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What do you need to buy for internet at your dacha? Internet to a dacha and a private house in the Moscow region - unlimited tariffs and high speeds! How to choose the best way to connect the Internet at your dacha: tips on unlimited

One way or another, but everyone modern man To some extent he is an Internet addict. Until recently, access to the Global Network was necessary only at work in the office, but then it was no longer possible to live without it in a city apartment. Today the situation has changed - the Internet is needed everywhere, including in vacation spots, outside the city, and in dachas. For those who want to visit their favorite social networks and watch movies online in a country house, we will look at how to make Internet access in a country house. For this, there are five of the best options that provide quick access to the World Wide Web.

And if in urban conditions issues of connecting to the Internet are resolved almost with one call to the nearest provider, then in suburban villages everything is a little more complicated. The way out is often found in very non-trivial ways. We will take a detailed look at how to install Internet at your dacha.

Cable Internet

This is the first, most familiar and familiar way to every city dweller to connect to the Internet. But the possibilities of implementing it in a holiday village are reduced to almost zero. Naturally, if the house is located in a prestigious area, then there is a high probability that the developer has already installed a fiber optic line in the village and the question of how to install Internet in the country will be quickly resolved. If the dacha is not on Rublyovka, then running a cable to the village will be very expensive.

A good and relatively inexpensive solution to the problem would be to use an ordinary copper telephone cable. In large villages the technical capabilities for this exist. Even 120 km from large cities in villages and towns there are telephone lines that are connected to the nearest telephone exchange. If the wire goes to the nearest pole, but does not go anywhere further, this is also not a problem. For two thousand rubles, special people will connect it where you need it.

But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time, even if you found one in your house. Not always in holiday villages there are PBXs that have the necessary ADSL complex. If you don’t have the equipment, then all you have to do is go back to the 90s and get a dial-up modem out of your old chest. In villages located close to large regional centers, you can get an unlimited channel with an acceptable speed. And this will be inexpensive Internet for the dacha - the cost can reach several hundred rubles per month.

Among the advantages of this option in the case of a fiber optic channel are: high speeds, stable connection, affordable prices.

Disadvantages include the need to pay a year-round subscription fee and the low probability of availability of technical capabilities. In case of damage to a line or channel, the speed of restoration and repair is low.


In some holiday villages there may be local networks(like those found in every apartment building). These are often Wi-Fi-based wireless networks. This is implemented as follows. An industrial access point is installed on one of the poles in the center of the village. A server that performs authorizations is connected to this point. Main channel can be implemented in any way, depending on the characteristics of the village. The power of the access point is quite enough to cover the entire village.

These networks provide, among other services, wireless Internet. To the dacha, all you need to do is bring a laptop, tablet, smartphone - whatever you like - from the city. Prices for services may vary and depend on the specific point on the map. But on average the cost is kept at the level of 500 to 1 thousand rubles. Providers may limit speed and traffic.

Any modern gadget supports Wi-Fi, so no additional devices are needed. For an older desktop PC or for multiple users, you may need an adapter or router.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any additional equipment.

Among the disadvantages of wireless Internet at the dacha is the ability to work with only one device at a time. You won't be able to use two devices at the same time.


In the Moscow region there are a lot of providers that provide wireless fixed radio access to the Internet. Unfortunately, in most regions the situation with this service is worse. But if you look, you can find it.

An antenna is mounted on the roof of the country house. Its dimensions resemble a standard terrestrial television antenna. There is a specially designed modem in the house to which you can connect a router or computer.

Such wireless access over a radio channel makes it possible to organize a symmetrical channel, the data transmission speed of which will reach 10 or more Mbit/s. Often, many providers offer summer residents inexpensive Internet at their dacha, and the traffic is not limited. Only speed is limited.

It would seem that a solution has been found, but there are significant limitations. Yes, a set necessary equipment, which users do not buy, but rent for a long time, paying its price in the “connection cost” format, will cost 15 thousand rubles and more. This is provided if you need fast country Internet.

The second problem is range. In order for the complex to operate normally, it is necessary to create direct visibility from the base station to the antenna on the roof. The base station is located in the regional center. So, in a particular village there may simply not be the technical capabilities to connect such an Internet.

Also, WiMAX is quite expensive. For example, the monthly fee from the Infoset provider will be from 12,000 rubles/m for unlimited access with a speed of 5 Mbit/s. Cheap and accessible country Internet based on this technology with a speed of 1 Mbit/sec will cost 3,300 rubles. The provider “Credo-Telecom” offers Internet from 600 rubles per month. Speed ​​- only 512 Kbps. 20 Mbit will cost from 6 thousand rubles.

Most other providers offer a completely opaque pricing system - the contract promises that there will be an individual approach to each situation. And it seems that this approach is somehow correlated with the size of the dacha.

