliged in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, regulations, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations containing standards labor law, the employment contract creates the conditions necessary for employees to comply with labor discipline.

The organization's labor regulations are determined by the internal labor regulations.

Internal labor regulations organization - a local regulatory act of an organization regulating:

The procedure for hiring and dismissing employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;

Working hours: length of the working week (5-day with two days off, provision of days off on a sliding schedule), duration of daily work, start and end times of work, time of breaks in work, number of shifts per day, alternation of working and non-working days (Article 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

List of positions for workers with irregular working hours (Article 101 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

The time for providing a break from work for rest and food and its specific duration. In cases where, due to production conditions, it is impossible to provide a break for rest and food, a list of jobs in which the employee is provided with the opportunity to rest and eat during working hours, as well as places for rest and food (Article 108 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Types of work for which the employer must provide employees with special breaks for warming and rest, duration and procedure for providing such breaks (Article 109 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

The second day off with a 5-day working week, and in organizations where suspension of work on weekends is impossible due to production, technical and organizational conditions - days off on different days of the week for individual groups of workers (Article 111 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Duration of additional annual paid leave for employees with irregular working hours (Article 119 Labor Code RF);

Days on which employees of the organization are paid wage (Article 136 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Additional views employee incentives for work (Article 191 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The internal labor regulations also establish the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of employees and the employer, as well as other necessary provisions in relation to the specifics and working conditions of a particular organization.

Concluding employment contract, the employee undertakes to comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization (Article 56 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer has the right to require the employee to comply with these obligations (Article 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization when hiring (Article 68 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Internal labor regulations must be available for review by employees at any time. Usually they are posted in a visible place in the organization or its structural divisions.

Charters and regulations on discipline apply in those industries (areas of activity) where strict compliance labor discipline is especially important due to the fact that its violation can lead to extremely serious consequences (Position on discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 1992 No. 621, Charter on discipline of maritime transport workers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2000 No. 395, etc.).

The internal labor regulations of the organization are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of the organization's employees (Article 190 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The internal labor regulations of an organization, as a rule, are an annex to the collective agreement.

1. Among the main duties of the Labor Code assigned to the employee are the obligations to comply with labor protection and labor safety requirements, to immediately inform the employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people (Article 21).

The commented article provides for a wider range of employee responsibilities in the field of labor protection.

Since the concept of “employee” covers not only persons in blue-collar professions, but also managers, specialists and other employees, the responsibilities listed in the commented article apply to all categories of workers and are assigned both to workers performing organizational and administrative functions, and to workers engaged in production activities. The scope of responsibilities of the corresponding category of workers to comply with labor protection requirements is established depending on their legal status. Thus, employees performing organizational and administrative functions are required to comply with state regulatory requirements contained in federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, intersectoral and sectoral rules on labor protection, intersectoral standard and sectoral standard instructions on labor protection, safety rules, technical regulations, sanitary norms and rules. These rules contain the requirements for production premises and production sites (for processes performed outside production premises); requirements regulating permissible levels dangerous and harmful production factors in production premises, on sites - for processes carried out outside production premises and at workplaces, as well as lighting requirements, temperature conditions, humidity and other production factors.

Labor protection rules also include requirements for the organization of work and other operations that affect the safety of workers; requirements to production equipment and its placement; requirements for raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products, methods of their storage and transportation; safety requirements for the organization of production (technological) processes (including fire and explosion safety requirements), for control and management systems of technological processes that ensure the protection of workers, for measures to protect workers from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors arising in emergency situations, etc. In addition, persons performing organizational and administrative functions are charged with monitoring compliance with labor safety instructions by employees subordinate to them. The specific responsibilities of persons performing organizational and administrative functions in the field of labor protection are defined in job descriptions.

Workers engaged in production activities are required to comply with labor protection instructions developed based on their professions or types of work performed on the basis of intersectoral or sectoral standard instructions on labor protection.

