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Print your magazine. How to open your own magazine: publishing business

There is a small nuance in the printing business - the demand for it decreases from year to year. But it cannot be said that magazines are completely losing their relevance. After all, they once said that with the advent of the Internet, books could disappear, but in reality, everything is happening the other way around: against the backdrop of the chaotic Internet, books only become more relevant.

Create your own journal: instructions for beginners, tips and secrets

Magazines, unlike newspapers and books, are distinguished by their closeness to life. Magazine content at all times was of a practical nature: stored in stacks in closets, cut out interesting pictures and articles constantly changed hands. How has the picture changed today? Does it make sense to create your own magazine and even make money from it?

To get an answer to such questions, you must first decide on your proposal: what format will the magazine be? Are there any analogues on the market? What will be valuable in it that is not in other publications? How will the content be generated? If there are specific answers to these and other additional questions, then it’s definitely worth starting a business.

If the question of how to create your own magazine is relevant, then you should pay attention to the areas of work that will constantly accompany the future publication. It is divided into three:

  1. Conceptual part.
  2. Technical issues.
  3. Sales

This rule applies to everything, whether it be a paper publication or an electronic magazine. Let's consider each direction in detail.


This is the first step to creating your own publication. You need to decide what the pages of the publication will tell their readers about? What is the submission format? The magazine can be of an informational or advertising nature, and may contain a broad or narrow topic.

In order to create your magazine and make it readable, here are some tips on the conceptual part:

  • You should choose a specific topic rather than write about everything. It is better to choose an exclusive niche where it is possible to provide narrowly targeted and in-depth materials. If you choose a system “a little about everything”, then there will be no difference from ordinary newspapers. And the creative staff will constantly scatter their potential on collecting and processing information instead of creative implementation in one area.
  • If the magazine is of an advertising nature, then you should take care of the share of useful content that does not aim to sell anything. The reader should understand that he is interested not only in his purchasing power, but also in other problems. We create a magazine cover taking into account such factors.
  • Choosing a serious topic. Publishing a magazine for women, for men or for mothers is conceptually not at all difficult. Here the entire relationship with the reader is built at the level of “you have a problem - we have a solution.” Another issue is a specialized thematic magazine. For example, the topic can be technical (available about computers), religious, medical, and so on. The point is that people have no time to go to libraries, and the need for serious information is always relevant. In order to create your own magazine in this role, of course, you will need work and potential.

Technical issues

It is advisable to consider two options here. When everything is clear with the concept, you can implement the magazine in electronic or paper form. It all depends on the features target audience. For example, young people under 30 practically do not buy printed publications, but prefer to read everything on the Internet. For them, the question of what kind of magazine to create and where to sell it is not relevant.

If we're talking about about the age category plus 55-60, then it’s the other way around - people buy newspapers and magazines the old fashioned way. The best option- a combination of printed publications and electronic formats.

In the first case, a magazine layout will be required. This process requires the active participation of a professional designer, artist, editor and proofreader. It’s good if in the first stages a novice publisher can handle these types of work himself.

If we are talking about how to create your own magazine and its electronic format, then depending on the distribution option, a print layout or a reformatted version can be used. The electronic version can be in the form of a website, blog, downloadable file or in another form. In any case, it is important to take care of supporting the mobile format. This issue also falls within the competence of technical specialists.


In the chain of analysis of questions about how to create an electronic magazine or paper publication, the question of sales has every right be in the first position. It’s a sad sight when the edition is printed, the money is spent, the work is invested - but there is no one to read it.

Market printed products- quite a cruel environment. It’s not for nothing that they say that a printed publication only lasts one day. In the century information technologies The lifespan of storage media has been further reduced. Therefore, sales must be organized in such a way that the entire circulation is distributed to points of sale on the day of release from the printing house.

The next task number one will also be exactly this. If the circulation remains on the second or third day, then there is practically no chance of selling it out. this implies next point in terms of marketing strategy.


Pledge successful business- high sales. Sales will happen when potential client knows about our offer. Only marketing will help with this. Ideally, marketing for your magazine should begin long before the first issue is published.

