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List the main economic indicators that are used in assessing fixed assets. Fixed and working capital of an organization (enterprise) Fixed costs of a company are

Medium of exchange– an economic concept that describes the basic function of money. used as an intermediary in the exchange of products. An alternative to money as a means of circulation is natural exchange, which is the oldest form of economic relations. In-kind exchange is inconvenient, because a potential buyer has to look for a person who meets three criteria:

  • He has what it takes.
  • He doesn't mind trading it.
  • He himself needs what the buyer is willing to offer in exchange.

The existence of money allows the buyer to search for a possible seller only according to the first two criteria, because with money the seller can purchase the thing he needs (which the buyer does not have) from a third party.

With the emergence of money, barter (or exchange in kind) breaks down into two separate operations: buying and selling, which can occur in different time. First, goods are exchanged for money (sale), and then this money is used to purchase some good (purchase). Consequently, if earlier the process of circulation of products had the form T - T (goods for goods), then from the moment of the advent of money it acquired the following form: T - M - T (goods - money - goods). It is noticeable that the product is the initial and final point of the process, and money is only an intermediary.

Money as a medium of exchange allows one to overcome spatial and temporal limitations in barter. This means that, firstly, the seller is not obliged to make an immediate return purchase - he can spend the money in a week or month or even use it for savings, and secondly, the seller can sell products in one place and purchase them in another.

Are there other means of circulation?

As the economy developed, new means of circulation appeared that could perform the same functions as money. Nowadays, any medium of exchange is considered a medium of exchange with which one can pay for a purchase. To the number modern means appeals include:

  • Banknote. Banknotes should not be equated with money. Money is a broader concept: for example, ancient money could have been in the form of golden bowls. A banknote was originally a document confirming that gold was stored in a bank and could be received upon request. Banknotes were created not only from paper, but also from silk and metal.
  • – monetary in a strictly established form. The bill can be transferred - thus transferring the right to claim the debt from the issuer.
  • Check- a credit medium of exchange, which represents an unconditional order to issue a specified amount of money to the bearer. The check is addressed to the bank and issued by the drawer.
  • Loan agreement– the buyer receives goods in exchange not for money, but for an agreement that he will gradually repay the purchase amount, taking into account the interest accrued during the repayment period. This form of exchange is called .

Electronic means of circulation: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Electronic money is becoming increasingly popular. What are the benefits of such a medium of exchange?

  • Safety. Electronic money cannot be torn, crushed, or finally lost on the street. They maintain quality for a long period of time.
  • Ease of calculations. When paying for a purchase with electronic money, you do not need to, for example, give out change or count change. All calculations are made by .
  • Low price emissions. Physically, electronic money does not exist, and, therefore, the state does not need to spend money on paper, paint and other materials associated with the issue.
  • Ease of exchange. Electronic means of circulation can be easily transformed into physical ones by withdrawal to a card or money transfer.
  • Possibility to make transactions on international market . If the owner of money wants to make money on a foreign site, he will need a currency exchange. To exchange physical currency, you will have to go to the bank and write an application - exchanging electronic currency takes only a few seconds.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Commissions. When withdrawing funds, payment of commissions is inevitable.
  • Lack of recognition. Amount of money impossible to identify without the use of technical means.
  • Low security. The password for an electronic wallet can be hacked - it is easier to steal electronic money than physical money.

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return on assets;

Capital intensity;

Shift rate;

Extensive utilization rate;


26. Intensive use of equipment is characterized by:

Shift rate;

return on assets;

Capital-labor ratio;

Performance of this type of equipment;

Intensive use factor.

27. When calculating the full initial cost of fixed assets, the costs of:



Purchasing and delivery;

Purchase and installation;

Purchase or production, delivery and installation.

28. Non-linear depreciation methods can be carried out in relation to any types of fixed assets:

Depending on the depreciation group;

Cannot be carried out for 8-10 depreciation groups;

Cannot be carried out for 1-3 depreciation groups.

29. Depreciation method:

Selected by the enterprise itself when placing a depreciation object on the balance sheet;

Established by a higher organization;

Set by the tax office.

