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Personnel management styles: how to choose the right one. Dictator, liberal, democrat: how to choose a management style What does an authoritarian leadership style mean?

It will be as I say!

The authoritarian style of influence is interaction with people according to the vertical scheme “I say, you obey” with the subtext “your task is not to discuss, but to do what is told.” An authoritarian leadership style is a style when the leader decides everything himself, without discussion with employees or guided to a small extent by their opinions.

​​​​​​​Point 1: the leader makes a decision and issues an order. Such extreme authoritarianism is quite effective in the army. Point 2: The manager makes a decision and sells it to his subordinates, that is, he explains why this decision is good. He simply explains, but does not consult with them. Point 3: The manager asks the opinion of his subordinates, collects information, and then makes his own decision, which may be 180 degrees different from what they advised, and this is known in advance. This is the model of a military council. Point 4: The manager asks for the opinion of employees and makes a decision that takes into account their opinion. Point 5: The manager can speak to the employees, but the decision is made by a majority vote in a general voting process. Point 6: The decision is made by the Team, which the manager may not even be a part of. People can solve everything without him. If it's a real team, this can also be a very effective option.

Correct, reasonable democracy requires very serious education of people,
otherwise they will unanimously vote for the wrong thing or the wrong thing. The crowd easily votes for the dictator.

A person prone to authoritarianism is an authoritarian personality. It is important to note that an authoritarian person may well use other leadership styles and, when necessary, practice a completely democratic style. Moreover, it is quite authoritarian to demand that subordinates use their heads and begin to discuss and think about the manager’s intentions when he needs it.

The most common way to ensure unquestioning obedience is through penalties, instilling fear of punishment, and negative reinforcement of noncompliant behavior. A less common option is when the manager’s orders are carried out unquestioningly due to respect for him, recognition of his experience and authority, and also in the case effective use leader of positive reinforcement of the desired behavior of employees.

Authoritarianism in itself is neither good nor bad. Appropriate authoritarianism is determined primarily by the personality of the leader: in whose hands it is, who demonstrates it. When executed by a person of low intellectual, cultural and personal level, authoritarianism is a disaster. As a tool of developed and wise man, a leader by nature - joy and salvation. The second important factor is the urgency of making a decision. If decisions must be made urgently, especially instantly, authoritarianism is the only way out. If there is an opportunity to discuss and there is someone with whom, what is needed is not authoritarianism, but discussion. The third circumstance is the ability of employees to solve a specific problem, and more broadly, to think and discuss in principle. If there are children or wild people nearby, it is better to resolve the issue yourself and only tell them what they need to do. If the team (or a specific employee) is wiser than the manager in this matter, then it is more appropriate to consult with them and discuss everything. In addition, the existing culture and traditions determine a lot. If people are accustomed to authoritarianism, they do not need “democracy” and are perceived as a manifestation of the leader’s weakness. If people are accustomed to being consulted and their opinions taken into account, authoritarianism will cause them to protest and be perceived as a sign of disrespect towards them.

How does parental authoritarianism affect children's upbringing? Can we confidently say that authoritarian parents can raise both downtrodden, weak-willed and very confident, courageous and independent children, who largely copy their parents? It seems that the determining factor is the image of the parents: if authoritarian parents evoke respect and admiration from children as strong and confident people, then children copy the parental style and reproduce it wherever possible. If children with authoritarian parents are in long-term conflict (or parents are in constant dissatisfaction with their children), then clashes between parents and children will either suppress the child’s will, or, on the contrary, train it, but in the mode of negative authoritarianism. Authoritarian parents can have wonderful, thoughtful, strong-willed and independent children, and most often this happens if the parents love and care for the children, command respect from the children and confidently, step by step, in accordance with age, insist that so that children begin to show independence and personal strength. Authoritarian education is a necessary stage in

Hi all! If a leader holds power only in his own hands, one can even say that he is quite dogmatic and distrustful of his subordinates - this means that he has chosen authoritarian style management. And today we will look at how justified this is and what types of underwater rocks such pronounced directiveness.

general characteristics

IN modern world does not occur as often because the idea of ​​equality and support prevails. This allows you to unlock the potential of employees, inspire them to achieve and, in general, motivate them to work. In the Soviet Union, authoritarianism was very popular in various enterprises. People of that time had few opportunities for development, and most did not even think about their vocation.