  • Internet. Thematic resources, sites with high traffic and social media.
  • Printable advertisement. There is no prohibition on advertising your magazine in other magazines; at the same time, you can find out the cost of advertising from competitors in order to set an attractive price yourself.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.


The question of how to create a magazine requires studying this issue from all sides. Frequency is important for the publisher himself: he must have time to prepare the full contents of the new issue, organize the work of the team to fill out the magazine each time in the same period of time, and have time to prepare money for printing, which is important.

There are magazines published weekly. Most come out once a month. There are even those that come out once a year or once a quarter. It all depends on the topic of the magazine. The magazine is also distinguished by a solid amount of information, which hardly any reader will be able to absorb in a week. From this point of view, rarer publications are perceived normally by readers.


The goal of any business is profit. Such a creative process as publishing your own magazine is no exception to this. There are several ways to make money from your publication:

  • Advertising placement.
  • Image materials to order.
  • Proceeds from sale.

At first, it may be more difficult to place advertising, since the business needs a solid audience. But if you publish interesting ones in your magazine, useful materials and sell it where the target audience has a chance to see it, then advertising indicators will also reach a new level.

What to focus on?

It is assumed that the aspiring publisher has the necessary amount of money for printing. This allows him not to be scattered with diverse work, but to focus on the creative part of his publication. It is important not only to attract the attention of potential readers, but also to make them buy it.

If one edition sells well, then it should be remembered that another may also be sold out in the same way, because a good, meaningful issue will itself serve as an advertisement for future issues. For the electronic format, it is also necessary to continuously search for optimal sales routes and improve existing ones.


At the first stage, difficulties, blockages, delays from schedule or other unforeseen problems are possible. Almost all publishers go through this. Each of them learns from mistakes, from their own and others’ experiences.

Errors can affect not only spelling in the text. They can be formulated as “failed to create log file” - of a technical nature, or “low sales figures” - of a marketing nature. You need to learn to eliminate them in a timely manner and bring your bright idea to the masses before they forget how to read.

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From this article you will learn

  • How to create your own magazine
  • Why do you need to create your own magazine?
  • What circulation to choose when creating a magazine
  • Where to order a magazine print

For a long time, reading was one of the most common ways to spend time. However, with the advent of new technologies, “live” newspapers and magazines have largely faded into the background. Now the main source current news, knowledge on various topics, entertainment and educational materials has become the Internet. But still, print media continue to exist. Some people turn to their publications when there is no access to the network, for example, when traveling on planes and trains. Others simply prefer to sometimes take a break from the computer and leaf through paper pages. One way or another, the life of printed newspapers and magazines is not over yet, and you can develop your business in this area. You will learn in this article how to create a magazine that will be interesting to the audience and bring profit to the owner.

How to Create Your Own Magazine from Scratch: 13 Steps

Step 1: Decide what kind of magazine to create.

To create your own magazine, you first need to decide on a topic. Any printed publication strives to occupy its niche and find its audience. To do this, it must meet the interests of the selected group of readers and satisfy its information needs. Another option is the yellow press format. There is no specific topic here, and the audience of such publications is quite wide. To create one issue of such a magazine, you need several sensational materials about the personal lives of stars with unique photographs.

A distinctive feature of the yellow press is, first of all, the absence of a criterion for the reliability of information. The question is whether the publisher plans to create a magazine about stars and publish only real facts and photographs in it, or whether he wants to deal with “hot” materials and provocations.

  • Decide whether you are planning a separate magazine or a whole series. If this is a serial publication, all issues should have a common theme.
  • The name of the magazine should, one way or another, correspond to its semantic content, as well as suggest design ideas. As a rule, the name consists of one or two words (TIME, Guardian, Cosmopolitan, National Geographic).
  • What is the main message of each publication? How can you connect it with the others?
  • Each issue of the magazine can have its own theme, corresponding to its focus. For example, fashion week for a fashion magazine or organizing a wedding for women.
  • It is important to clearly formulate the theme of each issue or series of issues.
  • Well-known publications had the following examples of issue titles: “Swimsuits” for Sports Illustrated, “Hollywood” for Vanity Fair, “September” for Vogue.

