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Workplace Certification Center. What is a workplace certification center

Quite often, when carrying out measurements, methods for measuring harmful and dangerous substances are not followed. production factors(VOPF, – ed.). This entails incorrect conclusions of suitability and unsuitability, for example, technical means in the workplace, as a result - an incorrect assessment of the class of working conditions. Only an experienced, highly qualified specialist can correctly and accurately determine the conditions in the workplace.

Unfortunately, the exact requirements for what a certification expert should be are not supported by law. But in connection with the reformation of the process, all subsystems began to be revised, therefore government agencies, most likely, will consider this issue as well. But so far there is only general idea about them.

What is he like: a certification expert?

First of all, he is competent and has an analytical mind, professional skills in the field of examination of working conditions, and deep knowledge on the issue of certification.

List of requirements regarding professional activity specialist looks like this:

  • Skills subject to certification;
  • Carrying out instrumental measurements of harmful and hazardous factors production environment(VOPF, – ed.);
  • Hygienic assessment of VOPF;
  • Assessment of the degree of injury hazard;
  • Assessing the employee's availability of funds personal protection;
  • Ability to draw up measurement protocols.

In addition to knowledge of the specifics of automated workplaces, the specialist is also subject to general requirements: having a higher, secondary or additional education in the relevant profile, work experience from one to three years, availability of a certificate/certificate of special training in measuring the VOPF of the working environment and labor process and other types of training in the field of labor protection.

The right to an automated workplace.

The competence of any specialist, as we know, must be confirmed through certain tests. The powers and rights of the certification specialist are confirmed by an official document - a certificate or certificate. If you logically build a chain, they are, of course, issued by any body that is accredited for training in the field of labor protection. But first, specialists must pass. The training program includes the following knowledge: current state normative and legal framework AWS in the Russian Federation; legal and socio-economic aspects of automated workplaces and the purpose of compensation; conducting a quality inspection of workplaces; role certification commission; methodological and metrological aspects of conducting VOPF measurements; time of influence of factors on the final results of automated work; creating a list of jobs; registration of results, responsibility for violation of the certification procedure. The result of the training is an exam, most often conducted in the form of testing. If the results are positive, a certificate of training on general issues of automated workplaces on working conditions is issued, which indicates the right to carry out certification work.

Obtaining a certificate of certification is not the final achievement of an expert. The instrumental base is constantly being improved, technologies and methods of measurement processes are changing, and accordingly, a specialist must be aware of all innovations, know them and be able to apply them in practice, and improve their skills with the help of professional courses.

Like any system, the automated workplace was also transferred to electronic document management. Registration now occurs through various electronic programs. The most common one today is the “Certification” PC (ARM-5). It is precisely this knowledge that is required for a certification specialist. In addition, the certification specialist must be able to extract and prepare samples for research, as well as be able to correctly document information about operations related to sampling (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 618).

Allowed us to review the work of all subsystems: accreditation of testing laboratories, experts, certification of the instrumental base, etc. People tend to be wary of change because they don’t know what to expect from it. In any case, the united work of all departments is already noticeable, which pursue one goal - the establishment of proper order in the field of labor protection. Solidarity on this issue will allow us to achieve good results.

To become someone in this life, each person must make every effort to achieve this, must have an excellent knowledge of theoretical issues, master the practical part and constantly engage in self-improvement. Sometimes it is difficult to combine these components, but for your own good and for the good of the people around you, this is important. So it is with certification specialists. In order to coordinate, methodical control and job evaluation guidelines, you must apply your own diligence and effort. Thus, a certification specialist is essentially a generalist who not only must have knowledge regulatory framework, but also practical skills comprehensive assessment working conditions.

To date great importance Each enterprise has periodic certification of workers in accordance with working conditions. The importance of this procedure is that it guarantees safe exercise labor activity. In accordance with Law No. 342 on workplace certification, it must be carried out every five years. Based on its results, an appropriate certificate or certificate will be issued.

Our workplace certification center will provide everyone with the most detailed information and advise on the procedure for carrying out this procedure. We are ready to offer optimal prices, a flexible system of discounts, as well as the shortest possible deadlines.

In addition, the center’s employees guarantee full legal and consulting support for all important processes. For every enterprise, such assistance in workplace certification will be truly indispensable.

We carry out this procedure in several areas:

  • study of the tension and severity of the labor process;
  • checking working conditions in accordance with hygienic criteria (assessment of chemical and physical factors: noise, lighting, microclimate, vibration, air, non-ionizing radiation, etc.);
  • assessment of the provision of employees with specialized footwear, clothing, as well as other personal protective equipment that meets established requirements;
  • workplace safety inspection.

Please note that the study of working conditions is carried out using laboratory, instrumental, and ergonomic methods.

Following the provisions of Law No. 342 on workplace certification, our center provides a full range of services to the required extent, in particular verification staffing table enterprises, research of action plans, statements, etc.

When contacting us for help, keep in mind that the company is accredited in the Rospotrebnadzor system. Work on workplace certification is considered the main activity of our company. Over many years of successful work, we have accumulated impressive experience in creating and implementing instructions in the field of labor protection, as well as job descriptions for a significant number of organizations. Today, we only provide assistance in workplace certification from highly qualified and experienced specialists in the field of labor protection.

