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Motivational message. How to write a motivation letter for a job? Correct text structure

Entering a university abroad or trying to find a job requires writing a motivation letter. In most cases, a properly formatted motivation letter is 50% of the way to getting into your dream university. That is why you should not take its writing lightly.

A motivation letter is a 1-2 page essay in which the candidate describes his interests (academic), experience, goals, life position and achievements. A motivation letter can tell you a lot about the author:

  • firstly, the selection committee will be able to get an idea of ​​the candidate’s personality, his ability to think critically, and analyze the situation
  • secondly, about the candidate’s ability to logically, coherently and grammatically correctly express his thoughts in writing

Agree, based on the letter, you can draw certain conclusions about a candidate who dreams of a diploma from a world-famous university - that’s why you need to write a motivation letter. Travel or receive higher education Abroad is a great start for your future career. Of course, before entering the university you still have to take the test.

Purpose of writing a letter

The main purpose of the letter is to convince members of the admissions committee that you are the most suitable candidate who should be given preference. With the help of a letter, you establish communication with members of the admissions committee, and in order for this communication to be successful for you, you should:

  • know exactly what is expected of you the target audience
  • know exactly what you want to get from the university education process
  • be able to correctly talk about the unique qualities that make you special

A document such as a motivation letter in English helps in finding employment and obtaining a prestigious education. That is why, when writing a letter, remember the main rules:

  1. Commissions of different faculties evaluate letters according to different criteria
  2. Mention of short-term and long-term learning goals is encouraged
  3. Description of personal experience and achievements is required
  4. a brief description of studies and achievements in this area is necessary

What do the admissions committee like?

What is worth mentioning when you write a motivation letter for employment in foreign company or admission to university? Anyone who reads your letter will probably expect to receive answers to their questions about you from what you have written. Therefore, you should not disappoint him.

The motivation letter should contain:

  • analysis of personal qualities (this will be used to judge how exactly you evaluate yourself, and therefore those around you)
  • sincerity (the falsehood is felt immediately, keep in mind)
  • description of training and motivation (work experience, achievements, skills, specific indication of why you chose this particular specialty, how you plan to develop and improve in this area)
  • the presence of goals and the validity of the chosen program (it is important to indicate what exactly you want to achieve by studying in this specialty and how the learning process will help you achieve your goals)
  • logic of text construction. The ability to write well and formulate thoughts correctly is also important for entering a university

What doesn't the admissions committee like?

Let us tell you in more detail what it is better not to write in a motivation letter. First, try to avoid clichés and general phrases that do not convey any information. Secondly, the motivation letter should in no case turn into a restatement of the resume; it should complement the perception of the admissions committee members about you, and not tell them the same information that they can read in the resume. – we have already told you earlier.

Also, avoid dangerous, controversial topics, and refrain from expressing thoughts on politics or religion, especially if your point of view is too different from the generally accepted one. Use simple words and expressions, do not complicate the reader’s perception of the text. And most importantly, don’t write too much, no one will read a novel about you in three volumes. It's just general rules good form in a motivation letter.

Formatting a motivation letter

Of course, you can download motivation letter templates in English and write your letter in their image and likeness. Still, it will be better if you try, following the general guidelines, to write your own essay letter.

Essay formats:

  • unstructured. You will be able to freely state your goals, objectives and describe your experience, personal qualities and achievements
  • essay in the form of answers to questions. Such an essay is usually written by candidates who apply for MBA programs. In this case, the motivation letter will consist of short essay responses to individual questions.

Approaches to text organization:

  • Thematic approach. You focus on 2-4 topics and talk about them. The good thing about this approach is that you get the opportunity to draw a parallel between two chronologically unrelated events that you want to compare.
  • Chronological approach. Everything is simple here: describe the events in chronological order

How to organize the text correctly?

  1. Show the most interesting facts at the beginning of the letter. Who can guarantee that the letter will be read to the end?
  2. Try to logically arrange the facts so that the reader can see your development both in the personal and professional spheres.
  3. Divide the text into paragraphs. Use linking words to move from one paragraph to another. Make each paragraph of your letter a mini-story with a beginning, a climax, and a logical outcome.
  4. The introduction is the part of the letter that should make the reader read your letter. Make it interesting: use quotes, a description of a life event, an unusual fact.
  5. The conclusion is an equally important part of the letter. The conclusion should leave a positive impression of what you read. In conclusion, you don’t need to summarize every paragraph, but you can present the problems proposed in the letter from a different angle, connect them to larger global problems, or describe your goals and motivation more fully.
  6. Edit the letter in several stages. First, just write the text, after a day or two you should read it, and later, proofread it in detail for grammatical and spelling errors.

Phrases that can be used in the body of the letter:

  • I am particularly interested in this job, as... - I am interested in getting this job because...
  • I would like to work for you, in order to... - I would like to work in your company
  • My strengths are... – Mine strengths
  • I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . But I am looking to improve in this / these area/s. – I can say that my only weakness is... But I’m working on it
  • I would be well suited to the position because... - I consider myself a suitable candidate for this vacancy because
  • My area of ​​expertise is... – I specialize in
  • Even under pressure I can maintain high standards. – Even under pressure I can meet high standards
  • I have a lively interest in … and would appreciate the opportunity / chance to broaden my knowledge by working with you. – I am very interested in... and would appreciate the chance to apply my knowledge to this work.
  • I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me. – I really want to gain experience in your company in the position that you can offer

You can immediately write a motivation letter in English or first compose it in Russian and then translate it. However, during translation a number of inaccuracies and errors may occur. The most common mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English are the coordination of tenses in complex sentences, incorrect word order (translation requires restructuring of the sentence), and incorrect use of the singular and plural during translation.