There are such varieties:

  • Dictatorial - the manager makes decisions, and his subordinates strictly follow them. But not because of trust in a significant figure, but due to existing sanctions and punishments.
  • Autocratic - characterized by the power of the apparatus of power, which is simply limitless.
  • Bureaucratic - the use of outdated, sometimes ineffective management techniques in work. The authority of the boss is formal.
  • Patriarchal - subordinates treat the director as a father figure. They are ready to follow him and voluntarily obey.
  • Benevolent - the manager enjoys authority due to the fact that he treats his team more kindly than with other types of management.

Main features of authoritarianism

  • As mentioned above, dogmatism. That is, faithful adherence to ideas that are considered indestructible and true. And this indicates the inflexibility of the manager. He is not able to change his mind, even in situations where it is absolutely necessary to do so, otherwise completely unfavorable consequences will follow.
  • Ban. For individuality, freedom of action, initiative, etc. Diligence is almost the only trait that is encouraged.
  • Lack of trusting relationships.
  • Rigidity in handling and exactingness. It is for this reason that diligence is valued. The employee is obliged to strictly follow the instructions and in no case act on his own initiative.
  • Punishment. The staff is not responsible for the results of their activities, as they are deprived of the ability to make decisions. Why is he subject to punishment if boundaries are not respected? For example, for being late, absenteeism, or failure to complete assignments on time.
  • The microclimate in the team leaves much to be desired. Relations are purely collegial, official, superficial. People have no chance of getting closer to each other, if only for the reason that even this process is controlled by the authorities.
  • A large distance between the manager and his subordinates. Even thoughts about closer communication are not allowed. The boss is too inaccessible a figure to allow himself freedom in conversation.
  • Lack of emotional support or empathy. Since employees are perceived only in professionally, there can be no talk about any of their personal characteristics. What happens inside, what experiences and difficulties arise, no one cares. A person must do his job efficiently, despite his emotional state. You can only be upset and worried at home or outside of work hours.
  • Subjectivity. Only one person has the right to an opinion, and accordingly, it is quite difficult to objectively think and evaluate the actions of staff.
  • There is little opportunity to show initiative, which may be “punished.”
  • Vertical presentation of information. That is, only from a higher-ranking person to a lower-ranking person.



Let's remember dogmatism. If a person is not able to change his point of view, then he is not able to find a compromise. How then to regulate conflicts and situations when someone is not happy with something? When there's only one correct opinion? True, very difficult. In any case, one side must constantly submit and bend, even realizing that the authorities are committing a grave mistake, which will affect the success of the company or enterprise.

Blindly following your own guidelines can undermine your authority. Employees will no longer consider such a manager to be a professional, experienced and knowledgeable. Accordingly, what kind of trust can we talk about? Moreover, both sides will doubt each other’s abilities. The management believes that employees cannot be left for a minute, otherwise they will ruin everything, and they, in turn, think that they are not particularly lucky with a manager who does not understand what he is doing at all. And not only does he not understand, but he also does not want to listen to those who offer sensible ideas.


The work of an authoritarian leader is quite highly paid. Just imagine how much responsibility one person has. He needs to think for a large number of people, make difficult decisions on his own that could cost him his career. This negatively affects his family relationships and health. Usually such people cannot afford to relax even during vacation. After all, this is not just a type of leadership, it is already a lifestyle.

Respectively, wage must compensate for the sacrifices they have to pay. The company needs to work hard not only to hire a competent manager, but also to retain him for as long as possible.


Due to behavior control, employees sometimes have a difficult time in the workplace. Since there is practically no opportunity to get support from colleagues or help. Due to the fact that people are not united due to lack of connections and cannot act independently, if the manager leaves or “falls out” from the system, the entire team will disintegrate. They cannot function without a leader who tells who to do what.


