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Looking for work abroad. Where to go to earn money: in Russia and abroad

Working abroad - dream or reality? We recently wrote about why, in this article I’m going to talk about the great many ways to find a job abroad if you are on a long trip.

What will we talk about

  1. Volunteering – work for food or endless opportunities for self-realization?
  2. How to make money with your brains or is it difficult to open a business abroad?
  3. Make money with your body. But in this topic we will check who has what associations.
  4. Make money with your hands.
  5. Make money by chatting or why it's useful to be a hyper-extrovert!
  6. Make money on the Internet.
  7. Work for “uncle” or for those who love stability. Volunteering – work for food or endless opportunities for self-realization?

Volunteering – work for food or endless opportunities for self-realization?

Volunteering in Russia is just beginning to emerge, and in the minds of many people it is still on a par with “free labor force” and something that you can only do if you have a lot of free time. However, in the rest of the world this has long been an opportunity for limitless self-development. We will not consider the spiritual aspect of volunteering in detail here, although, undoubtedly, it is the desire to grow spiritually, make the world a better place, serve and help humanity that leads most people to the need for “unpaid work.”

When in Russia a specialist is paid ridiculous money for highly qualified work, a person thinks about going abroad to earn money. Permanent or temporary work is offered abroad, and options for remote cooperation can also be considered. In this article we will tell you what job a Russian can apply for without knowing the language, what to look for when looking to earn money in Europe, and how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

Where is the best place to go to work abroad?

When choosing a country, consider the level economic development, features of stay for foreigners and the following factors:

  1. the need for a visa and insurance;
  2. conditions for obtaining a work permit abroad (if any);
  3. cost of rental housing;
  4. price level for essential goods and services;
  5. conditions of medical care, social protection (usually insurance covers all expenses);
  6. unemployment rate (the higher, the more difficult it is for foreigners to find work);
  7. climate (important for people with hypersensitivity);
  8. crime level;
  9. Features of taxation of foreigners.

Features of working in Europe

The most attractive options abroad are employment in economically developed countries Western Europe: Germany, England or France, Holland or Switzerland, Belgium, as well as in Scandinavia. But they are presented strict requirements for applicants, additional formalities apply for employment, some employers are wary of workers from Russia.

Developed countries of the European Union are tightening their policies regarding migrant work.

IN Eastern Europe it's easier to get settled most attractive options are concentrated in Poland and the Czech Republic. An exception is working abroad in resort countries (for example, Bulgaria): get a job as a maid in a hotel, or as a children's animator on the beach.

Attention! Having an EU passport to work in Europe is not necessary, but its holder will be seen as preferable to other migrants. In view of this fact, it is much easier for citizens of Ukraine to come to work, because they have the right to visa-free entry into the EU countries.

Offered vacancies abroad

Most vacancies (up to 80-90%) involve employment in low-skilled or blue-collar positions. Abroad, we need orderlies and cleaners, cooks and loaders, support workers and welders, builders and electricians, plumbers and nannies. As for highly qualified professions (programmer, engineer), then a foreign applicant must be much stronger than a local applicant.

Working abroad for Russian applicants without knowledge of the language is possible if a minimum of communication is expected. This applies to seasonal employment, some construction positions, janitors and laborers, cleaners and dishwashers, and farm animal and plant care workers.

Attention! If you don’t know the language of the host country, speaking English will help. From this point of view, an attractive region of work is Poland: the local language belongs to the Slavic group, therefore it is easily mastered by Russians.

It is possible to work in Europe on a shift basis, for example on oil platforms in Norway. This is suitable for men, since the working conditions are difficult: increased physical activity, hurricanes and precipitation, low temperatures. Compensation – decent salary.

Summer or seasonal work

Hotels require maids and cleaners; applicants with impeccable language skills are offered jobs as guides and tour guides, as well as vacancies for “guest relations” - an employee who listens to customer complaints.

You can see the following vacancies::

  • dancers and animators;
  • instructors and porters;
  • bartenders and reception staff;
  • cruise ship workers (stewards, waiters).