Among the advantages of WiMAX are stability, good unlimited access to the Internet without any traffic metering. But the disadvantages are that the tariff is too expensive and limited coverage.

Satellite Internet at the dacha

The main advantage of this method is complete independence from the presence of any infrastructure. You can create such an Internet anywhere - even on a remote farm in the deepest forest with the nearest settlement several hundred kilometers away.

Satellite Internet to the dacha can be either one-sided or two-sided. The first system is now considered obsolete. It was relevant several years ago, when its operation provided cost advantages. In rare cases, such a connection is still relevant today, if an inexpensive channel is available along with satellite.

Features of one-way satellite Internet

The principle is very simple. The forward channel through which the subscriber receives data is implemented through the Reverse channel through which requests are sent through terrestrial networks. These can be cellular networks or wired.

The advantage is that Internet equipment for a dacha using this scheme will be cheaper - there is no need to create a return channel to the satellite. There is only a receiver, no transmitter.

Two-way satellite internet

This is a completely self-contained system that eliminates the need to think about where to get a landline connection. Such two-way connections have already become available - the price for the complex is comparable to the cost of an average smartphone. The kit can be installed for about 20 thousand rubles. The exact price depends on which satellite will be used.

The average speed is from 4 to 6 Mbit/s with direct channels. In the opposite direction - 0.5-2 Mbit/s. It is not possible to obtain a higher speed due to technological limitations.

Features of satellite access tariffication

But you have to pay for autonomy. Satellite access operators often practice different forms of payment for consumed megabytes. Traffic in the required volume is purchased immediately up to one ruble per megabyte, or packages are purchased where the price of one megabyte, depending on certain volumes, will be up to 50 kopecks.

There are also so-called conditionally unlimited tariff plans. The Allergo Sky company offers up to two megabits per second and 1600 megabytes every day for 8 thousand rubles. If we consider other providers, such pleasure will still cost at least several thousand every month.

There are also cheaper rates. However, providers there impose serious restrictions. For example, you can only download HTML pages. You won’t be able to watch your favorite bloggers on YouTube, and you won’t be able to listen to a new track on social networks either. But for using email and reading news it's fine. As an example, take the “Social” tariff plan from “Rainbow-Internet”. Some tariffs may include Internet and satellite television to the dacha.

Mobile Internet

This access method has recently become much more accessible and is the most popular. In the networks of third generation mobile operators that support 3G, it is already possible to receive information at speeds of 10 to 15 megabits. On a 4G network you can count on 30-40 Mbit, depending on the signal quality.

However, which mobile Internet to choose for your dacha (or rather, which specifications connections)? It depends on where the dacha is located. As you get closer to cities and federal highways, there is a greater chance of getting high-quality coverage with third- and fourth-generation networks. In various remote areas you can only rely on GPRS with a speed of 10-20 Kbps. This is no good at all. It's impossible at this speed loading is easy Google search page.

But we shouldn’t forget about “Sky Link”. For remote areas, this operator offers the most extensive coverage. And even if the technology is outdated, its capabilities are enough for a maximum of 3 Mbit. It's better if there is nothing.

However, various operators cellular communication constantly evolving - coverage is improving, available speeds are increasing. And if you couldn’t connect to the Internet before, then it is quite possible that now there is both coverage and speed.

About choosing an operator

In such a problem as how to install Internet at a dacha, it is recommended to choose operators not according to tariff plans, but according to the real opportunities that the provider provides. This is easy to check - just take several SIM cards with you to the dacha and test them one by one. You also need to remember that the mobile operator sells an encrypted modem.

Features of mobile Internet distribution

The easiest way to distribute the Internet to other devices is from a smartphone via wireless networks. Operators now allow the modem option to be enabled on any tariff plan and do not prohibit distribution. This function is supported by any smartphone. You can purchase this for a small amount and keep it constantly charged.

USB modems are good for their availability and low prices. But they are encrypted and can only be connected to a PC or laptop. To connect other devices, you need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. There are problems due to a weak signal. But not everyone knows how to strengthen the Internet signal at their dacha. You can use a remote antenna, and then there will be enough Internet for everyone. It is mounted on the highest point of the roof. An important condition for its operation is the absence of obstacles in the form of trees or other, taller buildings. This is the only way to truly strengthen the signal.

An alternative solution is a 3G modem/router. They can be very different - they can be plugged into a power outlet or connected via USB. The cost of such equipment does not exceed 5 thousand rubles. The second option is a regular stationary router with the ability to connect a USB modem.

There are a lot of advantages to such a solution, and the most important thing is low prices for equipment and the ability to deploy a full-fledged network. This is the most affordable way how to make internet at your dacha.