The resources, creativity and thinking abilities of only one person are used. And, as we know, there are no ideal people and anyone can make a mistake or stumble. Therefore, the lack of opportunity to look at a problem from a different angle, more broadly and objectively, is sometimes costly.

Yes and creative personalities cannot withstand such pressure from authority. They need to have freedom of action, only then can they express themselves. Suppression of talents and desires can lead to an uncontrollable outbreak of aggression, especially if you had to restrain yourself for a long time.

Advantages of an authoritarian management style


A person does not need to think; someone else thinks for him. No matter how scary or rude this phrase may sound, it actually includes advantages - subordinates do not waste energy on finding solutions to problems. They do not need to be responsible for the process, result, etc. The only thing required is to follow orders. And if you do your job well, then you will have confidence in the future.


This style is most effective and justified in crisis situations. When panic arises, lack of coordination of actions occurs, people cannot decide on the choice of leader and, in general, do not know what to do, who to listen to. In such cases, being directive allows you not only to work effectively, but also to achieve results as quickly as possible.


It is believed that a person will try to avoid work if possible. Therefore, when he is not controlled, he relaxes. And although this statement is quite controversial, company performance with this management style is usually at a high level, since orders and threats of punishment do their job.

The advantage is also that ordinary tasks are completed faster when there is a clear scheme of actions, when responsibilities are distributed and everyone knows what piece of work they are responsible for. Creativity and liberality in similar cases will slow down the process.

In addition, as you know, deadlines encourage you to work more actively and give 100%, and a competent manager systematically organizes them. To keep staff on their toes and develop the company as quickly as possible, bypassing competitors. Agree, it is a rare person who will independently set strict requirements and difficult tasks for himself.


The material was prepared by psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Alina Zhuravina


The efficiency of a company largely depends on internal organization, an accepted system of relationships and a clear distribution of employee responsibilities. All these factors are determined by the manager and his personnel management style.

The style of personnel management refers to the nature of communication between the manager and subordinates, the methods of distribution of powers, and responsibility in the team. The same entrepreneur different stages business development can undergo application experience different styles management.

Despite the fact that in many small companies the team may consist of only a few people, an entrepreneur should understand the different styles and adapt their features to his business. But effective management personnel is not only communication with employees. This is also the ability to correctly distribute responsibilities, and not dump all the work on several subordinates due to a simple lack of hands. IN small business Where it is not possible to maintain a large staff, a convenient solution is to outsource some of the functions. For example, it is very convenient to entrust accounting and reporting to professional accountants and pay only for services actually rendered.

Basic styles of personnel management

IN economic theories and management textbooks describe a fairly large number of personnel management styles. The main ones are authoritarian, democratic, liberal, businesslike. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider how styles and methods of personnel management are formed and changed depending on the goals and stages of business development.

Liberal or family style of personnel management.

This style is based on the principle: one team - one family. How does this happen in practice? Almost every aspiring businessman, when organizing his first enterprise, gathers partners from his close social circle into a team - these are relatives, friends, former classmates or colleagues.

At the initial stage, such a company is united by a common desire to realize general idea, make money, resist circumstances and competitors. Since the aspiring entrepreneur has no experience in management and leadership, he introduces into management the only available knowledge and methods - team building on the basis of equal votes, an equal contribution of time and effort. Basic principles of the family style of personnel management:

  • relaxed, friendly style of relationships, the team is one family, everyone is friends;
  • the atmosphere in the company is homely and friendly;
  • corporate culture - family values, comfort and coziness for everyone;
  • the manager is a comrade who has a small priority (gives out wages).

This atmosphere in the company continues until the first serious results are achieved and solid profits are made. As the business develops, tasks become more complicated, the number of projects increases, and the first troubles begin - missed deadlines, failure to fulfill responsibilities, problems at the external and internal level. The usual everyday principle comes into force: we divide the profit among everyone, we are one team, and troubles and losses are the problems of the owner or manager.

The result is the dismissal of friends and relatives, the hiring of professionals, the introduction of a different management system.



