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1) Dial-up is a very old and rather expensive method. The connection is made through a telephone line; while using the Internet, the phone does not work, maximum speed transmission data using this technology is 56 kbit/s.
Equipment: dial-up modem.

2) ADSL - Internet access via a telephone line. Unlike the previous method, the phone works while data is being transferred, thanks to the splitter. Access speed can reach 24 Mbit/s. Particularly popular in rural areas, because It is not profitable to run twisted pair cables or optics to every home.
Equipment: ADSL modem.

3) Fast Ethernet - access to the Internet via a dedicated line, via twisted pair. Provides speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Equipment: not required.

4) Connection via fiber optic cable provides speeds up to 1 Gbps. It has a small distribution due to the high cost of cable and optical communication equipment.

Wireless connections:

5) Wi-fi - wireless connection to the Internet. Includes many standards providing different speeds and connection ranges. For example, the 802.11g standard provides speeds of up to 54 Mbit/s, and the 802.11n standard up to 600 Mbit/s, but you shouldn’t lick your lips at these numbers, wireless connections are very capricious, the speed depends on many factors: the distance between devices, obstacles, interference, etc. etc. Many people use special antennas to establish connections over tens of kilometers.
Equipment: wi-fi access point.

6) GPRS, EDGE, 3G - Internet access through mobile operators are included in one section, because depending on the coverage area, access technology may change. Speed ​​depends on workload base station. The theoretically possible speed of the third generation 3G network is up to 14 Mbit/s. In fact, the speed does not always reach 2 Mbit/s, because the operator does not always have free channels and the latest equipment?
Before connecting to a provider, it is better to try to evaluate the quality of access by borrowing a modem from friends or from the operator itself, if it has such a service.
Equipment: 3G modem or cell phone.

7) WiMAX - new technology access, a fourth generation network, previously promoted in Russia by Yota, which replaced it with LTE. It can operate on a signal reflected from walls and other obstacles. Access speed is 10 Mbit/s. Disadvantage: networks have a “breathing cell” effect; when the load is maximum, the coverage radius around the base station decreases.
Equipment: WiMAX modem.

8) LTE - Fourth generation networks, unlike WiMAX, support 2G and 3G devices. Speed ​​to subscriber 100 Mbit/s, from subscriber 50 Mbit/s.
Equipment: LTE modem.

How to choose the right Internet provider

Before connecting to any provider, you need to make sure the quality of the connection. First of all, you need to choose according to your needs: do you want to go online once a week to read the news and watch the weather forecast, or will you download gigabytes of traffic daily.

This offer is suitable not only for those who are installing Internet in an apartment for the first time, but also for those who, for some reason, are dissatisfied with their provider and intend to change it. Just out of curiosity, you can see how it's done.

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When thinking about which Internet connection is best for their home, people should first understand all the nuances of the available connections. The main criterion that every user of a personal computer or computer must take into account is the speed limit. The speed of loading, opening pages and viewing videos, audio and photos will directly depend on this parameter. Another very important criterion that most users focus on when choosing a provider is the size of the subscription fee.

Attention! The higher the Internet speed, the better and more comfortable your online experience will be. Those PC users who use low-speed Internet will not be able to watch many videos or even listen to music.

Available connection types

In the territory Russian Federation ADSL technologies have recently become very popular. When using them, users have the opportunity to connect to the World Wide Web via . It is worth noting that users of modern gadgets will simultaneously have access to two types of communication. To connect to this technology, people need to purchase an ADSL modem.

Almost all high-rise buildings and business centers today use a way to exit worldwide network– via fiber optic cable. Traditional wired Internet is carried out by specialists from specialized companies. Today, only it is capable of operating at the highest speed possible.

Attention! It is worth noting that providers regularly reduce prices for their services. Today we can say with confidence that wired Internet is the most profitable from both a technical and financial point of view.

Internet connection with Wi-Fi

It is relatively popular among businessmen, students and ordinary users. the new kind Wi-Fi connections. With its help, you can access the World Wide Web even from a place remote from the centralized network (around 100 meters from the router). To use such Internet, you need to have a modern gadget that has a built-in modem capable of receiving signals from Wi-Fi.

Another type of connection is WIMAX, the coverage of which extends across the territory of a large populated area (50 km). Its advantages include decent speed, reaching 1 Gbit/s, and the absence of wires.

ADSL is the most popular Internet access technology

Available modem technologies

For many years, Dial-Up technology was popular in the Russian Federation, which required participation in the process of connecting to the World Wide Web with a special modem and telephone cable.

The main advantage of this technology is that there is no need to switch new utility lines, since the existing infrastructure is used to connect to the network.

Attention! This type of connection has been replaced by ADSL technology, which opens up great opportunities for users.