30. Depreciation begins:

From the moment this element of fixed assets is placed on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the moment of acquisition of this element of fixed assets;

From the 1st day of the month following the month of placing this element of fixed assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the beginning of the quarter following the quarter in which this element of fixed assets was placed on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

All answers are incorrect.

31. Depreciation accrual stops:

From the moment this element of fixed assets is written off from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the 1st day of the month following the month of writing off this element of fixed assets from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the beginning of the quarter following the quarter of write-off of this element of fixed assets from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

All answers are incorrect.

32. Fixed assets and depreciable property are identical concepts:

33. Depreciation of fixed assets is:

Depreciation of fixed assets;

The process of transferring the value of fixed assets to the cost of production;

Restoration of fixed assets;

Expenses for maintaining fixed assets.

34. Which of the following applies to fixed production assets:

Conveyor line;

Canteen building;


Finished products in warehouse;

Factory administration building.

35. If a machine is written off on May 15, but the corresponding depreciation stops:

36. Capital productivity is calculated as the ratio of manufactured products:

To fixed production assets at the beginning of the year;

To fixed production assets at the end of the year;

To the monetary valuation of the enterprise's property;

All answers are incorrect.

37. Is a device with a service life of 2 years and a cost of 8.5 thousand rubles considered depreciable property?

38. To standardize working capital in the production inventory, the following indicators are used:

Daily consumption of raw materials;

Price per unit of raw materials;

Inventory norm in days.

39. Which of the following applies to inventories:

Funds in the current account;

40. Which of the following applies to unfinished products:

Stocks of tools with a service life of up to one year;

Semi-finished products purchased externally;

Funds in the current account;

Semi-finished products own production;

Semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer;

Stocks of raw materials for production.

41. Which of the following applies to circulation funds:

Stocks of tools with a service life of up to one year;

Semi-finished products purchased externally;

Funds in the current account;

Semi-finished products of own production;

Semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer;

Stocks of raw materials for production.

42. Spare parts for routine repairs include:

To the main production assets;

To circulation funds;

To working capital.

43. Which of the following applies to working capital:

Fuel reserves;

Stocks of tools with a service life of more than 1 year and a cost of 800 thousand rubles;

Money in the cash register;

Funds in the current account;

Spare parts for major equipment repairs.

44. The composition of the working production assets of the enterprise includes:

Industrial stocks of raw materials;

Future expenses;


Finished products.

45. Circulation funds include:

Material resources enterprises;

Finished products in warehouse;

Finished products shipped;

Cash in the current account;

Enterprise vehicles.

46. ​​The working capital turnover ratio characterizes:

Size products sold, per 1 rub. production assets;

Duration of one turnover of working capital;

The number of turnovers of working capital for a given time period;

Level of technical equipment of labor;

Costs of production assets per 1 rub. commercial products.

47. Indicators of the use of working capital are:


Turnover ratio;

Average duration of one revolution;

return on assets;

Capital-labor ratio.

48. The period of turnover of working capital shows:

Time spent by working production assets in inventories and work in progress;

The time it takes working capital to pass through the stages of acquisition, production and sales of products.

Speed ​​of movement of working capital;

The number of days during which a full turnover of working capital is completed;

The time required to completely renew fixed assets.

49. Which of the components of the stock norm in days are used when rationing working capital held in production inventories:

Average current stock;

Product packaging time;

Time to prepare products for shipment;

Safety stock;

Transport stock.

50. To standardize working capital in the production inventory, the following indicators are used:

Daily consumption of raw materials;

Daily output of finished products;

Price per unit of raw materials;

Average unit price;

Inventory norm in days.

51. Which of the following applies to regulated working capital:

All production inventories;

All working capital enterprises;

Funds in the current account.

52. When calculating the relative savings of working capital due to acceleration of turnover, the indicator of the volume of products sold is used:

Base year;

Actual (reporting);


53. To the main workshops machine-building enterprise relate:

Forging and stamping;


Waste disposal;

Manufacturing of containers.