Manager's communication style

Friendly, trusting

Transparency of personal relationships, team interaction

Making decisions

General approval

Unifying idea

Family corporate culture, team spirit

Average professional, high psychological

Employee initiative

Low or medium (no incentive)

Communicating management decisions

In the form of a request

Examples of the successful implementation of this system are many Japanese companies. But unlike start-up companies, they have a hierarchy:

  • leader, owner - father, caring for the company and subordinates;
  • staff are united by common interests;
  • improvisation of employees is allowed;
  • the basis is trust and confidence in the future, objective assessment and collective responsibility.

Conclusion: in most cases, the family style of personnel management works in cases where the company has been formed for a long time, has established connections and strong positions in the market.

Authoritarian style of personnel management

This style is the absolute opposite of the family management system. The management position in the authoritarian style of personnel management is based on the principle of strict discipline and unquestioning obedience to the orders of the boss. An authoritarian system is characterized by:

  • rigid hierarchy;
  • focus on results;
  • clear distribution of responsibilities;
  • suppression of employee initiatives.

The main unifying idea in an authoritarian style of personnel management is to achieve maximum results, reach high levels, and overtake competitors. The advantages of the system include the rapid achievement of goals, the disadvantages are a difficult psychological climate in the team, the concentration of all management functions on the manager, and high staff turnover.


Goal, result

Manager's communication style



Making decisions


Unifying idea

Presence of a common enemy (competitor)

Personnel qualification level

Low due to high turnover, the most talented leave

Employee initiative

Low, not encouraged

Communicating management decisions

In the form of an order, command

Conclusion: the authoritarian style of personnel management is justified and gives excellent results in crisis situations and in unstable conditions, when main goal overcoming difficulties is in favor and rapid achievement of results is necessary.

Business style of personnel management

One of the most effective management styles used in most American companies. For a businessman who has already used two previous systems and understands the shortcomings of the rigid vertical system management, business style of personnel management is the next stage. With this management system, the level of professionalism of each employee and the general desire to make a profit come to the fore.

Main features:

  • focus on success and profit;
  • assessing the effectiveness of each employee;
  • career growth is proportional to the professionalism and initiative of the employee;
  • salaries are distributed according to the efficiency and usefulness of employees (depending on personal results).

To priorities business style HR management includes increasing the contribution of each employee and significantly increasing profits through a clear system of interaction and rewarding personal results. Disadvantage: rapid burnout, workaholism.


Result, profit, development

Manager's communication style

Business cooperation without rigid frameworks

Transparency of the business sphere, closeness of personal relationships

Making decisions

Sole or collegial depending on circumstances

Unifying idea

Professionalism, benefits

Skill level

High professional level, low psychological contact

Employee initiative

High, enthusiasm encouraged

Communicating management decisions

Form business etiquette, dialogue

Conclusion: this system is effective for established companies that are actively growing and developing, covering new market segments.

Democratic style of personnel management

In a democratic management system, the manager acts as a coordinator of business processes, directs, delegates responsibilities and gently controls. Companies that have already achieved high level profitability, paying great attention to new developments in business, technology or production. The main characteristic of this style is collegial methods of personnel management:

  • high degree of trust between the manager and subordinates;
  • decisions are made through general discussion;
  • comfortable atmosphere, low staff turnover;
  • support for new ideas and employee initiatives.

The main unifying idea of ​​the democratic style is not only the value of the result, but the methods of achieving it. The advantages include an ideal environment for professionals, the opportunity to introduce new creative ideas. Disadvantages: the slowness of the processes due to lengthy discussions and the search for the most correct solutions.


Result and methods to achieve it

Manager's communication style

Open, accessible, moderately friendly

Openness and transparency of all processes

Making decisions

Collective decision making, frequent general meetings, meetings

Unifying idea

Unified principles of company development

Skill level

Highly qualified employees in the professional and psychological spheres

Employee initiative

High and encouraged initiative

Communicating management decisions

Conclusion: the democratic style of personnel management is suitable for companies whose activities are related to modern technologies and research, where added value is created by creative and creative people.

The choice of personnel management style depends on many factors, mainly on pressing tasks and problems. At different stages of development, one company and one manager can use various systems. By defining goals and methods for achieving them, management can implement mixed company management systems.

