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How many computers in the world. The most "computer" countries in the world

The digital future that was thought about and is becoming a familiar digital present. Now you won’t surprise anyone, either with the Internet, or with a mobile phone, or with any other digital “device” ...

Let's try to evaluate the current state (information and communication technologies) in dry numbers.

How many of us?

According to ubiquitous statistics:

In 2004, approximately 20% of the world's population (1 billion people) never used either a cell phone;

The current population of the Earth is 6.89 billion people (July 2010);

Population Russian Federation is 141.9 million people (May 2010);

Quantity in the world (May 2010) - about 2 billion (in 2004 there were 700 million in the world). ; in Russia - 20 million);

Total in Russia - 52.3 million (May 2010);

Number of users in Russia it is estimated at 60 to 80 million people (May 2010);

Quantity , connected to the Internet - about 2 billion (July 2010);

According to IMS Research, the total number of all devices connected to the Internet (including , laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, smartphones , televisions with ethernet- connector, with WiFi, tablets, and on-board car systems with Internet access ) reaches 5 billion (August 2010);

The number of Internet users in the world is about 2 billion (July 2010 In 2000 - 315 million people; in Russia in 2000 - more than 1 million people);

The Internet penetration rate worldwide is 28.7%;

China has 420 million Internet users, making it the largest Internet user (July 2010);

Quantity Internet users in USA - 234 million people;

Quantity Internet users in Japan - 99 million people;

P about data Internet World Stat, the number of Internet users in Russia is about 60 million ( July 2010) ;

Number of active Internet users in Russia:

- daily audience - 25.8 million people;

– weekly audience – 36.6 million;

- monthly audience - 41.1 million (April 2010);

According to Internet World Stat, Internet penetration rate in Russia (the ratio of the number of Internet users in the country and its population) - about 43% (July 2010);

The penetration rate in Russia is about 76% (April 2010). At the same time, the fastest is gaining popularity in cities with a population of less than 1 million people;

The most common Internet access speed in 21 major Russian cities (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg) is more than 1100 Kbps (beginning of 2010 in 2009 - 410 Kbps);

On average, Russians spend on home Internet for 500 - 600 rubles. per month;

The average age of a Russian Internet user is 30;

12 million Runeters have their own blogs (May 2010);

Average age of a domain owner in a zone EN decreases - in 2006 from 28 to 26 years, and in 2007 - from 26 to 25 years;

Number of domain names in the zone .RU- 2.6 million (April 2010. At the beginning of 2009 - just over 1.8 million);

Most popular search terms - weather, Job, sex, horoscope, acquaintance, jokes, Download the music…;

According to the company J'son & Partners Consulting, in 2009 the global traffic was 14.7 exabytes.

The level of piracy in Russia (unlicensed) is about 80%;

According to Internet Pornography Statistics, users from all over the world spend about $ 3 thousand on porn on the Web every second, and the word sex is the most popular search query in the world - its share is about 25% of all queries;

There are now about 370 million porn sites on the Web;

Most parents (70%!) have no idea what their offspring are doing online;

ICT related diseases

Computer vision syndrome (computer vision syndrome) - rapid deterioration of vision (symptoms: decreased visual acuity, watery eyes, headache);

Tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) - a "mouse" disease, expressed by numbness or pain in the wrist of the manipulating hand;

Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle);

Thrombosis (blockage of veins by blood clots);

Back pain, scoliosis, osteochondrosis;

Computer addiction;

Gaming addiction (the average age of children has dropped to 6 years old!);

Information dependence;

Mobile addiction - dependence on a mobile phone (expressed in the need to constantly make/receive calls, send/receive SMS, MMS…);

information stress. Since there is an avalanche-like growth of information, even trained ICT users are often “stressed” about the fact that they do not have time to process this information;

digital divide. Recently, psychologists have been talking about the fact that the inability to use information technology (especially among older people) leads to the so-called digital divide– digital divide, inequality based on access to ICT, and warn that this is fraught with social consequences.

