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Oleg Beilezon, head of the Alfresco practice at Business Logic: “The Alfresco platform involves intensive development, and we have big plans for the development of EDMS based on it! Release of "sed logic" on the msvsfera information circulation platform.

External and internal document flow is fully automated; the system also includes contractual activities, control of performance discipline in the organization and document flow of meetings and minutes.

“Logic: EDMS” is based on the MSVSfera Infoflow platform, which is supplied by the NCPR company and is a content management system for creating enterprise-class information systems for a wide range of purposes.

An important component of ECM systems is high-quality information protection. In our country, the guarantor of the quality of information protection is the FSTEC of Russia and

certificate issued by this authority. "Logika Business" received the corresponding document, and the product "Logika: EDMS" is included in the State Register of Certified Information Security Products. Thus, customers

Those who choose our product to automate document-oriented business processes can be confident in the reliability and safety of their data,

"Logic: EDMS" 2.8

On December 10, 2019 the Business Logic company announced the release of the next release of products of its own development based on Alfresco / MSVSfera Infoturnover. In version 2.8, users can expect an improved interface, expanded functionality for working with electronic signatures, and increased flexibility of attribute search. Release 2.8 expanded the functionality of two basic products of the Business Logic company on Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow: “Logic: PLATFORM” and “Logic: EDMS”. Read more.

Integration with MyOffice

Release "Logic: EDMS" 2.6

On February 19, 2019, the Business Logic company released release 2.6 for the Logic: PLATFORM and Logic: EDMS products on the Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow platform. The release included 53 improvements initiated by the direction development group and customer wishes. Read more.


Compatible with PostgreSQL 10

Description of "EDS Logic" based on Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow

According to the system developers, automation of document management using “Logic: EDMS” on the Alfresco / MSVSfera Infoflow platforms leads to an increase in employee productivity, easier access to information for adoption management decisions, improvement of executive discipline, and therefore an overall improvement in the quality of corporate and public management.

For October, 2018 the system helps to solve the following tasks:

  • Organization efficient work with contracts
  • Ensuring high-quality control over the execution of instructions from managers
  • Automation of document flow of authorities
  • Reducing the cost of searching and providing access to documents
  • Optimization of business processes for document processing
  • Minimizing employee labor costs when working with documents
  • Increasing the level of control over employee performance discipline
  • Maximum paperless internal corporate document flow
  • Improving the efficiency of processing requests
  • Document management within the quality management system
  • Working with documents that constitute a trade secret
  • Implementation of project document flow and teamwork capabilities
  • Creation of a unified information space for storing and processing organization documents

The system easily adapts to these and many other tasks related to document processing using built-in settings, development of additional modules, and integration with other systems.

The Logic: EDMS system on the Alfresco / MSVSfera Infoflow platforms is designed for managing corporate content and content-oriented business processes in medium and large commercial and state enterprises with a large number of geographically distributed divisions and many counterparties.

Effects of implementation:

  • In authorities:
    • Improving the quality of public services
    • Reducing the costs of supporting the work of government agencies
    • Improving performance discipline, increasing controllability
    • Increasing transparency and openness of activities
    • Creating the basis for a comprehensive information system such as “electronic government” (interdepartmental document flow, EAR, archives, government service portals)
  • For commercial companies:
    • Improved handling
    • Prompt response to changes
    • The payback period of the system ranges from six months to two years
    • Increasing the company's competitiveness in the market


Integration with Information Leak Detection

The ILD system helps to reliably determine the source of leakage of confidential information on paper. The algorithm of the solution is to create individual copies of the document with which employees work in the system electronic document management. ILD remembers several document parameters: the conversion algorithm, the date and time the copy was issued, as well as the employee’s identification data. Thus, in the event of an information leak, ILD reliably identifies the employee whose fault it occurred. You can read more about technology integration.

"EDMS Logic 2.0" based on Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow

The product has been transferred to version 5.1 of the Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow platform. This ECM platform is created on free software (OS).

In version 2.0. The mechanism for processing document cards has been redesigned; editing of Microsoft Office, Open Office and LibreOffice format files has been added directly from the document card.

A number of functions have been added:

  • imposition of resolutions on documents,
  • primary distribution of documents,
  • centralized tracking of document status,
  • opportunities to work with instructions and organizational and administrative documents.
  • The product toolkit for configuring the solution during implementation and operation by customers and partners has been supplemented.