It is to attract a certifying organization that measures harmful and dangerous production factors (VPF, - ed.) working conditions. In the previous Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2007 No. 569, the fact of its presence was relative: the employer could invite an external certifying organization, or could carry out the certification independently. Many organizations had for this developed services labor protection, major industrial production– own specialized laboratories. Although practice has shown that even large enterprises To ensure completeness of information and reliability of the results, accredited organizations were often invited. Let us remind you once again that, unlike the new order, attention was not focused on this point.

Now a third-party specialized certifying organization is required to be present during the certification, and one of its representatives must be a member of the certification commission. A specialized organization must act in relation to the employer and its activities as an independent person. They enter into a civil contract to carry out measurements with a subsequent assessment of working conditions in accordance with regulatory labor protection requirements.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 No. 205n dated (as amended on November 22, 2011), a specialized organization providing services in the field of labor protection must include a testing laboratory for certification of workplaces (IL). Testing laboratory is an accredited, competent organization that has the right to conduct instrumental measurements in the relevant area. The laboratory must ensure objectivity, independence, impartiality when carrying out measurements, and have a high-quality metrological base.

In connection with the release of the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 602 of June 19, 2012, accreditation of testing laboratories, as well as certification bodies, is now carried out by federal Service on accreditation (Rosaccreditation, – ed.). Each IL must have an accreditation certificate for the areas in which it will work. Information about accredited testing laboratories is stored in State Register accredited certification bodies and testing laboratories, which is publicly available on the Russian Accreditation website.

To obtain an accreditation certificate, you will need to send a list of documents for consideration to Rosaccreditation. Verification and registration takes place within 90 days. For this purpose, an expert commission is created, the first stage of which is the examination of documents. The next step of the commission is an on-site inspection, which determines compliance with the established accreditation criteria. In terms of timing, it should not exceed 20 working days. The on-site inspection report is sent to the Federal Accreditation Agency, which directly makes a decision on accreditation of the testing laboratory or refusal. The basis for refusal of accreditation is inaccurate information contained in the submitted documents and the applicant’s inconsistency with the area in which he expressed a desire to provide services. The accreditation certificate is valid for five years from the date of receipt. It can be re-registered, for example, if there is a change legal address, in connection with the reorganization of the enterprise, changes in name, when reducing or expanding the scope of accreditation. The accreditation certificate must be periodically confirmed: the first inspection control is carried out 1 year from the date of accreditation, then every two years. Control is carried out in the form of an on-site inspection. An expert group conducts an inspection to confirm compliance. If violations are detected, Rosakkreditatsiya suspends or terminates the accreditation certificate (suspension is valid until the causes of the violation are eliminated, termination of the certificate - if more than two violations were committed within one year, or by at will certifying company, during reorganization, liquidation of a legal entity, etc.). The inspection control plan is posted annually on the official website of the Federal Accreditation Agency.

In relation to these rules for certification of workplaces, let us clarify that in order to carry out instrumental measurements of conditions at workplaces during certification, the IL must have the appropriate scope of accreditation. The scope of services provided during certification is determined in accordance with the list of types of products and types of tests according to the requirements regulatory documents: the laboratory assesses hygienic working conditions, determines the degree of injury hazard and the availability of collective protective equipment.

From January 1, 2013, to obtain accreditation, one of the criteria will be the presence of an IL quality management system, the requirements for which must be reflected in the quality manual (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2012 No. 682). It is obligatory to have specialists in certification and verified measuring instruments.

Experts (certification specialists) of testing laboratories who carry out measurements must meet a number of requirements. Availability of a higher specialized education, work experience in the specified field for at least three years, participation in certification work, knowledge of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. All skills must be supported by official evidence of special training in measuring the occupancy rate of the working environment and work process and other types of training in the field of occupational safety and health.

When carrying out CVF measurements, the laboratory should use only special verified measuring instruments. Certified ones must be available to each IL on the right of ownership or on another legal basis (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2012 No. 682, paragraph 11). Measuring instruments must be verified by specialized metrological organizations of Rostechregulirovanie of the Russian Federation, which issue a certificate with a number assigned and an indication of the validity period.

One of the primary tasks of the laboratory during certification is to measure the VOPF and determine the class of working conditions in the workplace. A complete list of names of factors in the working environment is indicated in (Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 342n). The assessment of these factors is carried out by comparing the results obtained with the maximum permissible values, on the basis of which the class of working conditions is determined.

When assessing the risk of injury, the following inspection objects are distinguished: equipment, tools used in technological processes, compliance with the training of workers by means of instruction. The assessment is given based on the requested regulatory documents and through an external inspection of workplaces.

The results obtained from checking the workplace according to hygienic criteria and injury risk, an assessment is made of the provision of PPE for the employee, and the availability of a certificate or declaration of conformity of the PPE used at the workplace is checked. For each assessment of the criteria for a worker’s working conditions, a protocol is drawn up, the results of which are then entered into the certification card.

The Federal Service for Labor and Employment organizes periodic inspections of certification bodies. The results can be found on the official website. The employer can use this information when choosing a certifying organization.