The rating, compiled on the basis of data from the International Telecommunications Union based in Switzerland, reflects the situation with the provision of personal computers to residents of different countries of our planet at the beginning of the 21st century. And despite the fact that computer technology is progressing at a tremendous speed, technology is becoming cheaper and more accessible every year, the approximate trends reflected in this report may well be attributed to the current publication of the situation.

Thus, the United States, despite being the leader in the total number of personal computers in the country, relative indicator the number of PCs per capita was still in second place, losing the palm to such a state as San Marino, in which, due to the abundance computer technology and a small population, there are as many as 727 computers for every thousand people. While in the USA - only 554, in other words, a little more than one computer for two Americans.

In third place in the ranking was the country of victorious socialism, Sweden - there, too, no one experiences any problems with computers - 506 cars for every thousand Swedes. A similar situation in Denmark and Switzerland - 501 and 491 computers per thousand inhabitants, respectively.

In seventh place among the most computerized powers in the world immediately after Norway, Bermuda suddenly appeared - 465 computers per thousand islanders. Close the top ten Australia, Luxembourg and Singapore - 456, 440 and 421 computers respectively. It is noteworthy that such an advanced country in the field high technology like Japan - only in 21st place with 314 computers for every thousand Japanese. And in 26th place was Israel - 259 cars.

From the republics former USSR The situation with computerization is best in the Baltics - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania occupy 35.38 and 66 places on the list, respectively. Russia in this rating occupies the 78th line - exactly between Jamaica and Fiji. In the Russian Federation, there are 43.59 computers for every thousand inhabitants. Of the other CIS countries, only Georgia and Ukraine were included in the list - at 95 and 100 places, respectively, with indicators of 22 and 18 computers per 1,000 inhabitants. It is noteworthy that in terms of the total number of used personal PCs, Russia is quite high on the list, in 13th place, although we still have 26 times fewer of these same computers than in the United States.

There are also many computers in India and China - in terms of their absolute number, these countries occupy 4th and 16th places in the top100, but the population of these countries is so large that, in terms of thousands of inhabitants, the figure is quite miserable, so neither China nor India are in the list of hundreds leading countries in terms of the number of PCs per capita were not included.

Experts predict that in the near future both lists - the rating of the total number of computers in the country, and the rating of the relative number of cars in terms of the number of inhabitants in a particular state - should undergo significant changes. For a significant increase in the number of PCs in developed countries is not observed, almost all of them are already equipped with such equipment, and the process of replacing obsolete models with new ones is being actively developed. But in rapidly developing, including in terms of computerization, countries, primarily in the Asian region, a completely different process is underway - equipping with computers those places where they did not exist at all before, so the increase in the total number of PCs is much stronger here, which will inevitably cause a change of leaders in the ranking, experts tend to believe that the picture will undergo drastic changes in the next 8-10 years.

Analytical agency We Are Social and the largest SMM platform Hootsuite have jointly prepared a package of reports on the global digital market Global Digital 2018. According to the data presented in the reports, today more than 4 billion people use the Internet worldwide.

More than half of the world's population is now online, and about a quarter of a billion of them went online for the first time in 2017. The highest growth rates are observed in Africa - the number of Internet users on the continent increased by more than 20% compared to the same period last year.

One of key factors growth of the Internet audience this year has become affordable smartphones and low-cost tariffs for mobile Internet. In 2017, more than 200 million people became mobile device owners for the first time, and now two-thirds of the world's 7.6 billion people have mobile phone.

More than half of the mobile devices in use today are smart, making it increasingly easy for people to access all the possibilities that the Internet has to offer, wherever they are.

Growth is also noted in the audience of social networks. In the last 12 months, the number of people on the most popular social platforms increased daily by almost 1 million new users. More than 3 billion people interact with social networks every month, and 9 out of 10 go there from mobile devices.