How to create a magazine so that it makes a profit? The publication has only two sources of income: proceeds from the sale of issues and from advertising that is placed in them. Finding advertisers for a magazine begins with determining their field of activity. Your audience should be interested in what you will advertise - then all parties will be successful. For example, fashion magazines rarely offer furniture or household appliances, but cosmetics, clothes and jewelry will do.

To create effective system interaction with advertisers, publishers hire special employees. A price list is being developed with prices for posting various messages. Of course, at first you will receive much less for publishing advertisements than your well-promoted competitors. But if you manage to create a magazine that attracts attention, your income will increase over time.

Step 3. Decide how you will organize your journal.

To create Science Magazine, entertainment or any other publication, it is important to decide on the method of collecting and combining information. Here are some important aspects:

  • The most familiar to people are publications created using computer programs. However, you can design a magazine without using them - this is one of the fashionable printing trends. Of course, this will require a lot more strength and time, and only a fairly experienced person can turn this idea into reality.
  • You can create a journal in several programs. The most popular, although quite expensive, is InDesign. In addition to it, InCopy, Quark and some other technical tools are used.
  • The most cost-effective way to create a magazine is with Office Publisher.

Step 4. Find an office and the right employees.

To create a glossy magazine, you need a working space for a team of 5 to 10 people. The favorable location of the office is not the most important criterion, since at first it will be mainly you who travel, and not to you. Equipment will help you set up your workspace. For a media office, the standard set includes: desks and chairs, telephones, computers, printer and fax, various office supplies.

It doesn’t matter whether we are creating a magazine about literature or fashion, the basis of any publication is professional workers. In charge of everything that happens in the office Chief Editor. The selection of a person for this position must be treated with special attention. He must have extensive experience in the media and good references.

The editor-in-chief creates and adjusts the entire structure of the magazine. He decides what articles and in what quantity to publish in each issue, in what order to arrange them, what sections to introduce or close, what advertisers to cooperate with, etc. He is also responsible for regularly ascertaining the level of demand for the publication, surveying readers about its advantages and disadvantages, and changing strategy in accordance with the results obtained. The editor-in-chief must have a good sense of modern trends, be aware of new trends and ensure that the magazine keeps up with the times.

No less important employees are the authors of the articles. They can be your friends or acquaintances, or you can find them through advertisements or among students of humanities universities. The author must be able to create a unique text that is literate and coherent, objectively covering the facts, but at the same time conveying the author’s individuality.

It is impossible to prepare a magazine without such an employee as a designer. It depends on him appearance edition, and therefore the first impression of it. The designer must:

  • come up with a cover that can attract the attention of readers;
  • design a branded magazine design;
  • develop symbolism, various design details, etc.

As practice shows, the ability to create a successful magazine half depends on how well the cover design is modeled.

Also, the office definitely needs a secretary, a proofreader, an advertising specialist and some other workers.

Step 5. Calculate the future circulation.

If you want to create a magazine with a circulation of less than 1000 copies, then by law you do not have to register it. If the circulation is higher, the publication must have a media registration certificate. To receive it, you must send an application to Roskomnadzor containing information about the magazine: name, type, circulation, distribution method and much more. You also need the passport of the person who creates the publication, or a copy of the charter legal entity, acting as the founder. In addition, the applicant pays the established fee. The period for consideration of such an application is one month.

Step 6: Set deadlines.

It is important not only to know how to create a magazine, but also when it needs to be released. Time frames are especially important for those publications whose topics are related to news or current issues. You need to think through the stages of media preparation and understand whether your magazine will be ready on time.

Step 7. Let's start writing articles.

  • Address topics that concern you and other editorial staff. Maybe it will be actual problems your city or the whole country? Or will the basis be interviews with interesting personalities?
  • You can create a magazine that includes a literary element in the form short stories. It doesn’t matter whether they are based on real events or not, the main thing is an interesting plot and relevance to the given concept.
  • Another genre is poetry. Authors can be: famous poets, as well as the publisher himself and his friends.
  • To create a magazine that is interesting to the audience, it is wise to involve as many surrounding people as possible in discussing the topic.

Step 8. Making illustrations.

No matter how important the textual component is, it is simply impossible to create a successful publication without illustrations. Nowadays, people increasingly perceive information visually, and this is of great importance.