54. Serial production is characterized by:

Widespread use of universal equipment;

Organization of workplaces according to technological specialization;

Typing technological processes and equipment;

Significant time for preparatory and final operations.

55. Unit production is characterized by:

A significant proportion of semi-skilled workers;

Use of universal equipment;

Wide use statistical methods product quality control.

56. Workplace can be divided organizationally:

57. The results of the work of the auxiliary workshop are used:

Inside the enterprise;

Outside the enterprise.

58. The purpose of classifying production costs according to costing items:

Calculation of direct and indirect costs;

Calculation of unit cost of production;

Drawing up cost estimates for production.

59. The grouping of costs by economic elements includes the following costs:

For fuel and energy technological goals;

For the basic wages of production workers;

For depreciation of fixed assets;

For preparation and development of production;

For additional wages for production workers.

60. The grouping of costs by costing items includes the following costs:

For raw materials and basic materials;

For wages;

For depreciation of fixed production assets;

For fuel and energy for technological purposes;

For auxiliary materials.

61. Costs of management and organization of production relate to:

Direct costs;

Indirect costs;

Variable costs;

Fixed costs;

Production maintenance costs.

62. Variable costs include:

Material costs;

Depreciation deductions;

Wage production staff;

Administrative expenses.

63. Fixed costs companies are:

Gross costs of the company at base prices;

Minimum costs associated with the production of a certain volume of products under the most favorable production conditions;

The firm's opportunity costs;

Costs that occur even if the product is not produced;

Costs associated with the sale of products.

64. Fixed costs include all of the following types of costs, except:

Depreciation expenses;

Payments for renting a warehouse for finished products;

Salaries of factory management employees;

Costs of fuel and energy for technological purposes;

Costs for security of the premises;

All answers are correct;

All answers are incorrect.

65. A firm’s fixed costs are:

Costs of resources at prices in effect at the time of their acquisition;

Minimum production costs of any volume of production under the most favorable production conditions;

Costs that a company incurs even in the absence of production;

Implicit costs;

All answers are wrong

66. Non-consumable objects include:


Energy for technological purposes;

All answers are correct.

67. Leasing objects include:



68. The leased object is the property of:

Manufacturer of this object;



69. A leasing organization must have a legal entity:

70. Can the equipment seller act as a lessee?

71. Lease rent:

Refers to the cost of production;

Deducted from profit;

All answers are incorrect.

72. The property that is the object of leasing is on the balance sheet:



Lessor or lessee under the agreement;

All answers are incorrect.

73. The leasing transaction is secured by:

Organ Guarantee government controlled;

Lessee's liability insurance agreement;

The leased object itself;

Cash deposit.

74. Is it necessary to inform the seller of the property that it is intended for leasing?

75. Is the lessor's consent required when subleasing the leased object?

Yes, in writing;

Yes, verbally;

76. Leasing agreement:

Must be in writing;

May be in writing;

The form for concluding an agreement is not established by law.

77. Request for lease payments occurs:

In a claim to an arbitration court;

According to a claim in a general civil court;

Debited in an undisputed manner from the lessee's account;

All answers are incorrect.

78. Participants in the reorganization of an enterprise can be:

Creditors of the enterprise;

Owners of the enterprise;

Enterprise employees;

All answers are correct;

All answers are incorrect.

79. Acceptable bankruptcy is possible:

At the first stage life cycle enterprises;

At the second stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At the third stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At the fourth stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At the fifth stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At any stage of the enterprise life cycle;

80. A settlement agreement is possible:

At the stage of permissible bankruptcy.

At the stage of critical bankruptcy.

At the stage of catastrophic bankruptcy.

If bankruptcy proceedings have not yet been filed.

At any stage of bankruptcy.

81. The enterprise has 500 machines installed. Of these, 490 units are suitable. There are 485 units in operation. 480 units work on the 1st shift. During the 2nd shift – 350 units. Find the utilization rate of usable machines, the utilization rate of installed machines and the shift ratio.