The testing laboratory carries out measurements to determine production factors, their admissibility and inadmissibility of influence. The accuracy of the results obtained depends on their competence and compliance with modern standards, on which the future fate of people who tirelessly develop their strength and health will depend. production activities. So the concepts of “objectivity and effectiveness” should be the main credo of any certifying organization providing services, regardless of the directions and area of ​​service provision.

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Assessment of workplaces various companies and LLC

Until 31.12. 2013

The company "Unified Consulting Holding" offers certification of places for working conditions at a low cost. Our company is ready to carry out certification of your application, the price is affordable, all details can be found by calling the phone number listed on the website. From January 1, 2014, certification was replaced by a Special Assessment of Working Conditions. (On January 1, 2014 came into force the federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On special assessment working conditions") Our company has a professional level of holding such events, and the price for the services provided is lower than in similar companies.

The purpose of this procedure is a professional assessment of the working conditions of each employee of various companies and LLCs, as well as the identification and elimination of possible factors that pose a danger to the health and life of the employee.

All rules and procedures for conducting legal certification of places of work, on legal terms for LLCs, were introduced into legislation Russian Federation. Only the employer has the right to carry out certification of working conditions. Certification of working conditions in order to identify various harmful factors that are present in the workspace of all LLC employees is a mandatory check at every enterprise (LLC).

During the implementation of these activities for LLC, it will be established certain rules and the procedure for certification of places for each employee. If necessary, employees are provided with protective equipment and additional supplies. Carrying out a planned certification will allow you to accurately determine which employees must pass medical checkup. You can also determine who falls under the category of benefits and additional compensation.

The commission that will carry out all activities includes the head of the enterprise, specialists from the trade union and labor protection. Employees of the enterprise are required to familiarize themselves with all the results that the commission receives.

The employer, instead of himself, can entrust the leadership of the commission to a lawyer, a specialist in the field of working conditions and personnel.

Organizations conducting certification for LLCs should have nothing to do with the employer. This company is legal entity, which is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation in Moscow and throughout Russia and has all the powers for this procedure. Contact a reliable organization that conducts workplace certification. To determine the cost of a workplace at the EKH company and find out the price, call the phone number listed on the website. Our specialists will tell you about the procedure and price of certification and what prices are for individual services. Our reasonable prices and quality of services are unrivaled. The difference between our company’s prices and similar ones has already been appreciated by many of our clients.

Step-by-step stages of certification of each place of work for LLCs in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation (check the price for the provision of services by phone)

  • creating an order that employees must be familiar with;
  • creation of a commission and appointment of the head of this commission;
  • determining the timing and procedure for verification;
  • creation and signing of the relevant document;
  • specialists visiting the inspection site;
  • processing and receiving all results;
  • creating a protocol in the prescribed manner;
  • creation of planned work to improve working conditions in the LLC;
  • (The price of services depends on the form of ownership of the enterprise and the number of jobs. Changes in prices on external and domestic market does not affect our prices)
  • creating reports on the work performed.

Before an employer decides to order a service from a third-party company that conducts certifications for an LLC, he has every right to demand from them such documents as

  • confirmation that the LLC has the right to conduct high-quality certification of working conditions (in compliance with the rules and not exceeding prices for the provision of services);
  • a document that confirms that the company is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation for Moscow and other regions of Russia, and has the right to conduct such inspections.

Employer's responsibilities during inspection:

Conducting a labor audit implies that the employer is obliged to help and assist the certifying party in everything. Provide all necessary documentation. If necessary, request the necessary documentation and information from third parties. The employer is prohibited from hiding documents or information, taking actions that will lead to a reduction in questions regarding the AWP and must be checked as thoroughly as possible.

Tasks to be performed by the certifying party

  • select the necessary method for assessing working conditions
  • at the time of implementation, accurately determine the number of employees who need a special assessment of working conditions
  • carefully study all the necessary documentation
  • if necessary, request from the employer all the necessary information

Certification of workplaces and conditions is carried out in accordance with necessary requirements and government regulations.

Certification for the workplace - list of conditions

  • determination of the level of occupational injury hazard
  • determination of compliance with hygiene indicators
  • availability of personal protection
  • general assessment of workplace certification based on workers’ working conditions

Check at an enterprise or LLC with dangerous conditions labor inspection is carried out at 20% of workplaces, the minimum number of such workplaces is 2. If non-compliance with standards is identified at one workplace, an inspection must be carried out at the remaining workplaces. After legal certification of workplaces, an updated list of workspaces is obtained. For similar jobs, one AWP card is filled out. All measures that are necessary to improve working conditions are common to all similar workplaces.

Testing in a workspace that changes its territorial location is carried out by analyzing standard technological operations. In this case, the timing within which the inspection will be carried out is indicated in the regulations. All features and details of the automated workplace must be regulated regulations from the employer and comply with the standards for the implementation of automated workplaces. Our company will provide you with services for the highest level, the price is affordable, and the level of inspection is professional. The price of services depends on the form of the enterprise and the number of jobs.

You can also familiarize yourself with our other services and materials on them.