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Idea for a small company production. How to start a furniture business? Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

Business ideas in production

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Small business ideas in manufacturing

Business in the production sector practically guarantees the entrepreneur high profits and stable income. Even despite large capital investments, production was and remains the most perspective view activities. In this section you will find the most profitable production ideas for small businesses and find out what home business in the field of production you can start as a beginner.

Many people, mostly young people, dream of how to get away from their daily, already boring work, and not see their boss anymore. But, in most cases, such dreams remain dreams because of lack of self-confidence and laziness. Some do not have the necessary start-up capital, others are afraid of responsibility, and still others have no business idea at all.

Where is it better to start and what is the best thing to do? It would seem that everything has been sorted out a long time ago, there is constant and great competition in business, and there is no need to stick your neck out if you don’t have the necessary connections and a lot of money. In fact, there are a large number of different options for opening a small production. With the right approach, it can give its owner independence, money, and the opportunity to enjoy their work.

1. Find a suitable idea and choose the appropriate direction for your activity. The most suitable for small production are manufacturing directions food products or building materials.

2. Find what you need initial capital. If you have the entire starting amount or part of it, then this is very good. If not, then you need to borrow from relatives, friends, acquaintances. You don't have to rely entirely on banks. After all, getting a loan at good interest rates for a beginner individual entrepreneur very difficult. Besides this there are some more government programs, aimed at assisting in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, but the amounts they provide are small.

3. Make a business plan. You can do this yourself, order or purchase from specialists, and also consult with experts in this matter, carefully study the issue of small-scale production using the relevant literature or the Internet. The main requirement here is that the plan must be realistic. Carefully analyze the sales market and the presence of competition.

4. If you have not yet registered a business activity, then you need to register your individual entrepreneur or LLC, but first you need to study in detail all the positive and negative aspects of each form of activity. When preparing documents you need to be patient. You need to find out what permits, licenses, and documents you need to obtain.

5. Next, you need to determine what kind of premises you need. You can start a small production at home. Provided that you do not live in an apartment, but in a private house. To do this, you can use your own garage as a production space. You can also rent suitable premises, but at the same time it is necessary to proceed from the characteristics of your activity.

6. Once you have the premises, you can begin purchasing the necessary equipment and raw materials. If personnel are needed, then this process should be approached with full responsibility.

In principle, that’s all, you can start working. While preparations are underway, you need to think about advertising. Outdoor advertising, Internet, radio, newspapers and so on - it is necessary to use all existing options.

Business idea for the production of building materials

A good idea for a small business is to open a foam concrete or aerated concrete production facility. The process of their manufacture is simple, but these materials are used in great demand. You can start producing such building materials even in an ordinary garage. All the necessary equipment will not take up much space, and it can be easily placed in a small room. Firms that manufacture equipment for such small factories install, configure and launch themselves production lines, conduct staff training. This type of work does not require highly qualified workers.

Foam concrete is a new, budget-friendly material that has already gained popularity. It is harmless and durable, used in the construction of walls, partitions in the house, roofs, as well as in the thermal insulation of the house. Due to its low cost and high consumer qualities(fire resistance, low density), foam concrete blocks have changed the construction process. According to its characteristics, this material is close to wood; such blocks can be processed (drilled, sawed, milled). Trim or other materials can be nailed to them.

To open your own production you need:

  • Installation for the production of foam concrete, its average cost ranges from 5 to 10 thousand dollars.
  • Molds for blocks, ten to twenty pieces. Depending on the volume, one form costs 1 thousand dollars.
  • Raw materials: cement, foaming agent - several thousand dollars.

As a result, for 30-35 thousand dollars you can organize production with a productivity of 20 cubic meters per shift. Profit from one cube is equal to 30 dollars. The amount turns out to be quite impressive. If you suddenly don’t have that amount of money, but have a persistent desire, with skillful hands, then you don’t need to immediately abandon the idea of ​​opening your own production of building materials.

