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Sample training program. The program for conducting initial training on labor protection in the workplace for office workers has been approved

Program initial briefing on labor protection in the workplace is necessary to train workers in safe work skills. We will tell you in the article how to develop and approve it. Download the finished sample.

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How to develop an initial training program

Local regulations are developed in accordance with the requirements of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the rules of document flow at the enterprise.

In the upper right corner of the document there must be an approval stamp and the signature of the head of the organization. The project must be agreed upon with a trade union or other representative body of workers - trade union committee, labor protection committee, occupational safety representative, etc. This is indicated in the approval stamp in the upper left corner. If the organization does not have such a body, then approval is not required. There is no requirement to coordinate the initial training program (IPP) with supervisory authorities.

At the bottom of the document there are details with information about the developer and a mandatory indication of approval. If the organization is small and there is no occupational safety specialist on staff, then approval is given by the employee performing occupational safety duties.

PPI should be developed in the workplace taking into account the characteristics of a particular profession. To do this, use the job description, qualification directory, occupational safety regulations, operational documentation for the equipment serviced by the employee. If, for example, employees work on the same type of PC in an office with the same furniture and with the same type of electrical appliances, then it is enough to develop one common document for them.

By definition, a standard program of initial training at the workplace cannot be published. This contradicts the requirements, since the PPI must take into account the characteristics of a particular workplace. But for development you can use standard instructions on labor protection. However, it is necessary to take into account changes that have occurred in legislation since the publication of the standard IOT, as well as the specifics of a particular enterprise, the technologies used and job responsibilities employee.

When changes are made to technology, to the list, to occupational safety regulations, to technical operation changes must be made to the program immediately. After this, employees should be given training outside the plan.

What to include in the initial workplace training program

The employee must be instructed in secure organization workplace, on the correct use of PPE and RPE. He must know the safe routes to and from the workplace, remember where first aid kits and a first aid station are located. In addition, the PIP must include issues related to ensuring safety during preparation, conduct and completion of the technological cycle. Information is also needed about possible accidents in the workplace, measures to prevent them, options for developing an emergency situation and the procedure for dealing with it.

Who develops initial training programs in the workplace?

As a rule, the development is carried out by the one who provides the instructions: a specialist or immediate supervisor, trained with a 40-hour break from production. Persons untrained at the training center are not allowed to develop training programs, since they do not have necessary preparation. Since the PPI is developed for each profession, each department must have an appropriate set of these documents in accordance with staffing table In the organisation.

Occupational safety specialist provides methodological assistance to managers structural divisions organizations in accordance with . Methodological assistance consists of providing departments with up-to-date sets of regulatory legal acts. This is the requirement of the last paragraph. In addition, the safety specialist must be sure that the PPI developed by the head of the structural unit fully complies with the requirements of the rules or technical regulations. His signature on approval indicates the division of responsibility for the quality of the document.

This draft workplace briefing contains a list of necessary questions on labor protection. A newly hired employee must be familiarized with these issues before starting his production activities.

What is an on-the-job training program?

Instruction, which is carried out by a qualified specialist of the enterprise for the worker before starting work labor process on , is called primary. Conducting this type of instruction is provided for in Article 255 Labor Code Russian Federation.

This action allows the worker to become familiar with the principles of safe work, safety precautions in this organization, and gain basic knowledge of providing first aid. medical care. It is carried out for the following categories of workers who:

  • re-entered the enterprise. Even if such an employee previously worked in this organization and performed the same labor processes;
  • were transferred within the enterprise from one workshop or site to another;
  • received an order to perform work that they had not previously done;
  • employed on a temporary basis. These may be business travelers from one institution to another, or persons undergoing practical training, as well as minor workers.

The fundamental basis of initial instruction is the worker’s familiarization with:

  • uniform rules on production methods, the purpose of the labor process, as well as on safety rules for the operation of equipment, tools and materials used or surrounding the instructed worker;
  • , as well as their localization and prevention;
  • principles of behavior within the organization. This applies to both the direct working object of the enterprise and other objects located in the production structure;
  • rules for organizing the labor process and its completion.