0,85; 0,91; 1,07

0,99; 0,97; 1,66

82. The company operates in 2 shifts. The number of machines at the beginning of the year was 500. On April 1, 60 machines were installed, on August 1, 50 machines were retired. There were 260 working days in a year. Planned repairs account for 5% of the working time fund. Productivity of 1 machine is 1 m/hour. Plan annual release products 7500 thousand m. Find: production capacity, capacity utilization factor.

8220.16 thousand m; 0.91

7550.25 thousand m; 0.93.

9155.83 thousand m; 0.81.

83. The following quarterly data are available:

Cost of production = 3000 monetary units.


Average quarterly balance of working capital = 600 monetary units.

Find the duration of one revolution.

84. The company has planned to reduce labor costs by 8%. Output per employee in the base year amounted to 6,850 thousand rubles.

TEST on the topic:


1. Which statement is true:

a) the cost of the OPF is transferred to the cost of the products created in parts;

b) the cost of the OPF is transferred to the cost of the created products in full;

c) the main production assets include: a residential building, furniture for a health center;

d) the replacement cost of OPF is determined periodically by government decision.

2. Which of the following applies to revolving funds:

a) lubricating oil;

b) access roads;

c) computer program;

g) metal reserves in the warehouse;

3. Which indicators are necessary for rationing working capital in inventories?

a) release of finished products;

b) price per unit of material required for production;

c) material supply rate in days;

d) unit price of the product.

4. Which of the following applies to unfinished products:

a) partially processed blanks of the metalworking area;

b) funds in the current account for payments to suppliers of raw materials;

d) stocks of raw materials in the material warehouse of the enterprise;

e) semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer;

e) semi-finished products machine shop.

5. Which of the following indicators characterize the efficiency of using working capital?

a) capital productivity;

b) labor productivity;

d) the number of turnovers of working capital during the year;

d) payback period.

6. What will happen to the working capital turnover ratio if the volume of products sold and the working capital standard increase by the same amount (for example, by 10%)?

a) will decrease; b) will increase; c) will not change.

7. The service life of equipment at an enterprise is on average 10 years, then the average annual depreciation rate will be:

a) 15%; b) 10%; c) 25%

TEST on the topic:

Fixed production assets, depreciation, working capital of the enterprise.


1. What characterizes the period of turnover of working capital:

a) the time spent by working capital in inventories and work in progress;

b) the time it takes for working capital to pass through the stages of acquisition, production and sale of products;

c) the time required to completely renew the production assets of the enterprise;

d) the number of days during which a full turnover of working capital is completed.

2. Which of the following applies to regulated working capital?

a) production inventories;

b) funds in settlements;

c) working capital;

d) all current assets of the enterprise.

3. Which of the following definitions characterizes obsolescence of the second form?

a) gradual loss of fixed assets of their original value as a result of wear and tear during the production process;

b) reduction in the cost of equipment as a result of the release of equipment with more high performance;

c) reduction in the cost of equipment as a result of the production of the same equipment, but at a lower cost.

4. Which of the following applies to fixed production assets:

a) metal reserves in the warehouse;

b) access roads;

c) computer program;

d) stocks of basic materials in the warehouse;

e) rags for wiping machines;

e) finished products in stock;

g) lubricating oil;

h) a tool with a service life of two years;

i) goods shipped but not paid for by the buyer;

j) funds in the company’s current account for the purchase of a computer, paper, etc.

5. What characterizes capital intensity?

a) the number of industrial enterprises involved in the production of the annual production volume;

c) the number of enterprises involved in the production of marketable products worth one ruble.

6. Which statement is true:

a) OPF include vehicles, buildings and constructions;

b) working capital includes finished products in the warehouse, money in the cash register;

c) the book value of the OPF includes the costs of purchasing, transporting and installing equipment;

d) the residual value of OPF includes the costs of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions.

7. The initial cost of OPF is 30 million rubles, the depreciation rate is 20%, then the annual depreciation charges will be:

a) 6 million rubles; b) 1.5 million rubles; c) 10 million rubles.