The main findings of the reports are discussed in detail below, but for now - here short review of the most significant digital metrics in 2018:

  • The number of Internet users in 2018 reached 4.021 billion people, up 7% compared to the same period last year.
  • The audience of social networks in 2018 totals 3.196 billion people, which is an increase of 13% compared to last year.
  • Mobile phones in 2018 are used by 5.135 billion people - 4% more than a year ago.

So, what does all this valuable information say?

1. Billion years

This year, not only the number of Internet users has increased. The time people spend online has also increased over the past 12 months.

According to the latest data from GlobalWebIndex, the average Internet user today spends about 6 hours a day using devices and services that depend on an Internet connection. This is, roughly speaking, a third of the total waking time.

If you multiply this time by 4 billion of all Internet users, you get a staggering figure - in 2018 we will spend 1 billion years online in total.

2. Distribution of the future

As noted in last year's report, Internet access is unevenly distributed in different parts of the world. In 2018, the situation is almost the same, but there are some shifts.

While much of Central Africa and South Asia still have low Internet penetration, these regions are showing the most impressive growth in online audiences.

The number of Internet users in Africa has increased by 20 percent compared to last year's data. In Mali, the number of people with internet access has increased almost 6-fold since January 2017. Online audience in Benin, Sierra Leone, Niger and Mozambique for Last year doubled.

It's not just another billion connected.

The spread of the Internet in developing countries will change the way people around the world use the Internet. This is because companies like Google, Facebook, Alibaba and Tencent are looking to offer scalable global products that meet the needs of these new users and the environment in which they go online. These changes will definitely have a significant impact on the future of the internet.

3. Communication on the move

More than two-thirds of the people in the world today have a mobile phone, most of them smartphone owners.

Over the year, the number of unique mobile users increased by more than 4 percent, although penetration remains below 50 percent in much of Central Africa.

People around the world prefer to access the Internet from smartphones. They generate more web traffic than all other devices combined.

Moreover, this data only relates to web usage. According to recent data from mobile app market research company App Annie, people today spend 7 times more time on mobile apps than on mobile versions of browsers. This suggests that the share of mobile devices on the Internet is most likely even higher than the above figure.

The latest information from Facebook only confirms this assumption: only 5% of the social network's global audience use the platform exclusively from the desktop.

4. Eleven new users per second

Over the past year, a little less than one million people discovered social media for the first time every day - that's more than 11 new users per second.

Saudi Arabia posted the highest growth rate among the 40 countries surveyed, at 32 percent. India lagged slightly behind the leader, the number of social media users increased by 31 percent in a year here.

Growth was partly facilitated by the fact that people of the older generation began to join social networks. On Facebook alone, the number of users aged 65 and over has increased by almost 20 percent in the past 12 months.

Teenagers (from 13 to 17 years old) among the audience of Facebook also increased, but only by 5% since January 2017.

The gender balance among Internet users is still uneven. Thus, the latest data provided by Facebook suggests that there are still significantly fewer women online in much of Central Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

5. The Philippines hold the lead

True, the Brazilians are already breathing down their necks. The Indonesians and Thais overtook the Argentines for third and fourth in this year's rankings.

6. Facebook still dominates

For Mark Zuckerberg and his team, 2017 has been another great year with impressive growth across all platforms owned by Facebook Inc.

Facebook's main group space continues to dominate social media, growing its user base by 15% in a year. At the beginning of the year, there were almost 2.17 billion profiles on the social network.

Messengers WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger last year grew twice as fast as the main Facebook platform. During the year, the number of users in each of the applications increased by 30 percent.

Although the audiences for these apps are roughly equal, according to recent data from SimilarWeb, WhatsApp has come out ahead in terms of geographic reach. Today, WhatsApp is the top messaging app in 128 countries, while Facebook Messenger leads in 72.

In only 25 countries around the world, the most popular messaging app is not the messenger owned by Facebook.

Despite these impressive statistics, Instagram has managed to surpass all Facebook apps in terms of growth over the past 12 months. The number of users here has increased by a third.