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Reading time: 11 minutes. Views 2.7k. Published 12/02/2018

An employee appointed to the position of manager is faced with the need to manage the rest of the company's employees. The concept of “management style” includes a combination various techniques and methods aimed at increasing efficiency labor activity personnel. According to experts, the effectiveness of the company depends on the effectiveness of the chosen methodology. Over the past ten years, all classical styles have undergone significant changes. The reason for such changes is technological innovations and changes in the working conditions themselves. In this article, we propose to consider the most effective styles of personnel management.

Leadership style is a method, a system of methods for a leader to influence subordinates

A competent leader is the basis of a successful business

The word “leader” is formed by merging the phrase “leading by the hand.” Each company has an employee who is responsible for monitoring the operation of all mechanisms. The workforce is precisely the mechanism on which the future fate of the company depends. This means that management's first priority is to monitor all employee activities. The company administration must make every effort to achieve the goals outlined by its owner. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to establish competent communication between management and the rest of the team.

Management style is the model of behavior chosen in relation to employees.

The term "style" has Greek roots. The word was originally used to refer to a metal rod that was used to write on wax boards. A little later, this word began to be used to refer to unique handwriting. Based on the meaning of this word, we can conclude that management style is a unique method of communicating with subordinates. Leadership style may vary depending on the personality traits of the individual. The formation of “handwriting” occurs in the process of working on managerial position. Many experts in the field of psychology note that all people have a unique behavior pattern, despite the fact that they follow the same norms and rules.

Types of management styles

Personnel management methods are a hot topic, around which loud debates constantly arise. Psychologists and management specialists cannot come to a common decision regarding this issue. The theory of personnel management itself appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. During this time, the created methods were repeatedly modified and acquired new meaning. The development of this science has led to the creation of several fundamental models of personnel management. Each technique has unique specifics and differs from other leadership styles.

The manager at all levels of the organization’s management system acts as a leading person


This term denotes the authoritative type of personnel management. The basis of this style is the desire to establish one’s own power in all areas of the company’s life. This management method implies that the company's employees will receive minimal pieces of information. This approach to management activities is explained by the fear of losing one’s own position and distrust of the staff. Bosses who adhere to this style tend to isolate themselves from strong and talented employees. The best employees are those who are able to guess the boss’s thoughts from the first word.

This management style leads to gossip and intrigue within the team. It should be noted that in this case, employees are unable to act independently. Most production issues are resolved only with the help of superiors, since none of the subordinates can predict the director’s reaction to the initiative shown.

An authoritarian management style is characterized by the unpredictability of the actions of a person holding a leadership position. In such a situation, employees are afraid to talk about the possible negative consequences of the decisions made. The chosen behavior leads to the creation of the illusion that everything is happening according to the established plan. Employees do not dare to defend their own position even in situations where they see inaccuracies in the manager’s decision. It is important to note that this policy of the company administration interferes with the work of staff due to strong moral pressure.

The authoritarian style involves transferring power to one person. The person holding the post of general director independently resolves work issues, determines the role of each subordinate and deprives employees of the opportunity to make independent decisions. The employees' task is to unquestioningly follow orders. It is the need for strict control that explains the fact that employees receive minimal information about the plans of their superiors. A person who chooses this management model must be tough and domineering. The effectiveness of this method is observed only when the boss manages to impose his own will on his subordinates.

According to the director of the company himself, all subordinates are trying to avoid performing their immediate tasks. That is why management uses various methods of control and coercion to work. Such managers often introduce various punishment systems into their enterprises. The very atmosphere prevailing in the team is rarely taken into account, since the boss sets strict boundaries between himself and the employees. According to psychologists, this behavior has a number of adverse consequences. In this case, company employees are considered only as a tool used to achieve set goals. People working in such a team often feel dissatisfied with their work.

The emergence of intrigue, attempts to please superiors and set up your colleagues are excellent grounds for the development of stress. An increase in psychological stress leads to the emergence of various diseases. Using this behavior model is advisable only in a few cases:

  1. Army and combat conditions.
  2. Government structures that require the construction of a clear hierarchical ladder.
  3. Companies with low level consciousness of workers.