To date, necessary equipment for the production of foam concrete can be done independently with minimal costs. All the information necessary for this: drawings, characteristics of materials, equipment, production technology can be easily found on the Internet or on bookshelves in specialized stores.

In this case, all the necessary costs for manufacturing the equipment will be about $500, and the payback period will be several days. There will be no need to purchase expensive forms. You can also make them yourself and in the size you need. The technology costs about $40. You can resort to an intermediate option: purchase some equipment and machines, and manufacture some yourself. Whether you need to save and on what materials depends entirely on you.

Features of aerated concrete production

Opening a workshop and setting up aerated concrete production is much more difficult. The manufacturing technology of aerated concrete has slight differences from the manufacturing process of foam concrete. But, in this case, it is necessary to take into account the possible danger both for the workers themselves and for people living nearby. For example, there are known cases of poisoning of people and animals. To start aerated concrete production, you must have a special permit to work with hazardous waste. You need to have special equipment and high-quality materials available.

So, before opening your own small factory for the production of construction materials, you need to take into account all the nuances and calculate everything well, including in the plan both the cost of equipment and the cost of materials. Only after all the positive and negative aspects have been calculated, the most optimal option is selected. The workflow itself is not complicated and can be organized at home. Small-scale production, no matter what you open, will serve as a good opportunity for you to organize your own, albeit small, but profitable business.

Many people think that small business is a very risky investment. Money and the event as a whole. However, for a professional in his field, mini production in the field of small business can become profitable business, which combines your favorite activity.

As practice shows all over the world, it is small manufacturing business not only turns out to be the most viable, but over time can dynamically grow and develop. Take Steve Jobs, who assembled the first batch of computers in his garage. This room, by the way, is very often used by beginning entrepreneurs. We will touch on it later in the article. However, probably all huge corporations and giant companies once started small.

The relevance of mini-productions does not decrease. Let's consider what best business ideas for organizing small productions exist today. We will also calculate the approximate financial planning at the start for an entrepreneur.

Which business idea should you choose and where to start?

For a mini production for a small business to be successful, already at the planning stage it must have:

  • original idea;
  • knowledge of how to implement it;
  • cash.

As in any business, it all starts with the idea of ​​a mini production. One will finally decide to fulfill his old dream. The other just wants to earn more. But, one way or another, an entrepreneur has a greater chance of success if he takes on a business whose essence is clear to him.

In addition, personal property will help, which can be used for the site where mini-production is carried out. Then rental costs will be saved. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs often choose mini-production ideas that are easy to implement using their home. When deciding on a business, they also analyze the regional market in those places where they plan to sell the product. It is also important to calculate the degree of demand for the future product.
An entrepreneur must have deep knowledge and skills to implement his business idea. Mini production without a good theoretical and practical basis is doomed to failure. After all, you will have to hire staff who understand all the intricacies much better than him. And this is a considerable additional financial investment.

Without starting capital impossible to start a business. Mini production costs money. Since this is a rather thorny issue for beginning entrepreneurs, we will choose those options that can be implemented with the least investment. At the same time, mini-production ideas should certainly be promising. Without this they are useless.

Why do business ideas for small businesses have a future?
Having chosen a mini-production, the entrepreneur first usually is both the owner and the worker in one person. Therefore, he knows well what is needed for the functioning and development of his enterprise. Thanks to this, he is able to:

  • respond quickly to changes;
  • focus on the most promising directions;
  • even change location if the need arises.

An entrepreneur is completely free in his actions, therefore he is capable of rapid changes, which is impossible to implement in large companies. This mobility helps increase income.

At the same time, of course, mini production also has disadvantages. First of all, this concerns risks. An entrepreneur can go bankrupt, from which he is completely protected employee. But if you do business wisely, analyze and predict the market, you can achieve excellent results.