If no cellular operator can provide a signal of adequate quality, then this problem can be solved. The operators themselves tell us how to strengthen the Internet signal at the dacha. It is enough to use special amplifiers or reflectors.

What to choose?

So, we need Internet at the dacha. What to choose? The most current solution is still the mobile Internet. The capabilities of modern cellular networks allow a lot. This is high speed, unlimited access, minimal equipment cost. But there is no need to buy minimum tariffs. They are for those who are going to work in the country or will not often go to the computer. For all others, you need at least 2 GB per day or more.

That's all the ways to use the Internet at your dacha. Many of them are no longer relevant, but they exist, and in some cases this is the only way out of the situation for Internet addicts and lovers of working outdoors.


You can now connect to the Internet everywhere, including in a holiday village. But outside the city it’s better to take a break from all the hustle and bustle. After all, that’s why it’s a dacha—to sit with a fishing rod by the lake, ride a bike in the area, and plow through the local mud on an SUV. Sometimes you need to surf the Internet at the dacha. What to choose for connection? Whatever suits the money and technical capabilities.

Looking around, I notice that lately most people cannot do without the Internet. This applies even to older generation summer residents.

Indeed, instant access to huge amounts of various information and various services is convenient, and you quickly get used to it. Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to provide high-quality Internet access at your dacha.

Considering that many dachas are located far from the city, and sometimes even from any civilization (infrastructure), the main conversation will be about communication channels.

Our task is to connect your site with the nearest Internet access point using some kind of available channel communications And such channels can be roughly divided into two large groups:

  • wired communication channels
  • wireless communication channels

This option for accessing the World Wide Web implies that between yours summer cottage plot and a communication cable will be laid at some Internet access point. This is the highest quality connection option and the most reliable.

Until recently, this was rarely implemented in practice, because it was only possible if the access point was very close. Otherwise, laying a canal would become a very expensive procedure.

But now digital communication channels are increasingly penetrating beyond large cities. AND Communication centers began to appear even in the outback. And given that many people now use dachas as residential buildings for year-round living, as well as the increase in demand from village residents, joint laying of cables to a village or dacha community is becoming quite affordable.

Residents submit collective applications to provider companies for laying cables to their holiday village or village, and receive direct connection to the Internet for quite reasonable sums, enjoying quality and speed comparable to the city Internet.

The main trunk lines between populated areas are now laid by provider companies using fiber optic cable (cable made of optical fibers - the signal is transmitted using light). Fiber optics are laid either over the air (on poles) or underground. Copper cables are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

“Last mile” is a channel connecting the end (client) equipment with the access node of the provider (telecom operator).

You also need to lay a cable from the access point located on the main line to your site - this is the so-called “ last mile". And there are several implementation options, which we will discuss further.

Internet via telephone line

Perhaps you have a landline telephone at your dacha. At least in villages and towns this is now not uncommon. Many telephone companies provide services connecting to the Internet using a telephone line. It will be enough to conclude an agreement and install a special device - modem. The modem will be connected together with the landline telephone to the same telephone line.

Wired Dial-UP modem

This type of connection has almost disappeared from practice, but can still be used somewhere. The point is that an analog modem connected to a telephone line dials the specified Internet gateway number and thus connects the computer to the network.

Wherein Can't use a landline phone as long as you are connected to the Internet. Besides data transfer speed is very slow by modern standards - no more than 56 Kbps.

ADSL Internet

This is a modern digital analogue of the previous connection option. A modem is also connected to the telephone line, but this time it is digital. ADSL modem connects the computer to the World Wide Web, but at the same time you can use a landline telephone in parallel without any problems. In this case, the connection speed is up to several Mbit/sec.

Now in many villages and towns this is the only and most common option for cable Internet.

Ethernet (twisted pair)

It is not common in holiday villages, but it is still worth mentioning this option for implementing the “last mile” connection. If an optical fiber is laid to a small settlement, at the end of which there is an Ethernet switch, then within a radius of several tens (rarely hundreds) of meters you can lay a cable like “ twisted pair » (or outdated coaxial cable) to end consumers.

This option is sometimes implemented in the following form: optical fiber is laid to the street in SNT, and a twisted pair cable (UTP/STP cable) is installed to specific areas.

It should be said that in cities in high-rise buildings this option is the most common and the most convenient in terms of connection, because the computer is connected to such a cable without any additional devices directly through the RJ-45 connector into the corresponding socket.

Optical fiber to the dacha

Previously, one could only dream of connecting a private home or cottage directly to a fiber-optic network. This was quite an expensive proposition even in a city with a developed network infrastructure, and outside the metropolis, laying fiber optics cost a fortune. Even together, the residents of a village or garden partnership could not afford this.