In addition to the above, the briefing includes a very large number of aspects that are directly related to occupational health and safety. Each separate group of workers undergoes its own individual instruction, consisting of a specific list of questions.

Therefore, the company management involved in instructing personnel has more than one option for initial instruction directly at the place of work.

Workers carrying out labor activity directly with the operation of various equipment and mechanisms, special attention is paid to primary instruction. For this category of workers, initial training is mandatory.

The initial briefing program is developed by the management of the organization or structural unit independently, in individually. Since at each enterprise the working conditions and the technology of the work performed differ from each other. However, when drawing up such a program, it is necessary to use the list that is given in the regulatory legal acts on labor protection in Addendum No. 5 to GOST 12.0.004-90. This add-on, among other things, includes the following rules:

  • use of PPE (personal protective equipment);
  • accident prevention and emergency situations, including fire protection;
  • behavior of workers in the event of accidents.

Also, initially instructed workers must familiarize themselves with the emergency response plan (AEP).

Persons authorized to instruct employees

Only company employees who have undergone special training in occupational safety and health have the right to conduct initial training. specialized institutions. And also those who passed the thematic test successfully. This training is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of other regulatory legal acts on labor protection and safety.

The persons who conducted the initial briefing may be the following engineering and technical employees of the unit:

  • immediate supervisors of the newly hired employee;
  • deputy first head for labor protection;
  • labor safety officer.

In practice, it has been established that most often and most effectively directly at the place of work. So that the employee can clearly see and feel all available equipment under the supervision of an instructor. Such instructions are usually carried out by the heads of production sites or workshops.

Primary instruction can be carried out either individually with each employee, or with a group of workers who have the same working conditions.

In addition to the knowledge gained from instruction, workers must subsequently show the result of mastering the material by passing exams. The fact of which must be recorded in a special book or specially developed protocols drawn up by the labor protection service. In which the signature of the instructor who took the exam and the person who passed it must be affixed.

Rules for conducting briefing

With the existing initial training program, the employer, by order of the enterprise, appoints a responsible person executive. The appointed person is obliged to conduct briefing at the workplace immediately before the start of the labor process.

Data on such actions are entered into a specially designed journal of the established format. Before putting it into effect, it must be of the established form, stitched, sealed and the pages numbered.

After the instructor has presented the necessary knowledge to the newly arrived employee, the following is entered in the log:

  • surname and initials of the worker;
  • date of the briefing;
  • position and surname of the instructor;
  • signatures of the instructed worker and the instructor himself.

The presence of a correctly filled out log is conclusive evidence of the initial training.

After a certain time, the authorized person has the right to schedule oral or written examinations to test the knowledge acquired by the workers. In case of positive results, the employee continues his work activity. And in case of negative knowledge, the instructor has every right do not allow the worker to perform work duties until the necessary labor safety issues have been studied.

It is worth considering that if any of the options ends, a knowledge test protocol must be drawn up. Which indicates whether the worker has the necessary knowledge to carry out a particular job.

Persons exempt from workplace training

Regulatory legal acts on labor protection provide for the following groups of persons who are not subject to mandatory initial instruction:

  • workers who have nothing to do with the operation or maintenance of all kinds of machines or mechanisms;
  • not participating in the repair or adjustment of equipment;
  • not related to electricity or other hazardous factors.

The list of persons who, upon employment or transfer to another job, have every right not to undergo initial training, is compiled by the occupational health and safety service of the enterprise, and approved by order of the employer.

However, in order to avoid various work-related injuries, and subsequently unpleasant communication with law enforcement and other regulatory authorities, it is best to conduct initial training for all workers in the organization.

Differences between initial training and introductory training

The difference between primary instruction and introductory instruction is that initial instruction:

  • is carried out immediately before the start of work and at the place where it is carried out, and inductions are carried out when applying for a job, and are introductory;
  • Any person authorized by the manager can conduct such instruction; as for introductory instruction, only specialists from the labor protection service have the right to conduct it;
  • Instruction is carried out with explanations and demonstration of the correct execution of the work process.

