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Ano Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex. Maspk

Main title: MASPC ANO DPO
Field of activity: Services: Education, trainings
A country: Russia
Address: Moscow, Kondratyuka, 3
Company rating:

  • Rating 3.90/5.0
Views: 1
Total reviews: 9
Description of activity: advanced training courses for construction and industrial complex Konstantin (worked for the company and knows it from the inside)
Job title: Sales Manager
Start date: September 2014
Date of dismissal: August 2015

Positive aspects of the company

I got a job in a company through a competition.
The competition is, of course, something. Lots of people crowding around. Apparently they do it for a clearer comparison of candidates.
A lot of leftists came, without experience in sales. During the hour of waiting we managed to meet each other.
We took two out of 30 people. A small reason to be proud.
Cool training system - I've never been followed like this anywhere. There is a lot of material, complex services. But they also try to explain it clearly. Methodists are professionals with a capital “P”, I agree with previous reviews.
The first month is fixed, regardless of sales. Essentially, they pay for your education. From the second month - small salary + high percentage.
50% of calls are cold. But if you are hooked, you promote the client yourself. I didn’t pass it on to anyone.
The office is good, next to VDNH. Really 5 minutes from the metro.
Coffee machine, kitchen. Budget dining room in the basement.
The team is good and young. Lots of ambitious guys.
Progressive percentage of sales. Veterans of the company take away 200k per month. Average manager - 70-100 k.

The salary was NEVER detained. I'm shocked. Not even for a day, despite the crisis and all that.

Negative aspects of the company

High requirements to sales people.
I didn’t fulfill the plan for three months - goodbye.
A lot of cold calls, at least half. (although there have been a lot of inboxes since the spring of 2015. They began to receive news advertising companies on attraction).
Strict regulations - two late a month for free, from the third there is a penalty.

IN The academy's arsenal includes more than 100 advanced training programs for managers and specialists in the construction and industrial complex, many short-term seminars and trainings. All educational programs fully comply with the requirements" National Association builders", "National Association of Designers", "National Association of Surveyors", federal state requirements for fire and environmental safety programs, requirements of the "Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation".

Advantages of distance learning at MASPC:

Current skills. You will receive only the most current knowledge and exactly those skills that are necessary in professional activities. You will learn to synthesize knowledge from different disciplines to find optimal ways to solve specific problems.

Convenient schedule. Thanks to the unique distance education system and the MASPC educational portal, you choose the class time that is convenient for you.

Interesting forms of training. You will not have long boring lectures, but active group classes, interesting tasks for independent work. High-quality educational materials are also at your service.

Personal development. One of the main tasks of the MASPC Academy is to reveal the inner potential of students and instill in them a taste for further self-development.

Communications are a unique network and personnel resource. People from different regions of the Russian Federation study at MASPC. Tomorrow they will become leaders in the construction and industrial industries. And you can be among them. Join the academy today!

Training center news

List of programs

Professional retraining


Construction. Architecture

Electrical power and electrical engineering

Transport and roads

Automation in construction

Surveying and Mining

Engineering systems

Economics and management

Operation and management


Construction control and supervision

MASPC organizes courses additional education for builders, workers, mechanics, etc. This is related to the specifics of the manager’s work. In order to competently offer a product, especially on “cold” calls (many people start with this!), you need to know what and to whom you are offering. That is, when you come to work at the Academy of Further Education, you yourself begin to learn. Although I came here to work with experience in sales...

Not suitable for everyone

08.04.19 13:36 MoscowNikita Ivanov,

There are none

Mayhem. The hiring manager will tell you tall tales about the company. Training is bad. A regular call center with a cold base. They talk about a high level of income, but the employees do not look like that, although according to them the income is high. Management does not always behave adequately. Unregulated breaks, constant surveillance of employees and denunciations. Look for another employer, don't waste...

06.03.19 17:13MoscowMichael,

I got a job at the academy right after college, back in 2017) During my work, I managed to try myself in several departments, worked both incoming and outgoing, and gained really excellent experience. At first I thought that sales was not my thing, but now it has really dragged on and I have no desire to leave to work in my specialty at all) I hope that the academy will not change for the worse and it will be the same here...

Some guys come and want to immediately start earning big money, or even get settled before the holidays and make a killing in a couple of months)) This is clearly not a story about sales in the field of education). This is worth going to for those who, on the contrary, are ready to wait a while in order to have a stable and high income.

01.03.19 09:34 MoscowAnna,

I worked at the academy as a methodologist under the leadership of Maria Agafonova. My experience was very useful and interesting, and I am very grateful to the management and colleagues for it. The pay is good, the office is close to the metro, and coincidentally, it was convenient for me to commute to work from home. And I left because working as a methodologist is not really my profile, I still prefer to teach, this is exactly what I lacked when I...

I did not notice

11.01.19 13:55 MoscowAnonymous,

Good salary level, discounted training opportunities, friendly staff, white design

Sometimes there is a strict attitude from management. You can get a reprimand for being late or a fine.

