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Design of a catering unit. Catering unit configuration and equipment requirements

Space-planning solutions and engineering design of catering units, food processing plants and kitchen factories are the most important stage of work during the construction of an enterprise. This stage must follow the decision to create or reconstruct an enterprise Catering and the development of technical specifications for the design, which is a mandatory starting point for starting the design of a food enterprise and contains all the basic data that will be required for the development of subsections of communications: electrical, ventilation, sewerage and water supply. If the Customer has difficulties with the formation of technical specifications, our Company provides assistance in its preparation.

Technological design of a kitchen factory, catering unit or food processing plant should provide answers to the following questions:

A) To what extent is the location of the facility suitable for the designed public catering enterprise or how, as part of the reconstruction, the designed enterprise can be integrated into the existing configuration of the load-bearing elements of the building and at the same time comply with existing norms and regulations, as well as engineering design principles. B) How will the receipt, storage and technological processing of raw materials entering production, waste disposal and shipment of the finished product take place. C) Organization of hygiene and labor protection at the designed enterprise. D) What kind of commercial and technological equipment should be chosen for a kitchen factory, catering unit or food processing plant and what is its cost. On what energy carrier will this equipment operate and how to lay utilities for a power plant or kitchen factory.

At the initial stage of work, the dimensions of the designed premises are clarified. To do this, as a rule, our specialists go to the site to take measurements.

The technological design of a catering unit, a kitchen factory, or a public catering plant is permitted for execution by companies that have design licenses or permission to work under the SRO system. The technological design of a catering unit or food processing plant is a very important document in the event of emergency situations in production.

A technological project for a kitchen factory, catering unit or catering plant consists of drawings and a text part.

The drawings show:

Floor plans with the arrangement of technological and auxiliary equipment, places to control the quantity of products and the quality of raw materials and finished products

Technology of the production process from the place where raw materials are loaded to the output of finished products and dishes;

Supply points and necessary parameters of utilities;

The text part is the equipment specification and explanatory note.

The specification of technological equipment displays data on the quantity, technical characteristics and cost of equipment.

The explanatory note provides descriptive data technological process production:

Information about the production program and the range of input products, characteristics of accepted cooking technologies, diagrams production processes, characteristics of individual parameters of the technological process, requirements for the organization of production, data on the labor intensity of manufacturing products and quality;

Justification of the required amount of main and additional equipment, mechanisms and transport;

List of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for technical devices and equipment;

Calculation of the number of employees, equipment of workplaces and qualification distribution in accordance with production processes;

Requirements for the installation of engineering systems;

Data on the amount of waste and its disposal;

Parameters of building structures and interior decoration;

List of measures aimed at labor protection at work.

Our design engineers have extensive experience and successfully design factory kitchens, food processing plants, food processing units of any capacity. The specifications use equipment from well-known Italian and German factories, domestic neutral equipment. The execution of any project is carried out in compliance with GOSTs, SNiPs, SanPinov and other fundamental documents.

The project of a catering unit, kitchen factory and food processing plant is always most successful with close interaction between the Customer and the designer at all stages of the design work.

Our Company values ​​its image and always carries out the ordered design work professionally and efficiently.

So, you have to equip the catering unit modern devices and machines that automate and mechanize the preparation and processing of food raw materials, minimize the amount of waste, increase staff productivity and significantly improve the nutritional value and taste of finished dishes. All technological and auxiliary equipment for the catering unit is selected in strict accordance with sanitary rules and SanPiN standards developed for a particular type of enterprise. For example, SanPiN regulates “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the configuration, design and organization of the operating mode of equipment for catering facilities in kindergarten" If you need to choose equipment for the catering departments of a school, hospital, preschool educational institution, etc., you need to be guided by the relevant SanPiN, but the requirements for catering department equipment, depending on the method of preparing and serving dishes, remain common to all types of enterprises. And they can be as follows:

  • Food processing unit operating on raw materials;
  • A catering unit operating on semi-finished products;
  • Buffet dispenser.

A classic catering unit, powered by raw materials, provides a full cycle of food preparation wide range in most restaurants, cafes, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, sanatoriums and boarding houses. A set of equipment for a catering unit of this type must include:

  • machines and apparatus for primary processing of raw materials;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • cold and hot meat and fish lines or workshops;
  • pantry of vegetables and fruits;
  • pantry of dry products, semi-finished products and raw materials;
  • refrigeration equipment for storing perishable products;
  • dishwashing equipment.

Quite common in hospitals, schools and office centers is the second type of food units, which operate on semi-finished products. Typically they include hot and cold shop and, which are often located in the same room, and a distribution room. The traditional set of equipment for a catering unit of this type is as follows:

  • used for cutting salads, cheese, sausage for sandwiches, etc.;
  • heating equipment for preparing dishes for serving;
  • shelving or pantry for storing dry semi-finished products and products;
  • refrigeration equipment for storing perishable raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • machines for washing dishes and returnable containers.

Dispensing buffets are the most compact type of catering unit that can be installed in departments of a large medical institution, on the floors of a hotel, and in any corner of a large shopping or office center. A set of equipment for the catering department of a school, hospital, or mobile refreshment point usually includes:

  • vegetable cutters for cutting salads, cheese, sausage, etc.;
  • compact heating equipment for preparing hot drinks, sausages, eggs;
  • refrigeration equipment for storing semi-finished and perishable products;
  • showcases and more retail store equipment for display of prepared dishes; machine for washing dishes and returnable containers.

The sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of the Russian Federation impose the most stringent requirements for the equipment of catering units of preschool educational institutions, schools, and kindergartens, in accordance with which:

  • The main components and parts of technological equipment for the catering department of a kindergarten, school, preschool educational institution or hospital must be made of galvanized or stainless steel that does not react chemically upon contact with raw materials, food products and aggressive environments.
  • All technological equipment of catering units for preschool educational institutions must be injury-proof, compact, easy to operate, shock-resistant, and easy to treat with detergents and disinfectants.
  • At least once a year, personnel performing Maintenance equipment in the catering department of a school, kindergarten or hospital, is obliged to check the compliance of the main characteristics of all machines and devices with the passport ones, including performing control measurements of the temperature in the working chambers of the thermal equipment.

Main groups of equipment for a catering unit and practical tips for choosing it

All technological and auxiliary equipment for the catering department can be divided into the following groups:

  • mechanical;
  • non-mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • refrigeration

Mechanical includes all auxiliary and technological equipment for catering units, providing primary processing of raw materials, preparation of semi-finished products and blanks before heat treatment, as well as all units for washing dishes. This is a group of the following machines:

  • machines for cleaning and cutting vegetables on a universal drive or vegetable cutters, etc.;
  • for the preparation of semi-finished products and preparations from meat and fish - electric meat grinders, minced meat mixers, cutlet-forming machines;
  • for preparing dough pieces - flour sifters, dough mixers, dough rounders;
  • dishwashers and bathtubs hand wash kitchen and tableware.

Obviously, the optimal mechanical equipment for a school canteen and a private kindergarten’s catering unit is a set of several low-capacity machines on a universal drive.

It is important to know! To grind fish and poultry meat raw and after heat treatment, SanPiN prescribes the mandatory use of different drives (that is, meat grinders).

And finally, an ingenious engineering solution of the 21st century - a combi oven. This compact miracle stove can put two thirds of the traditional heating equipment of any kitchen to rest; it can simultaneously cook porridge, stew vegetables and bake meat or fish. An excellent option for heating equipment both for a catering unit in a kindergarten and for a small buffet-dispensing station in an office center or a small private boarding house.

Non-mechanical auxiliary equipment includes cabinets, shelving, cutting tables, dishwashing tubs and hand wash basins of various configurations, often made according to individual orders– all those unnoticed little things that make the process of preparing dishes ergonomic and comfortable.