These instructions on labor protection for workers contain:

Safety requirements before starting work (procedure for preparing the workplace, personal protective equipment; procedure for checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.; procedure for checking source materials (blanks, semi-finished products); the procedure for receiving and handing over shifts in case of continuous technological process and operation of equipment, etc.);

Safety requirements during work (methods and techniques for performing work safely, using technological equipment, Vehicle, lifting mechanisms, devices and tools; requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products); instructions for maintaining a safe workplace; actions aimed at preventing emergency situations; requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers, etc.);

Safety requirements upon completion of work (procedure for shutting down, stopping, disassembling, cleaning and lubricating equipment, fixtures, machines, mechanisms and equipment; procedure for removing waste generated during production activities; personal hygiene requirements; the procedure for notifying the work manager about deficiencies affecting labor safety discovered during work, etc.);

Safety requirements in emergency situations (stop work, turn off power from faulty equipment (equipment, stand), if necessary, fence off the dangerous place and immediately report the incident to the work manager and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminate the problem emergency situation, act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan, etc.). If a fire occurs, you must: immediately notify the fire department, indicating the exact location of the fire; inform the work manager; notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone; begin to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents; organize a meeting of the fire brigade.

Managers, specialists and other employees performing their work functions under conditions of exposure to harmful or hazardous factors or in cases where their work requires the use of methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, appropriate handling of machines, mechanisms, equipment, they must also comply with the safety requirements established by labor protection instructions.

- an important part labor functions. Occupational safety requirements are designed to ensure the safety of the employee and others. Responsibilities of a labor protection worker, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are discussed in our article.

Obligation to comply with established labor protection requirements

Basic responsibilities of employees to comply with labor protection requirements enshrined in Art. 214 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in conjunction with this article, many by-laws, intra-industry and intra-company standards are applied.

An employee usually becomes familiar with labor protection requirements in the form of approved rules and instructions. However, the procedure for developing these rules and instructions is a rather complex, multi-step process.

Stage I

Federal laws


  • “On the fundamentals of labor protection” dated July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ;
  • “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ

Stage II

GOST standards

GOST “System of standards and occupational safety”. Codes 12.0.00-12.0.010

Stage III

Regulatory documents of ministries and departments

Stage IV

Occupational safety service at an enterprise (in an organization)

A set of internal regulations and instructions on labor protection and safety, mandatory for employees to follow

Thus, compliance with labor safety instructions should be considered as compliance with legal requirements.

It is necessary to understand that each provision in the instructions for occupational health and safety is the result of the work of more than one expert in this matter and could not just appear.

If the meaning of any requirement in the instruction is not clear to the employee, he must still strictly follow it and seek additional clarification from a labor protection and safety specialist (there should be one at any enterprise!). This is directly related to the 2nd duty of a labor protection employee under Art. 214 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The obligation to have complete, proven knowledge of occupational health and safety in their professional field

The employee must replenish and test his knowledge in the field of labor protection. Don't just follow the instructions, but understand the meaning of their requirements.

It follows from the legislation that any enterprise must have a labor protection specialist to familiarize workers with the labor protection system and monitor knowledge and compliance with requirements.

According to the laws, on the first working day in an organization, any employee (including the manager) must first go to the office of a labor protection specialist, receive an introductory briefing on labor protection and safety, and confirm that he has understood and understood everything. Only then can you go to workplace and get to work.

If an employee comes to production with special working conditions for a position that requires professional qualifications, then before starting work, he must undergo special training and pass an exam on labor protection and safety. In the future, he will need to confirm his knowledge during periodic certification.

Additional measures may be required. For example, if a qualified employee is transferred to work on new equipment, he must undergo additional training and knowledge testing.

For workers involved in one-time and specific work (for example, eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster), separate targeted training is also required.

Duty to know and apply protective equipment

According to statistics, every 8th person injured at work in the Russian Federation did not use or used personal protective equipment incorrectly. These funds are intended to eliminate or significantly reduce the impact of negative production factors on workers. They are:

  • individual - for 1 employee: overalls and shoes, safety glasses, face shields, hard hats, hard hats, etc.;
  • collective - to create and maintain a normal safe environment in the workplace: ventilation and air purification systems, automatic control and decontamination, protection from radiation, vibration and noise, etc.

