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Administrative support. Administrative support for business at all stages of the organization’s functioning

Job responsibilities An administrative assistant does more than just answer the phone and order lunch for the boss. Read this article to learn more about these responsibilities. The job responsibilities of an administrative assistant have now expanded to more complex responsibilities like making presentations and running an office. Job description The administrative assistant includes project management duties and responsibilities. Basically, it works in multitasking mode. His primary responsibility is to provide administrative support to help run the office smoothly and efficiently.
An administrative assistant reports to a manager as if he were a senior administrative manager. An administrative assistant's responsibilities require paying attention to the smallest details, being well organized, and having excellent communication skills. An administrative assistant's responsibilities include executing and coordinating administrative activities office, receiving and integrating data and distributing information to clients and company employees.
The duties and responsibilities of an administrative assistant also extend to performing various duties such as scheduling meetings, organizing and maintaining paperwork, conducting research and disseminating information using telephone, email, letters and websites. An administrative assistant's responsibilities also include support with travel arrangements and guest accommodations.
An administrative assistant is also required to effectively operate and operate faxes, photocopiers, scanners, video conferencing, telephone systems, computer and office programs, etc. He/she should also be fairly familiar with word files, spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, reports, documents, publications, software and digital charts.
An administrative assistant must possess good communication and negotiation skills when speaking and working with customers, vendors, and other employees. An administrative assistant should be able to manage shares and other data stores. Many companies delegate the duties and responsibilities, training and orientation of new employees to an administrative assistant. An administrative assistant requires knowledge to manage video calls, supervise the work of other employees, review notes, presentations, reports, etc. They must also be able to prepare plans, organize committee and executive meetings.
Primary responsibilities include collecting correspondence, reports and other documents. They must be able to maintain office files, open and distribute documents by mail, organize meetings and coordinate the repair of office equipment. They are also responsible for maintaining confidential information and files, records of decisions made, arranging for the payment of fees, research and support in the preparation of motions, office policies and procedures. They should also greet and assist visitors, answer phones and direct them to the appropriate department.
The duties and responsibilities of an administrative assistant also include office organization, ordering stationery, managing clients and performing office work smoothly. If any glitches appear in the day-to-day running of the office, he should be able to eliminate the problem.
The candidate must have certain skills and knowledge. This includes knowledge:

Office administration
Financial aspects
Information about employees and files
Word processing programs and also use spreadsheets

The candidate must have skills that include:
Written communication skills
Interpersonal Skills
Decision making ability
Problem solving ability
Verbal and communicative listening skills
Time management skills
Local language, as well as other common languages ​​of communication, development of reading and writing skills
Organization skills

On a personal note, I would like to add that the candidate must have an excellent work ethic, must be honest, reliable, humble and flexible. The individual must have cultural sensitivity and treat all employees and customers of the organization with respect.

He may face various difficulties during his/her work. These include working long hours, using computers, and lifting or moving individual office supplies and supplies. He may face continuous employee interruption and may have to talk to him/her on a regular basis. The assistant must be mentally and physically strong. He needs not only to talk with employees and clients, but also to meet deadlines, track orders and deliveries, and must also have high accuracy in maintaining the level of all the basic and nuances of the work. In some cases, he must have knowledge regarding certain legal aspects, terminology, and procedures. Those who work in healthcare settings may require specific knowledge related to medical procedures, equipment, terminology, and reporting.
You may find a job and it may be huge and challenging, however it is certainly one of the rewarding job opportunities. The entire office depends on you and you will need to know every nook and corner of the office. It becomes like your child and you have to nurture it and make sure it runs smoothly. You must have experience in secretarial skills, a certificate of completion high school with basic office and computer skills. There are a large number of companies looking for candidates with a bachelor's degree for administrative assistant positions. If you are an ambitious person who doesn't shy away from responsibilities and challenges, this is the right career path for you.

All secretaries are responsible for providing administrative support to the manager. These responsibilities include organizing business meetings, conferences and travel. Read our article about how to properly organize these events.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to properly organize a business meeting for a manager;
  • administrative support for the manager in organizing meetings;
  • administrative support for the manager in organizing business trips.