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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Togliatti State University» INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Department of "Food Production Technologies and Public Catering Organization" "Product Technology and Public Catering Organization" BACHELOR'S THESIS on the topic Project of a kindergarten catering unit for 200 children with the organization of five meals a day. Student(s) Head Consultants O. A. Levina T. S. Ozerova (I. O. Last Name) (I. O. Last Name) A. E. Krasnoslobodtseva V.V. Petrova (I.O. Last name) (I.O. Last name) (personal signature) (personal signature) (personal signature) (personal signature) Admit to defense Head of the department “Food Production Technologies and Public Catering Organization” » Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor T. P. Tretyakova (academic degree, title, I.O. Last name) (personal signature) 20 Tolyatti 2016

2 APPROVED by the Head. department T.P. Tretyakova (signature) (I.O. Last name) 20 TASK for completing a bachelor’s thesis Student Olga Aleksandrovna Levina 1. Topic “Project of a kindergarten catering unit for 200 children with the organization of five meals a day” 2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed bachelor’s work 3 Input data for a bachelor's thesis: type of enterprise, catering unit of a kindergarten, number of places Contents of a bachelor's thesis (list of questions, sections to be developed) Introduction 1 Feasibility study 2 Organization of the enterprise 3 Technological part Conclusion 5. List of graphic and illustrative material general plan of the enterprise; plant plan with equipment placement; installation connection of equipment; process flow diagram; Scheme for preparing a signature dish. 6. Consultants for sections Ozerova T.S., Krasnoslobodtseva A.E., Petrova V.V. 7. Date of issue of the assignment: March 17, 2016. The supervisor of the bachelor’s work accepted the assignment for execution (signature) (signature) T.S. Ozerova (I.O. Surname) O.A. Levina (I.O. Surname)

3 UDC ABSTRACT The bachelor's thesis examined the project of a catering unit with a production program for 200 children, a children's general education preschool institution with five meals a day. The stay of children in the preschool institution is provided for 12 hours, of which there are 2 nursery groups, in the amount of 40 children aged 1.5 years to 3 years, kindergarten in the amount of 160 children aged from 3 years to 7 years. We drew up a production program that determined the amount of processing raw materials for one day. We have developed a checkout menu. We compiled a raw material sheet indicating the consumption of raw materials. Make calculations taking into account performance for necessary equipment, production workshops. We made calculations of the area of ​​premises for employees, utility rooms, and administrative ones. For each workshop, calculate the number of workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days. The data is shown on a graph. All calculations are given in tables. The explanatory note consists of 59 sheets and appendices. A cold dish has been developed, the “Mosaic” salad. The drawings required for the design and development work have been completed in A1 format: General plan Plant plan with equipment arrangement Mounting connection of hot shop equipment Route diagram Technical and technological diagram of dish preparation

4 CONTENTS Introduction. 6 1 Economic justification and marketing analysis. 7 2 Organization of production Organization of nutrition for children in preschool educational institutions general characteristics catering unit of a preschool institution Production program of the catering unit Organizing the supply of the catering unit Organization of production workshops Vegetable shop Meat and fish shop Hot shop Cold shop Flour shop Egg processing room Organization of a workplace for slicing bread Kitchen utensil washing Room prepared food dispensing room 24 3 Technical section Development production program catering unit of a children's preschool institution Calculation of the area of ​​the warehouse group premises Calculation of the quantity of raw materials and products Calculation of the area vegetable shop Production program of the meat and fish workshop Hot shop 38

5 3.7 Cold shop Calculation of the area of ​​the dispensing room Calculation of the area of ​​the room for processing eggs Calculation of the household - administrative premises Calculation of the area for washing kitchen utensils Summary table of the production areas of the food department of a preschool institution Development of normative standards technical documentation 50 CONCLUSION 54 LIST OF SOURCES USED 56 APPENDICES 5

6 INTRODUCTION TO modern world special attention is paid to nutrition in preschool institutions. By resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 26 approved by SanPiN. The topic chosen for the work was “Project of a kindergarten catering unit for 200 children with the organization of five meals a day.” The health of children largely depends on proper, well-organized nutrition. Catering in a preschool institution where children aged 1.5 to 7 years are raised is social significance, especially in today's difficult socio-economic environment. Children are mainly kept in an institution (preschool educational institution) for 12 hours, and their meals are provided by this institution, except on weekends and holidays. Consequently, the health and development of children depends on how well the nutrition is organized in a preschool institution. The goal is to organize a complete, rational, balanced diet. Based on physiological, physics - chemical standards. Nutrition is necessary for the full development of personality. When performing a bachelor's thesis, it is necessary to apply the knowledge acquired during training. Objectives: to develop a catering unit project taking into account the requirements of rational nutrition for a preschool institution. Develop a production program, make technological calculations for each room; make calculations and selection of the required equipment for the production departments of the catering department. 6

7 1 Economic justification and marketing analysis Adequate nutrition, as one of the main means of normal growth and physical development of children, has a beneficial effect on the child’s body only if it is properly organized. The basic principle of organizing children's nutrition in a preschool institution is to fully satisfy the physiological needs of children for basic nutrients and energy. It is necessary to carry out analysis, calculations, assessment economic justification, the designed object. In view of this, local authorities and the City Duma are planning to implement the construction of kindergartens through tenders. The founder is the city mayor's office. Taking into account the drawn up estimate, it is necessary to construct a child care facility in accordance with the requirements and recommendations with constant monitoring throughout the entire construction. Currently, the situation in Avtograd is such that there are not enough places in the total number of municipal budgetary educational institutions (PSEs). There are currently huge queues. But the situation is under special control at the state level. The diagram (see Figure 1 below) shows the results of a study on the lack of places in preschool educational institutions. 7

8 Need for places in preschool educational institutions 2013 2014 2015 2016 places in percentage Figure 1.1 Demand for places in preschool educational institutions Therefore, Figure 1.1 shows the dynamics of the lack of places in preschool educational institutions from 2013 to 2016. The quality of life in Tolyatti does not rank first, but social survey And marketing research, socio-demographic situation for last years began to change for the better. The state actively helps young families improve their living conditions. All this is facilitated by government programs: improvement of living conditions, maternity capital. In the city of Tolyatti, new neighborhoods are being built. Occupancy is young families, with average and below average income. By surveying people aged 21 to 45 years, on the streets of our city, a study was carried out in the field of preschool education on the topic: “Which preschool educational institutions do parents prefer for their children.” It was found that the majority of parents prefer to send their children to a municipal preschool institution. The results of the survey are presented in the diagram (see Figure 1.2 below) 8

9 Availability of preschool education services Quarter 20 Quarter 19 Quarter 18 Quarter 17 34% 13% 23% 30% Figure 1.2- Preferences in preschool education services Therefore, according to this study, the project of a municipal preschool institution was selected. In order to begin designing a preschool institution with catering and a regime for children, we conducted a marketing survey of 120 people living in the 20th quarter. Questionnaire survey (see Appendix A) The survey results are presented in the form of a diagram. Dietary regime in preschool educational institutions Social workers AvtoVAZ employees Budget workers 0 with 4 meals a day with 5 meals a day with 6 meals a day Other Figure 1.3 Results of questionnaires in percentage terms 9

10 The project will be implemented at the address: Samara region, Tolyatti, Avtozavodsky district, Yuzhnoye highway 43 a. Since in the 20th quarter, the infrastructure is poorly developed, there are not enough schools and there is no preschool. On the south side is 70 Let Oktyabrya Street, on the west side is Topolinaya Street, on the east side is Lev Yashin. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the size of land plots and the placement of the building is carried out taking into account the design. The location of the kindergarten was chosen taking into account the convenience of access roads; public transport is nearby. The project has been agreed upon with the authorities of the State Fire Service and Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. The catering unit project is designed for 200 children, which will accommodate 9 groups of 25 children each. Payment for 12 hours of a child’s stay in kindergarten will be calculated. In order to avoid mistakes that exist in catering units at previously designed preschool institutions, a project is planned in compliance with all calculations and estimates. Currently, the existing preschool institutions in which the food department operates on semi-finished products, out of the total number of 58% in the city of Tolyatti, since their food departments were designed only to work on semi-finished products, with a certain number of children. Our designed catering unit will operate taking into account new amendments and changes in standards. The area of ​​the catering unit, administrative and service premises is calculated. The catering unit will be located on the first floor of a two-story building. On the territory of the kindergarten there is a nursery playground, swimming pool, game modules. The territory of the kindergarten is designed taking into account landscaping and landscaping. 10