This version of the system implements 16 additions of user functionality and 29 changes in the functionality of setting up and administering the system.


Release of "EDMS Logic" on the MSVSfera Infoflow platform

On December 15, 2015, the Business Logic and National Center for Support and Development companies announced the release of a solution for electronic document management on the EDMS Logic and MSVSfera Infoflow platform.

The barcoding mechanism was used as the basis for the integration of these two solutions: a single barcode is assigned to the document card and the document, which can be printed on a sticker (for incoming documents) or on the document (for documents issued by the organization and sent out).

The document contains a unique identification number (UNID). Its presence helps when searching for a document in the EDMS. When streaming, the barcode of the document being registered is read by the scanner, after which the document image is automatically attached to the corresponding card. Subsequently, the user can find the document using a barcode scanner.

“Stream data entry is a critical component of any document management solution. Therefore, choosing a platform for this task is critical for effective work with corporate content,” noted Oleg Beilezon, chief ECM architect of Business Logic. - We once again analyzed the solutions presented on the market in this area and came to the conclusion that the most optimal solutions remain.

Transfer of "EDMS Logic" to the Alfresco platform version 4.2

The September 2014 release of the Logic EDMS system was translated into latest version Alfresco 4.2 platform, which provides a number of significant improvements:

  • The global design of the user page has been changed, which allows for more efficient use of screen size. In addition, the header construction mechanisms have become more flexible and dynamic
  • Improved system performance
  • Added new options for customizing the Share user interface
  • Simplified content publishing options
  • Added options for group downloading of content
  • A more advanced version of the Activiti business process engine is used, which allows you to build more flexible business processes

The functionality of EDMS Logic has undergone the following changes:

  • The EDMS dashlet has been implemented, allowing you to start working with EDMS documents directly from the Alfresco home page
  • Implemented the ability to manually enter registration numbers documents with verification of their uniqueness
  • New features have been added to the EDMS user's workplace:
  • * Working with documents added to “Favorites”
  • * Working with a list of recently viewed documents
  • * Configuring the composition and order of display of document attribute columns when they are displayed in the list
  • * Export to Excel the contents of any list
  • The forms for creating and editing all documents have been redesigned
  • Added additional entries to document history to make it more understandable
  • Added the ability to view the history of document movement by life cycle status in graphical form
  • Implemented control of duplicates when creating a new counterparty
  • Added the “attach to...” action, which allows you to transfer any Alfresco repository file inside the EDMS document
  • Added standard reports: summary of document topics, instructions executed in violation of deadlines
  • Expanded administrator capabilities for setting up user workstations

Release 1.1.2 is planned for early October, which will include:

  • Improved standard document approval process, allowing you to configure and use multi-stage approval routes of varying complexity
  • ) released in the spring of 2014 the solution “EDMS Logic” on the open source software platform Alfresco. The solution contains all the necessary functions to automate document flow Russian rules. Due to the absence of user fees in the cost of licenses, the customer’s benefit can reach 30% relative to general market prices.

    As of April 2014 Information system"EDS Logic" on the Alfresco platform is a solution for automating management document flow and office work, as well as for solving other problems related to working with unstructured documents.

    The EDMS Logic solution on Alfresco inherits all the advantages of this platform and adds to it all the necessary functions for automating document flow according to Russian rules: incoming/outgoing, internal and organizational and administrative documents (ORD), regulatory reference documents, contract management and much more .

    The fundamental difference from other EDMS products created on the Alfresco platform is that EDMS Logic completely inherits the basic user interface of Alfresco Share. Thus, along with the functionality of the EDMS, the customer receives all the other capabilities of Alfresco: a repository of documents of any type, a mechanism for organizing spaces collaboration(sites) and much more.

Add to calendar 01.11.2018 11:00 01.11.2018 13:00 Europe/Moscow "Logic: EDMS" on the Alfresco open source platform. Just about the difficulties of document management"

· plans for product development.


"Logic: EDMS" on the Alfresco open source platform. Just about the difficulties of document management"


  • Participants

On November 1, a “Business Logic” webinar on EDMS will be held on the open source platform Alfresco/MSVSfera Infoflow. Oleg Beilezon, head of the Alfresco practice at Logika Business, will tell you:

· how to completely automate document flow using one solution;
· pros and cons of an open technology platform for the customer;

· opportunities to optimize business processes using EDMS;

· benefits from implementation: a little about how to measure it;

· plans for product development.