  • You can’t do without thematic photographs that complement the content. Photos with neutral space can also be helpful to create an interesting backdrop for text.
  • If you have a good photographer on your staff, he can lead an entire photojournalism project. You need to choose a topic that is well illustrated through visual images, and publish several pictures in each issue.
  • You can also use other people's photos with a Creative Commons license. You won’t have to pay for them, but the terms of use sometimes require a prohibition on changes, a required signature, etc.
  • How to create a magazine if you don't have the necessary pictures? They can be purchased at so-called stocks. These sites contain a huge number of images, among which you will surely find something suitable.
  • You can also create a colorful publication using original illustrations, if you or your employees have the necessary skills.

Step 9. Prepare the magazine cover.

The cover should create intrigue and interest the reader so that he wants to open the publication and study the materials. There are several techniques for this.

  • Pay special attention to the title of the magazine. As a rule, it is done in the same style from room to room. The title should be clear, original and memorable and, of course, reflect the thematic direction of the publication.
  • Traditionally, the title is placed at the top of the cover, in the most visible place. However, you can create your own concept of location, as, for example, the publishers of Harper's Bazaar magazine did.
  • Think about what image will be on the cover of the new issue. It should also be attractive and relevant to the proposed theme. Very often, a photograph of a famous person, whose material appears in the magazine, is placed on the cover. The format can be different - from hidden shooting to a professional portrait.
  • You can also put brief explanations about the contents of the issue on the cover. You can outline only the main topic, as TIME does, for example, or talk in more detail about several materials, like Cosmopolitan. It is important not to overdo the amount of text so that the cover you create is not overloaded.

Step 10. Select the final look for your magazine.

How to create a magazine that has an attractive and finished look? You need to pay attention to:

  • Font. He must provide easy reading and not strain your eyes, and also be combined with the overall style. It is important that all fonts used match each other.
  • Paper. First of all, you need to make a choice between a glossy and matte base.
  • Colors. There are many options here. To save money, some magazines are published in black and white or combine color and black and white printing. However, the most successful publications are published exclusively in color. The choice depends on your financial capabilities and the focus of the magazine you want to create.

Step 11. Decide how to arrange the content.

When thinking about how to create a magazine, you can't forget about composition. Different relative positions of materials create different final products.

  • A table of contents is often placed at the beginning of the publication. You can also place several pages with advertising information in front of it.
  • The next element is the colophon. This is information about the journal: name, volume, number, place of publication, list of employees who worked on the issue, etc.
  • It is also necessary to correctly arrange the articles one after another. Usually the most interesting things are placed in the second part of the issue, so that readers watch it to the end.
  • You can also play with the design of the back cover. As a rule, it serves as a kind of decoration for the publication: something interesting or funny is placed there, making readers smile. This way you can create a memorable

Step 12. Create a magazine layout.

Now you know what kind of magazine you want to create in terms of content and design. Layout software will help you arrange your content on your layout. When preparing a layout, you should remember a few rules:

  • Formatting should be consistent on all pages. Apply a small amount of matching fonts, place borders and numbering in the same places. It is necessary to create a publication with a coherent style.
  • Don't forget about page numbering.
  • Make sure the final layout contains an even number of pages. This is important because an odd number will result in a blank sheet.
  • If you want to create a magazine without using special programs, you need to decide on a method. Will you type it or write it by hand, how will you attach photos, etc.

Step 13. Publish the magazine.

For beginning publishers, the best way to print media is to contact a printing house. You need to take a responsible approach to choosing a company, because the quality of your magazine depends on the quality of its work. However, there are a few tips regarding the characteristics of the publication that everyone should know:

  • A medium-sized magazine is most convenient to use. On the one hand, you can place a sufficient amount of text and illustrative materials in it. On the other hand, it will always be convenient to carry even in a small handbag.
  • Do not make the pages too bright and “glassy”. The reflection of light from them makes it difficult to read the magazine and perceive the images.
  • the building should not be too thick. It will be difficult for you to fill a large number of pages with interesting material, and readers will not have time to study them before the next issue.
  1. Correlate the appearance and principle of creating your media with its moral image. Thus, many readers are sure that the production of glossy magazines is harmful environment. Accordingly, such a magazine on environmental topics will raise a lot of questions. Despite the ability to perform this task without harming the environment, it is still better to prefer matte paper.
  2. Use promotional methods such as donating free copies to libraries. This way more people will know about you.
  3. How to create a magazine that brings a stable profit? A flexible subscription strategy will help. Thanks to it, you will have a constant group of readers and will be able to communicate with them.
  4. Quark is considered one of the most difficult programs to use, but the wide range of features it provides makes you think about learning it.
  5. To bring your magazine to a wider audience, try self-publishing it.
  6. An introductory page can be placed before the editorial column. Use it to talk about your publication and create the right impression of how and for whom it works. Try to establish contact with the audience, pay attention interesting facts etc.
  7. There are several programs you can use to create a journal. For example, Text-Edit makes it quick and easy to prepare and edit articles. You can arrange text and illustrations on your layout using InDesign.
  8. How to create a magazine that is interesting to a large audience? It can be very difficult to achieve this goal right away. It makes more sense to start with a small group of readers whose interests are easier to calculate. This will also save you from spending on a large print run, which may not pay off.
  9. To create a successful magazine, you need to establish good relationships with advertisers. To do this, they are provided with a layout of the publication and a price list for advertising. Determining prices depends on many factors, including circulation, cost of copy, etc.
  10. Advertising is very important element in the activities of the magazine. It is impossible to create a profitable media outlet without advertising materials. Having decided on your target audience, you need to start looking for companies that are interested in reaching out to them. The advertised product should be of interest to those people who will buy your magazine. It is also important to understand how many pages you can allocate for advertising. The publisher must know what percentage of all materials it must make up in order for the sale of the circulation to make a profit.
  11. The belief that print media is on the decline of its existence should not be believed. Despite the development of technology, many magazines are still popular among the audience. It is only important to understand what topic will be of interest to readers, what niche you can occupy. To do this, before creating a magazine, you should thoroughly study the print market. It is also important to correctly correlate the topic with the format, for example, it is suitable for it digital printing or paper.

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Encyclopedic reference: magazine - printed periodical. Text and photographic materials of the magazine reflect its topics and profile. First Russian magazine was published in the first halfXVIIIcentury in St. Petersburg.

Despite the saturation of the Russian print media market, new magazines are constantly appearing on it (at the same time, however, one of the “old guys” regularly disappears). Do you want to try yourself in publishing and present your own magazine to the readers? Our article will help you find out whether a magazine is profitable, how much money is needed to create it, and how to maintain reader interest for a long time.

Step by step to creating a successful magazine

Step one: choose a topic and profile

Before you open your magazine, decide what audience it will be intended for.

It seems that the easiest way is to produce information and entertainment publications, a kind of “easy reading” for ordinary people. However, this is not entirely true: the entertainment niche has already been well developed, and there are recognized leaders in it. And working in this area is not easy - the tastes of readers often change, and it is almost impossible to foresee how the preferences of the audience will change.

Experts note that in the current market conditions Only those new magazines that offer readers the necessary (preferably exclusive) information can survive. These can be reference books or scientific literature, as well as specialized magazines that are useful to representatives of a particular industrial sector or owners of rare hobbies.

Step two: we form the legal and material base

Once formed general idea future magazine, it must be registered as a mass media outlet. The founder of the journal can be either legal or individual. To register a journal, you must submit an application and the corresponding package of documents to the central (or territorial) office of Roskomnadzor. The statutory period for reviewing documents is 30 days.

Once the registration certificate has been received, you can begin preparing the circulation. You can prepare materials, typesetting and layout on your own, and entrust printing to contractors - a printing house whose conditions suit you. This way you can create your own magazine without significant initial investment.

To work on a magazine, you need a team: editor-in-chief, journalist, typesetter, designer, proofreader. In addition, you will need advertising agents and a visiting accountant.

Step three: winning the audience

How your magazine is distributed depends on its profile. Thus, infotainment magazines are distributed mainly through retail network, while specialized publications reach readers for the most part by subscription.

Accordingly, the approach to semantic content among magazine publishers should be different. A popular magazine is a “platform” for advertising and becomes interesting to advertisers only after it has won a readership. In specialized magazines, the main value is information; to prepare it you will need ordinary journalists, but specialists in a particular field. Accordingly, a specialized magazine is a more expensive enterprise at the start.