Conducting initial briefings is based on studying labor safety instructions for each profession separately.

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Each organization draws up its own training programs on labor protection. In the article you will find a classification of briefings by type with examples of programs and sample orders for the appointment of responsible officials.

In the article:

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Industrial safety briefings: types and purposes

Care about industrial safety- employer's responsibility. One of the main methods of preventing accidents and injuries at work has been and remains training personnel in safe ways and techniques of work. To ensure that employees know how to properly handle equipment and tools, are able to minimize the adverse consequences of emergency incidents, and, if necessary, competently provide first aid to colleagues, occupational safety (OHS) training is carried out.

Depending on the goals, circumstances of the program and the content of the program, there are four types of safety training:

  • primary/repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Table. Types of labor safety briefings

Type of instruction

Who is it with?

When is it carried out?

With hired and seconded employees, as well as with trainees, students and other persons involved in production activities

When hiring

Primary at the workplace

Before permission to work independently

Repeated in the workplace

At least once every six months (for some types of work - once every three months) according to initial training programs


With all employees

During long breaks in work, after violation of labor safety requirements, by decision of the company management, etc.

With persons carrying out work under a work permit or special permit (in some cases - with all employees)

When performing one-time work not related to the main labor function employee, before carrying out mass events, subbotniks, etc.

The program for conducting occupational safety briefings is drawn up taking into account the type and thematic focus of the event. The procedure is regulated by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003. Working programm instructions on labor protection should not contradict the norms of current legislation and the GOST standard 12.0.004-2015 “SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions", which came into force on March 1, 2017.

About all types of safety briefings - in the Personnel System

Labor safety induction program

Program of initial, repeated and unscheduled safety training

Open directory

Unscheduled safety training program

Initial and repeated briefings are carried out according to a pre-approved schedule. But sometimes there is a good reason to hold an unscheduled event, for example:

  • requirements of the labor inspectorate and other supervisory authorities;
  • long break in work - more than 30 calendar days for work that is subject to increased safety requirements, more than 60 calendar days for other work;
  • violation by employees of occupational safety standards, which led or could lead to accidents, injuries, fires, poisoning, etc.;
  • modernization or replacement of equipment, raw materials, production technology;
  • implementation of new or revised work and occupational safety standards.

The unscheduled training program may partially or completely duplicate the initial on-the-job training program. If an unscheduled event is carried out due to technological or organizational innovations, or after updating safety standards, the essence of the changes is explained to employees. After a work-related injury incident, first aid training is provided.

Oleg Konovalov, director, will tell you how to conduct an unscheduled briefing on labor protection legal service JSC "VMS-Print", in the lecture "Occupational Safety and Health for office workers: training procedure, documents"

An employer may be held administratively liable for refusing to provide labor safety instructions or not conducting them in a timely manner. To prevent this from happening, teach safe work practices to all employees, including seasonal workers, homeworkers, part-timers, trainees. Make notes about regular and one-time briefings in the registration logs, update the programs used on time.

Introductory and initial training is carried out for all employees. Introductory training is conducted by an occupational safety specialist or a specific employee appointed by the immediate supervisor of the organization, for example, a personnel officer. Training takes place in the form of a lecture for one or a group of employees. The initial briefing is carried out by the employee's immediate supervisor or foreman. Training takes place according to specially developed programs. After completing the training program, an oral survey is conducted to help understand how effectively the material has been learned.

Guest writes:
Hello, can you tell me if it is possible for woodworkers and electricians to include instructions on a sharpening grinding and drilling machine in the briefing and training program and, after an exam and instruction, allow them to work on these machines???? help me find a distinction between where it is sufficient to provide training, instructions and testing of knowledge on machines and where it is mandatory professional education for which groups of machines?
Workers must be trained in an educational institution in the relevant profession. If your lathe and sharpening machines are somehow special and require special requirements safety, then workers must be specially trained on these machines.
If there are ordinary machines, then professionally trained workers (for example, a turner) do not need to be additionally trained professionally - after all, he is already trained and has an education document.
However, employees must be trained and instructed within the organization in in the prescribed manner