With the gradual penetration of data networks beyond large cities, as well as with the advent of new technologies for laying optical fiber, new types of cables and connection systems, this has ceased to be exotic. Many providers now offer Internet connection services for residents of villages and holiday villages directly to your home on the site, subject to a certain number of applications from one geographical location. The most commonly used technology is GPON.

Prices vary everywhere, but in general it is now possible to get the highest quality type of network connection via a fiber optic communication channel, even in the country, if you organize with your neighbors and submit a collective application to the nearest company providing such services.

Wireless Internet at the dacha

A wireless connection involves transmitting data via a radio signal. There is no need to lay cable to the site. It is enough that your dacha is within the visibility range of the transmitting and receiving antenna.

Besp The wired connection is very convenient, but it also has flaws:

  • most often this is a lower speed compared to a wired connection (although now the transmission speed over wireless networks is constantly increasing);
  • less secure communication channels are susceptible to weather conditions and interference.

In general there is two main wireless methods connections to the World Wide Web:

  • through networks of mobile telecom operators;
  • via data satellites.

Mobile (cellular) Internet

This is probably the most common way to “get” the Internet at the dacha. Because the networks of cellular operators cover most of the suburbs and, accordingly, the territories of holiday villages quite well. In addition, now most people use smartphones with the ability to access the World Wide Web.

As a rule, mobile Internet is used in the country using a telephone, but you can also connect a computer to the network via a smartphone or modem.

Internet at the dacha via smartphone

If you want to use the Internet at your dacha on your smartphone screen, then everything is quite simple. You need to connect tariff option “data transfer”(mobile Internet) either in the office of your mobile operator, or using special commands directly from your phone. This option may already be enabled on your plan. All that remains is to allow data transfer on your phone and you can access the network through the built-in browser of your smartphone.

If, for example, you want to connect your laptop to the network via a smartphone, then in this case your phone must act as a modem (“access point” in another word - a device through which the computer will connect to the network). There are two ways to implement such a connection::

  • the smartphone is connected to a laptop (or desktop computer) via a USB cable;
  • smartphone acts as Wi-Fi router a, which distributes the Internet via a wireless connection.

Mobile connection via modem

You can connect your computer to the mobile Internet via special modem. The modem can be purchased at the offices of cellular operators or in hardware stores. It connects to the USB socket of a laptop or computer. Then you need to install the modem driver and the program that makes the connection. As a rule, this is done automatically when the modem is first connected.

It’s even more convenient to connect the modem to the router. For example, like the one in the picture below.

When turned on, the router will automatically connect to the Internet via a modem and distribute it via a wired or wireless (Wi-Fi) connection to your computer, tablet or phone.

Mobile Internet Speed

The speed of mobile Internet greatly depends on the location of your site. More precisely, from What cellular network coverage area does it fall into?.

Conventionally, we can distinguish 5 generations of mobile data transmission that exist today. They are usually designated by the generation number and the letter “G” (generation): 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. The higher the number, the more modern the protocol and the higher the data transfer speed.

The following names are more often used in everyday life: GPRS, EDGE, LTE.

What speed you'll get depends on what coverage area you're in and your equipment. For example, you are in a 4G network coverage area, but your phone (modem) only supports 3G, which means maximum speed will be limited to 3G. Another example: your phone supports 4G (another name for LTE), but at your dacha only a 3G signal is reliably received - we get the maximum 3G speed.

This should be taken into account when purchasing equipment. On the one hand, try to buy a modem or smartphone that supports the most modern data transfer protocol. On the other hand, why buy an LTE modem (4G), if at your dacha you can get a maximum of 2G. But if we take into account the fact that mobile networks are constantly developing, then you can buy equipment, so to speak, “for the future,” of course, if “your wallet allows it.”

You can find out what cellular network coverage is in your SNT area on the websites of mobile operators, where there are corresponding coverage maps.

We can also influence the quality of the received signal, and therefore the data transfer speed, by using special antennas for the Internet at the dacha or in a private house. Such antennas provide amplification of the received signal. We’ll talk about them in a separate article about mobile Internet in the country.

Which mobile operator should you choose?

When buying a modem for your dacha, you will be faced with the question of choosing a mobile operator: MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc. In this case, you need to choose the operator who has the best coverage in the area of ​​your dacha. That is, the operator who will provide the most fast internet on your site.

Your dacha neighbors will best help you with this choice.. You need to look and test the mobile Internet they use. Evaluate the speed and reliability of communication, and then make your choice.

You should also compare rates mobile internet from different operators, if there is a large choice. But as a rule, all tariffs are comparable in price and traffic. Nowadays mobile communications are quite affordable and even with the “Mobile Internet” option they are usually inexpensive.

Satellite Internet

If your site is located in such a remote area that neither cable nor even mobile Internet is available to you, then the only option left is to install a satellite Internet connection system.