The best ideas for mini production at home and in the garage

So, if you don’t have to spend money on renting a room, you can save a lot of money. You can organize an excellent mini-production for a small business right in the garage. It can be equipped for a regular auto repair shop or for many other business projects. Beginning entrepreneurs are finding new ideas for mini-production in a garage. We have already published a list of 40 different ideas for production in a garage. Let's list some of them:

  • furniture manufacturing (for example, assembling cabinets, reupholstering upholstered elements, sewing covers, painting, producing frameless or garden furniture);
  • souvenirs and home decor (for example, magnets, bookends, jewelry, soaps, ceramics, bells, baskets, pillows, mirrors, blinds, etc.);
  • products for animals (cages, beds, nail sharpeners);
  • children's products (kites, sandboxes, toys);
  • construction and renovation (mini-production of stained glass countertops, shop windows, hand stamping, forging, printing on tiles);
  • fashion accessories (bags, belts, printing on footballs, posters, key chains, airbrushing).

Let's take a closer look at how to organize a mini production for a small business.

Top best mini-productions for small businesses

Food products spoil, and therefore many nuances have to be taken into account both in their production and marketing. However, their production can be highly profitable with sufficient depth in the topic. But, we will look at how you can open a mini-production at home, mainly for non-food products.

Facing and Construction Materials. You can, for example, open a tile production workshop. The roadway is usually repaired by large companies. But sidewalks, from the production of materials to installation, are given to small businesses. Wholesale sales allow you to get up to 50% of net profit, and when retail trade the figure increases to 80-90%.

Another relevant mini-production for small businesses is the production of pet food. It is highly not recommended for “our little brothers” to sit on dry food alone. And some foreign popular foods have long earned themselves a “bad reputation.” But the doors are opening for domestic producers who are ready to create natural food for animals.

Many studies have shown that the demand for this type of product is stable regardless of the economic situation and remains relevant all year round. Investments in this business are minimal. It all starts with organizing a mini-workshop for a small business. The equipment you will need here is virtually the same as for making cutlets. The recipes are not secret. Veterinary institutes will easily provide a whole variety of them. The only thing you will have to spend money on is massive advertising for final implementation product.

If you look at other business ideas, mini production of leather accessories offers excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs. The demand for belts is only growing. But the cost of materials is very low. And if you manage to make a truly cool thing, then its price can jump significantly.

The raw materials and equipment necessary for mini-production at home according to the chosen business idea will cost only 20,000 rubles. Net profit starts at 100%. Compared to foreign products, the price can be several times lower, while remaining profitable for the manufacturer.

Many people's favorite home decor or souvenir products opens up countless creative business opportunities. All the most creative ideas can find application here. And, most importantly, the products can be easily manufactured in a mini-workshop for small businesses. Souvenirs can be from:

  • acrylic (for example, refrigerator magnets);
  • metal, followed by the application of enamel or inlay;
  • stone (but this will require a considerable amount of patience);
  • glass (images on it and laser art design are especially popular today);
  • wood (it is best to set up a mini production - as a custom business).

Mini production business plan

Any entrepreneur knows that planning is an important component to guarantee the success of a project. A business started without a detailed calculation of expenses and income, market analysis, risks, and so on will most likely end unsuccessfully and very quickly.
Therefore, in order for mini production for a small business to function and make a profit, a business plan is drawn up, an essential part of which is a financial plan.

It includes the amount of necessary investments, costs of raw materials, mini equipment for home production of business ideas, calculation of profits and forecast of product sales volumes, payback of the project. If investment funds were attracted from outside, then a detailed plan their return.
We must try to make as realistic a calculation as possible, taking into account the risks. Then mini production for small businesses at home has every chance of successful existence.

For example, the acquisition and installation of equipment and materials for the manufacture plastic windows costs about 500,000 rubles. 10 windows are produced per shift, and 22 shifts are produced per month. Thus, it is realistic to produce 220 standard windows per month. The wholesale price of the product is 4,000 rubles. It turns out that the monthly revenue will be 880,000 rubles. All equipment will pay for itself in six months. The profitability of the enterprise is 15%.