TEST on the topic:

Fixed production assets, depreciation, working capital of the enterprise.


1. Which of the following applies to circulation funds:

a) semi-finished products of a machine shop;

b) semi-finished products purchased on the market for the procurement workshop;

c) reserves metal cutting tools service life up to one year;

e) devices manufactured for production new products next year;

2. What characterizes the capital-labor ratio?

a) the volume of marketable products per worker;

b) the number of general public pension funds per employee;

c) the number of workers involved in the production of marketable products.

3. Which of the following applies to regulated working capital?

A) cash enterprises;

b) finished products in warehouse;

c) all circulation funds;

d) work in progress.

4. Which of the following definitions characterizes obsolescence of the first form?

a) reduction in the cost of equipment as a result of the release of equipment with higher productivity;

b) reduction in the cost of equipment as a result of the production of the same equipment, but at a lower cost;

c) the gradual loss of fixed assets of their original value as a result of wear and tear during the production process.

5. Which of the following indicators characterize the effectiveness of using OPF?

a) capital productivity;

b) labor productivity;

c) the duration of one revolution;

d) capital intensity;

d) material consumption.

6. What forms of reproduction of general public funds can be fully financed from the amount of depreciation charges?

a) simple replacement of outdated equipment;

b) complete reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise;

V) major renovation;

d) modernization of equipment and expansion of production.

7. At the beginning of the year, the cost of OPF is 40 million rubles; in July, the company acquired fixed assets in the amount of 10 million rubles, then the average annual cost of OPF will be:

a) 50 million rubles; b) 45 million rubles; c) 30 million rubles.

TEST on the topic:

Fixed production assets, depreciation, working capital of the enterprise.


1. What is depreciation?

a) reduction in the cost of open pension funds as a result of the introduction of new, more efficient ones;

b) targeted accumulation of funds and their subsequent use to reimburse worn-out general fund;

c) gradual loss of OPF properties, rendering them unusable;

d) gradual transfer of the cost of OPF to the products or services produced with their help.

2. Which of the following applies to inventories:

a) devices manufactured for the production of new products next year;

b) stocks of metal-cutting tools with a service life of up to one year;

c) semi-finished products purchased on the market for the procurement workshop;

d) funds in the current account for payments to suppliers of raw materials;

e) costs of technological equipment manufactured for the production program of the next year;

f) semi-finished products from a machine shop;

g) semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer.

3. Which of the following applies to circulation funds:

a) funds in the company’s current account for the purchase of a computer, paper, etc.;

b) access roads;

c) computer program;

d) stocks of basic materials in the warehouse;

e) rags for wiping machines;

f) finished products in warehouse;

g) metal reserves in the warehouse;

h) a tool with a service life of two years;

i) goods shipped but not paid for by the buyer;

j) lubricating oil.

4. What characterizes capital productivity?

a) unit costs per one ruble of commercial products;

b) the volume of marketable products per one ruble of OPF;

c) the number of general public funds per employee.

5. The enterprise’s own sources of working capital formation include:

a) profit of the enterprise;

b) depreciation charges;

c) accounts receivable;

d) accounts payable.

6. Which indicators are necessary for rationing working capital held in finished product inventories?

a) daily consumption of material;

b) release of finished products;

c) price per unit of material required for production;

d) unit price of the product.

7. Working capital at an enterprise makes 20 revolutions per year, then the duration of one revolution will be:

a) 36 days; b) 20 days; c) 18 days.


Option 1

2. A, G, D, F

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

1) Indicators of the intensity of use of fixed assets

2) Indicators of the use of production space and structures

3) Indicators of capital productivity of fixed assets and rate of return

4) All answers are correct.