This is not a complete list of possible mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English. Therefore, it is better to write a motivation letter in English.

A sample motivation letter in English can help you write your own letter. You can find examples of motivation letters in English on the portal

In this article we will look at what a motivation letter looks like and an example of how to write it. Most likely, it will be a visual aid with lots of tips and samples.

Possession of information. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said these words: “He who owns information owns the whole world.” This saying of his became a famous thesis, a guide to taking some action. Before you start writing an essay, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the chosen program.

Presence of motivation. You should clearly define the goals of your involvement in this project - for a long period of time or short-term. You need to indicate in your cover letter about the benefits of participating in this project and what personal skills you are willing to transfer to your colleagues. You also need to tell about your future plans, what area you are trying to master, and how you are going to use the knowledge you have gained. It would be nice if they could be useful for this project.

Individualism. You need to think carefully and decide how you stand out among similar applicants. Perhaps work experience, knowledge of languages, some plans for the future.

Description of parts. Often we overlook some details, which are a good chance to earn extra points when writing a motivation letter. It is worth indicating a list of skills that are not directly related to your specialization, for example, you confidently use specialized computer programs, etc.

Positive mood. Start writing an essay in a good mood and with confidence in your own abilities. There is no need to send it immediately after you have written it. It takes some time to edit it a bit, but don't go overboard with it.

Go ahead and sing!

  1. Availability of official style. A motivation letter, an example of which will be shown below, is an official document, and its formatting must correspond to the sample. The presence of humorous and colloquial speech in it is unacceptable - only official style.
  2. All thoughts must be complete. Paragraphs should not be broken; all theses should be given reasons.
  3. Custom writing. Here we are talking about the uniqueness of the letter. It is individual for each case: educational institution or enterprise. The universal essay will be sent to the trash. If there are copies in the text, then the commission will not be difficult to identify them.
  4. Text volume should not extend beyond one A4 sheet. This setting can be violated if the applicant has solid professional experience, and this cannot be contained on one sheet of paper.
  5. Reduce "I" to a minimum. It is not recommended to write “I” at the beginning of each sentence. By this you show your own narcissism and overestimation of your own capabilities.
  6. You need to write to the point. You should not list your hobbies and interests if they are not related to your goals. It will just be extra text.
  7. Simplicity and simplicity again. You should not overuse overly complex and long words and phrases. More often than not, a simple presentation is more beneficial and attractive.
  8. Reduce to a minimum use of banal and famous quotes, or better not to use them at all.
  9. Maintain spelling and grammar. After finishing writing the text, you need to proofread it carefully. The presence of spelling and stylistic errors can harm you.

An example of errors when writing it

To ensure that the employer or admissions committee shows interest in you, avoid the most common mistakes when writing a letter.

  1. Do not duplicate information reflected in your resume. The essay is a good chance to demonstrate personal qualities and desire for development. Therefore, there is no need to once again focus on describing past victories and achievements. Better get busy with the future.
  2. Say NO to a Dreary Essay Beginning. There is no need to focus too much on introducing yourself to your loved one for a long time. It will be much better if you tell us some life situation that had a significant impact on your decision to take part in this project.
  3. Writing the same text for several projects. With this approach, you can go down the drain, since each educational institution or enterprise has a list of its advantages that should be reflected in the cover letter.
  4. Faceless narration your text will not be etched in the memory of the hiring manager or admissions committee. And the reason for everything can be superficial, impersonal phrases.
  5. Joking style ridicule. This style is not always appropriate. If for the author of the text this is just a harmless joke, then for those who read it it can be not only indecent, but also offensive.
  6. Bragging about other people's achievements- these are qualities and deeds assigned to oneself, which means they are simply absent. You must always remain yourself, tell in a letter exactly about your positive aspects, plans for the future, etc.
  7. The topic is only partially covered. When writing a text, it is best to follow a certain structure. That is, in each paragraph, gradually lift the curtain of your essay. Otherwise you'll end up with a jumbled pun that won't be of interest to anyone.

Where to start writing?

Now let's look at how to start writing a motivation letter, an example of its correct beginning.

Are you planning to write an essay and can’t decide where to start? Then catch the way in which you can easily sketch out his project.

The greatest difficulty in writing is its limited volume. This suggests that you should focus on your achievements and significant events in your life, and cut down unnecessary things to a minimum. But this is not so easy to deal with.

You can bypass mental stupor and wandering in your life by using the cluster analysis technique. This is a kind of visual brainstorming, thanks to which an associative map is created, which is based on various ideas for a given project.

At first glance, the construction of this map may seem chaotic, but various elements may be interconnected in its content.

To create an associative map, you need to write your name on a blank sheet of paper and circle it. Think carefully and write down invented associations that relate to your character, memories and achievements. Next, you need to create branches on your behalf using lines to connect words that will correspond to the newly emerging topic.

Now you need to analyze the created clusters and write your conclusions under the map, what came out of it. Need to search characteristic features and the interrelationship of various elements. Place marks on the map under those elements that you think can be used in the cover letter. By completing this analysis, you will be able to identify one to several topics for your essay.