Moreover, if the work is carried out in two shifts, self-sufficiency can be 3 months. But we also need to take into account the great competition in this market. Therefore, to reach it, you may have to reduce the price.

In this material:

How to start a furniture business from scratch? You can also find enterprises that make furniture without equipment or any serious production facilities. But the consumer is already tired of cheap walls and tables, furniture made of chipboard, which falls apart after a few years. Now more demands are placed on the manufactured product. To comply with them, you will have to open a full-fledged workshop furniture production.

Market Review

Where to start furniture production? Before opening a furniture shop, be aware that small and medium-sized businesses in this area typically specialize in something specific. You should not grab hold of producing everything in a row, but you should try to make every effort to gain a foothold in some narrow niche. This is a fundamental rule in the survival strategy in furniture production. You can focus your efforts on own production the following furniture:

Promotional furniture is used to decorate points of sale and attract as many buyers as possible to a product or service. For trade organizations, such as shops, pharmacies, shopping centers, salons, special shelves and display cases are required on which the assortment will be displayed.

Furniture manufacturing involves a large number of specializations. You can focus your efforts on collecting any products with limited functionality, such as, for example, Euro pallets or computer tables, or you can make glass tables and cabinets, or produce furniture from a specific material - plastic, natural wood.

Furniture manufacturing as a business does not only mean creating goods. Services for restoring hull and upholstered furniture. These services are especially in demand among citizens with low incomes, and there are many of them in the country. The opposite direction is the restoration and restoration of antiques. In this case, services will be in demand in regions that are economically developed.

An unoccupied niche in this market includes the production of wicker furniture. A small enterprise can master it, but wicker chairs, sofas, and cabinets continue to be imported from abroad, leaving them in the high price segment.

An excellent specialization for small and medium-sized businesses is built-in furniture. In this case, an individual approach to each client is required. Large enterprises cannot meet individual customer requirements.

To understand whether it makes sense to start a furniture manufacturing business, pay attention to the development trends in related fields. If the real estate market is developing, foreign ones are purchased cars, the antiques market is developing and advertising services and this dynamics can be observed in the next two to three years; we can start in this direction. On the other hand, there will always be demand for furniture: after its decline, the upward trend returns very quickly.

Organization of production

Where to start making furniture? Once you have decided on your specialization, you need to find a suitable room. The minimum required area that will be required is 200 m2. Its rent will cost 1300-6500 rubles per year per 1 m2. This price range depends on the region.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you need to adjust to the cost of 1 m 2 at 5-6.5 thousand rubles. per year, and in regions, especially economically undeveloped ones, one can quite count on the most low prices. Average- 3300 rubles per year per 1 m2. Total rent will cost 650-660 tr. in year. If you can rent a room for a cheaper long-term, that will be very good.

Depending on the specialization, you need to spend from 350 thousand rubles on equipment. up to 1.5 million rubles. This does not include the purchase of office equipment, software, a truck with which the furniture will be delivered to the consumer or to points of sale. You can purchase both standard machines and entire production lines that are made to order.

Pay attention to purchasing quality components. Please immediately note that it is impossible to produce furniture that will be of high quality and competitive, while relying only on domestically produced parts and fittings. Will have to establish relationships with distributors foreign companies, which offer everything you need for furniture production.

Decide in advance and make a list of component suppliers, enter into supply agreements:

  • MDF boards;
  • laminated boards;
  • films on slabs;
  • paint and varnish materials;
  • accessories;
  • aluminum profiles;
  • sliding systems.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to duplicate suppliers for each position. Diversify your assortment so that there is more than just the production of chipboard furniture. During the work, some of them will be eliminated, cooperation will continue only with some of them, which turned out to be reliable and favorable in the price range.