11 During the feasibility study, it was revealed that the construction of a preschool educational institution in the municipal structure is necessary. The calculations were made in the form of diagrams. Proper implementation and compliance with all design requirements fully ensures the proper stay of children in the preschool educational institution. eleven

12 2 Organization of the production of a catering unit 2.1 Organization of nutrition for children in a preschool educational institution To ensure a complete, balanced diet for children attending the preschool educational institution “Veselye Beads” of the city. Togliatti Yuzhnoye Highway 43 and the menu is being compiled. We take as a basis a “ten-day menu (see Appendix A) for organizing meals for children from 1.5 to 3 years old in a nursery, and from 3 to 7 years old in a kindergarten. Creating a menu means listing all the dishes that are included in the child’s daily diet. New nutrition standards for preschoolers make it possible to successfully resolve this issue. Children with a 12-hour stay in kindergarten receive five meals a day (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner), which provides 100% of their daily need for nutrients and energy. At the same time, breakfast accounts for 25%, second breakfast 5%, lunch 35%, afternoon snack 10%, and dinner 25% of the daily diet. The diet of children in kindergarten differs in qualitative and quantitative composition depending on the age of the children and is formed separately for groups of children aged 1.5 to 3 years and from 3 years to 7. Required condition This includes providing the child with all nutrients depending on his age needs. Therefore, when compiling a menu, it is important to take into account the chemical composition and calorie content of the products included in it (see Table 2.1). The menu should include a variety of dishes, and so that they are not repeated often. Approximate ten-day menu (see Appendix B). The menu in a children's institution is compiled one, but taking into account the nursery group, it is differentiated in terms of serving size and culinary processing. Strict adherence to the diet is important in organizing children's nutrition. Meal times should be constant and consistent with the physiological characteristics of children of different age groups: 12

13 The diet is as follows: -Breakfast Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner Daily norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients per child, age groups (see table 2.1) Table Norms recommended for physiological needs Name 1.5-3g. 3-7l. Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy (kcal) Recommended nutritional requirements for children, distributed over 5 meals a day (see Table 2.2) Table Recommended nutritional requirements for children Breakfast 2nd breakfast Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner nursery garden nursery kindergarten nursery garden nursery garden nursery garden Proteins, g 14.75 18.25 10.6 3.45 20.65 25.55 21.2 6.9 14.75 18.25 Fats, g 14.0 17.25 2 .8 3.45 19.6 24.15 5.6 6.9 14.0 17.25 Carbohydrates, 53.75 68.75 10.75 13.75 75.25 96.25 21.5 27.5 53 .75 68.75 g Energy (kcal) .75 The diet of children in a preschool institution is established depending on the duration of the children’s stay. In the kindergarten “Veselye Beads”, a general educational program of preschool education is being implemented with a 12-hour stay for children. At the same time, they take an active part in providing children with adequate nutrition medical workers, catering workers 13

14 and educators, on whom the culture of eating and its meaning for the body depends. Requirements for food products for children based on the guideline document of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 1100/). The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed a recommended range of food products, and the list of products has been clarified in SanPin (see ibid.). 2.2 General characteristics of the catering unit of a preschool institution. The organization of nutrition in a children's preschool educational institution begins with the creation of conditions for a catering unit. The work of the catering department is considered based on raw materials. The correct location and rational layout of the catering department premises contributes to the organization of production and ensures consistent maintenance of the technological process of food preparation. At the same time, it allows you to spend time more economically on technological processes. - the height of production premises must be at least 3-3.3 m. - the decoration of the premises must meet the requirements of sanitation and hygiene, as well as production ethics. - natural lighting of production workshops is provided with a ratio of window area to floor area of ​​at least 1:8. For artificial lighting It is more advisable to use fluorescent lamps; they provide a uniform flow of light and consume less electricity. - the temperature in the catering unit must meet labor protection requirements and be maintained by supply and exhaust ventilation. The optimal temperature in the kitchen is no more than 26 0 C. 14

15 Hot and cold water must be supplied to bathtubs, sinks, boilers and other types of equipment. Sewerage must ensure rapid removal of waste and Wastewater. In addition to the organization and requirements for production premises, it is necessary to properly organize each workplace. Workplace- this is part of the production workshop, for performing certain production operations, equipped with the necessary inventory and equipment. The workplace must be a safe place to work. During work, the cook should not slouch, this leads to rapid fatigue. Some operations are performed while sitting. The food department includes: a hot shop with a dispensing room; washing kitchen utensils; dry food warehouse; vegetable pantry; meat and fish shop; vegetable shop; cold shop; executive room; personnel; shower and toilet for staff; The number of units of technological equipment is accepted in accordance with the calculations obtained, depending on the required productivity and compactness. In accordance with this, the material and technical base of the catering unit is equipped modern equipment. Only electrically powered equipment is considered. Kitchen utensils in children's institutions should be made of stainless steel. All kitchen utensils must be stored for 15

16 racks, boards are stored on edge in special metal cassettes. To perform various cooking operations, different stovetop boilers, pots, saucepans, and frying pans are used, which ensure the normal process of heat treatment of products. Various tools and equipment are used, each cooking operation has its own (three cooks), gastronomic knives, bread knives, scoops with different capacities for pouring liquid. Technological equipment for the catering department, preschool educational institutions are made of stainless steel, which does not emit harmful substances upon contact with chemicals and food products. Technological equipment should be compact, easy to explant, and not dangerous for injury. Recommended list of equipment for the catering department (see Appendix D). Rational organization jobs largely determines the labor productivity of the entire catering unit. The premises of the catering unit must be thoroughly cleaned daily: washing the floors, removing dust. Weekly using detergents you need to wash the walls, lighting fixtures, clean the glass from dust and soot, etc. Once a month, a general cleaning is carried out with disinfection of all premises, equipment and inventory. Providing the most convenient connection with the rest of the premises, the catering unit is located on the ground floor. An independent exit to the outside is provided from the catering unit. With convenient loading for food. 2.3 Production program of the catering unit The production program of the catering unit is determined by the number of children staying in the institution, and the calculated menu for selling dishes in groups. The billing menu includes a list of names of dishes indicating the yield of the finished dish and the number of dishes. 16

17 In order to compile it, you need to make a number of calculations: determine the number of children, the total number of dishes and the number of dishes in groups. Nursery 2 groups - 40 children. Kindergarten - 7 groups - 160 children. The menu is compiled taking into account seasonality, autumn - winter period. And the physical and chemical composition of the dishes is provided. It is known that in winter energy costs are higher than at other times of the year. Based on the total number of children in the preschool institution, the staffing needs for the catering department are calculated. Calculated total area catering unit, dimensions of main and auxiliary premises, type and quantity of equipment required. 2.4 Organization of catering supply Organization of food delivery is carried out at the expense of suppliers by agreement. Having special vehicles for delivery of perishable products, meat and fish and other assortment. All products must have a quality certificate, have standardization, regulatory documentation(see Appendix B) and product quality control in accordance with sanitary rules. Our suppliers: Zhito, LLC; Agro wholesale, LLC; Agrotorg Togliatti, LLC; Alliance, LLC; JUSA-S, LLC; Onyx, LLC; Tolyattimoloko, JSC. 2.5 Organization of production workshops Vegetable workshop The vegetable workshop of the catering unit of a preschool institution is located next to the place where raw materials are unloaded and the vegetable storeroom. The technological process of processing vegetables and root crops consists of sorting, washing, peeling, rinsing and slicing. To perform certain operations, workplaces are equipped with equipment (cutting boards, knives, trays, etc.), and must be marked “OS”. In the vegetable shop when processing potatoes and 17