The manager's secretary should provide maximum assistance in organizing various events, be it a meeting or a trip to another country. It is often difficult for beginners to understand all the nuances at once. That is why today we will look at how to organize administrative support for a manager.

Administrative support for the manager: organizing meetings

Primarily, administrative support for the manager includes activities such as business meetings. They can be held both on the territory of your organization and outside. Business meetings are conventionally divided into business conversations and negotiations. The first ones are held in a free form and represent a discussion of any issues. Business conversations do not always end in decision-making, which cannot be said about negotiations. Negotiations imply a more strict format of meetings, which are organized to make important decisions on the development of pricing policy, joint activities organizations, etc. Negotiations always end with the signing of final documents or a verbal agreement.

If a business meeting is held on the territory of your organization, then you need to prepare the premises, formulate an agenda, prepare necessary documents and promptly notify all invitees. If the meeting will take a lot of time, then it is necessary to provide for the organization of a break, the availability of drinks (tea, coffee), as well as the number of seats for all participants.

Administrative support for the manager in organizing meetings

When preparing meetings, the manager and secretary must take into account the following recommendations:

It should be taken into account that there are two types of meetings: operational and planned. When preparing an operational meeting (which is held according to a specific schedule), the secretary must engage in inviting participants, notifying the manager about those who did not show up and finding out the reasons for the absence. During the operational meeting, the secretary must be in the reception area and receive calls and visitors.

When holding a scheduled meeting (session) with a large number of participants, preparation begins 1.5–2 weeks before it takes place and includes the following steps:

  • setting the date, time and location of the meeting;
  • drawing up an agenda, list of participants and speakers;
  • performing work that may be required before the meeting;
  • drawing up the text of the invitation.

A special type of meeting is the so-called “ brainstorm" Such a meeting is held when it is necessary to solve a complex problem, find a way out of a confusing situation, or make a responsible decision.

For this meeting, it is necessary to formulate one task - the most important and requiring immediate solution. The fewer employees who take part in the meeting, the faster a solution can be found. The time allotted for this event should also be strictly limited. You'll be surprised how time constraints drive decision-making. The decisions put forward during such meetings must be collective. Those. Each proposed solution must be discussed taking into account the proposals of all participants. As a rule, it is the amendments introduced by the majority that make it possible to find the most correct and necessary solution.

Administrative support for the head of business travel arrangements

Organizing travel for an executive is one of the most difficult parts of a secretary's job, especially when it comes to traveling to other countries. In the latter case, obtaining a visa may be the most difficult and tedious process. Let's figure out how to avoid mistakes at this stage.

To obtain a visa, you need to collect a package of documents requested by the embassy. To save time, we recommend that you first visit the embassy website and familiarize yourself with the requirements and conditions for issuing visas. After this, you need to call the embassy - sometimes embassies do not have time to post the changed requirements on the website.

Worth remembering! Conversations with the embassy (including making an appointment to submit documents) are paid. Invoices are issued to individual and paid through the bank. If you do not pay the bill on time, then next time you will not be provided with information and will not make an appointment to apply for a visa, even if you contact another embassy - at the embassies single base data.

During the call, clarify who, where and under what conditions can submit documents (for example, a power of attorney may be needed) for a visa, in what currency and where the visa fee is paid (sometimes embassies accept payment through banks - in this case, do not forget to take confirmation with you payment) and on what date the entry is made in this moment. During the tourist season, registration may be made up to three weeks in advance. It might make sense to sign up right away. If documents are not submitted on time, there are no sanctions, you will just have to register again.

If you did not have time to collect all the documents, you can try to negotiate so that you are allowed to bring the missing documents later or on the day you receive the visa or send them by e-mail or by fax. This does not mean that the embassy will meet you halfway, but it is possible, especially if a person is not applying for a visa to this embassy for the first time.

On the embassy website you can download the application form, which you need to fill out, carefully reading the instructions for completing it.

There are two types of visas: business and tourist.