Regardless of the distribution method, you need advertising agents who will sell the magazine.

Where can I get money?

Due to high risks, banks do not issue targeted loans for the development of publishing houses. If you need funds in addition to your own, you can attract money or resources from partners. Many successful companies interested in release own funds mass media and willingly cooperate with the founders of the magazine.

Underwater rocks

The main risk that magazine publishers may face is the variability of reader interest. To stay in the market, you need an experienced editor-in-chief and a flexible team that can change their work style to suit the needs of readers.

Let's sum it up

The opening of a magazine is in most cases an image project. The budget largely depends on the chosen format - both the low-budget Gardener's Calendar and the expensive Playboy are on the market. To generate income from a magazine, you need solid experience in the publishing industry and special professional flair.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the Internet. Millions of people spend many hours on the World Wide Web. In this regard, well-known and not so well-known print publications are moving their magazines or newspapers to the Internet.

As one said a famous person: “Now is the time when your business will either be online or not at all!”

Therefore, if you fill the online publication with interesting, relevant content and competently develop marketing strategy, that is, there is every chance to earn good money from the electronic publication. This review will talk about how to create your own magazine.

Selecting the target audience is a very important task

The first thing you need to determine before actively starting the process of creating an electronic magazine is who is the target audience of this publication. In other words, you need to understand for whom the material will be collected and posted online. If the target audience is defined incorrectly, the success of the entire enterprise will be in question.

We create a portrait of a potential client

Before you create your magazine, you will need to not only be clear about what type of audience is the target electronic edition. You need to understand what people are looking for on the Internet. To do this, as professionals advise, you need to draw up a portrait of a potential reader: his lifestyle, employment, tastes, interests and other factors that should be taken into account when selecting and presenting material.

Only quality content is needed

As a rule, electronic magazines are of interest to users worldwide network as a means of entertainment and source necessary information. Quality information is now highly valued by those who spend time on the Internet. Sometimes, in order to get the necessary data, you have to spend a lot of time searching and then saving the addresses of several suitable sites.

If an electronic magazine provides readers with up-to-date and systematic information on a topic that interests them, then such a publication will not have problems with subscribers. And this needs to be taken into account when answering the question of how to create your own magazine.

Design of the electronic publication

When the emphasis regarding the direction of the magazine’s activities has been set, it’s time to pay attention to its design and the technical side of the issue as a whole.
In this regard, you need to plan the costs associated with paying for the work of the designer and layout designer. These costs will be the first and most basic at the initial stage.

Search for quality content

When drawing up a business plan for a magazine, you must first pay attention to the problem of its capacity. In order to sort out all the issues with the content, you can resort to several options for solving the problem:

  • Write articles and reviews yourself.
  • Buy suitable articles on the content exchange.
  • Invite readers to send their material and publish the best of what was received.

Speaking in more detail about the last option, it is worth noting its tangible advantage, namely the fact that thanks to the participation of subscribers in the process of creating content, their interest in the publication will increase significantly. In addition to stable traffic to the resource, this will also provide advertising from the target audience.

Registration of subscribers and advertising activities

It is also worth paying attention to creating a subscriber base. To do this, you need to place an email newsletter form on the magazine’s website, in which the visitor will indicate his name and address. Email. In this way, users will receive the magazine consistently and on time, regardless of whether they have visited the publication’s website or not. Using email newsletters is convenient for both readers and those who promote the electronic magazine.

As for the earnings of the publishing house itself, the source of income will be advertising placed in the magazine. The higher the rating of a publication, the more expensive advertising in it will be.

Necessary costs

How to publish your magazine? This type of publication, like any business activity, requires start-up costs. In order for an online publication to begin its active work, money will be required to pay for hosting, a domain name, design development, layout, purchase of articles and, of course, advertising, which will help millions of Internet users know that a new interesting magazine has been released.

If everything works out and electronic magazine If a large number of people are interested, there will be enough companies and online resources willing to place their advertisements in it. It is worth noting that saving money on hosting and domain name is highly not recommended.