18 root crops are equipped with washing baths, a batch potato peeler, stainless steel tables, a stock rack, and waste dishes. When cutting vegetables, a vegetable cutting machine is installed on the production table. The equipment in the vegetable shop is located next to the wall. The production program of the vegetable shop is compiled one day at a time, from a 10-day menu (see Appendix B). According to the raw materials list, the cook receives the required amount of vegetables for processing. The raw material list is compiled for one day out of a ten-day menu (see Appendix B). A 4th grade cook works in the workshop. To determine the number of workers for a vegetable shop, it is necessary to calculate according to the production program. The shelf life and sale of vegetable shop products must be carried out in accordance with the sanitary requirements of SanPiN. Organization of a meat and fish shop. A meat and fish shop is designed for processing meat (beef, poultry, fish) and producing semi-finished small-piece products, as well as cutlet mass. When designing, a meat and fish workshop is designed as one room, subject to mandatory compliance with sanitary requirements. The catering unit is designed with a full production cycle (working on raw materials). The organization of the technological process for processing meat is carried out according to the following scheme: defrosting (carcasses or large-sized semi-finished products) washing - drying - dividing into cuts - deboning of cuts - trimming and stripping of parts - production of semi-finished products - laying in functional containers - cooling and short-term storage and transport to hairpin in the hot shop. 18

19 Wash the meat in the bathtub with water (water temperature C). For this purpose, use a flexible hose with a shower head and a brush. If you need to quickly dry the meat, use cotton napkins. In the meat and fish workshop, production tables, baths, a cutting chair (block), a refrigeration cabinet and mechanical equipment for processing meat, fish and poultry are installed. When processing meat, it is necessary to use different knives. In addition to knives, the workshop uses various equipment. When making cutlet mass, the meat is ground in a meat grinder, then combined with the remaining components of the cutlet mass, kneaded and cut by hand. For each type of meat, tools and equipment are marked with large capital letters of the type of meat, for example: “MS”, “RS”, “KS”. It should be remembered that wooden boards can serve as a source of infections. Frozen poultry is thawed on racks in functional containers. Cut on a production table. By-products are processed and washed on production tables and baths. Food waste from meat and poultry is used to prepare broths. The fish in the meat and fish workshop at the catering unit is processed as follows: thawed (in air or in cold water), cleaned of scales, gutted, the head and fins are cut off, washed well, semi-finished products are prepared. Semi-finished fish products are prepared in the same way as meat. Ready semi-finished products Place in functional containers and store in the refrigerator. Fish waste (heads, bones, fins) is used for cooking fish broths and preparing marinades. It is necessary to strictly observe sanitary requirements, use separate equipment and tools intended for processing 19

20 fish. You can store semi-finished fish products for no more than 24 hours before selling them. The safety and labor protection requirements are the same as for the vegetable shop. The administration of the catering unit is obliged to ensure the safety of work in all work areas. The cook needs to know the rules for explanting equipment in the meat and fish workshop. Each machine must have operating rules and safety manuals. It is necessary to regularly provide instructions on the rules for explanting equipment. The temperature of the meat and fish shop must be at least 16 0 C, without drafts. Hot shop Hot shop is the main production room of the catering department of a preschool institution, where the technological process of food preparation is completed. In the hot shop, operations are carried out: culinary products and semi-finished products are brought to readiness (they are carried out heat treatment); prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, hot drinks; bake flour products. General work is headed by a production deputy or chef. Electrical equipment is installed in the food service kitchen. IN production workshops In the catering unit, heating equipment is installed along the walls, or in an island manner. The optimal set of heating equipment is as follows: an electric stove equipped with square burners, an oven; a frying pan equipped with a device for lifting and tipping, a stepless heating power regulator and a thermostat; digester boilers with continuous heating with a capacity of 60 l and 100 l for preparing broths, soups, compotes; thanks to the built-in power regulator, precise control over the boiling process is possible; multifunctional combi steamer. 20

21 For preparing hot dishes, other types of stovetop utensils are also used: pots, saucepans, frying pans, baking sheets. Mandatory items of chef's equipment are: sieves, spatulas, whisks, colanders, strainers, skimmers, ladles, pouring spoons, sauce spoons, metal spatulas. There should also be a set of three chef’s knives, graters, a chef’s fork, etc. In addition, the chef’s work table should have tabletop electronic balance, cutting boards, knives (chef's trio) Organization of a cold shop The cold shop is designed for preparing cold, sweet dishes. This workshop uses ready-made raw materials that are not subjected to heat treatment in the premises of this workshop. Ready meals are served chilled at a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees. The range of cold snacks produced includes salads from boiled and raw vegetables. There is a cold shop near the distribution and next to the hot shop, where the primary processing of products takes place for the subsequent preparation of salads. The main equipment of the cold shop is a refrigerated cabinet, a vegetable cutter, cook equipment is also used (knives, a manual butter divider, cutting boards), the equipment must correspond to the basic technological operations carrying out in the workshop: cutting prepared products, portioning. Refrigerated cabinets store chopped vegetables in special trays for the cold shop. Particular attention should be paid to sanitary order in the workplace, personal hygiene, adherence to proper commodity neighborhood, timing of implementation, since they can serve as a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the process of preparing dishes from raw and boiled vegetables. 21

22 All products must be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 8 0 C, in containers for gastronomy, auxiliary equipment is used strictly for its intended purpose with special markings: “OV” - boiled vegetables, herbs, “MB” - boiled meat, gastronomy. Salads are sold within one hour. For large volumes, it is necessary to pre-prepare semi-finished vegetables. Vegetables are cut, placed in a special container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours. The main condition for storing products is the presence of cold. Organizing a flour place. In the catering department of the preschool institution "Veselye Beads" there is no separate flour workshop, but in the hot workshop there is a place for working with flour and flour products; we plan to manufacture products from yeast, butter and yeast unleavened dough . For work, we install a production table, a dough kneading machine with the power necessary for the kindergarten’s production program, and a convection oven. The workplace, as anywhere else, must be kept clean, in accordance with established sanitary standards, and safety precautions must be observed when working with equipment. Egg processing room A separate room is allocated for egg processing. To avoid acute infectious disease. Non-mechanical equipment is three-section baths. The eggs are transferred to baskets for sanitary processing. In the first section they are treated with 1% bleach, in the second with 1% soda, in the third the egg is washed in running water. And then it can be used for culinary processing Organization of a workplace for slicing bread This room is intended for short-term storage of bread, slicing it and releasing it for distribution. The premises are equipped a small amount types of furniture and equipment: cabinet with 22 holes

23 side walls and doors with shelves (separately for rye and white bread) - for storing bread, a table for receiving sliced ​​bread, a bread cutter's work table with cutting boards, a scoop and a brush for sweeping crumbs. When working on a bread slicer, you must strictly observe safety precautions; you must remember: you cannot push the bread with your hands without turning off the machine. When cleaning bread storage areas, crumbs are swept off the shelves and the shelves are thoroughly wiped with a cloth soaked in a 1% solution of table vinegar. The room for slicing bread is located near the dispensing room, and delivery is conveniently accessible Organization of a workplace for washing kitchen utensils The washing of kitchen utensils is intended for washing stakes and equipment. It should be located next to the kitchen. It is equipped with bathtubs, shelving, storage racks, tables, and a waste collection tank. The bathtubs are installed in three-section stainless steel VM-3\6 with hot and cold water supply to them. An air gap is provided at the point where the bathtub is connected to the sewer. A drain is designed to drain water. Used dishes are placed on the shelf and freed from food residues. Special tanks are used to collect waste. Wash boilers in baths with brushes or washcloths. Do not scrape burnt food from the sides of the cookware with metal tools. Cutting boards and small wooden utensils (joyers, spatulas, etc.) after washing hot water(50 0 C) with the addition of detergents, it is necessary to treat with hot water not lower than 65 0 C, and then dry on lattice metal racks. After washing, metal utensils are calcined in the oven. After use, the meat grinder is disassembled, washed, doused with boiling water and dried thoroughly. 23