To obtain a tourist visa, simply request visa support from the hotel where your manager plans to stay. Often it is issued exclusively for the dates for which the hotel room is booked.

To obtain a business visa, an invitation from business partners is required. The procedure for obtaining a business visa is usually more complicated than a tourist visa: the embassy requests confirmation of business contacts (contracts, invoices, extracts from registers, etc.), therefore, for a single exit, a tourist visa is often issued through a hotel. But if your manager plans to visit the country often, it is better to formalize business visa, especially considering that people who entered the country on a tourist visa are prohibited from engaging in commercial activities on its territory.

It should be remembered that embassies are closed not only on Russian holidays, but also on holidays country represented. This fact should be especially taken into account in December-January, when the duration of the holidays reaches three weeks.

Next you need to book a hotel. To do this, you need to know in which part of the city most your manager will spend time on a business trip. It is better to search and book a hotel on special websites that contain city maps. Also ask about the booking conditions at this hotel. If you need to request visa support from the hotel, we recommend notifying the staff by phone or email, indicating the return email address. The received document must be printed in two copies: one will be required for the embassy, ​​the second may be requested when crossing the border. Don't forget to order a transfer for your leader, who will meet him at the airport. As a rule, most hotels offer this service. If your manager makes regular trips to the same city, we advise you to negotiate with the hotel about special services. This will allow you to book a room in advance without making an advance payment.

Attached files

  • Protocol general meeting employees on the election of representatives labor collective(form).doc
  • Regulations on business trips (form).doc
  • Job description of the secretary of the head (form).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Minutes of the general meeting of workers on the election of representatives of the labor collective (sample).doc
  • Regulations on business trips (sample).doc
  • Job description of the manager's secretary (sample).doc

Working as an administrative assistant has many similarities to working as a secretary, including training printed documents, processing telephone calls, monitoring document flow and taking minutes of meetings. In addition, the duties of an administrative assistant may include monitoring the logistics of the office, collaboration with supervisors on important projects and managing the work of secretaries. Although this position does not require any special education, administrative assistants to senior company executives, and those who work in specialized fields such as medicine or nuclear power, may require specialized education.


Often, the responsibilities of an administrative assistant are much broader than those of a secretary. Among other things, he is responsible for providing the office with everything necessary for the smooth work of employees, working with incoming and outgoing correspondence, coordinating travel schedules and meetings of several people at once. Sometimes the administrative assistant is also responsible for public relations. By informing the public about certain events, he represents his company, i.e. is the “face” of the company. In some cases, the senior administrative assistant supervises the work of junior assistants and/or secretaries and is required to periodically provide reports and presentations on their work. Quite often, a person working in this position will help conduct training for new staff, especially if the work of this staff will be related to administrative tasks. An administrative assistant will also need to have skills such as the ability to operate various office equipment and an understanding of organizing and conducting tenders for the supply of certain products and services.

Required Skills

Due to the fact that representatives of this profession have to control the work schedule of several people at once, and monitor the progress of several projects at once, they must be very attentive to even the smallest details, and are able to perform several tasks at once. They also need to have good communication skills because... Due to their line of work, they have to interact a lot with people, both with the company’s employees and with its clients. The ability to make decisions and work independently is also an important component, because an administrative assistant is a person who can quickly determine whether a document received is important or irrelevant special interest. For what email an ordinary employee can answer, and which one requires the manager’s attention more high level. How and in what order to go through the approval of documents at all official levels so that the task is completed efficiently and on time. In addition to everything mentioned, an administrative assistant must have good diction, be able to write beautifully, and understand modern technologies, because this is often necessary when working with large volumes of correspondence, databases, checking and editing documents.


An administrative assistant may specialize in the work of a specific department of a company, such as human resources or information technology. Although this state of affairs is more typical for large organizations.

Administrative Assistant official works only with top officials of the company. He may be responsible for the work of a whole group of people, or work in a team with one person. In any case, in addition to the above, an assistant at this level is responsible for organizing travel and participation in conferences senior management companies, interaction with the governing body of partner companies and members of their board of directors. Simply put, the higher, larger and more important the manager's position, the more demands are placed on his administrative assistant.