Next, it remains to resolve the issue with the staff. The level of training of employees must be high, but they also require high pay. You can organize your training in your specialty if you have the experience and qualified personnel for this.

To the staff furniture workshop should include:

  • master;
  • assembly fitter;
  • carpenters;
  • glazier.

The production workshop can accommodate from 10 to 50 people, depending on the volume of production.

In addition to these, you also need:

  • driver;
  • Sales Manager;
  • courier;
  • storekeeper;
  • designer.

The general wage fund (payroll), if there are no more than 15 employees, is from 350 thousand rubles.

These calculations are valid for the general case. Depending on the specialization and scale of the region, they can change both downward and upward. For example, for economically underdeveloped regions the wage fund will decrease, but for Moscow and St. Petersburg it will increase several times. Let's consider specific examples in the niches for the production of cabinet and upholstered furniture.

Production of cabinet furniture

The production technology of cabinet furniture includes the following:

  • preparation of a project for the intended product in different planes;
  • work on cutting materials, forming parts of the future product;
  • work on drilling holes and sockets for fasteners;
  • work on trimming edges;
  • final assembly of finished furniture.

This process depends on how automated it is. It is believed that the use of CNC machines reduces the percentage of use manual labor, increases process automation. The operator of such a machine only needs to enter the size data into the program, create the required product, and once the machine is started, it will cut out everything that is needed in a few minutes. This manufacturing method is considered advanced and high-tech.

The disadvantage of such production is that constantly reconfiguring the program for an individual order is considered an unprofitable exercise. Therefore, to work with individual orders The use of CNC machines is not suitable. The best option is considered to be the organization of furniture production on several machines, which form a semi-automatic line with combined manual labor.

For such a furniture manufacturing workshop you will need to purchase the following equipment and tools:

  • format-cutting machine with manual supply of materials;
  • edge banding machine, with which straight edges, concave and convex elements are lined;
  • drilling and filler machine, which allows you to make holes - both blind and open;
  • grinding machine;
  • screwdrivers and hammer drill;
  • cutters, drills, knives.

With all this, you can count on a simultaneous monthly production of 100 units:

  • cabinets;
  • tables;
  • cabinet;
  • shelving.

Total 400 units finished products. The expenses must include the following:

  • for materials;
  • for electricity,
  • for advertising;
  • for depreciation.

In addition, the cost of furniture production is formed by payroll and rent. The payroll together with wage taxes is about 400 thousand rubles, rent is 50-55 thousand rubles. The cost of 400 of these products will be about 500 thousand rubles.

The cost of a table or cabinet varies from 2.3-3.3 thousand rubles, and the cost of cabinets and racks - 3.5-5 thousand rubles. The approximate income will be 1160-1660 tr. The profit will be 590-1060 tr. per month. This is the perfect calculation. To obtain real numbers, the final values ​​can be divided in half, even if labor efficiency is high.

Production of upholstered furniture

The population's need for upholstered furniture forms a sixth of the entire furniture market, which makes this niche very promising and attractive for both medium and small enterprises.

There is a trend towards custom-made sofas and armchairs, which makes it possible small businesses successfully compete with large industries that will not pursue individual customers. It is convenient for small and medium-sized businesses to produce small batches of armchairs and sofas.

This niche is also attractive for small and medium-sized businesses because it does not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

Basic operations are performed manually. Finally, so small and medium business They easily adapt to fashion trends and are ready to quickly fulfill an order, even if a new product has just appeared on the market. For this, the factory needs a quarter to transfer equipment and technological process for the release of some specific models. A small workshop can only provide the customer with a whole line of models through combinations of upholstery, fittings and materials, thereby benefiting from exclusivity.

Your production of upholstered furniture requires the purchase of the following machines:

  • combined - for wood processing;
  • multi-saw edger;
  • turning;
  • milling;
  • crosscut;
  • grinding.