The webinar will be of interest to representatives of all industries. If you work with paper, if you feel that routine and traditional document flow are slowing down the efficiency of your organization, get involved!
We will tell you how to easily solve the complexities of document flow.

Business Logic (Aplana Group of Companies) specializes in the creation and implementation of its own ECM solutions. In particular, for almost 10 years the company has been developing on the basis of open source software platforms, since 2012 giving preference to the Alfresco platform. Oleg Beilezon, head of the Alfresco practice at Business Logic, talks about this, and is in charge of all issues related to the creation of mass-produced products on Alfresco, their implementation and customization.

Oleg, please tell us how long ago Business Logic began developing solutions using open source software, what were the prerequisites for this?

Our company began developing its own open source software solutions about 10 years ago, when there was neither a trend towards import substitution, nor even Alfresco as a candidate partner. I didn’t work at Business Logic then, but the reasons for starting development on open source software are clear to me. Firstly, the very direction for the use of open source software in government bodies was determined in 2008-2009, when the corresponding regulations. IT companies had to meet these requirements. Secondly, as such, the request for multivendor existed in Business Logic historically. Initially, we were focused on one vendor - the company worked on IBM Domino, but even then it became clear that new platforms were needed to cover a larger range of customers. As a result of searching for our path in the direction of open source software, we made real projects on various open source software stacks, and only in 2012 there was an understanding of the need to conduct development on Alfresco.

What difficulties did the company have to face when starting work on open source software? For example, what was the situation with qualified personnel in the open source field 10 years ago?

There have always been quite a lot of open source software specialists. The difficulty was that open source software belonged to the zone of “student” development - in contrast to software from proprietary vendors, who always controlled the qualifications of developers. Another difficulty was related to freedom of choice: the number of open source software products that could be used without reporting to anyone was already considerable even then. From this abundance, choosing a solution that could be industrially implemented, including among large customers, was not easy. But the experience that we gained by overcoming these difficulties then was very useful to us later.

- Why did Business Logic ultimately choose Alfresco?

As I already said, in 2009, when we started working with open source software, Alfresco was a little-known, immature product. But by 2012, when we were seriously concerned about choosing an open source software partner, it was already an Enterprise-class solution with excellent cross-platform compatibility, based on modern technologies. For us, one of the important components was that Alfresco is a very expandable system. These capabilities are built into the architecture: in Alfresco you can increase functionality without affecting the core functions of the core. It was possible to take as a basis the part where Alfresco is strongest - content management, and at the same time continue to develop the product. Open source is also very important: we trust the solution, but sometimes there is a need to study the internal mechanisms, and then open source becomes a significant advantage.

In 2012, several other EDMS developers also put forward their solutions to Alfresco. What is the picture in this market now?

The market for solutions on Alfresco has survived and even developed, and this is another indicator the right way. The only solution to anything scares away customers! Not all of those who then created mass-produced products on Alfresco survived, but the majority continue to work on this basis. Overall, the number of companies involved in this business has increased significantly. The market is growing even faster than we expected. If in 2012 not everyone had heard of Alfresco, now we are dealing with a market in which there are already hundreds of professionals, many solutions, and an established infrastructure.

What are the general features of open source software platforms and how does your company solve the problems associated with open source software developments?

The problem with open source software is back side its advantages. This, for example, is a low barrier to entry into this world: to start developing on open source software, you just need to go to the website, download the necessary programs and start developing. But what is downloaded this way is often not free of problems and, as a rule, free of support. The developer uses this at his own risk. In addition, there is confusion with pricing: many people assume that free means free. There is a category of customers that wants to get everything for free or extremely cheaply, and there are a number of IT companies that support this image of freeness, create cheap projects and then cannot ensure quality and scaling. This “anti-flare” of open source software continues to surround the market to this day!

Concerning technological problems, then they exist everywhere, but open source software makes it possible to quickly figure out what is going wrong, with the help of not only the vendor, but also the community, and on your own.

- What are the “Business Logic” developments at Alfresco today?

We adhere to the following approach: between the technology platform and the final solution for the customer there is a large-scale service layer. It includes those functions that are needed by all products on all projects, but Western vendors do not supply them. This layer, coupled with assembly decisions, is what we call the platform. Our platform solution is called: “Logic: PLATFORM”. The EDMS grew and took shape on it - previously known as “Logic: EDMS” on the Alfresco platform. Our new solution “Logic: EDMS” includes both the platform and the EDMS based on it. Plus we pay attention to the archival solution on our platform, at the beginning next year We are planning to present it.