24 Washcloths and rags after washing dishes and kitchen utensils are soaked in a disinfectant solution, washed, dried and stored in a closed container. The food waste tank is emptied as it fills. Wash with a 2% solution of soda ash, then rinse with hot water and dry. Labor safety rules provide for the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation in the washing area, the presence of natural and artificial lighting, the room temperature should not exceed 20 0 C, humidity 70%. Washing room workers must be provided with special clothing, waterproof aprons and safety shoes. Prepared food dispensing room. The dispensing room in the catering department is intended for dispensing prepared meals. The dispensing room is located in close proximity to the hot and cold workshop and the room for slicing bread and washing kitchen utensils. The meal distribution schedule is based on the approved schedule of the head of the preschool institution. The nursery groups receive food first. Then the older groups receive food; each group comes at its own time. Before distributing prepared meals, the head of the preschool educational institution and the head nurse carry out quality control of the prepared meals. And they record the indicators in the rejection journal. Braking is everyday control over the quality of food preparation; it can be departmental, administrative and personal. In this case, administrative screening is used; it is carried out periodically during the working day by the head of the children's institution, the head nurse, and the chef. Rejection of finished products is carried out selectively during the shift. The most important form of food quality control is posts 24

25 quality and control during distribution. The post is assigned to the chef, who controls the quality of the prepared dishes and their output. Before starting the grading, the commission members carefully familiarize themselves with the menu, technological and costing cards. First determine the mass finished products. The quality of dishes and finished culinary products is assessed by organoleptic indicators: taste, smell, appearance, color, consistency. Depending on the performance of products, they receive a rating: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”. The result is entered into the rejection journal. The temperature of soup dishes and hot drinks during the holiday should not be lower than 75 0 C, second courses - 65 0 C, sauces - 75 0 C, cold and sweet dishes 14 0 C. The sales period for finished products is calculated from the moment the technological process of its production is completed. A daily food sample (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) is left daily in the refrigerator and stored for 24 hours. They strictly monitor the weight or volume of dishes in accordance with the age and number of children in the group, according to the written layout. The first courses are poured with special pouring scoops. When serving second courses, different equipment with different capacities is used. The dishes received for the group must be immediately divided into portions. From a sanitary point of view, when distributing food, it is very important not to touch it with your hands. 25

26 3 Technological section 3.1 Development of a production program for the catering unit Production program of the “Veselye Beads” preschool institution, Togliatti, Avtozavodskoy district, Yuzhnoe highway 43a. Includes an estimated 10-day menu (see Appendix B), fall-winter season, number of 200 children. All calculations are based on one day. As well as calculation of warehouse groups of premises, calculation of refrigerated chambers, summary table of areas, calculations of equipment, raw materials, the required number of employees to work in the catering department, taking into account sick leave and vacation pay (see Appendix D). 3.2 Calculation of the area of ​​the warehouse group premises Let's calculate the chamber for refrigerated products (see table 3.1) Table 3.1 - Calculation of the chamber for refrigerated products Products Daily product supply, kg Shelf life, days Specific load per unit. cargo floor area, kg/m 2 for milk and fat for milk and fat Coefficient of increase in area Area, Milk 52.080 1.2 1.07 3.2% Butter 4.2 0.17 cream Cheese 0.2 0.008 Sour cream 1.2 0.07 Varenets 26

27 Calculation of the storage of bulk products The supply of bulk products should be no more than 20 days. It should be remembered that violation of the temperature or humidity conditions in pantries leads to spoilage of food and increased losses due to shrinkage. Let's calculate the storage space for dry and bulk products (see Table 3. 2) Table Calculation of storage space for bulk products Products Daily product supply, kg Shelf life, days Specific load per unit. cargo floor area, kg/m 2 Area increase coefficient Area, Rice 2.2 0.1 Millet 2.2 0.1 Sugar 7.2 0.32 Salt 1.2 0.05 Loaf 1.2 0.03 Coffee 0 .2 0.12 drink Oil 3.2 0.3 vegetable Paste 2.2 0.18 Tomato Bay leaf 0.2 0.005 Compote 1.2 0.4 mixture Starch 0.2 0.01 Bread 1.2 0.04 wheat Flour 0.2 0.08 wheat Beans 0.2 0.04 Green 2.2 0.2 canned peas. Raisins 1.2 0.4 m 2 27

28 Continuation of the table Juice nectar, 2 4.0 1 l Canned. 2.2 0.14 Pickled cucumbers Marmalade 5.2 0.5 Total: 7.0 As a result of calculations, we accept the area of ​​​​the room for bulk products S = 7.0 m 2 Determine the area of ​​​​the cooled food chamber (see Table 3.3) for storing vegetables Table We determine the area of ​​the chamber for vegetables and fruits Products Daily supply of product, kg Shelf life, days Specific load per unit. cargo floor area, kg/m 2 Area increase coefficient Area, Beetroot 14.2 0.4 fresh Cabbage 9.2 0.2 fresh Carrot 27.2 0.7 Turnip onion 6.2 0.17 Parsley 2.2 0, 1 Potatoes 53.2 1.4 Dill 0.2 0.03 Bananas 25.2 1.1 Cranberries 0.2 0.02 Total: 4.12 m 2 m 2 V= 4.12 2.04 = 8.404 m 2 Based on , from the calculations made we accept the camera brand KHN-8.26m 2 28

29 Let's calculate the refrigeration chamber for storing meat and fish products (see table 3.4) Table Calculation of the refrigeration chamber Name Products Daily supply of product, kg Shelf life, days Specific load per unit. cargo floor area, kg/m 2 Area increase coefficient Area, m 2 Beef 29.2 1.82 1st category Pollock 20.2 0.81 St/mor. Total: 2.63 m V = 2.63 2.04 = 5.4 m 2. As a result of the calculations, we accept a cooled chamber of the KKHN-6.61 brand with dimensional dimensions of 1.96 * 1.96 * 2.2 m 2 Summary table of area warehouse premises (see table 3.5) Table Summary table Name of warehouse Chamber for cooling milk and fat products Chamber for cooling vegetable raw materials Chamber for cooling meat and fish raw materials Area calculation Total: 7.0 Accepted brand of refrigeration chamber Overall dimensions 3.8 KHN-6, 61m 2 1.96*1.96*2.2 5.0 KHN-8.26m 2. 1.7*2.9*2.24 3.8 KHN-6.61m 2 1.96*1.96 *2.2 29

30 3.3 Calculation of the quantity of raw materials and products The initial data is the number of children attending a child care institution. We have developed a billing menu, compiled a raw food list (see Appendix B). We need to calculate the area occupied for storing vegetables. To do this, we need to write out the entire range of vegetables, etc. from the grocery list. We present the calculation in the form of a table (see Table 3.6 below) The area for a given room is calculated using formula (3.1): (3.1) where G is the daily supply of a product of this type, kg; - q is the specific load per 1 m 2 of cargo floor area, the coefficient of increase in the area of ​​the room per aisle. 3.4 Production program of the vegetable shop. (see table 3.6) Table Vegetable shop program Name of products Gross weight Percentage of waste,% Net weight Waste weight Fresh beets 14,200 3,733 Fresh cabbage 9,36 1,84 Carrots 27,700 6,898 Onions 6,300 1,033 Parsley 1,638 0,025 Potatoes 53 .300 21.53 Dill 0.560 0.026 Bananas 25.200 25, Cranberries 0.570 0.03 Total: 140.100 - We determine the number of workers to work in the vegetable shop. Number of employees per unit of processed products. 5 people-1t 30