Leadership style - the way a leader behaves towards subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization


This leadership methodology is based on the fact that all employees of the company take part in the life of the organization. The management’s task is to distribute responsibilities evenly between all participants labor process. The name of this technique is derived from the Latin word “demos”, which translates as “power of the people”. Many psychologists claim that this style is one of the most effective management models. An analysis of the effectiveness of various management methods showed that the option under consideration makes it possible to increase the productivity of workers several times.

Management using this technique completely trusts their employees and the decisions they make. In such a team, equality reigns, and all workers take an active part in the decisions of all important issues on the agenda. The use of this technique implies the creation of a trusting relationship between the employee and the administration. This connection is based on mutual understanding between all participants in the work process.

A democratic management style allows you to find new ways to solve administrative issues, thanks to the participation of each employee in the discussion. This is precisely what explains the desire of management to listen to the opinions of all workers. This approach guarantees improved quality of work and acceleration of internal processes. Choosing this model of behavior means that the company's management will use methods of persuasion and stimulation of subordinates, instead of trying to impose their own decisions. This method involves the use of penalties only in situations where CEO will try all other available methods.

Many psychologists note high efficiency this behavioral strategy. Management using this technique is sincerely interested in the achievements of employees. All decisions are made taking into account the needs of employees. A friendly attitude contributes to the growth of initiative and activity of workers. A person who is completely satisfied with his job strives to improve his professional skills and work results. In such an atmosphere, each person is content with his own position. Most experts note that such an atmosphere has a positive effect on the psychological and physical health of employees.

The chosen leadership style is closely related to personal qualities person. Persons who choose a democratic model of behavior have high authority among staff. In order for this style to be effective, the boss needs to be an experienced speaker and a subtle psychologist.. Only if you have all the above qualities, this style will bring the desired result. Otherwise, management’s attempts to improve the functioning of the company’s internal mechanisms are doomed to failure.


A liberal management style in an organization can be called a free model of behavior, which implies tolerance and leniency towards employee misconduct. This method implies complete freedom of action for each worker. The boss himself rarely takes direct part in work matters. As a rule, such persons seek to shift their functions to a deputy, entrusting him with control over the situation.

The choice of this model of behavior clearly demonstrates to others that the person holding a leadership position does not understand his responsibilities well. In this case, decisive action is taken only when such instructions come directly from the owner of the company. If problems arise, such a director will try to evade the responsibility assigned to him. Resolution of important issues related to the activities of the company is delegated to the deputy or other persons. In order to earn credibility among employees, liberals issue employees bonuses or provide benefits.

The manager is the leader and organizer in the management system

Despite all the shortcomings, this style also demonstrates effectiveness in some areas of business. This behavior model can be used in the following areas:

  1. A partnership company formed by several lawyers.
  2. Writers' Union.
  3. Companies involved in the creative sector.

The opinions of psychologists are very contradictory in the case of this model of behavior. In this case, everything depends on the nature of the workers themselves. The effectiveness of this management technique is observed in those companies where each employee is an independent, qualified and responsible worker. However, even in this case, the manager needs assistants who will from time to time establish strict discipline within the company.

It should be noted that there are a number of organizations in which subordinates control management. In such companies the boss is good friend and a friend. In the event of controversial issues and conflicts, employees show pronounced resistance. The very development of conflicts and other negative phenomena is explained by the lack of discipline and the devil-may-care attitude of management. Such directors try to distance themselves as far as possible from managing the affairs of the company. The main issue that concerns such a director is maintaining friendly relations with his subordinates.

Coaching as a new direction in management

Coaching is a mixture of psychoanalysis and business. This type management activities appeared only a few years ago. It is important to note that this business management system is rapidly gaining momentum.
In this case, the business coach does not give direct instructions and rarely delves into the problems of the team. Such consultations are based on the fact that an employee who describes his own problem independently finds the right solutions. Today, this style is considered one of the most promising trends.

Management styles according to the theory of Douglas McGregor

Having considered the main management styles of a leader, it is necessary to mention the theory of Douglas McGregor. This American psychologist in the early sixties put forward two theories dedicated to the motivation of workers and management activities.