Sometimes an administrative assistant may specialize in a particular field, such as medicine or law. In such cases, in addition to standard duties, he has to perform tasks directly related to his specialization. For example, a paralegal may be required to conduct a case study and organize a brief meeting to discuss the main issues of the case. Physician assistants are often required to know how to process and bill an insurance company for services provided by a physician. medical services and laboratory operating rules.

There are also virtual administrative assistants who perform their work remotely, via telephone and the Internet.

Professional training

In most cases, a candidate for an administrative assistant vacancy can obtain this position if he has a complete secondary education and has completed courses in business ethics And information technology. For vacancies in specialized fields, such as medicine or law, the candidate needs to know, understand and navigate the mechanics of this industry and its terminology. Certificate of professional training, specialist diploma, certificate of completion of training in a recognized educational institution– all this can significantly help when applying for a job and further moving up the career ladder.

Shamaeva M.A.
graduate of ITM-24 group
IT Management Schools
RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the field of administrative management has undergone major changes in most business sectors and industries. Over the course of perhaps the last decade in Russia, the concept of the office of top officials, business assistance, professionalservicestuff, which are understood as specialists in administrative, economic, and management profiles with a wide range of professional competencies, allowing us to build administrative support for company management at the highest and highest quality level. This is an internal service process, based on the classification proposed by Michael Porter, an administrative support and work process, which, in turn, is designed to support the core business processes of the organization. That is all administrative work to support senior management and managers in achieving the key business objective - increasing the speed of generating company income, as well as reducing tied capital and operating expenses.

In the first chapter thesis presented theoretical basis administrative support and administration of organizations. The origin of administrative management as a body of professional knowledge is revealed, the concepts of administration, leadership and management are revealed. The administrative block in an organization is positioned as a form of administration. The functions of the administrative block, factors of internal and external administration are given.

In the second chapter my thesis, I revealed the features of administrative support for a business - from the moment of its formation to its sustainable functioning. Professionals from the administrative block working with top officials are required to take into account all the features of the stages life cycle organization, possess a wide range of professional and personal qualities requirements for the profession. The chapter discusses the model of the organization’s administration mechanism, support for adoption management decisions, and the place and role of the administrative block in organizational structures.

In the third chapter The technology of organization administration based on the structural approach of Henry Mintzberg is revealed. The main parts of the organization, coordination mechanisms, control and planning systems, and interaction tools are considered.

Chapter Four is devoted to practical issues of administrative support and administration of organizations. I consider it necessary and useful to provide a description of the portrait (profile) of an administrative worker, a leadership model, a list of professional communities and associations administrative workers. The effectiveness of the administrative unit in an organization is the main effect of administration. Practical recommendations to expand the zone of influence of the administrative block / employee are given in table form, and developed by me on the basis of the hypotheses of organizational relationships by Henry Mintzberg.

I have accumulated many years of professional experience in establishing and launching office of top officials, administrative support for top officials– shareholders, business owners and managers top level management. The result of generalizing and rethinking the administrative experience of working in companies in different business sectors was this graduation project. The problem of making competent management decisions is especially relevant in the context of increasing labor productivity in our country. Consulting companies assess productivity in Russia at a low level. According to research consulting company McKinsey&Company labor productivity on Russian enterprises taking into account the technical weapons they have, it is 30-50% of the potential level. This means that companies, paying staff 100% wages, in return they receive less than 50% of the return. As a result, we are dealing with direct losses due to low labor productivity, which amount to over 50% of the payroll.

At the same time, the total losses, depending on the number of personnel at enterprises, result in serious amounts.

Improving production, information and management technologies in conditions modern economy, as well as revaluation of individual and corporate values allowed firms using organizational approaches and administrative management to approach the solution of one of the most important tasks in any organization - obtaining maximum output from employees, and, consequently, achieving high final performance results.

The diploma project, developed on the basis of the organizational and structural approach of Henry Mintzberg, is of particular practical value. practical recommendations deriving from my personal and professional experience in administrative work.