For admission to the master's program

The whole point is to write a slightly pathetic message, emphasizing how you dream of studying here, and not somewhere else. Most likely, you should focus on two details - academic achievements and work experience. An achievement may include attending conferences, writing coursework, and the diploma itself. By presenting all this advantageously and beautifully, you will be able to convince of your academic savvy. The presence of professional qualities is also important, because they speak of acquired skills and independence.

You should not overload your motivation letter with descriptions and facts. It is necessary to note the presence of the most important things: university, specialty and work, and then describe your activity and acquired experience, which will be useful in the future.

The most important features in a letter are considered to be confidence and competent presentation of oneself.

Essay for university

It is no secret that at this time many leading universities in the CIS countries have decided to learn from their colleagues from the West, and often for admission, among the necessary other documents, a motivation letter is required, an example of which is described below.

Essays are divided into two types:

  1. Free form.
  2. A structured form where you need to answer several specific questions.

In a structured essay, the required paragraphs include the following:

  1. How do you justify choosing this particular university?
  2. Scientific interests of the applicant.
  3. Plans for implementing the acquired knowledge in your future profession.
  4. What achievements and merits does the applicant have?

This type of essay is simpler, as it assumes a certain structure in the form of a ready-made plan.

When there is no experience, but there is a desire

Many are faced with a situation that has long been familiar to everyone in search of a good job, when young and ambitious people with 10 years of work experience are needed. But don't get upset right away. Even if you are inexperienced, a good job awaits you, but only if you strive and want to learn everything new. A motivation letter, an example of which is published below, from a university graduate should look something like this:

"Good afternoon! My name is Vladimir. 3 months ago I successfully defended my diploma in the “Jurisprudence” profile. I have no experience in this direction yet, but I have other qualitative advantages.

For me, organization and discipline are paramount. I studied at the military department, which I successfully mastered and graduated from. During my studies, I was entrusted with the responsibilities of a group leader, was the organizer of student outings and hikes, and always headed the financial and budgetary side. During my internship after my fourth year I had to work at the Bank as a legal assistant. There are recommendations from management.

I have a common sense approach to job hunting, so I'm quite happy with working as an assistant or intern, but the most important thing for me is the opportunity to constantly develop. There is a desire to completely immerse yourself in work, to comply with the rules and regulations.

Thank you for your attention!”

An example of the manifestation of live emotions

Imagine a situation where an employer wants to see not an ordinary and memorized list of skills, but a manifestation of love for one’s own business with an incredible desire to become a member of the team of this particular company. This kind of writing factor is much more catchy. Here are some examples:

  1. Since childhood, I have been interested in style and appearance, so I often gave free consultations to family and friends. But the time has come, and I realized that this can be done for a certain amount of money. It is for this reason that I was very glad to become your personal stylist.
  2. As a child, I had a dream of becoming a street actor, portraying living statues on the streets. I think that over time my range of ambitions has become much wider, but, as before, I am drawn to entertaining people, I enjoy performing in front of an audience. Thanks to these qualities, I will become a great, I would say, irreplaceable manager.

This is the spirit and style that can touch the living.

How to use a sample motivation letter

Now we will try to look at a motivation letter and an example of its correct use. This is done for informational purposes only, to see with your own eyes the format of this document, as other people write about it, but in no case should it be copied.

The truth is, it's hard to find great cover letter examples online. Not everyone is eager to post their essay on the Internet, the compilation of which took enormous effort and time.

You may come across examples of letters from applicants who successfully entered some universities. The admissions committee has a lenient attitude towards such letters. They already have an idea about the applicant who has undergone training at paid university courses. Therefore, such essay examples are nothing more than an ordinary formality, and should not be taken as a standard.

But when an applicant enters the university directly, the admissions committee does not have any information about him, then in this situation the essay plays a significant role. And, as a result, they will read it carefully.

Therefore, do not even think about copying other people’s works. If you can’t do anything with the text, you don’t want to waste time, then it’s better to ask those who do it professionally to write the text, for money, of course. Fortunately, there are many performers now, and if you don’t like their work, you can easily find someone else. And then work with this person on an ongoing basis.

Example structure for an internship

If you need to write a motivation letter for an internship, an example of which is sketched below, then you have come to the right place. So, here we go:

  1. At the beginning of the letter, your name, place of study, specialization, what course and form of study you are in.
  2. “I want to get a vacancy as an intern.”
  3. Why do you want to work for this company?
  4. What can you give to the company (what can you do, what tasks can you handle, what benefits will you bring).
  5. What is the duration of the internship and when do you plan to start? How do you imagine the organization labor process(this question will be relevant for a day-care student who will not be physically able to be at his workplace, since he needs to study at this time).
  6. If available, provide recommendations.
  7. Express gratitude for the attention provided.
  8. Request a response by mail or telephone call, indicating a telephone number.
  9. Write a short note: “If you allow, I will call you on Tuesday morning. If you are busy at this time, I ask you to inform me when I know the results on my question.”
  10. Say goodbye politely.
  11. Subscribe.

Examples of motivation letters and essays

Below we will briefly talk about how to write a motivation letter. Motivation letter, personal statement is required for admission to any foreign university. This is the most important part of your application package. And the only opportunity to show yourself as an individual, and not a faceless person with a set of publications and achievements. There are many known cases where applicants with a weak background were admitted to universities thanks to a well-written motivation letter. Spend at least a month writing it.