31 X-0.141, ; From the calculations obtained, it follows that one cook is needed to work in a vegetable shop. Table Work schedule of the cook of the vegetable shop Quantity Time Figure 1. The figure shows the work time of one cook. Technical calculation and selection of equipment for a vegetable shop. Let's make calculations for a potato peeling and vegetable cutting machine using formula (3.2): G tr = ; (3.2) where G is the mass of raw materials, kg; t y is the conditional time of the machine, h; T is the duration of the shift; T=8; n y is the conditional coefficient of machine utilization; t y= T =8 0.5=4 Based on the calculations carried out in the reference book, we select the required brand of machine that has a performance close to the required one. SL-50 overall dimensions 0.59*0.32*0.35. The area of ​​the vegetable cutter is S=1.9m2. After this, we determine the actual operating time of the machine (see Table 3.8). We carry out the calculation according to formula (3.3); t f = ; (3.3) 31

32 Table Calculation of potato peeler and vegetable cutter Operation Weight of vegetables, kg, g Equipment Productivity, kg/h Duration of work, h Utilization factor, Equipment, t f Shops, T Cleaning 96.33 MOK, 6 8 0.11 1 Cutting 76.86 CL .3 8 0.04 1 Number of machines Its utilization coefficient according to formula (3.4): 3.9) according to formula (3.5): V n =G/p*, (3.5) where is the coefficient of mass taken into account, equal to 0.7 p-volumetric density kg/m 3 Table Calculation of a refrigerated cabinet for storing vegetables Name semi-finished product Weight p/ f, kg, net Bulk density kg/dm 3 Fresh beets 11.2 0.55 28.0 Fresh cabbage 9.2 0.6 21.9 Carrots 20.7 0.5 59.1 Turnip onions 5.3 0, 6 12.6 Potatoes 32.3 0.65 70.2 dill 0.758 0.35 3 Banana 25.2 0.55 64.6 Refrigerator volume, dm 3 Cranberry 0.6 0.55 1.1 Total: 232.5 dm The calculation for storing vegetables was made for each position for volume, an example of the calculation is given, for the position of fresh beets V = 11.2 (0.55 0.7) = 28 dm 3 Taking into account the calculations made, we accept the grade ШХ-0.5; with dimensions 0.7*0.69*2.05 refrigerated cabinet 32

33 In the vegetable shop, we use a two-section bath in the form of non-mechanical equipment. The capacity of baths dm 3 for a vegetable shop is determined by formula (3.6): V=, (3.6) where G is the mass of the product; k - bath filling coefficient; p - volumetric density of the product kg/dm 3, bath turnover depends on the duration of washing, taking into account the time for loading, unloading and washing the bath. We determine by formula (3.7): =T/t c, (3.7) t c is the duration of the technological cycle; Bath turnover (see Table 3.10) Table 3.10 Bath turnover time Product name Duration of the technological cycle, h Duration of the workshop, h Bath turnover, dm 3 Fresh beets 0.7 8 11.4 Fresh cabbage 0, Carrots 1.7 8 4, 7 Onion 0.7 8 11.4 Parsley 0, Potatoes 1.7 8 4.7 Dill 0.3 8 26.7 Banana 0, Cranberries 0, Total: 138.9 dm 3 Estimated density for all vegetables with bath turnover , we accept 0.4. We will arrange the equipment and calculate the area of ​​the vegetable shop; we will present everything in the form of a table (see table 3.11) 33

34 Table Calculation of the area of ​​the vegetable shop Name of equipment Quantities, pcs Brand of equipment Equipment dimensions mm Area, m 2 Total area of ​​the vegetable shop Sink for 1 VM12/ *320*850 0.13 0.13 hand washing Table 1 SP 1200*600*850 0 .72 0.72 production table for 1 CO *800*870 0.96 0.96 post-cleaning of vegetables Potatoes 1 MOK *588*879 0.35 0.35 cleaning machine 1 CL *310* vegetable cutting Washing bath 2 x 1 VMN E2 1250*630*870 0.7875 0.8 sectional Table for medium, 1 SP 1200*600*870 0.72 0.72 small mechanization Podtovarnik 1 NSO-15\6-1500*600*200 0.9 0, 9 200 Rack 1 HICOLD 1300*700*1800 0.91 0.91 NSK-13/7 Table scales 1 CAS AD-5 350*325* Cabinet 1 ШХ-0.5 700*690*2.05 0.483 0.5 refrigeration Tank for collecting 1 ACIP * waste Stud for trays, guest containers 1 TShG-16 2/1 650*587*1605 0.38 0.38 Total: 6.6 Due to the fact that the vegetable cutting machine, table scales are installed on the table for medium and small mechanization, then their overall dimensions were not included in the total area of ​​the vegetable workshop. The total area of ​​the room, taking into account the selected equipment. The area of ​​the premises for the vegetable shop is calculated using the formula (3.8): N f = room, (3.8) where F is the area of ​​​​the premises occupied by equipment, m 2, F room -0.35; According to the calculations made, the area of ​​the vegetable shop is N f- = 6.6 0.35 = 18.8 m 2. 34

35 3.5 Production program of the meat and fish shop We need to draw up a program for the meat and fish shop in the form of a table (see table 3.12) Table Production program of the meat and fish shop Raw materials and semi-finished products Beef of the 1st category Name of the dish Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage Number of dishes Output rate Quantity of Waste, % mass Per 1st time For all time,0 0.8 1.6 3.8 5.8 Total: 7.0 Net weight, kg Beef 1 cut goulash 94 15.04 3.94 15.1 Beef 1 cut meatballs 60 2.4-2.4 Pollock fresh Fish, 69 17.23 6.03 11.2 poached with vegetables 40 76.92 3.1 1.1 2.0 Total: 13.2 Total beef 1st category G = 29.04 kg convert 0.03t Total pollock s/m G =20.33 kg is converted to 0.02t, the total amount of products G =49.37 kg must be converted to tons 0.049t. Based on the production program, we calculate the number of workers for the meat and fish workshop. The production rate for beef according to the standards is required: 8 people per 1t, X- 0.020t, X = 0.16 The production rate for fresh frozen fish is required 10 people per 1 ton. X- 0.03t, X = 0.3 According to the initial data and produced calculation N 2 = 0.46 1.59 = 0.7; we hire one cook to work in a meat and fish shop (see table 3.13) 35

36 Table Cook's work schedule meat shop Number of cooks Shop hours Figure 2.- Work schedule of a meat shop cook Let us calculate the necessary equipment for a meat and fish factory. The volume of a refrigerated cabinet for ½ shift is calculated using the formula (3.9): V=, (3.9) where - V is the volume of the refrigerated cabinet, G is the mass of the product (net), p bulk density of the product (application), y- coefficient taking into account the container (0.7) Let’s calculate the required refrigerated cabinet for a meat and fish shop (see Table 3.14) Table Calculation of the required refrigerated cabinet Product name Net weight, kg Bulk density of the Product, kg/dm 3 Occupied volume, dm 3 Beef 29.04 0.80 51.9 1st category Pollock fresh/fresh 20.33 0.80 36.3 Total: 88.2 dm Based on the calculations, we accept a refrigerated cabinet of the ShKh brand - 0.5; with dimensions 0.7 * 0.69 * 2.050 m 2 We will calculate and select a meat grinder for cutlet mass (see Table 3.15) 36