Logika Business recently updated its entire line - this applies not only to Alfresco solutions. What were the reasons for this?

There has been a definite revision of the approach. Since April of this year, all our products have been built on a single basis - “Logic: PLATFORM”. At the same time, we use several different technology platforms, the main of which are Alfresco and IBM FileNet, which we plan to stick to in the near future. Our products are built on their basis - “Logic: EDMS”, “Logic: YuZEDO”, a solution for processing financial documentation.

- Is the functionality of, say, “Logic: EDMS” on Alfresco and on IBM FileNet the same?

These solutions coincide in all main functions. The different history of their development gives some difference in features, but integrally the solutions on both platforms are mature solutions for management document flow.

- Have new functions appeared in the updated “Logic: EDMS” line?

Let's put it this way: innovations appear regardless of product lines, we develop all our solutions continuously, releasing 2-4 updates per year for each product. Another thing is that in 2017 we switched to a new version of Alfresco and gave our clients the opportunity to make this transition too: we updated their platforms and introduced fundamentally new features into the user interface. This gave a jump in productivity. Since then, development has followed an evolutionary path: we add useful functions, implement dozens of improvements in each release, of which 5-10 should be significant - so that customers really feel the development of the product.

For example, in the latest release, which was deployed on our demo site, a custom place for working with contract documents has been deployed, forms have been added, the interface has been improved, and the search for linked documents has been improved. These are not revolutionary changes, but they give the user more work space and allow him to concentrate on the details. In general, the latest release is the embodiment of 90 new requests, including from clients, of which 13 are improvements to the internal archive.

- Will “Logic: YUZEDO” appear in the line on Alfresco?

- “Logic: YUZEDO” is initially a cross-platform product, but in the future everything is possible.

- How are things going with the Logika: EDMS mobile client?

Whether we will grow with a mobile client - this issue will be decided based on the wishes of customers. Due to security restrictions, they cannot always work from mobile devices in the internal loop. We ourselves are not currently developing a mobile direction, but historically we have a solution based on iOS; in addition, the web interface allows you to easily work in mobile browsers. And our interface is very open, which allows you to connect any affiliate product.

- Which companies, according to your observations, most often decide to implement an EDMS on Alfresco?

There are many reasons for the transition, the most obvious are related to import substitution. After all, when talking about the Alfresco platform, we, first of all, mean its domestic assembly - the MSVSfera Infoflow system from the National Center for Support and Development.

Our solution is in the Register of Domestic Software, trends in import substitution are important here, but customers, including those not from the public sector, are also interested in technology platform as such. The platform has gained credibility, moreover price policy Alfresco in Russia, especially taking into account our special partner status, is very profitable. Large customers are also attracted by the prospect of receiving an open source solution, which can then be controlled in-house.

- At what rate is Logika Business’ Alfresco customer base growing?

Since we focus on large customers, we are not talking about exponential growth. But since the launch of the product, the number of customers has already numbered in the dozens. These include new clients who chose a solution from scratch, and those who switched from other solutions - there are practically no companies left that are not covered by the EDMS, and switching from other platforms is the most common scenario. So, now we are considering the transition to Alfresco of a mature EDMS large enterprise oil and gas industry, whose criteria are no longer met by the Western solution. At the same time, we are preparing other projects in the oil and gas sector, the public sector, banks, and industry. As you can see, the division by industry is large, and in order to ensure an increase in the number of projects, we need to grow ourselves.

- You mentioned a demo stand. What is he?

Our a new version“Logiki: EDMS”, like all previous ones, is available to everyone, and interest in it is growing. The demo stand is located on our virtual platform To gain access to it, just fill out an application on our website. The structure of the demo version is designed for 10-15 users, and each can, depending on which EDMS process needs to be viewed, select user locations, study the interface and functionality, and formulate questions for us. The demo solution is fully functional, the issue of digital signature is even resolved here (in our partnership with Crypto PRO), compatibility with any browsers is implemented.

Alfresco is an open source information platform developed by Alfresco Software Inc (UK). The platform is not an electronic document management system, but on its basis you can build a ready-made system yourself or with the help of specialists.