Their total cost is 150-160 thousand rubles. In addition to machines, you will need drying equipment and pneumatic clamps, as well as hand tools, sewing machine and cutting tables. This is another 40 tr. In total, the technology for producing upholstered furniture will require about 200 thousand rubles for equipment and tools.

In addition to equipment for production workshop You will also need to purchase office equipment - office equipment and furniture with a total cost of 60-90 thousand rubles. This equipment allows us to produce up to 100 sofas monthly, each of which can be offered for sale at a price of 7.5 thousand rubles. The enterprise's income will be from 750 thousand rubles.

The costs of producing upholstered furniture are:

  • Payroll - 150-250 rubles;
  • rent - 50 thousand rubles;
  • materials - 150 tr.;
  • electricity, public utilities, Internet, communication - 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 30-50 t.r.;
  • unforeseen expenses - 40-60 tr.

In total, the total production costs are 440-580 thousand rubles. The enterprise's profit before taxes is 170-310 thousand rubles, and after - 160-290 thousand rubles. The real profit value will be 1.5-2 times lower. The average payback period for investments in equipment and tools in this type of activity, if efficiency is high, is considered normal from 4 months.

Take into account the production of facades. The number of enterprises that specialize in this is growing every year, but many manufacturers’ products are not of high quality. Buyers are willing to spend on quality facades more money, therefore, if you focus on product quality and do not strive to reduce costs due to it, then the production of facades can turn out to be a very profitable enterprise.

To open your own production, you will need 1.5 million rubles. One equipment, its purchase, delivery and installation will cost 1 million rubles. You also need to provide for the purchase of raw materials for a month of furniture production, which will cost another 250-300 thousand rubles.

One person can operate the equipment, so the payroll will be small. Such a furniture production workshop produces 400-500 m2 of MDF facades per month. The cost of 1 m2 reaches 1 thousand rubles. The income of such an enterprise is 400-500 thousand rubles. Consumables - up to 200 tr. The initial investment will pay off in 8-12 months.

What to focus on?

How to organize your furniture manufacturing business to achieve high efficiency labor? First: it is necessary that safety precautions are observed. Second: the staff must have a personal interest in high and quality production. Therefore, establish that the salary is formed from a fixed rate and a percentage for the work performed, and the marriage is deducted from the salary. This will increase employee engagement and improve labor efficiency.

After the work in the workshop has improved, begin an active search for customers. You can sell your products either through retail chains in your city and in other cities.

It is very good if you have your own online store to sell manufactured furniture. If you invest money in its promotion and contextual advertising, it allows you to increase sales several times, while advertising costs will be low.

Order a business plan

Investment: Investment 350,000 ₽

The company, as a furniture manufacturer, was founded in 2009. Today it is a dynamically developing manufacturing enterprise. We produce more than 20 thousand products per month. More than 100 stores. The brand “HALF PRICE Furniture” was created in 2014 for retail network furniture stores in the furniture discounter format. The first store was opened that same year. As expected, the project...

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Investments: From 500,000 rubles. We will reimburse 50% of your costs for repairs and store decoration. Low investment risks. 40% of investments are exhibition samples, which remain a liquid asset in case of problems.

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IceBox franchise

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Manufacturing business is profitable idea For entrepreneurial activity. Even a beginner who does not have large sums to invest can do it.

Although manufacturing business often requires large capital investments; this business is not only profitable, but also allows it to be realized profitably.

And this is often much more important for many entrepreneurs than the amount of revenue.

After all trading business based on final stage someone's production.

That is, no matter how skillfully you trade, your name is unlikely to go down in business history.

But at the same time, you need to start from customer demand first of all when selecting ideas for the manufacture of goods and products for sale.

Demand will influence the set price, production volumes and, in fact, the fact itself: is the chosen business idea worth implementing?

Although this business Indeed, it usually requires substantial investments; to organize a mini-production, 300-500 thousand rubles are enough (sometimes even less than this).