10.01.19 15:48 MoscowInna,

I came to MASCP as a call center operator, having agreed on a further transition to the position of sales manager. I waited two months, which I was very happy about, because the managers here are not bad, if you know the topic, you can easily fit into the team and get at least sixty thousand in your hands (salary and interest). The main advantages of this job: loyal management, training, a lot...

The threshold of entry into the topic, a rather stressful interview for me personally

09.01.19 14:56 MoscowAnonymous,

Friendly team, salaries on time, sales in quite interesting topics.

It takes a very long time to get to work (I'm from Ramenskoye). At first I rented an apartment not far from work and everything was great. Then I had to move out and the delays started. And then there are fines. In the end, I found a place closer; 2+ hours of travel is still too much. There are no special complaints about the academy, they moved the start of my working day up by an hour, but it was still too strict with the delays.

26.12.18 16:51 MoscowAnonymous,

I have been working in the IT department of Maspk for about a year now. The conditions are quite decent. Good salary, strict adherence to Labor Code. Another thing is that with such a number of employees and the administrators’ workload is corresponding, there is no need to rest) They write about turnover - it is only in the sales departments, no one has left us in a year)

Workload, you can’t go out for a smoke break, everything is on schedule

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I would like to thank teachers Elena Nikolaevna and Ina Konstantinovna for training, thank you for the excellent training and review material! I advise everyone to take training in this training center! !!

I am a teacher by training in English. After working at school for 7 years, I realized that I had had enough and decided to do something else. I felt that in order to radically change the direction of activity, additional knowledge was needed. On the advice of a friend, I decided to try to get additional education at the Russian School of Management. I have never regretted it. The teaching staff is top notch. Constant support didn't let you doubt that you were on the right way, although sometimes there were moments that it seemed like I couldn’t handle it. A non-standard approach is another advantage that prevents you from getting bored in class. Thank you for your time well spent.


I became acquainted with the Russian School of Management when I took the Transformation seminar. The management is primarily interested in employees working efficiently and efficiently, so they provided me with this opportunity. The recommendations that I received here were useful to me not only in my career, but also in personal growth. I learned to set goals for myself and not be afraid to take action. At work, my colleagues noticed that I began to work better and my work was appreciated. Now I take on projects that I would not have dared to take on before, and the most important thing is that I can do it. The people who lead such seminars are truly inspiring.


I’m studying to become a producer at UHD, and I’ve never regretted my decision to go study here. In addition to theoretical knowledge, there is a lot of practice (news broadcasts, programs, talk shows, filming short films). Thank you to the director, Svetlana, for your responsiveness, understanding and structure of the entire educational process! Thanks to the teachers who will always support, help and give a kick if necessary))) Every day spent at the training center brings a lot of professional experience and good mood. Thank you very much!

It is worth noting that the MASCP arose after it became clear that priorities in the world are constantly changing, which means that one higher education often it is not enough to get a job at a prestigious and money job.

Currently, advanced training courses in Moscow and retraining from one profession to another more prestigious and in demand have become incredibly popular.

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex belongs precisely to the system of additional vocational education and is located in the capital Russian Federation on Kondratyuk street, no. 3.

MASPC provides high-quality conditions for obtaining a second professional education, and an individual program will be selected for each student, of which there are currently at least seven hundred.

It is worth noting that our educational institution has all the permits to conduct educational activities, because the learning programs with relevant materials were developed with the active participation of specialists from RANEPA under the Head of the Russian Federation, MGSU, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU named after. Bauman. That is why, on July 14, 2014, the capital’s Department of Education issued the corresponding license number No. 035298 to this educational institution of additional education.

On the grounds that the legislative framework and progress do not stand still, we can conclude that they are constantly being adjusted and updated. A sign of high trust in MASPC are the positive reviews of 10,000 graduates of the educational institution who have found a well-paid job they like.

Students of courses at the Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex can gain knowledge in any form convenient for them. For students who are less busy during the day, the option of attending classes in person is available, and for those who work, the option of distance learning is available.

If the second option was chosen, the management will provide the student with a free manager who will accompany him, correctly calculating a personal training schedule according to the main workload and employment on a specific day of the week. You can contact the manager on all educational issues, receiving timely support at all stages of training.

For distance learning, you only need a computer or laptop and Internet access, as well as persistence in acquiring knowledge. In this case, you can receive a diploma in the following specialties:

  • construction;
  • pedagogy;
  • architecture and design;
  • transport sector;
  • healthcare;
  • economic sector and state procurements;
  • restoration and estimate work etc. etc.

Studying using reference materials and MASPC programs is interesting and not very difficult, since they have a clearly thought-out structure educational material, and also aimed at a thorough and consistent study of the relevant aspects of the specialty being acquired. All information provided is directly related to qualification standards and international legal features, which are typical for the territory of the Russian Federation.

Not everyone is allowed to study for doctors and other specialties at MASPC, but only citizens:

  • having a diploma of completed secondary education;
  • have received a diploma of completed higher (professional) education.

After graduating from higher education educational institution additional education will receive a corresponding diploma, which gives the right to occupy a certain position within the framework of the acquired specialty.

What does admission to MASPC give?

By becoming a student at the MASPC courses, you can automatically receive.