Optical connection method

One of the most modern technologies access to the worldwide network is FTTx optics. It is actively being installed in multi-storey and private buildings, as well as business centers. Users of personal computers will need to purchase special equipment, the type of which directly depends on the cable installed in the room:

  1. Copper. This cable is also called twisted pair, which supplies an electrical signal carrying information. It is almost always routed from distribution boxes to customers' apartments, and is very susceptible to electromagnetic interference.
  2. Fiber optic. This type of cable is usually used to install utility lines that are brought to the site. Its advantages include ultra-high speed of information transfer and the ability to perform its functions under any temperature and weather conditions.

Attention! Today many people use in everyday life Mobile Internet, which has both advantages and disadvantages. This type of connection is characterized by low speed, unstable communication quality and instability.

Popular providers

IN last years on Russian market-technologies, a huge number of providers have appeared. Very popular among local population and business elites are used by the following companies:

  1. Rostelecom. This provider provides individuals and entities entrepreneurial activity the widest range of specialized services. For its clients the company has developed broadband access to the World Wide Web.
  2. Beeline. This operator, well-known throughout the post-Soviet space, today offers services that go beyond the traditional cellular communications. This provider changes too often tariff line, which many customers are unhappy with.
  3. TransTeleCom. This provider has announced itself on domestic market not so long ago, but at the same time was able to quickly join the race of competitors. To date it customer base has more than 2,000,000 subscribers who speak positively about both the quality and speed of communication, and the tariffs.
  4. Er-telecom. This company began its core activities in 2001. In just a short period of time, this provider was able to reach the federal level. Currently, its offices are located in more than 56 cities of the Russian Federation, and this figure continues to grow steadily. The company holds regular promotions for clients and introduces bonus programs.

When planning to enter into an agreement with a provider for regular maintenance, each computer user should first study all available offers. Each company has an official website on which information necessary for customers is posted. IN mandatory potential clients should familiarize yourself with the tariffs and inquire about the maximum permissible speed limit. The best solution There will be unlimited access to the Internet, which can only be guaranteed by competitive providers.

How to choose the right Internet provider - video

To access the Internet, there are several ways to connect it, which differ from each other, in fact, in the connection technology itself, tariffs for use, as well as technical characteristics, which determine the speed of information transfer, the stability of the connection itself, the response time, and other subtleties. As you can see, the quality of the Internet depends not only on the hardware capabilities of the computer or mobile device used, as some believe. The providers of this service - special organizations, the so-called providers - are responsible for the quality of the Internet connection itself.

But, about everything in more detail - we will consider below the most common methods of connecting to the Internet, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

1. Satellite Internet

2. Mobile Internet

The name itself speaks for itself. This is the Internet, which you can use wherever you are within the coverage area of ​​your provider (mobile operator). There are two connection options: via a mobile phone or via a special modem. The latter can be connected to a smartphone, tablet or laptop via USB ports (miniUSB) as a separate small device. Manufacturers often equip some models of computer and mobile equipment with such a modem.

Almost all modern Cell phones have Internet access. Somewhat outdated models are connected using slow and at the same time expensive GPRS technology. And for more modern mobile devices - smartphones and tablets - mobile operators offer high-speed connection technologies that can provide access to the Internet wherever this operator has coverage. These are technologies such as: CDMA, WiMAX, LTE, UMTS. If the gadget is not equipped with a built-in modem that can support these technologies, almost all mobile operators can offer their own branded plug-in modem.

The data transfer speeds of these technologies can vary greatly depending on the user's location. However, special Internet signal amplifiers are now being produced that can increase this speed significantly.

3. Telephone connection (dialup)

This is by far one of the most common methods of connecting to the Internet in Russia, but far from the best. Used if a landline telephone is installed in the apartment. By connecting a computer or laptop via a wired modem to telephone line, you access the Internet. The phone will naturally be busy at this time, and it will not be possible to use it until the end of the Internet session. And this is not the only drawback of a telephone connection - for example, this method of Internet connection is one of the most expensive, and perhaps the slowest.

4. Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is one of the modern species wireless communication. Almost all smartphones, tablets and laptops have a built-in special module that allows you to access the Internet while within the range of Wi-Fi access points (usually a range of about 100 m). The Wi-Fi module can also be purchased separately and connected to a PC either as a separate built-in card or as an external device connected via USB.

So far, this type of connection is not in widespread demand among Russian users, despite the fact that many, by connecting an Internet network cable to a router, could freely move around the house with a laptop, tablet or smartphone and use the Internet. In Russia, Wi-Fi is more of an additional feature for the service business. Users can (as a rule, completely free) have access to the Internet in various public places - at airports, train stations, cafes, hotels, gas stations, etc.

Wi-Fi technology itself is quite fast, but due to the fact that access points are usually overloaded, the final speed sometimes leaves much to be desired.