Below we will look at several examples from each “price niche”.

Mini business ideas for production with investments up to 300 thousand

Mini production is great idea for an aspiring entrepreneur who has the zeal, time, ideas, but no funds for a more serious startup.

If you fit that description, up your nose.

Don’t think that with a capital of less than 300,000 you can only weave beaded bracelets or make homemade soap.

With such a contribution, you can also become the owner of a normal, serious manufacturing business.

What kind of production can you open for 300 thousand rubles: making keys

Capital investments: from 60,000 rubles.

A great manufacturing business idea for a budding entrepreneur.

Indeed, despite the simplicity of implementation, it has significant advantages:

  • there are practically zero risks in the field;
  • the amount of investment in the business is small;
  • It is profitable to run such a production business - the profitability level reaches 500%;
  • The cost of ready-made keys is high, and the cost of blanks is low.

To work in this area, certain specific skills are still needed.

But they are not as difficult to understand for the average person as many people think.

A novice entrepreneur can master them himself without any problems.

Step-by-step instructions for the process of organizing a key production business look like this:

  1. Design Required documents: Individual entrepreneur, current account, Federal Tax Service.
  2. Find a small one outlet for rent (2-4 m2 is enough).
    It is important that it is located in crowded areas.
  3. Buy equipment and consumables for business key production.

What will the 60 thousand rubles of capital investment be spent on?

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 60,000 rub.
Preparation of documents, permits2 000
Rent trading place, renovation and decor15 000
Minimum equipment set15 000
Set of hooks (from 50 pieces)1 000
Stock of blanks for future keys10 000
Unexpected expenses12 000
Tax payments5 000

Business ideas for fresh juice production

Capital investment: 60,000 rub.

Business payback: from 3 months

Juice is a product that is now available on the shelves of any store, in any flavor variations.

But buyers are no longer satisfied that only the name remains of the juice in the drinks sold.

Popularization healthy image life has led to an increase in demand for fresh, completely natural juices.

Therefore, the idea of ​​a business for its production is relevant, profitable and at the same time requires small investments.

If you choose a good place to rent for your mini business producing freshly squeezed juice ( shopping mall or a recreation park), making fresh juice will be very profitable.

With an average sales level of 10-20 l/day, revenue will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

And this is just from one point!

What kind of production can you open with 500 thousand rubles or more?

“Money itself is only a means of exchange; its existence is impossible without the production of goods and people who know how to produce. Money gives weight and form to the basic principle that people who wish to deal with each other must communicate through exchange, giving one value for another.
In the hands of slackers and beggars, begging with tears for the fruits of your labor, or bandits who take them from you by force, money loses its meaning and ceases to be a means of exchange.
Money became possible thanks to people who knew how to produce.”
Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged

As you can already see, with even up to 300 thousand you can open your own mini business production, which will operate and develop profitably.

Of course, if you have a large capital - from 500,000 - the number of business ideas increases.

How to open your own breakfast cereal production?

Capital investment: 700,000 rub.

Business payback: from 9 months

Once upon a time, breakfast cereals were exclusively an attribute of prosperous foreign countries.

But already from the 90s they began to come into use among Russians and this moment firmly took their place.

Moreover, if we compare consumption volumes with Western ones, it becomes obvious that this niche will still develop.

While the average Russian consumes 300-500 g of breakfast cereal per year, for a European the volume increases to 4 kg.

Also, the fact that the implementation of this idea is profitable is indicated by an increase of 25-30% annually.

And this is a serious indicator!

There are two reasons for the growing popularity of the muesli and cereal business:

  1. The popularity of leading a healthy lifestyle is growing (and ready-made breakfasts are considered a healthy and worthy diet).
  2. The average income of the population is gradually increasing.

However, the level of competition is currently at a moderate level.