7. Organic Reach Continues to Drop

Organic reach and engagement on Facebook (based on data from 179 countries) have declined over the past year, with average reach rates down more than 10 percent from the previous year. Despite the depressing dynamics, these numbers will be valuable benchmarks for marketers around the world.

8. Increasing the speed of mobile Internet

Data transfer rate in networks mobile communications growing, this trend can be seen on a global scale. Analytical agency GSMA Intelligence reports that more than 60% of mobile connections today are classified as broadband.

However, there are significant differences in the speed of mobile communication in different countries. In Norway, the average download speed for mobile networks is 60 Mbps, almost three times faster than the global average.

Users mobile internet 6 countries, including the Netherlands, Singapore and the UAE, boast average connection speeds above 50 Mbps. At the other end of the ranking are 18 countries, including India and Indonesia, where the average data transfer rate in mobile networks does not exceed 10 Mbps.

There are also good news: behind last year average mobile data speed increased by 30 percent.

This news can please not only the impatient. A faster connection helps reduce stress levels. Studies show that delaying just a few seconds while uploading a video can spike your anxiety levels in the same way as watching a horror movie or solving a complex math problem.

Thanks in part to increased data transfer speeds, the average smartphone owner, regardless of geography, consumes almost 3 GB of data every month, which is 50% more than last year.

9. A sharp increase in spending in online stores

According to the latest figures from Statista, a digital market survey, the total e-commerce market in the consumer goods sector grew by 16% last year. Annual spending reached $1.5 trillion in 2017, with fashion as the largest single category.

Globally, the number of people using platforms ecommerce for the purchase of consumer goods (such as fashion, food, electronics and toys) increased by 8 percent. Nearly 1.8 billion people around the world shop online today.

Approximately 45 percent of all internet users shop on e-commerce platforms, but e-commerce penetration varies by country.

The check of each buyer in the online trading segment is also growing. Comparing with the previous year average revenue per user grew by 7 percent to $833. The British spend the most on online purchases - according to current data, in the UK, more than 2,000 US dollars are spent annually per user.

It should be emphasized that these figures are only consumer goods. If we add spending in other categories such as travel, digital content and mobile apps, the global e-commerce market is likely to be around $2 trillion.

Internet in Russia 2018: key figures

The Russian digital market echoes global trends.

  • Most popular mobile app in Russia (both in terms of audience and number of downloads) — WhatsApp, followed by Viber, VK and Sberbank Online. Instagram ranks fifth in the ranking in terms of the number of users and sixth in terms of the number of downloads (here it was ahead of the Yula service from Mail.RU Group).
  • 63% of domestic Internet users are looking for online goods and services, but only 46% make purchases. The top spenders are on travel and hotels ($7.903 billion, up 24% from last year), toys and hobbies ($4.175 billion) and fashion and beauty products ($4.783 billion).

Top Internet Trends 2018

In 2018, the digital market will continue to gain momentum, and despite the unprecedented pace of growth this year, we see that access to the opportunities that the global network offers is unevenly distributed. This creates a good foundation for development and suggests that the digital market has definitely not yet reached the ceiling.

However, this development cannot be called linear. There is a transformation of online consumption: Internet users are becoming more mobile, desktops are gradually being replaced by more convenient devices that can be carried around. As a result, purchases are smoothly flowing online, the web is losing ground, yielding part of the traffic to applications, and social media play a more significant role - this is valuable information for the business.

These are the main results of the research conducted by We Are Social and Hootsuite. It is difficult to say for sure what awaits us in a year, but it is obvious that the Internet will become even more firmly integrated into our everyday life by changing the structure and ways of consuming information.

How many computers are there in the world?