Projects to build a unified ECM system based on Alfresco have now been implemented in many countries: France, Switzerland, USA, UK, Belgium, Japan, Mexico, Italy. By global standards, this is one of the most widespread electronic document management and project management systems.
Alfresco is also applicable in Russia; it is used by many large companies with complex business processes and an extensive organizational structure. Developers Russian company Citeck has already implemented various projects at Alfresco in the following companies: BNP Paribas Cardif, General Electric, Unilever, DHL, Gazprom space systems, Raiffeisen Bank, Moscow Government and others.

The choice in favor of Alfresco is often due to 7 main reasons:

  1. Free software(Open Source Software) and open license. This allows you to increase the number of jobs without licensing costs;
  2. A large number of system developments from Alfresco Software Inc and a large community. All tools for system development;
  3. Famous brand. Alfresco is a world leader among programs for organizing electronic document management;
  4. Convenient multilingual web interface (including in Russian). It allows you to access general documents from anywhere in the world via a secure connection;
  5. Low requirements for IT resources: possibility of integration into any IT infrastructure of the organization;
  6. Popular integrated components in the system: joint scheduling, meeting support, case management, document accounting and control, and much more;
  7. Fully cross-platform – the server and client parts can run under different operating systems such as: MS Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.

A distinctive feature of the system from most open source products is its stability and the ability to scale to meet the needs of a business of any size.

In general, Alfresco is a unique system that automates content management processes and covers the full life cycle of most document types: contracts and related documents, primary financial documentation, incoming and outgoing correspondence, instructions and tasks, orders and instructions, documents on occupational safety and health, personnel requests and orders, documentation for tenders and the procurement process.

The system can handle any type of documents. In corporate practice, they are divided into two types of data: structured and unstructured.

Structured documents are often presented in the form of tables and records that are stored in accounting systems (1C, SAP, Oracle and others). Unstructured content includes content that goes beyond the general structure - a set of files and folders, media and video files located on external media or on the Internet. And unstructured content is managed by a separate class of systems, namely Enterprise Content Management (ECM), to which Alfresco belongs.

The Citeck company has been implementing projects based on ECM Alfresco for more than 7 years in Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

Why choose us... There are many such reasons, but there are three key:

  1. In 2014, Citeck signed a partnership agreement with NCPR LLC, which is the official representative of Alfresco Software, Ltd in Russia and the CIS countries.
    Thus, Citeck can use a single enterprise management platform information resources-Alfresco Enterprise Edition - with ;
  2. The company's employees are certified as "Alfresco Certified Engineer";
  3. We offer our solution based on Open Source, Russian assembly. Our Citeck ECOS platform is part of the .

Described system versions: Citeck ECOS 3.2.a, Alfresco Community 5.1.f.

List of abbreviations

Table 1. Abbreviations

Basic concepts of the system

Applications server is a Java Enterprise Edition software component that allows you to launch and run Java applications.

Alfresco system structure

Three-tier structure

Alfresco follows a three-tier architecture (Figure 1):

  • data storage (Physical storage);
  • Alfresco Application Server (Alfresco Content Application Server);
  • Alfresco client applications (Alfresco Client).

Figure 1 – Alfresco link structure

The “Data storage” link consists of a file storage (File System) and a database (Relational DB). File storage is used to store document content (files) and document versions. All other information (metadata) is stored in the database. The Alfresco database schema is not a public API, changes frequently from version to version of Alfresco, and therefore should not be used when interacting with Alfresco. Instead, it is recommended to use one of the many public services to interact with Alfresco (Embedded API, Remote API, see below).

The Application Server link provides advanced services for working with documents. All business logic for working with data is focused on this link. To work with various types and clients, the application server provides various kinds of external protocols such as CMIS, REST API, CIFS, IMAP and others. On the other hand, the application server works with data storage through a connection to the DBMS (JDBC) and OS file system mechanisms. Thanks to the use of these mechanisms, any implementation of DBMS and file systems can be used as a data store; the only essential requirement is the availability of the necessary JDBC and OS drivers.

The “Client Applications” link is represented by various Alfresco client applications. This can be either web clients in the browser, or applications for desktop and mobile platforms, and even access through file system mechanisms (CIFS, FTP, WebDAV).

The described architecture allows the implementation of various types of document-oriented applications, such as file management (Document Management - DM), web content management (Web Content Management - WCM), document management (Records Management - RM) and others.

Application Server Structure

Alfresco Application Server is a Java web application and consists of various components. On upper level The structure of the application server is shown below (Figure 2).