Several years ago, this option was practically impossible due to the cost of equipment and tariffs, but now such solutions are appearing in modern dachas far from civilization.

Connecting to the Internet via satellite makes it possible to access the World Wide Web from almost anywhere on the earth's surface.

There are two options for connecting to the network via satellite:

  • one-way communication;
  • two-way communication.

One-way satellite Internet

One-way connection means data transfer only towards the subscriber, there is no feedback from the subscriber to the satellite. This is due to the complexity of transmitting data from the Earth’s surface to a satellite.

Certainly, It is very uncomfortable. The subscriber can only receive data, but cannot send even the simplest request to the network. This connection was used mainly to transfer data to various remote technological objects without the need feedback. There is practically no use in everyday life.

The situation has improved a little with the advent of, albeit slow at first, but still accessible mobile communications. After all, for regular surfing the network you don’t need to send a lot of data. It is enough to send a small piece of data with a request containing the address of the site page, and then receive back a large amount of content from the requested page.

Was implemented a hybrid of one-way satellite Internet and slow mobile communications via GPRS (or later EDGE) protocol. The user sent a request through a slow mobile network, but received data through a fast satellite channel.

This option is good because no need to purchase very expensive satellite transmitting equipment. All you need is a cheap satellite receiving dish and receiver.

In practice, in everyday life (and even more so in the country), such a connection was rarely used due to the complexity, rapid growth of the speed of mobile Internet (with the advent of the 3G protocol, one-way satellite Internet technology practically died) and the limitations of the technology in terms of uploading data to the network (it was impossible to upload photos and especially videos to the site).

The use was justified only in rare cases with special conditions of administration.

Two-way satellite Internet

Two-way communication with a satellite implies the presence of a much more complex and, accordingly, expensive transmission equipment. And until recently, this option, due to its price, was used only in those tasks where data transfer at such costs was justified. For example, in the military sphere, oil and gas industry and so on.

But now we are witnessing a technological revolution in this direction. Literally before our eyes, two-way satellite Internet systems that are already accessible to the average consumer are appearing. And although the price sometimes still bites, in the absence of other options for communication with the outside world, it no longer seems as exorbitant as before.

Satellite providers offer equipment within $1,000. And some ambitious projects like the Internet from Elon Musk they promise to make equipment within a hundred dollars. As an option, many providers provide equipment for rent, the cost of which is already included in the tariff.

We will talk about all the intricacies of satellite Internet in our separate article, but for now you should know that such a connection is possible at your dacha today.

Unlimited Internet at the dacha

In the city, we are already accustomed to using unlimited Internet from cable providers. This is more difficult at the dacha. Full unlimited Internet can only be obtained if you connect to a wired data network, such as fiber optic.

In the case of mobile Internet, there are very few truly unlimited tariffs and they are usually expensive. There are some operators that provide truly unlimited plans. In Ufa, for example, these are Yota and Sotel, but the latter, unfortunately, has already closed.

MTS, Megafon, Beeline and other operators usually provide tariffs with limited traffic. But it should be noted that These volumes are quite impressive and allow us to solve most user problems. In addition, rates are constantly improving, and the available traffic is growing year after year.

With your own hands

You can probably bring Internet to your dacha on your own only if we're talking about about connecting through mobile operators. In this case you only need buy equipment and set it up. It is better to entrust cable or satellite Internet to professionals.

What to choose?

I will write a short selection algorithm that seems correct to me.

  1. First, look for a fiber optic cable connection. This is the best option. If this is not possible, try ADSL.
  2. If there are no cable providers, we connect to the mobile Internet. We select the operator based on the best network coverage. Don't forget to boost the signal if necessary.
  3. If there are no other options, then we use satellite two-way Internet.

I hope I helped you understand at least a little about the issue of how to connect the Internet at your dacha. But you probably still have a lot of questions. Write, I will definitely answer everyone and advise if possible.


Fiber optic providers are not available in all corners of the Moscow region. Even if it is technically possible to connect cable internet there is a dacha at your address, the cost of connection can be colossal (50 - 150 thousand rubles). Many people wait like gas - for years. At the same time, the price declared by the company in practice often turns out to be much lower.


This type of connection is relevant for remote areas of Russia where there is no coverage by mobile operators. In the Moscow region, the choice in favor of this option is not optimal: equipment with installation costs from 20 thousand rubles, and unlimited tariffs are very expensive: 5-6 thousand rubles at a speed of 4-5 Mbit/sec.

Cons of mobile

At first glance, the simplest and most obvious solution is to buy a modem at a communication store from the mobile operator MTS or Beeline inexpensively. However, this device is only relevant within the city. IN rural areas It’s good if you can check your e-mail, and you can forget about watching the video.