According to statistics published in the annual Computer Industry Almanac 2003, there are approximately 663 million personal computers in operation worldwide. But more than two-thirds (448 million) are concentrated in 12 countries with a total population of less than a billion people, that is, 15.4 percent of all mankind. This list of a dozen countries includes (in descending order by number of computers) the United States, Japan, England, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, Holland, Spain, Russia, and South Korea. If you exclude the United States, which has 31 percent of the world's personal computers, the rest of the world has just 40 computers per 1,000 people.

1. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov: On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of his birth. – M.: Nauka, 1980.

2. Andreev I. A. Combat aircraft. – M.: Young. guard, 1981.

3. Azimov A. Guide to science. Per. from English. – M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2004.

4. Bagger H. Reforms of Peter the Great. Per. from dates – M.: Progress, 1985.

5. Baker J. History geographical discoveries and research. Per. from English. - M .: Publishing house of foreign. Literature, 1950.

6. Belyavsky V. A. Legendary Babylon and Historical Babylon. – M.: Thought, 1971.

7. Library of the journal "Science and Life", 1997–2004 ( electronic edition). – M.: MediaHouse, 2004.

8. Blon J. The great hour of the oceans. Per. from fr. – M.: Slavyanka, 1993.

9. Great Russian Encyclopedia: In 30 volumes / Prev. scientific - ed. Council Yu. S. Osipov. - T. "Russia". – M.: Bol. Ros. encyclopedia, 2004.

10. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: In 30 volumes / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1969–1978.

11. Borisov N. S. Ivan III. – M.: Young. guard, 2003.

12. Bray W., Trump D. Archaeological Dictionary. Per. from English. – M.: Progress, 1990.

13. Wikipedia: Electronic encyclopedia (Internet resource of free access).

14. Vladimirov S. V., Volkov V. A. Reason against dogma. – M.: Nauka, 1982.

15. Naval Dictionary / Ch. ed. V. N. Chernavin. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1989.

16. Time to search / Comp. V. D. Zakharchenko. – M.: Young. guard, 1990.

17. Gilyarovsky V. A. Moscow and Muscovites. – M.: Pravda, 1979.

19. Diogenes Laertes. About the life, teachings and sayings of famous philosophers. – M.: Thought, 1979.

20. Natural science: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Comp. V. D. Chollet. – M.: Bol. Ros. encyclopedia, 2002.

21. History of the Ancient East / Ed. V. I. Kuzishchina. – M.: graduate School, 1979.

22. History of the ancient world: In 3 volumes / Ed. I. M. Dyakonova and others - M .: Nauka, 1989.

23. History of Ancient Rome / Ed. V. I. Kuzishchina. - M .: Higher School, 1982.

24. History of the Middle Ages: In 2 volumes / Ed. S. D. Skazkina and others - M .: Higher School, 1977.

25. History of the USSR (XIX - early XX century) / Ed. I. A. Fedorova. - M .: Higher School, 1981.

26. History of the USSR from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century. / Ed. B. A. Rybakova. - M .: Higher school, 1983.

27. History of France: In 3 volumes / Responsible. ed. A. Z. Manfred. - M. Nauka, 1972.

28. Results of the Second World War (collection of articles). Per. with him. - M .: Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1957.

29. Karpov A. Yu. Vladimir Saint. – M.: Young. guard, 2004.

30. Karpov A. Yu. Yaroslav the Wise. – M.: Young. guard, 2005.

31 . Calder N. The comet is coming. Per. from English. – M.: Mir, 1984.

32. Kondrashov A.P. The latest guide the necessary knowledge. – M.: RIPOL classic, 2005.

33. Krylov A. N. My memories. - L .: Shipbuilding, 1984.

34. Kuzmichev V. E. Laws and formulas of physics. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1989.

35. KuhlingH. Handbook of Physics. Per. with him. – M.: Mir, 1983.

36. Lozinsky S. G. History of the papacy. – M.: Politizdat, 1986.

37. Gliozzi M. History of Physics. Per. from Italian. – M.: Mir, 1970.

38. Manfred A. Z. Napoleon Bonaparte. – M.: Thought, 1986.

39. Molchanov N. N. General de Gaulle. – M.: Intern. relations, 1973.

40. Nikolsky N. M. History of the Russian Church. – M.: Politizdat, 1985.

41. Olympic Games. Little Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. K. A. Andrianov. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1970.