Figure 2 – Alfresco application server structure

The application server should be considered as an extended DBMS that provides a wide range of services for working with documents:

  • services for working with content (Content Services) - modeling, search, versioning, multilingualism, export/import, content transformations, content classification through categories and tags, extracting metadata fields from content;
  • control services (Control Services) - business processes, rules and policies, access rights, access audit, preview generation, publication;
  • Collaboration Services - favorites, “likes”, event feed, wikis, blogs, forums.

These services are provided through a number of software interfaces and protocols:

  • internal interfaces (Embedded APIs) - interface for Java, JavaScript, FreeMarker (templates), languages ​​for modeling content and business processes;
  • external interfaces (Remote APIs) - interfaces for web services (SOAP), web scripts (REST), as well as CMIS API (options for SOAP and REST);
  • other protocols (Protocols) - CIFS, WebDAV, FTP, IMAP, SharePoint.

The application server architecture allows you to implement various types of modules and extensions to a standard set of interfaces:

  • content models;
  • business processes;
  • additional services for Java, JavaScript, FreeMarker;
  • rules and actions, policies;
  • additional web scripts (REST API).

Interaction with adjacent systems

To implement its services, the application server uses the services of related systems. In particular, third-party systems are used for:

  • indexing and searching (Lucene, SOLR);
  • authentication (LDAP, NTLM, Kerberos, External)
  • content transformations (LibreOffice, ImageMagick, SWF Tools).

Indexing and searching are absolutely essential features in most Alfresco applications. In new versions, Alfresco no longer uses the Lucene subsystem and recommends using SOLR.
The search subsystem supports a number of application-essential characteristics:

  • checking access rights before issuing search results to the user;
  • support various languages search, including Full Text Search, CMIS, Lucene.

Authentication subsystems allow you to delegate the function of user authentication to external systems. Most often, when integrating with an enterprise infrastructure, directory services such as Microsoft Active Directory are used for these purposes. With this integration, user information is imported from AD into Alfresco, and authentication takes place using one (or more) of the LDAP, NTLM, and Kerberos protocols. A comparison of authentication protocols is given below (Table 2)

Table 2. Comparison of different authentication protocols

When using NTLM, the Alfresco server plays the role of a “man in the middle”, in fact exploiting the vulnerability of the protocol. Therefore, only NTLM version 1 is supported. NTLM version 2 is not supported when interacting with Active Directory because authentication to third-party services is not the purpose of the NTLM protocol. The recommended authentication protocol for integration into enterprise infrastructure is Kerberos.

Content transformations are used for various purposes, such as generating previews and icons, printing, and scaling images. LibreOffice is used to convert office formats (and PDF), ImageMagick is used to convert images (and PDF), and SWF Tools is used to convert PDF to SWF for preview.

These services can run as Windows services, but Alfresco does not provide this by default.

Resources required to run Alfresco

Hardware resources

Very roughly, Alfresco's system requirements can be calculated as follows.

For 50 concurrent or 500 registered users:

1.5 GB JVM RAM 2x server CPU (or 1xDual-core)

For 100 concurrent or 1000 registered users:

1.5 GB JVM RAM 4x server CPU (or 2xDual-core)

For 200 concurrent or 2000 registered users:

2.5 GB JVM RAM 8x server CPU (or 4xDual-core)

If you plan to deploy the Alfresco server in a virtual environment, then these numbers should be multiplied by two.

The volume of the database depends mainly on the approximate volume of cards, for example, number of documents 1000 x number of fields 20 x average field size 10 bytes x average number of versions 5 x indexing factor 2 = 1000 x 20 x 10 x 5 x 2 = 2,000,000 bytes = 2 MB.

If processes are set up based on documents, history is maintained or another is stored Additional Information, this should also be taken into account.

The amount of disk space depends on the size of the document content, for example, number of documents 1000 x average size 1 MB x average number of versions 5 = 1000 x 1 x 5 = 5000 MB = 5 GB.

The size of disk space for the index (lucene, SOLR) is calculated in a similar way, and several times smaller (approximately 3 times).

Software Resources

  • During a standard installation of Alfresco on Windows systems, the following services are created:
  • alfrescoPostgreSQL - to run PostgreSQL - a DBMS that serves the Alfresco database;
  • alfrescoTomcat - to run Apache Tomcat - a servlet container that serves Alfresco web applications.

If these service names were taken, the installer selects similar unused names, for example, alfrescoPostgreSQL-1 or alfrescoTomcatnuml.