Depending on the program you are applying for, you need to place different emphasis in your essay.

So, a motivation letter should answer the questions: why do you want to study at this university, why this university is attractive to you, your strengths.

To enroll in legal specialties, the motivation letter must clearly demonstrate the logic of presentation. Business programs require leadership qualities, the ability to quickly navigate non-standard situations, etc., which you must reflect in your motivation letter.

Answers to questions in a motivation letter

In the motivational you must answer the following questions:

What is your experience, background? You already have a trump card - you are from Russia, which means you are already different from most students.

Why should a university choose you? Share what makes you a unique or special candidate. Feel free to list your achievements and successes

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? These can be stories from childhood or life.

What motivates you? Why this particular specialty?

Why do you want to study at this university?

In order to write a good motivation letter, you must:

1) Make your motivation letter stand out from others. To do this, carefully think over the introduction so that it “catches” the eye from the first lines. No ‘Hello, my name is...’

2) Indicate achievements in non-academic areas (music, sports). Show that you are not focused on studying, but that you are a well-rounded person.

3) Indicate how your experience can be useful for the university, what you have that American students do not. Tell us what made you who you are today.


Indicate your advantages and strengths, not weaknesses

Do not write about yourself in the third person in your motivation letter.

Use vocabulary carefully, do not use words whose meaning you are not sure of

Do not use slang expressions or jargon

Don’t write poetry and rhymes - write and check your motivation letter for errors. Then check again and again

Allow enough time to write the letter. Don't try to write it in a day. Set aside your essay for a few days, then read it again.

Show yours to your friend or teacher. A fresh look will help you find errors or inaccuracies

Do not exceed the limit allotted for a motivation letter. This will mean that you cannot complete the tasks assigned to you

Do not translate essays from Russian into English

Do not copy motivation letters from the Internet. An admissions committee that reads more than 1,000 essays a day will easily recognize such a letter and throw it in the trash.

Below are examples of successful motivation letters.

Example of a motivation letter for admission to an MBA program

Write a candidate description of yourself, stressing those personal qualities, assets, and liabilities that you feel will influence your graduate work. Describe what you consider to be your most important professional and/or academic achievement to date.

If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would describe me as a very pleasant, diverse, active and intelligent woman. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a woman with technical aptitude and an interest in management I also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. AH these elements have given me a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics. I strongly believe that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work.

My Engineering degree has given a strong foundation to my analytical skills since civil design involves a lot of long, complex and intricate calculations and the application of basic math skills. Over the past four years, I have been working part-time with my family firm, SnMTech Systems. I am also the co-founder and active member with FOE - Friends of the Environment I have assisted in the installation of Enterprise-wide Resource Planning (ERP) System at Biotech, a major Engineering Company. More than what I have studied in school and college, it has been these experiences that have shaped the person that I am today.

I believe that this unique blend of experiences has made me a woman with an original point of view. This blend has given me a broader perspective to and a good understanding of life and a goal to aim for. Among other things, I have this diversity of experience to offer Utah University. My most substantial achievement has been the success of the software upgradation project that I managed at SnMTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, where I have been working as a part time Associate Intern - Management Information Systems since 1994.

During the first two years of my work at SnMTech, I had an opportunity to observe and work with the existing system being used. Some of the software packages being used were outdated versions. I have always been in touch with the latest software packages thanks to the powerful PC I have at home and am quite used to working with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment. At the office, there was a great deal of chaos while preparing reports that involved use of more than one software since compatibility between packages usually posed a problem. The difficulty we faced putting different files together led to the final report appearing rather haphazard sometimes.

I believe in providing and maintaining non-negotiable high standards and service. I recognized that shifting to a newer GUI based software would not only dramatically improve our documentation quality, but also increase productivity at the workplace. Presenting the pros and cons to the management of the upgrade was a very challenging task. I was asked to prepare a proposal regarding the upgrade of the firm's software. Initially, I imagined this project would be rather simple but it turned out to be among the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life.

Through a firm-wide survey of operators and several one-on-one discussions of their own preferences and solutions, I found that while everyone wanted an upgrade, they had doubts since they would have to learn a whole set of new skills. In order to prepare a budget, I procured quotations from various vendors and analyzed possible combinations. I realized the necessity of a training course for the operators because most of them were not familiar with the GUI interface. I examined the various training classes that offered private in-house training for the employees. After a detailed analysis, I presented my report to the management in the next meeting. They were pleased with my efforts and pleasantry surprised at the cost of the project since it seemed to be comparatively less than what they had anticipated.

Once I was given the go-ahead, the next hurdle was to implement the proposal and coordinate the upgrading. To avoid any disturbance to the company's work, training sessions were planned after working hours. The upgrading took a week and the training of the operators took another two weeks. The really tough period started once the training personnel left. The management felt that it was my responsibility to see that the operators didn't face any problems once they actually started using the new software packages. I put in 60 to 70-hour weeks for the next three weeks before everyone was comfortable with the new system. While the benefits of using these packages were not immediately tangible, a few months later our clients acknowledged that the quality of the reports we sent them had improved considerably. In fact, a year later our firm decided to upgrade all of its software packages. I consider this to be a tacit compliment for my efforts.

This project required me to believe in myself and in what I thought was good for the company. I had to take a pro-active approach, take the initiative and play a leadership role in motivating people and executing the project to completion A good manager is one who can figure out where the problem lies, deal with it effectively by involving all the members of the company and improve the overall culture of the company. The problem I saw at SnMTech had to be resolved to sustain the company's image. The fact that I was able to pull off this task alone has boosted my confidence in my abilities.