The one-dimensional methodology is based on the fact that in the thoughts of management, all the company’s workers are trying to distance themselves from their obligations because of their laziness. In order to encourage them to perform work functions, it is necessary to use various methods of encouragement. This behavior of workers forces the administration to carefully monitor the team. Persons occupying leadership positions, rarely trust their workers. An atmosphere of mistrust negatively impacts team performance. The one-dimensional leadership style is highly similar to the authoritarian style.

Management styles develop under the influence of specific conditions and circumstances


Individuals who use this model of behavior believe that every employee has an internal incentive to improve their performance. labor results. Such bosses completely trust the staff, believing that the latter receive satisfaction from the tasks they perform. This theory suggests that allowing freedom of action and the absence of rigid rules significantly increases productivity.

Likert-type management styles

Rensis Likert is an American psychologist who developed own system principles of managerial behavior. According to this theory, all people holding managerial positions are divided into two separate groups. Representatives of the first group are solution-oriented production tasks. Persons belonging to the second group put relationships in the team first.

According to the scientist, the profitability of a company depends on the level of productivity and the dynamics of legal relations in the team. This means that high results can only be achieved with proper use. work force. A competent manager must know all the pros and cons of each employee. This approach allows you to divide the entire team into several separate groups, each of which will demonstrate high efficiency.

According to Likert, the effectiveness of a company depends not only on the level of qualifications of its personnel, but also on human motives. This means that creating a team where all participants in the process act together will significantly increase work results.

Management style is the way a manager manages his subordinate employees, as well as a pattern of manager behavior independent of the specific management situation. With the help of an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity can be encouraged. At the same time, there is no optimal management style, and we can talk about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

The following management styles are distinguished.

Task-oriented management style

The leader's efforts are concentrated on the task that needs to be accomplished, and, as Bizani states, the leader:

    decries insufficient work;

    encourages slow-performing employees to put in more effort;

    attaches particular importance to the volume of work;

    rules with an iron fist;

    draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

    encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to make even greater efforts;

    demands greater productivity from underperforming employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders:

    are often characterized more positively by their bosses than person-oriented managers;

    are positively evaluated by their employees if managers have influence “at the top.”

Personality-oriented management style

With this management style, the focus is on employees and their needs and expectations. According to Bizani, head:

    pays attention to the health of employees; takes care of good relations with your subordinates; treats his subordinates as equals;

    supports its employees in what they do or need to do;

    stands up for his employees.

A manager who manages based on the individual cannot, however, immediately count on the complete satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” is important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

There are three problems with management style:

  1. The results to be achieved by a management style contain several components that cannot be put together.
  2. Absolutization of management style is considered as a way to increase labor productivity.
  3. The management situation is seen as unchanging, while over time it can change and the manager must change his attitude towards individual employees accordingly.
Management styles can be one- or multi-dimensional. Management style is one-dimensional if one evaluation criterion is considered. Authoritarian, corporate and other management styles are one-dimensional, with the first and second styles being polarly different from each other.

Authoritarian management style

With this management style, all production activity organized by the leader without the participation of subordinates. This management style can be used when solving current problems and assumes a greater distance in education between the manager and the subordinate, as well as material motivation of employees.

The leader, by virtue of his legitimate authority, controls his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, while proceeding from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has greater understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be the case. The manager's decisions are in the nature of orders that must be unconditionally followed by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions against themselves;

The manager maintains a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know in order to perform their tasks. He controls whether and to what extent his orders are followed. Signs that emphasize a person’s position in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with authority.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    penetration ability.

Subordinates are the recipients of orders. According to the “x and xy theory”:

    the average person is lazy and avoids work as much as possible;

    employees are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

In this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited because the leader withdraws socially, delegates, as a rule, less interesting work to subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They obtain information through unofficial means due to information barriers set by the manager.

    recognition of the leader by the sole authority;

    recognition and execution of orders from the manager;

    lack of desire to have the right to control.