5) There is no correct answer

22. What is included in the concept of “working capital of an enterprise”?

1) Basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products of our own production, purchased semi-finished products, components

2) Part of the means of production that participate in the production cycle once and completely transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products

3) Means of production that are repeatedly involved in the production process and transfer their value to the cost of production

4) Tools that are repeatedly involved in the production cycle and transfer their value to the cost of the finished product not immediately, but in parts, as they wear out

5) Objects of labor necessary for the manufacture of products

23. What material and material elements are included in the working capital of an enterprise?

1)Inventory of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, spare parts, fuel, work in progress, deferred expenses

2) Machines, units, devices, containers, racks

3) Finished products, cash in the cash register, on the company’s current account

4) Enterprise profit, debt to suppliers

5) There is no correct answer

24. What is the minimum stock?

1) The amount of stock at which it is necessary to place an order for the purchase of a new batch

2) The amount of stock, taking into account random deviations in delivery times and volume of consumption

3) Optimal delivery lot size

5) There is no correct answer

25. What determines the inventory turnover ratio for a certain period?

1) From beginning and ending inventories

2) From average stock

3) From the cost of products sold and average inventory

4) From all of the above

5) There is no correct answer

26. What is working capital?

1) Part of the capital of an enterprise, which is modified in the production cycle and exchange cycle and appears in the form of inventories, accounts receivable, cash and valuable papers

2) The net worth of an individual or legal entity minus the amount of liabilities

3) Part of the capital of an enterprise, which is a set of material elements of long-term operation

4) Part of the advanced capital spent on the purchase of objects of labor

5) There is no correct answer

27. Which of the following applies to circulation funds?

1) Material resources of the enterprise, industry

2) Enterprise vehicles, industrial buildings, structures

3) Finished products, products shipped, in transit, cash in shares, on a current account, at the cash desk, all types of debt

4) Profit

5) There is no correct answer

28. Which of the following is included in the working capital of the enterprise?

1)Stocks of materials, spare parts, fuel, finished products in the warehouse

2) Working funds and circulation funds

3) Work in progress, finished goods in warehouse

4) Workshop equipment, finished products in warehouse

5)Inventories, work in progress, deferred expenses

29. Which of the following refers to work in progress?

1) Objects of labor that have not yet entered into manufacturing process

2) Objects of labor that have already entered the production process, but are still in the processing stage

3) Objects of labor that are in the enterprise in a certain size, ensuring the continuity of the production cycle

4) Costs associated with preparing the production of new types of products and their development

5) There is no correct answer

30. What characterizes the working capital turnover ratio?

1) Level of technical equipment of labor

2) Intensity of use of working capital

3) Average duration of one revolution

4) Amount of products sold per 1 ruble. production assets

5) There is no correct answer

31. What indicator characterizes the material intensity of products?

1)Technical level of production

2) The total weight of materials for the manufacture of one product

3) Standards for materials consumption for production

4) Economical use of materials

5) There is no correct answer

32. What indicators characterize the effectiveness of funds?

1) Profit, profitability of production

2) Capital productivity, capital intensity of products, capital-labor ratio

3)Turnover ratio, average duration of one revolution

4) Level of return on working capital

5) There is no correct answer

33. What stage do working capital go through in its movement?

1) Monetary

2) Productive

3) Commodity

4) All of the above

5) There is no correct answer

34. Which of the following does not belong to the category of workers?


2) Employees

3) Repairman

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

35. What is a profession?

1)Gender labor activity, requiring special training and being a source of livelihood

2) Specialty that is a source of livelihood

3) Any work that an employee can perform

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

36. What individuals are workers?

1) Performing work

2) Directly engaged in the production of labor products

3) Chiefs

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

37. Which employees are classified as employees?

1) Mainly mental labor, ensuring management of the production of labor products

2) Those in the service of the owner of the enterprise

3) Laborers

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

38. Which of the following positions do not belong to the category “manager”?


2)Deputy directors

3) Chief specialists

4)Senior engineers

5) Shop managers

39. What is the headcount?

1) Number of personnel according to the list

2) The number of personnel on the list as of a certain date, taking into account those hired and dismissed on this date

3) Number of employees reporting to work during the month

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

40. How is the total personnel turnover ratio determined?

1) The ratio of the total number of accepted and dropped out for reporting period workers to average payroll

2) The ratio of the total number of hired and retired employees during the reporting period to the payroll number

3) This is the total number of accepted

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

41. What is labor productivity?

1) Product output per unit of time

2) Labor costs per unit of production

3) The degree of fruitful activity of people, determined by indicators of production and labor intensity

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

42. What is production?

1) Labor costs for production

2) The total quantity of products produced by the enterprise

3) Costs of raw materials for production

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

43. What indicator growth stimulates wage, which is a form of remuneration for work?

1) Labor productivity

2) Capital productivity

3)Material capacity

4) All answers are correct

5) There is no correct answer

1) semi-finished products of own production;

2) cash in the cash register;

3) enterprise profit.