Hosting is important because potential subscribers should be able to access the magazine's website at any time and get all the information they need.

A Domain name plays an important role in the recognition of the resource and its image. As for the programmers who will be involved in the creation and design of the site, it is better to turn to professionals with a decent portfolio and good reviews.

Based on everything described above, it will take at least 30 thousand rubles to organize your idea. How much does it cost to print a magazine? This will largely depend on the number of pages and the circulation. One edition will cost approximately 1000 rubles.

Nowadays there is serious competition in all areas of the market, and in order to attract and retain the attention of representatives of the target audience, you need to present a truly high-quality product.

At the same time, a tangible advantage is that in the case successful launch project, the money received for providing advertising space in the magazine will more than cover all investments and over time will turn into a stable high income.

Dear Nata!

I’ll tell you right away that this is a matter of small town absolutely hopeless!

If the magazine is black and white, no one will buy it. If it is in color, then you will not be able to cover the cost of printing the edition with income from sales. But if you really want to try, then I give you an algorithm of actions:

  1. If the magazine's circulation is no more than 999 copies, then there is no need to register it. You can release it immediately. If there are more than 1000, then you must register as a media outlet with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage (you need to find out where your department is located). To register, you need to fill out a special form, which can be found in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media”

Article 8. Registration of mass media

The editorial office of a mass media carries out its activities after its registration.
Application for registration of a mass media whose products are intended for distribution primarily:
throughout the territory Russian Federation, outside its borders, in the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, - submitted by the founder to the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage;

on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territory of a municipal entity, - submitted by the founder to the territorial authorities Federal service on supervision of compliance with legislation in the field of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage.
(edited) Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ)
The founder or a person acting under his authority is sent (issued) a notice of acceptance of the application indicating the date of receipt. The application for registration is subject to consideration by the registering authority within one month from the specified date.
A mass media outlet is considered registered from the day the registration certificate is issued.
The founder reserves the right to begin production of mass media products within one year from the date of issuance of the registration certificate. If this deadline is missed, the registration certificate of the mass media is invalidated.

Article 10. Application for registration

The application for registration of a mass media must indicate:
1) information about the founder (co-founders), stipulated by the requirements of this Law;
2) name of the media;
3) language(s);
4) editorial office address;
5) form of periodic dissemination of mass information;
6) the intended territory of product distribution;
7) approximate topic and (or) specialization;
8) expected frequency of release, maximum volume of the media;
9) sources of financing;
10) information about which other mass media the applicant is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief (editorial), publisher or distributor.
A document certifying payment of the state fee is attached to the application.
(as amended by Federal Law dated November 2, 2004 No. 127-FZ)
Presenting other requirements when registering a mass media outlet is prohibited.

2. Second step - you need to register with tax service as individual entrepreneur. Without this registration, the tax office will not only fine you, but will also force you to terminate your activities in this direction. Or maybe open a criminal case for illegal business activities

3. Register in Pension Fund. Only after this can you safely publish the magazine.

4 If you type it yourself, you will need special editorial and publishing programs (PageMaker or InDesign or others), but in no case Microsoft Word. Typesetting must be done in accordance with the requirements of the printing house.

6 5. The big problem is color printing. Not every small town has its own printing house, which has color printing machine. If the printing house is in another city, there arises new problem- how to deliver the finished circulation. Of course, the printing house itself can bring it, but that’s money again.

6. Another problem is editing and editing materials. If your literacy skills are not very good, you will have to look for a good proofreader. He also needs to be paid.

7. Children's magazine It is impossible to release without illustrations. Again, special programs PhotoShop and CorelDraw are needed.

8 The following problem may arise: it’s good if the printing house prints on its own paper, but if it doesn’t have paper, you will have to look for paper. We found out how to transport it (it’s not 100 sheets!)

In general, your mouth will be full of worries. You cannot carry this load alone.

Based on the above, I offer you my services. You type materials and illustrations for the issue, send them to us, and we print and send you the circulation by mail. All you have to do is deliver the issues to the readers. That is, we completely take over all pre-printing, printing and post-printing worries. All you have to do is pay us and receive finished products. Vladimir Fedorovich, director and editor-in-chief of the editorial and publishing center.

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