When installed on Linux systems, a single alfresco service is created that runs all the necessary Alfresco components (PostgreSQL and Tomcat by default).

Alfresco components occupy the following TCP network ports by default (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparison of different authentication protocols

Port Component Protocol Description
5432 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
8080 Tomcat HTTP Web Application Port
8443 Tomcat HTTPS Web Application Port
8009 Tomcat A.J.P.
8005 Tomcat Shutdown port
8000 Java Java debug port (disabled by default)
7070 VTI SharePoint Online editing support
21 Alfresco FTP Can be disabled in
445 Alfresco CIFS Can be included in
50500 Alfresco RMI Also several other RMI 8100 LibreOffice ports
8100 LibreOffice LibreOffice

If these ports are already occupied by others, then when installing Alfresco, you can specify other ports for PostgreSQL, Tomcat and VTI, and configure Alfresco ports in the file. If you need to specify other ports after installation, this can also be done, you must refer to the component configuration guides.

Alfresco extension and configuration methods

Alfresco is distributed as a WAR file (WAR - Web Archive - Java Archive Format) or several WAR files that must be installed on the Java application server(s) (for example, Apache Tomcat or JBoss Application Server). Extensions and modules, as a rule, are packaged inside web applications, while configuration elements are located in a separate place - the so-called. shared classpath (for Tomcat this is the tomcat/shared folder).

Alfresco supports the following options third party extension packaging:

  • unpacked files;
  • ZIP archive;
  • JAR files;
  • AMP files.

A JAR file (JAR - Java Archive) is a Java archive format and is supported by all Java application servers. JAR files are installed in the shared classpath or directly into the “WEB-INF/lib” folder of the web application. However, in this case their integrity is not guaranteed, so it is recommended to pack these files into AMP archives.

An AMP file is an Alfresco Module Package (AMP) format, which is also a renamed ZIP archive with special conventions for its internal structure. When you install an AMP file, its contents become part of the WAR file.

Configuration elements are located in the shared classpath. In particular, the main alfresco configuration file - the file is located in the root of the shared classpath (for Tomcat this is the tomcat/shared/classes folder). The configuration of other extensions is located along the path classpath:alfresco/extension (for the Alfresco repository) and classpath:alfresco/web-extension (for Alfresco Share). Commonly used configuration files are listed below:

  • alfresco/extension/* - log4j log configuration files;
  • alfresco/extension/subsystems/Authentication - authentication subsystem configuration files (for example, interaction with MS Active Directory);
  • alfresco/extension/custom-vti* — VTI module configuration files (SharePoint Protocol support for online document editing);
  • alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml - Share custom configuration.

Alfresco log files (event logs)

Alfresco log files, depending on the Alfresco version, are located either in the Alfresco root folder, or in the tomcat/bin folder, or in the root of the file system (Linux). Alfresco generates one log file per web application. Accordingly, the standard installation should contain the following log files:

  • alfresco.log - Alfresco repository event log
  • share.log - Alfresco Share event log (web interface)
  • solr.log - SOLR (indexing service) event log

In addition, Apache Tomcat keeps its logs; they are located in the tomcat/logs folder:

  • catalina.out for Linux, alfrescotomcat-stdout.YYYY-MM-DD.log for Windows - Apache Tomcat standard output
  • localhost_access_log.YYYY-MM-DD.txt — log of served requests

All of the above log files are configured to rotate, a new file is created and used every day, but old files are not deleted. If you need to delete old files as well, you need to adjust your Alfresco and Tomcat settings accordingly.

Citeck ECOS expansion modules

Three-level module structure

Expansion modules are designed to add new functionality to the Alfresco system. In order to ensure maximum reuse of functionality in a wide variety of applications, a three-level structure is used:

  1. core modules - contain basic functionality applicable in a wide range of applications (like Alfresco itself);
  2. application modules - contain functionality that is applicable only in certain document management applications, for example, managing contracts, managing powers of attorney (attorneys), managing orders, etc.
  3. implementation modules (custom) - contain functionality that is applicable only to a specific system implementation in a specific organization. Each organization has its own set of modules.

A typical system implementation involves kernel modules, one or more application modules (or without them), and implementation modules.

The Alfresco infrastructure allows modules of more specific levels to override the implementation and configuration of modules of more general levels. In particular, you can override application modules and kernel modules in implementation modules.

Composition and functions of kernel modules

The core of the Citeck ECOS system includes the following modules:

  • 1st-override-repo;
  • 1st-override-share;
  • idocs-repo;
  • idocs-share.