The modem from the communication store works well only at addresses with a strong signal. In rare cases, this device allows you to fully use the original one. If your needs are broader than simple verification Email, this option will not suit you.

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Modern city dwellers strive for nature. At the dacha they are attracted by the landscapes, clean air, and good ecology. But the problem of connecting central communications arises. If for city residents everything is simple: just choose a provider, place an order for services, then searching for a connection option world wide web at the dacha turns into a search for a balance between price and network speed. We will tell you in this article which internet connection to connect to your dacha and what factors to consider when choosing.

Outside the city, several factors influence the stability of communication:

  • Distance from base stations of cellular operators,
  • The landscape of the area, the presence of hills,
  • Buildings on the territory made of iron and concrete that impair the signal passability.

The owner of a private house needs to take into account the length of his stay outside the city - if it is only a couple of months a year, then a stationary option may not be suitable. It is important to assess the security of the locality, whether expensive equipment will become a target for theft. When choosing, you need to focus on network speed, cost of equipment installation, and monthly use.

Network connection options outside the city

1. Fiber optic networks

This option is possible if the provider’s networks are already installed in the village. It is not practical to extend new fiber-optic networks outside the city for the sake of one user. This connection method allows you to receive large amounts of information within short time. The connection speed is high, stability allows you to use network access to download large files, upload videos and texts to the network, and surf social networks.. The cable is protected from electromagnetic interference and withstands conditions well environment. Providers offer convenient unlimited tariffs.

The average cost of a tariff with a speed of 50 Mbit is 500-600 rubles. The owner of the house can install an access point and connect a wireless network. The cost of such a service for summer residents, even if the provider agrees to provide fiber optics outside the city, is at least 30 thousand rubles.

2. Telephone cable

Another type of wired Internet, but this time the conductor is telephone networks, or ADSL channels. The speed here is lower than with fiber optics. The telephone cable is vulnerable to other communications: power lines can create interference, and even inclement weather degrades the signal quality. Telephone lines as signal conductors are practically not used now, since there are more efficient ones, simple ways. But for a dacha, if there are no other options, this method is quite possible.

3. Wi-Fi

A convenient way to connect, but not in all localities it can be found. The idea is simple: a Wi-Fi router is installed in the village, which creates a wireless network over a large area, which can include several settlements at once. Each resident receives network access keys. Among the disadvantages is limited traffic and speed, among the advantages are low tariffs no more than 1000 rubles per month. The subscriber does not need to buy special equipment; modern gadgets, without exception, support wireless communication technology.

4. Wi-Max technology

Similar to the previous method. The provider installs a fixed radio access point to which subscribers connect. You will have to buy equipment: an antenna, a modem. The advantages of this method include high speed and stability. Among the disadvantages are many restrictions. Not all providers use this technology. It is not applicable in every village.

The cost of connection reaches 30 thousand rubles, and the network range is limited. You have to pay a lot for high speed - up to 6,000 rubles per month.

5. Satellite Internet

Perhaps one of the most expensive ways to start a home network. Communication with the satellite can be established from any remote point of the country, the speed will be high and stable. There is a but: not all providers connect subscribers to satellite Internet. A set of equipment consisting of an antenna, transceiver, and amplifier can cost up to 30 thousand rubles. Tariffs are also high: 2-4 thousand rubles per month. An Internet connection using a satellite can be of two types: one-way, when a terrestrial communication signal, for example, a telephone, is needed to transmit data, or two-way, when one dish and a cable from it are enough. Two-way Internet is more popular now.

6. Mobile Internet

A common type of connection outside the city. Everything attracts subscribers here:

  • possibility of round-the-clock technical support,
  • the cost of services is from 200-250 rubles per month.

But there are also limitations: the closer you are locality to the base station of the cellular operator, the higher the speed will be. Russia is densely covered by a network of base stations of the largest operators, but it still often happens that the cellular signal outside the city is simply lost. In this case, amplifiers are used. Even the weakest signal is caught, multiplied and sent to the home router. This way you can create a wireless network in your home.

If you don't know which mobile operator to choose, do a test. To do this, take several SIM cards from each operator and travel around. To quickly find a stable network without traveling, you can find a program on the network that monitors the signal level that comes from the cell operator’s tower. There are many advantages here: low tariffs and at the same time high speed, stable signal and cheaper equipment. But this connection method is not a panacea for remote areas of the countryside. In remote villages there will still be no signal.

Of the proposed methods for connecting a network outside the city, the most advantageous seems to be. Satellite is too expensive and dependent on weather conditions, wired Internet providers refuse to extend to villages. Mobile is good for everyone: speed, price of equipment, and low tariffs. This is really good internet for the dacha. Its main disadvantage is the inconstancy of the signal. The Dacha Internet company has solved this issue by offering customers ready-made equipment kits for creating a high-speed Internet network in a private home outside the city.