Salary depends on the position. Low-skilled work pays up to 1000 – 1500 dollars monthly, specialists are offered salaries from $2,000 to $4,000.

Service sector

Abroad, people are needed both with and without special education. In the first case, these are plumbers and cooks, hairdressers and electricians, drivers and builders, bartenders and other similar professions. Without education, they get jobs abroad as a waiter and a dishwasher, as well as a maid or nanny, steward or cleaner, auxiliary worker or loader and other positions that do not require special knowledge.

A separate area is work on caring for sick and elderly people in boarding houses and private homes. In European countries, such work is well paid, accommodation and food are paid for by the employer.

No special education you can earn 1000 – 1500 USD monthly, specialists will receive – 2000 – 3000 USD. If you want to become a millionaire, use other ways to earn money.

Working as a driver

The following areas are relevant: taxi, delivery of goods, long-distance cargo transportation, corporate or personal driver. Separately regarding management rights. In countries that have signed the Vienna Convention, international rights will not be required. Countries that have signed the Geneva Convention will require international law, as will countries that have not signed any conventions.

Vienna Convention countries

San Marino;
Costa Rica;
Cote d'Ivoire;
Great Britain;
Czech Republic;

Geneva Convention countries

Hong Kong;
Dominican Republic;
Western Samoa;
New Zealand;
New Caledonia;
Papua New Guinea;
St. Vincent;
and the Grenadines;
San Lucia;
Sierra Leone;
Trinidad and Tobago;
French polynesia;

Requirements for applicants:

  • possibly international rights (depending on the specific country);
  • knowledge of the language at least at the level of understanding road signs;
  • documented driving experience;
  • Minor repair skills.

Sometimes additional permits are required: in a number of countries, taxi drivers require an appropriate license. The taxi driver's salary is piecework; truck drivers abroad are paid 2,000 - 3,000 euros monthly.

Medical field

Doctors take exams when seeking employment abroad.

The highest paying places offer doctors with successful practice, especially highly specialized specialists. But it is difficult to obtain a permit to work as a doctor abroad: you need to know the language, the subject area, and in many cases, multi-stage exams are required.

A good doctor is offered a salary of 3500 – 5000 USD monthly for a “start”, with successful work it will grow. Junior medical personnel abroad are offered from $1,000 monthly. Much depends on the specifics of the job: a nurse in intensive care will earn more than her colleague working with a therapist.

Work according to the program and contract

Work under the program is offered to students, the most famous option is Work & Travel. This usually involves seasonal employment abroad, but there are employment options for up to a year or more. In other cases, a contract is provided that is concluded between the employer and the employee (in many cases through the mediation of an agency).

The contract specifies all the conditions, including the responsibilities of the parties, the amount of salary, and social guarantees.

Features of remote work in other countries

Programmers, copywriters, translators, photographers and representatives of other professions can work abroad remotely.

The search for employers is carried out in the following ways:

  • directly – through the websites of companies of interest;
  • through international freelance exchanges (the most famous is;
  • on job search sites (,

Knowledge of the language is not necessary, especially if direct participation in negotiations and meetings is not expected. In many cases, you can get by with a minimum level of proficiency.

How to find work abroad

Every day, millions of vacancies are published on specialized websites, and agencies also offer employment services abroad. Let's find out the specifics of finding a job in each case.

On advertisement and vacancy sites

There are sites that offer direct access to the employer. Most of them are English-speaking:

  • A Russian version is available on

There are two options: look for vacancies through the search bar or publish your own resume on the site, then wait for job offers abroad. To speed up the process, it is recommended to combine them - especially since you can respond to many vacancies only with a resume.

Finding work abroad through employment agencies

Professional intermediaries help foreign companies and Russian workers find each other.

When choosing an employment agency abroad pay attention to the following factors:

  • list of services (for example, help in obtaining a visa, work permit);
  • experience in the market;
  • cost of services;
  • assistance format: best option– full support until the conclusion of the contract.