37 Table Calculation of the required productivity of a meat grinder Equipment Calculation of the required productivity Quantity of product Duration shop work, h Type and productivity of Equipment Kg/h Characteristics of the equipment accepted for installation Operating duration Usage factor Quantity Meat grinder MIM50,Q=50 0.048 0.006 1 T= 8h. With this calculation, not a large amount of product is obtained for the productivity of the selected MIM-50 meat grinder; overall dimensions 0.5*0.26*0.36 But taking into account the 10-day menu (see Appendix A), we will need large quantities of consumable product to prepare semi-finished products. It follows that we are productivity. 37 we accept a meat grinder with a larger one. In accordance with SanPin, it is necessary to install production tables in the amount of 3 pieces in a meat and fish workshop. For meat, fish, and poultry with overall dimensions of 1.2 * 0.6 * 0.87 m, as well as a three-section washing bath, additional equipment (see Table 3.16) Calculation of the area of ​​a meat and fish workshop made of stainless steel VM3/4, Table Calculation area of ​​equipment in a meat and fish shop Name of equipment Quantities, pcs Brand of equipment Dimensions of equipment, mm Area, m 2 Total area of ​​the vegetable shop Sink for 1 VM12/ *320*850 0.13 0.13 hand washing Bathtub 3 1 VM-Z/4 1400*600*870 0.84 0.84 sectional Industrial tables 3 SR *600*870 0.72 2.16 Rack 1 NSK-13/7 1300*700*1800 0.91 0.91 Product shelf 1 NSO-15/ *600*200 0.9 0.9

38 Continuation of the table Cabinet 1 ШХ-0.5 700*690*2050 0.5 0.5 refrigerated Meat grinder 1 MIM *260* Stand for meat grinder 1 PMIM 800*400*420 0.32 0.32 Cargo trolley 1 TG-10 / *600*1000 0.65 0.65 Tank for collecting 1 ACIP *605*0 0.23 0.23 waste Stud for trays, containers 1 TShG-16 2/1 650*587*1605 0.38 0.38 Chopping block 1 KR- 500/ *500*700 0.25 0.25 Total: 7.27 In a meat and fish workshop, the meat grinder is installed on a stand, its overall dimensions do not fit into the total area of ​​the meat and fish workshop. The area of ​​the premises of the meat and fish workshop, taking into account the selected equipment calculated using formula (3.10): N f = com, (3.10) where F is the area of ​​the premises occupied by equipment, m 2, F com -0.35, the total area taking into account the coefficient is equal to N f- = 7.27 0.35 = 20.72 m Hot shop To determine the area of ​​the hot shop, it is necessary to calculate the required equipment for the hot shop, including electrical, mechanical and non-mechanical. Calculation of the volume of boilers for boiling broth is given in the table (see table 3.17) 38

39 Table Calculation of the volume of boilers Product name Quantity Dishes n Product norm For 1 serving. g Mass of product Per Specified Quantity Portion, G Bulk density of product, p Volume occupied Product, dm 3 / kg, vproduct Norm of Water Per kg Volume of water per total mass vv Volume of intermediate products and industry Bone broth Bones, 8 7.0 0, Vegetables 160 2.8 0.77 0.55 1.4 0.63 Boiler volume, dm 3 Total 15.4 Total 7.63 o Bones 40 26 .3 1.1 0.5 2.2 5 5.5 1.1 Vegetables 40 2.8 0.11 0.55 0.2 0.63 Total: 2.4 Total 1.73 Total: 17.8 40.5 9.36 48, according to the collection of recipes, we find out how many bones are needed for 175g of broth. Product mass G= n g We find the volume of products using formula (3.11): V prod = G/p, (3.11) Water norm per 1 kg = 5 The intermediate volume between products is found by formula (3.12): V prom = V pro (1-0 .5) or (1-0.55) (3.12) The volume of the boiler is found using the formula (3.13): V=V prod +V water -V prod; (3.13) We accept a boiler for cooking broth of the KPE-60 brand. Let us calculate the boilers for preparing soups (see table 3.18) 39

40 Table Let's calculate the boilers Name of the dish Volume of one serving Number of servings Calculated volume of the boiler Volume of the boiler accepted Area of ​​dishes Vegetable soup, Vegetable soup, 05 Total: 46 Based on the calculations made, we accept a 50-liter stainless steel boiler with an area of ​​0.13 m 2 It is necessary to calculate the capacity for preparation of side dishes (see Table 3.19) Table Calculate the capacity for preparing side dishes Name of side dish Mashed potatoes Mashed potatoes Hours of sales Yield Quantity Weight of product Volume density Vprod Norm of Water for portions and dishes per one all servings ty Prod, 1 kg prod, 8 0.65 5.8 1.9 0.65 29.1 1.15 Since potatoes are considered a non-swelling product, we apply the formula for non-swelling products and calculate using formula (3.14): V = 1.15 V prod 40 (3.14) When performing the calculation using the formula, we accept a 40L stainless steel boiler with an area of ​​0.13 m 2 Determine the estimated area of ​​the frying pan for a product of this mass (see Table 3.20) Table Determine the estimated area of ​​the frying pan Product Weight of the product (net) Bulk density of the Product kg /dm 3 Conditional thickness of the product layer a, dm Duration of technical cycle, h Turnover Hearth area Per shift Estimated area, m Goulash 11.1 0.79 2 1.5 5.3 0.13

PROJECT “THE BEST COOK” Catering for preschool children Chef Shorko Anna Ivanovna MBDOU 61 Among the factors ensuring the normal development of the child’s body, adequate nutrition is paramount

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MBOU Krasnoarmeiskaya Secondary School PASSPORT OF FOOTER BLOCK OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 2014-2015 academic year Passport of the food department of the MBOU Krasnoarmeyskaya secondary school Legal address: Rostov region, Oryol district, Krasnoarmeysky village,

Organization of meals for children in kindergarten. Meals at MBDOU "Kindergarten 3" are organized in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13. The health of children in preschool educational institutions cannot be ensured without rational

Requirements for creating a menu for catering for children of different ages 15.1. Nutrition must satisfy the physiological needs of children for basic nutrients and energy and be no less

Certificate of inspection of the catering arrangements for students of MAOU “Secondary School 127” dated November 23, 2017 Based on the order of the head of the education department of the Perm city administration “On strengthening control over catering arrangements

For proper organization The following documentation is maintained for the nutrition of children in preschool institutions: - an approved set of products for preschool institutions; - promising menu layouts and approximate 10-day

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school 3 urban district, Volgorechensk city, Kostroma region" Requirements for equipment, utensils, containers in

Catering in preschool educational institutions One of important factors child health is the organization of rational nutrition and its reflection in the educational process. Proper nutrition this is the basis of long-term

NUTRITION IN KINDERGARTEN The main objectives of organizing nutrition for pupils in a preschool educational institution are: Providing children with nutrition that meets their age-related, physiological needs for nutrients and energy;

ABSTRACT OF AN SAMPLE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE PROFESSION NPO 01/19/17 (260807.01) Cook, confectioner GENERAL PROVISIONS Profession NPO 01/19/17 (260807.01) Cook, confectioner is included in

Catering in preschool educational institutions Children's meals are organized in a group room. Delivery of food from the catering unit to the group one is carried out in specially designated, marked, closed containers. Marking


Inspection report of the canteen of the MBOU “Muzhevskaya Secondary School named after. N.V. Arkhangelsky" dated November 29, 2013. A commission consisting of 3 people: School Director E.V. Kostyleva, Chairman of the Public Council R.N. Grigoryan. specialist


ABSTRACT OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SKILLED WORKERS. EMPLOYEES 01/19/17 (260807.01) Cook, confectioner GENERAL PROVISIONS Profession SPO 01/19/17 (260807.01) Cook, confectioner is part of an enlarged group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Cheburashka" Vuktyl APPROVED by order of the head of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Cheburashka" Vuktyl dated August 30, 2016 130 INSTRUCTIONS

Food quality and safety, food products used in preparing dishes, promoting the principles of healthy and nutritious nutrition. 2. Catering in municipal educational institution kindergarten 2.1.Purchase and delivery

INTRODUCTION This sample cyclical menu is designed for preschool educational institution for children aged 1.5 to 7 years in order to provide nutrients and energy, taking into account physiological


Explanatory note to the approximate cyclic ten-day menu The approximate cyclic ten-day menu was developed in accordance with SanPiN 2.4..2409-0 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization

MDOU "Kindergarten 2 of the Sonkovsky district of the Tver region" PRIK A Z 1 dated 01.09.2015. On the organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions In order to ensure complete, balanced nutrition for children attending kindergarten

113 1.GENERAL PROVISIONS 114 1.1The job description of the production manager (chef) is drawn up in accordance with Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees,

A commission consisting of: Information on the results of an inspection of catering at MAOU “Secondary School 127” in Perm Chairman of the commission: T.I. Tseytlina, Director of MAOU "Secondary School 127" in Perm. Members of the commission: M.L. Vlasova

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device,

An important condition for preserving and maintaining the health of children is to ensure healthy and balanced nutrition in preschool educational institutions. A kindergarten must have a catering unit, the equipment of which must meet:

  • SanPin provisions;
  • list of technological equipment, inventory;
  • fire safety requirements.