The essence of technology from the Internet company at the dacha

The company's engineers have assembled several sets of equipment that are tuned to different strengths of the source signal. The kit consists of an antenna, amplifier, modem and router. The antenna is installed on the roof. Here it catches the signal from the operator’s base station and transmits it to the amplifier. The device processes the signal and sends it to the modem. From there it goes to the router, where it is created wireless network. Any mobile devices of residents can be connected to it. When the technician first visits the site, he evaluates the possibilities of signal amplification and tests different kits right on the spot to choose the fastest one. The first stage of work is to catch the signal. If it exists and offers good opportunities for strengthening, work continues.

This connection method has enough advantages:

  • low tariffs - up to 1000 rubles,
  • the tariff can be frozen for the winter or another period, this is convenient for those who live outside the city not the whole year, but only the summer season,
  • low price equipment - it’s realistic to keep within 10-15 thousand rubles,
  • quick installation - a team of installers will deliver a turnkey system with setup in just two hours,
  • high speeds up to 100 Mbit per second,
  • The signal is stable and is not inferior in quality to fiber optic.

You can set up the Internet yourself, but the company’s specialists are ready to do this immediately after installation. The client tests the system, checks all its indicators and only after that pays for the work. It is possible to contact technical support to get advice on using the Internet.

If you still don’t know which Internet to connect to your dacha, determine the goals of your work.

  • Do you only use a smartphone or a small laptop? Then the volume of your daily traffic is small - about 300 MB.
  • Are you going to work online and watch TV? Then your daily needs can reach up to one and a half GB.
  • If you are a movie fan and prefer to watch movies online in excellent quality, as well as play online games on your computer and make video calls, it is better to get an unlimited tariff.

Signal Boost

Most villages in Russia are located far from the base stations of cellular operators, so the use of mobile Internet is often limited. The problem is solved by a high-quality communication amplification system. It allows you to catch good signal at a distance of 15-25 kilometers from the base station. The amplifier is usually installed next to the antenna so as not to lose signal strength along its path along the cable.

To organize an optimal signal, you need to pay special attention to strengthening the connection:

  • The higher the antenna is above the obstacles surrounding it, the less noise it will pick up. When installing it on the roof, installers look for the best place, checking where the antenna will produce the highest signal strength. The more accurately the antenna is pointed towards the base station, the better the signal will be.
  • It is better to entrust the search and purchase of equipment to specialists. There is a risk of buying equipment with low or, conversely, unreasonably high performance. For example, for an ordinary country house and a family of 5 people, an antenna with a power of up to 18 dB is sufficient.
  • If you set up the modem yourself, write down the selected frequency, where the signal is most active, in its settings. Otherwise, at the slightest signal distortion, the modem will begin to look for the best frequency and leave the range you have chosen.
  • any cable is a signal loss, so when installing it is better to avoid long cable routes,
  • if the house is two-story, the power of a standard router may not be enough. The best option– place a router on each floor.

The main condition for the Internet is a stable signal. If there is no such thing on your site and is not expected, and the costs are not scary, install satellite two-way Internet. It is more independent of the weather, provides high speed, and signal delays are minimal. If there is a signal, albeit weak, you can try to strengthen it. In this case, you are using modern high speed internet and TV for the price of a standard service from a mobile operator. This opportunity is available not only to residents of the Moscow region, but also to residents of other regions of Russia.

It is not necessary to pay tens of thousands of rubles for the ability to connect to worldwide network. Modern technologies offer more convenient and effective options for connecting the Internet to a country house in any corner of the region. Pay attention to the systems from the Internet company for the dacha. There are high speeds, a stable signal, and comfortable tariffs. What to do if there is no Internet at the dacha? Definitely don’t put up with the situation! Finding your provider is now easy - on the operators’ websites you can find detailed information about the company’s services, a price list and information about the features of the technology used. The question of how much it costs to install Internet at your dacha should also be asked directly to the company’s managers. Much depends on the distance of the country house from the office, the complexity of installation, and the number of parts included. You can set up the Internet yourself, but a high-quality signal will require precise targeting to the cell operator’s tower. So it is better to leave this work to the masters.

Choose a network connection method based on your needs, goals and financial capabilities. It’s hard to imagine a person without the Internet. Do not deny yourself the benefits of civilization, even while in the lap of nature!

In the summer you don’t have to suffocate in offices - you can work in your country house. The whole secret is in high technology! Our article will tell you how to choose best internet for the dacha.

Wireless Internet for a laptop: a little history

First commercial networks GSM standard began operating in mid-1991. Around the same time, GSM networks began to be built in Russia.