And to enter this niche you need an investment of up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:700,000 rub.
Renting territory for production
(for mini production 150 m2 is enough,
and to accommodate a universal line – from 300 m2)
280 000
(mixture tank, vibrating sieve,
dryer, conveyor, rolling equipment,
extruder, separator, etc.)
250 000
Loading conveyor75 000
Public utilities
(electricity, water)
50 000
Payment to employees
(manager, technologist,
4 production workers)
80 000
Purchasing containers for packaging the product
(boxes, bags)
35 000
Advertising campaign30 000

Of course, you won’t be able to compete with well-known manufacturers at the national level right away.

But it is not necessary to do this, because at the regional level you can get ahead of them due to more favorable price or active internal advertising.

With a well-drafted business plan and business management, the idea will pay off in no more than 9 months.

How to open a production facility with an investment of 1 million rubles or more?

Business production ideas for entrepreneurs with such large sums of money to invest are almost limitless.

In this case, we can talk not only about a mini factory, but also a full-fledged complex for the production of products.

An entrepreneur may not sell it to third-party sellers, but sell it himself, which will be even more profitable.

Candle making business

Capital investment: RUB 1,000,000.

Business payback: 12-14 months

Business candle production is an idea that is always relevant and in demand.

Even during general electrification, people buy and will continue to buy both ordinary table candles and decorative ones, including mini gift sets.

At the same time, starting such a business is quite simple.

Approximate cost items are shown in the table:

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 1,000,000 rub.
Forms for filling
(if you are opening a manual production)
Depends on the type.
For example, to make egg-shaped candles you need a mold that costs 35,000.
Foundry machine
(with different shapes)
The machine itself will cost 355,000 rubles.
And the cost of the molds varies depending on the material used:
plastic – from 1600,
aluminum – 16,000-30,000 (with and without cooling),
with radiators – from 22,000.
In general, you will need to purchase molds in the amount of 120,000.
Tank for kindling candle mixtureFrom 34,000
Wick weaving machineFrom 160,000
Installation and configuration of equipment20 000
Purchase of raw materials for candle production490 000
Unaccounted expenses10 000

Opening a business producing various candles is not difficult even for a novice entrepreneur.

At the same time, the average monthly revenue of the plant when producing 22 work shifts/8 hours will be at least 290,000.

So if a businessman purchases high-quality raw materials and equipment that he can use 100%, the investment will fully pay off in 12-14 months.

How to start your own neon sign production?

Capital investment: RUB 1,500,000.

Business payback: up to 12 months

Neon signs appeared on the Russian advertising market relatively recently, but are already highly popular and in demand.

World experience shows that the level of demand will continue to grow.

All this makes the idea of ​​starting a neon sign production business a good one.

Clients buy neon illuminated signs not only to attract customers, but also to emphasize the solid or, conversely, entertaining status of the establishment.

After all, everyone understands perfectly well that the cost of ordering such advertising is much higher than on conventional paper media.

And at the same time, Russian people have a strong emotional association with the lights of Las Vegas or New York.

The list of potential clients of neon advertising manufacturers is large:

For implementation, you can contact potential clients directly, which takes time, but allows you to increase revenue.

Or you can use the services of intermediaries.

Opening a sign manufacturing plant will require significant capital investment.

The mini configuration option will cost you 300-500 thousand. A full set of equipment - no less than 800,000.

But in addition to purchasing equipment, an entrepreneur must also invest in renting a suitable territory, purchasing Supplies for production, payment of employees.

Therefore, if you have less than 1,500,000 capital, it is better to choose another business idea for implementation.

Production and sale of neon signs is profitable business, which on average pays off in less than a year of work.

For those who are interested in this business idea,

How does the process of making neon signs work?

Manufacturing business- it is profitable and interesting idea for business activities.

As you already understood, even a beginner who does not have large sums to invest in the project can do it.

The main thing is to choose a suitable idea, draw up a well-thought-out business plan with calculations and make efforts to implement your plans.

Then the business will definitely be successful!

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