Important! Before contacting an employment company, read reviews about it; you can find them using a standard request through a search engine.

How to independently get a job abroad?

Much depends on gender and age, education and language skills, professional skills and additional knowledge. The most common option for students is international exchange programs. The most famous is Work & Travel, Au Pair USA (accommodation in families with help around the house and the possibility of other income) and Camp America (work in children's camps in the USA) also operate.

It’s easy for girls to get a job abroad as dancers in clubs, animators, or at hotel receptions. Junior medical staff, cooks and maids are in demand. Jobs can be found through HR websites or directly from the employer. There are options for self-employment abroad and for retirees. They often work as cooks, nannies, nurses, and housekeepers.

Search for a job abroad

When viewing vacancies, consider not only the salary level, but also the requirements for applicants, working conditions, and the possibility of accommodation and meals at the expense of the employer.

Important! Offers with inadequately high earnings often come from scammers. Be extremely careful.

Look at the date of publication of the vacancy: there are many outdated and irrelevant offers on the sites. Make sure that work abroad is relevant to the request.

Writing a resume

The resume must be written in English or the language of the host country, indicating the following information:

  • Full name, age and gender;
  • marital status, number and age of children;
  • name of the vacancy, if possible - with a specialty code according to the national classification;
  • description of previous career (with education);
  • list of completed courses (language, professional);
  • information about experience and skills, your own advantages.

Passing an interview

Interviews are conducted online (for example, via Skype or Viber), as well as in person, in English or the language of the host country (for example, to work in Germany you need German). Russian-speaking HR managers and executives are rare.

Documents for legal employment

Confirmation of legal work abroad is contract with the employer, as well as registration in tax authority . Health insurance is required because the cost of medical care abroad is high.

The contract must specify the terms of cooperation, the responsibilities of the parties, social guarantees, and the payment procedure (including wages).

Video: Myths about working abroad.

How to avoid falling for scammers when applying for a job abroad

The agency must be licensed standard form (issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs), it must be checked during a personal meeting. Before you go abroad, get a work visa(tourist, cultural and other for official work won't fit).

Attention! Fraudsters are rarely interested in the experience and skills of applicants and work with everyone who applies.

Do not provide advance payment: payments are made only upon employment (except for visas and other explainable expenses). Do not give the original passport under any pretext: documents can be issued by copy; the passport itself is needed only when crossing the border.

Earning money abroad has always been considered one of the most profitable. Salary in US dollars or euros is a great way to short term significantly increase capital, save money to buy housing, cars, etc. Dr. In addition, work experience in foreign companies is a significant addition to your resume, which will directly benefit you when finding a job.

An example of a well-written resume

Russians often look for ways to go and work abroad. There are 2 main areas in which foreign companies offer vacancies:

  1. For unskilled labor. Not much here high level wages for residents of the country, but students and people without education and experience can earn much more abroad than domestic companies offer. This includes vacancies in harvesting, service, cleaning and others.
  2. For highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in attracting experienced specialists in the field of medicine, science, innovative technologies. Companies are ready to sponsor internships and teach the language to talented and promising personnel.

The opportunity to make good money, develop professionally, learn a language and enrich yourself culturally - all this has led to the popularity of earning money abroad among Russians.

Students and unskilled workers in most cases look for or in nearby European countries. This is due to the popularity of American programs in the employment market, and in the case of geographically close European countries - the low cost of crossing the border.

Before choosing where to go to work, you need to find out some factors for yourself:

  1. Degree of proficiency foreign languages. To get a well-paid job, knowing only English may not be enough. In most cases, at least a minimum level of knowledge of the official language of the country you are traveling to is required.
  2. Scope of activity and payment. It will be easier to look for a job if you know exactly what position you want to fill or at least what field of activity you want to be involved in. It is also important to decide on the desired salary; carefully calculate how much money will be spent on rent, food, and other daily needs.

    Comparison of salaries in different countries

    Often, job seekers want to get a job at companies that pay housing and health insurance for their employees, even if wage slightly lower than for the same vacancies in other companies.