Look at POT R M 006-97 Interindustry rules on labor protection during cold metal processing"
9.1. Persons of the appropriate profession, specialty and qualifications who have undergone training and instructions on labor protection are allowed to operate equipment and carry out technological processes for cold processing of metals.
Managers and specialists must have education and professional training appropriate to their position, and workers must have professional training to the extent required qualification characteristics and practical skills in performing manufacturing operations.
Newly hired employees may be allowed to work independently only after on-the-job training.
Persons at least 18 years of age who have professional skills, have been trained in safe methods and techniques for conducting such work, and have received the appropriate certificates are allowed to perform work that is subject to additional labor safety requirements.
9.2. All employees of the organization, regardless of the degree of participation in production process, are required, in accordance with the nature of the work performed, to regularly undergo on-the-job training and testing of knowledge on labor protection. All inspections and instructions on labor protection must be recorded in a special log.
The organization of labor protection training and instructing workers and specialists should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004.
9.3. All persons newly entering the organization, regardless of their experience, qualifications and preliminary theoretical training, must undergo introductory training on labor protection.
9.4. Workers newly hired, as well as workers transferred to another job or to other equipment, regardless of the introductory briefing, must be further instructed directly at the workplace.
The briefing is carried out on the basis of labor protection instructions for each profession, developed and approved in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of labor protection rules and instructions, and is documented in a journal entry.
9.5. It is allowed not to conduct on-the-job training and instruction for employees transferred from one workplace to another within the same organization, who have worked in their specialty for at least three years, and if the nature of the work and the type of equipment maintained has not changed.
9.6. Repeated instruction is carried out at least once every three months, as well as in all cases of detection of violations of established safety rules by workers.
9.7. Newly hired managers or specialists must undergo induction training and, no later than one month from the date of admission, a knowledge test of these Rules and regulations fire safety, production and job descriptions. The results of the inspection are documented in a protocol.
Training and testing of knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists must be carried out at least once every three years.

Question from Vera

Hello! The question is: is it necessary to develop programs for conducting initial training on labor protection in the workplace for each working profession Or is a general program of initial training on labor protection sufficient?

Reply to Vera

Greetings, Vera!

In accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” and GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of labor safety training” necessary develop and approve programs for conducting initial training in the workplace.

Decree 1/29:

2.1.4. Initial training at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

Initial briefing in the workplace is carried out by the heads of the organization's structural divisions according to programs developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

It is understood that the program for conducting initial training at the workplace contains information about a specific technological process, specific equipment and production environment at a specific employee’s workplace, as well as about the personal protective equipment required for this particular employee, about his professional risks, etc. Consequently, programs for conducting initial training in the workplace should be developed for each individual profession, BUT if we turn to GOST 12.0.004-90, we see:

1/29: “ accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection..”, further:

GOST 12.0.004-90:

7.2.2. Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise, educational institution for certain professions or types of work taking into account the requirements of safety standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and another technical documentation. Programs are coordinated with the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection and the trade union committee of the unit or enterprise.
An approximate list of the main issues of initial training at the workplace is given in Appendix 5.

As you can see, there is a limiting conjunction “either/or”, which should be understood as follows: initial training programs in the workplace are developed for each profession separately or separately for each type of work. Therefore, if in your particular case there is a contingent of workers performing the same type of work, then such workers can be given initial training at the workplace according to the appropriate program for the type of work, and it does not matter who they are by profession/position.

It is worth noting that this decision must be congruent with the following requirement of GOST 12.0.004-90:

7.2.3. Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out with each employee or student individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods. Initial instruction is possible with a group of people servicing the same type of equipment and within a common workplace.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude - yes, it is possible to develop and approve a program of initial training for the type of work, which will be common for a certain contingent of workers servicing the same type of equipment and within a common workplace.

Of course, this approach to conducting initial training is the exception rather than the rule. There may not be one general program, but there are still variations in process optimization (development and approval of programs). It all depends on the ratio of professions and types of work.

The decision is yours.

That's all for me! Until new notes;)