Initially, they were suitable only for transmitting voice calls and messages. Due to the purely digital nature of the signal, it was possible to connect to the Internet in modem mode at a speed of 9.6 kbit per second, dialing a specific number. The time spent on the network was paid, since at such a speed it would not have been possible to download much.

Everything began to change after the advent of GPRS (GeneralPacketRadioService - public packet radio communication) - a GSM mobile communications add-on that transmits data. GPRS allows you to receive and transmit data directly through the GSM network, and not through dialing to a specific number. GPRS involves charging based on the volume of transmitted/received information (traffic), and not on the time spent on the network. Unlike “pure” GSM, GPRS has a theoretical maximum speed of 171.2 kbit/s.

A further development of GPRS was the EDGE (EGPRS) technology (Enhanced Datarates for GSMEvolution), which functions as an add-on over 2G and 2.5G (GPRS) networks. The technology was first introduced in 2003 in North America. The advantage of EDGE is the increased speed of the network - up to 474 kbit/s.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that currently in Russia EDGE is supported by the majority of base stations of all existing GSM cellular operators.


3G (from the English third generation - third generation), 3rd generation mobile communication technologies - a set of services that combines both high-speed mobile access and voice calls.

Unlike second generation networks, 3G was created with an emphasis on data transmission, which allows data to be transferred at speeds of up to several megabits per second.

3G includes 5 standards of the IMT-2000 family (UMTS/WCDMA, CDMA2000/IMT-MC, TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA (China's own standard), DECT and UWC-136), but we are interested in UMTS, developed by most Russian operators , as well as CDMA2000 for some regions.

The maximum speeds are as follows: for UMTS this is up to 21 Mbit/s; for CDMA2000 - up to 4.9 Mbit/s.


4G (from the English fourth generation - fourth generation) is a promising, fourth generation of mobile communications, characterized by high data transfer speeds and improved communication quality.
On this moment Fourth generation networks include WiMax and LTE technologies, of which only WiMax is found in Russia.

Theoretically, the maximum speed of such standards is close to 100 Mbit/s, which allows them to be successfully used as a replacement for wired Internet.

After briefly familiarizing yourself with the history of wireless Internet for laptops, you can move on to the next step - choosing the most suitable operator.

Wireless Internet connection: select an operator

To set up unlimited Internet at the dacha, you need to find out which operators provide network access and what their coverage area is. Go to a mobile phone store or compare data on official websites.

The best option, of course, would be 3G/4G coverage, but if the coverage area on the map is just a little short of your dacha, it doesn’t matter - you can always use some tricks, which we’ll talk about below.

Some operators provide the opportunity to test the Internet for free or for a nominal fee; it is better to take advantage of this opportunity.

High-speed or unlimited Internet at the dacha: choosing the right tariff plan

The best internet for your summer cottage is the one that meets your needs. Operators typically divide their data plans into two main categories: high-speed and unlimited data plans.

Tariff plans from the first category, as a rule, have a prepaid traffic package, each additional megabyte is paid separately. They are convenient for those who mainly look at mail, sit in chats and do not download a large amount of data.

Unlimited Internet at the dacha is designed specifically for those who spend a lot of time on the Internet and download a lot of information. However, there is one small catch: truly unlimited tariff plans does not exist. Each such tariff specifies a threshold after which the speed is automatically reduced. This is just something to keep in mind.

After you have decided on the tariff, you still need to choose a modem through which, in fact, the wireless connection to the Internet will be made. Modems are generally similar to flash drives, only slightly larger. The main thing is to make sure that the selected modem supports the required communication standard and is supported operating system your computer.

Keep in mind that branded modems are usually locked - i.e. If you insert a SIM card from another operator, the device will not work. It's better to look for unbranded modems; they can work with any operator.

Actually, to access the Internet outside the city you don’t need anything else: just connect a modem to your computer. However, if the speed wireless connection connection to the Internet is small, you can try to correct the situation.

The best internet for a summer residence: how to avoid problems

If there is poor reception, this means that the modem needs to be taken outside and, if necessary, raised a few meters above the ground. This is the simplest method of improving the signal.

Try simply placing the modem on the windowsill of the window from which you can best see the base station. These are usually red and white towers with three or four supports, although these can be any high-rise buildings in the area - communication antennas will be visible on them. If this does not help, then you need to raise the modem above the ground. In this case, it would be a good idea to protect the modem from the sun and moisture. An outdoor electrical box is suitable for this, in which the device is placed. The main thing is to choose the right size box, as well as a USB extension cable of the appropriate length. The mast should be about three or five meters in height (higher is possible). The main thing that base station was in the “line of sight” zone: tall buildings or trees can significantly degrade the signal quality.

It’s easy to choose the best Internet for your dacha, connect it - especially since modern technologies are aimed specifically at combining a pleasant stay outside the city with useful work.