The advantages of an authoritarian management style are the possible greater speed of decision-making and success in everyday, ordinary work.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style

With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This management style can be used when the creative content of the work prevails and assumes an approximately equal level of education for the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical features of a corporate management style:

The manager manages his subordinates by including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects specific help from his subordinates and makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his authority as much as possible and gives orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of his subordinates and is aware that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled; self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known in order to complete tasks, but also reports other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. A leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a corporate managing director, according to Shtopp:


    trust in employees;

    waiver of individual privileges;

    ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates are viewed as partners who are able to perform relatively independently daily work" When assessing subordinates in this style of leadership, they most often proceed from the “y theory of xy theory,” according to which:

    reluctance to work is not innate by nature, but a consequence of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account goals, have self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest possible way through monetary incentives and providing opportunities for individual development;

    With favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for corporately managed subordinates, according to Stopp:

    the desire and ability to take personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is making appropriate decisions, high motivation employees and manager’s workload. In addition, employee development is supported. Disadvantage: Corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Management by delegation of authority

Such management is a technique in which competencies and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should refrain from delegating typically management functions guidelines, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees’ own initiative is supported, and their work motivation and willingness to bear responsibility are enhanced. In addition, employees must be trusted to make decisions on their own responsibility.

To successfully use delegation management, you need:

    delegation of tasks to employees;

    delegation of competencies to employees;

    delegating responsibility for actions to employees;

    eliminating the possibility of revoking delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

    establishing a procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    eliminating the possibility of manager intervention in the event of correct employee actions;

    mandatory intervention of the manager in case of an error and obtaining results settled in a special manner;

    the manager's acceptance of leadership responsibilities;

    creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks must correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, and complete in form. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions must be consistent in scope.

Advantages of management by delegation method:

    unloading of the manager;

    the ability to quickly make smart decisions; employees are transferred competencies and responsibility for engagement;

    promoting the development of one’s own initiative, work motivation from employees.

Disadvantages of delegation management:

    the manager delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relationships can be established;

    strong orientation towards tasks rather than towards employees;

    establishment of hierarchical relationships “horizontally”.

Why don't managers delegate enough?

1. Fear that subordinates do not carry out assignments competently enough (make mistakes).
2. Distrust in the competence of subordinates.
3. Fear that subordinates acquire high competence too quickly.
4. Fear of losing one’s meaning and its attendant benefits.
5. Fear of losing one's own authority or status.
6. Fear that the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear of risk.
8. Reluctance to give away work that the manager himself is good at.
9. Inability to advise and manage subordinates.
10. Lack of time to advise and manage subordinates.

Why are subordinates not ready to bear responsibility?

1. Lack of self-confidence.
2. Lack of information.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed assignments.
5. Insufficient employee motivation.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose the person to delegate to.
3. Delegate predominantly “final results” instead of precise methods for completing a task.
4. Be prepared for the fact that mistakes will be made and that they need to be forgiven.
5. Give enough authority to complete the task to completion.
6. Inform others what is delegated and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and make delegated tasks more complex.

The use of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive the management and leadership style that is sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Analysis of the activities of managers at various levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most common mistakes allowed by managers. The ten main mistakes in personnel management at an enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The tendency to let things take their course.
3. Bias against certain employees.
4. Fixed, schematic or doctrinaire attitudes.
5. Excessive sensitivity to other, including critical, opinions.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Unresponsive to employee suggestions.
8. Obvious lack of respect for the employee’s personality, such as allowing criticism in front of others.
9. Clear distrust of employees.
10. Lack of consistency in actions.

Conversely, the experience of successful enterprises has shown that the managers of these enterprises to a much greater extent:

1. value knowledge of the matter;
2. treat people as equals;
3. reward fairly;
4. detect errors objectively;
5. reliable and loyal;
6. listen to opinions that differ from their own;
7. value progress;
8. have the authority of experts in the matter;
9. free from bias;
10. tolerate criticism;
11. capable of change than the heads of unsuccessful enterprises.

Management or leadership style - most important factor in enterprise management. A correctly defined and successfully applied style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in last years Many companies pay such significant attention to this issue.