The catering unit in a kindergarten is one of the facilities that representatives of regulatory authorities during scheduled inspections pay increased attention.

Food service unit in kindergarten: SanPin

Requirements for arrangement catering facilities in kindergarten are determined by SanPin, approved by resolution No. 26 Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.


In the magazine “Handbook for the Director of a Preschool Institution” you will find a cyclogram with which you can conveniently keep track of your tasks.


  1. A hot shop, which can be zoned into areas for separate processing of meat, fish, vegetable products, an area for preparing cold snacks with mandatory compliance sanitary standards.
  2. Area for primary processing of vegetable, fruit and berry products.
  3. Serving buffet.
  4. Washing room for cleaning equipment and dishes.
  5. Pantry for flour and cereals, protected from rodent attacks.
  6. A pantry for storing vegetables and fruits, which cannot be placed under bathrooms, shower rooms, or a swimming pool.
  7. Premises equipped with refrigeration chambers.

Planning decisions regarding the zoning of a kitchen unit should be determined by the sequence of production processes for processing raw materials. In preschool educational institutions occupying buildings built according to old designs, the operation of infrastructure facilities with minor deviations from the norms is allowed.

As part of the implementation of planning decisions, dispensing stations should provide the ability to quickly dispense meals to groups and prepare meals instant cooking(cutting salads, boiling eggs and sausages, preparing hot drinks).

The kitchen in the preschool educational institution should be equipped with the following types of equipment:

  1. Mechanical, facilitating the process of primary processing of raw materials, preparation of semi-finished products before heat treatment. Such equipment includes vegetable cutters, potato peelers, electric meat grinders, automatic machines for forming meat and fish preparations, dough mixers, dishwashers.
  2. Auxiliary non-mechanical (kitchen tables, sinks, shelving, cabinets).
  3. Thermal: stoves, ovens, combi ovens, cooking boilers.
  4. Refrigerators, freezers.

The food unit of the preschool educational institution is equipped in accordance with its type and workload.

Checking the catering department in kindergarten

Monitoring of the provision of meals for preschoolers is planned by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, who check the condition of kitchen premises and equipment for compliance with SanPin standards. Unscheduled checking the work of the catering department in kindergarten can be carried out at the request of the parents of pupils:

  • representatives of the city (district) administration of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • the prosecutor's office in case of suspicion of dishonesty in the performance of control functions by inspection bodies.

When carrying out control, the following is checked:

  1. Availability and adherence to drinking schedules, nutritional schedules for preschoolers,.
  2. The procedure for maintaining reporting documentation (brake logs, vitaminization logs, temperature logs).
  3. Availability of instructions for conducting routine and general cleaning of kitchen premises.
  4. Compliance with proper storage of food raw materials.
  5. Serviceability of mechanical, refrigeration, thermal equipment.
  6. Availability of kitchen equipment in the required quantity, compliance with labeling.
  7. Availability of kitchen staff.
  8. General sanitary condition of the kitchen.

Scheduled inspections of the catering unit are carried out after a notification or order from Rospotrebnadzor is sent to the kindergarten. In case of widespread illness among children, unscheduled control may be carried out without warning.

  • Typical project 294-3-56.90 Indoor swimming pool with a bathtub 25x8.5 m and a children's bathroom 10x6 m (brick walls). Album 1 Explanatory note. Architectural solutions. Technological equipment. Food technology
    Standard project dated November 30, 1990 No. 294-3-56.90
  • Standard project 264-12-318.92 Cultural and leisure center with a hall for 600 seats. Album 1 Part 2 Explanatory note of the technological part. Food technology. Technological equipment. Sports technology. Slot machine technology
    Standard project dated November 29, 1991 No. 264-12-318.92
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 1 Architectural and construction drawings. Technological drawings
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 2 Plumbing drawings: heating, ventilation, plumbing and sewerage
    Standard project dated June 2, 1975 No. 252-9-44
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 3 Electrical equipment and low-current devices, automation of plumbing installations and instructions to the manufacturer for control cabinets
    Standard project dated June 2, 1975 No. 252-9-44
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 4 Factory-made products
    Standard project dated June 2, 1975 No. 252-9-44
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 5 Custom specifications
    Standard project dated June 2, 1975 No. 252-9-44
  • Standard project 252-9-44 Food block with the transition of an infectious diseases hospital for 300 beds in designs of the II-04 series. Album 6 Estimates
    Standard project dated June 2, 1975 No. 252-9-44
  • Standard design 252-9-114.86 Food block of a psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents with 240 beds (in designs of the 1.020-1/83 series). The building is two-story. Walls made of lightweight concrete panels according to series 1.030.1-1. Volume 2030 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-9-114.86
  • Standard project 252-9-50 Food block of a children's hospital for 300 beds with a clinic for 240 visits per shift. The building is one-story. Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame series II-04. Walls made of expanded clay concrete panels. Volume 3604 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-9-50
  • Standard project 254-9-93.83 Food block of the central district hospital for 250 beds with a clinic for 500 visits per shift. The building is one- or two-story. Brick walls. Volume 2289 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-93.83
  • Standard project 254-9-99p.84 Food block of the central district hospital for 250 beds with a clinic for 500 visits per shift. Seismicity 7, 8, 9 points. The building is one- or two-story. Brick walls. Volume 2254 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-99с.84
  • Standard project 254-9-82 Food block of a district hospital for 400 beds with a clinic for 600 visits per shift. The building is one- or two-story. Brick walls. Volume 4801 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-82
  • Typical project 254-9-77с Food block of a multidisciplinary hospital with 240 beds with a clinic for 500 visits per shift. Seismicity 7, 8 points. The building is one-story. Brick walls. Volume 1668 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-77s
  • Standard project 254-9-72 Food block for hospitals with 500-600 beds. The building is one-story. Brick walls. Volume 3152 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-72
  • Standard project 254-9-57 Food block of a district hospital for 300 beds with a clinic for 800 visits per shift. The building is one-story. Brick walls. Volume 2307 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 254-9-57
  • Standard design 252-9-80 Food block of an infectious diseases hospital for children with 150 beds. The building is one-story. Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame series II-04. Walls made of lightweight concrete panels. Volume 2136 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-9-80
  • Standard project 252-02-31.89 Maternity hospital with 130 beds with a antenatal clinic for 200 visits per shift. The building of the main building is two-, three-, nine-story. Frame according to series 1.020-1/83. Walls made of single-layer lightweight concrete panels according to series 1.030.1-1 and three-layer lightweight concrete panels with rigid connections according to series 1.232.1-7. The catering and laundry buildings are one-story. Brick walls. Volume 94005 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-02-31.89
  • Standard project 252-9-19 Food block of a maternity hospital with 250 beds with a antenatal clinic for 300 visits per day. The building is one-story. Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame series II-04. Walls made of expanded clay concrete or cellular concrete panels. Volume 1903 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-9-19
  • Standard project 252-9-69с Food block of a maternity hospital for 250 beds with a antenatal clinic. Seismicity 7, 8 points. The building is one-story. Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame of the IIS-04 series. Walls made of lightweight concrete panels. Volume 1805 m(_3)
    Standard project No. 252-9-69s