ADSL is special kind connecting to the Internet via a telephone line, while access to the Internet does not interfere with the operation of the phone. The quality of such a connection is an order of magnitude higher than with a regular telephone connection. It has a high information transfer speed and excellent stability.

6. Direct connection

This is the best way to connect to the Internet today. The user's computer is connected to the provider using a regular network cable. The advantages of this connection are its high speed, stability, reliability, and low cost. But this method, unfortunately, is available only in large populated areas– where the cable lines of local providers run.

Internet. He means so much these days. Someone finds in it a means to earn money, someone finds salvation from loneliness. The Internet, these days, can be connected in several ways. Let's look at which methods are the most promising and convenient. So, which Internet is better to connect?

Connecting the Internet: methods

  • The very first way to connect to the Internet was once telephone modem. It is worth noting that this technology outdated and cannot compete with the speed it offers cable connection. But, again, once upon a time, this method of connecting to a virtual network was the only one.
  • The most common way to connect to the Internet today is via a telephone using ADSL technology. It is thanks to them that you can use your phone and the Internet at the same time. Typically, the user connects a special ADSL modem, which is connected to telephone network. The phone and modem are separated by a splitter, which allows you to use one telephone connection for two devices - a computer and a phone. This connection method made it possible for the first time to create unlimited tariffs.
  • The next method of connecting to the global network replaced ADSL not so long ago. A wired internet connection allowed the user to completely separate the internet and phone. Now, the phone is free from interference and load on the PBX, and the Internet flows through special wires that were installed in your apartment by a person representing the provider. Here's the best internet to connect to. What did this connection method give to the user? Incomparably high speed The Internet appeared precisely thanks to the wired Internet. The price of the Internet dropped significantly as more and more people connected to the World Wide Web. A large number of providers appeared that provided Internet access, offering increasingly favorable conditions to their clients. Today, a wired Internet connection is a priority. This is the cheapest and most reliable way to connect to the global virtual space.

The latest connection technology is Wi-Fi technology. What does it offer the user? The main difference between Wi-Fi and, for example, wired internet- this is freedom from unnecessary wires. In other words, your computer does not need any wire to connect to the Internet. All you need is a Wi-Fi module that is capable of receiving information from the Wi-Fi center. This technology developed rapidly when laptops gained popularity in the computer technology markets. The fact is that a laptop is first and foremost mobile computer. Accordingly, it cannot be connected by any wires. The laptop must access the Internet via a Wi-Fi receiver, which has been implemented in recent years. It should be noted, however, that Wi-Fi technology They cannot yet compare in speed and reliability with wired Internet technologies, so Wi-Fi is convenient only in special cases.

The following conclusion can be drawn: today, better connection to the Internet is a connection using fiber-optic communication lines. Here's the best internet to connect to.

The connection between your computer and some site located on the server that you are viewing does not occur in a straight line!

Therefore, when testing on a website, find a server from which testing gives the best results.

If there are problems with communication, first check the contacts (power sockets, connectors, wires, routers, circuit boards, etc.).
Network Windows settings affect the speed of your Internet connection, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s better not to do it!

Pingtest test.

Before testing the service to determine the quality of the network, the servers closest to you will be checked and the server with the minimum delay time in relation to your computer will be selected.

Rice. Screenshot of the test page to determine network characteristics.

This test measures three indicators characterizing network quality:

  1. Packet Loss- loss of packets when receiving/transmitting from a server on the Internet and your computer. Good network characterized by packet losses within 0% -1%.
  2. Ping- the time spent receiving packets from your computer to the Server on the Internet and back. Acceptable broadband connection quality should be less than 100 ms.
  3. Jitter- The result of calculating the difference when measuring successive pings. An ideal network is characterized by - 0 ms. In a real network, the ping difference is greater than zero.


Internet network quality classification:
  • A - Great. MOS is greater than 4.37. Ping below 50ms and 0% packet loss
  • B - Okay. MOS from 4.28 to 4.37. Ping below 90ms and 0% packet loss. Network quality is not suitable for all online games.
  • C - Satisfactory. MOS from 4.00 to 4.37. Ping below 150ms and 1% packet loss. Poor for online games and Internet telephony; for streaming video, the quality of the Internet is acceptable.
  • D - Unsatisfactory. MOS from 2.50 to 3.99. Ping below 300ms and 3% packet loss. In such a network, all Internet applications will work poorly.
  • F - Very bad. MOS is less than 2.50. Ping below 500ms and 20% packet loss. You should contact your provider to resolve the problem.

Note: M.O.S.- Mean Opinion Score - an indicator of the quality of voice message transmission. In this case, it is determined by software methods and assessed on a five-point scale. Best score- 5 points