The employee is obliged to know and apply all the protective equipment required for his type of professional activity. The procedure for handling individual and collective protective equipment is included in the general production instruction or occupational health and safety training. In addition, if practice requires it, the rules for providing first aid to a victim when protective equipment is not used can be studied as part of this instruction.

The obligation to immediately notify management of any emergency situation if there is a threat to the life and health of people

The employee is legally required to notify the manager that:

  • There has been an accident;
  • any emergency situation has occurred;
  • other circumstances have arisen that may pose a danger to the health and life of people;
  • he himself felt unwell (in this case, it is necessary to describe the symptoms, since they may be a reaction to a change working environment, for example, be a consequence of poisoning with harmful substances).

Obligation to undergo medical examinations

The purpose of medical examinations is to determine whether the employee can perform his or her job in the physiological state in which he or she is at the time of the examination.

Inspections are divided into:

  • preliminary when applying for a job. At the same time, it is determined whether the employee’s health is suitable for this job at all.
  • periodic during operation. During such examinations, they find out whether the employee is still able to perform his duties (for example, work as a pilot), and whether he is able to begin them at the current moment (to go on a planned flight).
  • targeted, usually in emergency situations. For example, if an employee or group of employees suddenly feels unwell.

In order to fulfill responsibilities of a labor protection worker each of them must undergo all medical examinations and examinations prescribed to him.

Ensuring that employees fulfill labor protection obligations

1. Responsibilities of the employer.

In accordance with Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to create conditions for the employee to comply with labor discipline. Responsibilities of a labor protection worker are also considered disciplinary.

Based on this, the employer must:

  • equip workplaces and establish labor regulations so that workers can comply with all requirements and regulations for labor protection and safety;
  • provide all workers who need it with personal and collective protective equipment;
  • ensure the organization of training, instruction, and testing of workers’ knowledge in the field of labor protection;
  • ensure the organization of medical examinations in all necessary cases;
  • remove the employee(s) from work if facts of non-compliance with labor protection and safety requirements are revealed (according to the norms of Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Employer rights:

  • apply to employees disciplinary action up to and including dismissal (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) for failure to comply with labor protection and safety regulations;
  • apply incentives for compliance with all rules and regulations.

3. State control.

Commissioners government bodies are obliged to take measures to ensure compliance with labor protection and safety standards:

  • develop industry-specific and generally applicable instructions and standards and bring them to the attention of participants in the labor process;
  • carry out periodic and targeted inspections of compliance with labor protection rules and occupational safety at enterprises and organizations;
  • carry out the necessary training and certification of workers in cases where such training or certification is not carried out at the enterprise itself;
  • apply administrative (and sometimes criminal) sanctions to employees and employers for failure to comply with labor protection requirements.

Important! Any accident at work is subject to investigation. The regulation on the specifics of investigating accidents in certain industries was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 No. 73. Cases of occupational diseases are also subject to investigation. The regulation on the investigation and recording of occupational diseases was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2000 No. 967.


Labor protection requirements must be observed by the employee, provided by the employer and controlled by the state .

Occupational safety is the most important area of ​​activity for the management of all organizations and companies. The employer must take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of work processes and familiarize staff with the rules of conduct at the enterprise (including drawing up and signing an agreement on labor protection).

Accordingly, organizational measures are taken by the employer. This includes personnel training, equipping workers with protective elements and much more. Meanwhile, employees also have a duty of care. This need is expressed in the precise and uniform implementation of all rules established by laws and local documents.

Basic responsibilities for worker safety

The responsibilities of workers to comply with labor protection requirements are enshrined in the target legislative act - the law on the fundamentals of labor protection. Its provisions directly indicate the need for personnel to comply with safety requirements.

That is, the employer must create conditions for safe activities, and employees must use them and follow all established rules.

Among the requirements listed in the law, several key provisions should be highlighted:

  • Personnel are required to comply with the provisions of all departmental acts. These are instructions, rules, and so on. In this case, the key to execution is the familiarization of personnel with existing or newly adopted acts. Otherwise, it is impossible to demand their execution;
  • They must know the specifics of using elements of personal and collective protection. Again, the employer must take steps to train employees in the use of such elements and record the results of the training;
  • If an employee discovers that there are threats to production safety, there is a possibility of injury to personnel, he is obliged to immediately inform his immediate management about this.