Modules with the “-repo” suffix are intended for installation in the alfresco.war web application (Alfresco repository), modules with the “-share” suffix are intended for installation in the share.war web application (Alfresco Share - web interface).

Modules with the "1st-override-" prefix are intended to override Alfresco files. Modules with the prefix “idocs-” contain the core functionality of the Citeck ECOS system core.

Among the features that the Citeck ECOS system adds to the Alfresco system are the following key features.

Magazines. It provides the ability to document-oriented viewing and searching for various types of documents and other objects in the system. A distinctive feature of magazines is that they take into account the specifics of different types of content and display only relevant attributes in each specific case.

Organizational structure. It provides the ability to model the structure of an organization that uses the system through the built-in Alfresco group mechanism. A distinctive feature is the ability to mark groups with different labels corresponding to different types of units and officials. Thanks to the use of the group mechanism, it is possible to issue rights to divisions and officials, as well as setting tasks for officials.

Templates. Content templates allow you to generate document content based on a given template. Card templates allow you to generate according to a given template related documents, such as approval sheets, access history, etc. Notification templates allow you to configure the sending of email notifications based on specified events. Autonumbering templates allow you to generate document numbers according to a given template. Templates in docx format (MS Word 2007) are also supported.

Advanced process capabilities. Possibility of automatically issuing rights for the duration of a task and taking them away after the task is completed. Ability to attach documents to tasks. Support for deputies.

Life cycles. The ability to simply describe the life cycle of documents in the form of a set of states and transitions between them. The great thing about the lifecycle component is that it's easy to implement and extend lifecycles, even after they've been launched. Basic business processes have been implemented (approval, signing, etc.), from which you can create life cycles documents.

Reporting support. Automatic upload of information to external base to simplify reporting using third-party tools.

Case management. The ability to organize cases - special containers with arbitrary types of attachments.

Integration. Ability to synchronize Alfresco directories with external sources. Supported data sources include SQL-compatible databases, XML files, and flat files (for importing content). It is also possible to upload information to external storage.

Document card. The ability to compose a document card from various sections (cardlets), you can rearrange sections and specify arbitrary conditions for their display.

User interface. Various visual components that enhance the capabilities of Alfresco Share and improve the usability of the system.

Composition and capabilities of application modules

The application modules include the following modules:

  • contracts - contract management;
  • attorneys - management of powers of attorney;
  • orders - manage orders.

Application modules deploy sites in the system (site of agreements, site of powers of attorney, etc.) and journals for managing the corresponding types of documents, contain the definition of models and forms for these types of documents, the definition of special policies and predefined templates, as well as some default settings, which can be overridden in implementation modules.

Description of the synchronization service

The synchronization service allows you to synchronize data in various data stores. Among these storages supported:

  • Alfresco repository;
  • external databases;
  • folders with XML files;
  • folders with arbitrary files.

The synchronization service operates with the following basic abstractions:

  • Object DAO is a service for accessing some kind of data storage; a distinction is made between Source DAO (data source) and Target DAO (data receiver);
  • Object Type - the type of objects that the Object DAO operates on; each Object DAO operates on its own type of objects, for example, repository objects, database records, XML elements, etc.
  • Object Info - information about an object of Object Type, existing or potential. Object DAO allows you to obtain Object Info from Object Type and create (update) Object Type using Object Info;
  • Object Converter - converts Object Info from Source DAO format to Target DAO format;
  • Sync Configuration - synchronization parameters: where to transfer from (Source DAO), how to convert (Object Converter), where to transfer (Target DAO).

Below is a diagram of data flows during synchronization (Figure 3). The transformation occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Source DAO receives the next set of objects for synchronization (either all of them, or only those updated since the last synchronization);
  2. Source DAO converts received objects to Object Info format;
  3. Object Converter provides consistency of Object Info formats between Source DAO and Target DAO; Additional Object Converter objects can be used to convert individual fields;
  4. Target DAO creates or updates objects according to the information received.

The synchronization service supports loading object associations through special Object Converter implementations that allow you to find and/or create associated objects according to configuration.

To increase the speed of import/export, the synchronization service supports multi-threaded work and combining the synchronization of several objects in one transaction. You can regulate the maximum number of concurrent transactions (that is, the number of threads) and the maximum number of objects in a transaction.

Download description of Citeck ECOS and Alfresco.