Example of a motivation letter for the Fulbright program

On one hot late-summer day when I was in high school, my parents came back from a shopping trip with a surprise present for me: the legendary board game, Diplomacy. At first I scoffed at such an old-fashioned game. Who would want to waste glorious sunny days moving armies around a map of pre-World War I Europe pretending to be Bismarck or Disraeli? But after playing the game once, I became absolutely riveted by the nuances of statecraft, and soon began losing sleep as I tried to craft clever diplomatic gambits, hatch devious schemes, and better understand the game's ever-changing dynamics. As mine friends and I spent the second half of the summer absorbed by the game, my parents grinned knowingly. How could I resist being fascinated with Diplomacy, they asked me, when I incessantly read about international affairs, and liked nothing more than debating politics over dinner? How could I resist being fascinated, when I had spent most of my summers in Greece (and, much more briefly, France and England), witnessing first-hand the ways in which countries differ socially, culturally, and politically?

Though my passion for foreign politics and international affairs undoubtedly dates back to high school, I never had the chance to fully develop this interest before college. Once I arrived at Harvard, however, I discovered that I could learn about international relations through both my academics and my extracurricular activities. Academically, I decided to concentrate in Government, and, within Government, to take classes that elucidated the forces underlying the relations of states on the world stage. Some of the most memorable of these classes included Human Rights, in which we discussed what role humanitarian concerns ought to play in international relations; Politics of Western Europe, in which I learned about the social, economic, and political development of five major European countries; and Causes and Prevention of War, which focused on unearthing the roots of conflict and finding out how bloodshed could have been avoided. Currently, for my senior thesis, I am investigating the strange pattern of American human rights-based intervention in the post-Cold War era, and trying to determine which explanatory variables are best able to account for it.

Interestingly, I think that I have learned at least as much about international relations through my extracurriculars in college as I have through my classes. For the past three years, for instance, I have helped run Harvard's three Model United Nations conferences. As a committee director at these conferences, I researched topics of global importance (e.g. the violent disintegration of states, weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East ), wrote detailed study guides discussing these subjects, and then moderated hundreds of students as they debated the topics and strove to resolve them. Even more enriching for me than directing these committees was taking part in them myself. As a delegate at other schools" conferences, I would be assigned to represent a particular country on a particular UN committee (e.g. France on the Security Council). I would then need to research my country's position on the topics to be discussed, articulate my view in front of others in my committee, and convince my fellow delegates to support my position. Trying to peg down a country* s elusive * national interest," clashing over thorny practical and philosophical issues, making and breaking alliances--Model UN was basically a simulation of how diplomacy really works.

Thankfully, I have also found time over the past few years to cultivate interests and skills unrelated to Model UN and foreign policy. One of the most important of these has been community service. As a volunteer for Evening With Champions, an annual ice-skating exhibition held to raise money for children with cancer, and as a teacher of a weekly high school class on current events and international affairs, I have, whenever possible, used my time and talents to benefit my community. Another more recent interest of mine is the fascinating realm of business. Two years ago, my father's Christmas present to me was a challenge rather than a gift: he gave me $500, but told me that I couId keep it only if I invested it in the stock market-and earned a higher rate of return than he did with another $500. Since then, I have avidly followed the stock market, and become very interested in how businesses interact and respond to strategic threats (perhaps because of the similarities between business competition and the equally cutthroat world of diplomatic realpolitik). A final passion of mine is writing. As the writer of a biweekly column in the Independent, one of Harvard's student newspapers, I find very little as satisfying as filling a blank page with words - creating from nothing an elegant opinion piece that illuminates some quirk of college life, or induces my readers to consider an issue or position that they had ignored until then.

Because of my wide range of interests, I have not yet decided what career path to follow into the future. In the short run, I hope to study abroad for a year, In the process Immersing myself in another culture, and deepening my personal and academic understanding of international affairs. After studying abroad, my options would Include working for a nonprofit organization, entering the corporate world, and attending law school. In the long run, I envision for myself a career straddling the highest levels of international relations, politics, and business. I could achieve this admittedly ambitious goal by advancing within a nonprofit group, think tank, or major International company, Perhaps most appealingly, I could also achieve this goal by entering public service and obtaining some degree of influence over actual foreign policy decisions - that is , becoming a player myself in the real-life game of Diplomacy.

As can be seen from these examples, a motivation letter does not list your achievements and regalia, but is a story about yourself, your strengths, plans, motivation, etc.

*essays provided by American Councils for International Education.

In the process of actively searching for a job, almost any applicant, be it a doctor, pharmacist or nurse, is faced with the concept of a “motivation letter”, since in a number of job advertisements the submission of this document is one of the conditions for consideration of a candidacy. We will try to talk about what a motivation letter is, its goals and the rules for writing it in this article.

What is a motivation letter?

Based on the very name of the motivation letter, it can be understood that its text must contain information about the reasons why the applicant is applying for a particular position in a particular company. Since a motivation letter is not sent on its own, but only in conjunction with a resume, it is also called a “cover letter.”

When starting to create a motivation letter, you need to remember: its goal is to present you in a light favorable to the employer, present your best sides, and also motivate the employer to give preference to you.

Therefore, in a cover letter to your resume, it is important to make it clear that your interests coincide with the interests of the employer, and you are familiar with the specifics of the company you are trying to work for.