Thus, employees are full subjects of work safety activities. All standards developed by the organization must be brought to the attention of personnel against signature. Then, if violations are detected, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

Job responsibilities for worker safety

Taking measures to protect the labor safety of personnel is the responsibility of the employer. This key position law and the Labor Code. In turn, the employer develops a set of security measures, creates personnel protection systems and appoints responsible officials.

Structure responsible persons is not limited to the head of the organization. In addition to him, it includes a safety engineer, direct supervisors of work and lower-level managers - shop foremen, foremen and other persons.

Their immediate tasks are reflected in job descriptions. Each instruction of such an employee contains standards for ensuring work safety and eliminating accidents.

These are straight job tasks heads of departments and other responsible persons. They are obliged to take measures to train personnel, check compliance with safety standards at the beginning and completion of work, and monitor the condition of equipment and technical means.

Assigning the responsibilities of a labor protection specialist to an employee

Who in the organization should distribute responsibilities and powers for labor protection among employees?

This largely depends on the structure of the organization. The employer may reserve the right to comply with the requirements of the instructions and incur liability. However, in any case, he entrusts the implementation of events to other employees. As a rule, these are a special engineer and heads of individual sections of the enterprise or heads of structural divisions of the organization.

But in any case, the decision to assign responsibilities for monitoring compliance with the requirements of the instructions is made only by the employer. The transfer of functions for ensuring safety and compliance with instructions occurs on the basis of an order.

What documents define the employee’s labor protection responsibilities?

The list of these documents depends on the specific employer and the specifics of the organization’s activities.

The law provides for the following types of documents related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the instructions and the assignment of responsibility for safety:

  • Orders. These are governing documents that assign such functions and determine responsible employees;
  • Agreement. Such agreements may include the assignment of security responsibilities.

In addition to these documents, instructions are developed, logs are created, and the persons appointed responsible for fulfilling the requirements carry out ongoing monitoring.

Sample order on assigning labor protection responsibilities to an employee

Such an order is issued by the manager in relation to a specific employee. They assign responsibilities for compliance. Accordingly, responsibility is assigned for the execution of the instructions.

1) Which definition of the concept of “labor safety” will be correct?

a) labor protection - a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures;

b) labor protection - a set of factors in the working environment and the labor process that influence the performance and health of people;

c) labor protection is occupational safety and health.

2) What is included V responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection?

a) ensure storage of the issued protective clothing;

b) observe the work and rest regime;

c) immediately take measures to prevent an emergency at the workplace;

d) undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

3) What must an employee immediately notify his supervisor about?

a) about any situation that threatens the life and health of people;

b) about every accident that occurred on production;

c) about the deterioration of their health;

d) about all of the above.

4) What are the normal working hours per week?

a)36 hours;

b)40 hours;

5) How local normative act Is the working hours established in the organization?

a) The internal labor regulations of the organization;

b) By order of the head of the department.

6.Who is subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

a) all employees of the organization, incl. supervisor;

b) only workers engaged in high-risk work;

c) only workers of the labor protection service and heads of departments.

7) Who is responsible for organizing and timely training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements of the organization’s employees?

a) labor protection service;

b) employer;

c) HR department.

8) Who forms a commission to investigate an industrial accident, and within what time frame?

a) the employer immediately forms a commission consisting of an odd number of members and at least three people, incl. chairman of the commission when investigating a minor accident;

b) a labor protection specialist (also the chairman) creates a commission immediately V number of at least three people. In case of a group, serious or fatal accident, the commission must include a state labor inspector;

c) state labor inspector, regardless of the severity of the accident, within 24 hours after receiving notification from the organization.

9) What authorities can investigate the statement of the injured employee if he disagrees with the results of the investigation?

a) state labor inspection in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

b) federal labor inspection;

G) All named organs.

10) Who conducts initial training at the workplace and when?

a) the immediate supervisor of the work, who has undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection in accordance with the established procedure, instructs employees before they begin their independent work;

b) a labor protection specialist provides instructions before the employee begins production activities;

c) a person appointed by order of the employer provides instruction within a month after the employee is hired by the organization.