42. Pavlenko N.I. Ekaterina I. - M .: Molod. guard, 2004.

43. Pavlenko N. I. Menshikov: Semi-power ruler. – M.: Young. guard, 2005.

44. Pavlenko N.I. Peter the Great. – M.: Young. guard, 1976.

45. Pipunyrov VN The history of watches from ancient times to the present day. – M.: Nauka, 1982.

46. ​​Polytechnic dictionary / Ch. ed. A. Yu. Ishlinsky. - 2nd ed. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1980.

47. Russian Orthodoxy: milestones of history / Ch. ed. A. I. Klibanov. – M.: Politizdat, 1989.

48. Ryzhov K. All monarchs of the world. Western Europe. – M.: Veche, 2000.

49. Sagan K. Cosmos: Evolution of the Universe, Life and Civilization. Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2004.

50. Sadaev D. Ch. History of Ancient Assyria. – M.: Nauka, 1979.

51 . Sergeev V. S. History Ancient Greece. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1948.

52. Skrynnikov R. G. Ermak's Siberian Expedition. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982.

53. Dictionary of antiquity. Per. with him. / Comp. J. Irmscher. – M.: Progress, 1989.

54. Soboleva T. A. Secret writing in the history of Russia. – M.: Intern. relations, 1994.

55. Soviet military encyclopedia: In 8 volumes / Prev. ch. ed. commissions A. A. Grechko, N. V. Ogarkov. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1976-1980.

56. Solovyov S. M. Readings and stories on the history of Russia. – M.: Pravda, 1980.

57. Tarle E. V. Collected works: In 12 volumes. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1958–1960.

58. Wilson M. American scientists and inventors. Per. from English. – M.: Knowledge, 1975.

59. Falk-Rönne A. Where are you, paradise? Per. from dates – M.: Progress, 1989.

60. Physics of the microworld. Little Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. D. V. Shirkov. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1980.

61 . Florya B. N. Ivan the Terrible. – M.: Young. guard, 2003.

62. Hanke H. People, ships, oceans (6000-year sailing adventure). Per. with him. - L .: Shipbuilding, 1976.

63. Hoag J. Nostradamus: complete collection prophecies. Per. from English. – M.: FAIR-PRESS, 1999.

64. Chronicle of mankind / Comp. Bodo Harenberg. – M.: Slovo, 2000.

65. Chernyak E. B. Age-old conflicts. – M.: Intern. relations, 1988.

66. Churchill W. Second World War. Per. from English. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1991.

67. Ardley N. et al. Lots of Things to Know. – L.: Treasure Press, 1991.

68. Baigent M., Leigh R., Lincoln H. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. - N.Y.: Dell Publishing, 1983.

69. Chambers Book of Facts. – Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd, 2002.

70. Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac 2003, 2004. - Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

71 Feiler B. Walking the Bible. - N.Y.: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001.

72. Feldman D. Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? - N.Y.: Harper & Row Publishers, 1987.

73. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2004. - N.Y.: World Almanac Books.

74. Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. - N. Y .: Portland House, 2004.

The newest book of facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archeology. Miscellaneous] Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

How many computers are there in the world?

How many computers are there in the world?

According to statistics published in the annual Computer Industry Almanac 2003, there are approximately 663 million personal computers in operation worldwide. But more than two-thirds (448 million) are concentrated in 12 countries with a total population of less than a billion people, that is, 15.4 percent of all mankind. This list of a dozen countries includes (in descending order by number of computers) the United States, Japan, England, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, Holland, Spain, Russia, and South Korea. If you exclude the United States, which has 31 percent of the world's personal computers, the rest of the world has just 40 computers per 1,000 people.

This text is an introductory piece. author

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