Motivational letter – to write or not to write?

If an employer requests a motivation letter in an open vacancy announcement, do not ignore this requirement. Indeed, in such a situation, a cover letter for a resume (or lack thereof) can be a “litmus test” for the attentiveness of the applicant and the expression of his desire to work in a particular company.

If there is no direct requirement to provide a letter of motivation, it is still worth writing one, since a successful cover letter will help you stand out among other applicants. A motivation letter will be especially useful if you want to change your position or if you do not have enough work experience. After all, if you take the preparation of the text of your cover letter seriously, you can get an advantage over other candidates!

For example, the editors of a specialized journal devoted to medical topics announce a competition to fill the vacancy of an editor. The main requirements for the candidate include a higher medical education and experience as an editor. Well, you are a practicing doctor and are very interested in such a vacancy. There is a coincidence of your interests and the interests of the employer! However, from your the right resume the employer does not understand why it is necessary to hire you for this position.

In such a situation, you can use a cover letter for your resume and motivate your compliance with the recruiter’s requirements by the fact that you were also the editor of a section of a medical Internet portal, and also have publications in various specialized publications.

Recruitment specialists note that such samples of motivation letters are sometimes the decisive factor before inviting a candidate for an interview.

Rules for writing a motivation letter

When starting to create a cover letter, remember that this is an official document, so when preparing it you need to follow a few simple rules:
  • The motivation letter is drawn up on an A4 page, be sure to indicate to whom it is addressed and what position the applicant is applying for
  • The cover letter should not duplicate information from the resume
  • The text of the motivation letter should be objective, not too verbose, but not too laconic. Usually its length is from half to one A4 page
  • In the text of a cover letter for a resume, you should not overuse capital letters, artistic fonts, as well as bolding and underlining, as this complicates the understanding of the text
  • The final version of the motivation letter must be checked for literacy: spelling and punctuation errors are unacceptable.
  • If you send a cover letter via e-mail, do not forget to save it in in the required format(either doc or pdf).
  • Construction of a motivation letter

    It is advisable to divide the text of the motivation letter into three logical parts: introduction, main and final parts.

    In the introductory part of the cover letter to the resume, indicate the reason for sending it (namely: whether you are responding to a job advertisement, or simply want to work in a specific company or clinic), as well as the position for which you are applying. The introductory part of the motivation letter is extremely important, since the lack of specificity will minimize your chances of getting an interview.

    In the main part of the motivation letter, you can provide information about your current “employment situation” (for example, indicate whether you are looking for a main job or are thinking about part-time work), list skills and abilities (especially those that correspond to the interests of the employer, are listed in his requirements and directly relate to the job on vacant position), highlight your strengths, give examples of achievements.

    If you do not yet have work experience, you should not write that the purpose of obtaining a position is to acquire it. It is better to indicate where and what internships you completed during your studies (for example, when applying for a job in a children's hospital, you will definitely add points to yourself if you helped look after children in the department of nursing premature babies at the Kyiv Children's Hospital NDSB OKHMATDET).

    It is useful to focus on those interests of yours that coincide with the interests of the employer, to demonstrate that you are familiar with the specifics of the company to which you are sending your sample motivation letter.

    Remember that it is advisable to write the truth. If you nevertheless decide to embellish the cover letter for your resume, be prepared for the fact that during the interview you will be asked specific questions that will need to be answered in a qualified manner.

    The final part of the cover letter should thank the person you are contacting for their attention, and also inform you about the best way to contact you.

    Sample motivation letter

    Since the advent of portals that help job seekers find a job, there are many samples of motivation letters “for every taste,” in particular, for medical workers or pharmacists.

    Sometimes this makes life easier for applicants, since a well-written example of a motivation letter can save time. But in this case, recruiters warn against the abuse of copying cover letter templates and emphasize that each motivation letter must be individual.

    Therefore, remember that a sample motivation letter can only be used as a starting point.

    After all, you are creating a cover letter for your resume in order to stand out from dozens of other candidates and convince the employer that he needs you for the vacant position!

    Who reads motivation letters and how?

    Many job seekers ask a simple question: do recruiters read motivation letters?

    Recruiters answer this question differently. Most of them are inclined to believe that a cover letter for a resume can tell a lot about an applicant for a vacancy (and this satisfies the interests of the employer) and, if written well, almost always plays into the hands of the applicant.

    However, they immediately admit that they do not read too long cover letters that duplicate information from the resume, as well as motivation letters in which the position is incorrectly indicated (or not indicated at all), the name of the company (or the name of a competing company appears).

    So take writing a cover letter for your resume seriously - and then your motivation letter will become a valuable investment in your career development.

    Other articles


    Why attach a motivation letter to the CV?

    A motivation letter is very important element, since it is this that indicates to the employer your desire to work at his enterprise. This is your first contact with a potential employer. It will allow you to present yourself in a favorable light, emphasizing your exceptional qualities.

    It will allow the future employer to determine the degree of your interest in the position and in the company and demonstrate to him that you have the qualities and competencies required for this position.

    Example of a cover letter for a resume in Russian

    Hello, Natalya Petrova.

    My name is Alexander Ivanov.

    I suggest you consider my resume for the vacancy - Technical Writer, Analyst, which your company posted on the website:

    I have little experience in composing technical documentation(test methods, information object passport, measurement passport, etc.) and would like to develop in this area.