18. Means of production include...

1) labor and objects of labor;

2) labor and means of labor;

3) objects of labor and means of labor.

19. B market economy The answer to the question of what goods and services should ultimately be produced is determined by:

1) investors;

2) manufacturers;

3) consumers.

20. Investments that provide complete control over the objects of investment are called...

1) fictitious;

2) straight;

3) portfolio.

8. The term statistics is:

1) a branch that studies the political state of the state;

2) the branch of practical activity for working with statistical information;

3) science that analyzes the quantitative side of mass phenomena.

9. Guide Federal service state statistics carries out:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

3) Ministry economic development RF.

10. Plan statistical observation comprises:

1) organizational part;

2) reporting part;

3) observation part.

11. Functions of the FSGS:

1) conducting continuous observations in the Russian Federation;

2) development and improvement of a system of statistical indicators;

3) development of economic and statistical information.

12. The purpose of statistical observation:

1) collection of statistical information on socio-economic phenomena;

2) generation of objective, relevant and reliable statistical information;

3) problem solving information support society.

13. The statistical observation plan is:

1) definition of the unit of statistical observation;

2) a list of questions that need to be answered in the process of collecting information;

3) choice of type and method of observation;

14. Program and methodological issues of statistical observation include:

a) obtaining reliable information;

b) establishing the purpose and objectives of observation;

c) expression in numbers of the results of observation.

15. Fixed capital includes...

1) machines and mechanisms;

2) raw materials and materials;

3) money.

16. The working capital of the enterprise includes:

1) production inventories of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, spare parts, fuel, work in progress, deferred expenses;

2) machines, units, devices, containers, racks;

3) enterprise profit, debt to suppliers.

Which of the following is included in the working capital of an enterprise?

1) reserves of raw materials, materials, fuel;

2) vehicles;

3) computer technology.

18. The source of the extensive path of economic development is not...

1) discovery and implementation of new progressive technologies;

2) discovery of new mineral deposits;

3) growth in the labor force.

19 . TO unfair competition don't apply...

1) use of someone else’s trademark;

2) organization of exhibitions;

3) poaching specialists.

20. The functions of commercial banks do not include...

1) maintaining current accounts;

2) accumulation of deposits;

3) provision of loans;

. The FSGS is headed by a director appointed by:

1) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

2) Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

3) The Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Forms of statistical observation:

1) register observation;

2) visual observation;

3) email survey.

11. The structure of state statistics bodies in the Russian Federation includes:

1) Office of Selective Observation;

2) Management of prices and finances;

3) Department of State Statistics.

12. Tasks of the FSGS:

1) development and improvement of a system of statistical indicators;

2) development of economic and statistical information, its analysis, compilation of national accounts, necessary balance sheet calculations;

3) development information system state statistics.

13. Types of statistical observation:

1) by sources of information;

2) by observation method;

3) on processing documents.

14. The accuracy of statistical observation is:

1) the degree of correspondence of the data obtained as a result of statistical observation to their real values;

2) collection of information through specially organized comparisons;

15. ... is the economic system of society, the totality of production relations.

1) production;
2) economics;
3) society.

16. The emergence of frictional unemployment is associated with...

a) insufficient qualifications of the unemployed;
b) the time required to find a job;
c) high real wages.

17. Pure public goods do not include...

1) lawmaking;
2) second higher education;
3) primary education.

An independent economic entity with the right of a legal entity, created in the manner prescribed by law, to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

1) enterprise;
2) state;
3) factory.