  3. Availability of education and experience. This is especially important if the applicant is applying for long-term employment with high pay.
  4. A well-written resume. In many European countries, applicants' resumes are first screened by computer and then reviewed by HR specialists. Therefore, it is important to avoid various types of mistakes, present information as accurately as possible, and answer the questionnaire questions succinctly and to the point.
  5. Correctly executed documents that are necessary for legal employment. IN various countries The list of documents may vary significantly; you can find the list on the website of the consulate of the selected country.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the legislation and law of the countries of prospective employment. It is important to know the laws of the state to which you are going to travel, either for work or just on vacation. After all, in many countries, Russians can pay heavily with a huge fine for no reason. This is especially true of Asian countries, where residents respect not only laws, but also traditions, including religious ones.

This is not everything you need to know when looking for the right job. The list is simply endless and is individual for each country. Let’s try to figure out which countries are best to go to and what the prospects for employment there are.

Great Britain

Not every Russian will go to the UK for the purpose of employment, as this is a rather risky undertaking. Working in England and getting decent pay is not a pleasure for everyone. Unskilled labor is not particularly valued here. There is even less chance of finding a job if the applicant does not speak well English language or doesn't know him at all.

work at a UK university

The problem with finding work in the UK began back in 2008. Then the circumstances developed as follows: world economic crisis shook financial condition all countries. Great Britain was no exception. Many workers, both local and expatriate, were laid off or laid off. Therefore, finding a job has become a pressing issue that requires immediate decision both British citizens and immigrants.

Obtaining work in the UK was also made more difficult for Russians by laws passed in 2014, which also lifted restrictions on working in the UK.

These regulations tightened competition even further.

It is important to understand that at this stage of development of the labor market in the UK, only a qualified applicant can obtain a work visa. You can only go to the UK to work as service personnel, laborers and other unskilled workers illegally.

labor exchange in Great Britain


detailed map of Italy with provinces

For those who do not know the language at all, it is better to start their career in Italy from the south. Here you can start earning money without understanding a single word of Italian. In this case, the employer, if you are lucky, will pay for language courses, having mastered which, you will be able to move later to the north of the country, where wages are much higher. It is important to note that persons with higher education may qualify for good conditions work and residence in Italy.

We are talking, of course, about obtaining a Blue Card. This certificate is issued not only in Italy, but also in any other country that is part of the European Union.

This is what the blue map of the European Union looks like


Germany is a highly developed country, economic indicators which demonstrate constant progress and improvement of the financial and economic systems. A particularly important component of the German economy is its significant industrial capacity.

Developed industrial complex, which constantly implements innovative ideas and technology, requires the involvement of highly qualified employees. Specialists in the fields of science, mechanical engineering, electronics, and electrical engineering are offered to work in Germany. In addition, production often requires not only specialists, but also general workers.

A woman in Germany can most often get a job as a dishwasher, maid, cleaner, that is, service personnel, if she does not have qualifications and knowledge of the language. If you have a certificate or good knowledge of German, the range of earning opportunities, as well as the amount of your salary, increases significantly.

If she knows German, a middle-aged woman can easily get a job as a nurse, nanny, or governess. Having an education or at least a certificate of completion of a course will increase your income opportunities. For example, an ordinary hairdresser can receive 1,500 euros per month, which is a fairly decent salary for a visiting immigrant.

It is important to note that the implementation of illegal entrepreneurial activity in Germany this is a dangerous undertaking.

Even receiving clients at home, which is very popular in the beauty industry of the CIS countries, is prohibited here. Therefore, provide hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, makeup services, etc. at home in Germany is fraught not only with a large fine, but also with deportation from the country.

Whatever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best sites to look for work abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

“BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, both highly paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

"It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowing German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we're talking about about a startup, then it is possible to get a job without German, in some more conservative areas without knowledge of the language it is more difficult. In Munich and Hamburg you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German well,” say local IT specialists.

The two main sites for finding a job in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.