    Your company meets my ideas about a successful and serious structure with prospects for development in the market.

    Detailed information in the resume in the attached file.

    I am always available by phone +375-29-хх-хх-039, e-mail: ххххххх

    Thank you for the time spent considering my candidacy; if necessary, I can come to you for an interview and answer all your questions at any time convenient for you.

    I would appreciate any answer.

    20motivacionogo%20pisma.jpg" /%

    Example of a cover letter for a resume in Russian No. 2

    Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna!

    I was interested in the vacancy of a telecommunications equipment sales manager posted on the website

    Now I work at the ComputerTelecomTorg company as a sales manager computer equipment And software. I have experience in retail and wholesale sales telephone exchanges and computer equipment for more than six years. I also have established contacts with their consumers in the city of Minsk and the Minsk region. You can get more detailed information about my work experience from the resume in the attached file.

    If you are interested in my candidacy, you can contact me by phone +375-29-xxx-xx-xx from 9.00 to 18.00, as well as by email [email protected]. I am ready to answer all your questions and provide recommendations.

    Example of a cover letter for a resume in Russian No. 3

    Dear Sergey Anatolyevich.

    Through the mediation of your labor safety engineer Alexey Sergeevich, I learned that your company has an opening for a design engineer.

    My experience in the design field is two years. Now I work at the Belstroyproekt Institute as a design engineer. I graduated from BNTU with a degree in PGS. You can find out more about my work experience from my resume.

    If you are interested in my candidacy, you can contact me by phone 8-029-ххх-хх-хх or email ххххххх

    Thank you for your attention.

    Example of a motivation letter for a resume in Russian No. 4

    Hello, dear Pyotr Nikolaevich. My name is Sergey Viktorovich. I am interested in the vacancy of an economist, and I want to take part in the competition to fill it.

    Having studied the requirements for candidates, I came to the conclusion that my experience and level of education meet the stated requirements.

    Therefore, I ask you to consider my resume and, if interested, contact me by phone: 8-029-xxx-xx-xx.


    Sergey Viktorovich

    20soprovoditelnogo%20pisma.jpg" /%

    Example of short motivational letters.

    Dear Nina Igorevna.

    In response to your vacancy for “electronics engineer” published in the Rabota newspaper, I am sending you my resume. I would be grateful if you do not ignore it.

    Best wishes,

    Attached is my resume. I am applying for the position of chief accountant. I will be glad to receive an invitation from you for an interview. I am ready to provide any additional information necessary for consideration of my candidacy.


    Svetlana Nikolaevna, tel. +375-29-xxx-xx-xx

    20k%20resume.jpg" /%

    Motivation Letter for Job | Compilation Guide

    A motivation letter for a job is drawn up to demonstrate to a future employer your motivation and interest in working in this position. You will learn about how to correctly compose a motivation letter and what a motivation letter should contain from this guide.

    Motivation letter. as wording, is very often misused by employers who are actually expecting a cover letter from you. A motivation letter is much more often requested from students and applicants in order to determine their suitability for the chosen educational institution. A motivation letter is always submitted along with your resume.

    If your future Boss, nevertheless, expects a motivation letter from you, then the motivation letter consists of the following format and is drawn up as follows:

    1. A motivation letter is always unique

    For each specific position, the motivation letter must be special. The employer must clearly understand that your motivation letter has been compiled specifically for this specific case. Therefore, you should not send the same motivation letter to different positions in different companies.

    2. Motivation letters are often not completed

    The first paragraph is the most important and should interest the reader to read your motivation letter to the end. Many experts use quotes or interesting facts for this. Also, from the very first paragraph, the purpose of your letter and what vacancy you are applying for should be clear.

    3. A motivation letter reflects your motives and interest in working

    Also, in the first paragraph, you need to clearly explain and convey to the employer why you are interested not only in this position, but in general have chosen this profession. Reveal your motives for working in this particular company. Talk about your motivation and benefits, but don't forget to indicate what you plan to bring to the company.

    4. The motivation letter belongs to an ambitious and purposeful person

    The next point is to provide concise information about your education, skills and achievements. Mention also your hobbies and interests only if they are related to your specialty. You should definitely include in your letter information about your participation/performances at seminars, competitions, and so on. It is very important to clearly describe your strengths that will be of interest to the decision maker. Present yourself as a purposeful, ambitious, versatile person with leadership abilities. But don't overdo it!

    5. A motivation letter reveals your plans and talks about your goals.

    The last paragraph should clearly describe the benefits you will receive from achieving your desired goal. The more convincing you write this paragraph, the higher your chances of attracting attention. You can list specific accomplishments that you have that could be helpful in achieving the organization's goals.

    The motivation letter should end with gratitude to the reader for his time spent, and radiate optimism, which should leave the reader with a good and strong impression of what he read.

    Example: I am sincerely grateful for your time, and I look forward with great optimism to an invitation to an interview and a personal meeting.

    Remember that the motivation letter should not contain errors, too complex or long words, and should serve as your advertisement. Therefore, be sure to study the general recommendations for writing a motivation letter. before sending it to your future employer.

    Sample motivation letter

    Sample motivation letter

    Personnel training and development specialist

    Efremov Sergei Andreevich

    Minprom Steel Company

    from Semenov Andrey Vladimirovich

    Tel: +7XXX-XXXX-XXX

    Dear Sergey Andreevich.

    I saw your vacancy on the website [site]. Your company has long been known to me as [Description of company, position].

    Despite the fact that my work experience does not currently meet the requirements for this position, I can say with confidence that my personal qualities and competencies are the main “drivers” towards the goal.

    I am conscientious, responsible, result-oriented, and most importantly, deeply interested in the investment field. Today, self-education in the field of the stock market has helped me formulate a goal for professional development - I strive and make every effort to become a stock broker.

    In addition, I am confident that previous work experience, planning skills, economic education, as well as theoretical knowledge in the investment field will help me make a personal contribution to achieving the goals of your company.

    I will be glad to provide you with more detailed information about myself during a personal meeting.

    Sincerely, Andrey Vladimirovich.


    Good afternoon friends.

    In the previous article I wrote about. In this page you will find examples of cover letters. And if that's not enough for you, here's more

    If you are not yet convinced of the importance and usefulness of writing cover letters, I will tell you a story from my life. One day I found a vacancy on the Internet that interested me very much. It said that they were looking for a girl who had work experience, knew English, and much more. The vacancy was really worthwhile and I took the risk of writing them a letter, not really expecting a response. In the letter, I wrote that I really want to work for them, I’m starting to learn English and I’m ready to study until I become a good, worthy specialist.
    Imagine my surprise when a couple of days later I was invited for an interview. They said that despite the lack of experience and knowledge of English, they could not resist meeting the person. who SO wants to work.

    I have gotten interviews more than once with the help of a cover letter. For more than 4 years I have been helping people “sell” themselves on the job market using cover letters.

    "Why does this work?" - you ask. And I will answer - because a resume does not say everything about a person that a person himself would like to say. A resume will not reflect your values, will not show your motivation, will not say why you are interested in this particular company.
    HR managers receive hundreds of resumes and a few cover letters.

    Let's get started with cover letter examples!

    Example one (for a specialist without work experience)

    One of the first cover letters I wrote.
    It is advantageous due to sincerity and this “catches” the employer.

    Dear (name)! The purpose of my motivation letter is to offer you my candidacy as an intern in the Human Resources Department. In May 2012, I graduated from the Master's program at the Faculty of Law. Knowledge gained in the process of studying and working at legal enterprise, allowed me to conclude that the best specialty for me is HR manager (recruiter). Mastering this specialty is my goal. I don’t have any experience in this area yet, but I’m ready to show high level self-organization in order to become a good employee for the “Name” company. I have a great desire to develop, and I am ready to show this in practice. During the upcoming training, I want to master all the “basics” of this profession and become a full-fledged employee of your company, working for its prosperity. Any experience in this position will be very valuable to me.
    More detailed information about my previous work experience and professional qualities can be found in the attached resume. Self-development is the most valuable thing for me at work - career and self-awareness as a professional. In my personal life, I am interested in sports, a healthy lifestyle, creativity and charity. Social projects, which you implement are very similar to my ideology - “get joy from helping people.” This main reason, why I want to do an internship at your company.
    I will be very glad to be given the opportunity to become a professional in the field of personnel management and will make every effort to justify your trust!
    Sincerely, Voloshina Tatyana.

    Example two (in Ukrainian)

    This sample does not provide information about why I want to work for this company. Do not forget that the employer is waiting for candidates who want to work for him. And even if this is not entirely true, only you should know about it 😉

    Shanovna (Im`ya)

    The purpose of my motivation sheet is to promote your candidacy as an intern in the personnel management department. In 2012, I completed my master's degree at the Faculty of Law. Knowledge, learning in the process, and robots allowed me to develop my skills, which is the best profession for me - a personnel manager. However, I’m still not ready to finish working in this hole.
    Becoming a good specialist with staff requires constant self-development and self-refinement, so I am ready to give 101% to master the necessary knowledge and skills.
    My knowledge of the English language is very limited these days, but I’m ready to work on myself.
    I will be very glad to have the opportunity to become a member of your team and I promise not to let your trust down!

    With respect, Voloshina Tetyana

    Example three (after practice time).

    Don't forget that a cover letter is not only an advertisement for you, but also an opportunity to tell the employer something important and valuable.
    For example: a person who uses a wheelchair will write about this and weed out employers who do not have working conditions for him; a person who can only work on weekends will get rid of calls from those who need a full-time employee; The list goes on and on. If you don’t want to fend off hundreds of calls from recruiters, write about what is important to you in a cover letter.

    Hello (name, surname)! My name is Tatyana Voloshina. By education I am a lawyer, and by soul I am a personnel manager. This job is very interesting to me because it involves working with people and the possibility of unlimited development! The vacancy of your company interested me because you are ready to hire a person who has no experience, but has a strong desire to develop in the field of personnel management. This characterizes your company from the good side.
    I would like to work for you. Firstly, this is my dream profession and I am sure that I can become a good specialist thanks to you. Secondly, I have necessary qualities— I know how to find a common language with people and people like me, I am sociable, responsible, proactive (with regard to suggestions, any improvements). I'm passionate about this profession, so I'm working on myself - taking English courses, reading specialized literature and articles on websites, and taking an online course on personnel selection.
    I would be very glad if you consider me as a potential candidate for this position. Ready to work full time.
    Thank you for your consideration of my cover letter and resume!
    Sincerely, Voloshina Tatyana!
    Examples of cover letters Part 2 - read. Ask your questions in the comments so that I can give you exactly the examples you need.) And feel free to subscribe to my